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Abstract: Taurine, cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase (CSAD), glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) were measured in subcellular fractions prepared from occipital lobe of fetal and neonatal rhesus monkeys. In addition, the distribution of [35S]taurine in subcellular fractions was determined after administration to the fetus via the mother, to the neonate via administration to the mother prior to birth, and directly to the neonate at various times after birth. CSAD, glutamate, GABA, and GAD all were found to be low or unmeasurable in early fetal life and to increase during late fetal and early neonatal life to reach values found in the mother. Taurine was present in large amounts in early fetal life and decreased slowly during neonatal life, arriving at amounts found in the mother not until after 150 days of age. Significant amounts of taurine, CSAD, GABA, and GAD were associated with nerve ending components with some indication that the proportion of brain taurine found in these organelles increases during development. All subcellular pools of taurine were rapidly labeled by exogenously administered [35S]taurine. The subcellular distribution of all the components measured was compatible with the neurotransmitter or putative neuro-transmitter functions of glutamate, GABA, and taurine. The large amount of these three amino acids exceeds that required for such function. The excess of glutamate and GABA may be used as a source of energy. The function of the excess of taurine is still not clear, although circumstantial evidence favors an important role in the development and maturation of the CNS.  相似文献   

The high concentration of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) recently demonstrated in rat ovary prompted us to examine the capacity of ovarian slices to take up [3H]GABA. Active uptake, dependent on temperature and sodium concentration, was observed and a kinetic constant (Km) of 1.0 microM found for the uptake process. Ouabain (100 microM) reduced the rate of accumulation of [3H]GABA. Uptake was inhibited only partially by 100 microM d,l-nipecotic acid, but more strongly by 100 microM beta-alanine. These results suggest that the uptake system in ovary possesses properties similar to those of high-affinity GABA transport systems in the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study compared the turnover of GABA neurons in different brain areas of the male rat and examined the effect of castration on GABA turnover in regions of the brain associated with the control of gonadotropin secretion. To estimate GABA turnover, GABA was quantified by HPLC in microdissected brain regions 0,30,60,90, and 120 min after inhibition of GABA degradation by aminooxyacetic acid (100 mg/kg, i.p.). GABA accumulation was linear in all areas for 90 min ( p < 0.01), and GABA turnover was estimated as the slope of the line formed by increased GABA concentration versus time, determined by linear regression. There was considerable regional variation both in the initial steady-state concentrations of GABA and in the rates of GABA turnover. Of 10 discrete brain structures, GABA turnover was highest in the medial preoptic nucleus and lowest in the caudate nucleus. Turnover times in the terminal fields of known GABAergic projection neurons ranged sevenfold, from 2.6 h in the substantia nigra to 0.4 h in the lateral vestibular nucleus. The effect of castration on GABA turnover in 13 microdissected brain regions was investigated by measuring regional GABA concentrations before and 30 min after injection of aminooxyacetic acid in intact rats or 2 or 6 days postcastration. Following castration, steady-state GABA concentrations were increased, and GABA turnover decreased in the diagonal band of Broca, the medial preoptic area, and the median eminence. GABA turnover increased in the medial septal nucleus and was unaffected in the cortex, striatum, and hindbrain. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that testosterone negative-feedback control of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone involves steroid-sensitive GABAergic neurons in the rostral and medial basal hypothalamus.  相似文献   

A mass fragmentographic method for the simultaneous quantification of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamic acid is described. In a convenient one-step reaction, the two amino acids were derivatized with pentafluoropropionic anhydride and pentafluoropropanol. The derivatization products were stable for several days. The technique has been applied to the assay of GABA and Glu in five amygdaloid nuclei of the rat brain. The GABA level was high in the central and medial nuclei, whereas the Glu level was high in the lateral and basal nuclei. The regional distribution of GABA was different from that of Glu within the amygdaloid nuclei.  相似文献   

Presence of γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Rat Ovary   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Abstract: As γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was first discovered as the free acid in the mammalian central nervous system, it has been assumed that GABA is generally to be found in significant amounts only in the brain, in spite of reports of its presence in a number of non-neuronal tissues. In this study, GABA was detected amongst the free amino acids in most rat tissues that were examined. The highest concentration outside the brain was in the ovary (0.59 μmol/g fresh tissue). It is concluded that the synthesis of the GABA is intragonadal and probably of metabolic importance.  相似文献   

