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Samples of the lichen H. physodes were collected from bark of living trees (pine, spruce, birch, alder, rowan, and willow); from the wood of these trees and of juniper; from bark of dead spruce, alder, and rowan trees; and from the moss Hypnum pallescens. Thalli of this lichen were placed onto medium with carboxylmethyl cellulose (CMC) (water being used as a control). Output of sugars was determined using the Nelson-Somogyi technique. Cellulosolytic activity of samples from the bark of pine and birch was higher than that of samples from the bark of spruce. In thalli of the lichen from wood, from moss, and from bark of living alder and rowan trees, the output of sugars on the medium with CMC was similar to that in the control. The cellulosolytic activity was revealed in samples from the lichen from bark of dead rowan and alder trees. In the lichen from spruce bark, the output of sugars on the medium with CMC was higher in samples from dead trees in comparison with living trees. The results are discussed.  相似文献   

The larval morphology and biology of two species of rhagionid flies (Diptera, Rhagionidae) from the Russian Far East are described for the first time. Larvae of Chrysopilus dives Loew develop in the tunnels of xylobiont insects in the trunks of ash trees. Larvae of Ch. nigrifacies Nagatomi were found under the bark of the elm, Sakhalin cork tree, birch, and fir. Morphological characteristics of larvae of Chrysopilus are discussed.  相似文献   

Lecophagus vermicola sp. nov. is described and illustrated as a predacious (carnivorous) hyphomycete living in bark fissures of living trees of Platanus and other angiosperm and gymnosperm trees, recorded in Hungary, Luxembourg and France. The fungus captures nematodes unlike other Lecophagus species, which are predators of rotifers and tardigrades. The morphology of the sessile, adhesive knobs differ from all previously described species of the genus which form adhesive pegs. Molecular data confirms that the new species belongs to the Lecophagus clade but without matching existing sequences. The fungus captures victims with adhesive knobs and colonizes its prey with a mycelium of rather broad hyphae on which, again, adhesive knobs are formed which penetrate the cuticule of the victim. Clusters of colonized nematodes form a network utilized to capture more prey. The fungus lives in the xeric, ephemerally aquatic habitat of bark fissures of standing, living or dead, corticated trunks and branches. The genus Haptocara is compared, which has similar adhesive knobs capturing nematodes and similar broad hyphae, but for which no molecular data was available.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) plays an important role in long-term carbon storage in forest ecosystems. However, few studies have examined CWD in mangrove forests. A secondary mangrove forest on an estuary of the Trat River showed different structures along vegetation zones ranging from the river’s edge to inland parts of the forest (the SonneratiaAvicennia, Avicennia, Rhizophora, and Xylocarpus zones, respectively). The mass distribution of CWD stock in downed wood and standing dead trees along these vegetation zones was evaluated. Most of the CWD stock in the SonneratiaAvicennia and Avicennia zones was found in downed wood, while it mainly accumulated in standing dead trees in the Rhizophora and Xylocarpus zones. The total mass of CWD stock that accumulated in each zone ranged from 1.56–8.39 t ha?1, depending on the forest structure and inundation regimes. The annual woody debris flux in each zone was calculated by summing the necromass (excluding foliage) of dead trees and coarse litter from 2010 to 2013. The average woody debris flux was 5.4 t ha?1 year?1, and its zonal variation principally depended on the necromass production that resulted from forest succession, high tree-density, and lightning. Over all the zones, the above- and below-ground net primary production (ANPP and BNPP, respectively) was estimated at 18.0 and 3.6 t ha?1 year?1, respectively. The magnitude of BNPP and its contribution to the NPP was markedly increased when fine root production was taken into consideration. The contribution of the woody debris flux without root necromass to the ANPP ranged from 12 to 28%.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence were studied in the bark of several species of trees originating in various climatic zones: Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica), larch (Larix sibirica), eastern arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis), pendent white birch (Betula pendula), wild black cherry (Padus virginiana), horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), red oak (Quercus rubra), Manchurian catalpa (Catalpa bungei), linden (Tilia cordata), goat willow (Salix caprea), Amur cherry (Padus maackii), and apple Korichnaya (Malus domestrica B.). Tree bark has a sufficient amount of chlorophyll for measuring the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence throughout the year. The relative yield of the variable fluorescence of chlorophyll (F v/F m) can be used to assess seasonal changes in the physiological state of various trees.  相似文献   

