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不同光照条件下聚花过路黄的克隆构型和分株种群特征   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
陈劲松  董鸣  于丹  刘庆 《应用生态学报》2004,15(8):1383-1388
以都江堰灵岩山常绿阔叶林林下、林缘和林缘旷地3种不同光照环境中匍匐茎草本聚花过路黄(Lysimachla congestiflora)为对象,对其匍匐茎节间长、分枝强度、分枝角度、分株种群密度、分株种群生物量等指标进行了测定和分析.结果表明,聚花过路黄的匍匐茎节间长、分枝强度、分株种群密度和分株种群生物量在3种生境间差异显著.Kruskal Wallis检验表明,匍匐茎节间长度和分枝角度的频次分布在3种生境间差异显著.3种生境中匍匐茎节间长度分布偏斜度(skewness)的大小分别为:林缘旷地>林缘>林下.林缘旷地与林缘和林下生境在分枝角度、分株种群高度和分株种群根冠比差异显著,而且林缘旷地生境中分枝角度分布偏斜度最小.林缘和林下生境在分枝角度、分株种群高度和分株种群根冠比差异不显著.从林缘旷地、林缘到林下,聚花过路黄的克隆构型和分株种群特征发生了相应改变.结合克隆植物对资源的利用对策,讨论了不同生境中聚花过路黄克隆构型和分株种群特征可塑性的生态适应意义.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the variation in the relative growth, biomass and nutrient allocation in two threatened tree species viz. Magnolia punduana Hook.f. & Th. and Elaeocarpus prunifolius Wall. ex Müll. Berol. grown under three different levels of irradiance. The irradiance ranged between 1 and 12 mol m?2 d?1. Results showed that the highest relative growth rate (RGR) was achieved under the intermediate light treatment for both the species (mean: 0.005 mg mg?1 d?1). The growth response coefficient (GRC) model revealed that net assimilation rate (NAR) was the factor driving the RGR in both species. A significant positive correlation was found between NAR and RGR (R2 = 0.33, p = 0.000) whereas specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf mass fraction (LMF) was negatively correlated to RGR. Overall, multiple regression of the studied species based on the independent variables viz. NAR, SLA, and LMF showed a significant relation with RGR (F(3,50,53 = 13.001, p = 0.000, R2 = 0.43). The biomass distribution in the studied species is in agreement with the “balanced-growth hypothesis” where high irradiance increased allocation to below ground biomass fraction and decreased irradiance increased allocation to the above ground fraction. The highest nitrogen concentration in leaves was observed under the intermediate light treatment. Overall seedlings growth under intermediate light had a higher mean RGR indicating the species' preference for partial light conditions. Long-term experiments under varied light conditions as in the present study would provide useful insight into plant growth strategies in varied environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is mainly grown for its fibre and is considered a desirable crop for sustainable production systems. In a field trial carried out over two years in Northern Italy the root system of a hemp crop, cultivated at contrasting plant densities, was sampled and analysed with an image analysis software. Root length density (RLD) was highest in the first 10 cm of soil, almost 5 cm cm?3; it decreased progressively until the depth of 130 cm, a part from a peak at 90–100 cm in response to a perched water table. Roots were found to 130 cm of depth in one year and to 200 cm in the other. Root diameter was finer (190 μm) in the upper soil layer, it increased with depth until 100 cm, and remained constant at 300 μm thereafter. Following the same trend of RLD, root biomass was highest in the first soil layer; 50% of the root biomass was found in the first 20 cm or 50 cm when taproot biomass was considered or not. Total root biomass was 3.21 t ha?1 and 2.41 t ha?1 in the two years of trial, but the ratio between aboveground and below ground biomass was constant at 5.46. None of the root parameters were significantly affected by plant population, which seems to confirm the plastic behaviour that hemp shows for aboveground development. The high root biomass production measured in this study, especially in deeper soil layers, provides additional evidence of the positive role that hemp can play in sustainable cropping systems.  相似文献   

