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Giesler  Reiner  Satoh  Fuyuki  Ilstedt  Ulrik  Nordgren  Anders 《Ecosystems》2004,7(2):208-217
Soil microorganisms play an important role in the mobilization of phosphorus (P), and these activities may be beneficial for plant P utilization. We investigated the effects on microbial P availability of different combinations of aluminum and iron (Al + Fe) concentrations and different P pools in humus soils from boreal forest ecosystems. We measured respiration rates in laboratory incubations before and after additions of glucose plus (NH4)2SO4 (Glu+N), with or without a small dose of KH2PO4. Glu+N was added in excess so that the availability of the inherent soil P would be growth-limiting for the microorganisms. The exponential increases observed in microbial growth after substrate additions (Glu+N) was slower for humus soils with high Al+Fe concentrations than for humus soils with low Al+Fe concentrations. Adding a small dose of KH2PO4 to humus soils with high Al+Fe concentrations did, however, increase the exponential growth, measured as the slope of the log-transformed respiration rates, by more than 200%. By contrast, the average increase in exponential growth was only 6% in humus soils with low Al+Fe concentrations. Almost eight times more carbon dioxide (CO2) was evolved between the substrate additions and the point at which the respiration rate reached 1 mg CO2 h–1 for soils with high Al+Fe concentrations compared to humus soils with low Al+Fe concentrations. The amount of CO2 evolved was positively related to the Al+Fe concentration of the humus soils (r 2 = 0.86, P < 0.001), whereas the slope was negatively related to Al+Fe concentration (r 2 = 0.70, P < 0.001). Easily available P forms were negatively related to the Al+Fe concentration, whereas organic P showed a strong positive relationship to Al+Fe (r 2 = 0.85, P < 0.001), suggesting that other forms of P, as well as inorganic P, are affected by the increased sorption capacity. The results indicate that P mobilization by microorganisms is affected by the presence of sorption sites in the humus layer, and that this capacity for sorption may relate not only to phosphate but also to organic P compounds.  相似文献   

We examined spatial and temporal variationsin soil chemistry in a floodplain forest landscape todetermine the effects of flooding on aluminum (Al) andiron (Fe) oxide biogeochemistry and inorganicphosphorus (Pi) sorption capacity. Whenpreviously sorbed Pi was considered, the sorptioncapacities of floodplain and adjacent upland soilswere comparable, suggesting that floodplain soilsrepresent a second line of defense protectingdownstream aquatic ecosystems from agriculturalrun-off. Pi sorption capacity was highlycorrelated with oxalate-extractable Al (Alo)(rs = 0.78); Alo and percent organic matter(OM) were also highly correlated (rs = 0.72),suggesting the importance of OM-Al complexes in thesesoils. The correlation of oxalate-extractable Fe(Feo) with OM (rs = 0.64) was improved(rs = 0.80) by removing lower elevation (swale)soils, suggesting that flooding inhibits theassociation of Feo with OM. Fe oxidecrystallinity decreased during seasonal flooding, buttotal extractable Fe did not change significantly. Fesolubilized during flooding was either replaced bysediment deposition (252 ± 3 mmol kg–1yr–1), and/or reprecipitated locally. Al oxidecrystallinity also decreased during flooding due to asignificant decline in NaOH-extractable Al (AlN). AlN concentrations subsequently returned topre-flooding levels, but sediment Al inputs (57 ±3 mmol kg–1 yr–1), were insufficient to account for this recovery. Observed Fetransformations suggest the importance offlooding-induced declines in soil redox potential toFe biogeochemistry; observed Al transformationssuggest the importance of complexation reactions withsoil OM to Al biogeochemistry in this floodplainforest.  相似文献   