Four species of Lyomyces (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) are described as new for science, based on collections from Réunion Island (L. allantosporus and L. mascarensis), southeast Brazil (L.organensis), and Taiwan (L. orientalis). All four species belong to the L. sambuci complex and grow on dead wood. Basidiomata photographs and line drawings of microstructures are provided for each species. The specific status of the new taxa was confirmed by ITS and 28S phylogenetical analyses. The concept of L. sambuci s. str. is discussed. Molecular data reveal one additional cryptic species from Europe, morphologically identical with L. sambuci s. str.  相似文献   

Intensive forest management has led to a population decline in many species, including those dependent on dead wood. Many lichens are known to depend on dead wood, but their habitat requirements have been little studied. In this study we investigated the habitat requirements of wood dependent lichens on coarse dead wood (diameter >10 cm) of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris in managed boreal forests in central Sweden. Twenty-one wood dependent lichen species were recorded, of which eleven were confined to old (estimated to be >120 years old) and hard dead wood. Almost all of this wood has emanated from kelo trees, i.e. decorticated and resin-impregnated standing pine trees that died long time ago. We found four red-listed species, of which two were exclusive and two highly associated with old and hard wood. Lichen species composition differed significantly among dead wood types (low stumps, snags, logs), wood hardness, wood age and occurrence of fire scars. Snags had higher number of species per dead wood area than logs and low stumps, and old snags had higher number of species per dead wood area than young ones. Since wood from kelo trees harbours a specialized lichen flora, conservation of wood dependent lichens requires management strategies ensuring the future presence of this wood type. Besides preserving available kelo wood, the formation of this substratum should be supported by setting aside P. sylvestris forests and subject these to prescribed burnings as well as to allow wild fires in some of these forests.  相似文献   

The larva and pupa of Epiphragma subfascipenne Al. are described for the first time. New data on the morphology of the larva and pupa of E. ocellare (L.) are discussed, and the morphological characteristics of the genus are defined more exactly. The larvae of these species are typical xylobionts inhabiting dead solid wood of deciduous trees.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genus Leptosciarella Tuomikoski, 1960 in the Altai Area within Altai Territory and the Altai Republic was studied. Eleven species were recognized, including three new species which are described and illustrated here: Leptosciarella (L.) ulagana Komarova sp. n., L. (L.) angustistylus Komarova sp. n., L. (L.) senex Komarova sp. n. Additionally, L. (L.) fuscipalpa (Mohrig et Mamaev 1979) and L. (L.) truncata (Tuomikoski 1960) are recorded from Altai for the first time. A key to the Altai species is provided.  相似文献   

Quantifying the strength of interactions among introduced and native species across space and time is critical in understanding biological invasions as they can attenuate or amplify the magnitude of impact. The European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio F., a global threat to pines, is a recent invader to North America. It attacks and kills primarily Pinus resinosa and Pinus sylvestris, and encounters a diverse assemblage of potential competitors for this resource. We quantified spatial colonization patterns of this woodwasp and resident competitors including scolytine bark beetles, woodboring cerambycid and buprestid beetles, and the fungal root rot diseases Armillaria and Heterobasidion across an 80 year old pine plantation over 4 years. All xylophages were spatially aggregated, but only on a localized scale of 15–20 m. Colonizers occurred non-randomly within trees, with S. noctilio negatively or neutrally associated with all other colonizing agents, whereas all other insect and root rot colonizers were mostly positively co-associated. An autologistic regression with spatially-weighted variables indicated the probability of a dead tree exhibiting symptoms of S. noctilio attack was positively associated with tree density, host species (P. sylvestris), and density of S. noctilio-attacked trees from the current and previous year. Interspecific stand patterns were weaker; probability of attack was negatively associated only with root rot pathogens. Across spatial scales, there were mixed (woodborers) and neutral (bark beetles) associations between S. noctilio and other co-colonizing insects. Our results suggest that competitive interactions with resident species may be contributing to the limited success of S. noctilio in North America, but are unlikely to be driving it by themselves.  相似文献   

