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A distinctive feature of human behaviour is the widespread occurrence of cooperation among unrelated individuals. Explaining the maintenance of costly within-group cooperation is a challenge because the incentive to free ride on the efforts of other group members is expected to lead to decay of cooperation. However, the costs of cooperation can be diminished or overcome when there is competition at a higher level of organizational hierarchy. Here we show that competition between groups resolves the paradigmatic 'public goods' social dilemma and increases within-group cooperation and overall productivity. Further, group competition intensifies the moral emotions of anger and guilt associated with violations of the cooperative norm. The results suggest an important role for group conflict in the evolution of human cooperation and moral emotions.  相似文献   

The role that social status plays in small-scale societies suggests that status may be important for understanding the evolution of human fertility decisions, and for understanding how such decisions play out in modern contexts. This paper explores whether modelling competition for status—in the sense of relative rank within a society—can help shed light on fertility decline and the demographic transition. We develop a model of how levels of inequality and status competition affect optimal investment by parents in the embodied capital (health, strength, and skills) and social status of offspring, focusing on feedbacks between individual decisions and socio-ecological conditions. We find that conditions similar to those in demographic transition societies yield increased investment in both embodied capital and social status, generating substantial decreases in fertility, particularly under conditions of high inequality and intense status competition. We suggest that a complete explanation for both fertility variation in small-scale societies and modern fertility decline will take into account the effects of status competition and inequality.  相似文献   

In food webs, interactions between competition and defence control the partitioning of limiting resources. As a result, simple models of these interactions contain links between biogeochemistry, diversity, food web structure and ecosystem function. Working at hierarchical levels, these mechanisms also produce self‐similarity and therefore suggest how complexity can be generated from repeated application of simple underlying principles. Reviewing theoretical and experimental literature relevant to the marine photic zone, we argue that there is a wide spectrum of phenomena, including single cell activity of prokaryotes, microbial biodiversity at different levels of resolution, ecosystem functioning, regional biogeochemical features and evolution at different timescales; that all can be understood as variations over a common principle, summarised in what has been termed the ‘Killing‐the‐Winner’ (KtW) motif. Considering food webs as assemblages of such motifs may thus allow for a more integrated approach to aquatic microbial ecology.  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem stability is poorly understood in microbial communities. Biofilm communities in small bioreactors called microbial electrolysis cells (MEC) contain moderate species numbers and easy tractable functional traits, thus providing an ideal platform for verifying ecological theories in microbial ecosystems. Here, we investigated the resilience of biofilm communities with a gradient of diversity, and explored the relationship between biodiversity and stability in response to a pH shock. The results showed that all bioreactors could recover to stable performance after pH disturbance, exhibiting a great resilience ability. A further analysis of microbial composition showed that the rebound of Geobacter and other exoelectrogens contributed to the resilient effectiveness, and that the presence of Methanobrevibacter might delay the functional recovery of biofilms. The microbial communities with higher diversity tended to be recovered faster, implying biofilms with high biodiversity showed better resilience in response to environmental disturbance. Network analysis revealed that the negative interactions between the two dominant genera of Geobacter and Methanobrevibacter increased when the recovery time became longer, implying the internal resource or spatial competition of key functional taxa might fundamentally impact the resilience performances of biofilm communities. This study provides new insights into our understanding of the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Platypsyllus castoris is closely associated with beavers and displays a unique set of structural specializations. We document the morphology of adults with modern techniques, and interpret evolutionary changes linked with the specific life style. The small subfamily Platypsyllinae has evolved an entire suite of features correlated with a more or less close association with mammals, for instance a flattened body, a dorsal cephalic shield, flightlessness, eye reduction, and depigmentation. Within this small group, Platypsyllus displays numerous autapomorphic features, correlated with a close association with the beaver. Essential is a combination of mechanical stabilization and firm anchorage on the host, and efficient forward movement in the fur. Exo- and endoskeletal structures of the head and thorax are reinforced by vertical cuticular columns and by an array of internal ridges. The antennae are shortened and strongly modified, the mandibles distinctly reduced and flattened, unsuitable for cutting, scraping or grinding. The musculature of the mouthparts is simplified, whereas an enhanced set of prepharyngeal and pharyngeal dilators forms an efficient sucking pump. The prothoracic musculature is strongly developed. In contrast, the pterothoracic muscle system is distinctly simplified, even though leg muscles are strongly developed. Using the legs, the flattened beetles move sideways through the dense fur of the beaver, using posteriorly directed groups of setae and ctenidia to prevent being pushed backwards by the densely arranged hairs. In contrast to the anterior body, the cuticle of the abdomen is thin, and the entire tagma flexible, with thin layers of segmental muscles. The hind gut is not connected with the mid gut. The beetles probably consume liquid, possibly with emulgated minute skin debris. As the morphology of the mouthparts excludes damage to the skin of the host, the association should not be addressed as ectoparasitic but as commensalism.  相似文献   

