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Kozub NA  Sozinov IA  Sozinov AA 《Genetika》2012,48(4):473-479
The diversity of alleles of gliadin loci Gli-U1 and Gli-M(b) 1 was studied in the tetraploid species Aegilops biuncialis (UUM(b)M(b)). The collection of 41 Ae. biuncialis accessions and F2 grain obtained from five crossing combinations provides material used in this study. Gliadins were separated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel conducted in the acidic medium. To determine genomic affiliation (Uor M(b)) of components of Ae. biuncialis gliadin pattern, accessions of Ae. umbellulata and Ae. comosa were analyzed. In Ae. biuncialis accessions, 14 alleles were identified at the locus Gli-U1 and 12 alleles, at the locus Gli-M(b) 1. The results testify to a markedly high degree of allele diversity at major gliadin-coding loci of chromosomes belonging to Ae. biuncialis homeologous group 1.  相似文献   

Summary No suppressible alleles have been found at the his1 locus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Seventeen noncomplementing alleles have been tested against the strong ochre suppressor SUP2. These alleles, plus an additional 34 complementing alleles, were previously tested against a weaker suppressor SUP11. These results, which are in marked contrast to experience with other yeast loci where suppressible alleles are frequent, may be explained if the his1 product is transcribed from a polycistronic message so that nonsense mutations lead to loss of a second nonsupplementable function, or if the his1 protein serves as an essential subunit for an unknown enzyme complex.  相似文献   

Genetic modifiers of opaque2 convert the soft, starchy endosperm of opaque2 maize mutants to a hard, vitreous phenotype, while maintaining the enhanced lysine content of the grain. Genetic analysis of F2 segregating seeds from crosses of opaque2 by modified opaque2 genotypes indicated that the modifiers are complex traits that act codominantly. We developed two different segregating F2 populations and mapped the modifier loci by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. A relationship was found between formation of vitreous endosperm and the locus encoding the gamma-zein storage protein, which maps near the centromere of chromosome 7. Endosperm modification was consistently associated with the presence of two rather than one gamma-zein gene at this locus. A second modifier locus was mapped near the telomere of chromosome 7L.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)是Ⅱ型脂肪酸合成系统的模式生物,3-羟基脂酰ACP脱水异构酶(FabA)是不饱和脂肪酸合成中的关键酶.生物信息学分析表明,乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)的基因组中没有标注为3-羟基脂酰ACP脱水异构酶的基因,但有两个标注为3-羟基脂酰ACP脱水酶基因LlfabZ1和LlfabZ2,其编码的蛋白质与EcFabZ的相似性分别为41%和45.1%,且都具有3-羟基脂酰ACP脱水酶两个保守的α螺旋结构.用携带LlfabZ1和LlfabZ2的质粒载体遗传互补大肠杆菌fabA温度敏感突变株CY57,在42℃下不能恢复生长,但无细胞抽提物的结果显示LlFabZ1能够使反-2-癸烯酰ACP异构成顺-3-癸烯酰ACP,而LlFabZ2则不能.互补大肠杆菌fabZ突变株HW7显示,在诱导的条件下,含有LlfabZ2的转化子能够恢复生长,而LlfabZ1则不能.体外重建脂肪酸合成反应及蛋白质活性测定表明,LlFabZ1具有3-羟基脂酰ACP脱水异构酶功能,而LlFabZ2只具有3-羟基脂酰ACP脱水酶功能.另外,未得到LlfabZ1和LlfabZ2的突变株,表明LlFabZ1和LlFabZ2可能是乳酸乳球菌脂肪酸合成酶系中的必不可少的关键蛋白.上述结果证实了乳酸乳球菌fabZ1和fabZ2两个基因在脂肪酸合成中的功能.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments were performed to estimate the number of alleles at the two incompatibility loci of rye in the variety Halo. In one experiment I1 progenies from enforced selfing under controlled conditions were isolated. In the other experiment a genotype, homozygous at both incompatibility loci, was used as pollinator for a sample of the Halo population, which was regarded as an equilibrium population. Genotypes, which are homozygous at both incompatibility loci, can be found after selfing. The estimate for the number of alleles was 6 to 7 at one locus and 12 to 13 at the other locus.  相似文献   