Abstract: To see the effect of a γ-aminobutyric acid GABA uptake inhibitor on the efflux and content of endogenous and labeled GABA, rat cortical slices were first labeled with [3H]GABA and then superfused in the absence or presence of 1 mM nipecotic acid. Endogenous GABA released or remaining in the slices was measured with high performance liquid chromatography, which was also used to separate [3H]GABA from its metabolites. In the presence of 3 mM K+, nipecotic acid released both endogenous and [3H]GABA, with a specific activity four to five times as high as that present in the slices. The release of labeled metabolite(s) of [3H]GABA was also increased by nipecotic acid. The release of endogenous GABA evoked by 50 mM K+ was enhanced fourfold by nipecotic acid but that of [3H]GABA was only doubled when expressed as fractional release. In a medium containing no Ca2+ and 10 mM Mg2+, the release evoked by 50 mMK+ was nearly suppressed in either the absence or the presence of nipecotic acid. In the absence of nipecotic acid electrical stimulation (bursts of 64 Hz) was ineffective in evoking release of either endogenous or [3H]GABA, but in the presence of nipecotic acid it increased the efflux of endogenous GABA threefold, while having much less effect on that of [3H]GABA. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) abolished the effect of electrical stimulation. Both high K+ and electrical stimulation increased the amount of endogenous GABA remaining in the slices, and this increase was reduced by omission of Ca2+ or by TTX. The results suggest that uptake of GABA released through depolarization is of major importance in removing GABA from extracellular spaces, but the enhancement of spontaneous release by nipecotic acid may involve intracellular heteroexchange. Depolarization in the presence of Ca2+ leads to an increased synthesis of GABA, in excess of its release, but the role of this excess GABA remains to be established.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of activity of 4-aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase (ABAL-DH) was studied in mouse brain. ABAL-DH was localized mainly in the crude mitochondrial fraction; most of the activity in this fraction was found in the subfraction containing synaptosomes, and the remainder was in the mitochondrial fraction. After osmotic disruption of synaptosomes, most of the activity was located in the synaptic cytosol, and the remainder was in the synaptic mitochondria. Sucrose density subfractionation of synaptosomes revealed that gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamic acid decarboxylase, and ABAL-DH localized in a denser region of gradient fraction than the region containing acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

Abstract: γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is synthesized in brain in at least two compartments, commonly called the transmitter and metabolic compartments, and because reglatory processes must serve the physiologic function of each compartment, the regulation of GABA synthesis presents a complex problem. Brain contains at least two molecular forms of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), the principal synthetic enzyme for GABA. Two forms, termed GAD65 and GAD67, are the products of two genes and differ in sequence, molecular weight, interaction with the cofactor, pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (pyridoxal-P), and level of expression among brain regions. GAD65 appears to be localized in nerve terminals to a greater degree than GAD67, which appears to be more uniformly distributed throughout the cell. The interaction of GAD with pyridoxal-P is a major factor in the short-term regulation of GAD activity. At least 50% of GAD is present in brain as apoenzyme (GAD without bound cofactor; apoGAD), which serves as a reservoir of inactive GAD that can be drawn on when additional GABA synthesis is needed. A substantial majority of apoGAD in brain is accounted for by GAD65, but GAD67 also contributes to the pool of apoGAD. The apparent localization of GAD65 in nerve terminals and the large reserve of apo-GAD65 suggest that GAD65 is specialized to respond to short-term changes in demand for transmitter GABA. The levels of apoGAD and the holoenzyme of GAD (holoGAD) are controlled by a cycle of reactions that is regulated by physiologically relevant concentrations of ATP and other polyanions and by inorganic phosphate, and it appears possible that GAD activity is linked to neuronal activity through energy metabolism. GAD is not saturated by glutamate in synaptosomes or cortical slices, but there is no evidence that GABA synthesis in vivo is regulated physiologically by the availability of glutamate. GABA competitively inhibits GAD and converts holo- to apoGAD, but it is not clear if intracellular GABA levels are high enough to regulate GAD. There is no evidence of short-term regulation by second messengers. The syntheses of GAD65 and GAD67 proteins are regulated separately. GAD67 regulation is complex; it not only is present as apoGAD67, but the expression of GAD67 protein is regulated by two mechanisms: (a) by control of mRNA levels and (b) at the level of translation or protein stability. The latter mechanism appears to be mediated by intracellular GABA levels.  相似文献   

