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The functional activity in the brain is primarily composed of an interplay between excitation and inhibition. In any given region the output is based upon a complex processing of incoming signals that require both excitatory and inhibitory units. Moreover, these units must be regulated and balanced such that an integrated and finely tuned response is generated. In each of these units or synapses the activity depends on biosynthesis, release, receptor interaction, and inactivation of the neurotransmitter in question; thus, it is easily understood that each of these processes needs to be highly regulated and controlled. It is interesting to note that in case of the most prevailing neurotransmitters, glutamate and GABA, which mediate excitation and inhibition, respectively, the inactivation process is primarily maintained by highly efficient, high-affinity transport systems capable of maintaining transmembrane concentration gradients of these amino acids of 104–105-fold. The demonstration of the presence of transporters for glutamate and GABA in both neuronal and astrocytic elements naturally raises the question of the functional importance of the astrocytes in the regulation of the level of the neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft and hence for the activity of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission. Obviously, this discussion has important implications for the understanding of the role of astrocytes in disease states in which imbalances between excitation and inhibition are a triggering factor, for example, epilepsy and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Since past studies concerning the effects of naloxone on nociception have yielded inconclusive findings, the variables of pain test, baseline sensitivity, and stress condition were examined. Within a pure-bred strain of rats, consistent individual differences did not occur. All three measures of pain responsiveness demonstrated hyperalgesic effects of naloxone, but they differed in their capacity to reflect the effects of analgesia produced by continuous or intermittent electrical shock. By some measures, naloxone reversed the stress-induced analgesia due to intermittent shock; it did not influence the analgesia produced by continuous stress. The data support a model of pain inhibition involving both opioid and non-opioid systems and suggest that the hyperalgesic effects of naloxone can sometime gives rise to erroneous conclusions concerning apparent naloxone-reversability of putative analgesic procedures.  相似文献   

In rodents, maternal pup interactions play an important role in programming the stress responsiveness of the adult organism. The aims of this study were 1) to determine the effect of different neonatal rearing conditions on acute and delayed stress-induced visceral sensitivity as well as on other measures of stress sensitivity of the adult animal; and 2) to determine the role of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor (CRF-R) subtype 1 (CRF(1)R) in mediating visceral hypersensitivity. Three groups of male Long-Evans rat pups were used: separation from their dam for 180 min daily from postnatal days 2-14 (MS180), daily separation (handling) for 15 min (H), or no handling. The visceromotor responses (VMR) to colorectal distension, stress-induced colonic motility, and anxiety-like behavior were assessed in the adult rats. The VMR was assessed at baseline, immediately after a 1-h water avoidance (WA) stress, and 24 h poststress. Astressin B, a nonselective CRF-R antagonist, or CP-154,526, a selective CRF(1)R antagonist, was administered before the stressor and/or before the 24-h measurement. MS rats developed acute and delayed stress-induced visceral hyperalgesia. In contrast, H rats showed hypoalgesia immediately after WA and no change in VMR on day 2. MS rats with visceral hyperalgesia also exhibited enhanced stress-induced colonic motility and increased anxiety-like behavior. In MS rats, both CRF-R antagonists abolished acute and delayed increases in VMR. Rearing conditions have a significant effect on adult stress responsiveness including immediate and delayed visceral pain responses to an acute stressor. Both acute and delayed stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity in MS rats are mediated by the CRF/CRF(1)R system.  相似文献   

