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This article examines the empirical basis for the assumption of independence between the relative size (length or surface area) of a newborn cell w and the absolute size of its mother at cell division. Random samples from two strains of Escherichia coli B/r cells in steady-state exponential growth, covering a range of doubling times, were fixed in osmium tetroxide and prepared for electron microscopy by agar filtration. Length and diameter of over 3000 constricted cells were measured from the electron micrographs and cell surface area computed by assuming an idealized geometry of right circular cylinders with hemispherical polar caps. In general, these strains were found to divide into two daughter cells with a precision that is independent of the size of the mother. In addition, both a normal and a symmetrical beta-distribution were shown to fit the observed size distributions of w rather well; theoretical grounds for preferring the latter are discussed.  相似文献   

Cell lengths have been determined at which cycle events occur in the slow-growing Escherichia coli B/r substrains A, K, and F26. The radioautographic and electron microscope analyses allowed determination of the variations in length at birth, initiation and termination of DNA replication, and initiation of the constriction process and of cell separation. In all three substrains the standard deviation increased between cell birth and initiation of DNA replication. From there on, the standard deviation remained relatively constant until cell separation. These observations are consistent with the presence of a deterministic phase during the cell cycle in which the cell sizes at initation of DNA replication and at cell division are correlated.  相似文献   

Stepwise changes in the rate of phosphatidylethanolamine and phospholipid synthesis during the cell division cycle of Escherichia coli B/r were observed. The cell ages at the increases were found to be a function of the growth rate. At each growth rate, the increase occurred around the time new rounds of chromosome replication were inaugurated in the cycle.  相似文献   

The experiments described in this report were designed to find out whether there is a minimal size threshold for cell division or for DNA replication in Escherichia coli. Cells with decreasing size (or mass) were obtained by successive amino acid starvations. Following two starvations, the cells were at least 30% smaller than unstarved newborn cells. The results suggest that this size is below a minimal size threshold for cell division but not for initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Changes in cell diameter during the division cycle of Escherichia coli   总被引:20,自引:17,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Extensive measurements of steady-state populations of several Escherichia coli strains have consistently indicated that cell diameter decreases with increasing cell length. This was observed both after electron microscopy of air-dried cells and after phase-contrast microscopy of living cells. The analysis was made by considering separately the unconstricted cells and three classes (slight, medium, and deep) of constricted cells in the population. During slow growth, cells with the average newborn length were up to 8% thicker than unconstricted cells twice as long. This decrease in diameter is less at higher growth rates. Despite the small changes and the large variation of the diameter in any particular length class, significant negative correlations between diameter and length were obtained. Cell diameter increases again at the end of the cell cycle as indicated by an increase of average diameter in the three consecutive classes of constriction.  相似文献   

Cell division properties of Escherichia coli B/r containing either a dnaC or a dnaI mutation were examined. Incubation at nonpermissive temperature resulted in the eventual production of cells of approximately normal size, or slightly smaller, which lacked chromosomal DNA. The cell division patterns in cultures which were grown at permissive temperature and then shifted to nonpermissive temperature were consistent with: first, division and equipartition of chromosomes by cells which were in the C and D periods at the time of the shift; second, an apparent delay in cell division; and third, commencement of the formation of chromosomeless cells. In glucose-grown cultures of the dnaI mutant, production of chromosomeless cells continued for at least 120 min, whereas in the dnaC mutant chromosomeless cells were formed during a single interval between 110 and 130 min after the temperature shift. The results are discussed in light of the hypothesis that replication of a specific chromosomal region is not an obligatory requirement for the initiation and completion of the processes leading to division in a cell which contains at least one functioning chromosome.  相似文献   