The larch bark beetle (Ips subelongatus), which occurs in larch plantations over a vast area of eastern Asia, infects both dying and fallen trees. When its population reaches a high density, the beetle may also infect healthy trees, resulting in tree decline and, eventually, death. Leptographium spp., in both their sexual and asexual states, are mainly associated with conifer-infesting bark beetles; some species are important tree pathogens. The aims of this study were to identify the Leptographium spp. associated with I. subelongatus infestations of Larix spp. in northern China and to examine their pathogenicity towards the tree. Morphological studies and phylogenetic approaches based on multilocus DNA sequence data (ITS2- partial r28S, partial β-tubulin, and EF-1α gene regions) showed that three Leptographium species occur in association with I. subelongatus in the areas investigated: Leptographium taigense, which is recorded in China for the first time, and two new species, namely L. innermongolicum sp. nov. and L. zhangii sp. nov. Leptographium innermongolicum is closely related to L. taigense, whereas L. zhangii belongs to the Grosmannia piceaperda species complex. The pathogenicity of these Leptographium species towards mature Larix spp. was tested by stem inoculation in forests. All inoculations only resulted in small lesions on the inner bark; therefore, the three Leptographium species were not considered to be pathogenic.  相似文献   

Management of ancient trees constitutes a major dilemma in the conservation of associated biodiversity. While traditional methods are often advocated, such practices may incur considerable costs and their effects have rarely been scientifically evaluated. We compared the communities of lichenized fungi, non-lichenized fungi, and bryophytes among equal number of coarse previously pollarded and unmanaged trees (n = 340). On 400 Ulmus glabra and 280 Fraxinus excelsior trees at 62 sites in Norway, we found 209 lichenized fungi, 128 non-lichenized fungi, and 115 bryophytes. Pollarded trees were richer in microhabitats than unmanaged trees and had significantly higher richness of bryophytes (ash) and non-lichenized fungi (ash and elm), the latter increasing with the availability of dead wood, cavities and coarse bark structure in pollarded trees. Further, the average total number of red-listed species, and red-listed lichenized fungi separately, were significantly higher on pollarded versus unmanaged trees, with diversity related to trunk circumference, depth of bark fissures and number of cavities. Our results underline the importance of microhabitats associated with old trees, but we cannot establish with certainty the importance of pollarding per se. Since we did not find any negative effect of canopy cover for community diversity, we assume that old trees with rich epiphytic communities can develop without management intervention. The high share (37 out of 49) of red-listed species occurring on unmanaged trees, and the fact that 11 red-listed species were found exclusively on unmanaged trees, may further indicate that unmanaged trees can with time replace the ancient pollarded trees as habitats for rich cryptogamic communities.  相似文献   

