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Sustainable agricultural practices in conjunction with ecological restoration methods can reduce the detrimental effects of agriculture. The Society for Ecological Restoration International has produced generic guidelines for conceiving, organizing, conducting and assessing ecological restoration projects. Additionally, there are now good conceptual frameworks, guidelines and practical methods for developing ecological restoration programmes that are based on sound ecological principles and supported by empirical evidence and modelling approaches. Restoration methods must also be technically achievable and socially acceptable and spread over a range of locations. It is important to reconcile differences between methods that favour conservation and those that favour economic returns, to ensure that conservation efforts are beneficial for both landowners and biodiversity. One option for this type of mutual benefit is the use of agri-environmental schemes to provide financial incentives to landholders in exchange for providing conservation services and other benefits. However, further work is required to define and measure the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes. The broader potential for ecological restoration to improve the sustainability of agricultural production while conserving biodiversity in farmscapes and reducing external costs is high, but there is still much to learn, particularly for the most efficient use of agri-environmental schemes to change land use practice.  相似文献   


A large number of projects have recently been initiated in Scotland aiming to restore native woodland, which are being undertaken by a variety of organisations, often in partnership, with environmental NGOs playing a leading role. The objectives, constraints and methodologies of these projects are critically reviewed, partly through a questionnaire survey. Most aim to restore ‘natural’ woodland, but the lack of appropriate reference ecosystems and uncertainty about the characteristics of the original forest hinder the development of precise objectives, and consequently the criteria for success are poorly defined. Most projects face major practical constraints, particularly browsing by herbivores and invasion by exotic species, indicating that they will require long-term management interventions. Most woodlands are isolated from other woodlands, which threatens their long-term viability, restricting colonisation by woodland organisms. Greater reference to ecological theory in practical restoration projects such as these would enable objectives to be defined with more precision, encourage a greater emphasis on ecological processes rather than community composition, and improve management plans through use of predictive tools. In particular, the integration of woodlands into habitat networks, increasing ecological connectivity between woodland fragments, is considered essential to ensure success in the long term.  相似文献   

The global decline of biodiversity makes it important to find affordable ways to conserve and restore habitats. Restoration is useful for conserving native grasslands, with passive restoration defined as either natural colonization or unassisted recovery. Grasslands in southeastern South America have been transformed into croplands and impacted by other human activities. We describe the first assessment of passive restoration as a management tool to conserve birds in the Pampa grasslands of Brazil. We compared bird species richness using coverage‐based rarefaction and extrapolation, applying PERMANOVA for composition, and the abundance of bird communities between sites undergoing passive restoration (PR) and sites with native grasslands (NG). We employed fitted generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) to quantify relationships between bird occurrence and vegetation structure and cover. We recorded 61 species of birds during our study (45 in PR and 46 in NG) and 762 individuals (333 in PR and 429 in NG). Of these species, 15 were restricted to PR and 16 to NG. Grassland specialists and threatened species were found in both PR and NG, and only vegetation height differed between PR and NG. We detected eight species of conservation concern, including three recorded only in PR, three only in NG, and two in both PR and NG. The absence of marked differences in species richness and composition of bird communities between passive‐restoration and native grasslands in our study suggests that grasslands in the process of passive restoration can provide habitat for many species of grassland birds and that passive restoration is an appropriate management tool for biodiversity conservation in Brazilian grasslands.  相似文献   

Monitoring that facilitates adaptive management requires us to link observed changes in resource condition with management actions. Here, we present a case study to discuss how monitoring should be undertaken so it can facilitate adaptive management. Drawing on monitoring data collected by landholders as part of an incentive programme for native vegetation conservation on private land, we examined whether it was possible to determine to what extent changes in native vegetation condition were affected by funded management actions. Using a simple statistical technique (linear regression), we were unable to find strong links between the intended natural resource management (NRM) outcomes and funded management actions because (i) we could only use data from 22% of the 55 monitored sites as most data sheets were incomplete; (ii) sampling was undertaken in different seasons making it difficult to distinguish change due to management from change due to natural variability; and (iii) management actions were recorded in a generic way only, and not monitored through time, thus making it difficult to link observed changes in vegetation condition to on‐ground management. We suggest that monitoring programmes will only inform adaptive management where NRM bodies can prosecute (i) sampling designs that enable change as a result of management to be distinguished from change due to natural variability, and (ii) protocols that provide consistent data capture between sites and through time.  相似文献   