Astrocytes send processes to synapses and blood vessels, communicate with other astrocytes through gap junctions and by release of ATP, and thus are an integral component of the neurovascular unit. Electrical field stimulations in brain slices demonstrate an increase in intracellular calcium in astrocyte cell bodies transmitted to perivascular end-feet, followed by a decrease in vascular smooth muscle calcium oscillations and arteriolar dilation. The increase in astrocyte calcium after neuronal activation is mediated, in part, by activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors. Calcium signaling in vitro can also be influenced by adenosine acting on A2B receptors and by epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) shown to be synthesized in astrocytes. Prostaglandins, EETs, arachidonic acid, and potassium ions are candidate mediators of communication between astrocyte end-feet and vascular smooth muscle. In vivo evidence supports a role for cyclooxygenase-2 metabolites, EETs, adenosine, and neuronally derived nitric oxide in the coupling of increased blood flow to increased neuronal activity. Combined inhibition of the EETs, nitric oxide, and adenosine pathways indicates that signaling is not by parallel, independent pathways. Indirect pharmacological results are consistent with astrocytes acting as intermediaries in neurovascular signaling within the neurovascular unit. For specific stimuli, astrocytes are also capable of transmitting signals to pial arterioles on the brain surface for ensuring adequate inflow pressure to parenchymal feeding arterioles. Therefore, evidence from brain slices and indirect evidence in vivo with pharmacological approaches suggest that astrocytes play a pivotal role in regulating the fundamental physiological response coupling dynamic changes in cerebral blood flow to neuronal synaptic activity. Future work using in vivo imaging and genetic manipulation will be required to provide more direct evidence for a role of astrocytes in neurovascular coupling.  相似文献   

The involvement of brain glycogen in sustaining neuronal activity has previously been demonstrated. However, to what extent energy derived from glycogen is consumed by astrocytes themselves or is transferred to the neurons in the form of lactate for oxidative metabolism to proceed is at present unclear. The significance of glycogen in fueling glutamate uptake into astrocytes was specifically addressed in cultured astrocytes. Moreover, the objective was to elucidate whether glycogen derived energy is important for maintaining glutamatergic neurotransmission, induced by repetitive exposure to NMDA in co-cultures of cerebellar neurons and astrocytes. In the astrocytes it was shown that uptake of the glutamate analogue d -[3H]aspartate was impaired when glycogen degradation was inhibited irrespective of the presence of glucose, signifying that energy derived from glycogen degradation is important for the astrocytic compartment. By inhibiting glycogen degradation in co-cultures it was evident that glycogen provides energy to sustain glutamatergic neurotransmission, i.e. release and uptake of glutamate. The relocation of glycogen derived lactate to the neuronal compartment was investigated by employing d -lactate, a competitive substrate for the monocarboxylate transporters. Neurotransmitter release was affected by the presence of d -lactate indicating that glycogen derived energy is important not only in the astrocytic but also in the neuronal compartment.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that constitutive functions of microglia in the healthy adult central nervous system (CNS) involve immune surveillance, synapse maintenance and trophic support. These functions have been related to the ramified structure of 'resting' microglia and the prominent motility in their processes that provide extensive coverage of the entire extracellular milleu. In this review, we examine how external signals, and in particular, ionotropic neurotransmission, regulate features of microglial morphology and process motility. Current findings indicate that microglial physiology in the healthy CNS is constitutively and reciprocally regulated by endogenous ionotropic glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission. These influences do not act directly on microglial cells but indirectly via the activity-dependent release of ATP, likely through a mechanism involving pannexin channels. Microglia in the 'resting' state are not only dynamically active, but also constantly engaged in ongoing communication with neuronal and macroglial components of the CNS in a functionally relevant way.  相似文献   

The effect of hypophysectomy (HE) on pain thresholds was studied in female noninbred rats. Hyperalgesia was observed after HE since the first till the sixth day of the observation period. Droperidol (1 mg/kg i.p.) and amitryptyline (5 mg/kg i.p.) produced hyperalgesia in sham-operated rats, which was potentiated in hypophysectomized animals. In rats taken into the experiment 3 days after operation, no increase in the pain threshold was recordable during the 30-minute painful stress, and poststress autoanalgesia did not develop subsequently. The opposing data were obtained in sham-operated animals. On intraperitoneal administration of phentanyl (25 micrograms/kg) after the 30-minute painful stress hypophysectomized rats did not manifest any potentiation of its analgesic effect in contradistinction to sham-operated animals. Simultaneous administration of phentanyl at the same dose and melipramine (5 mg/kg i.p.) produced considerable potentiation of analgesia if administered after stress. In hypophysectomized rats, that effect was somewhat reduced.  相似文献   