The representation of NO3 dynamics within forest growth simulation models could improve forest management. An extensive literature review revealed an 88% probability of measuring a higher relative nitrification index (i.e. RNI = [NO3 ] ÷ [NO3 + NH4 +]) in mineral soil horizons than in forest floors, across a wide range of conifer and hardwood ecosystems. We then hypothesised that humus form and fine root density could be used as two crude variables to predict changes in in situ, potential and relative nitrification rates. Twenty-seven trench plots were established in 1999, across nine contrasting hardwood and coniferous stands in the Eastern Townships of Québec. Forest floor and mineral soil samples were collected from each plot, and from a 1 m radius surrounding each plot, on three dates during summer 2000. In situRNI values increased significantly in trench plots as the season progressed. Potential nitrification rates (i.e. NO3 concentrations following incubation) were two orders of magnitude higher in forest floor than in mineral soil samples. RNI was significantly higher in mineral soil than in forest floor samples after incubations, but the relative increase in RNI due to trenching was higher in forest floor samples. Indices of available C were significantly higher in forest floor than mineral soil samples, and decreased only in forest floor samples during incubations. Likewise, trenching significantly reduced available C in forest floor samples only. Seasonal changes in soil temperature and fine root growth were the most plausible explanations for seasonal changes in NO3 dynamics, whereas other factors such soil acidity and moisture appeared less important in determining NO3 dynamics in this study. We conclude that crude assessments of humus form and fine root density have the potential to be used as calibration parameters for the simulation of NO3 dynamics in forest growth and yield models.  相似文献   

Organically bound phosphorus (P) is a mobile form of phosphorus in many soils and thus its dynamics relevant for the leaching and cycling of this element. Despite its importance, little is known about the chemical composition of dissolved organic P. We studied the concentrations, fluxes, and chemical composition of organic P in forest floor leachates and soil solutions in a Rendzic Leptosol under a 90-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest over a 27-month period (1997–1999). The chemical composition of organic P was analysed using XAD-8 fractionation and 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Organic P was the dominant P form in forest floor leachates as well as in porewaters of the mineral soil. The largest concentrations of organic P were observed during summer and peaked (330–400 g dissolved organic P l–1) after rain storms following short dry periods, concurrently with the concentrations of organic carbon (OC). Because of high rainfall, fluxes of organic P (and C) were greatest in autumn although concentrations of organic C and P were lower than in summer. In forest floor leachates, the hydrophilic fraction of dissolved organic matter contained 83 ± 13% of the bulk organic P. In soil solutions from 90 cm depth, organic P was almost exclusively in the hydrophilic fraction. Because of the low retention of the hydrophilic fraction of dissolved organic matter in the mineral soils, concentrations of organic P in soil water remained almost constant with depth. Consequently, organic P contributed > 95% of the total P leached into deeper subsoils. The overall retention of organic P in the weakly developed mineral soils was little and so the average annual fluxes of organic P in subsoils at 90 cm depth (38 mg m–2) comprised 67% of those from the forest floors (57 mg m–2) during the study period. Hence, organic P proved to be mobile in the studied soil. 31P-NMR spectroscopy confirmed the dominance of organic P species in soil water. Signals due to inorganic P occurred only in spectra of samples collected in winter and spring months. Spectra of samples from summer and autumn revealed traces of condensed phosphates. Due to low P contents, identification of organic P species in samples from winter and spring was not always possible. In summer and autumn, monoester and diester phosphates were the dominant organic species and varied little in their relative distributions. The distribution of organic species changed little from forest floor leachates to the subsoil solutions indicating that the composition of P-containing compounds was not influenced by sorptive interactions or biological transformation.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in concentrations of available Ca in soils of redspruce forests have been documented, but remaining questions aboutthe magnitude and regional extent of these changes have precluded anassessment of the current and future status of soil Ca. To addressthis problem, soil samples were collected in 1992—93from 12 sites in New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine toprovide additional data necessary to synthesize all availableresearch results on soil Ca in red spruce forests. Sites werechosen to encompass the range of environmental conditionsexperienced by red spruce. Concentrations of exchangeableCa ranged from 2.13 to 21.6 cmolckg–1 in the Oa horizon, and from 0.11 to 0.68cmolc kg–1 in the upper 10 cm of theB horizon. These measurements expanded the range of exchangeable Ca reported in the literature for both horizons in northeastern redspruce forests. Exchangeable Ca was the largest Ca fraction in theforest floor at most sites (92% ofacid-extractableCa), but mineral Ca was the largest fraction at the three sites that also had the highest mineral-matter concentrations. Theprimary factor causing variability in Ca concentrations among siteswas the mineralogy of parent material, but exchangeable concentrationsin the B horizon of all sites were probably reduced by acidicdeposition. Because the majority of Ca in the forest floor isin a readily leachable form, and Ca inputs to the forest floor from the mineral soil and atmospheric deposition have beendecreasing in recent decades, the previously documented decreasesin Ca concentrations in the forest floor over previous decades mayextend into the future.  相似文献   