Grasslands in southeastern South America have been extensively converted to various land uses such as agriculture, threatening regional biodiversity. Active restoration has been viewed as a management alternative for recovery of degraded areas worldwide, although most studies are conducted in forests and none has evaluated the effect of active restoration of grasslands in southeastern South America. From 2015 through 2017 we monitored a federally owned tract of grassland from the beginning of the active‐restoration process. We compared the bird community in this active‐restoration area (AR) with a reference area (NG) in Pampa grasslands in southern Brazil. We sampled birds by point counts and surveyed vegetation structure in plots. Over the 3 years of active restoration, bird species richness and abundance were higher in AR (30 species, 171 individuals) than NG (22 species, 154 individuals). The species composition also differed between the two habitats. Grassland bird species were present in both AR and NG. The vegetation structure differed between AR and NG in five attributes: height, short and tall grasses, herbs, and shrubs. Since it has been found that active restoration is useful in promoting species diversity, we encourage studies of the use of long‐term restoration efforts. Our study, even on a local scale, showed a rapid recovery of the bird community in the active‐restoration compared to native grassland, and suggests the potential for recovery of the degraded grasslands of the Brazilian Pampa biome.  相似文献   

This paper establishes a framework within which a rapid and pragmatic assessment of river ecosystems can be undertaken at a broad, subcontinental scale, highlighting some implications for achieving conservation of river biodiversity in water‐limited countries. The status of river ecosystems associated with main rivers in South Africa was assessed based on the extent to which each ecosystem had been altered from its natural condition. This requires consistent data on river integrity for the entire country, which was only available for main rivers; tributaries were thus excluded from the analyses. The state of main river ecosystems in South Africa is dire: 84% of the ecosystems are threatened, with a disturbing 54% critically endangered, 18% endangered, and 12% vulnerable. Protection levels were measured as the proportion of conservation target achieved within protected areas, where the conservation target was set as 20% of the total length of each river ecosystem. Sixteen of the 112 main river ecosystems are moderately to well represented within protected areas; the majority of the ecosystems have very low levels of representation, or are not represented at all within protected areas. Only 50% of rivers within protected areas are intact, but this is a higher proportion compared to rivers outside (28%), providing some of the first quantitative data on the positive role protected areas can play in conserving river ecosystems. This is also the first assessment of river ecosystems in South Africa to apply a similar approach to parallel assessments of terrestrial, marine, and estuarine ecosystems, and it revealed that main river ecosystems are in a critical state, far worse than terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystem status is likely to differ with the inclusion of tributaries, since options may well exist for conserving critically endangered ecosystems in intact tributaries, which are generally less regulated than main rivers. This study highlights the importance of healthy tributaries for achieving river conservation targets, and the need for managing main rivers as conduits across the landscape to support ecological processes that depend on connectivity. We also highlight the need for a paradigm shift in the way protected areas are designated, as well as the need for integrated river basin management plans to include explicit conservation visions, targets, and strategies to ensure the conservation of freshwater ecosystems and the services they provide.  相似文献   

A freshwater reservoir was dammed from the Baltic Sea in 1965. The recent sediments and the processes of accumulation in the reservoir have been investigated. The physical, chemical and diatom analyses of the sediments were carried out at 5 sampling points in order to dinstinquish the freshwater sediments from the underlying brackish sediments as well as to date the freshwater sediments. The pattern of sedimentation in the reservoir is described on the basis of these results and conclusions are drawn regarding the development of the water body. In interpretating the diatomological and the chemical results from the recent sediments certain common features are highlighted.  相似文献   

