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Abstract. The importance of abiotic environmental factors in determining species distributions in a saxicolous lichen community at Jonas Rockslide, Jasper National Park, Alberta is assessed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. This technique allows ordination of species on axes determined by measured environmental variables. The suitability of this technique for handling data which may not be normally distributed is confirmed by comparison with the results obtained using a non-parametric correlation coefficient. The variables found to be most highly correlated with species distributions are altitude on the rockslide and inclination from horizontal of the rockface (slope). These variables are thought to determine temperature and water availability at the rock surface. Using the first two ordination axes, species can be divided into groups, based on shared responses to the measured environmental variables.  相似文献   

Lichens are fungal and algal/cyanobacterial symbioses resulting in the production of specific metabolites. Some of these are forming an available biomass for phytochemical investigations, including the assessment of biological activities of the isolated compounds. The alpine or polar region are characterised by highly stressful environmental conditions for many organisms, but lichens are among the dominating organisms in these habitats. In the performant mutual protective system, lichen fungi often accumulate high amounts of metabolites with specific physicochemical properties (UV absorbents, hydrophobicity) which help the lichens to survive. Unique secondary metabolites and polysaccharides have been isolated and tested from these organisms. Even though this has been tested until now only with a low number of compounds so far, interesting activities have been recorded. We review here some of the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antioxidant activities properties described. Solutions with axenic biotechnological cultivation of each symbiotic partner and particularly the mycobiont to obtain the lichen secondary metabolites are challenging to overcome the limitations for the supply of these rare compounds. Additionally, these lichens appear to harbour a diversity of culturable microorganisms from which active compounds have also been isolated recently.  相似文献   

To assess competition for trophic resources within a guild of ungulates, we studied the food niches of sympatric ungulates in an alpine area of the Italian Western Alps and evaluated the extent of their dietary overlap, especially with regard to the presence of the introduced mouflon Ovis musimon . The roe deer Capreolus capreolus had the most diverse diet including dicotyledons, young sprouts of trees and an unusually high percentage of graminoids. The red deer Cervus elaphus and chamois Rupicapra rupricapra mainly consumed graminoids, supplemented with dicotyledonous herbs and woody plants. The mouflon was a grass feeder, with graminoids representing the majority of items ingested in all seasons. Among the native species, we recorded a high overlap of feeding choices between red deer and chamois, which frequently used the same areas and are both intermediate feeders. The mouflon showed considerable dietary overlap with the chamois and red deer in all seasons, while the similarity with roe deer was low. High food–niche overlap can imply competition but only if resources are limited and the species use the same habitats.  相似文献   

地衣作为真菌和绿藻/蓝绿藻的成功共生体,广泛分布在陆地生态中的各种栖息地。岩面生地衣作为陆地生态系统的主要组成部分,在干旱和半干旱地区陆地食物链中具有重要地位,同时对岩石的生物腐蚀和土壤的形成有重要作用。岩面生地衣的多样性和分布格局强烈地受到海拔、湿度、温度、降水量、太阳辐射强度和基物的特征(岩石类型、岩石大小、岩石的化学成分和营养成分)等多种因素的影响。为了研究乌鲁木齐县石人沟山区岩面生地衣群落与基物间的关系,该研究在乌鲁木齐县石人沟山区设立16个样地,计测样地中岩面生地衣的盖度,包括坡度、坡向、光照强度等7个环境因子,采用典范对应分析法(CCA)对各群落的物种分布格局与环境因子的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:石人沟山区的岩面生地衣共有27种,隶属于7目9科15属。其中,黄枝衣目、茶渍目和鸡皮衣目的种类较多,占该地区岩面生地衣总数的74.07%。CCA排序结果显示坡度、坡向、光照强度、湿度、岩石pH值是5个影响岩面生地衣种类分布格局的主要环境因子,并显示了岩面生地衣与样地间的对应性。  相似文献   

Populations of the annual hemiparasites Melampyrum pratense L. and Melampyrum sylvaticum L. were studied at the treeline in the Swiss Alps after 3 years of in situ CO2 enrichment. The total density of Melampyrum doubled to an average of 44 individuals per square meter at elevated CO2 compared to ambient CO2. In response to elevated CO2, the height of the more abundant and more evenly distributed M. pratense increased by 20%, the number of seeds per fruit by 21%, and the total seed dry mass per fruit by 27%, but the individual seed size did not change. These results suggest that rising atmospheric CO2 may stimulate the reproductive output and increase the abundance of Melampyrum in the alpine treeline ecotone. Because hemiparasites can have important effects on community dynamics and ecosystem processes, notably the N cycle, changing Melampyrum abundance may potentially influence the functioning of alpine ecosystems in a future CO2-rich atmosphere.  相似文献   

