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Host cell proteins (HCP) are a problematic set of impurities in downstream processing (DSP) as they behave most similarly to the target protein during separation. Approaching DSP with the knowledge of HCP separation behavior would be beneficial for the production of high purity recombinant biologics. Therefore, this work was aimed at characterizing the separation behavior of complex mixtures of HCP during a commonly used method: anion‐exchange chromatography (AEX). An additional goal was to evaluate the performance of a statistical methodology, based on the characterization data, as a tool for predicting protein separation behavior. Aqueous two‐phase partitioning followed by two‐dimensional electrophoresis provided data on the three physicochemical properties most commonly exploited during DSP for each HCP: pI (isoelectric point), molecular weight, and surface hydrophobicity. The protein separation behaviors of two alternative expression host extracts (corn germ and E. coli) were characterized. A multivariate random forest (MVRF) statistical methodology was then applied to the database of characterized proteins creating a tool for predicting the AEX behavior of a mixture of proteins. The accuracy of the MVRF method was determined by calculating a root mean squared error value for each database. This measure never exceeded a value of 0.045 (fraction of protein populating each of the multiple separation fractions) for AEX. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1453–1463, 2016  相似文献   

The impact of typical anion‐exchange flowthrough conditions on the IgG mass loading of an anion‐exchange membrane scale‐down unit (Mustang® Q coin) was investigated. High performance size‐exclusion chromatography and multiangle laser light scattering results suggested the presence of a small fraction of IgG aggregates with average radius >100 nm under anion‐exchange flowthrough conditions. The small filtration area presented by the 0.35 mL membrane volume Mustang® Q coin limited the membrane throughput due to fouling from the aggregates at higher antibody loading. Data in this report indicated that a 0.2 μm hybrid polyethersulfone and polyvinylidene fluoride membrane in‐line prefilter with a minimum filtration area of 20 sq cm alleviated the Mustang® Q coin fouling. The combined cake filtration and intermediate blocking model was proposed as the most likely membrane pore blocking mechanism. Increasing the filtration area in the in‐line prefilter resulted in higher IgG mass throughput. Thus, using an appropriately sized in‐line prefilter could provide more robust antibody throughput performance on scale‐down membrane anion‐exchange units. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Many manufacturers of biopharmaceuticals are moving from batch to continuous processing. While this approach offers advantages over batch processing, demonstration of viral clearance for continuous processes is challenging. Fluctuating output from a continuous process chromatography column results in a nonhomogeneous load for the subsequent column and must be considered when designing viral clearance studies. One approach to clearance studies is to downscale the connected unit operations and introduce virus by in-line spiking. This is challenging to be implemented at the contract research organization performing the clearance study given the complexity of systems and level of expertise required. Alternately, each unit operation could be evaluated in traditional batch mode but the spiking and loading conditions be modified to mimic the variance introduced by the transition between two connected columns. Using a standard chromatography system, we evaluated a flow-through anion exchange chromatography step in a monoclonal antibody (mAb) manufacturing process using five different methods to introduce the virus to the column. Our data show that whether the virus or the mAbs were introduced in concentrated peaks, or as a homogeneous batch, the clearance of mouse minute virus was similar. This study introduces an alternative way to evaluate viral clearance in a continuous process and demonstrates the robustness of anion exchange chromatography unit operating in continuous processing.  相似文献   

Flowthrough anion exchange chromatography is commonly used as a polishing step in downstream processing of monoclonal antibodies and other therapeutic proteins to remove process‐related impurities and contaminants such as host cell DNA, host cell proteins, endotoxin, and viruses. DNA with a wide range of molecular weight distributions derived from Chinese Hamster Ovary cells was used to advance the understanding of DNA binding behavior in selected anion exchange media using the resin (Toyopearl SuperQ‐650M) and membranes (Mustang® Q and Sartobind® Q) through DNA spiking studies. The impacts of the process parameters pH (6–8), conductivity (2–15 mS/cm), and the potential binding competition between host cell proteins and host cell DNA were studied. Studies were conducted at the least and most favorable experimental conditions for DNA binding based on the anticipated electrostatic interactions between the host cell DNA and the resin ligand. The resin showed 50% higher DNA binding capacity compared to the membrane media. Spiking host cell proteins in the load material showed no impact on the DNA clearance capability of the anion exchange media. DNA size distributions were characterized based on a “size exclusion qPCR assay.” Results showed preferential binding of larger DNA fragments (>409 base pairs). © 2017 The Authors Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:141–149, 2018  相似文献   