Early iron deficiency in rat does not affect the weight or the protein, DNA, and RNA content but results in a slight reduction in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (13%, p less than 0.01) and glutamic acid (20%, p less than 0.001) content of the brain. The activities of the two GABA shunt enzymes, glutamate dehydrogenase and GABA-transaminase, and of the NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) were inhibited whereas the glutamic acid decarboxylase, mitochondrial NADP+-linked ICDH, and succinic dehydrogenase activities remained unaltered in brain. On rehabilitation with the iron-supplemented diet for 1 week, these decreased enzyme activities in brain attained the corresponding control values. However, the hepatic nonheme iron content increased to about 80% of the control, after rehabilitation for 2 weeks. A prolonged iron deficiency resulting in decreased levels of glutamate and GABA may lead to endocrinological, neurological, and behavioral alterations.  相似文献   

Abstract: The possibility that γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), a metabolite of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), may play a role in the CNS has recently come to attention. We describe here a sensitive and specific mass fragmento-graphic technique that allows the measurement of picomole amounts of GHB in single rat brain areas. Moreover, we show that GHB can accumulate postmortem, an effect that is blocked by the use of microwave irradiation to kill the animals. To understand further the relationship between GABA and GHB formation, we treated rats with drugs known to inferfere with GABA metabolism at different levels and concomitantly measured GABA and GHB in cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Isoniazide, which blocks the formation of GABA, also decreases GHB. Blockers of the catabolism of GABA, such as aminooxyacetic acid and γ-acetylenic GABA, increase GABA levels and decrease those of GHB. Sodium dipropylacetate increases both GABA and GHB, supporting the hypothesis that this effective antiepileptic drug also blocks in vivo the enzyme that converts succinic semialdehyde to succinic acid.  相似文献   

Treatment of rats with the central thiamine antagonist, pyrithiamine, results in severe neurological symptoms such as loss of righting reflex. Measurement of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) content of brain tissue from symptomatic pyrithiamine-treated (PT) rats revealed significant reductions in thalamus, cerebellum, and pons. GABA content of cerebral cortex, however, was unaltered. Activities of the thiamine-dependent enzyme alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (alpha KGDH) were reduced in parallel with the GABA changes. On the other hand, activities of the GABA-synthetic enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) remained within normal limits, with the exception of a small but significant decrease in thalamus of symptomatic PT rats. Affinities and densities of high-affinity [3H]muscimol binding sites on crude cerebral membrane preparations from symptomatic PT rats were unchanged. Thiamine administration to symptomatic animals resulted in correction of abnormal righting reflexes and in normalization of decreased GABA levels and reduced alpha KGDH activities in cerebellum and pons. Thalamic GABA levels and alpha KGDH activities, on the other hand, remained significantly lower than normal. These results suggest that the reversible symptoms of pyrithiamine treatment may result from imparied GABA synthesis in cerebellum and pons of these animals. Similar mechanisms may play a role in the pathogenesis of the reversible symptoms of Wernicke's encephalopathy in man.  相似文献   

Abstract: Kinetic studies of [3H]γ-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) after an intravenous injection were performed in normal rats and in rats with severe degree of hepatic encephalopathy due to fulminant hepatic failure induced by galactosamine. Moreover, plasma and brain GABA levels, and GABA and glutamic acid decarboxylase activity were studied in some brain areas. After intravenous injection, [3H]GABA disappeared very rapidly in the blood of normal rats, with a prompt increase of 3H metabolites. In comatose rats, a delayed disappearance of [3H]GABA.as parallelled by a lower amount of metabolites, indirectly indicating a peripheral decrease of GABA-transaminase activity. The amount of [3H]GABA in brain was lightly but constantly lower in comatose rats than in controls, indicating that the change in permeability of the blood-brain barrier in hepatic encephalopathy does not affect the [3H]GABA uptake of the brain. Furthermore, the assay of endogenous GABA in blood, whole brain, and brain areas did not show any significant difference in any of the two groups. The finding that glutamic acid decarboxylase activity in brain was reduced, together with the indirect evidence of a reduction in GABA-transaminase, may account for the steady state of GABA in hepatic encephalopathy. However, the reduction in glutamic acid decarboxylase activity is in favor of a functional derangement at the GABA-ergic nerve terminals in this pathological condition.  相似文献   

