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Abstract.— Pathogens have the potential to maintain genetic polymorphisms by creating frequency-dependent selection on their host. This can occur when a rare host genotype is less likely to be attacked by a pathogen (frequency-dependent disease attack) and has higher fitness at low frequency (negative frequency-dependent selection). In this study, we used wheat genotypes that were susceptible to different races of the pathogen Puccinia striiformis to test whether disease created frequency-selection on its host and whether such selection could maintain polymorphisms for resistance genes in the wheat populations. Four different two-way mixtures of wheat genotypes were planted at different frequencies in both the presence and absence of disease. Disease created frequency-dependent selection on its host in some populations. Unknown factors other than disease also created frequency-dependent selection in this system because, in some instances, rare genotype advantage was observed in the absence of disease. Although the pathogen created frequency-dependent selection on its host, this selection was not sufficient to maintain genetic polymorphism in the host populations. In all cases where frequency-dependent selection occurred only in the diseased plots, one of the two genotypes was predicted to dominate in the population and the same genotype was predicted to dominate in both the presence and absence of disease. Only in cases where frequency-dependent selection was not caused by disease was there evidence that genetic polymorphisms would be maintained in the population. The frequency-dependent selection described in this study is a consequence of epidemiological effects of disease and differs from the time-lagged frequency-dependent selection resulting from coevolution between hosts and parasites. The impact of this direct frequency-dependent selection on the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms in the host population is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in plant populations for resistance to pathogens and herbivores might be maintained by parasite-mediated negative frequency-dependent selection (FDS). But it is difficult to observe the time-lagged oscillations between host and parasite genotypes that should result from FDS. To evaluate the potential for FDS, we tested for local adaptation of parasites to common clones, the role of host genetic diversity in resistance to parasites, and genetic correlations among fitness, parasitism, and the frequency of host clones. We studied three populations of Arabis holboellii, a short-lived apomictic (asexual by seed) plant attacked by rust fungi and insect herbivores. To estimate clone frequency, we used polymorphic allozyme markers on 200 individuals in each population in 1990 and in 2000. We also recorded levels of parasitism and host fitness (fruit production). Only the rust fungi showed evidence for local host adaptation; they usually increased in incidence as a function of clone frequency, and they tracked temporal change in clone frequency. In further support of FDS, parasitism was lower in populations with higher genetic diversity. However, total parasitism (herbivory and disease combined) decreased as host clone frequency and fitness increased. Thus, although the highly virulent rust pathogen showed potential for driving the cycles that result from FDS, this apparently does not occur in the populations studied because the host clones were also attacked by herbivores.Co-ordinating editor: J.F. Stuefer  相似文献   

Plant competition and disease in genetically diverse wheat populations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The direct and indirect effects of plant genetic diversity on epidemics and the influence of disease on plant competition were investigated using the wheat (Triticum aestivum)/stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) system. Replacement series consisting of a susceptible and a resistant wheat genotype or two wheat genotypes susceptible to different races of stripe rust were grown in the presence and absence of the pathogen. Stripe rust severity, number of seed heads, seed yield, and seed weight were determined separately for each wheat genotype in the mixtures and the pure stands. The frequency of susceptible genotypes in a mixture explained up to 67% of the variation in disease severity. However, competitive interactions among plant genotypes sometimes appeared to alter susceptibility and obscured the relationship. In pure stands of single genotypes, disease severity explained between 52 and 58% of the variation in seed yield. In mixtures, coefficients of determination were only 10 and 31%, suggesting a strong influence of plant-plant interactions on seed yield. These results suggest that host-parasite coevolutionary models need to account for the strong effect that specific plant genotype combinations may have on disease severity and plant reproduction.Paper No. 9818 of the journal series of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Negative frequency-dependence, which favors rare genotypes, promotes the maintenance of genetic variability and is of interest as a potential explanation for genetic differentiation. Density-dependent selection may also promote cyclic changes in frequencies of genotypes. Here we show evidence for both density-dependent and negative frequency-dependent selection on opposite life-history tactics (low or high reproductive effort, RE) in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Density-dependent selection was evident among the females with low RE, which were especially favored in low densities. Instead, both negative frequency-dependent and density-dependent selection were shown in females with high RE, which were most successful when they were rare in high densities. Furthermore, selection at the individual level affected the frequencies of tactics at the population level, so that the frequency of the rare high RE tactic increased significantly at high densities. We hypothesize that these two selection mechanisms (density- and negative frequency-dependent selection) may promote genetic variability in cyclic mammal populations. Nevertheless, it remains to be determined whether the origin of genetic variance in life-history traits is causally related to density variation (e.g. population cycles).  相似文献   