Tamori Y  Deng WM 《遗传学报》2011,38(10):483-495
Cell competition is a struggle for existence between cells in heterogeneous tissues of multicellular organisms.Loser cells,which die during cell competition,are normally viable when grown only with other loser cells,but when mixed with winner cells,they are at a growth disadvantage and undergo apoptosis.Intriguingly,several recent studies have revealed that cells bearing mutant tumor-suppressor genes,which show overgrowth and tumorigenesis in a homotypic situation,are frequently eliminated,through cell competition,from tissues in which they are surrounded by wild-type cells.Here,we focus on the regulation of cellular competitiveness and the mechanism of cell competition as inferred from two different categories of mutant cells:(1) slower-growing cells and (2) structurally defective cells.We also discuss the possible role of cell competition as an intrinsic homeostasis system through which normal cells sense and remove aberrant cells,such as precancerous cells,to maintain the integrity and normal development of tissues and organs.  相似文献   

Cooperation is widespread both within and between species, but are intraspecific and interspecific cooperation fundamentally similar or qualitatively different phenomena? This review evaluates this question, necessary for a general understanding of the evolution of cooperation. First, we outline three advantages of cooperation relative to noncooperation (acquisition of otherwise inaccessible goods and services, more efficient acquisition of resources, and buffering against variability), and predict when individuals should cooperate with a conspecific versus a heterospecific partner to obtain these advantages. Second, we highlight five axes along which heterospecific and conspecific partners may differ: relatedness and fitness feedbacks, competition and resource use, resource‐generation abilities, relative evolutionary rates, and asymmetric strategy sets and outside options. Along all of these axes, certain asymmetries between partners are more common in, but not exclusive to, cooperation between species, especially complementary resource use and production. We conclude that cooperation within and between species share many fundamental qualities, and that differences between the two systems are explained by the various asymmetries between partners. Consideration of the parallels between intra‐ and interspecific cooperation facilitates application of well‐studied topics in one system to the other, such as direct benefits within species and kin‐selected cooperation between species, generating promising directions for future research.  相似文献   

This review is devoted to the problems of the physiology and cell biology of microorganisms in relation to metabolic engineering. The latter is considered as a branch of fundamental and applied biotechnology aimed at controlling microbial metabolism by methods of genetic engineering and classical genetics and based on intimate knowledge of cell metabolism. Attention is also given to the problems associated with the metabolic limitation of microbial biosyntheses, analysis and control of metabolic fluxes, rigidity of metabolic pathways, the role of pleiotropic (global) regulatory systems in the control of metabolic fluxes, and prospects of physiological and evolutionary approaches in metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

Competition between two microbial populations for a single pollutant (phenol) was studied in a sequencing fed-batch reactor (SFBR). A mathematical model describing this system was developed and tested experimentally. It is based on specific growth rate expressions revealed from pure culture batch experiments. The species employed were Pseudomonas putida (ATCC 17514) and Pseudomonas resinovorans (ATCC 14235). It was found that both species biodegrade phenol following inhibitory kinetics which can be described by Andrews' expression. The model predicts that the dynamics of a SFBR, and the kinetics of biodegradation, result in a complex set of operating regimes in which neither species, only one species, or both species can survive at steady cycle. The model also predicts the existence of multiple outcomes, achievable from different start-up conditions, in some domains of the operating parameter space. Experimental results confirmed the model predictions. There was excellent agreement between predicted and measured concentrations of phenol, total biomass, and the biomass of each individual species. This study shows how serious discrepancies can arise in scale-up of biodegradation data if population dynamics are not taken into account. It also further confirms experimentally the theory of microbial competition in periodically forced bioreactors. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The idea that competition and aggression are central to an understanding of the origins of group‐living and sociality among human and nonhuman primates is the dominant theory in primatology today. Using this paradigm, researchers have focused their attention on competitive and aggressive behaviors, and have tended to overlook the importance of cooperative and affiliative behaviors. However, cooperative and affiliative behaviors are considerably more common than agonistic behaviors in all primate species. The current paradigm often fails to explain the context, function, and social tactics underlying affiliative and agonistic behavior. Here, we present data on a basic question of primate sociality: how much time do diurnal, group‐living primates spend in social behavior, and how much of this time is affiliative and agonistic? These data are derived from a survey of 81 studies, including 28 genera and 60 species. We find that group‐living prosimians, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and apes usually devote less than 10% of their activity budget to active social interactions. Further, rates of agonistic behaviors are extremely low, normally less than 1% of the activity budget. If the cost to the actors of affiliative behavior is low even if the rewards are low or extremely variable, we should expect affiliation and cooperation to be frequent. This is especially true under conditions in which individuals benefit from the collective environment of living in stable social groups. Am J Phys Anthropol 128:84–97, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Identifying tradeoffs between hunting and scavenging in an ecological context is important for understanding predatory guilds. In the past century, the feeding strategy of one of the largest and best-known terrestrial carnivores, Tyrannosaurus rex, has been the subject of much debate: was it an active predator or an obligate scavenger? Here we look at the feasibility of an adult T. rex being an obligate scavenger in the environmental conditions of Late Cretaceous North America, given the size distributions of sympatric herbivorous dinosaurs and likely competition with more abundant small-bodied theropods. We predict that nearly 50 per cent of herbivores would have been within a 55–85 kg range, and calculate based on expected encounter rates that carcasses from these individuals would have been quickly consumed by smaller theropods. Larger carcasses would have been very rare and heavily competed for, making them an unreliable food source. The potential carcass search rates of smaller theropods are predicted to be 14–60 times that of an adult T. rex. Our results suggest that T. rex and other extremely large carnivorous dinosaurs would have been unable to compete as obligate scavengers and would have primarily hunted large vertebrate prey, similar to many large mammalian carnivores in modern-day ecosystems.  相似文献   

