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A new eurypterid, Rhenopterus waterstoni sp. nov., is described from the Gogo Formation (Frasnian, Upper Devonian) of Western Australia. This species is distinguished from related forms by the tuberculation of the anteriormost tergite and crenulated posterior margins of the carapace and opisthosomal segments. It is the only eurypterid specimen known from the Gogo Formation, the most complete eurypterid from Australia, and also the youngest representative of Rhenopterus in the fossil record. Structures retrieved from between the prosomal-opisthosomal juncture comprise polygonal tubes 30–40 μm in diameter, which are interpreted as sarcomeral sheaths of muscular tissue. Rhenopterus is reviewed: R. latus Størmer, 1936 is synonymized with R. diensti Størmer, 1936 as it is here recognized as a female sexual dimorph; R. maccarthyi (Kjellesvig-Waering, 1934) is an orthocone nautiloid.  相似文献   

Abstract: Stromatoporoid faunas in the Frasnian of southern Belgium are abundant in the carbonate platform environments present in this area. Stromatoporoids dominate the large skeletal organisms and occur principally in biostromes. The stromatoporoid assemblage is represented by a small number of taxa. Stromatoporoid genera include Actinostroma, Amphipora, Atelodictyon, Clathrocoilona, Salairella, Stachyodes, Stictostroma, Stromatopora and Trupetostroma which are present in environments ranging from the outer, outer intermediate, inner intermediate and inner zones and associated biostromes. Most large skeletal stromatoporoids are low profile, which reinforces the conclusions of previous studies that low‐profile growth forms were the most successful stromatoporoid forms. These low‐profile forms are likely to have been important sediment stabilisers that may have led to expansion of the carbonate factory. Growth forms vary between facies, indicating some degree of environmental control on form; for example, laminar in the intermediate zone, bulbous and domical in the inner and outer zones. Stromatoporoid taxa vary in occurrence across the environmental gradient from shallow to deep. There is some taxonomic control on growth forms, with some taxa showing more variability than others in different environments.  相似文献   

The pyramidal spiriferids Thomasaria Stainbrook, 1945 and Pyramina Ljaschenko, 1969 from the collection of brachiopods of Ljaschenko are examined. New data on the shell microornamentation and inner structure support the validity of the genus Piramina and its type species P. oskolensis Ljaschenko. A new species of the genus Thomasaria, T. rotunda is described.  相似文献   

This paper describes variation in the population dynamics of the intertidal pulmonate gastropod solida among mangrove and saltmarsh habitats at Towra Point, NSW, Australia over a two-year period. In general, this paper describes the degree to which the density of the populations fluctuated and the size structure of the populations varied among heights on shore. The density of individuals in the upper mangrove forest was most variable through time and their population size structure was dominated by smaller individuals. The density of populations in the Sarcocornia high on the shore fluctuated least through time and were dominated by large individuals. Those populations found on the mid-shore in the Sarcocornia had population characteristics intermediate to those populations in the upper mangrove forest and the Sarcocornia high on the shore. Analysis of size frequency data indicated that the growth rates of individuals and their annual mortality decreased with increasing height on shore.  相似文献   

The fluid nature of the ocean, combined with planktonic dispersal of marine larvae, lowers physical barriers to gene flow. However, divergence can still occur despite gene flow if strong selection acts on populations occupying different ecological niches. Here, we examined the population genomics of an ectoparasitic snail, Coralliophila violacea (Kiener 1836), that specializes on Porites corals in the Indo‐Pacific. Previous genetic analyses revealed two sympatric lineages associated with different coral hosts. In this study, we examined the mechanisms promoting and maintaining the snails’ adaptation to their coral hosts. Genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data from type II restriction site‐associated DNA (2b‐RAD) sequencing revealed two differentiated clusters of C. violacea that were largely concordant with coral host, consistent with previous genetic results. However, the presence of some admixed genotypes indicates gene flow from one lineage to the other. Combined, these results suggest that differentiation between host‐associated lineages of C. violacea is occurring in the face of ongoing gene flow, requiring strong selection. Indeed, 2.7% of all SNP loci were outlier loci (73/2,718), indicative of divergence with gene flow, driven by adaptation of each C. violacea lineage to their specific coral hosts.  相似文献   

