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Canada Warblers (Cardellina canadensis) are long‐distance Neotropical migrants, but little is known about their migratory behavior and ecology. We examined the fall migration of Canada Warblers at two sites, Darién and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in northern Colombia from 2011 to 2015 using constant‐effort mist‐netting. Our objectives were to determine: 1) breeding origins and connectivity patterns, 2) migratory pathways, 3) the phenology of migration, 4) possible differences in movements between ages and sexes, 5) their body condition when arriving in Colombia, and 6) evidence of stopover and refueling. Stable hydrogen isotopes (δ2Hf) in flight feathers were analyzed to estimate breeding origins of captured Canada Warblers in North America. The δ2Hf values revealed that most Canada Warblers captured in the Darién likely originated from the central and northeastern regions of their breeding range. The capture of all but one of 162 Canada Warblers in the Darién also indicates a migration route through Central American rather than across the Caribbean Sea. Most captured birds were hatch‐year birds (91% vs. 9% after hatch‐year birds), and we captured more females (67%) than males (33%). Canada Warblers migrated through the Darién from 20 September to early November, with most arriving in mid‐October. Most (89%) individuals arrived with low fuel reserves. These results combined with estimated flight ranges revealed that 46% of the individuals captured in the Darién likely needed to refuel to continue migrating, whereas 31% could continue 50 to 200 km beyond our capture site. However, no individuals were recaptured so stopover duration could not be determined. Canada Warblers may adopt a strategy of 1‐d stopovers and short flights or, alternatively, the Darién may represent low‐quality habitat and birds quickly left our study site in search of suitable habitat. Further study is needed to determine the possible importance of other (montane) habitats for Canada Warblers in the Darién region to prioritize conservation actions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Hydroelectric dam operations that lead to fluctuations in the water levels of reservoirs can influence the amount of riparian habitat available for migrating songbirds and may impact the use and quality of remaining habitat. Our objective was to determine if use of riparian habitats and mass gain by five warbler species at the Columbia River‐Revelstoke Migration Monitoring Station in British Columbia, Canada, were influenced by water levels in the surrounding Arrow Lakes Reservoir. We analyzed fall migration data collected from 1998 to 2006. Capture rates of American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla), Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas), Orange‐crowned Warblers (Vermivora celata), Wilson's Warblers (Wilsonia pusilla), and Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia) varied between years and weeks of the migration period, but were not affected by annual or weekly variation in water levels. Annual variation in capture rates was driven by hatch‐year birds (>80% of individuals captured were juveniles) and could reflect conditions on the breeding grounds that influence productivity. We found that mass gain by the five species of warblers varied between 0.32% and 0.98% of lean body mass/hour. Mass gain did not vary between years or across weeks of the migration period and was not influenced by annual or weekly variation in reservoir water levels. Although the amount of available riparian habitat was reduced when reservoir water levels were high, we found no evidence that this loss of habitat influenced either the number of warblers or the mass gain of warblers using the riparian habitat that remained. Body mass at the time of first capture varied between years and across weeks for all five species. For American Redstarts and Orange‐crowned Warblers, body mass declined as average weekly water levels increased, a pattern that could arise if water levels influenced either their settlement decisions or length of stay.  相似文献   

  1. The platypus is a cryptic mammal that inhabits freshwater streams and rivers of eastern Australia. Tracking the movements of wild platypuses has been notoriously difficult due to the animals' morphology and methodological limitations. Knowledge of fine‐scale movements and interactions among individuals remain particularly poorly understood, as do responses to changes in hydrology.
  2. We tracked movements of 15 platypuses (six females, nine males) downstream of the Jindabyne Dam on the Snowy River, using externally attached acoustic transmitters (September–November 2017), to assess spatio‐temporal activity patterns among individuals and changes in movement and activity before and after an environmental flushing flow. As the study took place during the breeding season, we expected to observe overlap in area of activity among males and females, but not among males due to increased territoriality during these months. We also anticipated that a large flow event would impact their activity and foraging behaviour, possibly displacing platypuses downstream.
  3. Overlaps in area of activity and temporal co‐occurrence within a pool varied among individuals, with two resident males exhibiting some spatial overlap of activity and varying temporal co‐occurrence, despite tracking during the breeding season. All six tracked females were captured in the same pool and appeared to be residents, possibly highlighting preferences for certain habitats during the breeding months.
  4. We found no evidence that the movements of adult platypuses were affected by an environmental flushing flow, with no significant changes to area of activity, number of detections, or daily range of movements. However, foraging duration increased in the week after the flow, possibly associated with increased prey availability.
  5. These findings suggest that territoriality between males during and after the breeding season may depend on platypus density and resource availability and that pools with high resource availability may support several breeding females.

