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The structure of the cis-[Pt(NH3)2(3′-CMP)2]2? ion, isolated in a partially protonated form as its cesium salt, has been analyzed by single-crystal x-ray diffraction methods. The 3′-CMP ligands bind in a monodentate fashion through their N(3) atoms: in contrast to the structure of [Pt(en)(5′-CMP)]2, no covalent platinum-phosphate bonding is found. This compound represents the first example of a 1:2 cis-metal/cytosine complex structurally characterized.  相似文献   

This study was accomplished to determine the effects of chronic streptozotocin diabetes and insulin treatment on selected enzymes and substrates used in energy transduction in muscles composed of different muscle fiber types. Triglyceride concentration in all the muscles of diabetic rats was significantly elevated. Glycogen and protein concentrations were unchanged. The enzyme activities of hexokinase and alanine aminotransferase were significantly reduced and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase increased in all the muscles. Declines in phosphofructokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, and succinate dehydrogenase activities were found in the red gastrocnemius and plantaris. Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was lower than normal in the red gastrocnemius. Insulin treatment to the diabetic rats returned the altered triglyceride content and enzyme activities to normal, with exception of the lower alanine aminotransferase activity in the red gastrocnemius and plantaris. However, this enzyme was significantly ameliorated when compared with the untreated diabetic rats. The findings show that hypoinsulinism has a differential effect on the enzymatic profile of the different skeletal muscle fiber types, with those of the red gastrocnemius being most severely affected. Insulin treatment returned the enzymatic profile of the fiber types in diabetic rats to essentially normal.  相似文献   

Binding of Zn(II) to the carbon monoxide complex of human hemoglobin was shown by equilibrium sedimentation and sedimentation velocity experiments at pH 7.0 to induce the dissociation of liganded tetramers to dimers but not to monomers. These results provide direct confirmation of previous kinetic and gel filtration experiments (R. D. Gray, (1980) J. Biol. Chem.255, 1812–1818) that Zn(II) binding to liganded hemoglobin produces a change in aggregation state of liganded hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Statistical mechanics of DNA topoisomers. The helical worm-like chain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent experimental data of Shore & Baldwin (1983b) and of Horowitz & Wang (1984) for the apparent twisting coefficient K, which determines the breadth of the Gaussian distribution of DNA topoisomers with different linking numbers N, show that the product of K and nbp (the number of base-pairs) is nearly a constant for nbp approximately greater than 2000, but that it increases sharply with decreasing nbp for nbp approximately less than 2000. The main purpose of the present paper is to explain theoretically such behavior of K as a function of nbp. Thus the statistical mechanics of DNA topoisomers in general is developed on the basis of a twisted worm-like chain, i.e. a special case of the helical worm-like chain. The previous treatments of the N-dependent ring-closure probability, i.e. the distribution of N, which are valid only for small chain length L, are extended to the range of larger L. The variance of N is then shown to be exactly the sum of those of the writhe Wr and the twist Tw. For small values of L, the distribution of Wr is not Gaussian, and its variance or moment (Wr2) increases rather steeply with increasing L. With these and known Monte Carlo results for freely jointed chains, an empirical interpolation formula for (Wr2) is also constructed to be valid for all values of L. It predicts that (Wr2)/L increases monotonically, with increasing L to its coil-limiting value. On the other hand, the distribution of N is actually Gaussian in the practical range of N for all values of L. The conditional distribution of Wr with N fixed is also evaluated. Finally, K is expressed in terms of the torsional constant C, the stiffness parameter lambda-1 (which is equal to the Kuhn segment length and twice the persistence length for this special case), and (Wr2). The derived equation predicts that nbpK decreases monotonically to its coil-limiting value with increasing nbp. This decrease arises from the fluctuation in Wr and its neglect leads to an underestimate of C by 7 to 10%, even for short DNA with nbp approximately equal to 200. From an analysis of the experimental data of the two groups, the estimates of C = 3.1 to 3.2 X 10(-19) erg cm and lambda-1 = 1000 to 1200 A are obtained.  相似文献   