Ferruginous crusts and pisolites have chemical and mineralogical properties that differ from the surrounding soil due to Fe and Al enrichments which cause cementations that can harden irreversibly. In addition to, and possibly as a result of the Fe and Al accumulation, other ions, particularly phosphate are often also enriched by a factor of 2–20 relative to the surrounding soil. The P accumulated in ferruginous materials is normally bound to the Fe or Al in amorphous forms of low solubility. Distinct minerals have rarely been identified.We examined a section through a Venezuelan ferruginous crust, which contained portions with P contents>100 g kg–1, chemically, mineralogically and micromorphologically with the aim to show some of the mechanisms that cause such extreme P accumulation and segregation in a landscape that is otherwise very nutrient poor.Except for the cementation, manifested as an in-filling of pores by Fe, the morphology of the ferruginous crusts reflected that of the original soil. At approx. 30 cm below the crust's surface, goethite, strengite and leucophosphite (KFe2(PO4)2OH·2H2O) were identified along a downward sequence of pores nearer the surface to pores at greater depth to the matrix of the lower crust. While the lower crust contained highly soluble P, Fe oxides from outer pore spaces showed high P sorption. The element and mineral distribution across thin sections suggested that incoming Fe had interacted with a soil matrix that was exceptionally rich in K and P to form highly soluble leucophosphite, followed by less soluble strengite and finally Fe oxides that essentially occluded the more soluble minerals found in the lower crust. Associated organic C dated at 18,700 y b.p., suggesting that the occlusion process occurred around the last glacial maximum, when the region became more arid. Although extreme in its extent, the process of separation and occlusion of minerals demonstrated here, may be useful for interpreting similar processes in soils and soil cementations that affect the biogeochemical turnover of elements.  相似文献   

Piirainen  Sirpa  Finér  Leena  Mannerkoski  Hannu  Starr  Michael 《Plant and Soil》2002,239(2):301-311
Effects of clear-cutting on the dissolved fluxes of organic C (DOC), organic N (DON), NO3 and NH4 + through surface soil horizons were studied in a Norway spruce dominated mixed boreal forest in eastern Finland. Bulk deposition, total throughfall and soil water from below the organic (including understorey vegetation and, after clear-cutting, also logging residues), eluvial and illuvial horizons were sampled weekly from 1993 to 1999. Clear-cutting was carried out in September 1996. The removal of the tree canopy decreased the deposition of DOC and DON to the forest floor and increased that of NH4 + and NO3 but did not affect the deposition of total N (DTN, <3 kg ha–1 a–1). The leaching of DOC and DON from the organic horizon increased over twofold after clear-cutting (fluxes were on an average 168 kg C and 3.3 kg N ha–1 a–1), but the increased outputs were effectively retained in the surface mineral soil horizons. Inorganic N deposition was mainly retained by the logging residues and organic horizon indicating microbial immobilization. Increased NO3 formation reflected as elevated concentrations in the percolate from below the mineral soil horizons were observed especially in the third year after clear-cutting. However, the changes were small and the increased leaching of DTN from below the illuvial horizon remained small (<0.4 kg ha–1 a–1) and mainly DON. Effects of clear-cutting on the transport of C and N to surface waters will probably be negligible.  相似文献   