 Effects of changing light conditions on the ecophysiological condition behind survival were examined on beech from two different populations. Plants were grown in a greenhouse under simulated understorey and canopy gap light conditions. Upon exposure to high light maximum photosynthesis of shade-acclimated leaves increased followed by a reduction over several days to between high- and low-light control rates. In the reciprocal transfer, the decrease in maximum photosynthesis was rapid during the first 2–3 days and then levelled off to values comparable to low-light controls. Seedlings from Sicily (Madonie) showed generally higher maximum photosynthetic rates than those from Abetone. Leaf conductance varied in the same direction as photosynthesis in high- to low-light seedlings but to a lesser degree. Leaves grown under low light and exposed to high light experienced photoinhibition. The Abetone population was more susceptible to photoinhibitory damage than the seedlings from Sicily. Exposure to high light of shade-acclimated seedlings resulted in intermediate chlorophyll concentrations between levels of the high-light and low-light seedlings. Carotenoid concentration was unaffected by treatments. Seedlings grew more in high light, but had a lower leaf area ratio. Light-limited seedlings showed a shift in carbon allocation to foliage. Leaves formed in the new light regime maintained the same anatomy that had been developed before transfer. Seedlings from Sicily had thicker leaves than those of seedlings from Abetone. Seedlings from Abetone were found to be more susceptible to changing light conditions than seedlings from Sicily. We conclude that small forest gaps may represent a favorable environment for photosynthesis and growth of beech regeneration as a result of the limited ability of seedlings to acclimate to sudden increases in high irradiance and because of the moderate levels of light stress in small gaps. Received: 11 April 1997 / Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

To study possible adaptive mechanisms inbred lines from three populations of Plantago major from sites that were found to differ in P availability were compared. In a pot experiment the growth and P uptake either in the presence or absence of Glomus fasciculatum was determined. Under these P-limited conditions it was shown by partitioning the relative growth rate (RGR, in mg g-1 day-1) in the components root weight ratio (RWR, in groots gplant -1), specific P uptake rate (SPUR, in mol P groots -1 day-1), and P-efficiency (PEFF, in mg mol P-1), that the increase in RGR of mycorrhizal infected plants was related to an increase in SPUR, and a decrease in RWR and PEFF. P. major ssp. major had a lower RGR (related to a lower PEFF and SPUR) and a higher RWR than P. major ssp. pleiosperma. In a second experiment three inbred lines were compared upon P depletion in a nutrient solution. The P. major ssp. major line had a lower RGR and higher RWR, and a higher accumulation of P in the roots than the P. major ssp. pleiosperma lines under optimal growing conditions. There were no differences among the inbred lines in the relative contribution of inorganic P to the total P concentration in the shoot. The results are discussed in relation to the characteristics of the habitats of the investigated P. major populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant roots' growth direction has important implications for plant development and survival; moreover it plays an effective and vital role in stabilizing weathered soil on a steep slope. The aim of this work was to assess the influence of slope on the architecture of woody root systems. METHODS: Five mature, single-stemmed Quercus pubescens trees growing on a steep slope and five on a shallow slope were excavated to a root diameter of 1 cm. A very precise numeric representation of the geometry and topology of structural root architecture was gained using a low-magnetic-field digitizing device (Fastrak, Polhemus). Several characteristics of root architecture were extracted by macros, including root volume, diameter, length, number, spatial position and branching order. KEY RESULTS: The diameter at breast height (dbh) was the best predictor of the root volume but had no correlation with length and number of roots. The slope affected the root volume for each branching order, and the basal cross-sectional area (CSA), number and length of the first-order roots. Number and length of the second- and third-order laterals were closely related in both conditions, although this relationship was closer in the shallow trees, suggesting the influence of a genetic control. Sloping trees showed a clustering tendency of the first- and second-order lateral roots in the up-slope direction, suggesting that the laterals rather than the taproots provide much of the anchorage. In a steep-slope condition, the taproot tapering was positively correlated with the asymmetry magnitude of first-order roots, indicating compensation between taproot and main lateral roots' clustering tendency. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that on a slope, on clayey soils, root asymmetry appears to be a consequence of several environmental factors such as inclination, shallow-slides and soil compactness. In addition, this adaptive growth seems to counteract the turning moment induced by the self-loading forces acting in slope conditions, and as a consequence improves the tree stability.  相似文献   

To examine the susceptibility of five Costa Rican tree species to leaf-cutter ants (Atta cephalotes L.: Formicidae, Attini), young and mature leaves from trees that were grown in a plantation under full sun and partial shade were offered to six leaf-cutter colonies located in full sun and six in patial shade. In addition to offering leaf disks to the ants, we offered large pieces of leaves to assess the effect of cutting leaves on food choices. Leaf-cutters responded differently to each plant species, preferring Virola koschyni Warburg (Myristicaceae) and Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemao (Euphorbiaceae) over Stryphnodendrum microstachyum Poeppig & Endlicher (Mimosoideae), Pentaclethra macroloba Willdenow (Fabaceae) and Vochysia ferruginea Martius (Vochysiaceae). In agreement with previous studies, interspecific differences among the tree species in water and saponin content appeared to account for the observed ant preferences among the five tree species: leaf-cutter ants preferred leaves and disks with more water and less saponins and the five tree species varied significantly in these traits. An observed positive correlation between preference and phenolic/nitrogen ratio appears to be spurious, and is instead due to a negative correlation between water content and nitrogen content. For the first time, Atta nest location has been shown to affect consumption: nests located in partial shade removed more leaf material than those from the sun plots. However, nest location had no effect on preference ranking of the tree species tested. Pieces of leaves from all the tree species grown in partial shade were significantly more removed than those trees grown in full sun. Leaf age, toughness, leaf specific weights, ant activity, and colony were not correlated with food choices. Because of the observed preferences, the five tree species should not be considered as equal candidates for plantation purposes. However, complete characterization of the candidate status of tree species for plantations in the neotropics must include information on the ability of such species to tolerate pest attacks in addition to their natural defenses to attack.  相似文献   

