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L B Jensen  J L Ramos  Z Kaneva    S Molin 《Applied microbiology》1993,59(11):3713-3717
A model substrate-dependent suicide system to biologically contain Pseudomonas putida KT2440 is reported. The system consists of two elements. One element carries a fusion between a synthetic lac promoter (PA1-04/03) and the gef gene, which encodes a killing function. This element is contained within a transposaseless mini-Tn5 transposon so that it can be integrated at random locations on the Pseudomonas chromosome. The second element, harbored by plasmid pCC102, is designed to control the first and bears a fusion between the promoter of the P. putida TOL plasmid-encoded meta-cleavage pathway operon (Pm) and the lacI gene, encoding the Lac repressor, plus xylS2, coding for a positive regulator of Pm. In liquid culture under optimal growth conditions and in sterile and nonsterile soil microcosms, P. putida KT2440 (pWWO) bearing the containment system behaves as designed. In the presence of a XylS effector, such as m-methylbenzoate, the LacI protein is synthesized, preventing the expression of the killing function. In the absence of effectors, expression of the PA1-04/03::gef cassette is no longer prevented and a high rate of cell killing is observed. Fluctuation test analyses revealed that mutants resistant to cell killing arise at a frequency of around 10(-5) to 10(-6) per cell per generation. Mutations are linked to the killing element rather than to the regulatory one. In bacteria bearing two copies of the killing cassette, the rate of appearance of mutants resistant to killing decreased to as low as 10(-8) per cell per generation.  相似文献   

The cell-killing gef gene was introduced, under the control of the lac promoter and as part of a transposon, into Pseudomonas aeruginosa W51D, a strain able to degrade branched-chain alkylbenzene sulfonates. Only 1% of the cells that inherited the transposon (Tngef) showed a conditional lethal phenotype, and this phenotype was lost at a high frequency without apparent loss of the tetracycline resistance encoded by the transposon. Southern blot analysis of two W51D::Tngef derivatives that expressed the cell-killing function showed multiple insertions of the transposon. These data suggest that Gef protein is able to kill P. aeruginosa W51D, but it seems that the level of resistance to Gef toxin in this stain is higher than that of previously reported bacteria, and that the expression of multiple copies of the gef gene is necessary to attain cell death. The higher level of resistance does not seem to be particular to strain W51D since two other P. aeruginosa strains analyzed (PAO2003 and ATCC 9027) also presented a small proportion of cells expressing the conditional lethal phenotype when they inherited the Tngef transposon. Received: 11 December 1995 / Received revision: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

This work describes the construction of the rhizobacterium Pseudomonas putida strain CS-4, which contains an active biological containment (ABC) system that ensures bacterial suicide in the absence of proline. Maize plants exudate proline, which allows CS-4 to colonize the rhizosphere at a similar level to that of the wild-type strain. However, when the plants are removed, the CS-4 population decreased in bulk soil at a higher rate than the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

AIMS: To define the mechanism of carbonate killing in Escherichia coli. METHODS AND RESULTS: Sodium carbonate (150 mM) and ethylenediaminetetracetic acid (EDTA, 60 mM) both killed E. coli K-12 when the pH was 8.5, but ammonium chloride (150 mM) was ineffective. EDTA was a 5-fold more potent agent than carbonate, but some of this difference could be explained by ionization. At pH 8.5, only 1.6% of the carbonate is CO(-2), but nearly 100% of the EDTA is EDTA(-2). CONCLUSION: As carbonate and EDTA had similar effects on viability, cellular morphology, protein release and enzymatic activities, the antibacterial activity of carbonate seems to be mediated by divalent metal binding. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Cattle manure is often used as a fertilizer, and E. coli from manure can migrate through the soil into water supplies. Previous methods of eradicating E. coli were either expensive or environmentally unsound. However, cattle manure can be treated with carbonate to eliminate E. coli, and the cost of this treatment is less than $0.03 per cow per day.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is constructed in which recombination in E. coli K-12 is considered as a stochastic Markov process. The model takes into account the possibility of inclusion in the recombinant structure of the origin of the donor chromosome and makes it possible to correctly describe results of irradiation of the donor Hfr before crossing. Formulae are deduced for frequencies of unselected markers for cases when the counter-selected maternal marker lies in the distal or proximal region of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Strains containing phage Mucts inserted into glpT were isolated as fosfomycin-resistant clones. These mutants did not transport sn-glycerol-3-phosphate, and they lacked GLPT, a protein previously shown to be a product of the glpT operon. By plating these mutants on sn-glycerol-3-phosphate at 43 degrees C, we isolated revertants that regained the capacity to grow on G3P. Most of these revertants did not map in glpT and did not regain GLPT. These revertants exhibited a highly efficient uptake system for sn-glycerol-3-phosphate within an apparent Km of 5 micron. In addition, three new proteins (GP 1, 2, and 3) appeared in the periplasm of these revertants. None of these proteins were antigentically related to GLPT. However, like GLPT, GP1 exhibits abnormal behavior on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. GP 2 is an efficient binding protein. The new uptake system showed different characteristics than the system that is coded for by the glpT operon. It was inhibited neither by phosphate nor fosfomycin. So far, none of the systems that transport organic acids in Escherichia coli could be implicated in the new sn-glycerol-3-phosphate uptake activity. The mutation ugp+, which was responsible for the appearance of the new transport system and the appearance of GP 1, 2, and 3 in the periplasm was cotransducible with araD by phage P1 transduction and was recessive in merodiploids.  相似文献   