Tolerance to herbivory (the degree to which plants maintain fitness after damage) is a key component of plant defense, so understanding how natural selection and evolutionary constraints act on tolerance traits is important to general theories of plant–herbivore interactions. These factors may be affected by plant competition, which often interacts with damage to influence trait expression and fitness. However, few studies have manipulated competitor density to examine the evolutionary effects of competition on tolerance. In this study, we tested whether intraspecific competition affects four aspects of the evolution of tolerance to herbivory in the perennial plant Solanum carolinense: phenotypic expression, expression of genetic variation, the adaptive value of tolerance, and costs of tolerance. We manipulated insect damage and intraspecific competition for clonal lines of S. carolinense in a greenhouse experiment, and measured tolerance in terms of sexual and asexual fitness components. Compared to plants growing at low density, plants growing at high density had greater expression of and genetic variation in tolerance, and experienced greater fitness benefits from tolerance when damaged. Tolerance was not costly for plants growing at either density, and only plants growing at low density benefited from tolerance when undamaged, perhaps due to greater intrinsic growth rates of more tolerant genotypes. These results suggest that competition is likely to facilitate the evolution of tolerance in S. carolinense, and perhaps in other plants that regularly experience competition, while spatio-temporal variation in density may maintain genetic variation in tolerance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the occurrence of the rust fungus Puccinia chondrillina in clonal populations of its host plant, Chondrilla juncea. In 16 populations spread across eastern Turkey, 48 different multilocus isozyme phenotypes were identified in the host. Of these clones, 88% were restricted to single localities, while the remaining 12% were found in 2–11 populations. For 13 of the 16 plant populations the commonest host clone was always infected. Indeed, at ten sites this clone was the only one found to carry disease. In the remaining three populations the rusted plants were all of the second commonest isozyme type. The possibility of such a tight association of rust incidence with host clone frequency simultaneously across a wide geographic area is very low (P0.023), supporting the contention that the pathogen P. chondrillina may be imposing negative frequency-dependent selection on these C. juncea populations.  相似文献   

Summary Eighteen populations, composed of four wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties that were originally mixed together at equal frequencies, were grown for one-to-three generations at two locations. In addition, pure stands of the four varieties were grown in each year. Populations were either exposed to two stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) races, protected from stripe rust, or exposed to alternating years of diseased and disease-free conditions. Regression of the logit of a variety's frequency versus generation number was used to calculate the relative fitness of each variety in each population. These analyses suggest that the relative fitnesses of the wheat varieties were affected by disease and geographic location and were constant over time. However, frequency-changes of varieties in the mixtures were negatively correlated with their planting frequencies (0.0001 < P < 0.085 in 14 out of 16 cases), suggesting that fitnesses were frequency-dependent in both the presence and absence of disease. We hypothesize that failure to detect frequency-dependence of fitness in the logit analyses was due to a limited number of generations and a limited range of initial variety frequencies. This is supported by data from longer-term studies in the literature that provide evidence for frequency-dependence of fitness in plant mixtures. Analyses of currently available field data suggest that stable equilibria may be a more likely outcome for mixtures of varieties that are more closely related and/or more uniformly adapted to the environment in which they are grown.Paper No. 9820 of the journal series of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Selection may maintain genetic diversity in natural populations if the physical or biotic environment is variable over space and-or time. Because density and genotype frequencies can be heterogeneous, and because genotypes may differ in competitive ability, both density-and frequency-dependent selection have been considered to be potentially important evolutionary processes. To address the possibility that intraspecific interactions among plants are a source of fitness variation in Erigeron annuus, we conducted field experiments over 2 yr that were designed to examine the potential of population density, genotype frequency, and their interaction to act as selective agents. In both experiments, apomictic genotypes of Erigeron were paired. Seedlings were planted into plots that differed in density and the identity of minority and majority genotype. There was evidence for a differential effect of density among genotypes for only one year's experiment, suggesting that density-dependent selection is either weak or temporally variable. Genotype frequency had no effect on fitness in either year, and thus there was no evidence for frequency-dependent selection. In addition, the lack of a frequency ;ts density interaction demonstrates that resource partitioning, one mechanism for frequency dependence, is not strong among Erigeron genotypes. If frequency-dependent selection does occur in this species, it is either too weak to detect even in large field experiments, or occurs only in the presence of a selective agent (e.g., pathogens) that was lacking in our experiments.  相似文献   