Retention of soluble organic nutrients by a forested ecosystem   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
We document an example of a forested watershed at the Coweeta HydrologicLaboratory with an extraordinary tendency to retain dissolved organic matter(DOM) generated in large quantities within the ecosystem. Our objectives weretodetermine fluxes of dissolved organic C, N, and P (DOC, DON, DOP,respectively),in water draining through each stratum of the ecosystem and synthesizeinformation on the physicochemical, biological and hydrologic factors leadingtoretention of dissolved organic nutrients in this ecosystem. The ecosystemretained 99.3, 97.3, and 99.0% of water soluble organic C, N and P,respectively, produced in litterfall, throughfall, and root exudates. Exportsinstreamwater were 4.1 kg ha–1yr–1of DOC, 0.191 kg ha–1 yr–1 ofDON, and 0.011 kg ha–1 yr–1 ofDOP. Fluxes of DON were greater than those of inorganic N in all strata. MostDOC, DON, and DOP was removed from solution in the A and B horizons, with DOCbeing rapidly adsorbed to Fe and Al oxyhydroxides, most likely by ligandexchange. DON and DOC were released gradually from the forest floor over theyear. Water soluble organic C produced in litterfall and throughfall had adisjoint distribution of half-decay times with very labile and veryrefractory fractions so that most labile DOC was decomposed before beingleachedinto the mineral soil and refractory fractions dominated the DOC transportedthrough the ecosystem. We hypothesize that this watershed retained solubleorganic nutrients to an extraordinary degree because the soils have very highcontents of Fe and Al oxyhydroxides with high adsorption capacities and becausethe predominant hydrologic pathway is downwards as unsaturated flow through astrongly adsorbing A and B horizon. The well recognized retention mechanismsforinorganic nutrients combine with adsorption of DOM and hydrologic pathway toefficiently prevent leaching of both soluble inorganic andorganic nutrients in this watershed.  相似文献   

The relationship between root Al concentrations and Al fractions in the soil solution was examined in a mature Abies amabilis ecosystem in the Cascade Range of Washington State. The naturally acidic soils in these ecosystems lead to high concentrations of aqueous Al in soil solutions and contribute to the biocycling of Al by the A. amabilis/T. mertensiana stand. Root concentrations of Al were very closely related to aqueous Al3+ activities, but poorly correlated with total aqueous Al concentrations. The solution Al/Ca molar ratios followed a seasonal cycle with low values during the fall and high values during the spring. Ratios remained <1 throughout the year in the Oa horizon while they varied between 2 and 14 in the E and Bhs horizons. The vertical distribution of roots and the mortality of fine roots may be linked to the soil solution Al/Ca ratio. Root cation exchange capacity ranged between 180 and 225 mol g-1 and the exchangeable Al fraction represented from 12–17% of the total Al content in the root. Evidence for solid-phase co-precipitates of Al with PO4 and oxalate was indicated from selective dissolution of the root tissue. Sufficient quantities of PO4 and oxalate exist in the roots to tie up 20–40% of the Al present in the roots of the Oa and E horizons, but only 9% of that present in the Bhs horizon. Species differences in the distribution of Al between the above-ground and below-ground components may be dictated by these retention processes in the fine roots.  相似文献   

缙云山4种林分土壤无机磷与活性铝的含量及分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索不同林分对土壤中无机磷与活性铝的含量及分布的影响,以及无机磷与活性铝之间的相互关系,以在我国西南地区酸性土壤上的农林经营管理提供理论和实践依据。研究以缙云山广泛分布的4种林分类型:山莓、马尾松、楠竹和柑橘林土壤为对象,采用酸性土壤无机磷分级方法和铝试剂比色法测定了土壤剖面A、B和C层中各形态的无机磷与活性铝的含量,分析了不同林分土壤中无机磷和活性铝的含量和分布特征。结果表明,林分类型显著影响土壤中无机磷与活性铝的含量与分布,且铁磷(Fe-P)、交换态铝(Ex-Al)和羟基铝(Hy-Al)的含量和比例还受到土壤层次的影响。4种林分相比,山莓林能促进闭蓄态磷(O-P)的形成,而马尾松、楠竹和柑橘林则有利于Al-P、Fe-P和Ca-P的形成;柑橘林有利于低活性的腐殖酸铝(Al-AH)形成,而山莓、马尾松和楠竹林促进高活性的Ex-Al或Hy-Al溶出;Ex-Al、Al-P和Fe-P在土层的分布上有表层富集现象,而Hy-Al集中分布于B层。此外,土壤Ex-Al和Al-P与Fe-P之间,Hy-Al和Ca-P之间均呈显著(P<0.05)正相关。因此,林分类型显著影响土壤无机磷与活性铝的含...  相似文献   