We attempted to enhance the growth and total lipid production of three microalgal species, Isochrysis galbana LB987, Nannochloropsis oculata CCAP849/1, and Dunaliella salina, which are capable of accumulating high content of lipid in cells. Low nitrogen concentration under photoautotrophic conditions stimulated total lipid production, but a decreasing total lipid content and an increasing biomass were observed with increasing nitrogen concentration. Among the different carbon sources tested for heterotrophic cultivation, glucose improved the growth of all three strains. The optimal glucose concentration for growth of I. galbana LB987 and N. oculata CCAP849/1 was 0.02 M, and that of D. salina was 0.05 M. Enhanced growth occurred when they were cultivated under heterotrophic or mixotrophic conditions compared with photoautotrophic conditions. Meanwhile, high total lipid accumulation in cells occurred when they were cultivated under photoautotrophic or mixotrophic conditions. During mixotrophic cultivation, biomass production was not affected significantly by light intensity; however, both chlorophyll concentration and total lipid content increased dramatically with increasing light intensity up to 150 µmol/m2/s. The amount and composition ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in cells were different from each other depending on both species and light intensity. The highest accumulation of total fatty acid (C16–C18) among the three strains was found from cells of N. oculata CCAP849/1, which indicates that this species can be used as a source for production of biodiesel.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term exposure to different inorganic carbon, nutrient and light regimes on CAM activity and photosynthetic performance in the submerged aquatic plant, Littorella uniflora (L.) Aschers was investigated. The potential CAM activity of Littorella was highly plastic and was reduced upon exposure to low light intensities (43 μmol m−2 s−1), high CO2 concentrations (5.5 mM, pH 6.0) or low levels of inorganic nutrients, which caused a 25–80% decline in the potential maximum CAM activity relative to the activity in the control experiments (light: 450 μmol m−2 s−1; free CO2: 1.5 mM). The CAM activity was regulated more by light than by CO2, while nutrient levels only affected the activity to a minor extent. The minor effect of low nutrient regimes may be due to a general adaptation of isoetid species to low nutrient levels.
The photosynthetic capacity and CO2 affinity was unaffected or increased by exposure to low CO2, irrespective of nutrient levels. High CO2, low nutrient and low light, however, reduced the capacity by 22–40% and the CO2 affinity by 35-45%, relative to control.
The parallel effect of growth conditions on CAM activity and photosynthetic performance of Littorella suggest that light and dark carbon assimilation are interrelated and constitute an integrated part of the carbon assimilation physiology of the plant. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that CAM is a carbon-conserving mechanism in certain aquatic plants. The investment in the CAM enzyme system is beneficial to the plants during growth at high light and low CO2 conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of long-term chronic ozone exposure on carbon fluxes from young beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) into the phospholipid fraction of microbial communities (PLFA) in the rhizosphere and into the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fraction was studied in a lysimeter experiment using 13C depleted CO2 over one vegetation period to identify possible changes in below ground carbon translocation processes due to the plant stress. It could be shown that microbial biomass as well as individual microbial communities and their activity pattern in the rhizosphere of young beech trees are mainly driven by the vegetation period. An increase in total microbial biomass as well as individual microbial communities was detected during the vegetation period from June to September. However, also a clear ozone effect was visible mainly at the end of the vegetation period. Enzyme activities and PLFA data indicated earlier induced plant senescence as a response to the elevated ozone treatment. Furthermore higher microbial biomass and abundance of plant C utilizing microbes was observed in elevated ozone treatments over the whole vegetation period.  相似文献   