Anion exchange chromatography (AEX) operated under weak partitioning mode has been proven to be a powerful polishing step as well as a robust viral clearance step in Pfizer's monoclonal antibody (mAb) platform purification process. A multivariate design of experiment (DoE) study was conducted to understand the impact of operating parameters and feedstream impurity levels on viral clearance by weak partitioning mode AEX. Bacteriophage was used initially as a surrogate for neutral and acidic isoelectric point mammalian viruses (e.g., retrovirus and parvovirus). Five different mAbs were used in the evaluation of process parameters such as load challenge (both product and impurities), load pH, load conductivity, and contact time (bed height and flow‐rate). The operating ranges obtained from phage clearance studies and Pfizer's historical data were used to define an appropriate operating range for a subsequent clearance study with model retrovirus and parvovirus. Both phage and virus clearance evaluations included feedstreams containing different levels of impurities such as high molecular mass species (HMMS), host cell proteins (HCPs), and host cell DNA. For all the conditions tested, over 5 log10 of clearance for both retrovirus and parvovirus was achieved. The results demonstrated that weak partitioning mode AEX chromatography is a robust step for viral clearance and has the potential to be included as part of the modular viral clearance approach. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:750–757, 2015  相似文献   

The potential of viral contamination is a regulatory concern for continuous cell line-derived pharmaceutical proteins. Complementary and redundant safety steps, including an evaluation of the viral clearance capacity of unit operations in the purification process, are performed prior to registration and marketing of biotechnology pharmaceuticals. Because process refinement is frequently beneficial, CBER/FDA has published guidance facilitating process improvement by delineating specific instances where the bracketing and generic approaches are appropriate for virus removal validation. In this study, a generic/matrix study was performed using Q-Sepharose Fast Flow (QSFF) chromatography to determine if bracketing and generic validation can be applied to anion exchange chromatography. Key operational parameters were varied to upper and lower extreme values and the impact on viral clearance was assessed using simian virus 40 (SV40) as the model virus. Operational ranges for key chromatography parameters were identified where an SV40 log(10) reduction value (LRV) of >or=4.7 log(10) is consistently achieved. On the basis of the apparent robustness of SV40 removal by Q-anion exchange chromatography, we propose that the concept of "bracketed generic" validation can be applied to this and potentially other chromatography unit operations.  相似文献   


Charge variants are important attributes of monoclonal antibodies, including antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), because charge variants can potentially influence the stability and biological activity of these molecules. Ion exchange chromatography (IEX) is widely used for charge variants analysis of mAbs and offers the feasibility of fractionation for in-depth characterization. However, the conjugated linker-drug on ADCs could potentially affect the separation performance of IEX, considering IEX separation relies on surface charge distribution of analyte and involves the interaction between analyte surface and IEX stationary phase. Here, we investigated weak cation exchange chromatography (WCX) for its application in analyzing three ADCs (two broad distribution ADCs and an ADC with controlled conjugation sites) and the 2-drug/4-drug loaded species isolated from the two broad distribution ADCs using hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The major peaks in WCX profile were characterized via fraction collection followed by capillary electrophoresis-sodium dodecyl sulfate or peptide mapping. Results suggested that both the number of drug loads and conjugation sites could impact WCX separation of an ADC. The hypothesis was that the linker drugs could interfere with the ionic interaction between its surrounding amino acids on the mAb surface and column resin, which reduced the retention of ADCs on WCX column in this study. Our results further revealed that WCX brings good selectivity towards positional isomers, but limited resolution for different drug load, which causes the peak compositions of the two broad-distribution ADCs to be highly complex. We also compared results from WCX and imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF). Results showed that separation in icIEF was less influenced by conjugated linker drugs for the ADCs studied in this work, and better alignment was found between the two techniques for the ADC with controlled conjugate sites. Overall, this work provides insights into the complexity of WCX analysis of ADCs, which should be considered during method development and sample characterization.  相似文献   