Critical determinants of the optimum level of virulence in pathogens include the presence of competitors (i.e., multiple infections), their relatedness, and the effect of competitors on pathogen growth and disease development. Empirical data regarding the existence of competitive interactions and their impact on virulence remain very limited compared to theoretical studies. Here, we followed an experimental population of the model fungal pathogen Microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae on its caryophyllaceous host Silene latifolia. Our analysis revealed conditional responses by the pathogen to the presence of competitors, which was dependent upon the relatedness of pathogens within hosts. Overall, virulence was increased in cases of multiple infections as compared to single infections: both spore production and degree of plant sterilization were higher under multiple infections. The pathogen indeed increased its growth and reproductive rate when competitors were present within the same plant. Microbotryum also appeared able to interfere with competitors, reducing their ability to colonize the host, and this effect was smaller between closer relatives. Our results thus help to elucidate the myriad of theoretical considerations on the evolution of virulence by providing experimental results with a well-studied disease of wild plant populations.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine behavioral strategies used by male and female tamarins to increase individual reproductive opportunities while continuing to maintain a high level of group cohesion and social cooperation. Tamarins of the genus Saguinus are characterized by social groups generally composed of more than one adult of each sex, but a breeding system in which only a single female in each group gives birth. The breeding sovereignty of a single dominant female limits the reproductive opportunities of subordinate females as well as the reproductive opportunities of resident adult males.1-3 Despite extreme variability in year-to-year reproductive success among members of the same social group, field studies indicate that within-group intrasexual aggression and fighting are rare, and that both breeding and nonbreeding individuals expend time and energy cooperatively caring for young, defending productive feeding sites, and assisting in food harvesting activities.4-11 In fact, Caine12 has argued that “co-operation, tolerance, and flexibility” are the primary themes of tamarin social interactions (p. 218). A major question that remains unanswered, however, is how such high levels of cooperation could have evolved in a social system characterized by emigration of both adult males and females from the natal group, polyandrous mating, and intense reproductive competition.  相似文献   