C. C. Coxwell  C. E. Bock 《Oecologia》1995,104(4):433-439
We studied the influence of spatial differences in diurnal surface temperatures due to topography on an alpine grasshopper (Aeropedellus clavatus). Temperature measurements on east-and west-facing alpine dry meadow slopes on Niwot Ridge in Colorado demonstrated a significant difference in diurnal surface temperatures between the two slopes throughout the growing season. A. clavatus body temperature was found to be highly correlated with nearby shaded surface temperature, and individual grasshoppers enclosed on the two slopes had significantly higher relative growth rates on the warmer east slope. Temperature effects were manifest at the population level as well. A. clavatus was significantly more abundant on the east-facing than on the west-facing slope, despite similar vegetation in both areas. This study contributes to our understanding of the myriad of factors governing insect distribution and abundance by attempting to integrate the physiological and ecological, abiotic and biotic, influences on both individuals and populations.  相似文献   

Peter Alpert 《Plant Ecology》1986,64(2-3):131-139
Microtopography was quantified and related to plant microdistribution in an assemblage of bryophytes on granitic rocks in the inland chaparral of San Diego County, California, U.S.A. The dominant species, Grimmia laevigata, grew mostly on north-, east-, and west-facing surfaces with slope less than 60°. Other bryophytes tended to grow on steep, concave, north- and west-facing surfaces. Occurrence of these latter species was strongly associated with shade, as estimated from microtopography. The relationship of microdistribution to microclimate and ultimately to plant physiology can probably be successfully defined in systems such as this.Nomenclature follows Crum et al. (1973) for bryophytes and Munz (1974) for vascular plants.I thank W. C. Oechel for arranging access to the San Diego State University research area at Echo Valley and to facilities maintained there by the Systems Ecology Research Group; D. Alpert, C. Harkins, C. M. M. Hermida, J. Jacobson, and C. Scheidlinger for assistance with portions of the field work; M. P. Harthill and B. D. Mishler for help with identification of mosses; H. A. Mooney for comments on an earlier draft; and R. E. Cook and N. G. Miller for advice and support in many forms. This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DEB-7906428 and by a grant from the William and Alice Hinckley Scholarship Fund.  相似文献   

采用样地法对新疆托木尔峰国家级自然保护区岩面生地衣群落的种类组成进行调查和统计,并以各种类的盖度为指标、应用双向指示种分析( TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析( DCA)对岩面生地衣群落进行数量分类;采用S?rensen相似性系数分析各群丛的物种相似性;此外,应用典范对应分析( CCA)探讨了岩面生地衣种类分布与环境因子间的关系。结果表明:该保护区岩面生地衣群落共包含58种地衣,隶属于6目18科35属;优势科有5个,包含的属、种数量分别占该保护区岩面生地衣属、种总数的42.86%和62.07%。依据TWINSPAN和DCA分析结果并结合生境特征,可将该保护区岩面生地衣群落划分为5个群丛:群丛 A,包氏微孢衣+双缘衣群丛( Assoc. Acarospora bohlinii+Diploschistes scruposus);群丛 B,油黄茶渍+亚白平茶渍+柔扁枝衣群丛( Assoc. Candelariella oleifera+Aspicilia subalbicans+Evernia divaricata);群丛C ,斑纹网衣+旱梅衣+淡肤根石耳群丛( Assoc. Lecidea tessellata+Parmelia vegans+Umbilicaria verginis);群丛D,丽石黄衣+白泡鳞衣群丛( Assoc. Xanthoria elegans+Toninia candida);群丛E,皮果衣+硬袋衣群丛( Assoc. Dermatocarpon miniatum+Hypogymnia austerodes)。相似性分析结果表明:群丛A与群丛B、群丛C与群丛D间的物种相似性较高,相似性系数分别为0.615和0.733;群丛B与群丛C间的物种相似性次之,相似性系数为0.363;其他群丛间的物种相似性均较低。 CCA分析结果显示:该保护区岩面生地衣群落的物种分布受到海拔、光照强度、岩面pH值和相对湿度的影响。  相似文献   