Traditionally, post-production culture harvest capture of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is performed using Protein A chromatography. We investigated the efficiency and robustness of cation exchange chromatography (CEX) in an effort to evaluate alternative capture methodologies. Up to five commercially available CEX resins were systematically evaluated using an experimentally optimized buffer platform and a design-of-experiment (DoE) approach for their ability to (a) capture a model mAb with a neutral isoelectric point, (b) clear three model viruses (porcine parvovirus, CHO type-C particles, and a bacteriophage). This approach identified a narrow operating space where yield, purity, and viral clearance were optimal under a CEX capture platform, and revealed trends between viral clearance of PPV and product purity (but not yield). Our results suggest that after unit operation optimization, CEX can serve as a suitable capture step.  相似文献   

The effect of ligand density on anion-exchange membrane chromatography (AEXmc) for the purification of recombinant baculoviruses (rBVs), potential viral vectors in clinical applications, is studied by surface plasmon resonance on customized AEX surfaces and gradient elution experiments on Sartobind D membrane prototypes with different diethylamine ligand densities, complemented by dynamic light scattering analysis for estimation of the hydrodynamic particle size of the various biologics. A chromatographic-column model based on the steric mass action model of ion exchange is employed to analyze the gradient-elution AEXmc experiments, extrapolate the results to other operating conditions, and provide directions for process improvement. Although counterintuitively, the experimental evidence provided in this study shows that the lowering of ligand density is beneficial for rBV purification by AEXmc in bind-and-elute-mode, because it decreases the residual concentrations of host cell protein, dsDNA, and non-infective rBVs in the eluted product cut, and increases the overall yield by roughly 20% over current standard values. Overall, we present a case study on how rational design can streamline downstream process development.  相似文献   

The mammalian cell-lines used to produce biopharmaceutical products are known to produce endogenous retrovirus-like particles and have the potential to foster adventitious viruses as well. To ensure product safety and regulatory compliance, recovery processes must be capable of removing or inactivating any viral impurities or contaminants which may be present. Anion exchange chromatography (AEX) is a common process in the recovery of monoclonal antibody products and has been shown to be effective for viral removal. To further characterize the robustness of viral clearance by AEX with respect to process variations, we have investigated the ability of an AEX process to remove three model viruses using various combinations of mAb products, feedstock conductivities and compositions, equilibration buffers, and pooling criteria. Our data indicate that AEX provides complete or near-complete removal of all three model viruses over a wide range of process conditions, including those typically used in manufacturing processes. Furthermore, this process provides effective viral clearance for different mAb products, using a variety of feedstocks, equilibration buffers, and different pooling criteria. Viral clearance is observed to decrease when feedstocks with sufficiently high conductivities are used, and the limit at which the decrease occurs is dependent on the salt composition of the feedstock. These data illustrate the robust nature of the AEX recovery process for removal of viruses, and they indicate that proper design of AEX processes can ensure viral safety of mAb products.  相似文献   