Summary We studied resource partitioning among the forest owls in the River of No Return Wilderness, Idaho, during the winter and spring of 1980 and 1981. The owl assemblage consisted of five abundant species: pygmy (Glaucidium gnoma), saw-whet (Aegolius acadicus), boreal (A. funereus), western screech (Otus kennicottii), and great-horned (Bubo virginianus). Long-eared (Asio otus) and flammulated (O. flammeolus) owls were rarely observed. Information from the literature supplemented our data to describe the pattern of resource partitioning. Stepwise discriminant function analysis and multivariate analysis of variance revealed differences in macrohabitat and microhabitat. The saw-whet, boreal, western screech, and great-horned owls all preferred mammalian prey but exhibited habitat differences. They also differed in activity periods and food habits. The pygmy owl, a food and habitat generalist, foraged diurnally more than the other species and took a higher proportion of brids. The flammulated owl used areas within the territories of other owl species but specialized on forest insects. The observed pattern of resource use was interpreted to result from environmental factors, morphological limitations and interspecific competition. Differences in food and activity time, we suggest, result from environmental factors and differences in owl morphology, while present-day interspecific competition may be important in shaping habitat use. Experiments will be necessary to determine the causal factors responsible for segregation among the forest owls.  相似文献   

Each year, millions of songbirds concentrate in coastal areas during fall migration. The choices birds make at the coast about stopover habitat use and migratory route can influence both the success of their migratory journey and fitness in subsequent life stages. We made use of a regional‐scale automated radio telemetry array to study stopover and migratory flights and migratory routes of blackpoll warblers Setophaga striata and red‐eyed vireos Vireo olivaceus during fall migration in the Gulf of Maine, USA. We focused on differences between species, sexes, age groups, breeding origins, and time of year. Both species made within‐stopover relocations (i.e. ‘stopover flights’) from the coastal capture site. Stopover flights were primarily oriented inland, and were more frequent for blackpolls (87%) than vireos (44%). By studying migratory behavior at a broad spatial scale, we demonstrated that most blackpolls and vireos took coastal and offshore routes through the Gulf of Maine, despite initially relocating inland from the capture site. Though we captured blackpolls and vireos from a broad breeding range, more than 70% of migratory flights from the capture site were oriented for coastal or offshore travel for both species, suggesting that birds actively chose coastal and offshore routes, and were not simply displaced by wind drift. Later vireos oriented offshore more frequently during migratory flights from the coast, indicating that they may be more inclined towards time‐minimizing overwater flight routes and thus more exposed to coastal and offshore collision hazards than earlier conspecifics.  相似文献   

While the factors influencing reproduction and survival in colonial populations are relatively well studied, factors involved in dispersal and settlement decisions are not well understood. The present study investigated exchanges of great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis among six breeding colonies over a 13‐year period when the breeding population in Denmark increased from 2800 to 36 400 nests. We used a multistate capture‐recapture model that combined multisite resightings and recoveries to examine simultaneously recruitment, natal dispersal, breeding dispersal and annual survival of first‐year, immature and breeding great cormorants. Mean survival of first‐year birds (0.50±0.09, range=0.42–0.66 among colonies) was lower than survival of breeders (0.90±0.06, range=0.81–0.97). Mean survival of immature birds over the study period was 0.87±0.08. Dispersal from a colony increased with decreasing mean brood size in the colony in both first‐time and experienced breeders. The choice of the settlement colony in first‐time breeders was affected by conditions in the natal colony and in the colonies prospected during the pre‐breeding years. In particular, first‐time breeders recruited to colonies where they could expect better breeding success. Experienced breeders relied mainly on cues present early in the season and on their own breeding experience to choose a new breeding colony. Newly established colonies resulted mainly from the immigration of first‐time breeders originating from denser colonies. Dispersal was distance‐dependent and first‐time breeders dispersed longer distances than breeders. We suggest that the prospecting behaviour allows first‐time breeders to recruit in nearby as well as more distant potential breeding colonies. Dispersing breeders preferred to settle in neighbouring colonies likely to benefit from their experience with foraging areas. We discuss the importance of these movements for growth and expansion of the breeding population.  相似文献   