A one year study of a 0.9 hectare permanent alkaline pond (mean depth lm) in southern England has shown that phytoplankton productivity was highest during fall and spring. Hourly rates of photosynthesis ranged from almost zero in the winter to a peak of 475 mgC/m3/h in the fall. Daily gross primary productivity per unit area varied from 0.1–2.5 gC/m2/d. The annual gross primary productivity of phytoplankton was estimated to be .157 KgC/m2/y.The submerged angiosperm, Ceratopyllum demersum was the dominant macrophyte covering over 55% of the pond in the summer. It reached a peak biomass of 235 g/m2 (ash free) in July. This macrophyte had a net annual primary productivity of 2.89 metric tons (ash free)/ha/y. When phytoplankton gross production was converted to net, it showed an energy production of 3.29 × 106 J/m2/y compared with 6.25 × 106 J/m2/y for macrophytes. Values of net production efficiencies ranged from .11% for phytoplankton to .21% for macrophytes. Cryptomonas dominated the microphytoplankton in terms of numbers for most of the year. Diatoms were abundant especially during the spring bloom. The genus Cocconeis dominated fall and winter diatom standing crops while Cyclotella and Navicula dominated the spring peak. Diatom abundance varied inversely with silica concentrations. Peridinium, the dinoflagellate, seemed to prosper when Cryptomonas was scarce. The colonial alga, Volvox aureus, had an intense growth in October probably due to heavy rains and relatively low nitrogen levels.The pond zooplankton diversity was low. Copepod and cladoceran populations were predominantly of one species. The copepod Cyclops fimbriatus and the cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus were fall/winter forms. They were succeeded by Cyclops vicinus and Bosmina longirostris in the spring. Rotifers were very abundant during a spring peak prospering on algal cells produced in the spring bloom two weeks earlier.  相似文献   

This palaeolimnological study investigates recent changes in the biological structure of an English shallow lake (Upton Great Broad, Norfolk). By focusing on the historical occurrence of submerged macrophytes, particularly the rare UK species, Najas marina L. (Holly-leaved Naiad), we address a management question that frequently arises for shallow lakes, namely whether to undertake sediment removal to increase water depth and/or restore conservation value. Macro-remains of aquatic macrophytes and molluscs were analysed in two littoral sediment cores and combined with other historical ecological data covering the last 100 years. Before around 1900, the lake had Chara meadows (including at least three species) and an associated species-rich community of Mollusca. Between around 1900–1970 a period of high angiosperm diversity is suggested with a reduction of Characeae and the development of patches of water-lily (particularly Nymphaea alba L.) and fen swamp in the open water. Then, after around 1970, our data indicate a rapid shift towards Najas-dominance coupled with a decrease in the seasonal length of the plant-covered period. The expansion of Najas was clearly associated with, and may even be dependent upon, a highly unusual fluid, green sediment formation that developed at the site from around the same time. Thus, despite the loss of an earlier more diverse vegetation and associated fauna, we suggest that best practice conservation may be allow natural site development and not to undertake active management such as sediment removal which might threaten the status of Najas. Our conclusion could only have been arrived at through the long-term ecological perspective that a palaeolimnological approach provides.  相似文献   

