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The life history of ungulates is affected by factors such as climate, population density and resource availability. With focus on the muskoxen Ovibos moschatus living in Kangerlussuaq in western Greenland, Jameson Land in north-eastern Greenland and on Banks and Victoria Islands in northern Canada, we tested spatial variation in life-history traits measured by mandibular growth. In accordance with expectations, we found that muskoxen in the southernmost and low Arctic area (Kangerlussuaq) grew faster, matured earlier, reproduced earlier, reached larger adult size and additionally had a higher reproduction than muskoxen living in the more northern areas. In the Kangerlussuaq population, mandible lengths in adult males changed temporally with density, with significant smaller adult males present in high population densities in western Greenland. It was especially the male mandible lengths that responded to environmental factors. In females, spatial differences were less pronounced than in males and is probably explained by females facing a trade-off between investment in own growth and reproduction, whereas a large body size is more important for the males, which are exposed to sexual selection. This explanation was, furthermore, supported by the fact that the calf percentage was higher in western Greenland than in any of the other studied areas in spite of the density-dependent effects detected within the male gender.  相似文献   

Juvenile migration in brown trout: a consequence of energetic state   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. We explored the mechanisms determining age and size at juvenile migration in brown trout Salmo trutta L. A 133Cs tracer methodology was used to estimate food consumption of juvenile brown trout in a Norwegian stream, and the energy budgets of early migrants and stream residents were compared.
2. Fast-growing brown trout migrated to the lake earlier and at a smaller body size than slower-growing individuals. The 2+ migrants were significantly larger than those that remained 1 or more years longer in the stream. The 3+ migrants were significantly larger than the 2+ migrants. Some fast-growing males matured in the stream, whereas all females left the stream before maturing sexually.
3. The food consumption and the energy budgets for 2+ migrants were more than four times higher than those of the resident 2+ fish. Total energy allocated to growth was also higher among migrants, and the total metabolic costs were five times higher among migrants than among resident fish.
4. The proportional energy allocation to growth among the 2+ migrants was much lower (about half) than that of those remaining longer in the stream. The reduction in the proportion of energy available for growth from age 1+ to 2+ was larger among migrants (88%) than among resident fish (68%). Reduction in the proportion of energy available for growth is a probable explanation for why migrations are initiated at age 2.
5. Our study supports the hypothesis that fast-growing individuals shift their niche earlier and at a smaller body size than slower-growing individuals because they maintain higher metabolic rates and are energetically constrained at a younger age by limited food resources than slow growers.  相似文献   

Abstract: I investigated local and regional differences in percent moss in the feces of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) and reindeer or caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in northwestern Alaska, USA, and related fecal moss to forage availability, snow conditions, animal density, and terrain ruggedness on wintering areas. Reindeer are a partially domesticated form of Rangifer tarandus originating from Europe and Asia and differ physiologically and ecologically from caribou. Percent moss in feces of muskoxen differed locally among individual wintering areas. Because of the large local variation in moss content of muskox feces, regional differences between the 2 study areas were difficult to resolve. Percent of moss in the feces of reindeer–caribou did not differ between wintering areas within the same study area but did differ between study areas. On muskox wintering areas, fecal moss correlated negatively with graminoid cover and snow hardness and positively with moss cover and muskox density, but fecal moss did not correlate with snow depth or terrain ruggedness. On reindeer–caribou wintering areas, fecal moss correlated positively with moss availability but not with lichen cover or snow depth or hardness. Because muskox groups in Alaska are isolated from each other in winter, even groups wintering on neighboring hills may face different foraging availability and might, therefore, exhibit differences in growth or productivity. Reindeer–caribou are more mobile than muskoxen in winter, and fecal samples may not be representative of vegetative and snow conditions at the wintering area where I collected them. I conclude that managers can use fecal moss as an indicator of overgrazed ranges, severe snow conditions, or crowded conditions on muskox wintering areas, but that the association between fecal moss and range conditions has to be drawn with caution for the more mobile reindeer–caribou.  相似文献   