Parasite driven time-lagged negative frequency-dependent selection of hosts has been studied in natural populations by following changes in host genotype frequencies over time. However, such dynamics have not been considered at higher taxonomic levels, for example, between parental species and their hybrids. In a field study on a Daphnia hybrid system, we observed that one Daphnia taxon first was relatively under-infected, but became over-infected after a strong increase in frequency. This finding is consistent with the idea of parasite evolution towards the most frequent host taxon. In two experiments, we investigated whether the assumptions made by a model of negative frequency-dependent selection apply to our host taxa system. First, we showed that the parasite can change the outcome of taxa competition and secondly, we confirmed that the over-infection of one host taxon observed in the field has a genetic basis. Our results indicate that the incorporation of host-parasite interactions at the species level may allow us to gain a more complete picture of forces driving dynamic taxa coexistence in Daphnia hybrid systems. More generally, we suggest that if hybrids coexist in sympatry with parental taxa, the infection patterns as observed under natural conditions may be rather temporal and unstable.  相似文献   

Natural populations of free-living protists often exhibit high-levels of intraspecific diversity, yet this is puzzling as classic evolutionary theory predicts dominance by genotypes with high fitness, particularly in large populations where selection is efficient. Here, we test whether negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS) plays a role in the maintenance of diversity in the marine flagellate Oxyrrhis marina using competition experiments between multiple pairs of strains. We observed strain-specific responses to frequency and density, but an overall signature of NFDS that was intensified at higher population densities. Because our strains were not selected a priori on the basis of particular traits expected to exhibit NFDS, these data represent a relatively unbiased estimate of the role for NFDS in maintaining diversity in protist populations. These findings could help to explain how bloom-forming plankton, which periodically achieve exceptionally high population densities, maintain substantial intraspecific diversity.  相似文献   

Competition between individuals belonging to the same species is a universal feature of natural populations and is the process underpinning organismal adaptation. Despite its importance, still comparatively little is known about the genetic variation responsible for competitive traits. Here, we measured the phenotypic variation and quantitative genetics parameters for two fitness‐related traits—egg‐to‐adult viability and development time—across a panel of Drosophila strains under varying larval densities. Both traits exhibited substantial genetic variation at all larval densities, as well as significant genotype‐by‐environment interactions (GEIs). GEI was attributable to changes in the rank order of reaction norms for both traits, and additionally to differences in the between‐line variance for development time. The coefficient of genetic variation increased under stress conditions for development time, while it was higher at both high and low densities for viability. While development time also correlated negatively with fitness at high larval densities—meaning that fast developers have high fitness—there was no correlation with fitness at low density. This result suggests that GEI may be a common feature of fitness‐related genetic variation and, further, that trait values under noncompetitive conditions could be poor indicators of individual fitness. The latter point could have significant implications for animal and plant breeding programs, as well as for conservation genetics.  相似文献   