All component activities involved in the synthesis of fatty acid were detected in crude extracts of developing safflower seeds. The crude extracts were fractionated into three portions by polyethylene glycol (0–5, 5–15, and 15% supernatant). Acetyl-CoA:acyl carrier protein (ACP) transacylase was precipitated about 66% by 5% polyethylene glycol. β-Ketoacyl-ACP reductase and enoyl-ACP reductase I were completely recovered in the 5–15% fraction. β-Ketoacyl-ACP synthetase and enoyl-ACP reductase II were in the 15% supernatant fraction. Malonyl-CoA:ACP transacylase and β-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydrase were distributed into both fractions of 5–15 and 15% supernatant. When the 5–15% fraction was gel-filtrated on Sephadex G-200 column, β-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydrase and malonyl-CoA:ACP transacylase were clearly separated from other enzymes, but β-Ketoacyl-ACP reductase and enoyl-ACP reductase I overlapped. However, by hydroxyapatite chromatography, these two reductases were clearly separated. Properties of each enzyme were examined with the samples fractionated by polyethylene glycol. β-Ketoacyl-ACP reductase preferably utilized NADPH (Km = 16 μM) as hydrogen donor. The Km for acetoacetyl-ACP was 9 μm. β-Hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydrase had a Km of 12 μm for crotonyl-ACP. Enoyl-ACP reductase had two forms, I and II, and these two reductases differed from each other as follows: (a) separation by polyethylene glycol (15%) fractionation; (b) the optimum pH; (c) the hydrogen donor specificity; (d) the substrate specificity. From these results, it is concluded that the FAS system of developing safflower seeds was nonassociated and similar to the procaryotic type of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Tritium suicide is shown to be an effective technique for mutant enrichment in Neurospora crassa. When mutagenized conidia were labelled to a high specific radioactivity either with a tritiated amino acid mixture or with [5-3H]uridine at a non-permissive temperature and stored at 4 degrees C to accumulate decays, there was a 13-15 fold enrichment for temperature-sensitive mutants relative to the original mutagenized cultures. For a wild type culture of Neurospora crassa labelled with [5-3H]uridine at 35 degrees C the probability of cell killing per tritium decay was calculated to be 3.64 X 10(-5).  相似文献   

Permeabilization of nitrogen-starved cells of Escherichia coli W with Lubrol WX leads to a selective inactivation of the uridylyl-removing uridylyltransferase (UR/ UTase) enzyme of the glutamine synthetase (GS) cascade system; whereas similar treatment does not affect activity of UR/UTase in cells grown under conditions of nitrogen excess (10 mm glutamine) (Mura, U., and Stadtman, E. R. (1981) J. Biol. Chem.256, 13014–13021). The possibility that susceptibility to Lubrol inactivation is related to differences in the state of adenylylation of GS and/or in the state of uridylylation of the PII protein was investigated. Permeabilized cells from nitrogen sufficient as well as from nitrogen-limited growth medium were exposed to Lubrol after prior incubation under conditions that lead to high or low states of GS adenylylation and high or low PIID/PIIA ratios. Integrity of UR/UTase was monitored by measuring the capacity of UTP to stimulate the deadenylylation of GS in situ. The results showed that the inactivation of UR/UTase by Lubrol is not affected by the states of GS adenylylation or PII uridylylation.  相似文献   

The rDNA in Dictyostelium discoideum is organized in linear, extrachromosomal, palindromic dimers of approximately 88 X 10(3) bases in length. The dimers are repeated about 90 times per haploid genome. Using indirect end-labeling, we have mapped micrococcal nuclease and DNAase I-sensitive sites in the chromatin near the rDNA telomeres. This region is 3' to the 36 S rRNA coding region and contains a single 5 S rRNA cistron but is primarily non-coding. We have observed somewhat irregularly spaced but specific phasing of nuclease-sensitive sites relative to the underlying DNA sequence. Comparison of the sites in chromatin with those in naked DNA reveals an unusual and striking pattern: the sites in naked DNA that are attacked most readily by both nucleases, presumably because of the specificity of the nucleases for certain sequences or physical characteristics of the DNA, appear to be the same sites that are most protected in chromatin. This pattern extends over most of a 10(4) base region, from the sequence immediately distal to the 36 S rRNA coding region and extending to the terminus. Although much of the sequence-specific phasing is irregularly spaced, salt extraction data are consistent with the presence of nucleosomes. In addition, phasing in the terminal region may be directed partially by proteins that do not bind DNA as tightly as do core histones. We present a model for phasing in spacer regions in which the sequence preferences of nucleases such as micrococcal nuclease and DNAase I may be useful tools in predicting nucleosome placement.  相似文献   