Summary The thermal environment has pronounced effects on the energy costs of thermoregulation and affects an animal's allocation of energy to self-maintenance and parental care. Consequently, the selection of reproductive periods, breeding habitats and nest-sites with a favourable microclimate can be advantageous, especially for birds breeding in harsh environments. In this study on Alpine Water Pipits (Anthus spinoletta), we evaluate the importance of spatial and temporal factors on thermoregulatory costs by combining laboratory measurements of metabolic rates under various temperatures with standard operative temperatures (Tes) recorded in the field in different microhabitats. Using these measurements we estimate the thermal and energetic consequences of nest locality and timing of reproduction. Our results show: (1) In the morning, Tes values were much higher on the east-north-east (ENE) slope of a valley than on the west-south-west (WSW) slope; in the afternoon this pattern was reversed. As a consequence, energy costs (Ehour) for thermoregulation on the ENE slope were up to 0.6 RMR (resting metabolic rate at night) lower than on the WSW slope during morning hours and about 0.8 RMR higher during afternoon hours. (2) During the incubation and nestling phases of first and second broods, total energy expenditure for thermoregulation in the daytime (Edaytime) was 0.2–0.3 RMR higher on the ENE slope than on the WSW slope. (3) Within slopes, Edaytime was lower during second broods than during first broods, with differences of 0.06–0.07 RMR during incubation and of 0.32 RMR during nestling care. These differences correspond to the flying costs of females incubating eggs (0.09 RMR) and rearing nestlings (0.25 RMR). We conclude that nest placement in relation to microclimate can improve the female's energy budget, both in terms of the total daily expenditure and its diurnal pattern. From thermal considerations alone, delaying breeding into mid-summer would be advantageous, but this advantage is probably outweighed by the reduced chances for second and replacement clutches and by the necessity to complete moult before migration.
Thermische und energetische Konsequenzen von Brutplätzen und Brutzeiten bei Wasserpiepern (Anthus spinoletta)
Zusammenfassung Die Umgebungstemperatur beeinflusst den Energieaufwand für die Thermoregulation und bestimmt somit, wie viel Energie ein Tier für die Selbsterhaltung benötigt und wie viel es für Brutpflege aufwenden kann. Daher ist es vorteilhaft, für die Fortpflanzung Zeiten und Orte mit besonders günstigen mikroklimatischen Bedingungen zu wählen. Das gilt insbesondere für Vögel, die in unwirtlichen Biotopen wie z. B. alpinen Regionen brüten. Wir untersuchten den Einfluss von Brutzeit und -ort auf die energetischen Kosten der Thermoregulation am Beispiel einer Population des Wasserpiepers (Anthus spinoletta) im Dischmatal bei Davos (Schweiz). Dazu verknüpften wir drei verschiedene Datensätze: a) Ruhestoffwechsel (RMR), gemessen an gefangenen Vögeln unter verschiedenen Temperaturen, b) Umgebungs- und Nesttemperaturen im Freiland während der Brutzeit und c) standardisierte operative Temperaturen (Tes), ermittelt mit Kupfervögeln in verschiedenen Mikrohabitaten.Die Ergebnisse zeigen: (1) In den Morgenstunden sind Tes-Werte am Ost-Nord-Ost-Hang (ONO) deutlich höher als am West-Süd-West-Hang (WSW); am Nachmittag sind die Verhältnisse umgekehrt. Als Folge davon sind die Energiekosten (Ehour) der Thermoregulation am ONO-Hang in den Morgenstunden bis zu 0.6 RMR niedriger und nachmittags ca. 0.8 RMR höher als am WSW-Hang. (2) In der Bebrütungs- und Nestlingsphase von Erst-und Zweitbruten war der gesamte Energieaufwand für Thermoregulation während der Tagesstunden (Edaytime) am ONO-Hang 0.2–0.3 RMR höher als am WSW-Hang. (3) Innerhalb jedes Hanges war Edaytime bei Zweitbruten niedriger als bei Erstbruten: 0.06–0.07 RMR während der Bebrütung der Eier und 0.32 RMR während der Nestlingsphase. Diese Größenordnungen entsprechen den Flugkosten von Weibchen während der Bebrütungszeit (0.09 RMR) bzw. der Jungenaufzucht (0.25 RMR).Unsere Ergebnisse belegen, dass die Wahl von klimatisch günstigen Habitaten die Energiebilanz von Brutvögeln verbessern kann, sowohl in Hinblick auf den täglichen Gesamtaufwand als auch bezüglich der Verteilung des Energieverbrauchs über den Tag. Aus thermoregulatorischen Gründen wäre auch eine zeitliche Verlagerung des Brutgeschäfts in die Sommermonate (Juli, August) vorteilhaft. Das würde jedoch die Möglichkeiten für Ersatz-und Zweitbruten verringern und die Zeit für die Mauser vor dem Herbstzug verkürzen. Da in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet diese Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Fortpflanzung eine größere Bedeutung haben als der Energieaufwand für die Thermoregulation, ist der frühe — energetisch 6–32 % teurere — Brutbeginn der Vögel sinnvoll.

