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SYNOPSIS. In the microsporidian, Thelohania bracteata, the polar filament, as it starts to develop in the sporoblast, apparently receives material synthesized by the granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi vesicles. In immature spores many dilated sacs are observed in areas where there is less endoplasmic reticulum. These sacs, that persist into the almost mature spore, are probably Golgi-type vesicles and may be related to the formation of the spore coat. The polar filament of the mature spore possesses 8 coils and in cross section or cross-fractured face the electron-dense central portion of the polar filament contains a tubular structure, ringed by 12–14 cylindrical structures. In thin sections, an electron-lucid zone is observed between the core and membrane of the polar filament. The polar filament runs through the highly laminated polaroplast which occupies the anterior portion of the spore. In cross-fractured face the lamellae of the polaroplast are arranged like the petals of a flower. The basal portion of the polar filament is enlarged, appearing arrow-shaped in thin sections and pear-shaped in frozen-etched preparations. Frozen-etched membranes differ in the size and distribution of the surface particles.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study was made of the spore envelope during development in the microsporidan, Thelohania bracteata. The frozen-etched outer (convex) face of the relatively thin spore coat in the earliest immature stage of development has a granular structure in regular array. The inner (concave) face bears particles as well as depressions arranged in a net-like pattern. The mature spore coat has a substructure of numerous microfibers, ~8 nm in diameter, arranged in a matrix and forming thin layers which run parallel to the spore surface. The mature spore coat possesses both outer and inner limiting layers. The outer (convex) face of the outer limiting layer is granular. The convex face of inner limiting layer bears many particles as well as many long, narrow depressions. The concave face of the inner limiting layer carries many stud-like projections, ~40 nm long and 30 nm high, which are complementary to the depressions observed on the convex face. In addition, the concave face has subunits ~15 nm in diameter, apparently arranged in a hexagonal pattern with a center to center distance of ~18 nm. The change in size of these projections, depressions, and subunits presumably is related to spore maturation.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A Glugea xenoma sectioned and viewed with the electron microscope contained many spores with everting polar filaments. Several details not seen in previous studies of this species were observed. A specialized area with the appareance of a lattice was commonly present near the anterior end of the polaroplast. The external portion of a partially everted polar filament appeared to have about twice the diameter of the part remaining within the spore. No membrane was seen limiting the external surface of the everted portion. The everting filament had pushed thru the polar cap and the adjacent thin area of the spore wall, making the polar cap into a ring. The ring connected the proximal end of the everting filament to the inner spore membrane, thereby anchoring the filament to the spore. The electron density of some of the membranous organelles of the spore was enhanced by the use of ruthenium red.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Fine structure of Pentatrichomonas hominis is described in the light of previous light microscopic findings. The relationships among kinetosomes #1-#4 and R are like those previously reported orhomonas gallinae, and the same is true of the rootlet filaments associated with the several kinetosomes. The kinetosome (I) of the independent flagellum is situated just behind the reflection of the sigmoid filaments of kinetosome #2 onto the pelta and parallels these filaments for a considerable distance. The peltaraxostylar junction consists of 3 layers: the capitulum of the axostyle (outer, the pelta (intermediate, and the sigmoid rootlets of kineto some #2 (inner). The pelta overlaps the axostylar capitulum to a variable extent. The parabasal body consists of elongate and flattened cisternae of smooth endoplasmic reticulum surrounded by numerous small vesicles. There are 2 typically cross-striated parabasal filaments, filament 2 probably contributing most, if not all, the material to the slender, periodic organelle that underlies the parabasal body and usually does not extend far beyond the posterior end of the nucleus. The periodic costa is paralleled by paracostal granules, but there are few, if any, paraxostylar granules. The ultrastructure of the costa appears to be a network of flattened hexagons, with a single fibril projecting thru each of the hexagonal areas. The major cross-striations are made up largely of densely-stained filaments which are occasionally cut in cross section. The undulating membrane consists of a cytoplasmic fold extending from the dorsal surface of the organism and of the attached part of the recurrent flagellum, which is closely applied to the fold. The segment of the membrane dorsal to the flagellum, presumably the “accessory filament,” contains the marginal lamella, a membrane folded upon itself and with periodicity virtually indistinguishable from that of the rootlet filament of kinetosome #1.