Food availability is an important limiting factor for avian reproduction. In altricial birds, food limitation is assumed to be more severe during the nestling stage than during laying or incubation, but this has yet to be adequately tested. Using food‐supplementation experiments over a 5‐year period, we determined the degree and timing of food limitation for burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) breeding in Canada. Burrowing owls are an endangered species and food limitation during the nestling stage could influence reproductive performance of this species at the northern extent of their range. Supplemented pairs fledged on average 47% more owlets than unfed pairs, except during a year when natural food was not limiting (i.e., a prey irruption year). The difference in fledgling production resulted from high nestling mortality in unfed broods, with 96% of all nestling deaths being attributed to food shortage. Supplemental feeding during the nestling period also increased fledgling structural size. Pairs fed from the start of laying produced the same number of hatchlings as pairs that received no supplemental food before hatch. Furthermore, pairs supplemented from egg laying to fledging and pairs supplemented during the nestling period alone had the same patterns of nestling survival, equal numbers of fledglings, and similar fledgling mass and structural size. Our results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the nestling period is the most food‐limited phase of the breeding cycle. The experimental design we introduce here could be used with other altricial species to examine how the timing of food limitation differs among birds with a variety of life‐history strategies. For burrowing owls, and other species with similar life histories, long‐term, large‐scale, and appropriately timed habitat management increasing prey abundance or availability is critical for conservation.  相似文献   

Broad‐scale movements of migrant songbirds during the post‐fledging period are hypothesized to aid in the development of navigational abilities, to allow individuals to prospect for future breeding territories (combined as regional exploration), or as representing the commencement of migration. Using an automated radio telemetry array, we compared broad‐scale post‐fledging movements of hatch‐year individuals from two closely related species: blackpoll warblers Setophaga striata and myrtle warblers Setophaga coronata coronata. These two species have contrasting migratory strategies (long‐distance vs short‐distance), and we studied populations from two different islands in Nova Scotia that have different geographical landscape features. Locally‐hatched individuals affixed with VHF radios in August were tracked throughout the Gulf of Maine region for up to 2.5 months after tagging. Departure date and direction, daily probability of initiating a flight, daily displacement, total displacement and net displacement were assessed to see if there was support for the commencement of migration or regional exploration hypotheses. We observed differences between both species and islands. Compared to blackpolls, myrtles departed later, had more variable timings and directions of departure, made fewer regional‐scale flights, were more directional in their movements, and had higher net displacement. Total displacement and daily flight distances were similar between species. Variability of departure behaviour of myrtles was observed on the island farther from the mainland and both species made longer flights from that island. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that hatch‐year blackpoll movements are a form of regional exploration and hatch‐year myrtle movements represent the initial stages of migration. Species differences may be related to migratory strategy (long‐distance vs short‐distance), where the need to acquire information during post‐fledging for navigational purposes is higher for blackpolls than myrtles. Island differences suggest that habitat quality and ecological barriers influence broad‐scale movements, and myrtles are more facultative in their behaviour than blackpolls.  相似文献   

  1. The Portuguese millipede, Ommatoiulus moreleti (Lucas, 1860), is increasingly a pest of grains crops in Australian agricultural ecosystems. With the rapid uptake of minimum-tillage practices, habitat quality has been enhanced for several species of soil dwelling invertebrates, in particular O. moreleti.
  2. To understand the population dynamics of O. moreleti in Australian grains crops, populations were sampled at multiple sites for more than 2 years using pitfall traps and cardboard roll traps. Specimens were dissected to investigate reproductive status and developmental stage.
  3. Millipede trapping rates varied between sites and across the year, and tended to be lower when soil water content (m3/m3) was high. Both sexes were active year round, however females were relatively more abundant when ground temperatures were higher.
  4. Males in a copulatory state and females with mature eggs were collected year round although females lacking mature eggs were more common when ground temperatures were higher and the soil was drier, and female egg load was higher under cooler conditions. Females at a stadium 9 or later carried mature eggs and copulatory males tended to be from stadium 8 or later. Different developmental stages could be recovered at all times of the year.
  5. These findings indicate persistent populations of O. moreleti across fields throughout the year, with a key breeding period in autumn but likely opportunistic breeding all year. Control of millipedes will need to focus on increasing the impact of biological agents, decreasing suitable habitat for millipede breeding and intensive control at susceptible crop periods.