Animals must balance a series of costs and benefits while trying to maximize their fitness. For example, an individual may need to choose how much energy to allocate to reproduction versus growth, or how much time to spend on vigilance versus foraging. Their decisions depend on complex interactions between environmental conditions, behavioral plasticity, reproductive biology, and energetic demands. As animals respond to novel environmental conditions caused by climate change, the optimal decisions may shift. Stochastic dynamic programming provides a flexible modeling framework with which to explore these trade‐offs, but this method has not yet been used to study possible changes in optimal trade‐offs caused by climate change. We created a stochastic dynamic programming model capturing trade‐off decisions required by an individual adult female polar bear (Ursus maritimus) as well as the fitness consequences of her decisions. We predicted optimal foraging decisions throughout her lifetime as well as the energetic thresholds below which it is optimal for her to abandon a reproductive attempt. To explore the effects of climate change, we shortened the spring feeding period by up to 3 weeks, which led to predictions of riskier foraging behavior and higher reproductive thresholds. The resulting changes in fitness may be interpreted as a best‐case scenario, where bears adapt instantaneously and optimally to new environmental conditions. If the spring feeding period was reduced by 1 week, her expected fitness declined by 15%, and if reduced by 3 weeks, expected fitness declined by 68%. This demonstrates an effective way to explore a species' optimal response to a changing landscape of costs and benefits and highlights the fact that small annual effects can result in large cumulative changes in expected lifetime fitness.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variability in foraging behavior has been documented across a range of taxonomic groups, yet the energetic consequences of this variation are not well understood for many species. Understanding the effect of behavioral variation on energy expenditure and acquisition is particularly crucial for mammalian carnivores because they have high energy requirements that place considerable pressure on prey populations. To determine the influence of behavior on energy expenditure and balance, we combined simultaneous measurements of at‐sea field metabolic rate (FMR) and foraging behavior in a marine carnivore that exhibits intraspecific behavioral variation, the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Sea lions exhibited variability in at‐sea FMR, with some individuals expending energy at a maximum of twice the rate of others. This variation was in part attributable to differences in diving behavior that may have been reflective of diet; however, this was only true for sea lions using a foraging strategy consisting of epipelagic (<200 m within the water column) and benthic dives. In contrast, sea lions that used a deep‐diving foraging strategy all had similar values of at‐sea FMR that were unrelated to diving behavior. Energy intake did not differ between foraging strategies and was unrelated to energy expenditure. Our findings suggest that energy expenditure in California sea lions may be influenced by interactions between diet and oxygen conservation strategies. There were no apparent energetic trade‐offs between foraging strategies, although there was preliminary evidence that foraging strategies may differ in their variability in energy balance. The energetic consequences of behavioral variation may influence the reproductive success of female sea lions and result in differential impacts of individuals on prey populations. These findings highlight the importance of quantifying the relationships between energy expenditure and foraging behavior in other carnivores for studies addressing fundamental and applied physiological and ecological questions.  相似文献   

以野生长爪沙鼠为对象,通过外源注射植物血凝素(Phytohemagglutinin,PHA)和磷酸盐缓冲液,分别测定了夏季和冬季沙鼠注射前、注射24 h 和48 h 后体重和静止代谢率(Resting metabolic rate,RMR)的变化,以及48 h 后沙鼠足增重量和白细胞总数(White blood cell counts,WBCs)的变化,以检测沙鼠的免疫功能和能量代价的性别和季节差异。结果显示:1)注射PHA 能显著增加沙鼠足重和白细胞的总数,夏季白细胞的总数高
于冬季;2)冬季沙鼠体重高于夏季,雄鼠大于雌鼠,但PHA 处理对注射前后沙鼠的体重无影响;3)冬季RMR高于夏季,雄鼠大于雌鼠,但PHA 处理对沙鼠的RMR 无影响,PHA 处理对注射前后沙鼠的RMR 也无影响。这些结果表明,长爪沙鼠对PHA 的反应具有季节差异,但无性别差异,也没有发现明显的能量学代价,这可能与野外环境条件的大幅度波动(如环境温度和食物条件等)和沙鼠的繁殖状态有关。  相似文献   