The quality‐by‐design (QbD) regulatory initiative promotes the development of process design spaces describing the multidimensional effects and interactions of process variables on critical quality attributes of therapeutic products. However, because of the complex nature of production processes, strategies must be devised to provide for design space development with reasonable allocation of resources while maintaining highly dependable results. Here, we discuss strategies for the determination of design spaces for viral clearance by anion exchange chromatography (AEX) during purification of monoclonal antibodies. We developed a risk assessment for AEX using a formalized method and applying previous knowledge of the effects of certain variables and the mechanism of action for virus removal by this process. We then use design‐of‐experiments (DOE) concepts to perform a highly fractionated factorial experiment and show that varying many process parameters simultaneously over wide ranges does not affect the ability of the AEX process to remove endogenous retrovirus‐like particles from CHO‐cell derived feedstocks. Finally, we performed a full factorial design and observed that a high degree of viral clearance was obtained for three different model viruses when the most significant process parameters were varied over ranges relevant to typical manufacturing processes. These experiments indicate the robust nature of viral clearance by the AEX process as well as the design space where removal of viral impurities and contaminants can be assured. In addition, the concepts and methodology presented here provides a general approach for the development of design spaces to assure that quality of biotherapeutic products is maintained. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

During production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in mammalian cell culture, it is important to ensure that viral impurities and potential viral contaminants will be removed during downstream purification. Anion exchange chromatography provides a high degree of virus removal from mAb feedstocks, but the mechanism by which this is achieved has not been characterized. In this work, we have investigated the binding of three viruses to Q sepharose fast flow (QSFF) resin to determine the degree to which electrostatic interactions are responsible for viral clearance by this process. We first used a chromatofocusing technique to determine the isoelectric points of the viruses and established that they are negatively charged under standard QSFF conditions. We then determined that virus removal by this chromatography resin is strongly disrupted by the presence of high salt concentrations or by the absence of the positively charged Q ligand, indicating that binding of the virus to the resin is primarily due to electrostatic forces, and that any non‐electrostatic interactions which may be present are not sufficient to provide virus removal. Finally, we determined the binding profile of a virus in a QSFF column after a viral clearance process. These data indicate that virus particles generally behave similarly to proteins, but they also illustrate the high degree of performance necessary to achieve several logs of virus reduction. Overall, this mechanistic understanding of an important viral clearance process provides the foundation for the development of science‐based process validation strategies to ensure viral safety of biotechnology products. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 371–380 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Anion exchange (AEX) is a common downstream purification operation for biotechnology products manufactured in cell culture such as therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and Fc‐fusion proteins. We present a head‐to‐head comparison of the viral clearance efficiency of AEX adsorbers and column chromatography using the same process fluids and comparable run conditions. We also present overall trends from the CDER viral clearance database. In our comparison of multiple brands of resins and adsorbers, clearance of three model viruses (PPV, X‐MuLV, and PR772) was largely comparable, with some exceptions which may reflect run conditions that had not been optimized on a resin/membrane specific basis. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:124–131, 2014  相似文献   

Weak partitioning chromatography (WPC) is an isocratic chromatographic protein separation method performed under mobile phase conditions where a significant amount of the product protein binds to the resin, well in excess of typical flowthrough operations. The more stringent load and wash conditions lead to improved removal of more tightly binding impurities, although at the cost of a reduction in step yield. The step yield can be restored by extending the column load and incorporating a short wash at the end of the load stage. The use of WPC with anion exchange resins enables a two-column cGMP purification platform to be used for many different mAbs. The operating window for WPC can be easily established using high throughput batch-binding screens. Under conditions that favor very strong product binding, competitive effects from product binding can give rise to a reduction in column loading capacity. Robust performance of WPC anion exchange chromatography has been demonstrated in multiple cGMP mAb purification processes. Excellent clearance of host cell proteins, leached Protein A, DNA, high molecular weight species, and model virus has been achieved.  相似文献   