Declining numbers of Blackpoll Warblers (Setophaga striata) have been documented at long‐term migration monitoring sites as well as in breeding areas. However, the “loop migration” of Blackpoll Warblers makes it difficult to ascribe population change at migration monitoring sites to specific breeding populations. Individuals from all populations across the breeding range of Blackpoll Warblers concentrate in fall along the Atlantic coastline of eastern North America prior to initiating a transoceanic flight to wintering areas. In spring, Blackpoll Warblers return along a different route, moving north into the southeastern United States where birds from eastern and western breeding populations then diverge during migration to reach their respective breeding areas. To monitor breeding populations outside of breeding areas and identify factors potentially affecting those populations, we must be able to identify where birds captured during migration breed and map seasonal variation in population‐specific flyways. To “map” population‐specific migration movements of Blackpoll Warblers, we used feather deuterium (δ2Hf) values and a spatially explicit model to assign molt origins of 289 Blackpoll Warblers moving through sites in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) region and at three locations further west and south (northern Great Lakes area, Pennsylvania, and Florida). The assignment method was validated with feather samples from 35 birds captured during the breeding season at Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. As predicted, the spatial pattern of movement within and between seasons reflected “loop migration.” Blackpoll Warblers captured during fall migration in the GOM region included birds from across their breeding range, whereas birds captured during the spring were exclusively from northeastern populations. During fall migration, Blackpoll Warblers captured at two sites west of the GOM were from breeding areas further northwest than those from western Canada that were captured in the GOM. Blackpoll Warblers captured in eastern Florida during spring migration were assigned exclusively to breeding areas in the northeast, suggesting that eastern and western populations diverge soon after entering the United States. Finally, most Blackpoll Warblers sampled at Manomet Bird Observatory originated from breeding populations in Alaska and western Canada that have shown a similar (70–90%) decline over the same period. Our results, therefore, not only document the “loop migration” pattern of Blackpoll Warblers, but, by mapping patterns of connectivity between breeding and non‐breeding areas, may help target conservation efforts for breeding populations of Blackpoll Warblers where most needed.  相似文献   

In Florida, habitats that include the breeding territories of Crested Caracaras (Caracara cheriway) are protected, but non‐breeding individuals may be vulnerable because they may occupy different areas and habitats. We captured and radio‐tagged 58 non‐breeding caracaras in Florida from July 2006–March 2009, determined their locations during weekly flights, and used GIS and compositional analysis to evaluate range sizes and habitat use. Non‐breeding caracaras (N = 58) ranged five times more widely during breeding seasons (N = 573 locations) than during non‐breeding seasons (N = 592 locations), and ranged >250 times more widely than breeding caracaras that defend territories year‐round. The large ranges of non‐breeders suggest they may be searching for and evaluating prospective territories or breeding opportunities (territory prospecting). Pasture occupied by cattle was the most used habitat relative to availability and was used more than pasture without cattle, likely because insects associated with cattle are an important food source for caracaras. Cattle numbers in Florida are declining and, because both breeding and non‐breeding caracaras primarily occupy pasture, this may present difficulties for long‐term management. Citrus groves were also used more than expected given availability by non‐breeding caracaras, but are rarely included in nesting territories. Because pasture and citrus were often adjacent, we suggest that citrus groves may function as refugia from socially dominant breeding caracaras. Conservation and recovery efforts for Florida's caracara population are needed throughout the range of non‐breeders, and should include management that ensures availability of habitat matrices of cattle pasture and citrus groves.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of habitat selection often incorporate negative density dependence. Despite strong negative density‐dependent effects on habitat selection, more recent studies indicate that animals settle near members of their own (conspecific) and other species (heterospecific) when selecting habitat with social cues. Social cue use for habitat selection is particularly common among songbirds, but few studies have investigated if songbirds use social cues to assess conspecific or heterospecific density (as opposed to just presence/absence) when making settlement decisions. We conducted a playback experiment to evaluate if yellow warblers (Setophaga petechia) and willow flycatchers (Empidonax traillii), two potential competitors for breeding habitat, use social cues to assess density (conspecific for warblers and heterospecific for flycatchers) when selecting breeding locations at two spatial scales. We simulated yellow warbler density to be high or low at multiple treatment plots (3.14 ha) with song playback and then evaluated settlement decisions by comparing yellow warbler and willow flycatcher abundances across plots (broad‐scale habitat selection) and individual space use within plots (fine‐scale territory establishment). Yellow warbler density treatments did not affect habitat selection by yellow warblers at the broad scale, but caused individuals to cluster territories at high‐density treatments. Willow flycatchers were most abundant at high‐density treatment plots, but yellow warbler density treatments did not affect territory locations. The results indicate that perceived density affects the habitat selection process for both conspecifics and heterospecifics.  相似文献   

