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A new chroococcalean cyanobacterium is described from approximately 1‐billion‐year‐old non‐marine deposits of the Torridonian Group of Scotland and the Nonesuch Formation of Michigan, USA. Individual cells of the new microfossil, Eohalothece lacustrina gen. et sp. nov., are associated with benthic microbial biofilms, but the majority of samples are recovered in palynological preparations in the form of large, apparently planktonic colonies, similar to extant species of Microcystis. In the Torridonian, Eohalothece is associated with phosphatic nodules, and we have developed a novel hypothesis linking Eohalothece to phosphate deposition in ancient freshwater settings. Extant cyanobacteria can be prolific producers of extracellular microcystins, which are non‐ribosomal polypeptide phosphatase inhibitors. Microcystins may have promoted the retention and concentration of sedimentary organic phosphate prior to mineralization of francolite and nodule formation. This has a further implication that the Torridonian lakes were nitrogen limited as the release of microcystins is enhanced under such conditions today. The abundance and wide distribution of Eohalothece lacustrina attests to the importance of cyanobacteria as oxygen‐producing photoautotrophs in lacustrine ecosystems at the time of the Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic transition.  相似文献   

The shallow marine and subaerial sedimentary and hydrothermal rocks of the ~3.48 billion‐year‐old Dresser Formation are host to some of Earth's oldest stromatolites and microbial remains. This study reports on texturally distinctive, spherulitic barite micro‐mineralization that occur in association with primary, autochthonous organic matter within exceptionally preserved, strongly sulfidized stromatolite samples obtained from drill cores. Spherulitic barite micro‐mineralization within the sulfidized stromatolites generally forms submicron‐scale aggregates that show gradations from hollow to densely crystallized, irregular to partially radiating crystalline interiors. Several barite micro‐spherulites show thin outer shells. Within stromatolites, barite micro‐spherulites are intimately associated with petrographically earliest dolomite and nano‐porous pyrite enriched in organic matter, the latter of which is a possible biosignature assemblage that hosts microbial remains. Barite spherulites are also observed within layered barite in proximity to stromatolite layers, where they are overgrown by compositionally distinct (Sr‐rich), coarsely crystalline barite that may have been sourced from hydrothermal veins at depth. Micro‐spherulitic barite, such as reported here, is not known from hydrothermal systems that exceed the upper temperature limit for life. Rather, barite with near‐identical morphology and micro‐texture is known from zones of high bio‐productivity under low‐temperature conditions in the modern oceans, where microbial activity and/or organic matter of degrading biomass controls the formation of spherulitic aggregates. Hence, the presence of micro‐spherulitic barite in the organic matter‐bearing Dresser Formation sulfidized stromatolites lend further support for a biogenic origin of these unusual, exceptionally well‐preserved, and very ancient microbialites.  相似文献   

A better understanding of phytohormone physiology can provide an essential basis to coherently achieve a conservation drive/strategy for valuable plant species. We evaluated the distribution pattern of cytokinins (CKs) and phenolic compounds in different organs of 1‐year‐old greenhouse‐grown Tulbaghia simmleri pre‐treated (during micropropagation) with three aromatic CKs (benzyladenine = BA, meta‐topolin = mT, meta‐topolin riboside = mTR). The test species is highly valuable due to its medicinal and ornamental uses. Based on UHPLC‐MS/MS quantification, mT and mTR pre‐treated plants had the highest total CK, mostly resulting from the isoprenoid CK‐type, which occurred at highest concentrations in the roots. Although occurring in much lower concentrations when compared to isoprenoid CKs, aromatic CKs were several‐fold more abundant in the root of mT pre‐treated plants than with other treatments. Possibly related to the enhanced aromatic CKs, free bases and ribonucleotides, plants pre‐treated with mT generally displayed better morphology than the other treatments. A total of 12 bioactive phenolic compounds, including four hydroxybenzoic acids, five hydroxycinnamic acids and three flavonoids at varying concentrations, were quantified in T. simmleri. The occurrence, distribution and levels of these phenolic compounds were strongly influenced by the CK pre‐treatments, thereby confirming the importance of CKs in phenolic biosynthesis pathways.  相似文献   