At the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, a long-term effort is under way to study responses in ecosystem biogeochemistry to chronic inputs of N in atmospheric deposition in the region. Since 1988, experimental additions of NH4NO3 (0, 5 and 15 g N m–2 yr–1) have been made in two forest stands:Pinus resinosa (red pine) and mixed hardwood. In the seventh year of the study, we measured solute concentrations and estimated solute fluxes in throughfall and at two soil depths, beneath the forest floors (Oa) and beneath the B horizons.Beneath the Oa, concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic C and N (DOC and DON) were higher in the coniferous stand than in the hardwood stand. The mineral soil exerted a strong homogenizing effect on concentrations beneath the B horizons. In reference plots (no N additions), DON composed 56% (pine) and 67% (hardwood) of the total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) transported downward from the forest floor to the mineral soil, and 98% of the TDN exported from the solums. Under N amendments, fluxes of DON from the forest floor correlated positively with rates of N addition, but fluxes of inorganic N from the Oa exceeded those of DON. Export of DON from the solums appeared unaffected by 7 years of N amendments, but as in the Oa, DON composed smaller fractions of TDN exports under N amendments. DOC fluxes were not strongly related to N amendment rates, but ratios of DOC:DON often decreased.The hardwood forest floor exhibited a much stronger sink for inorganic N than did the pine forest floor, making the inputs of dissolved N to mineral soil much greater in the pine stand. Under the high-N treatment, exports of inorganic N from the solum of the pine stand were increased >500-fold over reference (5.2 vs. 0.01 g N m–2 yr–1), consistent with other manifestations of nitrogen saturation. Exports of N from the solum in the pine forest decreased in the order NO3-N> NH4-N> DON, with exports of inorganic N 14-fold higher than exports of DON. In the hardwood forest, in contrast, increased sinks for inorganic N under N amendments resulted in exports of inorganic N that remained lower than DON exports in N-amended plots as well as the reference plot.  相似文献   

We compared the mechanisms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal in four young (<15 years old) constructed estuarine marshes with paired mature natural marshes to determine how nutrient retention changes during wetland ecosystem succession. In constructed wetlands, N retention begins as soon as emergent vegetation becomes established and soil organic matter starts to accumulate, which is usually within the first 1–3 years. Accumulation of organic carbon in the soil sets the stage for denitrification which, after 5–10 years, removes approximately the same amount of N as accumulating organic matter, 5–10 g/m2/yr each, under conditions of low N loadings. Under high N loadings, the amount of N stored in accumulating organic matter doubles while N removal from denitrification may increase by an order of magnitude or more. Both organic N accumulation and denitrification provide for long-term reliable N removal regardless of N loading rates. Phosphorus removal, on the other hand, is greatest during the first 1–3 years of succession when sediment deposition and sorption/precipitation of P are greatest. During this time, constructed marshes may retain from 3 g P/m2/yr under low P loadings to as much as 30 g P/m2/yr under high loadings. However, as sedimentation decreases and sorption sites become saturated, P retention decreases to levels supported by organic P accumulation (1–2 g P/m2/yr) and sorption/precipitation with incoming aqueous and particulate Fe, Al and Ca. Phosphorus cycling in wetlands differs from forest and other terrestrial ecosystems in that conservation of P is greatest during the early years of succession, not during the middle or late stages. Conservation of P by wetlands is largely regulated by geochemical processes (sorption, precipitation) which operate independently of succession. In contrast, the conservation of N is controlled by biological processes (organic matter accumulation, denitrification) that change as succession proceeds.  相似文献   