The placoderm Plourdosteus livonicus (Eastman) (Euarthrodira, Coccosteina) from the Upper Timanian Mikhailovskii Fish Assemblage of the Central Devonian Field is described. The composition and structure of the assemblage are discussed and compared with later Frasnian fish assemblages of the Central Devonian Field.  相似文献   

Lateral and vertical variations in diatom taphocoenoses were studied in a clayey intercalation in the upper peat bed at Booitshoeke (western coastal plain, Belgium). The palaeoecological evolution, linked to sedimentary facies changes along the ecotone from fen to tidal flat, apparently involved two successive periods of increased local tidal activity. This result could be inferred from a weakly developed salt-marsh horizon within the clay, traceable by diatom analysis over a distance of a few hundred meters. Although influenced by taphonomic processes, the composition of the fossil assemblages appeared to reflect the relative position of the palaeoenvironment along the tidal gradient fairly accurately. Taphonomic groups of taxa could be distinguished, characterizing respectively the transition from fen to salt-marsh, the high salt-marsh, the low salt-marsh and high mud-flat, and the more polyhaline mud-flat. Sediments of drier salt-marsh conditions showed a very poor taphocoenosis, of mainly allochthonous origin, dominated by marine tychoplanktonic species with durable frustules. Some possible causes for the slight increase in marine activity during the mid-Subboreal, which resulted in the formation of the deposits considered here, are discussed.  相似文献   

Extant brachiopods and stalked crinoids are found together in the deeper waters of the Caribbean Sea. Analogous brachiopod/crinoid associations have been reported from diverse palaeoenvironments in the Neogene of the region. Studied examples include the Pleistocene of Jamaica (deeper water fore reef), and the Miocene of Jamaica (island slope chalks), Barbados (accretionary prism) and Carriacou (turbiditic siliciclastic shelf). Comparison with analogous modern environments indicates deposition in 150+m water depth. This association has now been extended back into the Late Oligocene. Crinoids and brachiopods both occur in the Antigua Formation of Antigua; both occur high in the formation, implying deeper water in this retrograde succession. They have received little attention from systematists, although the brachiopods Cistellarcula dubia Cooper and Tichosina foresti Cooper have previously been described from the Antigua Formation; to these, we add Cistellarcula sp., Argyrotheca sp. and Tichosina sp. At Half Moon Bay in southeast Antigua, high in the Antigua Formation, we have found columnals of isocrinid crinoids (cf. Isocrinus sp.) associated with rare brachiopods (Terebratulina sp.) in island slope deposits. These taxa provide independent evidence for the deeper water aspect of this part of the Antigua Formation, in beds that also yield large, thin‐walled fossil sponges.  相似文献   

Abstract Trees growing along windy coasts often have canopies that are greatly reduced in size by the sculpting effects of wind and salt spray. Trees with environmentally reduced stature are called elfinwood (windswept shrub‐form or krummholz) and are ecologically important because they represent outposts growing at the limit of tree success. The purpose of this study was to assess if Banksia grandis elfinwood growing at Cape Leeuwin had a different nutrient status than normal low‐form (LF) trees growing nearby, and if nutrient deficiencies, toxicities and/or imbalances were among the limiting factors imposed on elfinwood. The concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo and B were analysed for mature green foliage, immature foliage, foliage litter, flowers and soil. When the elfinwood and LF trees were compared, the foliar nutrient status was generally similar, except that elfinwood foliage had significantly higher mean concentrations of N, Zn and Cu, while LF trees had higher Fe and Mn contents. Many nutrients were conserved before leaves were shed in both elfinwood and LF trees, including N, P, K, Na, Cl, Mn and Cu (LF trees also conserved Ca and Mg). However, elfinwood and LF tree‐litter contained significantly higher Fe concentrations than green foliage (elfinwood litter also had higher levels of Mg and B). It is tempting to suggest that the translocation of Fe into leaves before they were shed is a regulation mechanism to prevent Fe toxicity, or imbalance in the Fe : Mn ratio. Proteoid roots strongly acidify the soil to mobilize P, which also chemically reduces Fe+3 to plant‐available Fe+2. The increased supply of Fe+2 in the rhizosphere, caused by the action of proteoid roots, might tend to defeat self‐regulation of Fe uptake. It is possible that excess Fe accumulation in the plant might be regulated, in part, by exporting Fe into the leaves before they are shed. The nutrient status of B. grandis elfinwood is compared with mountain elfinwood of North America. The extreme habitat of coastal elfinwood provides many theoretical pathways for nutrient limitation, but B. grandis elfinwood at Cape Leeuwin does not appear to be nutrient deficient.  相似文献   