We document xylem structure and hydraulic properties in the earliest woody plant A rmoricaphyton chateaupannense gen. nov. & sp. nov. based on c. 407‐million‐year‐old fossils from the Armorican Massif, western France. The plant was small, and the woody axes were narrow and permineralized in pyrite (FeS2). We used standard palaeobotanical methods and employed propagation phase contrast X‐ray synchrotron microtomography (PPC‐SRμCT) to create three‐dimensional images of the wood and to evaluate its properties. The xylem comprised tracheids and rays, which developed from a cambium. Tracheids possessed an early extinct type of scalariform bordered pitting known as P‐type. Our observations indicate that wood evolved initially in plants of small stature that were members of Euphyllophytina, a clade that includes living seed plants, horsetails and ferns. Hydraulic properties were calculated from measurements taken from the PPC‐SRμCT images. The specific hydraulic conductivity of the xylem area was calculated as 8.7 kg m?1 s?1 and the mean cell thickness‐to‐span ratio (t/b)2 of tracheids was 0.0372. The results show that the wood was suited to high conductive performance with low mechanical resistance to hydraulic tension. We argue that axis rigidity in the earliest woody plants initially evolved through the development of low‐density woods. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 423–437.  相似文献   

Age‐associated decline in immunity to infection has been documented across multiple pathogens, yet the relative contributions of the aged priming environment and of lymphocyte‐intrinsic defects remain unclear. To address the impact of the aging environment on T‐cell priming, adult naïve OT‐I TCR transgenic CD8 T cells, specific for the H‐2Kb‐restricted immunodominant OVA257‐264 epitope, were transferred into adult or old recipient mice infected with the recombinant intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes carrying the chicken ovalbumin protein (Lm‐OVA). We consistently found that adult OT‐I CD8 expansion was reduced in aged recipient mice, and this correlated with numeric, phenotypic, and functional defects selectively affecting CD8α+ dendritic cells (DC). Following Lm‐OVA infection, aged mice failed to accumulate CD8α+ DC in the spleen, and these cells expressed much lower levels of critical costimulatory molecules in the first three days following infection. Further, aged CD8α+ DC showed impaired uptake of the bacteria at very early time points following infection. Treatment of aged mice with Flt3 ligand (Flt3L) improved the number of DC present in the spleen prior to Lm‐OVA infection, and improved, but did not reconstitute, OT‐I expansion to Lm‐OVA infection. These results suggest that age‐associated changes in antigen uptake, pathogen sensing, and/or antigen presentation contribute to impaired adaptive immune responses to microbial pathogens with aging.  相似文献   