Effect of restraint stress (RS) and its modulation by antioxidants were evaluated on elevated plus maze (EPM) and open field (OF) tests in rats. Restraint stress (RS for 1 hr) reduced the number of open arm entries, as also the time spent on open arms indicating enhanced anxiogenic response in the EPM test as compared to normal non RS group of rats. Pretreatment with ascorbic acid (100 and 200 mg/kg) and alpha-tocopherol (30 and 60 mg/kg) attenuated these RS-induced effects. In the OF test, RS-reduced (a) ambulations; and (b) rearings, whereas an increase was seen in (a) latency of entry and (b) number of fecal boluses. The RS-induced changes in OF parameters were reversed after pretreatment with the antioxidants, (ascorbic acid and alpha tocopherol). Biochemical data showed that RS enhanced MDA levels in both serum and brain, and these were attenuated after pretreatment with the antioxidants. The pharmacological and biochemical results indicate that free radicals might be involved in such stress-induced neurobehavioural effects.  相似文献   

Colorectal distension (CRD) is a well-characterized model of visceral nociception, which we adapted to the mouse. CRD reproducibly evoked contractions of the abdominal musculature [visceromotor response (VMR)], which was graded to stimulus intensity. The magnitude of VMR was greater in male C57BL6 and female 129S6 mice than in male 129S6 and B6.129 mice. In 129S6, C57BL6, and B6.129 mice strains, VMR was reduced dose dependently by morphine (1-10 mg/kg) and by the kappa-opioid agonist U-69593 (0.2-2 mg/kg), although U-69593 was significantly less potent in C57BL6 mice. In additional experiments, the VMR was recorded from adult male 129S6 mice before and after intracolonic administration of various irritants. Only 30% ethanol significantly enhanced responses to CRD. The colon hyperalgesia persisted for 14 days and was associated with a significant shift of the morphine dose-response function to the left. We believe this will be a useful model for study of visceral nociception and hyperalgesia, including studies of transgenic mice with mutations relevant to pain.  相似文献   

Adult Wistar male rats underwent immobilization stress (IS) during forty minutes. PRL secretion presented a remarkable increase after 5 minutes, and it was higher than pre-stress values during the entire duration of the experiment. The blockade of beta-1 adrenoceptors by icv injections of practolol did not modify IS-induced PRL release. IPS 339, a selective antagonist of beta-2 adrenoceptors, also injected icv, reduced PRL secretion during stress in a dose dependent fashion. The blockade of PRL secretion due to IPS 339 was reverted by a previous icv administration of salbutamol, a classical beta-2 agonist. The data presented here suggest that central beta-2 adrenoceptors activation is an important step in the control of stress-induced PRL secretion.  相似文献   

目的:研究侧脑室注射甘珀酸后对福尔马林灌胃致内脏疼痛大鼠的延髓迷走孤束复合体内星形胶质细胞和神经元反应的影响.方法:经侧脑室注射缝隙连接阻断剂甘珀酸(carbenoxolone,CBX)后向大鼠胃内灌入2.5%福尔马林2ml诱发内脏疼痛,用免疫组织化学方法观察延髓迷走孤束复合体(VSC)内抗Fos蛋白(标记神经元)和抗胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(标记星形胶质细胞)的单一或双重标记的免疫荧光染色.结果:福尔马林灌胃后大鼠出现烦躁易激惹,呼吸变快,持续1h;而预先侧脑室注射CBX则动物疼痛行为学反应明显减轻.免疫组织化学染色发现福尔马林灌胃后大鼠VSC中的Fos免疫反应数目增强;大鼠预先侧脑室注射CBX后VSC中的Fos免疫反应数目明显减弱.结论:延髓VSC中的星形胶质细胞和神经元参与福尔马林灌胃致内脏痛的调节,星形胶质细胞可能通过缝隙连接影响神经元对内脏痛的调节功能.  相似文献   