This study establishes the bioenergetics budget of juvenile whitespotted bamboo shark Chiloscyllium plagiosum by estimating the standard metabolic rate (RS), measuring the effect of body size and temperature on the RS, and identifying the specific dynamic action (RSDA) magnitude and duration of that action in juvenile whitespotted bamboo sharks. The mean ±s .d . (RS) of six fish (500–620 g) measured in a circular closed respirometry system was 30·21 ± 5·68 mg O2 kg?1 h?1 at 18° C and 70·38 ± 14·81 mg O2 kg?1 h?1 at 28° C, respectively. There were no significant differences in RS between day and night at either 18 or 28° C (t‐test, P > 0·05). The mean ±s .d . Q10 for 18–28° C was 2·32 ± 0·06 (n = 6). The amount of oxygen consumed per hour changed predictably with body mass (M; 295–750 g) following the relationship: (n = 40, r2= 0·92, P < 0·05). The mean magnitude of RSDA was 95·28 ± 17·55 mg O2 kg?1 h?1. The amount of gross ingested energy (EI) expended as RSDA ranged from 6·32 to 12·78% with a mean ±s .d . of 8·01 ± 0·03%. The duration of the RSDA effect was 122 h. The energy content of juvenile whitespotted bamboo shark, squid and faeces determined by bomb calorimeter were 19·51, 20·3 and 18·62 kJ g dry mass?1. A mean bioenergetic budget for juvenile whitespotted bamboo sharks fed with squid at 18° C was 100C = 29·5G + 31·9RS+ 28·2RSDA+ 6·7F + 2·1E + 1·6U, where C = consumption, G = growth, F = egestion, E = excretion and U = unaccounted energy.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variation in forage is a primary driver of ungulate behavior, yet little is known about the nutritional components they select, and how selection varies across the growing season with changes in forage quality and quantity. We addressed these uncertainties in barren‐ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus), which experience their most important foraging opportunities during the short Arctic summer. Recent declines in Arctic caribou populations have raised concerns about the influence of climate change on summer foraging opportunities, given shifting vegetation conditions and insect harassment, and their potential effects on caribou body condition and demography. We examined Arctic caribou selection of summer forage by pairing locations from females in the Central Arctic Herd of Alaska with spatiotemporal predictions of biomass, digestible nitrogen (DN), and digestible energy (DE). We then assessed selection for these nutritional components across the growing season at landscape and patch scales, and determined whether foraging opportunities were constrained by insect harassment. During early summer, at the landscape scale, caribou selected for intermediate biomass and high DN and DE, following expectations of the forage maturation hypothesis. At the patch scale, however, caribou selected for high values of all forage components, particularly DN, suggesting that protein may be limiting. During late summer, after DN declined below the threshold for protein gain, caribou exhibited a switch at both spatial scales, selecting for higher biomass, likely enabling mass and fat deposition. Mosquito activity strongly altered caribou selection of forage and increased their movement rates, while oestrid fly activity had little influence. Our results demonstrate that early and late summer periods afford Arctic caribou distinct foraging opportunities, as they prioritize quality earlier in the summer and quantity later. Climate change may further constrain caribou access to DN as earlier, warmer Arctic summers may be associated with reduced DN and increased mosquito harassment.  相似文献   

黑线仓鼠繁殖输出与基础代谢率的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵志军 《兽类学报》2011,31(1):69-78
为了解黑线仓鼠繁殖输出与基础代谢率(BMR)的关系,阐明最大持续能量收支(SusMR)的限制水平, 揭示哺乳期能量收支对策,本文测定了哺乳期黑线仓鼠的体重、摄食量、BMR 和身体组成,以及哺乳期的胎仔数、胎仔重和泌乳能量支出(MEO)。结果显示,黑线仓鼠哺乳期体重降低了15.0 ± 0.8% , 摄食量显著增加, 哺乳高峰期平均摄食量为13.9 ± 0.3 g /d, 摄入能为222.1 ± 5.3 kJ/ d, 比哺乳初期增加121% , 比对照组高288% ;哺乳高峰期MEO 为62.4 ± 2.3 kJ/ d, 哺乳末期BMR 为49.7 ± 1.1 kJ/ d; 断乳时平均胎仔数4.7 ± 0.2、窝胎仔重50.5 ±1.6 g; 哺乳末期BMR 比对照组增加48% ,BMR 与消化系统各器官的相关性高于对照组; BMR 与胎仔数、胎仔重、乳腺重量和MEO 显著正相关。结果表明:初次繁殖的黑线仓鼠哺乳期SusMR 限制为4.47 ×BMR, 在自身维持和繁殖输出之间采取了“权衡分配”的原则,通过体重降低以减少BMR 的增加幅度, 从而有利于繁殖输出。  相似文献   