Ninhydrin-negative conjugates of basic amino acids were isolated from rat urine and were characterized. The following conjugates of basic amino acids are the compounds newly identified in animal urine specimens, Nα-acetyl-Nπ-methylhistidine, Nα-(N-acetyl-β-alanyl)histidine (N-acetylcarnosine), Nα-acetyl-NG,N′G-dimethylarginine, Nα-acetyl-NG,NG-dimethylarginine, and Nα-acetyl-N?,N?,N?-trimethyllysine.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase were tested for their effects on Photosystem II (PS II) activity in chloroplasts. We find that formate inhibition of PS II turnover rates increases as the pH of the reaction medium is lowered. Bicarbonate ions can inhibit PS II turnover rates. The relative potency of the anionic inhibitors N3?, I?, OAc?, and Cl? is the same for both carbonic anhydrase and PS II. The inhibitory effect of acetazolamide on PS II increases as light intensity decreases, indicating a lowering of quantum yields in the presence of the inhibitor. Imidazole inhibition of PS II increases with pH in a manner suggesting that the unprotonated form of the compound is inhibitory. Formate, bicarbonate, acetazolamide, and imidazole all inhibit DCMU-insensitive, silicomolybdate-supported oxygen evolution, indicating that the site(s) of action of the inhibitors is at, or before, the primary stable PS II electron acceptor Q. This inhibitory effect of low levels of HCO3? along with the known enhancement by HCO3? of quinone-mediated electron flow suggests an antagonistic control effect on PS II photochemistry. We conclude that the responses of PS II to anions (formate, bicarbonate), acetazolamide, and imidazole are analogous to the responses shown by carbonic anhydrase. These findings suggest that the enzyme carbonic anhydrase may provide a model system to gain insight into the “bicarbonate-effect” associated with PS II in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

We have investigated the expression of 14 cloned genes of the 20-member actin multigene family of Dictyostelium discoideum using gene-specific mRNA complementary probes and an RNase protection assay. Actin gene expression was studied in vegetative cells and in cells at a number of developmental stages chosen to represent the known major shifts in actin mRNA and protein synthesis. At least 13 of these genes are expressed. A few genes are expressed very abundantly at 10% or more of total actin mRNA; however, the majority are maximally expressed at 1 to 5% of actin message. Although all of the genes are transcribed in vegetative cells, most genes appear to be independently regulated. Actin 8 appears to be transcribed at constant, high levels throughout growth and development. Actin 12 mRNA is maximally expressed in vegetative cells but the level is reduced appreciably by the earliest stage of development examined, while Actin 7 mRNA is specifically induced approximately sevenfold at this time. The rest of the genes appear to be induced 1.5 to 2-fold early in development, coincident with the increase in total actin mRNA. Since 12 of the genes code for extremely homologous proteins, it is possible that the large number of actin genes in Dictyostelium is utilized for precise regulation of the amount of actin produced at any stage of development, even though individual gene expression appears in some cases to be very stage-specific. In addition to these 13 actin genes, at least two and possibly four more genes are known to be expressed, because they are represented by complementary DNA clones, and an additional one or two expressed genes are indicated by primer extension experiments. Only one known gene, Actin 2-sub 2, is almost certainly a pseudogene. Thus the vast majority of Dictyostelium actin genes are expressed.  相似文献   

125I-Labeled soybean agglutinin binds primarily to glycolipids contained in pig lymphocyte plasma membranes as measured by in situ “staining” of membranes subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Separation of these glycolipids by differential extraction, silicic acid chromatography, and high-performance thin-layer chromatography showed that three different species of plasma membrane glycolipid bind this lectin; trihexosyl ceramide, globoside, and ganglioside GM2 in order of increasing affinity (over a range of 10- to 20-fold). Trihexosyl ceramide and globoside, major neutral membrane glycolipids, are the major binders; while GM2, a minor acidic glycolipid, is a quantitatively smaller lectin-binding component.  相似文献   

The structural requirements for the interaction of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] with an anti-1,25(OH)2D3 antiserum and with the natural cytosolic receptor for 1,25(OH)2D3 isolated from chick intestine have been evaluated quantitatively. The antiserum was raised in a rabbit against a 1,25(OH)2D3-hemisuccinate derivative which was linked to bovine serum albumin at the C-3 position of the steroid. For these cross-reaction studies structural analogs of 1,25(OH)2D3 were used in competitive protein binding assays; their ability to interact with the binding proteins was expressed as relative competitive index (RCI) values where the RCI of 1,25(OH)2D3 is defined to be 100. The results indicate that the 25-hydroxyl group is the most important hydroxyl for the interaction of 1,25(OH)2D3 with this antiserum. The absence of this hydroxyl group decreases the RCI value to 0.2. Lack of the hydroxyl at carbon-3 or carbon-1 decreases the RCI value to 33 or 25, respectively, indicating that the specificity of this antiserum for the A ring is much lower than for the side chain. The high specificity for the side chain is underlined by the fact that insertion of an additional hydroxyl group at C-24 or C-26 of 1,25(OH)2D3 decreases the binding affinity to the antiserum markedly. The chick intestinal mucosal receptor shows a comparable high specificity for the side chain of 1,25(OH)2D3, but an even higher specificity for the A ring in comparison to the antiserum. With the intestinal receptor, the 3-hydroxyl is only 1/ 10th as important as the 1-hydroxyl group and the 25-hydroxyl group for the binding process. Scatchard analysis showed a KD value of 1.7 × 10?10m for the antiserum and 2.3 × 10?10m for the chick intestinal mucosal receptor for the equilibrium binding of 1,25(OH)2D3 at 2 °C. The association rate constant at 2 °C was determined to be 5.8 × 107 M?1 min?1 for the antiserum and 0.55 × 107 M?1 min?1 for the receptor, indicating a 10-fold more rapid association of 1,25(OH)2D3 to the antiserum in comparison to the receptor. Furthermore, the dissociation process was found to be slower for the chick intestinal receptor (dissociation rate constant 3.6 × 10?5 min?1 versus 21.0 × 10?5 min?1).  相似文献   