Genetic system for analyzing Escherichia coli thymidylate synthase.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Random in vitro mutagenesis of the thyA gene is being used to delineate its regulatory elements as well as the functional domains of its product, thymidylate synthase (EC Streamlined procedures have been developed for the isolation and characterization of the mutants. Positive selection for synthase-deficient thyA Escherichia coli permitted the isolation of 400 mutants, which are being categorized by phenotypic and genetic criteria. An in situ 5-fluorodeoxyuridylate binding assay was devised to rapidly probe the substrate binding domain, whereas facile mapping procedures, based on pBR322- or M13-borne thyA deletion derivatives, were developed to localize mutations. The sequence changes of one amber mutation and another mutation that abolishes catalysis while maintaining substrate binding activity are presented. The orientation of the thyA gene on the E. coli chromosome was established.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli wild-type cells and in ATPase-deficient cells (unc mutants), glucose was found to be transported mainly by an ATP-driven system. The evidence is based on experiments involving interference at different sites of energy metabolism with the use of uncouplers, arsenate, and starved cells. Furthermore, addition of succinate to starved cells increased glucose uptake only in the wild-type cells, where ATP could be regenerated. Glucose transport was also ATP-dependent in cells deficient in methyl-beta-galactoside transport (a system that carries glucose specificity). It was found to be shock-sensitive in all strains tested. The NOVEL ATP-driven glucose transport is a high-affinity (Km 3-10 microM) and high-capacity (V 240-330 Mmol . min-1 . mg cell protein-1) uptake system.  相似文献   

L Chao 《Mutation research》1986,173(1):25-29
We have analyzed the role of RNA polymerase in DNA repair using the antibiotic rifampicin which binds specifically to the beta subunit of the enzyme. Several DNA-repair-deficient strains such as recA, uvr, and polA, and their isogenic parents were used for this study. All repair-deficient strains were found to be hypersensitive to rifampicin killing. Compared to the isogenic parent strains, recA strains are about 50 times more sensitive and the polA strain is about 100 times more sensitive to rifampicin killing. UvrA and uvrB strains are slightly more sensitive to rifampicin than the wild-type strains. The hypersensitivity of repair-deficient strains to rifampicin killing is totally abolished by the introduction of rifampicin-resistant mutations into these strains. We have examined the effect of rifampicin on RNA and protein synthesis in repair-deficient and -proficient strains. RNA and protein synthesis were found to be inhibited by rifampicin to the same extent among all the strains tested. The results also show that the resumption of DNA synthesis was significantly disrupted in DNA-repair-deficient strains following drug removal. Taken together these results suggest that RNA polymerase plays an essential role in DNA metabolism and such function may be replaced by polA and recA gene products and to a lesser extend by uvrA and uvrB gene products.  相似文献   