The structure of the cell‐permeable α‐helical amphipathic model peptide FLUOS‐KLALKLALKALKAALKLA‐NH2 ( I ) was modified stepwise with respect to its helix parameters hydrophobicity, hydrophobic moment and hydrophilic face as well as molecular size and charge. Cellular uptake and membrane destabilizing activity of the resulting peptides were studied using aortic endothelial cells and HPLC combined with CLSM. With the exceptions that a reduction of molecule size below 16 amino acid residues and the introduction of a negative net charge abolished uptake, none of the investigated structural parameters proved to be essential for the passage of these peptides across the plasma membrane. Membrane toxicity also showed no correlation to any of the parameters investigated and could be detected only at concentrations higher than 2 μm . These results implicate helical amphipathicity as the only essential structural requirement for the entry of such peptides into the cell interior, in accord with earlier studies. The pivotal role of helical amphipathicity was confirmed by uptake results obtained with two further pairs of amphipathic/non‐amphipathic 18‐mer peptides with different primary structure, net charge and helix parameters from I . The amphipathic counterparts were internalized into the cells to a comparable extent as I , whereas no cellular uptake could be detected for the non‐amphipathic analogues. The mode of uptake remains unclear and involves both temperature‐sensitive and ‐insensitive processes, indicating non‐endocytic contributions. Copyright © 1999 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Disruption of telomere maintenance pathways leads to accelerated entry into cellular senescence, a stable proliferative arrest that promotes aging‐associated disorders in some mammals. The budding yeast CST complex, comprising Cdc13, Stn1, and Ctc1, is critical for telomere replication, length regulation, and end protection. Although mammalian homologues of CST have been identified recently, their role and function for telomere maintenance in normal somatic human cells are still incompletely understood. Here, we characterize the function of human Stn1 in cultured human fibroblasts and demonstrate its critical role in telomere replication, length regulation, and function. In the absence of high telomerase activity, shRNA‐mediated knockdown of hStn1 resulted in aberrant and fragile telomeric structures, stochastic telomere attrition, increased telomere erosion rates, telomere dysfunction, and consequently accelerated entry into cellular senescence. Oxidative stress augmented the defects caused by Stn1 knockdown leading to almost immediate cessation of cell proliferation. In contrast, overexpression of hTERT suppressed some of the defects caused by hStn1 knockdown suggesting that telomerase can partially compensate for hStn1 loss. Our findings reveal a critical role for human Stn1 in telomere length maintenance and function, supporting the model that efficient replication of telomeric repeats is critical for long‐term viability of normal somatic mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The TNF‐α (tumour necrosis factor) affects a wide range of biological activities, such as cell proliferation and apoptosis. Cell life or death responses to this cytokine might depend on cell conditions. This study focused on the modulation of factors that would affect the sensitivity of erythroid‐differentiated cells to TNF‐α. Hemin‐differentiated K562 cells showed higher sensitivity to TNF‐induced apoptosis than undifferentiated cells. At the same time, hemin‐induced erythroid differentiation reduced c‐FLIP (cellular FLICE‐inhibitory protein) expression. However, this negative effect was prevented by prior treatment with Epo (erythropoietin), which allowed the cell line to maintain c‐FLIP levels. On the other hand, erythroid‐differentiated UT‐7 cells – dependent on Epo for survival – showed resistance to TNF‐α pro‐apoptotic action. Only after the inhibition of PI3K (phosphatidylinositol‐3 kinase)‐mediated pathways, which was accompanied by negative c‐FLIP modulation and increased erythroid differentiation, were UT‐7 cells sensitive to TNF‐α‐triggered apoptosis. In summary, erythroid differentiation might deregulate the balance between growth promotion and death signals induced by TNF‐α, depending on cell type and environmental conditions. The role of c‐FLIP seemed to be critical in the protection of erythroid‐differentiated cells from apoptosis or in the determination of their sensitivity to TNF‐mediated programmed cell death. Epo, which for the first time was found to be involved in the prevention of c‐FLIP down‐regulation, proved to have an anti‐apoptotic effect against the pro‐inflammatory factor. The identification of signals related to cell life/death switching would have significant implications in the control of proliferative diseases and would contribute to the understanding of mechanisms underlying the anaemia associated with inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue inflammation and dysfunction are associated with obesity‐related insulin resistance and diabetes, but mechanisms underlying this relationship are unclear. Although senescent cells accumulate in adipose tissue of obese humans and rodents, a direct pathogenic role for these cells in the development of diabetes remains to be demonstrated. Here, we show that reducing senescent cell burden in obese mice, either by activating drug‐inducible “suicide” genes driven by the p16Ink4a promoter or by treatment with senolytic agents, alleviates metabolic and adipose tissue dysfunction. These senolytic interventions improved glucose tolerance, enhanced insulin sensitivity, lowered circulating inflammatory mediators, and promoted adipogenesis in obese mice. Elimination of senescent cells also prevented the migration of transplanted monocytes into intra‐abdominal adipose tissue and reduced the number of macrophages in this tissue. In addition, microalbuminuria, renal podocyte function, and cardiac diastolic function improved with senolytic therapy. Our results implicate cellular senescence as a causal factor in obesity‐related inflammation and metabolic derangements and show that emerging senolytic agents hold promise for treating obesity‐related metabolic dysfunction and its complications.  相似文献   