1.?Because habitats have profound effects on individual fitness, there is strong selection for improving the choice of breeding habitat. One possible mechanism is for individuals to use public information when prospecting future breeding sites; however, to our knowledge, no study has shown prospecting behaviour to be directly linked to subsequent choice of breeding site and future reproductive success. 2.?We collected long-term data on territory-specific prospecting behaviour and subsequent breeding in the short-lived northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). Non-breeders established prospecting territories (<2 ha) that overlapped the breeding territories of conspecifics. We tested whether: (i) prospectors used social and environmental cues that predicted territory-specific breeding success in the following year, and (ii) the prospecting territory was tightly linked to the subsequent breeding territory of the prospector, and whether this link would be weakened by intraspecific competition with original territory owners if they also survived. 3.?As expected, prospectors were attracted to a combination of site-specific cues that predicted future breeding success, i.e. short ground vegetation, a successfully breeding focal pair and successful close neighbours. 4.?Prospecting behaviour was directly linked to the choice of the following year's breeding territory: 79% of surviving prospectors established a breeding territory at their prospecting site in the following year, with their breeding success being higher than other individuals of the same age. As predicted, fidelity to the prospected site was strongly dependent on whether the original territory owner of the same sex had died or moved. 5.?Our findings suggest that the use of multiple cues reduces the negative impact of stochasticity on the reliability of social cues at small spatial scales (e.g. territories) and hence increases the probability of breeding success in the next year. Also, the use of conspecific attraction (i.e. the preference for breeding aggregations) is selectively advantageous because individuals are more likely to find a vacancy in an aggregation as compared to a solitary site. By extension, we hypothesize that species life-history traits may influence the spatial scale of prospecting behaviour and habitat selection strategies.  相似文献   

The snowy owl is an elusive arctic predator known for its nomadic behaviour. Satellite tracking has revealed that some adult snowy owls could make an extensive use of the marine environment during the non‐breeding season. However, the relative contribution of marine resources to their diet is unknown. Stable isotope analyses can be useful to document the diet of mobile animals during periods of the year when individuals are less accessible. This study aimed to assess variation in isotopic values (δ13C and δ15N) of various feather types, and the usefulness of feathers to determine the contribution of the marine environment to the winter diet of snowy owls captured in summer. We sampled feathers coming from 6 body regions of 18 breeding females at two sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic in 2013 and 2014. Prior to analyses, diet‐tissue discrimination factors of snowy owl feathers were established in captivity. Variability in isotopic values among feather types was relatively low and pairwise correlations in isotopic values between feathers on the same individual were variable and often low, which suggests differences in the diet at the time when various feathers were synthesized. Diet reconstruction models detected a contribution of marine sources to snowy owl feathers ranging from 4 to 19% among feather types. However, the marine contribution was highly variable when single feathers were examined within individuals, ranging from 3 to 71%. This indicated that no single feather type could be used alone to reliably infer the contribution of marine resources to the winter diet of owls, possibly due to a high variability in the timing and sequence of molt. For asynchronous molters like snowy owls, we recommend sampling multiple feathers from various body regions, excluding wing feathers, to investigate winter diet or habitat use.  相似文献   

