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Partial AUC estimation and regression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dodd LE  Pepe MS 《Biometrics》2003,59(3):614-623
Accurate diagnosis of disease is a critical part of health care. New diagnostic and screening tests must be evaluated based on their abilities to discriminate diseased from nondiseased states. The partial area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a measure of diagnostic test accuracy. We present an interpretation of the partial area under the curve (AUC), which gives rise to a nonparametric estimator. This estimator is more robust than existing estimators, which make parametric assumptions. We show that the robustness is gained with only a moderate loss in efficiency. We describe a regression modeling framework for making inference about covariate effects on the partial AUC. Such models can refine knowledge about test accuracy. Model parameters can be estimated using binary regression methods. We use the regression framework to compare two prostate-specific antigen biomarkers and to evaluate the dependence of biomarker accuracy on the time prior to clinical diagnosis of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Pepe MS  Cai T  Longton G 《Biometrics》2006,62(1):221-229
No single biomarker for cancer is considered adequately sensitive and specific for cancer screening. It is expected that the results of multiple markers will need to be combined in order to yield adequately accurate classification. Typically, the objective function that is optimized for combining markers is the likelihood function. In this article, we consider an alternative objective function-the area under the empirical receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). We note that it yields consistent estimates of parameters in a generalized linear model for the risk score but does not require specifying the link function. Like logistic regression, it yields consistent estimation with case-control or cohort data. Simulation studies suggest that AUC-based classification scores have performance comparable with logistic likelihood-based scores when the logistic regression model holds. Analysis of data from a proteomics biomarker study shows that performance can be far superior to logistic regression derived scores when the logistic regression model does not hold. Model fitting by maximizing the AUC rather than the likelihood should be considered when the goal is to derive a marker combination score for classification or prediction.  相似文献   

Rosner B  Glynn RJ 《Biometrics》2009,65(1):188-197
Summary .  The Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney (WMW) U test is commonly used in nonparametric two-group comparisons when the normality of the underlying distribution is questionable. There has been some previous work on estimating power based on this procedure ( Lehmann, 1998 , Nonparametrics ). In this article, we present an approach for estimating type II error, which is applicable to any continuous distribution, and also extend the approach to handle grouped continuous data allowing for ties. We apply these results to obtaining standard errors of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) for risk-prediction rules under H 1 and for comparing AUROC between competing risk prediction rules applied to the same data set. These results are based on SAS -callable functions to evaluate the bivariate normal integral and are thus easily implemented with standard software.  相似文献   

A permutation test to compare receiver operating characteristic curves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Venkatraman ES 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1134-1138
We developed a permutation test in our earlier paper (Venkatraman and Begg, 1996, Biometrika 83, 835-848) to test the equality of receiver operating characteristic curves based on continuous paired data. Here we extend the underlying concepts to develop a permutation test for continuous unpaired data, and we study its properties through simulations.  相似文献   



In silico models have recently been created in order to predict which genetic variants are more likely to contribute to the risk of a complex trait given their functional characteristics. However, there has been no comprehensive review as to which type of predictive accuracy measures and data visualization techniques are most useful for assessing these models.


We assessed the performance of the models for predicting risk using various methodologies, some of which include: receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, histograms of classification probability, and the novel use of the quantile-quantile plot. These measures have variable interpretability depending on factors such as whether the dataset is balanced in terms of numbers of genetic variants classified as risk variants versus those that are not.


We conclude that the area under the curve (AUC) is a suitable starting place, and for models with similar AUCs, violin plots are particularly useful for examining the distribution of the risk scores.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1616-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Abstract. Statistical models of the realized niche of species are increasingly used, but systematic comparisons of alternative methods are still limited. In particular, only few studies have explored the effect of scale in model outputs. In this paper, we investigate the predictive ability of three statistical methods (generalized linear models, generalized additive models and classification tree analysis) using species distribution data at three scales: fine (Catalonia), intermediate (Portugal) and coarse (Europe). Four Mediterranean tree species were modelled for comparison. Variables selected by models were relatively consistent across scales and the predictive accuracy of models varied only slightly. However, there were slight differences in the performance of methods. Classification tree analysis had a lower accuracy than the generalized methods, especially at finer scales. The performance of generalized linear models also increased with scale. At the fine scale GLM with linear terms showed better accuracy than GLM with quadratic and polynomial terms. This is probably because distributions at finer scales represent a linear sub‐sample of entire realized niches of species. In contrast to GLM, the performance of GAM was constant across scales being more data‐oriented. The predictive accuracy of GAM was always at least equal to other techniques, suggesting that this modelling approach is more robust to variations of scale because it can deal with any response shape.  相似文献   

