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F-actin bundles are prominent cytoskeletal structures in eukaryotes. They provide mechanical stability in stereocilia, microvilli, filopodia, stress fibers and the sperm acrosome. Bundles are typically stabilized by a wide range of specific crosslinking proteins, most of which exhibit off-rates on the order of 1s−1. Yet F-actin bundles exhibit structural and mechanical integrity on time scales that are orders of magnitude longer. By applying large deformations to reconstituted F-actin bundles using optical tweezers, we provide direct evidence of their differential mechanical response in vitro: bundles exhibit fully reversible, elastic response on short time scales and irreversible, elasto-plastic response on time scales that are long compared to the characteristic crosslink dissociation time. Our measurements show a broad range of characteristic relaxation times for reconstituted F-actin bundles. This can be reconciled by considering that bundle relaxation behavior is also modulated by the number of filaments, crosslinking type and occupation number as well as the consideration of defects due to filament ends.  相似文献   

Three polycations, polylysine, the polyamine spermine and the polycationic protein lysozyme were used to study the formation, structure, ionic strength sensitivity and dissociation of polycation-induced actin bundles. Bundles form fast, simultaneously with the polymerization of MgATP-G-actins, upon the addition of polycations to solutions of actins at low ionic strength conditions. This indicates that nuclei and/or nascent filaments bundle due to attractive, electrostatic effect of polycations and the neutralization of repulsive interactions of negative charges on actin. The attractive forces between the filaments are strong, as shown by the low (in nanomolar range) critical concentration of their bundling at low ionic strength. These bundles are sensitive to ionic strength and disassemble partially in 100 mM NaCl, but both the dissociation and ionic strength sensitivity can be countered by higher polycation concentrations. Cys374 residues of actin monomers residing on neighboring filaments in the bundles can be cross-linked by the short span (5.4 Å) MTS-1 (1,1-Methanedyl Bismethanethiosulfonate) cross-linker, which indicates a tight packing of filaments in the bundles. The interfilament cross-links, which connect monomers located on oppositely oriented filaments, prevent disassembly of bundles at high ionic strength. Cofilin and the polysaccharide polyanion heparin disassemble lysozyme induced actin bundles more effectively than the polylysine-induced bundles. The actin-lysozyme bundles are pathologically significant as both proteins are found in the pulmonary airways of cystic fibrosis patients. Their bundles contribute to the formation of viscous mucus, which is the main cause of breathing difficulties and eventual death in this disorder.  相似文献   

The dynamics of microtubules (MTs) are crucial to many of their functions. Certain MT structures, such as the mitotic spindle apparatus, exhibit high MT turnover yet maintain their mass stably through long periods of time. Here, we highlight what are emerging as two important mechanisms for maintaining MT bundles: the first, MT nucleation from pre-existing MTs by means of gamma-tubulin-containing complexes; and the second, MT 'rescue' by the stabilizing protein CLASP. As examples, we describe recent advances in understanding the assembly and maintenance of simple MT bundles in fission yeast and plant cells, which have implications for the bundles of the animal mitotic spindle.  相似文献   