The MinC protein directs placement of the division septum to the middle of Escherichia coli cells by blocking assembly of the division apparatus at other sites. MinD and MinE regulate MinC activity by modulating its cellular location in a unique fashion. MinD recruits MinC to the membrane, and MinE induces MinC/MinD to oscillate rapidly between the membrane of opposite cell halves. Using fixed cells, we previously found that a MinE-green fluorescent protein fusion accumulated in an annular structure at or near the midcell, as well as along the membrane on only one side of the ring. Here we show that in living cells, MinE undergoes a rapid localization cycle that appears coupled to MinD oscillation. The results show that MinE is not a fixed marker for septal ring assembly. Rather, they support a model in which MinE stimulates the removal of MinD from the membrane in a wave-like fashion. These waves run from a midcell position towards the poles in an alternating sequence such that the time-averaged concentration of division inhibitor is lowest at midcell.  相似文献   

The magnitudes of several pools of radioactively labeled precursors for RNA and protein synthesis were determined as a function of cell age during the division cycle of Escherichia coli 15 THU. Uracil, histidine, and methionine pools increased from low initial values for cells at birth to maxima during midcycle and then subsided again. These pools were small or nonexistent at the beginning and the end of the cycle, and their average values during the cycle were less than 4% of the total cellular radioactivity. The results are consistent with a linear pattern of growth for cells during the division cycle and provide strong evidence against exponential or bilinear growth of E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Chang liver cells from exponentially growing suspension cultures have been separated by sedimentation at unit gravity. Determinations of the protein content per cell showed that the fractionation procedure resulted in good separation of cells of different size. On the other hand, the DNA content of individual cells from the fractions, as determined cytofluorimetrically, indicated considerable heterogeneity in the size of cells from the same stage of the division cycle. On the basis of earlier results on intermitotic growth and the variation in the length of the cell cycle in homogeneous cell populations, a mathematical model has been constructed and tested using a computer program. The present results on the size distribution of cells from the different stages of the mitotic cycle are consistent with a regeneration of size heterogeneity in each cell generation, as a result of the dispersion of intermitotic times. The variation in cell cycle times may be related to a probabilistic event in the G1 period. In the mathematical model it was necessary to include a mechanism by which the regeneration of abnormally large cells is prevented. The experimental data are compatible with a gradually increasing inhibition of growth in cells larger than a certain size (circa 400 pg protein per cell).  相似文献   

The turnover of phospholipids in Escherichia coli B/r was analyzed in synchronously growing populations. The turnover of presynthesized phosphatidyl-glycerol and cardiolipin continued at a constant exponential rate throughout the division cycle.  相似文献   

Increase in the mean cell mass of undivided cells was determined during the division cycle of Escherichia coli B/rA. Cell buoyant densities during the division cycle were determined after cells from an exponentially growing culture were separated by size. The buoyant densities of these cells were essentially independent of cell age, with a mean value of 1.094 g ml-1. Mean cell volume and buoyant density were also determined during synchronous growth in two different media, which provided doubling times of 40 and 25 min. Cell volume and mass increased linearly at both growth rates, as buoyant density did not vary significantly. The results are consistent with only one of the three major models of cell growth, linear growth, which specifies that the rate of increase in cell mass is constant throughout the division cycle.  相似文献   

V Zalkinder 《Bio Systems》1979,11(4):295-307
The conventional concept of division control assumes that a certain sequence of biochemical events throughout the cell cycle results in the generation of some specific mitotic trigger. An alternative approach has been examined by us on Tetrahymena pyriformis, namely, that division is started without any specific starter but by deficiency in the cell pool of nutrients. This deficiency, in its turn, is caused by various space disproportions accompanying cell growth.In accordance with the hypothesis under examination, a prompt shift-down in cell nutrition has induced a wave of division in an asynchronous culture of Tetrahymena; a shift-up in nutrition has resulted in delay of division and in a stepwise increase of mean volume of dividing cells.  相似文献   