The turnover rate of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the rat striatum was estimated by measuring its accumulation after inhibition of GABA-transaminase (GABA-T) with gabaculine. Intrastriatal injections of 100 micrograms gabaculine induced a rapid and complete inhibition of GABA-T. GABA accumulation was linear with time for at least 60 min (estimated turnover rate = 25 nmol/mg protein/h). The accumulation of GABA after gabaculine administration in animals that had been treated with kainic acid (5 nmol intrastriatally, 7 days) was only 40% of the control value, indicating that a major fraction of the net increase in GABA content induced by gabaculine originates in kainic acid-sensitive neurons. Intrastriatal injection of a mixture of kainic acid (5 nmol) and gabaculine caused a net increase in striatal GABA content significantly greater than that observed in controls, suggesting that neuronal death induced by kainic acid is preceded by a period of increased neuronal activity. Glutamic acid, the putative neurotransmitter for the excitatory corticostriatal pathway, also produced a significant increase in striatal GABA accumulation when injected together with gabaculine. This effect was blocked by the administration of the glutamate receptor antagonist glutamic acid diethyl ester. The interactions between GABAergic neurons and other neurotransmitters present in the striatum were also analyzed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the spontaneous release of endogenous glutamic acid (Glu) or aspartic acid (Asp) and the effects of Glu on the release of endogenous GABA or [3H]GABA were studied in superfused rat cerebral cortex synaptosomes. GABA increased the outflow of Glu (EC5017.2 μM) and Asp (EC50 18.4 μM). GABA was not antagonized by bicuculline or picrotoxin. Neither muscimol nor (-)-baclofen mimicked GABA. The effects of GABA were prevented by GABA uptake inhibitors and were Na+ dependent. Glu enhanced the release of [3H]GABA (EC50 11.5 μM) from cortical synaptosomes. Glu was not mimicked by the glutamate receptor agonists N-methyl-d -aspartic, kainic, or quisqualic acid. The Glu effect was decreased by the Glu uptake inhibitor D-threo-hydroxyaspartic acid (THA) and it was Na+ sensitive. Similarly to Glu, D-Asp increased [3H]GABA release (EC50 9.9 μM), an effect blocked by THA. Glu also increased the release of endogenous GABA from cortex synaptosomes. In this case the effect was in part blocked by the (RS)-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaiine-2, 3-dione, whereas the 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline- 2, 3-dione-insensitive portion of the effect was prevented by THA. GABA increased the [3H]D-Asp outflow (EC50 13.7 μM) from hippocampal synaptosomes in a muscimol-, (-)- baclofen-, bicuculline-, and picrotoxin-insensitive manner. The GABA effect was abolished by blocking GABA uptake and was Na+ dependent. Glu increased the release of [3H]- GABA from hippocampal synaptosomes (EC50 7.1 μM) in an N-methyl-d -aspartic acid-, kainic acid-, or quisqualic acid-insensitive way. The effect of Glu was prevented by THA and was Na+ dependent. As in the cortex, the effect of Glu was mimicked by D-Asp in a THA-sensitive manner. It is proposed that high-affinity GABA or Glu heterocarriers are sited respectively on glutamatergic or GA- BAergic nerve terminals in rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. The uptake of GABA may modulate Glu and Asp release, whereas the uptake of Glu may modulate the release of GABA. The existence of these heterocarriers is in keeping with the reported colocalization of GABA and Glu in some cortical and hippocampal neurons. Preliminary data suggest that these mechanisms may also be present in rat cerebellum and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Abstract: The distributions of glycine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate decarboxylase (EC, and GABA transaminase (EC were determined in rabbit and mudpuppy retinas. In both species, peak levels of the amino acids and the enzymes occurred in the inner plexiform layer. Glutamate decarboxylase was almost entirely confined to the inner plexiform layer. Determinations were also made of the GABA content of 107 individual putative amacrine cell somas from mudpuppy retina. About 30% of those somas were found to have high endogenous GABA levels.  相似文献   

