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Sodium is essential for animals but not for most plants. Terrestrial sodium comes largely from marine aerosols, so inland ecosystems should have greater potential for sodium limitation than coastal ecosystems. We report a significant decrease of sodium in fruits of four Neotropical Ficus species with distance from presumed marine source.  相似文献   

Aim Although hundreds of tree species have broad geographic ranges in the Neotropics, little is known about how such widespread species attained disjunct distributions around mountain, ocean and xeric barriers. Here, we examine the phylogeographic structure of a widespread and economically important tree, Cordia alliodora, to: (1) test the roles of vicariance and dispersal in establishing major range disjunctions, (2) determine which geographic regions and/or habitats contain the highest levels of genetic diversity, and (3) infer the geographic origin of the species. Location Twenty‐five countries in Central and South America, and the West Indies. Methods Chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSR; eight loci) were assayed in 67 populations (240 individuals) sampled from the full geographic range of C. alliodora. Chloroplast (trnH–psbA) and nuclear (internal transcribed spacer, ITS) DNA sequences were sampled from a geographically representative subset. Genetic structure was determined with samova , structure and haplotype networks. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and rarefaction analyses were used to compare regional haplotype diversity and differentiation. Results Although the ITS region was polymorphic it revealed limited phylogeographic structure, and trnH–psbA was monomorphic. However, structure analysis of cpSSR variation recovered three broad demes spanning Central America (Deme 1), the Greater Antilles and the Chocó (Deme 2), and the Lesser Antilles and cis‐Andean South America (Deme 3). samova showed two predominant demes (Deme 1 + 2 and Deme 3). The greatest haplotype diversity was detected east of the Andes, while significantly more genetic variation was partitioned among trans‐Andean populations. Populations experiencing high precipitation seasonality (dry ecotype) had greater levels of genetic variation. Main conclusions Cordia alliodora displayed weak cis‐ and trans‐Andean phylogeographic structure based on DNA sequence data, indicative of historical dispersal around this barrier and genetic exchange across its broad range. The cpSSR data revealed phylogeographic structure corresponding to three biogeographic zones. Patterns of genetic diversity are indicative of an origin in the seasonally dry habitats of South America. Therefore, C. alliodora fits the disperser hypothesis for widespread Neotropical species. Dispersal is evident in the West Indies and the northern Andean cordilleras. The dry ecotype harbours genetic variation that is likely to represent the source for the establishment of populations under future warmer and drier climatic scenarios.  相似文献   

To evaluate the urinary levels of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dGsn) and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine (8-oxo-Gsn) in liver injury patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and to explore the relationship between urinary 8-oxo-dGsn or 8-oxo-Gsn and degree of liver damage. We enrolled 138 liver injury patients with HBV infection and 169 age- and sex-matched healthy controls in this study. A sensitive and accurate isotope-diluted liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer/mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) method was used to measure the urinary levels of 8-oxo-Gsn and 8-oxo-dGsn. Simultaneously, pathological analysis of liver biopsy tissues was carried out, and immunohistochemistry was carried out for 8-oxo-Guo, 8-oxo-dGuo and MTH1 protein in some liver injury tissues. We analysed the correlation between the degrees of inflammation and fibrosis and levels of 8-oxo-Gsn and 8-oxo-dGsn. We also analysed the levels of urinary 8-oxo-Gsn and 8-oxo-dGsn with clinical data of HBeAg, HBsAg, and HBV genotype and detected the levels of plasma aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase (AST), platelet, alkaline phosphatase, prothrombin time (PT) and HBV DNA, and calculated the aspartate amino transferase-to–platelet ratio index (APRI) score. Nonparametric correlations were used to evaluate the correlation between 8-oxo-Gsn, 8-oxo-dGsn or APRI and various laboratory biochemical indicators. Results showed that the levels of urinary 8-oxo-Gsn and 8-oxo-dGsn in patients with liver injury were significantly higher than those of healthy controls (both p?p?=?.013, p?=?.026 and p?=?.049). The receiver operating characteristic curves of 8-oxo-Gsn were 0.696 (0.632–0.759) and 0.731 (0.672–0.790) for inflammatory activity and fibrosis, respectively. Patients with higher levels of urinary 8-oxo-Gsn are more likely to have a high degree of fibrosis and urinary 8-oxo-Gsn may have a great potential in assessing liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

The abundance of Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenburg) Simonsen and Gloeocystis planctonica (West & G.S.West) Lemmermann was assessed during the summers of 2005 and 2010 in the eutrophic Fox River, Wisconsin, USA. In both years, a mid‐summer bloom of G. planctonica was followed by the rapid growth of A. granulata. Laboratory experiments in which A. granulata was grown in cell‐free filtrate of a G. planctonica culture revealed that the growth of A. granulata was stimulated in the G. planctonica‐treated medium relative to controls. This effect was detected when dormant A. granulata cells were used as the source culture for the experiment but not when actively growing cells were used. Dormant A. granulata also grew more rapidly in river water collected after the 2010 G. planctonica bloom relative to river water collected before the bloom. These results suggest that the summer bloom of A. granulata in the river was stimulated by G. planctonica. This relationship can be described as stimulated rejuvenation, an interaction where the transition of an algal resting stage into active growth is triggered by exposure to another species.  相似文献   

Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex are two important model species in ecotoxicology. In daphniids, studies of the effects of contaminants have mostly focused on female life history traits, yet it would also be important to examine male reproductive traits, particularly in relation to endocrine disruptors. In this study, we developed a protocol that uses flow cytometry to measure sperm number in individual males of different species of Daphnia. We tested our protocol on 114 males from several clones of three common species of Daphnia. Sperm count varied widely among individuals and reached high numbers (up to 1.45 × 105). Positive relationships between male length and sperm number were observed in D. pulex and Daphnia pulicaria, but not in D. magna. Important inter‐clonal differences in sperm production were observed in all species, with some clones producing very little sperm. Duplicated sperm samples showed on average only 6% difference in sperm counts. Sperm counts were stable at least over a 2‐hr period and up to 5 hr for most samples. This sperm isolation protocol and flow cytometric enumeration approach will be of major interest to ecotoxicologists.  相似文献   

The tomato borer Tuta absoluta, native to western South America, is an extremely devastating pest in tomato crops in most of South America, Europe and Africa North of the Sahel, causes yield losses up to 100% and decreases fruit quality in open field and greenhouse crops if control methods are not applied. In Brazil two other important lepidopteran pests – Neoleucinodes elegantalis and Helicoverpa zea – occur in tomato, as well as thrips, whiteflies and aphids. For control of these pests, frequent applications of pesticides of up to 5 times per week are needed, and these resulted in the appearance of resistant populations to a number of active ingredients and decimation of natural enemies. Biological control may offer a better, safer and more sustainable opportunity for pest management. Mirid predatory bugs are currently used with success in southern Europe to control T. absoluta and other pests. In Brazil, four Hemipteran predatory bugs, not yet known to attack T. absoluta, were found to successfully prey on eggs and larvae of this pest. The first results on their predation capacity, development, survival and reproduction on T. absoluta on tomato plants are presented.  相似文献   

Length‐weight relationships (LWRs) are presented for three hill stream fish species belonging to the family Cyprinidae namely, Barilius barila (Hamilton, 1822), Opsarius tileo (Hamilton, 1822) and Cyprinion semiplotum (McClelland, 1839). Fishes were collected on a monthly basis from January 2016 to December 2017 with the help of cast net (270 cm length, 1.2 cm mesh size) and gillnet (7,500 cm length × 130 cm depth, 5 cm mesh size) from the Manas river in Assam, India.. A new length record for the FishBase LWR database was observed in B. barila.   相似文献   

The ciliate Balantidium ctenopharyngodoni is the most prominent protist in the guts of grass carp, where it mainly inhabits the creamy luminal contents of the hindgut. Ciliates are generally colonized by microorganisms via phagotrophic feeding. In order to study the intracellular bacteria in this ciliate, we have successfully established it in in vitro culture. Herein, we investigated and compared the bacterial community structures of cultured and freshly collected B. ctenopharyngodoni. The results showed that these two groups exhibited different bacterial communities. The most abundant bacterial family in freshly collected samples was Enterobacteriaceae, while in cultured samples it was Fusobacteriaceae. In addition, a key intracellular bacterium, Cetobacterium somerae, was identified in the cytoplasm of cultured ciliates using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This study shows that ciliates can retain the intracellular bacteria acquired in the natural habitat for quite a long time, but the bacterial community structure of ciliates eventually changes after a long period of cultivation.  相似文献   

A study of nematodes associated with the large larch bark beetle Ips cembrae (Heer 1836) was carried out at three locations in the Czech Republic. The proportion of beetles infested by endoparasitic nematodes (representatives of genera Contortylenchus, Parasitylenchus, Cryptaphelenchus and Parasitorhabditis) ranged from 29.9 to 50.9%. Significant differences were determined in nematode infestation levels among locations, generations and sampling methods. No differences were found in infestation rates between males and females. The percentage of bark beetles with phoretic nematodes ranged from 18 to 42.9%. Phoretic nematodes directly found under elytra, on wings and between body segments of the bark beetles belong to the genus Micoletzkya. However, adults and juveniles of other two phoretic species Laimaphelenchus penardi and Bursaphelenchus sp. were found in the gallery frass of I. cembrae. Infestation by phoretic nematodes positively correlated with the presence of mites under elytra.  相似文献   

Tribe Sabiceeae (Ixoroideae, Rubiaceae) has undergone recent taxonomical changes with the incorporation of the related genera Ecpoma, Pseudosabicea and Stipularia into the type genus Sabicea. We use phylogenetic analysis and morphological data to verify the relationships among members of the tribe, including the most comprehensive taxon sampling of the tribe to date with 74 of 145 species. Sequence data from the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three plastid markers (petD, rps16, trnT–F) were used to infer relationships among the members of the tribe. Individual analyses using maximum likelihood, parsimony and Bayesian approaches reveal several supported clades: the former genus Stipularia is resolved as a monophyletic unit, but Ecpoma is monophyletic only if Sabicea urbaniana and Sabicea xanthotricha are included (corresponding to Sabicea subgenus Stipulariopsis sensu Wernham). Pseudosabicea is biphyletic, with one clade corresponding to section Anisophyllae of Hallé (1964) and the other one to the other sections (Floribundae and Sphaericae) of the genus. Eleven morphological characteristics were recorded for all species studied and seven have been mapped onto the phylogenetic tree to study their evolution in the group and assess their value for the classification of Sabicea s.l. Finally, our study shows that a combination of diagnostic characteristics should be used to differentiate each group and we propose to recognise four subgenera in Sabicea.  相似文献   

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