Chronic stress plays an important role in the development and exacerbation of symptoms in functional gastrointestinal disorders. To better understand the mechanisms underlying this relationship, we aimed to characterize changes in visceral and somatic nociception, colonic motility, anxiety-related behavior, and mucosal immune activation in rats exposed to 10 days of chronic psychological stress. Male Wistar rats were submitted daily to either 1-h water avoidance (WA) stress or sham WA for 10 consecutive days. The visceromotor response to colorectal distension, thermal somatic nociception, and behavioral responses to an open field test were measured at baseline and after chronic WA. Fecal pellets were counted after each WA stress or sham WA session as a measure of stress-induced colonic motility. Colonic samples were collected from both groups and evaluated for structural changes and neutrophil infiltration, mast cell number by immunohistochemistry, and cytokine expression by quantitative RT-PCR. Rats exposed to chronic WA (but not sham stress) developed persistent visceral hyperalgesia, whereas only transient changes in somatic nociception were observed. Chronically stressed rats also exhibited anxiety-like behaviors, enhanced fecal pellet excretion, and small but significant increases in the mast cell numbers and the expression of IL-1beta and IFN-gamma. Visceral hyperalgesia following chronic stress persisted for at least a month. Chronic psychological stress in rats results in a robust and long-lasting alteration of visceral, but not somatic nociception. Visceral hyperalgesia is associated with other behavioral manifestations of stress sensitization but was only associated with minor colonic immune activation arguing against a primary role of mucosal immune activation in the maintenance of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Visceral hypersensitivity has been implicated as an important pathophysiological mechanism in functional gastrointestinal disorders. In this study, we investigated whether the sustained visceral hyperalgesia induced by repeated psychological stress in rats involves the activation of CRF(1) signaling system using two different antagonists. Male Wistar rats were exposed to 10 consecutive days of water avoidance stress (WAS) or sham stress for 1 h/day, and the visceromotor response to phasic colorectal distension (CRD) was assessed before and after the stress period. Animals were injected subcutaneously with the brain penetrant CRF(1) antagonist, CP-154,526, acutely (30 min before the final CRD) or chronically (via osmotic minipump implanted subcutaneously, during stress) or with the peripherally restricted, nonselective CRF(1) and CRF(2) antagonist, astressin, chronically (15 min before each stress session). Repeated WAS induced visceral hypersensitivity to CRD at 40 and 60 mmHg. CP-154,526 injected acutely significantly reduced stress-induced visceral hyperalgesia at 40 mmHg but not at 60 mmHg. Chronic subcutaneous delivery of astressin reduced the stress-induced visceral hyperalgesia to baseline at all distension pressures. Interestingly, chronically administered CP-154,526 eliminated hyperalgesia and produced responses below baseline at 40 mmHg and 60 mmHg, indicating a hypoalgesic effect of the compound. These data support a major role for CRF(1) in both the development and maintenance of visceral hyperalgesia induced by repeated stress and indicate a possible role of peripheral CRF receptors in such mechanisms.  相似文献   

The aim here was to examine the possible roles of adenylyl cyclase- and protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent processes in ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR)-mediated neurotransmission using superfused mouse striatal slices and a non-metabolized L-glutamate analogue, D-[3H]aspartate. The direct and indirect presynaptic modulation of glutamate release and its susceptibility to changes in the intracellular levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP), Ca(2+) and calmodulin (CaM) and in protein phosphorylation was characterized by pharmacological manipulations. The agonists of iGluRs, 2-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) and kainate, stimulated the basal release of D-[3H]aspartate, while N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) was without effect. Both the AMPA- and kainate-mediated responses were accentuated by the beta-adrenoceptor agonist isoproterenol. These facilitatory effects were mimicked by the permeable cAMP analogue dibutyryl-cAMP. The beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol, the adenylyl cyclase inhibitor MDL12,330A, the inhibitor of PKA and PKC, H-7, and the PKA inhibitor H-89 abolished the isoproterenol effect on the kainate-evoked release. The dibutyryl-cAMP-induced potentiation was also attenuated by H-7. Isoproterenol, propranolol and MDL12,330A failed to affect the basal release of D-[3H]aspartate, but dibutyryl-cAMP was inhibitory and MDL12,330A activatory. In Ca(2+)-free medium, the kainate-evoked release was enhanced, being further accentuated by the CaM antagonists calmidazolium and trifluoperazine, though these inhibited the basal release. The potentiating effect of calmidazolium on the kainate-stimulated release was counteracted by both MDL12,330A and H-7.We conclude that AMPA- and kainate-evoked glutamate release from striatal glutamatergic terminals is potentiated by beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated adenylyl cyclase activation and cAMP accumulation. Glutamate release is enhanced if the Ca(2+)- and CaM-dependent, kainate-evoked processes do not prevent the excessive accumulation of intracellular cAMP.  相似文献   