Neuronal growth cones isolated in bulk from neonatal rat forebrain have uptake and K(+)-stimulated release mechanisms for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Up to and including postnatal day 5, the K(+)-stimulated release of [3H]GABA and endogenous GABA is Ca2+ independent. At these ages, isolated growth cones neither contain synaptic vesicles nor stain for synaptic vesicle antigens. Here we examined the possibility that the release mechanism underlying Ca2(+)-independent GABA release from isolated growth cones is by reversal of the plasma membrane GABA transporter. The effects of two GABA transporter inhibitors, nipecotic acid and an analogue of nipecotic acid, SKF 89976-A, on K(+)-stimulated release of [3H]GABA from superfused growth cones were examined. Nipecotic acid both stimulated basal [3H]GABA release and enhanced K(+)-stimulated release of [3H]GABA, which indicates that this agent can stimulate GABA release and is, therefore, not a useful inhibitor with which to test the role of the GABA transporter in K(+)-stimulated GABA release from growth cones. In contrast, SKF 89976-A profoundly depressed both basal and K(+)-stimulated [3H]GABA release. This occurred at similar concentrations at which uptake was blocked. These observations provide evidence for a major role of the GABA transporter in GABA release from neuronal growth cones.  相似文献   

Abstract: DBA/2 mice between 21 and 28 days of age are highly susceptible to sound-induced seizures. Drug studies suggest a possible deficit of γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)-mediated neurotransmission may be involved. We have measured the whole brain GABA concentration and glutamic acid decar-boxylase activity in DBA/2 mice at various ages before, during, and after the period of maximal susceptibility to audiogenic seizures. Corresponding determinations were carried out on age-matched TO mice, a strain much less susceptible to audiogenic seizures than DBA/2 mice at all ages. No significant differences in GABA concentration or glutamic acid decarboxylase activity were found between strains at any age. The susceptibility of DBA/2 mice to audiogenic seizures does not result from a gross inability to synthesise or store GABA.  相似文献   

The intracerebroventricular injection of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP, 0.125-1.25 μmol/rat) causes epileptic seizures (4 min → 1 min) that are preventable or reversible by GABA (1 μmol/rat), by muscimol (O.025 μmol/rat), or by diazepam (1.75 μmol/rat). At the peak of PLP-induced convulsions, the activities of GAD and GABA-T in 14 regions of rat brain remained unaltered, whereas the concentrations of PLP remained elevated. The PLP-induced convulsion was blocked by DABA (10 μmol/rat) but was not altered by β-alanine (50 μmol/rat). The previous in vitro studies have shown that PLP increases the uptake of [3H]GABA into synaptosomes and inhibits the binding of [3H]GABA to synaptic membranes. These data suggest that PLP-induced convulsion is due to reduced availability of GABA to its recognition sites, rather than to alteration in the activity of GABA metabolizing enzymes, or unavailability of PLP as a coenzyme for GAD and GABA-T. Since the duration of PLP-induced epileptic seizures is short and can be prevented by GABA agonists, PLP may be used as a tool to study the nature of GABA-mediated neuroinhibition and the properties of GABA receptor sites.  相似文献   

Abstract: It has been reported in several recent studies that the manipulation of cerebral 4-aminobutyric acid (GABA) level results in unexpected changes in the cerebral polyamine metabolism in vivo . The mechanisms behind these interactions have remained unknown. The present results show that the changes in polyamine metabolism are not limited to the brain, but are observable also in the liver, which served as a peripheral reference tissue. Different types of responses in the activities of the poiyamine-synthesizing enzymes, ornithine decarboxylase and adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, were observed after increasing the cerebral GABA concentration of mice with varying doses of two GABA transaminase inhibitors, gabaculine and ethanolamine- O- sulphate. The time course of the significant changes in the enzyme activities showed significant correlation between the brain and liver. The possibility of direct effects of the drugs on liver was excluded by injecting them intracerebroventricularly, and by performing control experiments with equal doses given peripherally. It is concluded that the observed changes in the polyamine metabolism of liver are produced through centrally mediated humoral regulation, and that the corresponding changes in the brain are obviously due to the same factor or factors, since they are significantly correlated to the changes in liver.  相似文献   

Abstract: The distributions of glutamate decarboxylase (EC, γ-aminobutyric acid transaminase (EC, and succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC were determined in monkey retina. The decarboxylase was almost restricted to the inner plexiform layer. The transaminase was also highest in this layer, but activities were 40% as high in the adjacent third of the inner nuclear layer and in the ganglion cell and fiber layers. Succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase was distributed very differently. Although it also showed a peak of activity in the inner plexiform layer, there was a second equal peak in the photoreceptor inner segment layer and a smaller peak in the outer plexiform layer, regions where both γ-aminobutyric acid transaminase and glutamate decarboxylase were essentially absent.  相似文献   

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