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Biometeorology in Austria has been shaped by concepts, personalities, and technology. In early times, the branches of biometeorology that are usual today were already evident: agricultural and forest meteorology, phenology, medical biometeorology and balneology, aerial biometeorology, urban housing and stabling meteorology all started to emerge several centuries ago. From the 1920 up to 1936, Wilhelm Schmidt at the Agricultural University of Austria laid the foundations of modern biometeorology. He was followed by Franz Sauberer, who headed a Department of Biometeorology at the National Weather Service and devoted his active life totally to biometeorology. Several years after his untimely death, the Department was dissolved. Not until 1981 was biometeorology taken up again at the Agricultural University, where the tradition of Schmidt and Sauberer now lives on in several courses within the area of applied biometeorology: Micro-and Topoclimatology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and Atmospheric Radiation. Biometeorology, being an experimental science, has also been influenced by new technological developments. The early period was exclusively observational. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries mechanical and simple electric instruments were used with strip-chart recorders. These time consuming methods have now been replaced by electronic devices, including data loggers and portable computers along with many new electronic sensors, which provide additional insight into biometeorological problems. Since computers also make it possible to solve some of the complicated equations of biometeorology, the future of this science seems to be bright, not only in Austria but throughout the world.  相似文献   

Human biology seeks to understand human variation and the biological, environmental, social, and historical influences on that variation. Views of the nature of both variation and environment have changed during the past 100 years. Typological approaches to nature and human diversity shifted to an evolutionary perspective during the first half of the 20th century. In the second half, widespread human biological variation was documented and interpreted in terms of adaptation to the environment. Environmental physiology and reproductive ecology continue to document environmental influences on human biological functioning, but with (1) an expanded concept of environment that acknowledges more fully the interactions among its physical, biotic, and social aspects and (2) an expanded theoretical basis, drawing on evolutionary ecology and life history theory, acknowledging tradeoffs and changing constraints and opportunities over the lifetime. Human biology gains from greater interaction with other fields, such as political ecology, but also contributes to them. [Keywords: biological anthropology, human ecology, adaptation, environmental physiology, reproductive ecology]  相似文献   

范育鹏  方创琳 《生态学报》2023,43(8):3020-3031
城市体现了集约化的发展方式,以仅占陆地3%的面积承载了世界一多半的人口,因此城市是人类社会可持续发展的主阵地,城市可持续发展是区域可持续发展的重要实践。研究试图从可持续发展的基本内涵着手,聚焦于城市尺度的研究,梳理了相关理论和概念演变历程,着重对新型定量方法——评价指标体系法、复杂系统建模、资源环境可持续性探索等进行综述。研究发现指标体系法常用于传统的城市可持续发展评估,大多是针对表象的分析,隔离了系统内部的组织关联,对系统机理探索不够。资源环境对人类社会的发展起到基础支撑作用,从资源环境可持续性出发研究可持续发展诞生了一些较为创新的方法,但研究集中在描述人类对自然的压力和影响,而对于自然对人类的反馈以及人对自然的积极改造探索不足,也很难直接表达系统整体的可持续性。弹性思维和复杂系统科学近年来被多次用于解释城市运行的灰箱模型,但研究稍浅。研究提出可将弹性思维和复杂系统科学结合起来,借助数据科学和计算科学的新兴方法,分析城市的可持续发展,深入探索可持续性的科学表达和深层机理,为解决复杂的城市问题提供科学指导,为城市可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

After a brief mention of the distinct features of human biometeorology as compared with the other fields of biometeorology methods of approach are reviewed. The main aim of research is to establish a ranking order for the impact of the factors of the atmospheric environment within general biometeorology and within ecology as a whole. Both deductive and inductive methods reveal that all ranking is relative and dependent on the particular purpose served and the special limitations introduced through control of the ecosystem. The application of meteorology in the medical sciences requires a basic understanding of human biometeorology. It can only be fruitful if the various specialists define their purpose clearly so that meteorologists can arrange their recording scheme and data evaluation accordingly.  相似文献   

Human ecology is the science on interaction of the man with the environment including the social surrounding. In the human ecological morphology biogenic and sociogenic peculiarities are distinguished; they are formed in the phylo- or ontogenesis. Peculiarities of the body integument, proportions, development of the fat component of the body mass etc. are related with the biogenic signs of the phylogenic origin, since they are connected with life in certain climato-natural conditions. These signs have certain analogues among Mammalia. The sociogenic signs of the phylogenic origin include complexes of bepedality, labour and informative-speech activity. They are characteristic for the human being only. The sociogenic peculiarities of the ontogenic origin include certain changes of the organism connected with professional and sporting activities. According to the human organism state, observed in dynamics, it is possible to judge on biogenic and sociogenic consequences of the environmental influences. For this purpose the data of anthropometric observations in newborn are considered to be important. The role of the biogenic changes is followed in the example of shifts of the body dimensions in time, connected with the solar activity cycles; the sociogenic changes are considered in an example of growth processes under conditions of different gas-pollution of the atmosphere with industrial waste.  相似文献   