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of Hypotrichomonas acosta resembles in many respects that of Trichomonadidae, and especially of members of the sub-family Trichomonadinae which have been examined to date by electron microscopy. In addition, the flagellate has certain ultrastructural differences from the latter organisms, some of which are of phylogenetic significance. Among these, the structure of the undulating membrane and the apparently occasional presence of a fine filament which may be considered as homologous to the costa of Trichomonadidae are the most important. The undulating membrane is represented by a rather low and otherwise poorly developed dorsal cytoplasmic fold with an ill-defined distal marginal lamella; the recurrent flagellum is applied near the dorsum of the fold. In a very few preparations a relatively short filament, of a diameter falling below the resolution limits of light microscope, is seen in a position which corresponds to that of the costa of Trichomonadidae. The identity of the filament as a probable rudimentary costa is supported also by the character of its periodicity. The rare appearance of the rudimentary costa among hundreds of sections may be explained either by its minute dimensions or by its absence from many hypotrichomonads. Other structures recorded for the first time in trichomonads are: the fine filamentous connections of the axostylar microtubules; the branching of parabasal filament 2; and the unusually organized, perhaps helical, polysomes, which are found in addition to the ribosomal complexes associated with the endoplasmic reticulum and commonly found in trichomonads. A detailed analysis of interconnections among various mastigont structures is presented and several kinds of cytoplasmic inclusions are described. H. acosta is of interest in the study of the nuclear envelope and presence of nuclear pores, which are numerous and conspicuous in this flagellate. The fine structure of the hypotrichomonad is discussed in relation to that of other trichomonads and in some instances to that of other protozoa.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Monocercomonas shares many fine-structural features with all other trichomonads. These include the basic arrangement of the kinetosomes as well as of the recurrent and 3 anterior flagella. The pelta-axostyle complex and the parabasal apparatus, i.e. the Golgi complex and the periodic filaments, also conform to the trichomonad pattern. Of interest with regard to the crucial evolutionary position of Monocercomonas, considered to represent the most primitive trichomonad type, is the fact that it has some structures in common with other Monocercomonadidae and Trichomonadinae and others in common with Devescovinidae and Tritrichomonadinae. Among the former organelles are the marginal lamella and the costal base, and among the latter, the comb-like organelle situated between the infrakinetosomal body and parabasal filament 2 as well as the infrakinetosomal body. No traces of either costa or undulating membrane have been noted, but a complex structure homologous to the marginal lamella of Hypotrichomonas and Trichomonadinae is found underlying the short anteriormost portion of the recurrent flagellum that is attached to the body surface. Observations of sections of selected division stages indicate the potential of parental kinetosomes #1 and #3 to become daughter kinetosome #2.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A species of Nosema in the muscles of the North American white shrimp, generally known as Penaeus setiferus but also known as P. fluviatilis, appears identical with type specimens of N. nelsoni Sprague, 1950, in P. aztecus. Its Golgi apparatus, as seen in the sporoblast, is a complex system of cisternae, small vesicles and expanded sacs which plays a major role in spore morphogenesis. It transforms directly into the polaroplast complex, certain membranous investments of the polar filament, the polar sac and perhaps part of the posterior vacuolar system. Probably the polar sac contains the polar cap. The PAS-positive material in both the cap and the filament may be a component of the Golgi complex. This new concept of the Golgi complex supplements our earlier view of spore morphogenesis according to which the polar filament is of nuclear origin. It also reconciles the idea with Vávra's identification of Golgi vesicles associated with the developing polar filament.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) study of Hypotrichomonas acosta (Moskowitz), Trichomonas vaginalis Donné. Pentatrichomonas hominis (Davaine), and Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmüller) provided new information about the structure of the periflagellar canal: emergence of the flagella from the cell body; structure of the undulating membrane; and position, shape, and size of the pelta. Of special interest were the spatial relationships of the attached part of the recurrent flagellum and the accessory filament in Hypotrichomonas and in the members of Trichomonadinae, i.e. Trichomonas and Pentatrichomonas.  相似文献   

Mycelial and spore morphology of Diplodia maydis were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy after growth on various media and natural substrates (oat and corn kernels, and corn husks). Of several specimen preparation methods studied, Parducz fixation followed by critical-point or freeze-drying gave adequate preservation for pycnidia, mycelia, and spores. Morphological characteristics were similar in rotary and reciprocal shaker cultures and differed from that found in stationary cultures in the amount of slime-like material produced and precipitated matter on the mycelial surfaces. In general, mycelial surfaces were smooth. Large areas of coalesced material were present in all samples examined. Slime-like material produced in liquid media appeared as a finely laced net, randomly appearing throughout the mycelia with bead-like structures present along the net. A fine netting also was observed interspersed among the spores inside the pycnidia obtained from oats. Slime-like material was observed to cover the pycnidia produced on oat and corn kernels. In the latter case, the spores were less protected by the outer slime-like covering. Thickened node-like structures were observed in mycelial mats produced in modified Fries 2 medium, on potato dextrose agar plates, and on infected oats. Round and ovate thickened node-like structures were observed in mycelium produced on corn kernels. In general, node-like structures were less abundant in mycelia from naturally infected substrates. Conidia were commonly rounded to tapered and two celled, with a distinctive ridged septum at the middle. Dried spores were collapsed in a characteristic flask-like fashion.