Cell senescence is accompanied, and in part mediated, by changes in chromatin, including histone losses, but underlying mechanisms are not well understood. We reported previously that during yeast cell senescence driven by telomere shortening, the telomeric protein Rap1 plays a major role in reprogramming gene expression by relocalizing hundreds of new target genes (called NRTS, for n ew R ap1 t argets at s enescence) to the promoters. This leads to two types of histone loss: Rap1 lowers histone level globally by repressing histone gene expression, and it also causes local nucleosome displacement at the promoters of upregulated NRTS. Here, we present evidence of direct binding between Rap1 and histone H3/H4 heterotetramers, and map amino acids involved in the interaction within the Rap1 SANT domain to amino acids 392–394 (SHY). Introduction of a point mutation within the native RAP1 locus that converts these residues to alanines (RAP1SHY), and thus disrupts Rap1‐H3/H4 interaction, does not interfere with Rap1 relocalization to NRTS at senescence, but prevents full nucleosome displacement and gene upregulation, indicating direct Rap1‐H3/H4 contacts are involved in nucleosome displacement. Consistent with this, the histone H3/H4 chaperone Asf1 is similarly unnecessary for Rap1 localization to NRTS but is required for full Rap1‐mediated nucleosome displacement and gene activation. Remarkably, RAP1SHY does not affect the pace of senescence‐related cell cycle arrest, indicating that some changes in gene expression at senescence are not coupled to this arrest.  相似文献   

cAMP‐dependent, PKA‐independent effects on cell proliferation are mediated by cAMP binding to EPAC and activation of Rap signaling. In this report, we employed the analogue 8‐CPT‐2‐O‐Me‐cAMP to study binding to EPAC and subsequent activation of B‐Raf/ERK and mTOR signaling in human cancer cells. This compound significantly stimulated DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and cellular proliferation of human 1‐LN prostate cancer cells. By study of phosphorylation‐dependent activation, we demonstrate that EPAC‐mediated cellular effects require activation of the B‐Raf/ERK and mTOR signaling cascades. RNAi directed against EPAC gene expression as well as inhibitors of ERK, PI 3‐kinase, and mTOR were employed to further demonstrate the role of these pathways in regulating prostate cancer cell proliferation. These studies were then extended to several other human prostate cancer cell lines and melanoma cells with comparable results. We conclude that B‐Raf/ERK and mTOR signaling play an essential role in cAMP‐dependent, but PKA‐independent, proliferation of cancer cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 998–1011, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice inoculated intraperitoneally with coxsackievirus group B type 3 (CVB3) were allocated to five groups; namely, a viral myocarditis group infected with CVB3 alone (control group), an antibody intervention group that received intracardiac anti‐MCP‐1, an antibody intervention control group that received goat IgG, a tMCP‐1 intervention group that received plasmid pVMt expressing tMCP‐1, and a tMCP‐1 intervention control group that received plasmid pVAX1. There was also a normal control group. The ratio of murine heart weight to body weight, pathological score of myocardial tissue, serum creatine kinase‐MB titers and CVB3 loading of myocardial tissue were assessed. The cardiac lesions in mice that received 20, 40 or 60 µg pVMt (P < 0.05) were less severe than those in control mice with untreated viral myocarditis. In addition, fewer mononuclear cells had infiltrated the myocardium of mice who received 40 or 60 µg pVMt intramyocardially (P < 0.01), whereas there was no difference in mononuclear cell infiltration between mice with viral myocarditis and those that received 20 µg pVMt (P > 0.05). There was also no difference between mice that received anti‐MCP‐1 antibody and those that received 40 µg pVMt in ratio of HW/BW, serum CK‐MB titers and pathological score (P > 0.05). This study showed that tMCP‐1 can alleviate cardiac lesions and cardiac injury in mice with viral myocarditis via infiltration of mononuclear cells. Thus, tMCP‐1 may be an alternative to anti‐MCP‐1 antibody treatment of viral myocarditis. Further research is required.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to characterize stem cell differentiation are time‐consuming, lengthy and invasive. Here, Raman microspectroscopy (RM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) – both considered as non‐invasive techniques – are applied to detect the biochemical and biophysical properties of trophoblast derived stem‐like cells incubated up to 10 days under conditions designed to induce differentiation. Significant biochemical and biophysical differences between control cells and differentiated cells were observed. Quantitative real time PCR was also applied to analyze gene expression. The relationship between cell differentiation and associated cellular biochemical and biomechanical changes were discussed.

Monitoring trophoblast cells differentiation  相似文献   

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