Traits are important for understanding how plant communities assemble and function, providing a common currency for studying ecological processes across species, locations, and habitat types. However, the majority of studies relating species traits to community assembly rely upon vegetative traits of mature plants. Seed traits, which are understudied relative to whole‐plant traits, are key to understanding assembly of plant communities. This is particularly true for restored communities, which are typically started de novo from seed, making seed germination a critical first step in community assembly and an early filter for plant establishment. We experimentally tested the effects of seed traits (mass, shape, and embryo to seed size ratio) and phylogeny on germination response in 32 species commonly used in prairie grassland restoration in the Midwestern USA, analyzing data using time‐to‐event (survival) analysis. As germination is also influenced by seed dormancy, and dormancy break treatments are commonly employed in restoration, we also tested the effects of two pretreatments (cold stratification and gibberellic acid application) on time to germination. Seed traits, phylogeny, and seed pretreatments all affected time to germination. Of all traits tested, variables related to seed shape (height and shape variance) best predicted germination response, with high‐variance (i.e., pointier and narrower) seeds germinating faster. Phylogenetic position (the location of species on the phylogenetic tree relative to other tested species) was also an important predictor of germination response, that is, closely related species showed similar patterns in time to germination. This was true despite the fact that all measured seed traits showed phylogenetic signal, therefore phylogeny provided residual information that was not already captured by measured seed traits. Seed traits, phylogenetic position, and germination pretreatments were important predictors of germination response for a suite of species commonly used in grassland restoration. Shape traits were especially important, while mass, often the only seed trait used in studies of community assembly, was not a strong predictor of germination timing. These findings illustrate the ecological importance of seed traits that are rarely incorporated into functional studies of plant communities. This information can also be used to advance restoration practice by guiding restoration planning and seed mix design.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out on four stands of a chalk grassland (open, intensively grazed, tall and scrub) in order to monitor the permanent soil seed bank under various management regimes responsible for the decline of the ecological interest of this ecosystem. There was no real similarity between the seed banks and the associated vegetation, except in the intensively grazed stand. When vegetation changes, seed banks appear to be quite stable and are mostly dominated by three species (Centaurium erythraea, Origanum vulgare, Hypericum perforatum). The seed bank seems to be quite useless in order to restore a species-rich community after both grazing intensification or abandonment. Because recolonization processes are the critical factor, the management of species-rich grassland has to be designed with a view to preserving a given plant community as well as to improving dispersion processes from a source to target areas.  相似文献   

The loss and degradation of woody vegetation in the agricultural matrix represents a key threat to biodiversity. Strategies for habitat restoration in these landscapes should maximize the biodiversity benefit for each dollar spent in order to achieve the greatest conservation outcomes with scarce funding. To be effective at scale, such strategies also need to account for the opportunity cost of restoration to the farmer. Here, we critique the Whole‐of‐Paddock Rehabilitation program, a novel agri‐environment scheme which seeks to provide a cost‐effective strategy for balancing habitat restoration and livestock grazing. The scheme involves the revegetation of large (minimum 10 ha) fields, designed to maximize biodiversity benefits and minimize costs while allowing for continued agricultural production. The objectives and design of the scheme are outlined, biodiversity and production benefits are discussed, and we contrast its cost‐effectiveness with alternative habitat restoration strategies. Our analysis indicates that this scheme achieves greater restoration outcomes at approximately half the cost of windbreak‐style plantings, the prevailing planting configuration in southeastern Australia, largely due to a focus on larger fields, and the avoidance of fencing costs through the use of existing farm configuration and infrastructure. This emphasis on cost‐effectiveness, the offsetting of opportunity costs through incentive payments, and the use of a planting design that seeks to maximize biodiversity benefits while achieving production benefits to the farmer, has the potential to achieve conservation in productive parts of the agricultural landscape that have traditionally been “off limits” to conservation.  相似文献   