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of Trichomonas gallinae has been examined by electron microscopy and correlated with previous light microscope observations. A composite diagram of the flagellate, derived from both types of examination, is presented. Details of relationships of various mastigont organelles are documented by electron micrographs. The extent of the pelta and its connection to the capitulum of the axostyle have been determined. Four types of kinetosome rootlets have been described. One consists of superficial “filaments” radiating from each of the 9 triplet microtubules of kinetosomes #1, #2 and #3. A 2nd type of rootlet structure is represented by single comma-shaped filaments emerging clockwise from kinetosomes #1 and #3. The filament from kinetosome #1 has a periodic structure similar to that of the marginal lamella with which it is believed to connect. A 3rd type of rootlet emerges from kinetosome #2 as a sheet of about 9 filaments which traverse a sigmoid course and terminate on the inner surface of the microtubules of the pelta near the peltar-axostylar junction. The 4th set of structures consists of the costa and parabasal filaments. These structures have major periodicities of similar dimension but have readily differentiable repeating units. The costa appears to originate at the kinetosome of the recurrent flagellum, but its origin is also contiguous with that of parabasal filament 2 which has some continuity with kinetosomes #2 and #3. Parabasal filament 1, on the other hand, arises solely from or near kinetosome #2. Occasional observations of a costa and a parabasal filament in juxtaposition over a great part of their length has led to the suggestion that the parabasal filament may play a role in the development of the costa. Periodic and filamentous structures have been observed in paraxostylar and paracostal granules and in nearby cytoplasm. Their possible role in providing substance for the developing axostyle and the costa is discussed. The results are discussed in the light of available information pertaining to structure of various trichomonad species as revealed by light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The application of a simple negative staining technique and freeze-etching has revealed detailed information on the species-specific surface structure of spores and aerial hyphae of streptomycetes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The everted polar filament, shadowed with chromium and observed with an electron microscope, terminated in either a cup-shaped or a saccate enlargement on which was an electron-dense and raised object. The cup is interpreted as either a portion of a sac or a sac with one side invaginated. The raised object may be the germ. The observations support West's opinion that the internally coiled filament terminates in a sac containing the germ. They are consistent with a similar hypothesis of Sprague and Vernick which postulates further that the terminal sac on the filament, the nuclear vesicle and the posterior vacuole of the spore are identical.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans grown on culture media was observed by the freeze-etching technique. In the capsule, short fibrils were seen when freezeetched. This organism was unique in the appearance of the cell wall, which showed two strata. The outer one was dense with particles of about 20 nm in diameter, whereas the inner one was sparse in particles. The appearance of the cell membrane of this organism differed distinctly depending on the culture media. When grown on glycerol medium, the cell membrane possessed, as do other yeasts, clear but somewhat longer and curved invaginations. The membrane of cells grown on nonglycerol medium exhibited, however, only a few invaginations of irregular shape. Instead, characteristically of this organism, the cell membrane showed round depressions of 40 to 200 nm in diameter which were the surface view of the paramural bodies. In cross-fractured cells, both types of paramural bodies were found. Some of them contained a single vesicle of about 50 nm in diameter. These seem to play a role in secreting the cytoplasmic vesicles. Data suggesting the existence of multivesicular bodies in the cytoplasm and multivesicular lomasomes were also obtained. Some of the baglike paramural bodies showed multilayered membrane. These are thought to be plasmalemmasomes. This organism was similar to other yeasts reported in other respects.