A correspondence between RFLP patterns and gliadin alleles at the Gli-1 and Gli-2 loci was established in a set of 70 common wheat (T.aestivum L.) cultivars using -gliadin (K32) and -gliadin (pTU1) specific probes. All Gli-B1 and Gli-D1 alleles which differed in encoded -gliadins showed definite RFLP patterns after hybridization with the K32 probe. Two groups of Gli-B1 alleles, Gli-B1b-like and Gli-B1e-like, were identified, and these could originate from distinct genotypes of the presumptive donor of the B-genome. Intralocus recombination and/or gene conversion as well as small deletions, gene silencing and gene amplification were assumed to be responsible for the origin of new gliadin alleles. Silent -gliadin sequences were shown to exist in all of the genotypes studied. K32 also differentiated Gli-A1a from all other Gli-A1 alleles as well as the Gli-B11 allele in cultivars carrying the 1B/1R (wheat/rye) translocation. PTU1 was shown to recognize several Gli-A2 alleles, but not the Gli-B2 or Gli-D2 alleles. Moreover, this probe hybridized to chromosome 1R sequences suggesting the existence of rye gene(s), probably silent, for -gliadin-like proteins on chromosome 1R.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-three spontaneous yellow mutants were isolated from two stable green strains of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetic characterization indicated that 22 of 23 mutants had a mutation at the y-1 locus, and all 22 y-1 alleles were unstable. Crosses designed to follow the inheritance of instability at the y-1 locus showed that instability is caused by a single genetic factor located at the y-1 locus or very close to it.  相似文献   

LTE1 encodes a homolog of GDP-GTP exchange factors for the Ras superfamily and is required at low temperatures for cell cycle progression at the stage of the termination of M phase inSaccharomyces cerevisiae. We isolated extragenic suppressors which suppress the cold sensitivity oflte1 cells and confer a temperature-sensitive phenotype on cells. Cells mutant for the suppressor alone were arrested at telophase at non-permissive temperatures and the terminal phenotype was almost identical to that oflte1 cells at non-permissive temperatures. Genetic analysis revealed that the suppressor is allelic toCDC15, which encodes a protein kinase. Thecdc15 mutations thus isolated were recessive with regard to the temperature-sensitive phenotype and were dominant with respect to suppression oflte1. We isolatedCDC14 as a low-copy-number suppressor ofcdc15-rlt1.CDC14 encodes a phosphotyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) and is essential for termination of M phase. An extra copy ofCDC14 suppressed the temperature sensitivity ofcdc15-rlt1 cells, but not that ofcdc15-1 cells. In addition, some residues that are essential for the Cdc14 PTPase activity were found to be non-essential for the suppression. These results strongly indicate that Cdc14 possesses dual functions; PTPase activity is needed for one function but not for the other. We postulate that the cooperative action of Cdc14 and Cdc15 plays an essential role in the termination of M phase.  相似文献   

ThelpA1/Gpcr26locus encodes the first cloned and identified G-protein-coupled receptor that specifically interacts with lysophosphatidic acid. A murine full-length cDNA of size consistent with that seen on Northern blots (3.7 kb) was determined using 3′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends. Analysis of genomic clones revealed that the gene is divided into five exons, with one intron inserted in the coding region for transmembrane domain VI and one exon encoding the divergent 5′ sequence in another published cDNA clone variant (orphan receptor mrec1.3). This structure differs from the intronless coding region for a homologous receptor,Edg1,but is identical to another more similar orphan receptor (lpA2) that has been deposited with GenBank. Using backcross analysis, both exons 1 and 4 mapped to a proximal region of murine Chromosome 4 indistinguishable from the vacillans gene. Exon 4 also mapped to a second locus on proximal Chromosome 6 inMus spretus,and this partial duplication was confirmed by Southern blot. The genomic structure indicates a distinct, divergent evolutionary lineage for thevzg-1/lpA1subfamily of receptors compared to those of homologous orphan receptor genes.  相似文献   

Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is the most important fungal pathogen of the potato (Solanum tuberosum). The introduction of major genes for resistance from the wild species S. demissum into potato cultivars is the earliest example of breeding for resistance using wild germplasm in this crop. Eleven resistance alleles (R genes) are known, differing in the recognition of corresponding avirulence alleles of the fungus. The number of R loci, their positions on the genetic map and the allelic relationships between different R variants are not known, except that the R1 locus has been mapped to potato chromosome V The objective of this work was the further genetic analysis of different R alleles in potato. Tetraploid potato cultivars carrying R alleles were reduced to the diploid level by inducing haploid parthenogenetic development of 2n female gametes. Of the 157 isolated primary dihaploids, 7 set seeds and carried the resistance alleles R1, R3 and R10 either individually or in combinations. Independent segregation of the dominant R1 and R3 alleles was demonstrated in two F1 populations of crosses among a dihaploid clone carrying R1 plus R3 and susceptible pollinators. Distorted segregation in favour of susceptibility was found for the R3 allele in 15 of 18 F1 populations analysed, whereas the RI allele segregated with a 1:1 ratio as expected in five F1 populations. The mode of inheritance of the R10 allele could not be deduced as only very few F1 hybrids bearing R10 were obtained. Linkage analysis in two F1 populations between R1, R3 and RFLP markers of known position on the potato RFLP maps confirmed the position of the R1 locus on chromosome V and localized the second locus, R3, to a distal position on chromdsome XI.  相似文献   

目的:研究G-四链体(G4)对SUMO特异性蛋白酶1(SUMO-specific proteases 1, SENP1)基因的转录调控作用。方法:克隆不同的SENP1启动子片段构建SENP1启动子报告质粒,通过报告基因检测鉴定SENP1启动子核心转录调控区;分析SENP1启动子核心转录调控区序列,并进行G4形成序列预测;合成G4形成序列寡核苷酸,利用圆二色谱分析检测G4形成序列寡核苷酸的拓扑结构;通过G4配体TMPyP4处理和过表达G4解旋酶G4R1结合报告基因检测和Western blot鉴定启动子G4对 SENP1转录表达的调控作用。结果:发现-910 ~+226区域是SENP1启动子的核心转录调控区,序列富含G/C;生信分析发现SENP1启动子核心区存在G4形成序列;圆二色谱分析证实SENP1启动子G4形成序列能够形成G4结构;报告基因检测和Western blot检测发现启动子G4对SENP1转录表达具有抑制作用。结论:SENP1启动子核心转录调控区存在G4结构并对其转录表达具有抑制作用,为揭示SENP1在生理和病理过程中的作用机制提供新的研究思路和试验线索。  相似文献   

Summary Mutants, designated tamA r, have been isolated on the basis of simultaneous resistance to toxic analogues thiourea, aspartate hydroxamate and chlorate with L-alanine as the sole nitrogen source. tamA r mutants are also resistant to methylammonium. This resistance of tamA r mutants is correlated with partially repressed activity of a number of enzyme and transport systems regulated by ammonium. Furthermore, tamA r mutants have low NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP-GDH) activity and also efflux ammonium under certain growth conditions.Mutants at the areA locus (areA r) have also been isolated on the basis of resistance to these analogues, with nitrate or L-aspartate as the nitrogen source. These, similar to tamA r lesions, result in resistance to methylammonium and are partially repressed for ammonium repressible systems, but in contrast to tamA r, areA r alleles have wild-type NADP-GDH activity and normal ammonium efflux. tamA r and areA r mutants grow as wild type on all nitrogen or carbon sources tested, are recessive, and appear to be epistatic to all other mutations (gdhA1, meaA8 and meaB6) which result in derepressed levels of ammonium regulated system. Whereas tamA r and areA r phenotypes are additive, tamA r is epistatic to areA d phenotype.  相似文献   

Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccon PI94668 and PI349045 were identified as containing null alleles at Glu-A1 and Glu-B1 loci in previous investigation. Sequencing of the respective HMW-GS genes Ax, Bx, Ay and By in both accessions indicated equal DNA lengths with gene silencing caused by 1 to 4 in-frame stop codon(s) in the open reading frames. Six synthetic hexaploid wheat lines were produced by crossing PI94668 or PI349045 with six Aegilops tauschii by spontaneous chromosome doubling of unreduced gametes. As expected, these amphiploids had three different HMW-GS: Dx 3.1t?+?Dy11*t, Dx2.1t?+?10t and Dx2t?+?Dy12t in Glu-D1 but double nulls in Glu-A1 and Glu-B1. Quality tests showed that most quality parameters in two T. turgidum ssp. dicoccon parents were very low due to the lack of HMW-GSs. However, incorporation of HMW-GS from Ae. tauschii in six synthetic hexaploid wheat lines significantly increased most quality related parameters. The potential values of these wheat lines in improving the quality of wheat are discussed.  相似文献   

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