V Zalkinder 《Bio Systems》1979,11(4):309-322
The correlation between cell size and the rate of cell growth and endocytosis was investigated. The increase in cell volume was found to proceed at a slowing rate throughout interphase. It virtually stops some time before cytokinesis and is rather rapid at the time of cytokinesis, although the divider volume decreases markedly for a short period of cell cleavage.Endocytosis was monitored with the aid of carmine. The oral apparatus is inactive during cytokinesis and some time after it. Then endocytosis increases, reaching a stable level at the middle of interphase. It accelerates significantly again just before cytokinesis. There is a positive correlation between the activity of the oral apparatus throughout interphase and the cell size at the inception of growth.The correlation between the rate of growth and the rate of endocytosis was found to be negative. Calculations which take into account the time of food digestion in Tetrahymena show that the cell pool of nutrients must be maximal at the inception of the generation cycle and minimal at the end of interphase. The rate of cell growth correlates positively with these oscillations, whereas the rate of endocytosis correlates with them negatively.  相似文献   

Plasmolysis during the division cycle of Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cells of Escherichia coli were plasmolyzed with sucrose. They were classified according to length by way of electron micrographs taken from samples prepared by agar filtration. The percentage of plasmolyzed cells increased about two- and threefold between mean cell sizes of newborn and separating cells. However, dividing cells were less frequently plasmolyzed than nondividing cells of the same length class. Analysis of cell halves (prospective daughters) in dividing cells showed that they behaved as independent cellular units with respect to plasmolysis. The results indicate that compressibility of the protoplast (given a certain plasmolysis space) is inversely related to cell size. That a dividing cell does not react as one osmotic compartment to osmotic stress may suggest that cell size-dependent strength of the cell membrane-cell wall association, rather than variation in turgor, plays a role during the cell division cycle.  相似文献   

The variability of (i) the length (size) at which cells initiate chromosome replication, (ii) the length at which they initiate cell constriction, and (iii) the time interval between these events has been estimated for Escherichia coli B/r K at two different slow growth rates. Steady-state cultures were pulse-labeled with [3H]thymidine and, after fixation, analyzed by electron microscopic radioautography. The coefficient of variation of length at initiation of chromosome replication was found to be 15 to 22%, the coefficient of variation of length at initiation of cell constriction was 10%, and the coefficient of variation of the time interval between both events was 25%. With the help of these values we calculated a high positive coefficient of correlation (rho) between the length at which a round of chromosome replication is initiated and that at which the onset of cell constriction occurs. At both growth rates rho has a value of 0.6 to 1.0. This correlation excludes a model in which chromosome initiation and cell constriction are independently triggered by some aspects of cell growth. It favors a model in which an event before or at chromosome initiation triggers both.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP and cell division in Escherichia coli.   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We examined several aspects of cell division regulation in Escherichia coli which have been thought to be controlled by cyclic AMP (cAMP) and its receptor protein (CAP). Mutants lacking adenyl cyclase (cya) or CAP (crp) were rod shaped, not spherical, during exponential growth in LB broth or glucose-Casamino Acids medium, and lateral wall elongation was normal; in broth, stationary-phase cells became ovoid. Cell mass was smaller for the mutants than for the wild type, but it remained appropriate for their slower growth rate and thus probably does not reflect early (uncontrolled) septation. The slow growth did not seem to reflect a gross metabolic disorder, since the mutants gave a normal yield on limiting glucose; surprisingly, however, the cya mutant (unlike crp) was unable to grow anaerobically on glucose, suggesting a role for cAMP (but not for CAP) in the expression of some fermentation enzyme. Both cya and crp mutants are known to be resistant to mecillinam, an antibiotic which inhibits penicillin-binding protein 2 (involved in lateral wall elongation) and also affects septation. This resistance does not reflect a lack of PBP2. Furthermore, it was not simply the result of slow growth and small cell mass, since small wild-type cells growing in acetate remained sensitive. The cAMP-CAP complex may regulate the synthesis of some link between PBP2 and the septation apparatus. The ftsZ gene, coding for a cell division protein, was expressed at a higher level in the absence of cAMP, as measured with an ftsZ::lacZ fusion, but the amount of protein per cell, shown by others to be invariable over a 10-fold range of cell mass, was independent of cAMP, suggesting that ftsZ expression is not regulated by the cAMP-CAP complex.  相似文献   

