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Aleksandra Vierek 《Facies》2007,53(1):141-155
Wietrznia section is situated between the shallow-water carbonate platform in the Kielce region and the Łysogóry basin. The transitional facies of the Wietrznia Frasnian includes two overlapping types of deposits: (1) thin-bedded dark-coloured limestone-marl alternations similar to the basin facies and (2) coarse-grained detrital limestones. Three lithotypes of limestones were identified: laminated or graded micritic, nodular, and detrital. The petrographic study makes it possible for the recognition of six major microfacies (MF 1 to MF 6). These lithotypes were formed by redeposition in a low- to high-energy environment. Their source material was the stromatoporoid-coral Dyminy reef in the central part of the Kielce region. Storms are considered to be the main agent, which causes in erosion and transport; micritic limestones and distal tempestites occur together, whereas detrital limestones are associated with proximal tempestites. Most probably, part of the detrital beds was formed as a result of grain-flow initiated under storm conditions.  相似文献   

Non-calcified algal remains were collected from the lower Famennian deposits at the Kowala quarry in the Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. Each specimen is represented solely by vegetative organs. On the basis of the material collected, a new algal genus and species has been formally erected. Vittella dixii nov. gen., nov. sp. (Order ?Bryopsidales) includes thalli consisting of long bundles of hair-like filament structures arranged in parallel fashion to the thallus length. Some other algal remains are regarded as Inocaulis-like forms. They possess long, flat blades with entire margins, and are ornamented with very dense, hair-like projections. The rest of the specimens found so far has been illustrated and tentatively classified as probably belonging to either Bryopsidales or Dasycladales algae. The exceptional preservation of the non-calcified algal thalli investigated suggests that special taphonomic conditions have prevailed during sedimentation of the lower part of the Famennian Kowala section. These may have involved rather rapid burial in oxygen-restricted (dysoxic and anoxic) sea-bottom environment, inhibiting the activities of scavengers and bioturbators, as well as oxidative degradation. The preservation of the algae, together with sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of the host rocks indicate that they rather represent parautochthonous assemblage, buried close to their natural habitat.  相似文献   

Summary The dolomitic Wojciechowice Formation distinctly differs from the remaining, mainly shaly Middle Devonian succession in northern part of the Holy Cross Mountains (Central Poland). The upper Member of the Formation (Crystalline Dolostone Mb.), in greater part dolomitized but also containing limestone beds, is composed of shallowing-upward cyclothems well exposed in Skaly quarry in the Bodzentyn syncline. The lower parts of the cyclothems, interpreted as subtidal facies, contain fossils characteristic for restricted environments. They are grouped into two assemblages. The first, with brachiopods (largeBornhardtina andEmanuella), massive stromatoporoids, and subordinate gastropods and amphiporoids is related to a deeper subtidal environment, while the second (mainly amphiporoids, gastropods, ostracodes and calcareous algae) is shallower subtidal. Towards the top of succession the fossil content radically decreases. The upper parts of cyclothems are composed mainly of different types of laminites. In these parts of the section, interpreted as intertidal/supratidal units, stromatolites, desiccation polygons, intraformational breccias, and common bioturbations are present. The whole succession was deposited in a low-energy environment, only intermittently affected by high-energy events. For their most spectacular example of this, aBornhardtina-coquinite, a tempestitic origin is proposed. The interval with cyclic sedimentation studied correlates with the dolomitized lower “Unit I” of the Stromatoporoid-Coral Kowala Formation from the southern part of the Holy Cross Mountains, which exhibits sabkha-type cyclicity. The differences in development of cyclothems in both regions resemble outer and inner part of an extensive platform, and correspond well with basic trends of the Lower-Middle Devonian transgression in the Holy Cross Mountains. The general succession of formations deposited during this process coincides with transgressive events on Johnson's eustatic curve for the Devonian.  相似文献   

Abstract: Growth periodicity is a phenomenon occurring in fossil and modern corals. The most apparent feature is growth banding, and environmental changes are broadly accepted as controls on this phenomenon. If environment controls the growth, then all corallites within a colony should repeat the same growth pattern, as individuals are clones and must have shared the same environment. A study on several species of Alveolitidae (Anthozoa, Tabulata) from the Late Devonian (Early Frasnian) of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) shows that the growth pattern varies between neighbouring individuals within the same corallum. This contradicts observations of closely related Favositida as demonstrated on Pachyfavosites sp. from the Givetian of Avesnois, France, where neighbouring individuals repeat the same pattern. Therefore, environmental control on growth rhythm in Alveolitidae can be excluded; the causes of differences between individuals remain unknown.  相似文献   

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