Kinney SK  Dunson DB 《Biometrics》2007,63(3):690-698
We address the problem of selecting which variables should be included in the fixed and random components of logistic mixed effects models for correlated data. A fully Bayesian variable selection is implemented using a stochastic search Gibbs sampler to estimate the exact model-averaged posterior distribution. This approach automatically identifies subsets of predictors having nonzero fixed effect coefficients or nonzero random effects variance, while allowing uncertainty in the model selection process. Default priors are proposed for the variance components and an efficient parameter expansion Gibbs sampler is developed for posterior computation. The approach is illustrated using simulated data and an epidemiologic example.  相似文献   

We consider the power and sample size calculation of diagnostic studies with normally distributed multiple correlated test results. We derive test statistics and obtain power and sample size formulas. The methods are illustrated using an example of comparison of CT and PET scanner for detecting extra-hepatic disease for colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis is a useful evaluative method of diagnostic accuracy. A Bayesian hierarchical nonlinear regression model for ROC analysis was developed. A validation analysis of diagnostic accuracy was conducted using prospective multi-center clinical trial prostate cancer biopsy data collected from three participating centers. The gold standard was based on radical prostatectomy to determine local and advanced disease. To evaluate the diagnostic performance of PSA level at fixed levels of Gleason score, a normality transformation was applied to the outcome data. A hierarchical regression analysis incorporating the effects of cluster (clinical center) and cancer risk (low, intermediate, and high) was performed, and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was estimated.  相似文献   

On the existence of maximum likelihood estimates in logistic regression models   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
ALBERT  A.; ANDERSON  J. A. 《Biometrika》1984,71(1):1-10

Treatment selection markers are generally sought for when the benefit of an innovative treatment in comparison with a reference treatment is considered, and this benefit is suspected to vary according to the characteristics of the patients. Classically, such quantitative markers are detected through testing a marker-by-treatment interaction in a parametric regression model. Most alternative methods rely on modeling the risk of event occurrence in each treatment arm or the benefit of the innovative treatment over the marker values, but with assumptions that may be difficult to verify. Herein, a simple non-parametric approach is proposed to detect and assess the general capacity of a quantitative marker for treatment selection when no overall difference in efficacy could be demonstrated between two treatments in a clinical trial. This graphical method relies on the area between treatment-arm-specific receiver operating characteristic curves (ABC), which reflects the treatment selection capacity of the marker. A simulation study assessed the inference properties of the ABC estimator and compared them with other parametric and non-parametric indicators. The simulations showed that the estimate of the ABC had low bias, power comparable to parametric indicators, and that its confidence interval had a good coverage probability (better than the other non-parametric indicator in some cases). Thus, the ABC is a good alternative to parametric indicators. The ABC method was applied to data of the PETACC-8 trial that investigated FOLFOX4 versus FOLFOX4 + cetuximab in stage III colon adenocarcinoma. It enabled the detection of a treatment selection marker: the DDR2 gene.  相似文献   

Ducharme GR  Fontez B 《Biometrics》2004,60(4):977-986
We propose a goodness-of-fit test for growth curves based on an adaptation of the data-driven smooth test paradigm. It is simple to apply and can assess the fit of a model to a set of growth experiences. A simulation study shows that for small samples, the test holds its level. Moreover, its power is found to be generally greater than existing tests. The article concludes by revisiting the long-standing problem of validating a model for the growth of human stature.  相似文献   