Akainothrips francisi sp. nov. is shown to be an inquiline (i.e. it invades, and breeds within, domiciles of another species). Currently, its only known host is Dunatothrips aneurae, a subsocial thrips that creates silken domiciles by securing together phyllodes of mulga (Acacia aneura) in the arid zone of Australia. We found Ak. francisi prolifically breeding inside live D. aneurae host domiciles, both immature and mature. Akainothrips francisi did not kill its host and we saw no evidence of antagonistic host‐inquiline interactions. This is thus the second demonstrably inquiline species of Acacia thrips, although other possible inquilines have been suggested including two Akainothrips. We found that Ak. francisi occurred with positive density dependence, and was associated with moderately reduced host reproduction. This latter association was especially evident in larger host domiciles, suggesting that Ak. francisi either inhibits further host reproduction after invasion or exploits poor quality hosts more successfully. Sex ratios were slightly female biased. Akainothrips francisi males were exceptionally variable in size, colour, and foreleg size compared to females, with morphs co‐occurring within domiciles, suggesting sexual selection and the possibility of different male reproductive strategies. The discovery of Ak. francisi highlights particular morphological affinities among known or suspected inquiline Acacia thrips within Akainothrips and other genera, allowing us to hypothesize a common origin of this lifestyle from within Akainothrips. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Cooperation and competition are two key components of social life. Current research agendas investigating the psychological underpinnings of competition and cooperation in non-human primates are misaligned. The majority of work on competition has been done in the context of theory of mind and deception, while work on cooperation has mostly focused on collaboration and helping. The current impression that theory of mind is not necessarily implicated in cooperative activities and that helping could not be an integral part of competition might therefore be rather misleading. Furthermore, theory of mind research has mainly focused on cognitive aspects like the type of stimuli controlling responses, the nature of representation and how those representations are acquired, while collaboration and helping have focused primarily on motivational aspects like prosociality, common goals and a sense of justice and other-regarding concerns. We present the current state of these two bodies of research paying special attention to how they have developed and diverged over the years. We propose potential directions to realign the research agendas to investigate the psychological underpinnings of cooperation and competition in primates and other animals.  相似文献   

We developed a trophic dynamic model of key populations and processes in the New River, West Virginia, to identify the mechanisms most responsible for maintaining food web structure. Key populations were represented by thirteen model components and were aquatic insects; age-1 and age-2 crayfish (three species); age-1 and age-2 hellgrammites (Corydalus cornutus larvae); non-game fishes; age-0, age-1, and adult smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu); age-0, age-1, and adult rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris); and age-0, age-1 to age-3, and adult flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris). In this system, crayfish and hellgrammites are harvested to provide bait for the recreational fishery that extensively exploits the three predatory fish species. Predation and intraspecific regulation were represented with nonlinear algorithms, and linear terms represented fishery harvests. Interspecific competition among components occurred through predation on shared prey. Error analysis of the model suggested that predation was the most important mechanism in maintaining system structure (the disposition of biomass among system components). Further, the trophic relation between each component and its prey accounted for 34–64% of the variability in food web structure, whereas predation on each component explained 1–24% of food web structure variability. Therefore, so-called ‘bottom-up’ effects were more influential than ‘top-down’ effects. Interspecific competition and intraspecific regulation had secondary roles in maintaining New River food web structure, although intraspecific regulation was most important to aquatic insects, which were not predatory in our model. Both forms of competition are probably tempered by extensive predation and exploitation in the New River system. Exploitation was a secondary structuring agent to adult smallmouth bass, which experience a high rate of harvest in the New River.  相似文献   

Plants interact simultaneously with each other and with soil biota, yet the relative importance of competition vs. plant–soil feedback (PSF) on plant performance is poorly understood. Using a meta‐analysis of 38 published studies and 150 plant species, we show that effects of interspecific competition (either growing plants with a competitor or singly, or comparing inter‐ vs. intraspecific competition) and PSF (comparing home vs. away soil, live vs. sterile soil, or control vs. fungicide‐treated soil) depended on treatments but were predominantly negative, broadly comparable in magnitude, and additive or synergistic. Stronger competitors experienced more negative PSF than weaker competitors when controlling for density (inter‐ to intraspecific competition), suggesting that PSF could prevent competitive dominance and promote coexistence. When competition was measured against plants growing singly, the strength of competition overwhelmed PSF, indicating that the relative importance of PSF may depend not only on neighbour identity but also density. We evaluate how competition and PSFs might interact across resource gradients; PSF will likely strengthen competitive interactions in high resource environments and enhance facilitative interactions in low‐resource environments. Finally, we provide a framework for filling key knowledge gaps and advancing our understanding of how these biotic interactions influence community structure.  相似文献   

In his famous haplodiploidy hypothesis, W. D. Hamilton proposed that high sister-sister relatedness facilitates the evolution of kin-selected reproductive altruism among Hymenopteran females. Subsequent analyses, however, suggested that haplodiploidy cannot promote altruism unless altruists capitalize on relatedness asymmetries by helping to raise offspring whose sex ratio is more female-biased than the population at large. Here, we show that haplodiploidy is in fact more favourable than is diploidy to the evolution of reproductive altruism on the part of females, provided only that dispersal is male-biased (no sex-ratio bias or active kin discrimination is required). The effect is strong, and applies to the evolution both of sterile female helpers and of helping among breeding females. Moreover, a review of existing data suggests that female philopatry and non-local mating are widespread among nest-building Hymenoptera. We thus conclude that Hamilton was correct in his claim that 'family relationships in the Hymenoptera are potentially very favourable to the evolution of reproductive altruism'.  相似文献   

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