Strong anion exchange chromatography has frequently been employed as a viral clearance step during downstream processing of biological therapeutics. When challenged with viruses having only slightly acidic isoelectric points, the performance of the anion exchange operation becomes highly dependent on the buffer salt concentration, with the virus log reduction value (LRV) dropping dramatically in buffers with 50–150 mM salt. In this work, a series of anion exchange membrane adsorbers utilizing alternative ligand chemistries instead of the traditional quaternary amine (Q) ligand have been developed that overcome this limitation. Four different ligands (agmatine, tris‐2‐aminoethyl amine, polyhexamethylene biguanide, and polyethyleneimine) achieved >5 LRV of bacteriophage ΦX174 (pI ~ 6.7) at pH 7.5 and up to 150 mM salt, compared to 0 LRV for the Q ligand. By evaluating structural derivatives of the successful ligands, three factors were identified that contributed to ligand salt tolerance: ligand net charge, ligand immobilization density on the membrane, and molecular structure of the ligand‐binding group. Based on the results of this study, membrane adsorbers that incorporate alternative ligands provide a more robust and salt tolerant viral clearance‐processing step compared to traditional strong anion exchange membrane adsorbers. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 920–929. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

NPΔc375 is a truncated version of the nucleocapsid protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) which self‐assembles into a long helical structure. A packed bed anion exchange chromatography (PB‐AEC), SepFastTM Supor Q pre‐packed column, was used to purify NPΔc375 from clarified feedstock. This PB‐AEC column adsorbed 76.2% of NPΔc375 from the clarified feedstock. About 67.5% of the adsorbed NPΔc375 was successfully eluted from the column by applying 50 mM Tris‐HCl elution buffer supplemented with 0.5 M NaCl at pH 7. Thus, a recovery yield of 51.4% with a purity of 76.7% which corresponds to a purification factor of 6.5 was achieved in this PB‐AEC operation. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that the helical structure of the NPΔc375 purified by SepFastTM Supor Q pre‐packed column was as long as 490 nm and 22–24 nm in diameter. The antigenicity of the purified NPΔc375 was confirmed by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29: 564–567, 2013  相似文献   

The recently discovered contamination of oral rotavirus vaccines led to exposure of millions of infants to porcine circovirus (PCV). PCV was not detected by conventional virus screening tests. Regulatory agencies expect exclusion of adventitious viruses from biological products. Therefore, methods for inactivation/removal of viruses have to be implemented as an additional safety barrier whenever feasible. However, inactivation or removal of PCV is difficult. PCV is highly resistant to widely used physicochemical inactivation procedures. Circoviruses such as PCV are the smallest viruses known and are not expected to be effectively removed by currently‐used virus filters due to the small size of the circovirus particles. Anion exchange chromatography such as Q Sepharose® Fast Flow (QSFF) has been shown to effectively remove a range of viruses including parvoviruses. In this study, we investigated PCV1 removal by virus filtration and by QSFF chromatography. As expected, PCV1 could not be effectively removed by virus filtration. However, PCV1 could be effectively removed by QSFF as used during the purification of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and a log10 reduction value (LRV) of 4.12 was obtained. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1464–1471, 2013  相似文献   

Continuous bioprocessing holds the potential to improve product consistency, accelerate productivity, and lower cost of production. However, switching a bioprocess from traditional batch to continuous mode requires surmounting business and regulatory challenges. A key regulatory requirement for all biopharmaceuticals is virus safety, which is assured through a combination of testing and virus clearance through purification unit operations. For continuous processing, unit operations such as capture chromatography have aspects that could be impacted by a change to continuous multicolumn operation, for example, do they clear viruses as well as a traditional batch single column. In this study we evaluate how modifying chromatographic parameters including the linear velocity and resin capacity utilization could impact virus clearance in the context of moving from a single column to multicolumn operation. A Design of Experiment (DoE) approach was taken with two model monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and two bacteriophages used as mammalian virus surrogates. The DoE enabled the identification of best and worst-case scenario for virus clearance overall. Using these best and worst-case conditions, virus clearance was tested in single column and multicolumn modes and found to be similar as measured by Log Reduction Values (LRV). The parameters identified as impactful for viral clearance in single column mode were predictive of multicolumn modes. Thus, these results support the hypothesis that the viral clearance capabilities of a multicolumn continuous Protein A system may be evaluated using an appropriately scaled-down single mode column and equipment.  相似文献   

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