We have studied differences in the number of Drosophila pseudoobscura produced in a culture when the flies differ with respect to two alleles (F and S) at the Mdh-2 locus, which codes for a malate dehydrogenase enzyme. The studies were done at low and at high density in two- and three-genotype combinations (S/S, F/F and S/F), with one-genotype cultures as controls.——Density affects the fitness of the Mdh-2 genotypes. Different genotypes are differently affected, and the genotype of the competitors also makes a difference on the fitness of a given genotype. When three genotypes are present in a culture, particularly at high density, intergenotypic competition is less intense than intragenotypic competition at several frequency combinations. That is, there is "overcompensation": the three genotypes together exploit the environmental resources better than one genotype alone.—The fitness of the genotypes is frequency dependent in both two-genotype and three-genotype combinations. An inverse relationship between frequency and fitness is observed at high density. This may lead to a stable polymorphism, because the fitness of a genotype increases as its frequency decreases.—Forty independent strains, sampled from a natural population, were used in the experiments. This ensures that more than 95% of the variation present in the genome in the natural population is also present is the experimental cultures. It also ensures that the genetic background of the Mdh-2 alleles is randomized in the same way as it is in nature. However, the possibility remains that Mdh-2 alleles in nature are nonrandomly associated with alleles at closely linked loci. If linkage disequilibrium is present in the experiments because it exists in nature, then the observed effects (such as frequency-dependent selection) would affect the Mdh-2 locus in nature as well.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of intraspecific and interspecific larval competition on larval survival, adult size, adult longevity and fecundity were quantified in four species of coexisting Lucilia blowflies: illustris, silvarum, sericata and caesar.
  • 2 There was a general negative effect of increasing density on larval and adult survival, size and fecundity. Additionally, complex species-specific and frequency-dependent responses were identified, which were not expected in these biologically and morphologically closely similar species.
  • 3 Lucilia illustris, the numerically dominant species in the natural community, was a superior competitor to L.silvarum at intermediate densities but an inferior competitor at high density. Such nonlinear responses may be related to differences in the life histories and larval behaviour of the species (bigger eggs and more contest-type outcome of competition in L.silvarum).
  • 4 We parameterized a model of interspecific competition on a subdivided resource in an attempt to reconcile the conflicting results on larval competitive abilities and the abundances of the species in the field. Using laboratory and field-estimated parameter values the model predicted coexistence of L.illustris and L.silvarum and the observed numerical dominance of the former species. The average densities of flies in the field are limited to relatively low levels, apparently preventing L.silvarum (the superior competitor at high density) from dominating and excluding L. illustris.

Bodil K. Ehlers  Trine Bilde 《Oikos》2019,128(6):765-774
The findings that some plants alter their competitive phenotype in response to genetic relatedness of its conspecific neighbour (and presumed competitor) has spurred an increasing interest in plant kin‐interactions. This phenotypic response suggests the ability to assess the genetic relatedness of conspecific competitors, proposing kin selection as a process that can influence plant competitive interactions. Kin selection can favour restrained competitive growth towards kin, if the fitness loss from reducing own growth is compensated by increased fitness in the related neighbour. This may lead to positive frequency dependency among related conspecifics with important ecological consequences for species assemblage and coexistence. However, kin selection in plants is still controversial. First, many studies documenting a plastic response to neighbour relatedness do not estimate fitness consequences of the individual that responds, and when estimated, fitness of individuals grown in competition with kin did not necessarily exceed that of individuals grown in non‐kin groups. Although higher fitness in kin groups could be consistent with kin selection, this could also arise from mechanisms like asymmetric competition in the non‐kin groups. Here we outline the main challenges for studying kin selection in plants taking genetic variation for competitive ability into account. We emphasize the need to measure inclusive fitness in order to assess whether kin selection occurs, and show under which circumstances kin selected responses can be expected. We also illustrate why direct fitness estimates of a focal plant, and group fitness estimates are not suitable for documenting kin selection. Importantly, natural selection occurs at the individual level and it is the inclusive fitness of an individual plant – not the mean fitness of the group – that can capture if a differential response to neighbour relatedness is favoured by kin selection.  相似文献   