Animals are expected to select a breeding habitat using cues that should reflect, directly or not, the fitness outcome of the different habitat options. However, human‐induced environmental changes can alter the relationships between habitat characteristics and their fitness consequences, leading to maladaptive habitat choices. The most severe case of such nonideal habitat selection is the ecological trap, which occurs when individuals prefer to settle in poor‐quality habitats while better ones are available. Here, we studied the adaptiveness of nest box selection in a tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) population breeding over a 10‐year period in a network of 400 nest boxes distributed along a gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Québec, Canada. We first examined the effects of multiple environmental and social habitat characteristics on nest box preference to identify potential settlement cues. We then assessed the links between those cues and habitat quality as defined by the reproductive performance of individuals that settled early or late in nest boxes. We found that tree swallows preferred nesting in open habitats with high cover of perennial forage crops, high spring insect biomass, and high density of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), their main competitors for nest sites. They also preferred nesting where the density of breeders and their mean number of fledglings during the previous year were high. However, we detected mismatches between preference and habitat quality for several environmental variables. The density of competitors and conspecific social information showed severe mismatches, as their relationships to preference and breeding success went in opposite direction under certain circumstances. Spring food availability and agricultural landscape context, while related to preferences, were not related to breeding success. Overall, our study emphasizes the complexity of habitat selection behavior and provides evidence that multiple mechanisms may potentially lead to an ecological trap in farmlands.  相似文献   

Mobility and irruptive movements have been proposed as mechanisms that could allow some diet specialists to inhabit and breed in environments with highly unpredictable resources, like the arctic tundra. The snowy owl, one of the main avian predators of the tundra, is known to specialize on lemmings during the breeding season. These small mammals are also well known for their tremendous spatial and temporal variations in abundance. We examined the spring (pre‐breeding, from March to June) movements of snowy owls by tracking 9 breeding females in the Canadian Arctic for up to 3 yr with satellite transmitters. We used state‐space modeling to assess searching behavior and measure breeding dispersal distances. We also ascertain lemming abundance at some of the sites used by the marked owls. Tracked owls displayed searching movements for extended periods (up to 108 d) and traveled over large distances (up to 4093 km) each spring. The distance between furthest apart searching areas in a given year averaged 828 km (range 220 to 2433 km). Settlement date, distance between searching areas, traveled distance and the duration of prospecting movements were longer in the year where density of lemmings recorded in the eastern High‐Arctic (Bylot Island) was lowest. Nonetheless, snowy owls settled in areas where local lemming abundance was relatively high. Individual breeding dispersal distance between consecutive years averaged 725 km (range 18 to 2224). Overall, the high mobility of female snowy owls allowed these diet specialists to behave as irruptive migrants and to sustain their reproductive activities during consecutive years even under highly fluctuating resources.  相似文献   

Social information use in songbird habitat selection commonly involves a conspecific attraction strategy. Individuals copy the breeding‐site choices of conspecifics, that is, bias their own settlement decisions towards sites (tracts of spatially limited habitat with similar structure) already occupied by others. In order to be adaptive, social information use has to be discriminative. Especially the decisions of good quality individuals, i.e. measuring high at observable fitness correlates, should be copied more frequently than those of poor quality individuals. It is unknown, however, whether songbirds discriminatively use conspecific presence by evaluating the quality of information providers in habitat selection. We experimentally tested whether wood warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix selectively copied settlement decisions of conspecifics in relation to the quality of observed individuals. We also tested whether the use of social cues was influenced by the population density at a particular site in the preceding year. We found that wood warblers selectively used intraspecific social information, but in a pattern opposite to that expected based on existing hypotheses. Wood warblers copied breeding‐site choices of poor quality conspecifics and despite temporary attraction to sites where the presence of good quality individuals was simulated, they did not ultimately settle near these individuals. Population density in the preceding year did not influence settlement patterns. We argue that when making settlement decisions, wood warblers assessed the expected level of local intraspecific competition and selectively copied breeding‐site choices of conspecifics or refused to settle, depending on competitive abilities of observed individuals. This adds a novel aspect to the patterns and processes of social information use proposed thus far, and provides support for the predicted negative effect of intraspecific competition on benefit of information. Moreover, it seems that habitat selection in wood warblers is a complex decision‐making process, in which initial decisions are adjusted after acquiring more accurate information. Synthesis Social information use in songbird habitat selection commonly involves copying the breeding‐site choices of conspecifics (so‐called conspecific attraction). To be adaptive, this strategy has to be discriminative, but almost no empirical studies have tested this assertion. Our study shows that birds may selectively use social information by copying settlement decisions of poor quality conspecifics, but avoid settling near good quality individuals, likely because of their high competitive abilities. This decision‐making pattern supports the predicted, yet not experimentally tested, tradeoff between information value and cost of competition in social information use. Our study highlights also that the use of social cues in settlement decisions may be both positively and negatively biased.  相似文献   

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