Contributions and promise of human behavioral genetics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human behavioral genetics has contributed greatly to our understanding of human behavioral development. Twin, family, and adoption studies have shown that genetic effects are ubiquitous and that both genes and environments contribute to individual differences in behavior. The unique ability of behavioral genetic methods to separate genetic from environmental effects has also led to important discoveries about how the environment works in development and to the elucidation of the complex ways environments and genes interact across the life span. Although quantitative methods have been the mainstay of the field of human behavioral genetics since Galton's time, the Human Genome Project and advances in molecular genetics are providing new tools and promise as we enter the 21st century. Thus the future of human behavioral genetics lies in the cross-disciplinary exchanges and collaborations that will increasingly occur in the years to come among quantitative and molecular scientists who work with both animal and human systems. This research may someday culminate in an understanding of the biological basis of behavior that spans from how the brain develops and functions to a grasp of how genes influence thought at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Carrots, celery, caraway and cumin and their relatives in the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) have a long history of human use dating from our earliest written records. A large body of folklore has accumulated on their magical and mythical curative properties. Many of the early uses have persisted as part of 20th century folklore, sometimes supplementary to modern medicine. Studies largely during the last half of this century have provided the chemical bases for some of the ancient cures.  相似文献   

Over the past two centuries, myology (i.e. the basic and clinical science of muscle and muscle disease) has passed through 3 stages of development: the classical period, the modern stage and the molecular era. The classical period spans the last part of nineteenth century and the earlier part of the twentieth century. During this time, several major muscle diseases were clinically and pathologically characterized, including Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), myotonic dystrophy (DM) and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD). The modern stage in the second half of the twentieth century is characterized by the adaptation of histo and cytochemical techniques to the study of muscle biopsies. These tools improved the diagnostic accuracy and made possible the identification of new changes and structures (Engel and Cunningham, 1963; Scarlato, 1975).  相似文献   

Often we encounter a misunderstanding based on the assertion that the criterion of air quality is excluded from studies into meteorology and climatology. In contrast to this, it must be stressed that the admixtures and pollutants pertaining to air quality criteria belong to the atmosphere and therefore, of course, to the field of meteorology, and due to their possible effects also to human biometeorology. A normal weather forecast should include data concerning the concentrations of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and other substances. Biometeorological weather classifications should also include mention of air quality rather more than previously. For instance, the classification after Bucher used in Germany is referred to and supplemented with respect to air quality. Analogous relationships hold true for the global classification of climates. As an example, the well-known classification after Koeppen is supplemented according to air quality.  相似文献   

The physiology throughout centuries was considered as the basic fundamental science in medicine. Rapid development of molecular biology, genetics and of some other natural sciences in 2nd half XX demanded century not only the answer to a question on the sciences defining the base of development of medicine, but also key problems of its progress. The biomedicine is formed, its methods are discussed, is frequent in system of natural sciences, parities with physiology. The special attention is given unconditional necessity of finding-out of molecular mechanisms of functions, targets of action of physiologically active substances and obligatory correlation of data of modeling with the same processes in conditions in vivo in whole body. The role of various sciences in the decision of fundamental problems of medicine, a place and role of physiology in modern medicine is shown.  相似文献   