Environmental monitoring is becoming increasingly sophisticated with the widespread adoption of data loggers, sensor arrays and remote sensing, leading to larger scale, higher resolution and superior quality data. However, interpreting monitoring data and deciding when and how to apply environmental management remains a subjective and underdeveloped area of research. Control charts, developed in industrial settings to identify when manufacturing processes were beyond the acceptable bounds of production quality, represent one solution. Despite their potential utility, control charts have rarely been adopted in environmental monitoring. In theory, they are able to identify undesirable trends early and provide transparent and broadly consensual criteria for defining when management action should take place, that is action is triggered when parameter values are observed beyond the agreed control limits of the process. Once triggered, a predetermined management action is implemented. Possible actions are many and varied, and range from investigation and increased monitoring to intervention in the system. Here, the utility of control charts in monitoring water supply in south‐western Australia from 1911 to 2010 is examined, and their ability to provide an early, transparent and easily understandable means of triggering management action is assessed. Two control chart types are applied: the X‐bar chart and the CUSUM chart. X‐bar charts varied widely in their ability to trigger action and were insensitive to many traditional threshold criteria (of which there are many to choose from). In contrast, standard CUSUM charts are specifically designed to detect subtler shifts away from a mean trend and hence provided a more consistent warning of the decline in water supply. While managers were aware of the decline in water supply from an early stage, we believe that control charts could have clearly communicated this earlier, enabling consensus among decision makers to be reached more rapidly.  相似文献   

The process of soft‐tissue phosphatization (the replication of labile tissues by calcium phosphate) is responsible for many instances of high‐resolution soft tissue preservation, often revealing anatomical insights into the animals that so preserved. However, while much work has gone into exploring key issues such as biases and micro‐controls, phosphatization remains poorly understood as a taphonomic process. Here, using camera lucida, plain‐light microscopy and SEM imagery, we address this issue by describing the taphonomy and fidelity of the musculature of Rollinschaeta myoplena Parry et al., a phosphatized annelid from the Cretaceous Konservat‐Lagerstätten of Hakel and Hjoula, Lebanon, with an unprecedented quantity of three‐dimensional soft‐tissue preservation. Analysis highlights two strong, previously recognized biases affecting the process of phosphatization: (1) a taxonomic bias restricted to R. myoplena that triggers unusually extensive phosphatization; and (2) a tissue bias whereby longitudinal and parapodial musculature show markedly higher fidelity in comparison to the musculature of the intestine and body wall circular muscles. Potential explanations for these biases include internal phosphate‐enrichment by relative muscle density, the relative rate of decay and the physiology of musculature. Incongruence between experimental decay series for polychaetes and the prevalence of labile tissue preservation over recalcitrant tissues in R. myoplena exposes the limits of decay experiments for understanding exceptional preservation.  相似文献   