用遮阳网设置不同透光率(自然全光照的1%、3%、8%、12%和22%)处理,对不同光照条件下三七〔Panax notoginseng(Burk.)F.H.Chen〕幼苗形态指标(株高、冠幅、块根长、主根长、块根直径、茎基径、单株须根数和单株须根长)、干物质积累(不同器官干质量)和分配以及叶片性状(单株叶面积、比叶面积和叶绿素相对含量SPAD值)的变化进行了研究。结果表明:在透光率不同的条件下三七幼苗的形态指标、不同器官干质量及分配以及叶片性状均有明显变化。其中,块根直径、单株须根长、单株须根数、不同器官(块根、须根、根、叶片和茎)干质量和植株总干质量均随透光率增大逐渐提高;株高在透光率22%条件下最高;冠幅和单株叶面积在透光率3%条件下最大;主根长、茎基径、根冠比、根质比及SPAD值均在透光率8%条件下最高;茎质比和叶质比在透光率3%和1%条件下较大;比叶面积随透光率增大逐渐降低。综合分析结果揭示:三七是一种典型的喜阴植物,种植过程中适当遮阳有利于其生长和干物质积累,其中透光率8%对三七幼苗生长较为适宜。  相似文献   

 Beech seedlings were grown under 8%, 13%, 23% and 100% relative light intensity for 2 years after germination. Starch, sucrose and monosaccharides from the bark and wood parenchyma of shoots and roots were analyzed during the course of the second year. The annual allocation pattern of starch revealed five successive phases: starch disintegration in November (1) was paralleled by high monosaccharide concentrations in the shoot cortex (≤ 33.4 mg/g DW). Seedlings of all light variants reached maximum sucrose concentrations (≤ 82.8 mg/g DW) during starch disintegration in January (2) that coincided with decreased monosaccharide contents. Up to mid-April, resynthesis of starch (3) occurred in most shaded and unshaded seedlings. In May, starch was converted into monosaccharides in all storage tissues (4). Seedlings grown under 13% light intensity showed de novo synthesis of starch (5) 4 weeks after bud burst. These seedlings reached 98% maximum starch storage capacity of the shoot and 89% of the root in July. In mid-October, the maximum starch concentration of the roots increased with light intensity, and this corresponded with an increase of lateral root growth. The variation of shoot and root dry weight was closely related to the content of nonstructural carbohydrates during the second year. The shift of shoot growth to the first half of the growing season and the suppression of lateral root growth during the second half is assumed to be a strategy of young beech to survive under light limiting conditions. Received: 22 May 1997 / Accepted: 10 October 1997  相似文献   

Summary The relative hydraulic conductivity (k) of xylem and resistance (R) to water flow through trunk, primary roots and branches in Picea abies trees growing under contrasting light conditions were investigated. The xylem permeability to water was measured by forcing 10 mM water solution of KC1 through excised wood specimens. From the values of k, the sapwood transverse area and the length of conducting segments, R of the whole trunk, branches and roots was calculated. The relative conductivity of xylem in open-grown trees exceeded that of shade-grown trees by 1.4–3.1 times, while k was closely correlated with the hydraulically effective radius (R e) of the largest tracheids (R 2 was 0.85–0.94 for open- and 0.51–0.79 for shade-grown trees). Because of both a low k and a smaller sapwood area in shade-grown trees the resistance to water movement through their trunk, roots and branches was many times higher. The distribution of R between single segments of the water-conducting pathway differed considerably in trees from different sites. At high water status the largest share of the total resistance in open- as well as shade-grown trees resides in the apical part of the trunk. The contribution of the branches to total xylem resistance is supposed to increase with developing water deficit.  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures of Artemisia annua L were cultivated for 30 days under either white, red, blue, yellow or green light. Red light at 660 nm gave the highest biomass of hairy roots (5.73 g dry wt cells l–1 medium) and artemisinin content (31 mg arteminsinin g–1 dry cells) which were, respectively, 17% and 67% higher than those obtained under white light.  相似文献   

The effect of auxin on growth, mechanical properties of thecell wall and cell wall sugar composition in rice coleoptilesegments excised at different ages from seedlings growing underdifferent conditions were investigated. Auxin markedly inducedgrowth only in segments excised from coleoptiles in the fastgrowth phase with a high content of non cellulosic glucose intheir cell walls. The response to auxin decreased with coleoptileage, accompanying a decrease in the amount of the noncellulosicglucose in the cell wall, suggesting a correlation between noncellulosicglucose content and growth capacity in response to auxin. Goodcorrelation among auxin-induced growth, auxin-induced decreasein the To value and auxin-induced decrease in the noncellulosicglucose content of the cell wall also was found. 1 Present address: Departamento Fisiologia Vegetal, Facultadde Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain. (Received May 21, 1979; )  相似文献   