Contractile actomyosin bundles are critical for numerous aspects of muscle and nonmuscle cell physiology. Due to the varying composition and structure of actomyosin bundles in vivo, the minimal requirements for their contraction remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that actin filaments and filaments of smooth muscle myosin motors can self-assemble into bundles with contractile elements that efficiently transmit actomyosin forces to cellular length scales. The contractile and force-generating potential of these minimal actomyosin bundles is sharply sensitive to the myosin density. Above a critical myosin density, these bundles are contractile and generate large tensile forces. Below this threshold, insufficient cross-linking of F-actin by myosin thick filaments prevents efficient force transmission and can result in rapid bundle disintegration. For contractile bundles, the rate of contraction decreases as forces build and stalls under loads of ∼0.5 nN. The dependence of contraction speed and stall force on bundle length is consistent with bundle contraction occurring by several contractile elements connected in series. Thus, contraction in reconstituted actomyosin bundles captures essential biophysical characteristics of myofibrils while lacking numerous molecular constituents and structural signatures of sarcomeres. These results provide insight into nonsarcomeric mechanisms of actomyosin contraction found in smooth muscle and nonmuscle cells.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis inflorescence stems develop a vascular pattern similar to that found in most dicots. The arrangement of vascular tissues within the bundle is collateral, and vascular bundles in the stele are arranged in a ring. Although auxin has been shown to be an inducer of vascular differentiation, little is known about the molecular mechanisms controlling vascular pattern formation. By screening ethyl methanesufonate-mutagenized populations of Arabidopsis, we have isolated an avb1 (amphivasal vascular bundle) mutant with a novel vascular pattern. Unlike the collateral vascular bundles seen in the wild-type stems, the vascular bundles in the avb1 stems were similar to amphivasal bundles, i.e. the xylem completely surrounded the phloem. Furthermore, branching vascular bundles in the avb1 stems abnormally penetrated into the pith, which resulted in a disruption in the ring-like arrangement of vascular bundles in the stele. The avb1 mutation did not affect leaf venation pattern and root vascular organization. Auxin polar transport assay indicated that the avb1 mutation did not disrupt the auxin polar transport activity in inflorescence stems. The avb1 mutation also exhibited pleiotropic phenotypes, including curled stems and extra cauline branches. Genetic analysis indicated that the avb1 mutation was monogenic and partially dominant. The avb1 locus was mapped to a region between markers mi69 and ASB2, which is covered by a yeast artificial chromosome clone, CIC9E2, on chromosome 5. Isolation of the avb1 mutant provides a novel means to study the evolutionary mechanisms controlling the arrangement of vascular tissues within the bundle, as well as the mechanisms controlling the arrangement of vascular bundles in the stele.  相似文献   

Mobility of taxol inside microtubules was investigated using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching on flow-aligned bundles. Bundles were made of microtubules with either GMPCPP or GTP at the exchangeable site on the tubulin dimer. Recovery times were sensitive to bundle thickness and packing, indicating that taxol molecules are able to move laterally through the bundle. The density of open binding sites along a microtubule was varied by controlling the concentration of taxol in solution for GMPCPP samples. With >63% sites occupied, recovery times were independent of taxol concentration and, therefore, inversely proportional to the microscopic dissociation rate, k(off). It was found that 10k(off)(GMPCPP) approximately equal k(off)(GTP), consistent with, but not fully accounting for, the difference in equilibrium constants for taxol on GMPCPP and GTP microtubules. With <63% sites occupied, recovery times decreased as approximately [Tax](-1/5) for both types of microtubules. We conclude that the diffusion of taxol inside the microtubule bundle is hindered by rebinding events when open sites are within approximately 7 nm of each other.  相似文献   

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We report for the first time an unusual ejaculatory mechanism in the short-beaked echidna in which each side of the bilaterally symmetrical, rosettelike glans penis is used alternately, with the other being shut down. This is unparalleled in mammals but is reminiscent of the use of hemipenes in squamate reptiles, providing further reproductive evidence of a sauropsidian lineage in the Monotremata. Further, we describe the occurrence of motile sperm bundles in ejaculated echidna semen and provide scanning electron micrographs of their morphology. Sperm bundling appears to confer increased sperm motility, which may provide the potential for sperm competition between males.  相似文献   

The effect of a single intracerebroventricular injection of colchicine on the distribution of organelles in neurons of the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, the inferior colliculus and the deep cerebellar nuclei was studied. In the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve colchicine produced a dramatic accumulation of neurofilament bundles in the soma of these neurons and did not produce a reduction in the number of lysosomes. In other neuronal populations studied, colchicine produced neurofilament bundles in the dendrites and a reduction of lysosomes from the soma of neurons.  相似文献   