Standing dead trees may be a limited resource for woodpeckers in managed forests, especially for species that rely on dead wood for their nest or roost cavity, and as foraging sites. Effective conservation strategies for woodpeckers require a detailed knowledge of species’ responses to dead wood availability. To investigate the importance of standing dead wood (snags) for the abundance and nest-site use of the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major and middle spotted woodpecker Leiopicus medius in mature riverine forests, we compared the responses of birds between two periods—before mass mortality, and during a pulse in standing dead trees. The density of standing dead trees available for cavity excavation by the great spotted woodpecker and the middle spotted woodpecker increased significantly during the study period: 37-fold and 4-fold, respectively. Temporal trends in the abundance of both woodpecker species from 2000 to 2015 were not significant. Great spotted woodpeckers were significantly more likely to use dead trees and places with wounds in species other than oak and ash during the outbreak period than in the pre-outbreak period. Middle spotted woodpeckers were significantly less likely to excavate cavities in tree species other than oak and ash in the outbreak period, but dead trees were more likely selected. An interspecific comparison suggests that the probability of a nest-hole having been excavated by a middle spotted woodpecker increased with a nest-hole sited in ash, in a dead tree, in a limb/branch, and decreased with a nest-hole in a closed forest. These findings suggest that woodpecker species, especially weak excavators, may benefit from an increase in dead wood availability leading to nest niche shifts into more favorable substrates for cavity excavation. However, a strong increase in dead wood availability does not modify the general pattern of niche partitioning between great spotted and middle spotted woodpeckers. Conservation plans for the specialized middle spotted woodpecker must consider the preference for dead and decaying trees. The decreasing number of large ashes and oaks, and the lack of natural regeneration of the latter species, may negatively affect the middle spotted woodpecker in the future.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and ectendomycorrhizal fungal species associated with Pinus montezumae were recorded in 8 year-old trees established in microcosms and compared with those associated with 2 year-old trees, in order to determine their persistence over the long-term. Mycorrhizal root tips were morphologically and anatomically characterized and sequenced. The extension of extramatrical mycelium of ECM fungi with long exploration strategies was evaluated. In total, 11 mycorrhizal species were registered. Seven mycorrhizal species were detected on both 2 and 8 year-old pines: Atheliaceae sp., Rhizopogon aff. fallax, R. aff. occidentalis, Suillus pseudobrevipes, Tuber separans, Wilcoxina mikolae and Wilcoxina rehmii. One species, Thelephora terrestris, was exclusively associated with two year–old seedlings, while Cenococcum geophilum, Pezizaceae sp. and Pyrenomataceae sp. were exclusively found on 8 year-old trees. Atheliaceae sp. was the ECM fungal species that presented the most abundant mycelium. Finally, we report one new fungal species of Pezizaceae occurring as a symbiont of P. montezumae.  相似文献   

Macaranga is a tree genus that includes many species of myrmecophytes, which are plants that harbor ant colonies within hollow structures known as domatia. The symbiotic ants (plant–ants) protect their host plants against herbivores; this defense mechanism is called ‘ant defense’. A Bornean phasmid species Orthomeria cuprinus feeds on two myrmecophytic Macaranga species, Macaranga beccariana and Macaranga hypoleuca, which are obligately associated with Crematogaster ant species. The phasmids elude the ant defense using specialized behavior. However, the mechanisms used by the phasmid to overcome ant defenses have been insufficiently elucidated. We hypothesized that O. cuprinus only feeds on individual plants with weakened ant defenses. To test the hypothesis, we compared the ant defense intensity in phasmid-infested and non-infested M. beccariana trees. The number of plant–ants on the plant surface, the ratio of plant–ant biomass to tree biomass, and the aggressiveness of plant–ants towards experimentally introduced herbivores were significantly lower on the phasmid-infested trees than on the non-infested trees. The phasmid nymphs experimentally introduced into non-infested trees, compared with those experimentally introduced into phasmid-infested trees, were more active on the plant surface, avoiding the plant–ants. These results support the hypothesis and suggest that ant defenses on non-infested trees effectively prevent the phasmids from remaining on the plants. Thus, we suggest that O. cuprinus feeds only on the individual M. beccariana trees having decreased ant defenses, although the factors that reduce the intensity of the ant defenses remain unclear.  相似文献   

The field work of the authors during the last 16 years in both the western and the eastern parts of Leningrad Province, Russia, has resulted in the addition of 7 species to the regional list of bark beetles, namely: Hylurgus ligniperda F., Crypturgus subcribrosus Egg., Pityogenes irkutensis Egg., Scolytus mali Bechst., S. scolytus F., S. pygmaeus F., and Xyleborinus attenuatus Blandf. Of these species, P. irkutensis occurs only in the eastern districts of Leningrad Province, C. subcribrosus, over the whole territory, and the remaining species, only in the western districts. We suggest excluding Polygraphus proximus Blandf. from the regional faunal list. As a result, the updated list of the bark beetle species of Leningrad Province comprises 75 taxa. New data on findings of rare species in the region are considered.  相似文献   

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