Climate‐driven sea ice loss has led to changes in the timing of key biological events in the Arctic, however, the consequences and rate of these changes remain largely unknown. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) undergo seasonal changes in energy stores in relation to foraging opportunities and habitat conditions. Declining sea ice has been linked to reduced body condition in some subpopulations, however, the specific timing and duration of the feeding period when bears acquire most of their energy stores and its relationship to the timing of ice break‐up is poorly understood. We used community‐based sampling to investigate seasonality in body condition (energy stores) of polar bears in Nunavut, Canada, and examined the influence of sea ice variables. We used adipose tissue lipid content as an index of body condition for 1,206 polar bears harvested from 2010–2017 across five subpopulations with varying seasonal ice conditions: Baffin Bay (October–August), Davis Strait and Foxe Basin (year‐round), Gulf of Boothia and Lancaster Sound (August–May). Similar seasonal patterns were found in body condition across subpopulations with bears at their nadir of condition in the spring, followed by fat accumulation past break‐up date and subsequent peak body condition in autumn, indicating that bears are actively foraging in late spring and early summer. Late season feeding implies that even minor advances in the timing of break‐up may have detrimental effects on foraging opportunities, body condition, and subsequent reproduction and survival. The magnitude of seasonal changes in body condition varied across the study area, presumably driven by local environmental conditions. Our results demonstrate how community‐based monitoring of polar bears can reveal population‐level responses to climate warming in advance of detectable demographic change. Our data on the seasonal timing of polar bear foraging and energy storage should inform predictive models of the effects of climate‐mediated sea ice loss.  相似文献   

为探讨高脂食物对小型哺乳动物能量代谢的影响及其与基础代谢率(Basal metabolic rate, BMR)的关系,将成年雌性黑线仓鼠(Cricetulus barabensis)分为高、低BMR组,每组再随机分为低脂、高脂食物组,驯化6周后,测定体重、摄入能和代谢率,以及消化酶活力、褐色脂肪组织(Brown adipose tissue, BAT)和主要内脏器官与肌肉的细胞色素c氧化酶(Cytochrome c oxidase, COX)活性、解偶联蛋白(Uncoupling protein, UCP) mRNA表达等。结果显示,高脂食物对高、低BMR组动物体重均无显著影响。与低脂食物组相比,高脂食物组的摄食量、摄入能和消化能显著下降,小肠脂肪酶活力显著增强,消化率明显增加,但高、低BMR组的组间差异不显著。夜间代谢水平显著高于昼间,高脂食物使高BMR组的夜间代谢率显著升高。BAT、肌肉和内脏器官COX活性不受高脂食物的影响,高、低BMR组的组间差异也不显著。高脂食物组仅肝脏UCP2表达显著上调。结果表明,能量摄入和消化系统形态及功能的可塑性调节是黑线仓鼠应对高脂食物的主要策略;黑线仓鼠的代谢率具有显著的昼夜节律,既受高脂食物的影响,也与动物自身的BMR水平有关,但UCP表达具有组织特异性,这可能不是导致BMR个体差异的因素。  相似文献   

Summit metabolic rate ( Msum , maximum cold-induced metabolic rate) is positively correlated with cold tolerance in birds, suggesting that high Msum is important for residency in cold climates. However, the phylogenetic distribution of high Msum among birds and the impact of its evolution on current distributions are not well understood. Two potential adaptive hypotheses might explain the phylogenetic distribution of high Msum among birds. The cold adaptation hypothesis contends that species wintering in cold climates should have higher Msum than species wintering in warmer climates. The flight adaptation hypothesis suggests that volant birds might be capable of generating high Msum as a byproduct of their muscular capacity for flight; thus, variation in Msum should be associated with capacity for sustained flight, one indicator of which is migration. We collected Msum data from the literature for 44 bird species and conducted both conventional and phylogenetically informed statistical analyses to examine the predictors of Msum variation. Significant phylogenetic signal was present for log body mass, log mass-adjusted Msum , and average temperature in the winter range. In multiple regression models, log body mass, winter temperature, and clade were significant predictors of log Msum . These results are consistent with a role for climate in determining Msum in birds, but also indicate that phylogenetic signal remains even after accounting for associations indicative of adaptation to winter temperature. Migratory strategy was never a significant predictor of log Msum in multiple regressions, a result that is not consistent with the flight adaptation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Insects are typified by their small size, large numbers, impressive reproductive output and rapid growth. However, insect growth is not simply rapid; rather, insects follow a qualitatively distinct trajectory to many other animals. Here we present a mechanistic growth model for insects and show that increasing specific assimilation during the growth phase can explain the near-exponential growth trajectory of insects. The presented model is tested against growth data on 50 insects, and compared against other mechanistic growth models. Unlike the other mechanistic models, our growth model predicts energy reserves per biomass to increase with age, which implies a higher production efficiency and energy density of biomass in later instars. These predictions are tested against data compiled from the literature whereby it is confirmed that insects increase their production efficiency (by 24 percentage points) and energy density (by 4 J mg−1) between hatching and the attainment of full size. The model suggests that insects achieve greater production efficiencies and enhanced growth rates by increasing specific assimilation and increasing energy reserves per biomass, which are less costly to maintain than structural biomass. Our findings illustrate how the explanatory and predictive power of mechanistic growth models comes from their grounding in underlying biological processes.  相似文献   