Crystals of hen eggwhite riboflavin-binding protein have been grown by equilibrium dialysis in solutions buffered with 0.05 m-Tris · HCl (pH 8.5) using ammonium sulphate as the precipitant. The crystals belong to the space group P3121 (or enantiomorph) with a = b = 112.5 A? and c = 72.0 A?, and diffract to a resolution of 2.8 Å.  相似文献   

Oxygen saturation curves of blood were measured by the mixing method at several concentrations of protons and bis(phospho)glycerate. Various theoretical models for the co-operativity of oxygen binding by haemoglobin were then tested for their ability to fit the experimental curves. The effects of pH on oxygen binding could be described by both the Monod, Wyman & Changeux, and the Herzfeld & Stanley models, with most success when protons were assumed to affect oxygen affinity directly rather than through effects on the quaternary-state equilibrium. When the combined effects of pH and bis(phospho)glycerate were considered, however, all the versions of the Monod model that were used, including the three-state version, were unsuccessful. The best fit to the saturation curves was obtained with the Herzfeld & Stanley model, with protons acting as a direct effector of oxygen affinity, and bis(phospho)glycerate acting to lower oxygen affinity as well as influencing the quaternary-state equilibrium.  相似文献   

The effect of some thiol alkylating agents (N-substituted maleimide derivatives) on the permeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane was investigated. Several experimental approaches were used to study the modifications of the permeability properties. Alkylation of sulfhydryl groups led to an increase in the nonspecific permeability as judged by (i) the augmentation of the rate of osmotic shrinkage of mitochondria induced by polyethylene glycol, (ii) the sensitization of succinate dehydrogenase toward oxaloacetate, (iii) the enhancement of the oxidation rate of exogenous NADH, and (iv) the increase of the sucrose permeable space. The sulfhydryl groups involved in the maintenance of the selective permeability were shown to be located in the hydrophobic core of the membrane. Energization of mitochondria provoked an unmasking of these sulfhydryl groups. When magnesium ions were present in the incubation medium, N-substituted maleimide derivatives promoted gross modifications of the intramitochondrial ionic contents. Effluxes of endogenous calcium ions, inorganic phosphate, adenine nucleotides, and NAD(P)H were established. It was concluded that sulfhydryl groups probably play a crucial role in the maintenance of the membrane integrity and thus control the mitochondrial inner membrane permeability.  相似文献   

The structure of the biliprotein C-phycocyanin from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Mastigocladus laminosus has been determined at 3 A resolution by X-ray diffraction methods. Phases have been obtained by the multiple isomorphous replacement method. The electron density map could be improved by solvent flattening and has been interpreted in terms of the amino acid sequence. The protein consists of three identical (alpha-beta)-units which are arranged around a threefold symmetry axis to form a disc of approximate dimensions 110 A X 30 A with a central channel of 35 A in diameter. This aggregation form is supposed to be the same as that found in the rods of native phycobilisomes. Both subunits, alpha and beta, exhibit a similar structure and are related by a local twofold rotational axis. Each subunit is folded into eight helices and irregular loops. Six helices are arranged to form a globular part, whereas two helices stick out and mediate extensive contact between the subunits. The arrangement of the helices of the globular part resembles the globin fold: 59 equivalent C alpha-atoms have a root-mean-square deviation of 2 X 9 A. The chromophores attached to cystein 84 of the alpha- and beta-subunits are topologically equivalent to the haem. All three chromophores of C-phycocyanin, open-chain tetrapyrroles, are in an extended conformation. alpha 84 and beta 84 are attached to helix E (globin nomenclature), beta 155 is linked to the G--H loop. The shortest centre-to-centre distance between chromophores in trimer is 22 A.  相似文献   

Nucleoprotein particles (B2), isolated following digestion of calf thymus chromatin with micrococcal nuclease, are resolved on a non-chelating Bio-Gel A-5m column. B2 protein electrophoresis showed the presence of several H1 species and several nonhistone proteins but was depleted in core histones. DNA electrophoresis demonstrated that native B2 DNA has a length of about 46 base pairs. On DNA sequencing gels, the length distribution of denatured B2 DNA ranged from 12 to 35 bases with a weighted average chain length of about 26 bases. Depletion of a 20 base band in B2 DNA suggested specific protection of internucleosomal DNA sites during the nuclease digestion.  相似文献   

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