Diffusion theory explains in physical terms how materials move through a medium, e.g. water or a biological fluid. There are strong and widely acknowledged grounds for doubting the applicability of this theory in biology, although it continues to be accepted almost uncritically and taught as a basis of both biology and medicine. Our principal aim is to explore how this situation arose and has been allowed to continue seemingly unchallenged for more than 150 years. The main shortcomings of diffusion theory will be briefly reviewed to show that the entrenchment of this theory in the corpus of biological knowledge needs to be explained, especially as there are equally valid historical grounds for presuming that bulk fluid movement powered by the energy of cell metabolism plays a prominent note in the transport of molecules in the living body. First, the theory's evolution, notably from its origins in connection with the mechanistic materialist philosophy of mid nineteenth century physiology, is discussed. Following this, the entrenchment of the theory in twentieth century biology is analyzed in relation to three situations: the mechanism of oxygen transport between air and mammalian tissues; the structure and function of cell membranes; and the nature of the intermediary metabolism, with its implicit presumptions about the intracellular organization and the movement of molecules within it. In our final section, we consider several historically based alternatives to diffusion theory, all of which have their precursors in nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy of science. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This article examines eight “gaps” in order to clarify why the quantitative genetics methods of partitioning variation of a trait into heritability and other components has very limited power to show anything clear and useful about genetic and environmental influences, especially for human behaviors and other traits. The first two gaps should be kept open; the others should be bridged or the difficulty of doing so should be acknowledged: 1. Key terms have multiple meanings that are distinct; 2. Statistical patterns are distinct from measurable underlying factors; 3. Translation from statistical analyses to hypotheses about measurable factors is difficult; 4. Predictions based on extrapolations from existing patterns of variation may not match outcomes; 5. The partitioning of variation in human studies does not reliably estimate the intended quantities; 6. Translation from statistical analyses to hypotheses about the measurable factors is even more difficult in light of the possible heterogeneity of underlying genetic or environmental factors; 7. Many steps lie between the analysis of observed traits and interventions based on well-founded claims about the causal influence of genetic or environmental factors; 8. Explanation of variation within groups does not translate to explanation of differences among groups. At the start, I engage readers’ attention with three puzzles that have not been resolved by past debates. The puzzles concern generational increases in IQ test scores, the possibility of underlying heterogeneity, and the translation of methods from selective breeding into human genetics. After discussing the gaps, I present each puzzle in a new light and point to several new puzzles that invite attention from analysts of variation in quantitative genetics and in social science more generally. The article’s critical perspectives on agricultural, laboratory, and human heritability studies are intended to elicit further contributions from readers across the fields of history, philosophy, sociology, and politics of biology and in the sciences.  相似文献   

景观资源美学评价的理论与方法   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
随着自然环境的不断破坏,景观已经不再是取之不尽,用之不竭的资源,人类开始把它放到与其它资源同等重要的战略地位.景观资源评价是其可持续利用和保护的前提.在论述美学、审美及景观内涵的基础上,阐述了审美心理学机制和审美途径,比较了传统与现代景观审美研究的方法,讨论了景观审美的重要理论(如柏拉图主义、康德学说、移情论、格式塔学派、马克思美学理论、Appleton理论),研究了景观评价方法的四大学派两大阵营(专家学派、心理物理学派、认知学派、经验学派、景观环境科学及景园文化),分析了国内外景观评价的成功实践.研究表明,景观评价历史发展以专家学派与感知学派竞争为特色,专家学派在景观管理中居于主导地位,而心理感知学派在研究领域处于支配地位,它们都认为景观质量决定于景观生物物理特性与人的感知判断;未来的景观资源评价仍表现出专家学派和感知学派共同主导、各自探索的特点;景观资源信息化与视觉时空动态模拟将冲击传统景观评价,而现代科技的发展将帮助迎接这些挑战.作者提出了21世纪景观评价的新特征: ①学派兼容并蓄,不断走向融合;②多学科交叉,注重量化评价;③强调环境信息,重视生态价值;④现代科技普遍应用,景观信息动态智能化;⑤景观模拟逼真化,主观感受现场化;⑥关注历史内涵,景观文化地位上升.  相似文献   

Summary I would appear to have given a rather pessimistic picture of the problems in entomological biometeorology as a result of emphasizing the areas of research that are most vitally concerned with a full understanding of the insect's relation to its environment. An important part of continuing scientific study is capacity to define problems for future investigation from past experience. In spite of the fact that many research results in border fields between meteorology and biology have accumulated without any serious organization toward unifying concepts, it is encouraging that we have achieved enough insight to define some of the basic problems. Future research is in a position in many ways to contribute to the organized approach that is required to make biometeorology a science.It should also be observed that the major limiting problem of handling large volumes of data in complicated ecological studies has been solved in principle to a large extent by the digital and the analogue electronic computers. Digital computer programming has already been incorporated in some population studies for insects. Eventual extension of analogue computer methods to behaviour problems may well facilitate an understanding of more complicated systems,especially those basic to the dispersal and migration of insects.  相似文献   

