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The rapid expulsion of Trichinella spiralis by mice of a variety of inbred and F1 mouse strains was examined. Mice were reinfected once with T. spiralis during and immediately after the natural termination of a primary infection and worm rejection was measured less than or equal to 24 hr after the challenge. The results showed that the challenge (super)infection was consistently rejected by all mouse strains before rejection of the adult worms from the primary infection commenced. Rejection of the challenge infection began at different times after the primary infection with NFS (2 days) less than C3H less than or equal to B10.Q approximately B10.BR (greater than 5 days). In all strains, rejection of the challenge infection preceded adult worm rejection from the primary infection by 5-8 days. At its peak, the loss of challenge worms related directly to the strength of the primary rejection process NFS greater than or equal to 98%, C3H 90-98%, and B10 mice 80-90%. Furthermore, loss of the capacity to reject the challenge followed approximately 7 days after the complete loss of the primary infection in each strain examined. Thus, the sooner worms from the primary infection were lost, the earlier the capacity to promptly reject the challenge infection disappeared. B10.Br mice still partially rejected a superinfection 35 days after the primary infection began, whereas NFS mice lost this capacity around 25 days. However, premature termination of the primary infection in B10.BR mice with methyridine at the same time that NFS mice naturally terminated their infection (15 days) abrogated the capacity of B10.BR mice to reject the superinfection at 24 days. Passive transfer of protective rat IgG monoclonal antibody to mice did not lead to rapid expulsion. Transfer of mouse immune serum to intestinally primed rats did result in rapid expulsion, suggesting that mouse antibody responses were adequate. The expression of superinfection rejection was susceptible to the administration in vivo of GK1.5, anti-mouse L3T4 antibody. The data indicate that the principal determinant of the strength, time of initiation, and longevity of rejection of a challenge infection was the response to the primary infection of that individual mouse strain. The genetic determinants of challenge infection rejection were seen to be identical to those that determined rejection of the primary infection. Since no evidence could be found to support the identity of this response with rapid expulsion, as defined in rats, a new term, "associative expulsion," is proposed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rats infected with Trichinella spiralis for the first week of the enteral infectious cycle displayed a strong rapid expulsion reaction during a challenge infection. The response was induced with equal facility in animals given low or high immunizing doses of infectious larvae (500 to 5000 larvae). Large challenge infections resulted in a 10–15% reduction in the efficiency of rejection as assessed 24 hr after challenge. Rats became primed to express rapid expulsion within the first week of primary infection whether the infection remained patent or not. However, maximum effectiveness was not realized until the second week after the initial infection. Once induced, the capacity to express rapid expulsion persisted for 6 weeks after the primary infection. Immunized hosts were capable of resisting two challenge infections spaced by periods of from 12 to 72 hr. This finding suggests that a mediator is not consumed by the initial response.  相似文献   

The technique of implanting adult Trichinella spiralis into the intestines of mice has been used to assess the contributions of direct, anti-worm immunity and of intestinal inflammation to worm expulsion. The survival after transfer of worms exposed to an effective adoptive immunity in donors was no different from that of worms taken from control donors. Worms taken from donors 8 days after infection, i.e., shortly before the onset of expulsion, showed no increased susceptibility to an immunity adoptively transferred to the recipient mice. When worms were implanted into mice responding to a prior, oral infection they were expelled rapidly. This expulsion was independent of the age of the worms transferred and took place at the same time as the expulsion of the existing infection.  相似文献   

Rapid expulsion of Trichinella spiralis could be transferred to naive adult rats with thoracic duct lymphocytes and immune serum. Thoracic duct cells collected from Days 3-5 and immune serum collected on Day 28, respectively, after infection were effective. Both cells and serum were unable to transfer rapid expulsion when given alone, even in large volumes. Recipients of immune serum and cells eliminated a significantly higher number of larvae than control rats by 1 hr after challenge with muscle larvae. Rapid expulsion produced 30-80% larval worm rejection but could not be increased by the transfer of more cells or immune serum. Mucus trappings did not appear to play a role in the rejection process. After transfer of 2 x 10(8) cells and 4.0 ml immune serum, rapid expulsion persisted for less than 1 week. However, after adoptive transfer of cells alone, the gut remained functionally receptive to the passive transfer of immune serum for 7 weeks. Therefore, the changes effected by transfer of cells were long lived in contrast to the 1 week, or less, of functional persistence by transferred immune serum. The data indicate that two separate processes, one cell mediated and the other immune serum mediated, interact synergistically in the intestine and lead to the expression of rapid expulsion.  相似文献   