Distinct patterns of species distribution upon individual rockfaces are found n a saxicolous lichen community growing on a rockslide in the Canadian Rockies. A grid system was used for sampling individual rockfaces and the likelihood of finding a species on particular parts of the rockface was analysed. Use of chemicals in the field and collection of apothecia allowed specific identification of individual lichen thalli. Lichens were divisible into three groups: those which are distributed apparently at random over the rockfaces, those which are more likely to occur on upper, outer and southerly portions of the rockfaces and those which are found more often on lower, inner and northerly portions of the rockfaces. The upper rockface surfaces are often snow-free in winter while the lower rockface group experiences deeper and more persistent snow cover. Simple microclimatic measurements suggest that temperature also differs across the surface of a rockface.
It is hypothesised that lichen distributions are at least in part explained by ecophysiological adaptations to their particular microhabitat, while it is recognised that competition may also play a role in community organisation.  相似文献   

In the long-term hemicastrate rat, the total number of ova shed during estrus is the same as in the intact rat. To determine if the dynamics of follicular development are the same in the hemicastrate rat as in the intact control rat, the remaining ovary was removed from rats 20 to 30 days after hemiovariectomy. Complete serial sections of each ovary were prepared for histological examination. All follicles greater than or equal to 300 micrometers were counted, measured, and examined for signs of atresia. Long-term hemicastrate rats had a total complement of half as many healthy antral follicles compared to intact rats at estrus. At metestrus, there were half as many small and medium antral follicles in long-term hemicastrates as in controls. However, the total number of large antral follicles was the same in hemicastrate and intact rats. Thus, by metestrus, the appropriate number of follicles for ovulation appears to have been achieved in both animals, with all these large antral follicles located in the one remaining ovary of the hemicastrate rat, while they are distributed between both ovaries of the intact rat. Ovaries of the long-term hemicastrate rats contained far fewer attretic follicles than ovaries of intact rats. These findings suggest that the process of follicular recruitment differs greatly between intact and long-term hemicastrate rats. Atresia of small and medium antral follicles (300-400 micrometers in diameter) is apparently a necessary step in achieving the correct number of ovulatory follicles in the intact rat, yet the hemicastrate rat arrives at the correct number of ovulatory follicles without atresia.  相似文献   

Shark tourism has become increasingly popular, but remains controversial because of major concerns originating from the need of tour operators to use bait or chum to reliably attract sharks. We used direct underwater sampling to document changes in bull shark Carcharhinus leucas relative abundance at the Shark Reef Marine Reserve, a shark feeding site in Fiji, and the reproductive cycle of the species in Fijian waters. Between 2003 and 2009, the total number of C. leucas counted on each day ranged from 0 to 40. Whereas the number of C. leucas counted at the feeding site increased over the years, shark numbers decreased over the course of a calendar year with fewest animals counted in November. Externally visible reproductive status information indicates that the species' seasonal departure from the feeding site may be related to reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Markus Hauck 《Flora》2011,206(2):81-90
Epiphytic lichens are an important part of the vegetation of northern coniferous forests of Eurasia and North America. Much progress has been made during recent decades at disentangling relevant site factors, which control the diversity and distribution of epiphytic lichens in boreal and oroboreal forests. The present paper aims at summarizing the present state of knowledge. Relevant site factors include the microclimate, nutrient supply, structural diversity and, if applicable, air pollution. The continuity of site conditions decides over the presence of species with dispersal limitations. The effects of fire on epiphytic lichens are largely unstudied, although fire is an important ecological factor in boreal forests.  相似文献   

Reader  R. J. 《Plant Ecology》1998,134(1):43-51
This study tested whether differences in species abundance at an infertile site could be explained by differences in the species' plant traits. Nine traits were chosen for the analysis based on results of previous studies conducted across soil fertility gradients. The traits were measured for each of seven herbaceous species whose abundance ranged from 5% to 100% of locations occupied in a ridgetop habitat. Using linear regression, significant relationships were found between species relative abundance and each of five traits. In these relationships, a trait explained between 69% and 88% of interspecific variation in abundance. Relatively abundant species had a slower growth rate, smaller shoot mass, higher root to shoot ratio, slower loss of leaf tissue to herbivores and higher infection of roots by mycorrhizal fungi than less abundant species. Using three of these five traits (i.e. shoot mass, mycorrhizal infection and loss of leaf tissue to herbivores) as independent variables in a multiple regression equation explained 99% of interspecific variation in abundance. The latter result indicates that species relative abundance can be explained for a single habitat by choosing traits found to be related to species abundance in previous gradient studies. However, not every trait chosen was significantly related to species abundance. Therefore, a large number of traits may have to be chosen initially to ensure that some subset of these traits can explain species relative abundance.  相似文献   