Capsules of Escherichia coli, expression and biological significance.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Escherichia coli may cause intestinal or extraintestinal infections. Generally, extraintestinal E. coli are encapsulated. The capsules are important virulence determinants, which enable the pathogenic bacteria to evade or counteract the unspecific host defense during the early (preimmune) phase of infection. They interfere with the action of complement and phagocytes. This effect is generally transient and overcome by capsule-specific antibodies in the immune phase of the host defense. In some cases, capsules are not or only poorly immunogenic, as a result of structural relationship or identity with host material. Strains with such capsules (e.g., K1 or K5) are very virulent. Bacterial capsules consist of acidic polysaccharides, which are made up from oligosaccharide repeating units. The capsules of E. coli are divided into two groups, which differ in chemistry, biochemistry, and genetic organization. All capsular polysaccharides are chromosomally determined: those of group I close to his and those of group II close to serA. The biosynthesis and surface expression have been extensively studied with representatives of group II capsular polysaccharides. It could be shown that their biosynthesis is directed from a gene block that determines the synthesis of the polysaccharide, its translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane, as well as its surface expression in a coordinate process. The chemical nature of group II capsular polysaccharides, as well as the mechanism(s) of their biosynthesis and expression, is presented.  相似文献   

A two-plasmid Escherichia coli system for expression of Dr adhesins   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper presents a very efficient expression system for production of Dr adhesins. The system consists of two plasmids. One is the pACYCpBAD-DraC-C-His, which contains the draC gene under the control of the arabinose promoter (pBAD), encoding the DraC usher. The second is the pET30b-syg-DraBE, which contains the draB and draE genes under the control of the T7lac promoter, encoding the DraB chaperone and the DraE adhesin, respectively. Those plasmids have different origin of replication and can therefore coexist in one cell. Since different promoters are present, the protein expression can be controlled. The Dr adhesion expression system constructed opens up a lot of possibilities, and could be very useful in experiments focusing on understanding the biogenesis of Gram-negative bacteria adhesins. For this purpose we showed that the AfaE-III adhesin (98.1% identity between the DraE and the AfaE-III adhesins, with three divergent amino acids within the sequences) was able to pass through the DraC channel in the Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) strain. Immunoblotting analysis and immunofluorescence microscopy showed the presence of AfaE-III on the bacterial cell surface. In addition, the system described can be useful for displaying the immune-relevant sectors of foreign proteins on the bacterial cell. The heterologous epitope sequence of the HSV1 glycoprotein D was inserted into the draE gene in place of the N-terminal region of surface exposed domain 2. Chimeric proteins were exposed on the bacterial surface as evidenced by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence microscopy. The effective display of peptide segments on Dr fimbriae expressed at the bacterial cell surface, can be used for the development of a fimbrial vaccine.  相似文献   

A hexose-phosphate transport system in Escherichia coli   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  

Active biological containment (ABC) systems have been designed to control at will the survival or death of a bacterial population. These systems are based on the use of a killing gene, e.g., a porin-inducing protein such as the one encoded by the Escherichia coli gef gene, and a regulatory circuit that controls expression of the killing gene in response to the presence or absence of environmental signals. An ABC system for recombinant microorganisms that degrade a model pollutant was designed on the basis of the Pseudomonas putida TOL plasmid meta-cleavage regulatory circuit. The system consists of a fusion of the Pm promoter to lacI, whose expression is controlled by XylS with 3-methylbenzoate, and a fusion of a synthetic P(lac) promoter to gef. In the presence of the model pollutant, bacterial cells survived and degraded the target compound, whereas in the absence of the aromatic carboxylic acid cell death was induced. The system had two main drawbacks: (i) the slow death of the bacterial cells in soil versus the fast killing rate in liquid cultures in laboratory assays, and (ii) the appearance of mutants, at a rate of about 10(-8) per cell and generation, that did not die after the pollutant had been exhausted. We reinforced the ABC system by including it in a Deltaasd P. putida background. A P. putida Deltaasd mutant is viable only in complex medium supplemented with diaminopimelic acid, methionine, lysine, and threonine. We constructed a P. putida Deltaasd strain, called MCR7, with a Pm::asd fusion in the host chromosome. This strain was viable in the presence of 3-methylbenzoate because synthesis of the essential metabolites was achieved through XylS-dependent induction. In the P. putida MCR7 strain, an ABC system (Pm::lacI, xylS, P(lac)::gef) was incorporated into the host chromosome to yield strain MCR8. The number of MCR8 mutants that escaped killing was below our detection limit (<10(-9) mutants per cell and generation). The MCR8 strain survived and colonized rhizosphere soil with 3-methylbenzoate at a level similar to that of the wild-type strain. However, it disappeared in less than 20 to 25 days in soils without the pollutant, whereas an asd(+), biologically contained counterpart such as P. putida CMC4 was still detectable in soils after 100 days.  相似文献   