The capacity of different phases of the life cycle of Trichinella spiralis to induce rapid expulsion was examined. The phases examined included enteral preadults, enteral adults, and parenteral larvae. All had the ability to induce rapid expulsion although there were significant quantitative differences in their inductive capacity and in the kinetics of expression. Immunization with preadults required only a 48-hr enteral exposure to 2000 worms to induce strong rapid expulsion. In contrast rats required a 14-day exposure to adult worms to elicit a comparable response. After immunization with adults the reaction was demonstrable for only 2 weeks. Parenteral larvae produced only a weak rapid expulsion reaction by themselves and this response did not develop until some 8 weeks after challenge. When immunization with the enteral phases (preadult and adult) was combined with exposure to parenteral larvae a strong and enduring rapid expulsion reaction was observed. Phase specificity was also observed in the susceptibility of worms to the rapid expulsion response. The preadult phases, from infectious larvae to worms of up to 2 days of age were highly susceptible. Older worms, from 3 to 4 days old were not susceptible to rapid expulsion and could invade and establish themselves in the primed intestine for at least a 48-hr period without apparent adverse effects.  相似文献   

In these experiments we characterize the protective antibodies in immune serum that interact synergistically with immune thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) to induce rapid expulsion (RE) of Trichinella spiralis in adult rats. Antibodies with both reaginic and nonreaginic activity mediated RE upon passive transfer to adult rats that had been adoptively transfused with immune TDL 7 days earlier. In serum collected 28 days after a primary infection, the most important antibody was homocytotropic IgE. Native IgE produced by active infection was isolated from 28-day immune serum by salt precipitation and/or by sequential affinity chromatography. The murine mAb A2 and B5 (anti-rat IgE) were conjugated separately to Sepharose 4B affinity columns for affinity separations. IgE was shown to be pure by gel electrophoresis and Western blots and its m.w. was estimated at approximately 190,000. As little as 183 micrograms of purified IgE could induce RE after passive transfer to adult rats. The IgE was shown to be functional by PCA activity, Ag-binding on Western blots, and skin sensitization; the latter could be blocked by pretreatment with 1R162, a rat myeloma IgE. Monoclonal IgG of any isotype transferred in amounts up to 35 mg/rat could not transfer RE to rats previously transfused with TDL cells. Immune serum collected 3 mo after the primary infection contained insufficient IgE to transfer RE, but complex non-IgE fractions were protective. The data thus demonstrate that IgE is a functional Ig in the rat capable of mediating the rejection of challenge nematode infections of the gut in the absence of other specific Ig. Secondly, other Ig may also play a role, in particular, several weeks after the primary infection when specific IgE levels in serum have declined.  相似文献   

Appropriately immunized mice display a response that is biologically equivalent to rat rapid expulsion. Only two inbred strains (NFRN and NFSN derived from NIH Swiss mice) have been shown to respond in this manner. Mice of the Balbc, CBA, AHe, C3H, SJL, or C57Bl strains are “nonresponders” which require approximately twice as much intestinal exposure (in days) to Trichinella spiralis to elicit a response half as effective. Genetically, the responder is dominant, autosomal, and does not appear to be linked to the MHC. The characteristics of mouse and rat rapid expulsion of T. spiralis are not identical but share these features: initial rejection within 24 hr of challenge; a rejection efficiency >90%, from 1 to 5 weeks after the primary; induction of response does not require exposure to the complete infection; rapid expulsion is immunologically specific for preadults; adult worms are resistant. While a genetic basis for responsiveness exists in mice there is, as yet, no evidence for genetic control in rats. In both mice and rats, rapid expulsion is distinguished from the intestinal hyperreactivity associated with rejection of the primary infection by the kinetics and amplitude of the rejection of transplanted adult worms.  相似文献   

Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis) derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been proposed to play a key role in regulating the host immune responses. In this study, we provided the first investigation of EVs proteomics released by T. spiralis muscle larvae (ML). T. spiralis ML EVs (Ts-ML-EVs) were successfully isolated and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and western blotting. Using liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) analysis, we identified 753 proteins in the Ts-ML-EVs proteome and annotated by gene ontology (GO). These proteins were enriched in different categories by GO, kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) and domain analysis. GO enrichment analysis indicated association of protein deglutathionylation, lysosomal lumen and serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity with proteins which may be helpful during parasite-host interaction. Moreover, KEGG enrichment analysis revealed involvement of Ts-ML-EVs proteins in other glycan degradation, complement and coagulation cascades, proteasome and various metabolism pathways. In addition, BALB/c mice were immunized by subcutaneous injection of purified Ts-ML-EVs. Ts-ML-EVs group demonstrated a 23.4% reduction in adult worms and a 43.7% reduction in ML after parasite challenge. Cellular and humoral immune responses induced by Ts-ML-EVs were detected, including the levels of specific antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgE, IgG1 and IgG2a) as well as cytokines (IL-12, IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-10) in serum. The results showed that Ts-ML-EVs could induce a Th1/Th2 mixed immune response with Th2 predominant. This study revealed a potential role of Ts-ML-EVs in T. spiralis biology, particularly in the interaction with host. This work provided a critical step to against T. spiralis infection based on Ts-ML-EVs.  相似文献   

MacLea KS  Krieser RJ  Eastman A 《Gene》2003,305(1):1-12
Deoxyribonuclease IIalpha (DNase IIalpha) is an acidic endonuclease found in lysosomes and nuclei, and it is also secreted. Though its Caenorhabditis elegans homolog, NUC-1, is required for digesting DNA of apoptotic cell corpses and dietary DNA, it is not required for viability. However, DNase IIalpha is required in mice for correct development and viability, because undigested cell corpses lead to lesions throughout the body. Recently, we showed that, in contrast to previous reports, active DNase IIalpha consists of one contiguous polypeptide. To better analyze DNase II protein structure and determine residues important for activity, extensive database searches were conducted to find distantly related family members. We report 29 new partial or complete homologs from 21 species. Four homologs with differences at the purported active site histidine residue were detected in the parasitic nematodes Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella pseudospiralis. When these mutations were reconstructed in human DNase IIalpha, the expressed proteins were inactive. DNase II homologs were also identified in non-metazoan species. In particular, the slime-mold Dictyostelium, the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis, and the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei all contain sequences with significant similarity and identity to previously cloned DNase II family members. We report an analysis of their sequences and implications for DNase II protein structure and evolution.  相似文献   

A technique for the transplantation of Trichinella spiralis worms directly into the host intestine is described. Infections established by the direct transfer of adult worms were essentially normal both in terms of their survival and reproduction and in their stimulation of, and susceptibility to, host immune responses. Worms transplanted from NIH mouse donors at intervals after infection had an equal ability to survive in the recipient, even when taken from the donor shortly before or during the process of worm expulsion, showing that expulsion does not require worms to be irreversibly damaged. It was noted, however, that after 7 days in the donor the ability of the worm to reproduce in the recipient was temporarily impaired.  相似文献   

In this report, from time-resolved step-scan Fourier transform infrared investigations from 15 ns to 160 ms, we provide evidence for the subsequent rise of three different M states that differ in their structures. The first state rises with approximately 3 microseconds to only a small percentage. Its structure as judged from amide I/II bands differs in small but well-defined aspects from the L state. The next M state, which appears in approximately 40 microseconds, has almost all of the characteristics of the "late" M state, i.e., it differs considerably from the first one. Here, the L left arrow over right arrow M equilibrium is shifted toward M, although some percentage of L still persists. In the last M state (rise time approximately 130 microseconds), the equilibrium is shifted toward full deprotonation of the Schiff base, and only small additional structural changes take place. In addition to these results obtained for unbuffered conditions or at pH 7, experiments performed at lower and higher pH are presented. These results are discussed in terms of the molecular changes postulated to occur in the M intermediate to allow the shift of the L/M equilibrium toward M and possibly to regulate the change of the accessibility of the Schiff base necessary for effective proton pumping.  相似文献   