To support effective urban policies aimed at decreasing the environmental impacts of cities, it is important to develop robust tools for accounting those impacts. Environmentally extended input‐output analysis (EEIOA) is among the most used tools for this purpose, allowing the quantification of both direct and indirect impacts. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is also a holistic and comprehensive tool that accounts for direct and indirect impacts—but its application to cities is still very recent. This study aims at applying EEIOA and LCA to the municipality of Aveiro (Portugal) in order to compare the outcomes of the two tools in terms of total impacts (climate change and fossil fuel depletion) and hotspots (sectors/products contributing most to the impacts), to identify limitations and advantages of the tools when applied to Aveiro, and to illustrate how LCA can be applied to cities. The total impacts estimated with LCA and EEIOA were similar and the hotspots were also the same: transports, food, construction, and electricity. However, the relative contribution of some sectors was very different in the two tools due to methodological differences mainly in system boundaries, type of activities or products considered in each sector, and geographical coverage of impact data. This study concludes that the analyzed tools can provide complementary results to support decision making concerning urban planning and management.  相似文献   

光周期对白头鹎体重、器官重量和能量代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光周期是四季环境变化的最直接表现因素之一,并影响动物的生理变化特征。为探讨光周期驯化对白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)体重、器官重量及能量代谢的影响,以室温28℃、不同光周期(16L∶8D,LD组和8L∶16D,SD组)对两组白头鹎进行为期4周的光周期驯化,测定其体重、各器官鲜重和干重、基础代谢率(BMR)和食物摄入能、排泄能及同化能并计算同化率。结果发现,SD组个体体重、内部器官(肝、小肠)重量、BMR及同化率相应显著高于LD组个体;短光照刺激白头鹎显著降低摄入能、排泄能及同化能。这些结果表明:光周期对白头鹎的体重、器官重量、BMR及能量收支有着一定影响,并且短光照较长光照更能引起白头鹎体重、器官重量及能量代谢的明显变化,同时验证了中心限制假说,即白头鹎BMR与中心器官代谢(肝、小肠等)具有相关性,中心器官是改变白头鹎BMR的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

东北地区黑线仓鼠的代谢产热特征及其体温调节   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为探讨寒冷地区黑线仓鼠 (Cricetulusbarabensis)的代谢产热特征及体温调节 ,本文采用封闭式流体压力呼吸仪对其代谢率、热传导和体温等热生物学指标进行了测定。结果显示 :在环境温度为 5~ 35℃的范围内 ,黑线仓鼠的体温基本维持恒定 ,平均体温为 36 33± 0 2 3℃ ;热中性区为 2 5~ 32 5℃ ;基础代谢率为 3 4 9±0 36mlO2 / (g·h) ;环境温度 (Ta)在 5~ 2 5℃范围内 ,代谢率 (MR)与Ta 呈负相关 ,回归方程为 :MR [mlO2 / (g·h) ]=9 6 0 - 0 2 2Ta (℃ ) ,在此范围内 ,黑线仓鼠的热传导率 (C)最低 ,平均为 0 2 8± 0 0 1mlO2 /(g·h·℃ ) ;代谢预期比和热传导预期比 (F值 )为 1 6 8。黑线仓鼠的基本热生物学特征为 :较高的BMR和热传导率 ,相对较低的体温和较宽的热中性区。这些特征可能限制了其在极端寒冷和干旱环境中的分布和生存.  相似文献   

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