A broad variety of biomolecules is industrially produced in bacteria and yeasts. These microbial expression hosts can be optimized through genetic engineering using CRISPR tools. Here, we designed and characterized such a modular genome editing system based on the Cas12a-like RNA-guided nuclease MAD7 in Escherichia coli. This system enables the efficient generation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or gene deletions and can directly be used with donor DNA from benchtop DNA assembly to increase throughput. We combined multiple edits to engineer an E. coli strain with reduced overflow metabolism and increased plasmid yield, highlighting the versatility and industrial applicability of this approach.  相似文献   

A new type of lactose permease mutant, called lacYf, does not actively transport the usual substrates; but it does facilitate the entry of β-galactosides into Escherichia coli K-12. The kinetics of facilitated entry, as assayed by hydrolysis of o-nitrophenyl-β-d-galactopyranoside by intact cells are identical to those observed with wild-type permease. However, the mutant permease activity is not affected by SH reagents or the substrate analog β-d-galactosyl-1-thio-β-d-galactopyranoside which strongly inhibit wild-type activity. Furthermore, the kinetics of formation of permease in the mutant following addition of inducer and the kinetics subsequent to removal of inducer differ strikingly from those observed in wild-type strains. The results are consistent with a block in the maturation of permease in the mutant resulting in the accumulation of a large amount of permease precursor. Studies of the lacY+lacYf heterogenotes provide evidence for a subunit structure for the lactose permease.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli hemolysin (HlyA) is a membrane-permeabilizing protein belonging to the family of RTX-toxins. Lytic activity depends on binding of Ca2(+) to the C-terminus of the molecule. The N-terminus of HlyA harbors hydrophobic sequences that are believed to constitute the membrane-inserting domain. In this study, 13 HlyA cysteine-replacement mutants were constructed and labeled with the polarity-sensitive fluorescent probe 6-bromoacetyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene (badan). The fluorescence emission of the label was examined in soluble and membrane-bound toxin. Binding effected a major blue shift in the emission of six residues within the N-terminal hydrophobic domain, indicating insertion of this domain into the lipid bilayer. The emission shifts occurred both in the presence and absence of Ca2(+), suggesting that Ca2(+) is not required for the toxin to enter membranes. However, binding of Ca2(+) to HlyA in solution effected conformational changes in both the C-terminal and N-terminal domain that paralleled activation. Our data indicate that binding of Ca2(+) to the toxin in solution effects a conformational change that is relayed to the N-terminal domain, rendering it capable of adopting the structure of a functional pore upon membrane binding.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of part of the gnd (6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) gene was determined for eight wild strains of Escherichia coli and for Salmonella typhimurium. Since a region of the trp (tryptophan) operon and the phoA (alkaline phosphatase) gene have been sequenced from the same strains, the gene trees for these three regions were determined and compared. Gene trees are different from species or strain trees in that a gene tree is derived from a particular segment of DNA, whereas a species or strain tree should be derived from many such segments and is the tree that best represents the phylogenetic relationship of the species or strains. If there were no recombination in E. coli, the gene trees for different genes would not be statistically different from the strain tree or from each other. But, if the gene trees are significantly different, there must have been recombination. Methods are proposed that show these gene trees to be statistically different. Since the gene trees are different, we conclude that recombination is important in natural populations of E. coli. Finally, we suggest that gene trees can be used to create an operational means of defining bacterial species by using the biological species definition.  相似文献   

Extensive genetic and biochemical studies in the last two decades have elucidated almost completely the framework of synthesis and turnover of quantitatively major phospholipids in E. coli. The knowledge thus accumulated has allowed to formulate a novel working model that assumes sophisticated regulatory mechanisms in E. coli to achieve the optimal phospholipid composition and content in the membranes. E. coli also appears to possess the ability to adapt phospholipid synthesis to various cellular conditions. Understanding of the functional aspects of E. coli phospholipids is now advancing significantly and it will soon be able to explain many of the hitherto unclear cell's activities on the molecular basis. Phosphatidylglycerol is believed to play the central role both in metabolism and functions of phospholipids in E. coli. The results obtained with E. coli should undoubtedly be helpful in the study of more complicated phospholipid metabolism and functions in higher organisms.  相似文献   

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