Four different isolates of Trichinella spp. (Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4) obtained from the skeletal muscle of street dogs in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico were serial passaged in Wistar rats; infective larvae from the skeletal muscle of the rats were collected and frozen in liquid nitrogen. After centrifugation, DNA was extracted and the 5SRNAr and IsRNAr genes were amplified. The isolates were identified by the size of the amplified products from the 5SRNAr and IsRNAr genes (750 and 290 bp, respectively). The amplicons obtained by PCR were sequenced, aligned, and compared to the reference strain Trichinella spiralis MSUS/MEX/91//EM isolated from pigs. Based on our results, we determined that the Trichinella isolates from canine (Z1-Z4) belonged to the T. spiralis species and had 83% identity with the reference strain. The phylogenetic tree constructed from the sequences showed differences between the isolates from pig and dog. These genetic differences may be related to the immune response of the host or the pathogenicity of the isolates. Therefore, these findings have important epidemiological and public health implications.  相似文献   

Lung injury after localized irradiation of the thorax was quantified and compared in CBA and C57B1 mice. Using lethality and breathing rate as end points, two phases of damage separated in time were distinguished in CBA mice as an early pneumonitic phase and a later phase associated with pleural effusions. C57B1 mice failed to show the pneumonitic response over a large dose range extending beyond 20 Gy. In this respect they differ from most other mouse strains so far studied. At the lower doses the extent of the late phase was similar between these two strains. The interstrain comparison presented suggests that damage to separate tissue compartments was responsible for the acute and chronic responses.  相似文献   

Experiments using equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence quenching provided direct evidence that approximately four moles of L-aspartic acid were bound per mole of tetrameric L-asparaginase from Escherichia coli, with a dissociation constant on the order of 60-160 microM. In addition, a set of weaker binding sites with a dissociation constant in the millimolar range were detected. Kinetic studies also revealed that L-aspartic acid inhibited L-asparaginase competitively, with an inhibition constant of 80 microM at micromolar concentrations of L-asparagine; at millimolar concentrations of the amide, an increase in maximal velocity but a decrease in affinity for L-asparagine were observed. L-Aspartic acid at millimolar levels again displayed competitive inhibition. These and other observations suggest that L-aspartic acid binds not only to the active site but also a second site with lower intrinsic affinity for it. The observed "substrate activation" is most likely attributable to the binding of a second molecule of L-asparagine rather than negative cooperativity among the tight sites of the subunits of this tetrameric enzyme. Further support for L-aspartic acid binding to the active site comes from experiments in which the enzyme, when exposed to various group-specific reagents suffered parallel loss of catalytic activity and in its ability to bind L-aspartic acid. Different commercial preparations of Escherichia coli L-asparaginase were found to contain approximately 2-4 moles of L-aspartic acid; these were incompletely removed by dialysis, but could be removed by transamination or decarboxylation. Efficiency of dialysis increased with increasing pH. Taken together, this set of results is consistent with the existence of a covalent beta-aspartyl enzyme intermediate.  相似文献   

Actin is implicated in membrane fusion, but the precise mechanisms remain unclear. We showed earlier that membrane organelles catalyze the de novo assembly of F-actin that then facilitates the fusion between latex bead phagosomes and a mixture of early and late endocytic organelles. Here, we correlated the polymerization and organization of F-actin with phagosome and endocytic organelle fusion processes in vitro by using biochemistry and light and electron microscopy. When membrane organelles and cytosol were incubated at 37 degrees C with ATP, cytosolic actin polymerized rapidly and became organized into bundles and networks adjacent to membrane organelles. By 30-min incubation, a gel-like state was formed with little further polymerization of actin thereafter. Also during this time, the bulk of in vitro fusion events occurred between phagosomes/endocytic organelles. The fusion between latex bead phagosomes and late endocytic organelles, or between late endocytic organelles themselves was facilitated by actin, but we failed to detect any effect of perturbing F-actin polymerization on early endosome fusion. Consistent with this, late endosomes, like phagosomes, could nucleate F-actin, whereas early endosomes could not. We propose that actin assembled by phagosomes or late endocytic organelles can provide tracks for fusion-partner organelles to move vectorially toward them, via membrane-bound myosins, to facilitate fusion.  相似文献   

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