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans grown in the parasitic state was observed by the freeze-etching technique and was compared with that grown on culture media. Unlike other yeasts, this organism grown in vivo is very often devoid of the "ordinary" invaginations. The membrane of the cell grown in vivo was almost free from concavity and convexity except for many round depressions which represent the surface view of paramural bodies. Some of the paramural bodies were found to be multivesicular systems. Most were spherical invaginations containing a single vesicle or its ghost remaining after secretion of the vesicles. In clear contrast to the cell grown in vitro, the in vivo cell contained a great number of vesicles in the cytoplasm. These seemed to show high-secretion activity in C. neoformans grown in the parasitic state. On transfer from in vitro to in vivo, this organism enlarged the cell wall, capsule, and cell body. The appearance of a large vacuole, accumulation of storage organelles, and the existence of rodlike structures, seemingly lipid deposits, were also noted in the cytoplasm of the cell grown in vivo. the meaning of these results as well as the mode of capsular production are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the axolemma of the squid giant axon was studied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Three types of preparations were examined: intact axons, axons with their Schwann cell sheaths stripped off prior to freezing, and axons with their Schwann cell sheaths chemically detached but not mechanically removed. Because of a problem of cross-fracturing, the first two types of preparations revealed very few membrane faces of the axolemma. This cross-fracturing problem, however, was eliminated when we used a complementary replication method to fracture the third type of preparation. We found that the E-face of the axon membrane was smooth relative to the P-face, which showed many prominent intramembrane particles (IMP). The diameters of the typical IMP range from 6 to 15 nm. The P-face of the adjacent Schwann cells also showed many large IMP. The sizes and heights of the Schwann-cell IMP, however, appear to be more homogeneous than the P-face axolemma.  相似文献   

The cell walls of Chlamydia psittaci (meningopneumonitis strain) were examined by the freeze-etching and negative staining techniques. It was observed that the cleaved convex surface of the developmental, reticulate body was covered with numerous non-etchable particles 9 to 10 nm in diameter, these particles being rarely seen on the concave surface. Similarly, the convex surface of the mature, elementary body (EB) was covered with many particles but the concavity lacked these particles. After etching, the smooth concave surface of the EB appeared to have a hexagonally arrayed subunit structure, on which the button structure (B structure) was observed. Each B structure had a diameter of 27 nm and several B structures were grouped together in a hexagonal arrangement with a center-to-center spacing of 45 nm. In a limited area of the negatively stained EB cell wall, hexagonally arrayed rosette structures were present, with a center-to-center spacing similar to the B structures seen in the freeze-etched preparation. Each rosette, about 19 to 20 nm in diameter, appeared to be composed of a radial arrangement of nine subunits. The freeze-fractured cell wall-cytoplasmic membrane complexes indicated that the outer surface of the cytoplasmic membrane which appeared as the convex surface was covered with the fine particles, and thus it was likely that frozen EB was cleaved at the gap between the cell wall and ctyoplasmic membrane. On the cleaved inclusion, several groups of fine particles were observed. In each group, the particles were arranged hexagonally with the spacing ranging from 20 to 50 nm.  相似文献   

Fertilization Cone of Carp Eggs as Revealed by Scanning Electron Microscopy   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The process of formation of the fertilization cone in carp eggs was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The fertilized eggs responded to penetration of one sperm by primary and secondary steps of formation of a fertilization cone of unique morphology. In the primary step, the earliest fertilization cone was seen at the superior or anterosuperior part of a fused sperm head in inseminated eggs fixed 20 sec after immersion in fresh water. The cone reached a maximum of more than 10 μm in length and 3–4 μm in thickness by 40 sec, resulting in a transient plugging of the micropylar canal. In the secondary step, usually seen at 105–120 sec, a conformation reminiscent of a very small caldera volcano was formed, with the shortened earlier cone and part of the sperm tail at its top. By 2.5 min, the fertilization cone had become conical, and the sperm tail still extended from its top. At 3 min, the sperm tail was often not detectable, but a cytoplasmic eminence was still seen as a trace of the fertilization cone. The role of the earlier fertilization cone in blocking polyspermy is discussed.  相似文献   

An electron microscope study has been made of the structure of parietal cells in cats, dogs, and rats and of the cells lining the gastric glands of Bufo spinulosus. It is characteristic of all these cells to contain numerous vesicles about 0.05 to 0.3 µ in size. In the mammalian parietal cells an intracellular system of canaliculi is also observed, which is much more complex in the rat than in the cat or dog. Stimulation with histamine causes in the cat a very marked hypertrophy of the canalicular system with development of a large number of villi and a decrease in the number of vesicles. In Bufo, histamine induces the formation of a very complex system of membrane infoldings which circumscribe finger-like processes that entirely fill the glandular lumen. The cytoplasmic vesicles diminish or disappear. These experiments show that under histamine stimulation all these cells undergo a great increase in the cell membrane area. These findings provide additional circumstantial evidence that parietal cells play a role in the secretion of hydrochloric acid.  相似文献   

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