Quantitative electron microscope observations were performed on Escherichia coli B/r after balanced growth with doubling times (tau) of 32 and 60 min. The experimental approach allowed the timing of morphological events during the cell cycle by classifying serially sectioned cells according to length. Visible separation of the nucleoplasm was found to coincide with the time of termination of chromosome replication as predicted by the Cooper-Helmstetter model. The duration of the process of constrictive cell division (10 min) appeared to be independent of the growth rate for tau equals 60 min or less but to increase with increase doubling time in more slowly growing cells. Physiological division, i.e., compartmentalization prior to physical separation of the cells, was only observed to occur in the last minute of the cell cycle. The morphological results indicate that cell elongation continues during the division process in cells with tau equals 32 min, but fails to continue in cells with tau equals 60 min.  相似文献   

A new method is presented for determining the growth rate and the probability of cell division (separation) during the cell cycle, using size distributions of cell populations grown under steady-state conditions. The method utilizes the cell life-length distribution, i.e., the probability that a cell will have any specific size during its life history. This method was used to analyze cell length distributions of six cultures of Escherichia coli, for which doubling times varied from 19 to 125 min. The results for each culture are in good agreement with a single model of growth and division kinetics: exponential elongation of cells during growth phase of the cycle, and normal distributions of length at birth and at division. The average value of the coefficient of variation was 13.5% for all strains and growth rates. These results, based upon 5,955 observations, support and extend earlier proposals that growth and division patterns of E. coli are similar at all growth rates and, in addition, identify the general growth pattern of these cells to be exponential.  相似文献   

Summary At concentrations that did not affect growth, hydroxyurea and 21-deoxyadenosine inhibited DNA synthesis inChlamydomonas. Evidence that initiation of mitosis is dependent upon completion of DNA replication was provided by the arrest of inhibited cells with undivided nuclei containing undispersed nucleoli. Initiation of cytokinesis is not dependent upon progress of nuclear division since, in arrested cells, cleavage microtubules became deployed in a phycoplast and a cleavage furrow developed fully, until obstructed by the undivided nucleus. Chloroplast constriction and division also continued independently of nuclear division. It is concluded that nuclear division, cytoplasmic cleavage and chloroplast division are in separate sequences of dependent events. This is supported by flexibility of their relative timing in successive divisions, since after the first commitment to divide nuclear division is followed by initiation of cleavage and then chloroplast division, whereas following subsequent commitments these events occur in reverse time order. This flexibility of order indicates changing rates of progress through separate sequences of events.Deposition of wall material was dependent upon the completion of cytokinesis, but this inhibition of wall deposition by incomplete cytokinesis did not extend to other daughters within the same mother cell.These observations are correlated with our earlier data concerning the rate-limiting control points for division and a model for the coordination of division events is presented. The relationships between different plant cell cycles is discussed in view of the findings presented.  相似文献   

Sloppy size control of the cell division cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an asynchronous, exponentially proliferating cell culture there is a great deal of variability among individual cells in size at birth, size at division and generation time (= age at division). To account for this variability we assume that individual cells grow according to some given growth law and that, after reaching a minimum size, they divide with a certain probability (per unit time) which increases with increasing cell size. This model is called sloppy size control because cell division is assumed to be a random process with size-dependent probability. We derive general equations for the distribution of cell size at division, the distribution of generation time, and the correlations between generation times of closely related cells. Our theoretical results are compared in detail with experimental results (obtained by Miyata and coworkers) for cell division in fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The agreement between theory and experiment is superior to that found for any other simple models of the coordination of cell growth and division.  相似文献   

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