In the context of simplified models of globular proteins, the requirements for the unique folding to a four-helix bundle have been addressed through a new Monte Carlo procedure. In particular, the relative importance of secondary versus tertiary interactions in determining the nature of the folded structure is examined. Various cases spanning the extremes where tertiary interactions completely dominate to that where tertiary interactions are negligible have been explored. Not surprisingly, the folding to unique four-helix bundles is found to depend on an adequate balance of the secondary and tertiary interactions. Moreover, because the simplified model is composed of spheres representing α-carbons and side chains, the geometry of the latter being based on small real amino acids, the role played by the side chains, and the problems associated with packing and hard-core repulsions, are considered. Also, possible folding intermediates and their relationship with the experimentally observed molten globule state are explored. From these studies, a general set of rules is extracted which should aid in the further design of more detailed protein models adequate to more fully investigate the protein folding problem. Finally, the relationship between our conclusions and experimental work with specifically designed sequences is briefly discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Uncovering ecosystem service bundles through social preferences   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Ecosystem service assessments have increasingly been used to support environmental management policies, mainly based on biophysical and economic indicators. However, few studies have coped with the social-cultural dimension of ecosystem services, despite being considered a research priority. We examined how ecosystem service bundles and trade-offs emerge from diverging social preferences toward ecosystem services delivered by various types of ecosystems in Spain. We conducted 3,379 direct face-to-face questionnaires in eight different case study sites from 2007 to 2011. Overall, 90.5% of the sampled population recognized the ecosystem's capacity to deliver services. Formal studies, environmental behavior, and gender variables influenced the probability of people recognizing the ecosystem's capacity to provide services. The ecosystem services most frequently perceived by people were regulating services; of those, air purification held the greatest importance. However, statistical analysis showed that socio-cultural factors and the conservation management strategy of ecosystems (i.e., National Park, Natural Park, or a non-protected area) have an effect on social preferences toward ecosystem services. Ecosystem service trade-offs and bundles were identified by analyzing social preferences through multivariate analysis (redundancy analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis). We found a clear trade-off among provisioning services (and recreational hunting) versus regulating services and almost all cultural services. We identified three ecosystem service bundles associated with the conservation management strategy and the rural-urban gradient. We conclude that socio-cultural preferences toward ecosystem services can serve as a tool to identify relevant services for people, the factors underlying these social preferences, and emerging ecosystem service bundles and trade-offs.  相似文献   

The superior strength and stiffness of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) make them attractive for many structural applications. Although the strength and stiffness of CNTs are extremely high, fibres of aligned CNTs have been found to date to be far weaker than the constituent CNTs. The intermolecular interactions between the CNTs in the fibres are governed by weak van der Waals forces, resulting in slippage between CNTs which occurs at tensions well below the breaking strength of the CNTs. Both theoretical and experimental studies show that by introducing chemical bonds between the CNTs increases load transfer and prevents the CNTs from slipping.  相似文献   

Bundles of filamentous actin form the primary building blocks of a broad range of cytoskeletal structures, including filopodia, stereocilia and microvilli. In each case, the cell uses specific associated proteins to tailor the dynamics, dimensions and mechanical properties of the bundles to suit a specific cellular function. While the length distribution of actin bundles was extensively studied, almost nothing is known about the thickness distribution. Here, we use high-resolution cryo-TEM to measure the thickness distribution of actin/fascin bundles, in vitro. We find that the thickness distribution has a prominent peak, with an exponential tail, supporting a scenario of an initial fast formation of a disc-like nucleus of short actin filaments, which only later elongates. The bundle thicknesses at steady state are found to follow the distribution of the initial nuclei indicating that no lateral coalescence occurs. Our results show that the distribution of bundles thicknesses can be controlled by monitoring the initial nucleation process. In vivo, this is done by using specific regulatory proteins complexes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The degradation of ectoplasmic specialization consisting of bundles of actin sandwiched between the plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum of the Sertoli cell, occurs just before spermiation. For elucidation of the processes involved in this degradation, changes in fibrous actin of the rat testis were analyzed using BODIPY-phalloidin by fluorescence and electron microscopy.
Before step 17, the fluorescence of BODIPY-phalloidin was evenly distributed around the spermatid head. When the spermatids became positioned at the luminal surface, the fluorescence had condensed on the concave side of the spermatid head. At step 19, lines of fluorescence distributed at regular intervals projected at right angles from the head. Ultrastructural observation showed that the tubulobulbar complex was formed at step 19 and electron-dense material accumulated around thin tubules of the tubulobulbar complex. Immunohistochemical examination of BODIPY-phalloidin showed that the electron dense materials around the thin tubules of the tubulobulbar complex had the capacity to bind to phallotoxin. Therefore the pattern of fluorescence in the spermatid at step 19 corresponds to that of the tubulobulbar complex.
Actin bundles of the ectoplasmic specialization would thus appear to de-polymerize into actin monomers via electron dense materials around the thin tubules of the tubulobulbar complex. The tubulobulbar complex may contribute to the disorganization of actin bundles.  相似文献   