城市地表热环境研究进展   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
姚远  陈曦  钱静 《生态学报》2018,38(3):1134-1147
近50年来,以中国为代表的发展中国家快速城市化过程所引起的生态环境问题直接导致了城市地表热环境的剧烈变化。当前,采用定量化的研究方法开展城市地表热环境研究已成为国内外城市生态环境与气候领域的研究热点之一。因此,厘清城市地表热环境的研究进展对于今后更好地开展城市空间热环境定量评价研究以及进一步促进城市可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。在对城市空间热环境和城市热岛等相关概念、主要研究方法和数据获取方式进行简要叙述的基础上,着重从城市地表热环境的时空特征及其变化、驱动力和驱动机制、城市地表辐射与能量平衡、城市地表热岛与城市大气热岛的关系及其演变规律、城市绿地和水体对城市热岛效应的缓解、城市地表热岛的尺度转换等6个主要方面对当前国内外已开展的城市地表热环境研究进行了归纳总结,并就当前研究过程中存在的问题以及未来的研究重点进行了探讨,以期为今后更好地开展城市地表热环境定量化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Baldi L  Mizzoni V  Guarino A 《Parassitologia》2004,46(1-2):217-220
Canine Leishmaniasis (CanL) is endemic in Campania Region (Italy) and is strictly related to Human Visceral Leishmaniasis. Past and present reports of the prevalence in the Region show that exist places were CanL has been known for a century (Vesuvius and Ischia Foci) and other localities where the disease appears to be recent (Caserta and Salerno provinces); moreover, the zoonosis is seen not only in endemic foci (autochthonous), but also in non-endemic areas (imported cases), for example in the Benevento and Avellino provinces. Two zymodemes have been identified in human and canine population and also in sandflies: MON 1 and MON 72. Endemic or stable CanL foci correspond with Vesuvius Area, Ischia island, Maddaloni and neighbouring Commons, other foci in the Salerno province. These foci are associated with optimal ecological condition, abundance of reservoirs and hosts, abundance of phlebotomine vectors, prevalence in canine population around 10-40%, incidence in canine population 5%, risk for human population 0.002%. Instable foci occur at the border of the stable foci: they may be the result of changes in climate with the occasional introduction of infected dogs in the areas; in the foci are registered low presence of phlebotomine vectors, prevalence around 0.5-3%, sporadic human cases. Today, in Campania region CanL undoubtedly has an increased incidence and a wider geographic distribution than before: new cases are now reported in areas that were previously non-endemic. Ecological, demographic and environmental changes, large population movements, urbanization have led to an increased incidence and to importation into suburbs with high densities of people and sand-flies. These changes include "global warming", increased number of stray dogs, dogs and population movements, changes in human population (increased number of immune-depressed and old people). Nowadays, the most important focus of CanL and Human Visceral Leishmaniasis of the Mediterranean area is located in Campania Region: during the year 2000, 143 cases of Human Visceral Leishmaniasis have been recorded in Italy, an half of them (83 cases) in Campania region.  相似文献   

土体干缩裂缝研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土体干缩裂缝的形成和发展是一个复杂的物理过程,会对土体的强度、稳定性和渗透性等产生影响,其影响范围广泛分布于土壤学、农业、工程地质和环境保护等学科.本文在明确土体干缩裂缝研究重要性的基础上,通过收集整理国内外有关土体干缩裂缝研究的既有文献资料,综述了土体干缩裂缝的理论研究、实用性研究以及裂缝形态定量分析研究,分析和讨论了土体干缩裂缝在研究领域、研究内容和研究方法方面的不足之处,并指出土体干缩裂缝的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

In this paper I appropriate the philosophical critique of Michel Foucault as it applies to the engagement of Western science and indigenous peoples in the context of biomedical research. The science of population genetics, specifically as pursued in the Human Genome Diversity Project, is the obvious example to illustrate (a) the contraposition of modern science and 'indigenous science', (b) the tendency to depreciate and marginalize indigenous knowledge systems, and (c) the subsumption of indigenous moral preferences in the juridical armature of international human rights law. I suggest that international bioethicists may learn from Foucault's critique, specifically of the need for vigilance about the knowledge/power relation expressed by the contraposition of modern science and 'indigeneity'.  相似文献   

PCR to predict risk of airborne disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant, animal and human diseases spread by microscopic airborne particles have had major economic and social impacts during history. Special air-sampling devices have been used to collect such particles since the 19th century but it has often been impossible to identify them accurately. Exciting new opportunities to combine air sampling with quantitative PCR to identify and count these particles are reviewed, using crop pathogen examples. These methods can be used to predict the risk of unexpected outbreaks of airborne diseases by identifying increases in pathogen inoculum or genetic changes in pathogen populations that render control ineffective. The predictions can provide guidance to policymakers, health professionals or the agricultural industry for the development of strategies to minimise the risk of severe pandemics.  相似文献   

Final body height is achieved as the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The aim of this article is to review past studies on body height that have followed different scientific traditions. In modern Western societies, about 20% of variation in body height is due to environmental variation. In poorer environments, this proportion is probably larger, with lower heritability of body height as well as larger socioeconomic body height differences. The role of childhood environment is seen in the increase in body height during the 20th century simultaneously with the increase in the standard of living. The most important non-genetic factors affecting growth and adult body height are nutrition and diseases. Short stature is associated with poorer education and lower social position in adulthood. This is mainly due to family background, but other environmental factors in childhood also contribute to this association. Body height is a good indicator of childhood living conditions, not only in developing countries but also in modern Western societies. Future studies combining different scientific traditions in auxology are needed to create a more holistic view of body height.  相似文献   

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