Automated variable selection procedures, such as backward elimination, are commonly employed to perform model selection in the context of multivariable regression. The stability of such procedures can be investigated using a bootstrap‐based approach. The idea is to apply the variable selection procedure on a large number of bootstrap samples successively and to examine the obtained models, for instance, in terms of the inclusion of specific predictor variables. In this paper, we aim to investigate a particular important problem affecting this method in the case of categorical predictor variables with different numbers of categories and to give recommendations on how to avoid it. For this purpose, we systematically assess the behavior of automated variable selection based on the likelihood ratio test using either bootstrap samples drawn with replacement or subsamples drawn without replacement from the original dataset. Our study consists of extensive simulations and a real data example from the NHANES study. Our main result is that if automated variable selection is conducted on bootstrap samples, variables with more categories are substantially favored over variables with fewer categories and over metric variables even if none of them have any effect. Importantly, variables with no effect and many categories may be (wrongly) preferred to variables with an effect but few categories. We suggest the use of subsamples instead of bootstrap samples to bypass these drawbacks.  相似文献   

Yang X  Belin TR  Boscardin WJ 《Biometrics》2005,61(2):498-506
Across multiply imputed data sets, variable selection methods such as stepwise regression and other criterion-based strategies that include or exclude particular variables typically result in models with different selected predictors, thus presenting a problem for combining the results from separate complete-data analyses. Here, drawing on a Bayesian framework, we propose two alternative strategies to address the problem of choosing among linear regression models when there are missing covariates. One approach, which we call "impute, then select" (ITS) involves initially performing multiple imputation and then applying Bayesian variable selection to the multiply imputed data sets. A second strategy is to conduct Bayesian variable selection and missing data imputation simultaneously within one Gibbs sampling process, which we call "simultaneously impute and select" (SIAS). The methods are implemented and evaluated using the Bayesian procedure known as stochastic search variable selection for multivariate normal data sets, but both strategies offer general frameworks within which different Bayesian variable selection algorithms could be used for other types of data sets. A study of mental health services utilization among children in foster care programs is used to illustrate the techniques. Simulation studies show that both ITS and SIAS outperform complete-case analysis with stepwise variable selection and that SIAS slightly outperforms ITS.  相似文献   

Continuous biomarkers are common for disease screening and diagnosis. To reach a dichotomous clinical decision, a threshold would be imposed to distinguish subjects with disease from nondiseased individuals. Among various performance metrics, specificity at a controlled sensitivity level (or vice versa) is often desirable because it directly targets the clinical utility of the intended clinical test. Meanwhile, covariates, such as age, race, as well as sample collection conditions, could impact the biomarker distribution and may also confound the association between biomarker and disease status. Therefore, covariate adjustment is important in such biomarker evaluation. Most existing covariate adjustment methods do not specifically target the desired sensitivity/specificity level, but rather do so for the entire biomarker distribution. As such, they might be more prone to model misspecification. In this paper, we suggest a parsimonious quantile regression model for the diseased population, only locally at the controlled sensitivity level, and assess specificity with covariate-specific control of the sensitivity. Variance estimates are obtained from a sample-based approach and bootstrap. Furthermore, our proposed local model extends readily to a global one for covariate adjustment for the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve over the sensitivity continuum. We demonstrate computational efficiency of this proposed method and restore the inherent monotonicity in the estimated covariate-adjusted ROC curve. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. Simulation studies show favorable performance of the proposal. Finally, we illustrate our method in biomarker evaluation for aggressive prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Liu J 《Biometrics》2009,65(2):470-477
Summary .  Quantitative trait loci mapping in experimental organisms is of great scientific and economic importance. There has been a rapid advancement in statistical methods for quantitative trait loci mapping. Various methods for normally distributed traits have been well established. Some of them have also been adapted for other types of traits such as binary, count, and categorical traits. In this article, we consider a unified mixture generalized linear model (GLIM) for multiple interval mapping in experimental crosses. The multiple interval mapping approach was proposed by Kao, Zeng, and Teasdale (1999, Genetics 152, 1203–1216) for normally distributed traits. However, its application to nonnormally distributed traits has been hindered largely by the lack of an efficient computation algorithm and an appropriate mapping procedure. In this article, an effective expectation–maximization algorithm for the computation of the mixture GLIM and an epistasis-effect-adjusted multiple interval mapping procedure is developed. A real data set, Radiata Pine data, is analyzed and the data structure is used in simulation studies to demonstrate the desirable features of the developed method.  相似文献   

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