Phosphorus mineralization is chemically coupled with organic matter (OM) decomposition in surface horizons of a mixed-conifer forest soil from the Sierra Nevada, California, and is also affected by the disturbance caused by forest harvesting. Solution13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of NaOH extracts revealed a decrease of O-alkyl and alkyl-C fractions with increasing degree of decomposition and depth in the soil profile, while carbonyl and aromatic C increased. Solid-state13C-NMR analysis of whole soil samples showed similar trends, except that alkyl C increased with depth. Solution31P-NMR indicated that inorganic P (P1) increased with increasing depth, while organic-P (Po) fractions decreased. Close relationships between P mineralization and litter decomposition were suggested by correlations between P1 and C fractions (r = 0.82, 0.81, –0.87, and –0.76 for carbonyl, aromatic, alkyl and O-alkyl fractions, respectively). Correlations for diester-P and pyrophosphate with O-alkyl (r = 0.63 and 0.84) and inverse correlations with aromatics (r = –0.74 and –0.72) suggest that mineralization of these P fractions coincides with availability of C substrate. A correlation between monoester P and alkyl C (r = 0.63) suggests mineralization is linked to breakdown of structural components of the plant litter. NMR analyses, combined with Hedley-P fractionation, suggest that post-harvest buildup of labile P in decomposed litter increases the potential for leaching of P during the first post-harvest season, but also indicates reduced biological activity that transports P from litter to the mineral soil. Thus, P is temporarily stored in decomposed litter, preventing its fixation by mineral oxides. In the mineral horizons,31P-NMR provides evidence of decline in biologically-available P during the first post-harvest season.  相似文献   

Decreases in pH and increases in the concentration of Al and NO 3 have been observed in surface waters draining acid-sensitive regions in the northeastern U.S. during spring snowmelt. To assess the source of this acidity, we evaluated solute concentrations in snowpack, and in meltwater collected from snow and forest floor lysimeters in the west-central Adirondack Mountains of New York during the spring snowmelt period, 29 March through 15 April 1984.During the initial phase of snowmelt, ions were preferentially leached from the snowpack resulting in elevated concentrations in snowmelt water (e.g. H+ = 140 eq.l–1; NO 4 2– = 123 eq.l–1; SO 3 = 160 eq.l–1). Solute concentrations decreased dramatically within a few days of the initial melt (< 50 eq.l–1). The concentrations of SO 4 2– and NO 3 in snowpack and snowmelt water were similar, whereas NO 3 in the forest floor leachate was at least two times the concentration of SO 4 2– .Study results suggest that the forest floor was a sink for snowmelt inputs of alkalinity, and a net source of H+, NO 3 , dissolved organic carbon, K+ and Al inputs to the mineral soil. The forest floor was relatively conservative with respect to snowmelt inputs of Ca2+, SO 4 2– and Cl. These results indicate that mineralization of N, followed by nitrification in the forest floor may be an important process contributing to elevated concentrations of H+ and NO 3 in streams during the snowmelt period.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the desorption characteristics and plant-availability of phosphate sorbed by some important variable-charge minerals including kaolinite, goethite and amorphous Al oxide. Phosphate desorption from the complexes of goethite-P, kaolinite-P and Al oxide-P by equilibration with 0.02M KCl, resin or some commonly used chemical extractants was slow compared to desorption from a permanent-charge mineral (montmorillonite). However, rice plants were not observed under P deficiency in a pot trial with a phosphate-mineral complex as the only P source for both the permanent-charge mineral and the variable-charge minerals at either 50% or 100% sorption saturation with the exception of goethite-P at 50% saturation. In the exceptional goethite-P treatment, plant P concentration (1.0 g kg–1) was on the threshold of P deficiency. From 15% to 31% of the applied P was recovered by the plants within a growing period of three months, depending on sorption saturation and mineral type. Both the dry matter yield and P uptake decreased with decreasing sorption saturation for all the tested complexes except for Al oxide-P100 (100% saturation). In the case of Al oxide-P100, Al toxicity may have occurred, for poor root growth and high Al concentration in the plants were observed. The effect of sorption saturation on the yield and P uptake of plant was obvious for kaolinite and goethite but not very significant for montmorillonite. Based on the recovery of applied P, the plant-availability decreased in the following order: kaolinite-P100 > goethite-P100 > Al oxide-P50 > montmorillonite-P100 > montmorillonite-P50 > kaolinite-P50 > goethite-P50. Fractionation of the sorbed P before and after plant uptake showed that most of the P uptake originated from the resin-exchangeable P fraction in montmorillonite-P complex, but came mainly from NaOH-extractable fractions in goethite-P complex, whereas all the resin-P, NaHCO3-P and NaOH-P fractions in kaolinite- and amorphous Al oxide-P complex made a contribution to P uptake.  相似文献   