Aim Conservation programmes for endangered migratory species or populations require locating and evaluating breeding, stopover and wintering areas. We used multiple stable isotopes in two endangered European populations of wrynecks, Jynx torquilla L., to locate wintering regions and assess the degree of migratory connectivity between breeding and wintering populations. Location Switzerland and Germany. Methods We analysed stable nitrogen (δ15N), carbon (δ13C) and hydrogen (δD) isotopes from wing feathers from two populations of wrynecks to infer their wintering origins and to assess the strength of migratory connectivity. We tested whether variation in feather isotopic values within the Swiss population was affected by bird age and collection year and then considered differences in isotopic values between the two breeding populations. We used isotopic values of summer‐ and winter‐grown feathers to estimate seasonal distributions. Finally, we calculated a species‐specific δD discrimination factor between feathers and mean annual δD values to assign winter‐grown feathers to origin. Results Bird age and collection year caused substantial isotopic variation in winter‐grown feathers, which may be because of annually variable weather conditions, movements of birds among wintering sites and/or reflect asynchronous moulting or selection pressure. The large isotopic variance in winter‐grown feathers nevertheless suggested low migratory connectivity for each breeding population, with partially overlapping wintering regions for the two populations. Main conclusions Isotopic variance in winter‐grown feathers of two breeding populations of wrynecks and their geographical assignment point to defined, albeit overlapping, wintering areas, suggesting both leapfrog migration and low migratory connectivity. On this basis, integrative demographic models can be built looking at seasonal survival patterns with links to local environmental conditions on both breeding and wintering grounds, which may elucidate causes of declines in migratory bird species.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration is increasingly applied in tropical forests to mitigate biodiversity loss and recover ecosystem functions. In restoration ecology, functional richness, rather than species richness, often determines community assembly, and measures of functional diversity provide a mechanistic link between diversity and ecological functioning of restored habitat. Vertebrate animals are important for ecosystem functioning. Here, we examine the functional diversity of small‐to‐medium sized mammals to evaluate the diversity and functional recovery of tropical rainforest. We assess how mammal species diversity and composition and functional diversity and composition, vary along a restoration chronosequence from degraded pasture to “old‐growth” tropical rainforest in the Wet Tropics of Australia. Species richness, diversity, evenness, and abundance did not vary, but total mammal biomass and mean species body mass increased with restoration age. Species composition in restoration forests converged on the composition of old‐growth rainforest and diverged from pasture with increasing restoration age. Functional metrics provided a clearer pattern of recovery than traditional species metrics, with most functional metrics significantly increasing with restoration age when taxonomic‐based metrics did not. Functional evenness and dispersion increased significantly with restoration age, suggesting that niche complementarity enhances species' abundances in restored sites. The change in community composition represented a functional shift from invasive, herbivorous, terrestrial habitat generalists and open environment specialists in pasture and young restoration sites, to predominantly endemic, folivorous, arboreal, and fossorial forest species in older restoration sites. This shift has positive implications for conservation and demonstrates the potential of tropical forest restoration to recover rainforest‐like, diverse faunal communities.  相似文献   

Woodland loss and restoration in a savanna park: a 20-year experiment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Woodland loss is a major cause of biodiversity decline in African savanna parks. Decisions about whether remedial steps are possible and warranted depend on the cause. Climate, fire, elephants and human impact, often in combination, have been cited as major causes. The almost complete extinction of woodland in Amboseli National Park since 1950 has been at the centre of such debate. A 20‐year study based on an experimental design to test overgrazing, pathogen, climate and elephant browsing theories of woodland loss was established in 1981. The experiment showed that elephants alone are preventing regeneration. Based on the outcome of the experiment, a woodland refuge was restored in the centre of the park to maintain biodiversity and demonstrate the management prospects for habitat restoration. A strong interaction of elephants and pastoralists, played out across the ecosystem over many decades, probably accounts for the habitat mosaic and high biological diversity of the ecosystem prior to the establishment of the national park. The restoration of biodiversity in the park will therefore depend on mimicking the shifting mosaic of habitats created by their interaction.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration often relies on disturbance as a tool for establishing target plant communities, but disturbance can be a double-edged sword, at times initiating invasion and unintended outcomes. Here we test how fire disturbance, designed to enhance restoration seeding success, combines with climate and initial vegetation conditions to shift perennial versus annual grass dominance and overall community diversity in Pacific Northwest grasslands. We seeded both native and introduced perennial grasses and native forbs in paired, replicated burned-unburned plots in three sites along a latitudinal climate gradient from southern Oregon to central-western Washington. Past restoration and climate manipulations at each site had increased the variation of starting conditions between plots. Burning promoted the expansion of extant forbs and perennial grasses across all sites. Burning also enhanced the seeding success of native perennial grass and native forbs at the northern and central site, and the success of introduced perennial grasses across all three sites. Annual grass dominance was driven more by latitude than burning, with annuals maintaining their dominance in the south and perennials in the north. At the same time, unrestored grasslands surrounding all sites remained dominated by perennial grasses, suggesting that initial plot clearing may have allowed for annual grass invasion in the southern site. When paired with disturbance, further warming may increase the risk of annual grass dominance, a potentially persistent state.  相似文献   

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