Renal and splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (SND) responses to increased (38-41 degrees C) internal temperature were determined in anesthetized young (3-6 mo old), mature (12 mo old), and senescent (24 mo old) Fischer 344 (F344) rats. We hypothesized that SND responses would be altered in senescent and mature rats as demonstrated by attenuated sympathoexcitatory responses to heating and by the absence of hyperthermia-induced SND pattern changes. The following observations were made. 1) Renal and splanchnic SND responses were significantly increased during heating in young and mature but not in senescent rats. 2) At 41 degrees C, renal and splanchnic SND responses were higher in young compared with senescent rats, and renal SND was higher in mature than in senescent rats. 3) Heating changed the SND bursting pattern in young, but not in mature or senescent, rats. 4) SND responses to heating did not differ between baroreceptor-innervated (BRI) and sinoaortic-denervated (SAD) senescent rats but were higher in SAD compared with BRI young rats. These results demonstrate an attenuated responsiveness of sympathetic neural circuits to heating in senescent F344 rats.  相似文献   

Singh VP  Patil CS  Kulkarni SK 《Life sciences》2006,78(11):1168-1174
Drug combinations have the potential advantage of greater analgesia over monotherapy. The present study was aimed to assess any possible interaction (additive or potentiation) in the antinociceptive effects of etoricoxib; a novel cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, and tramadol; a typical opioid agonist when administered in combination against mechanical hyperalgesia induced by spinal cord injury in rats. The nature of interaction was analyzed using surface of synergistic interaction (SSI) analysis and an isobolographic analysis. Etoricoxib or tramadol when administered alone to rats, exhibited different antihyperalgesic potencies (ED50 etoricoxib: 0.58+/-0.19 mg/kg, po; ED50 tramadol: 9.85+/-0.57 mg/kg, po). However, both the drugs were found to be long acting against this model of hyperalgesia. Further, etoricoxib and tramadol were co-administered in fixed ratios of ED50 fractions. One combination (0.29/4.79 mg/kg, po: etoricoxib/tramadol) exhibited additivity and other three combinations (0.15/2.39, 0.08/1.19, and 0.04/0.59 mg/kg, po: etoricoxib/tramadol) resulted in potentiation when analyzed by SSI. The SSI was calculated from the total antihyperalgesic effect produced by the combination after the subtraction of the antihyperalgesic effect produced by each of the individual drug. In the isobolographic analysis, the experimental ED50 was found to be far below the line of additivity also indicating a significant (P < 0.05) synergistic antihyperalgesic effect when etoricoxib and tramadol was co-administered to rats. The synergistic antihyperalgesic effect of etoricoxib and tramadol combination suggests that these combinations may have clinical utility in mechanical hyperalgesia associated with spinal injury.  相似文献   

To improve understanding of sensory processes related to visceral inflammation, the effect of turpentine-induced inflammation on reflex (cardiovascular/visceromotor) and extracellularly recorded lumbosacral dorsal horn neuron responses to colorectal distension (CRD) was investigated. A 25% solution of turpentine, applied to the colorectal mucosa, produced inflammation, decreased compliance of the colonic wall, and enhanced reflex responses in unanesthetized rats within 2-6 h. At 24 h posttreatment, pressor responses to CRD (80 mmHg, 20 s) were 20% greater, and intraluminal pressures needed to evoke visceromotor reflexes were 30% lower than controls. Parallel electrophysiological experiments in spinal cord-transected, decerebrate rats demonstrated that two neuronal subgroups excited by CRD were differentially affected by turpentine administered 24 h before testing. During CRD, abrupt neurons were 70% less active and sustained neurons were 25% more active than similar neurons in controls. In summary, reflex and neuronal subgroup (sustained neurons) responses to CRD were both potentiated by chemical inflammation. This suggests that the neurophysiological basis for inflammation-induced increases in reflex responses to CRD is increased activity of this neuronal subgroup.  相似文献   

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