在长、短两种光周期条件下对新铁炮百合的三种生理指标进行了测定.结果表明:新铁炮百合上、中部叶片的生理活动与植株生长发育状态的关系较为紧密;顶芽形态分化初期,上、中部叶片可溶性糖和淀粉含量降至较低的水平,而总氮含量则升至较高水平;此外,生殖生长状态下,3部分叶片各自C/N值均高于营养生长状态下其各自C/N值.  相似文献   

在长、短两种光周期条件下对新铁炮百合的三种生理指标进行了测定。结果表明:新铁炮百合上、中部叶片的生理活动与植株生长发育状态的关系较为紧密;顶芽形态分化初期,上、中部叶片可溶性糖和淀粉含量降至较低的水平,而总氮含量则升至较高水平;此外,生殖生长状态下,3部分叶片各自C/N值均高于营养生长状态下其各自C/N值。  相似文献   

Summary Field experiments were carried out using15N-labelled calcium nitrate, to investigate the relative uptake by barley of fertilizer-N and soil-N. On imperfectly drained till soils uptake of soil-N increased with increasing rate of fertilizer, but remained constant on a brown sand, possibly due to more efficient root exploration in the latter soil. In four out of five seasons, late uptake of soil-derived N was a major feature, and uptake from ploughed soil as compared with uptake from direct-drilled soil was correlated with seasonal rainfall patterns. Significantly higher quantities of both fertilizer- and soil-derived N were taken up by winter barley than by spring barley, reflecting the longer growth period and higher dry matter yield from the former crop.  相似文献   

Coleoptile growth of intact rice seedlings under submerged conditionswas not much affected by the continuous irradiation of red light.But, if aerated, growth was strongly inhibited by a low-energybrief irradiation of red light, and this red light-induced effectwas reversed by a brief exposure to far-red light. The responsesto red and far-red light were repeatedly reversible. The amountof photometrically detectable phytochrome in non-aerated coleoptiletissues was found to be as low as one third that in aeratedones. After the conversion of Pr to Pfr by a brief red irradiation,the total (A) of the aerated tissues decreased to about onefifth that of the original level within 6 hr at 24?C, whilethe Pfr in the non-aerated tissues was significantly less decayed. 1Present address: The Ocean Research Institute, University ofTokyo, Nakano, Tokyo 164, Japan. (Received April 30, 1974; )  相似文献   

We investigated to what extent south-exposed leaves (E-leaves) of the evergreen ivy (Hedera helix L.) growing in the shadow of two deciduous trees suffered from photoinhibition of photosynthesis when leaf-shedding started in autumn. Since air temperatures drop concomitantly with increase in light levels, changes in photosynthetic parameters (apparent quantum yield, i and maximal photosynthetic capacity of O2 evolution, Pmax; chlorophyll-a fluorescence at room temperature) as well as pigment composition were compared with those in north-exposed leaves of the same clone (N-leaves; photosynthetic photon flux density PPFD< 100 mol · m–2 · s–2) and phenotypic sun leaves (S-leaves; PPFD up to 2000 mol · m–2 · s–1).In leaves exposed to drastic light changes during winter (E-leaves) strong photoinhibition of photosynthesis could be observed as soon as the incident PPFD increased in autumn. In contrast, in N-leaves the ratio of variable fluorescence to maximum fluorescence (FV/FMm) and i did not decline appreciably prior to severe frosts (up to -12° C) in January. At this time, i was reduced to a similar extent in all leaves, from about 0.073 mol O2 · mol–1 photons before stress to about 0.020. Changes in i were linearly correlated with changes in fv/fm (r = 0.955). The strong reduction in FV/FM on exposure to stress was caused by quenching in FM. The initial fluorescence (F0), however, was also quenched in all leaves. The diminished fluorescence yield was accompanied by an increase in zeaxanthin content. These effects indicate that winter stress in ivy primarily induces an increase in non-radiative energy-dissipation followed by photoinhibitory damage of PSII. Although a pronounced photooxidative bleaching of chloroplast pigments occurred in January (especially in E-leaves), photosynthetic parameters recovered completely in spring. Thus, the reduction in potential photosynthetic yield in winter may be up to three times greater in leaves subjected to increasing light levels than in leaves not exposed to a changing light environment.Abbreviations and Symbols F0, FM initial and maximal fluorescence yield when all PSII centres are open and closed - FV variable fluorescence (FM-F0) - Pmax maximal photosynthetic capacity at 1000 umol · m–2 · s–1 PPFD and CO2 saturation - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - i apparent quantum yield of photosynthetic O2 evolution - E-leaves, N-leaves shade leaves exposed, not exposed to drastic light changes during winter - S-leaves sun leaves from an open ivy stand Dedicated to Professor Otto Härtel on the occasion of his 80th birthdayThis work was supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.  相似文献   

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