Hydrophilidae (water scavenger beetles) is well known as an aquatic beetle family; however, it contains ca. 1,000 secondarily terrestrial species derived from aquatic ancestors. The New Zealand endemic genus Rygmodus White is a member of the hydrophilid subfamily Cylominae, which is the early‐diverging taxon of the largest terrestrial lineage (Cylominae + Sphaeridiinae) within the Hydrophilidae. In this paper we report that Rygmodus beetles are pollen‐feeding flower visitors as adults, but aquatic predators as larvae. Based on analyses of gut contents and a summary of collecting records reported on museum specimen labels, adult Rygmodus beetles are generalists feeding on pollen of at least 13 plant families. Rygmodus adult mouthparts differ from those of other (saprophagous) hydrophilid beetles in having the simple scoop‐like apex and mola with roughly denticulate surface, resembling the morphology found in pollen‐feeding staphylinid beetles. Larvae were found along the sides of streams, under stones and in algal mats and water‐soaked moss; one collected larval specimen was identified using DNA barcoding of two molecular markers, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (cox1) and nuclear histone 3 (H3). Larvae of two species, Rygmodus modestus and Rygmodus sp., are described in detail and illustrated; they closely resemble ambush‐type predatory larvae of the hydrophilid tribe Hydrophilini in the head morphology. Rygmodus is the only known hydrophilid beetle with adults and larvae inhabiting different environments.  相似文献   

Dr. Andreas May 《Facies》1992,26(1):103-116
Summary The prevailing sandy/silty lower part of the Middle Devonian in the northwestern Sauerland includes two coral limestone horizons, which contain a rich fauna of corals, stromatoporoids, and calcareous algae. The Ihmert-Formation is subdvided into three parts. The older coral limestone horizon is the Grünewiese-Member of the Ihmert-Formation (uppermost Eifelian), the younger is in the Bredenbruch-Member of the Unterhonsel-Formation (lower Lower Givetian). Conclusions about the environmental constraints are drawn from the sedimentology and the fossil content of the coral limestones. Predominant biostromes are built between storm wave base and normal wave base. Only the few bioherms grew above the normal wave base. These coral limestones were deposited in a tropical or subtropical normal marine environment in the shallow euphotic zone. Among the reef-builders epoecism is very frequent, and until now this phenomenon has not been investigated in detail. Fragile rugose and tabulate corals lived as commensals with stromatoporoids. Some other aspects of paleoecology are concisely presented.  相似文献   

This article describes two of the principal roots allowing the expression of emotions and feelings in Dalabon, an endangered language of South‐Western Arnhem Land. The first root, kangu, ‘belly’, is depicted linguistically as the location of emotions induced by interpersonal relationships. The belly is thus presented as the locus of good and bad moods generally and of conflict more specifically. Furthermore, the material properties of the belly—its fluidity in particular—impact on one’s temper and ability to deal with others in an ideologically prescribed manner. Speakers describe ritual manipulations undertaken on the belly of young infants in order to shape their temper. Kangu‐no may thus be described as a malleable interface between the person and the outside world, principally other people. The second root, yolh, may at first sight translate as ‘feelings’, either good or bad, but also means ‘appetite’, ‘drive’, ‘pep’. Yolh‐no is associated with the most intimate part of the person, one’s own aspirations that are independent of interactions with others. Although yolh‐no connotes the core self and kangu‐no, the belly, connotes relatedness to others, they are conceived as physiologically connected, so that material properties of the belly impact on the self. Thus, the semantic analysis of Dalabon, along with related anthropological observations, unveils an explicit conceptual and cultural attention to the distinction between emotions and feelings (as respectively defined in the article) and to the autonomy of the person within a constraining social framework. The article shows how this concern echoes and challenges both anthropological and philosophical considerations.  相似文献   