Niu K  Schmid B  Choler P  Du G 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35448


Understanding the relationship between species traits and species abundance is an important goal in ecology and biodiversity science. Although theoretical studies predict that traits related to performance (e.g. reproductive allocation) are most directly linked to species abundance within a community, empirical investigations have rarely been done. It also remains unclear how environmental factors such as grazing or fertilizer application affect the predicted relationship.


We conducted a 3-year field experiment in a Tibetan alpine meadow to assess the relationship between plant reproductive allocation (RA) and species relative abundance (SRA) on control, grazed and fertilized plots. Overall, the studied plant community contained 32 common species.

Principal Findings

At the treatment level, (i) RA was negatively correlated with SRA on control plots and during the first year on fertilized plots. (ii) No negative RA–SRA correlations were observed on grazed plots and during the second and third year on fertilized plots. (iii) Seed size was positively correlated with SRA on control plots. At the plot level, the correlation between SRA and RA were not affected by treatment, year or species composition.


Our study shows that the performance-related trait RA can negatively affect SRA within communities, which is possibly due to the tradeoffs between clonal growth (for space occupancy) and sexual reproduction. We propose that if different species occupy different positions along these tradeoffs it will contribute to biodiversity maintenance in local communities or even at lager scale.  相似文献   

Species relative abundance and direction of introgression in oaks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Successful hybridisation and subsequent introgression lead to the transfer of genetic material across species boundaries. In this process, species relative abundance can play a significant role. If one species is less abundant than the other, its females will receive many heterospecific gametes, increasing mate-recognition errors and thus hybridisation rate. Moreover, first-generation hybrids will also more likely mate with the more abundant species, leading to asymmetric introgression. These predictions have important fundamental consequences, especially during biological invasions or when a rare species threatened by extinction is surrounded by individuals from a related species. However, experimental tests in nature of the importance of the relative abundance of each species on hybridisation dynamics remain scarce. We assess here the impact of species relative abundance on hybridisation dynamics among four species from the European white oak species complex. A total of 2107 oak trees were genotyped at 10 microsatellite markers and Bayesian clustering methods were used to identify reference trees of each species. We then used these reference trees to simulate purebred and hybrid genotypes to determine optimal threshold for genetic assignment. With this approach, we found widespread evidence of hybridisation between all studied oak species, with high occurrence of hybrids, varying from 11% to 31% according to stand and sampling strategies. This finding suggests that hybridisation is a common phenomenon that plays a significant role in evolution of this oak species complex. In addition, we demonstrate a strong impact of species abundance on both hybridisation rate and introgression directionality.  相似文献   

We hypothesized congruence in the spatial structure of abundance data sampled across multiple scales for an ecological guild of consumers that exploit similar nutritional and habitat resources. We tested this hypothesis on the spatial organization of abundance of an herbivorous guild of sea urchins. We also examined whether the amount of local along‐shore rocky habitat can explain the observed spatial patterns of abundance. Standardized estimates of abundance of four intertidal sea urchins—Diadema cf. savignyi, Echinometra mathaei, Parechinus angulosus, and Stomopneustes variolaris—were determined by six observers at 105 sites across 2,850 km of coast of South Africa. For each species and observer, wavelet analysis was used on abundance estimates, after controlling for potential biases, to examine their spatial structure. The relationship between local sea urchin abundance and the amount of upstream and downstream rocky habitat, as defined by the prevailing ocean current, was also investigated. All species exhibited robust structure at scales of 75–220 km, despite variability among observers. Less robust structure in the abundances of three species was detected at larger scales of 430–898 km. Abundance estimates of sympatric populations of two species (D. cf. savignyi and E. mathaei) were positively correlated with the amount of rocky habitat upstream of the site, suggesting that upstream populations act as larval sources across a wide range of scales. No relationship between abundance and habitat size was found for P. angulosus or S. variolaris. Within the range of scales examined, we found robust congruence in spatial structure in abundance at the lower, but not the larger, range of scales for all four species. The relationship between abundance and upstream habitat availability in two species suggests that larval supply from upstream populations was probably the mechanism linking habitat size and abundance.  相似文献   

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