The distribution of the chi(1), chi(2) dihedral angles in a dataset consisting of 12 unrelated 4-alpha-helical bundle proteins was determined and qualitatively compared with that observed in globular proteins. The analysis suggests that the 4-alpha-helical bundle motif could occasionally impose steric constraints on side chains: (i) the side-chain conformations are limited to only a subset of the conformations observed in globular proteins and for some amino acids they are sterically more constrained than those in helical regions of globular proteins; (ii) aspartic acid and asparagine occasionally adopt rotamers that have not been previously reported for globular or helical proteins; (iii) some rotamers of tyrosine and isoleucine are predominantly or exclusively associated with hydrophobic core positions (a, d); (iv) mutations in the hydrophobic core occur preferentially between residue types which among other physicochemical properties also share a predominant rotamer.  相似文献   

Sound-induced motions of individual cochlear hair bundles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We present motions of individual freestanding hair bundles in an isolated cochlea in response to tonal sound stimulation. Motions were measured from images taken by strobing a light source at the tone frequency. The tips and bases of hair bundles moved a comparable amount, but with a phase difference that increased by 180 degrees with frequency, indicating that distributed fluid properties drove hair bundle motion. Hair bundle rotation increased with frequency to a constant value, and underwent >90 degrees of phase change. The frequency at which the phase of rotation relative to deflection of the bundle base was 60 degrees was comparable to the expected best frequency of each hair cell, and varied inversely with the square of bundle height. The sharpness of tuning of individual hair bundles was comparable to that of hair cell receptor potentials at high sound levels. These results indicate that frequency selectivity at high sound levels in this cochlea is purely mechanical, determined by the interaction of hair bundles with the surrounding fluid. The sharper tuning of receptor potentials at lower sound levels is consistent with the presence of a negative damping, but not a negative stiffness, as an active amplifier in hair bundles.  相似文献   

Actin filament arrays in in vivo microvillar bundles of rat intestinal enterocyte were re-evaluated using electron tomography (ET). Conventional electron microscope observation of semi-thin cross sections (300nm thick) of high-pressure freeze fixed and resin embedded brush border has shown a whirling pattern in the center of the microvilli instead of hexagonally arranged dots, which strongly suggests that the bundle consists of a non-parallel array of filaments. A depth compensation method for the ET was developed to estimate the actual structure of the actin bundle. Specimen shrinkage by beam irradiation during image acquisition was estimated to be 63%, and we restored the original thickness in the reconstruction. The depth compensated tomogram displayed the individual actin filaments within the bundles and it indicated that the actin filaments do not lie exactly parallel to each other: instead, they are twisted in a clockwise coil with a pitch of ~120°/μm. Furthermore, the lattice of actin filaments was occasionally re-arranged within the bundle. As the microvillar bundle mechanically interacts with the membrane and is thought to be compressed by the membrane's faint tensile force, we removed the shrouding membrane using detergents to eliminate the mechanical interaction. The bared bundles no longer showed the whirling pattern, suggesting that the bundle had released its coiled property. These findings indicate that the bundle has not rigid but elastic properties and a dynamic transformation in its structure caused by a change in the mechanical interaction between the membrane and the bundle.  相似文献   

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