Iron content of sediment and phosphate adsorption properties   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
Phosphorus can occur in sediments in different forms and accordingly its availability varies. The distinction between the phosphorus fractions is made with two chemical extraction methods; an ammonium oxalate-oxalic acid extraction and an extraction according to Hieltjes & Lijklema (1980).The iron and aluminum liberated with the ammonium oxalate-oxalic acid extraction method is linearly correlated (r 2 = 0.73) with the phosphorus liberated in the first two steps of the Hieltjes and Lijklema extraction by: P = 0.035 (Fe + Al) + 0.001 (P, Fe and Al in mmol g–1).The iron and aluminum (hydr)oxides are very important fractions in the sediment adsorption capacity for phosphorus. The phosphorus sorption capacity (PSC) is 0.080 mol P (mol (Fe + Al))–1 and the adsorption constant (k) is 11.9 µmol P l–1. Here it is assumed that iron and aluminum (hydr)oxide have the same affinity for phosphorus.  相似文献   

Ritter  Eva  Vesterdal  Lars  Gundersen  Per 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(2):319-330
In many European countries, surplus agricultural production and ecological problems due to intensive soil cultivation have increased the interest in afforestation of arable soils. Many environmental consequences which might rise from this alternative land-use are only known from forest establishment on less intensively managed or marginal soils. The present study deals with changes in soil properties following afforestation of nutrient-rich arable soils. A chronosequence study was carried out comprising seven Norway spruce (Picea abies (Karst.) L.) and seven oak (Quercus robur L.) stands established from 1969 to 1997 on former horticultural and agricultural soils in the vicinity of Copenhagen, Denmark. For comparison, a permanent pasture and a ca. 200-year-old mixed deciduous forest were included. This paper reports on changes in pH values, base saturation (BSeff), exchangeable calcium, soil N pools (Nmin contents), and C/N ratios in the Ap-horizon (0–25 cm) and the accumulated forest floor. The results suggest that afforestation slowly modifies soil properties of former arable soils. Land-use history seems to influence soil properties more than the selected tree species. An effect of tree species was only found in the forest floor parameters. Soil acidification was the most apparent change along the chronosequence in terms of a pH decrease from 6 to 4 in the upper 5 cm soil. Forest floor pH varied only slightly around 5. Nitrogen storage in the Ap-horizon remained almost constant at 5.5 Mg N ha–1. This was less than in the mineral soil of the ca. 200-year-old forest. In the permanent pasture, N storage was somewhat higher in 0–15 cm depth than in afforested stands of comparable age. Nitrogen storage in the forest floor of the 0–30-year-old stands increased in connection with the build-up of forest floor mass. The increase was approximately five times greater under spruce than oak. Mineral soil C/N ratios ranged from 10 to 15 in all stands and tended to increase in older stands only in 0–5 cm depth. Forest floor C/N ratios were higher in spruce stands (26.4) as compared to oak stands (22.7). All stands except the youngest within a single tree species had comparable C/N ratios.  相似文献   