The palaeoenvironmental context of a section of the Devonian Ponta Grossa Formation (Paraná Basin) was examined using an integrated ichnological and taphonomic approach. Three taphofacies (T‐A, T‐B and T‐C) and six ichnofabrics are recognized. T‐A is mainly composed of disarticulated organisms and is associated with Chondrites, Planolites‐Palaeophycus, Asterosoma‐Zoophycos and Asterosoma‐Chondrites ichnofabrics, representing the Cruziana ichnofacies. The upward increase in diversity and abundance of body fossils for Taphofacies A can be explained by changes in sedimentation rates during aggradational to progradational phases. T‐B beds, represented by articulated brachiopods, occur in distal tempestites associated with the Skolithos ichnofabric (Skolithos ichnofacies) and represent higher hydrodynamic energy and oxygenation than in T‐A. Taphofacies C, characterized by a mix of articulated and disarticulated organisms, generally lacks bioturbation except for Chondrites ichnofabrics occurring only at the bed tops, suggesting low substrate oxygenation and low‐energy conditions. T‐C indicates the maximum transgression in the T‐R cycle, characterizing it as a good indicator of maximum flooding surfaces. The composite AsterosomaTeichichnus ichnofabric (bioturbation degree 5) occurs in layers without body fossils and represents suites of the Cruziana ichnofacies. This likely reflects intense intrastratal activity at all substrate levels, which facilitated the oxygenation of the substrate disallowing the preservation of organism remains. This observation indicates that the bioturbation is an important factor controlling the loss of taphonomic information within the TAZ, mainly when associated with detritus‐feeding trace fossils.  相似文献   

Vegetation can exert a strong influence on the distribution and activity of biotic communities across a broad range of spatial scales, especially in arid and semi‐arid ecosystems. At fine spatial scales, patches created by individual plants can support different faunal and floral communities even at locations distant from the plant. These differences can have profound effects on a range of ecosystem processes, including seed dispersal, nutrient cycling and resource distribution. In semi‐arid Australia, areas surrounding groves of western myall (Acacia papyrocarpa) trees are largely devoid of vegetation, being referred to as ‘halos’. Here, we investigate the soil‐dwelling Collembola in groves of western myall trees, the surrounding halos and nearby chenopod shrubland. We also investigated whether the abundance of Collembola was influenced by soil depth (0–5 cm layer vs. 6–10 cm layer) in groves. We found that collembolan density was approximately nine times lower and taxonomic richness half that in a halo compared with the grove and chenopod vegetation. Furthermore, analyses at finer taxonomic levels indicate that vegetation patches differed in species composition, with some species restricted to or preferring particular patches. In the grove, we found a higher abundance of Collembola in the 0–5 cm soil layer compared with the 6–10 layer. Our results indicate vegetation patches strongly influence collembolan abundance and species composition in bare patches around western myall. As patches created by vegetation are a common feature of semi‐arid and arid regions, we suspect that these effects are widespread although seldom reported. Furthermore, as Collembola are involved in the decomposition process, Acacia papyrocarpa patches will be influencing nutrient cycling through their effects on the soil biota. Our results also emphasize that comprehensive fauna survey and management of woodland ecosystems need to consider fine‐scale processes.  相似文献   

The origin of tetrapods is one of the key events in vertebrate history. The oldest tetrapod body fossils are Late Devonian (Frasnian–Famennian) in age, most of them consisting of rare isolated bone elements. Here we describe tetrapod remains from two Famennian localities from Belgium: Strud, in the Province of Namur, and Becco, in the Province of Liège. The newly collected material consists of an isolated complete postorbital, fragments of two maxillae, and one putative partial cleithrum, all from Strud, and an almost complete maxilla from Becco. The two incomplete maxillae and cleithrum from Strud, together with the lower jaw previously recorded from this site, closely resemble the genus Ichthyostega, initially described from East Greenland. The postorbital from Strud and the maxilla from Becco do not resemble the genus Ichthyostega. They show several derived anatomical characters allowing their tentative assignment to a whatcheeriid‐grade group. The new tetrapod records show that there are at least two tetrapod taxa in Belgium and almost certainly two different tetrapod taxa at Strud. This locality joins the group of Devonian tetrapod‐bearing localities yielding more than one tetrapod taxon, confirming that environments favourable to early tetrapod life were often colonized by several tetrapod taxa.  相似文献   

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