The effects of select monoterpenes on nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification potentials were determined in four separate laboratory bioassays. The effect of increasing monoterpene addition was an initial reduction in NO3 -N production (nitrification inhibition), followed by a reduction in the sum of NH4 +-N and NO3 -N (inhibition of net N mineralization and net immobilization at high monoterpene additions. Monoterpenes could produce this pattern by inhibiting nitrification, reducing net N mineralization, enhancing immobilization of NO3 -N relative to NH4 +-N, and/or stimulating overall net immobilization of N by carbon-rich material.Initial monoterpene concentrations in the assay soils were about 5% of the added amount and were below detection after incubation in most samples.Potential N mineralization-immobilization, nitrification, and soil monoterpene concentrations were determined by soil horizon for four collections from a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) stand in New Mexico. Concentrations of monoterpenes declined exponentially with soil depth and varied greatly within a horizon. Monoterpene content of the forest floor was not correlated with forest floor biomass. Net N mineralization was inversely correlated with total monoterpene content of all sampled horizons. Nitrification was greatest in the mineral soil, intermediate in the F-H horizon, and never occurred in the L horizon. Nitrification in the mineral soil was inversely correlated with the amount of monoterpenes in the L horizon that contain terminal unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds (r 2 = 0.37, P 0.01). This pattern in the field corresponded to the pattern shown in the laboratory assays with increasing monoterpene additions.  相似文献   

Vladimir Vanek 《Hydrobiologia》1993,251(1-3):211-216
Lake Bysjön is a hypertrophic seepage lake, with groundwater as a main external source of phosphorus. Twelve groundwater samples from the vicinity of the lake were high in phosphate (0.4 to 11 mg l–1, mean value 2.57 mg l–1 PO4-P), both within the riparian zone and in two shallow wells located upstreams the lake in the nearby village. Phosphorus sorption capacity of four sand samples measured with the Langmuir isotherm method was low (7.3 to 121,1 mg kg–1 PO4-P), with the lowest values found within the riparian zone. It is suggested that the phosphorus originates from garden fertilizers and other human sources, and that the low absorption capacity of the soils is caused by the leaching of calcium from the watershed, a process which started some 3000 years ago. Riparian zone itself has almost no retention capacity, and processes within it (e.g., redox-related) have only secondary importance for the transport of phosphorus to the lake.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the residence time of Pb in the forest floor may not be as long as previously thought, and there is concern that the large pulse of atmospheric Pb deposited in the 1960s and early 1970s may move rapidly through mineral soils and eventually contaminate groundwater. In order to assess Pb mobility at a woodland (JMOEC) in south-central Ontario, a stable Pb isotope tracer 207Pb (8 mg m–2) was added to the forest floor in white pine (Pinus strobus) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum) stands, respectively, and monitored over a 2-year period. Excess 207Pb was rapidly lost from the forest floor. Applying first-order rate coefficients (k) of 0.57 (maple) and 0.32 (pine) obtained from the tracer study, and estimates of Pb deposition in the region, current predicted Pb concentrations in the forest floor are 1.5–3.1 and 2.1–5.8 mg kg–1 in the maple and pine plots, respectively. These values compare favorably with measured concentrations (corrected for mineral soil contamination) of 3.1–4.3 mg kg–1 in the maple stand and 2.6–3.6 mg kg–1 in the pine stand. The response time (1/k) of Pb in the forest floor at the sugar maple and white pine plots was estimated to be 1.8 and 3.1 years, respectively. The rapid loss of Pb from the forest floor at the JMOEC is much greater than previously reported, and is probably due to the rapid rate of litter turnover that is characteristic of forests with mull-type forest floors. In a survey of 23 forested sites that border the Precambrian Shield in south-central Ontario, Pb concentrations in the forest floor increased exponentially with decreasing soil pH. Lead concentrations in the forest floor at the most acidic survey sites, which exhibited mor-type forest floors, were approximately 10 times higher (80 mg kg–1) than at the JMOEC, and pollution Pb burdens were up to 25 times greater. Despite the rapid loss of Pb from the forest floor at the JMOEC, the highest pollution Pb concentrations were found in the upper (0–1 cm) mineral soil horizon. Lead concentrations in the upper 30 cm of mineral soil were strongly correlated with organic matter content, indicating that pollution Pb does not move as a pulse down the soil profile, but instead is linked with organic matter distribution, indicating groundwater contamination is unlikely.  相似文献   

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