When females mate with more than one male, sexual selection acts both before and after mating. The interaction between pre‐ and postmating episodes of selection is expected to be context dependent, but few studies have investigated how total sexual selection changes under different ecological conditions. We examined how population density mediates the interaction between pre‐ and postmating sexual selection by establishing replicate populations of the horned dung beetle Onthophagus taurus at low, medium, and high densities, and then using microsatellite‐based parentage analyses to measure male fitness. We found that mating success and fertilization success were positively correlated at all three densities, but the strength of the correlation decreased with increasing density. We also found a shift from negative to positive linear selection on testes mass as density increased, and opposing selection on weapons and testes at high densities. These patterns suggest that the importance of postmating processes increases with increasing population density, which reduces the selective advantage of weapons for premating contest competition, and increases the selective advantage of large ejaculates for postmating sperm competition. We expect that density‐dependent selection on testes mass has contributed to the phenotypic variation observed between natural populations of O. taurus that differ in density.  相似文献   

Pathogens and sex in plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Extant theories that attribute the evolution of sex to pathogen attack depend on the assumption that pathogens are narrowly specialized, so that high fitness on one host genotype results in poor fitness on hosts with other allele combinations. This assumption is necessary in order for frequency-dependent selection to produce sustained cycling of gametic disequilibrium across the host's disease resistance loci, which makes recombination advantageous. However, a review of numerous genetic studies on plant disease resistance failed to uncover a single example consistent with this assumption. Instead, the empirical results provide strong support for a different pattern of pathogen specificity, in which adaptation by pathogens to one resistance allele does not preclude high fitness on alternate host genotypes lacking that allele. Modification of traditional models for pathogen-mediated evolution of sex showed that for conditions close to the empirical pattern of genotypic specificity, sex is almost never favoured. For plants, these results cast doubt on current theories arguing that pathogens are the primary selective agent responsible for sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that genetic diversity contributes to reduced disease incidence in natural plant populations. However, little is known about the genetic structure of natural populations affected by disease. Here I present data from three apomictic (asexual) populations of Arabis holboellii infected by the rusts Puccinia monoica and P. thlaspeos. An average of 300 host individuals per population were genotyped (using seven variable allozyme loci) and scored for disease presence. Arabis holboellii populations are genetically diverse; the number of clones detected per population ranged from 6 to 27. There was substantial variation in frequency of host clones within and among sites, and significant variation among clones in susceptibility to the different rusts. Contrary to predictions based on frequency-dependent selection theory there was not a consistent positive relationship between clone frequency and disease incidence within any of the populations (Spearman's r = -0.096, P > 0.5). In addition, clonally diverse populations did not necessarily have decreased disease incidence. The population with the lowest overall (both pathogens combined) disease incidence (7.5 ± 1.9%) had the smallest number of clones (6), the lowest spatial variability, and the highest Arabis density. By comparison, another population had 22 clones, high spatial variability, low Arabis density and significantly more disease overall (16.8 ± 2.7%). Although this study does not eliminate the possibility of frequency-dependent pathogen attack in these populations, the results suggest that it is likely to be weak or intermittent.  相似文献   

Many plants display limited seed dispersal, thereby creating an opportunity for sibling competition, i.e. fitness-determined interactions between related individuals. Here I investigated the consequences of intra-specific competition, by varying density and genetic composition of neighbors, on the performance of seedlings derived by selfing or outcrossing of the partially self-fertilizing plant Plantago coronopus (L.). Seedlings from eight plants, randomly selected from an area of about 50 m2 in a natural population, were used in (i) a density series with either one, four or eight siblings of each cross type per pot and (ii) a replacement series with eight plants per pot where selfed and outcrossed siblings were grown intermixed in varying frequencies. Density had a pronounced effect on plant performance. But, except for singly grown individuals, no differences were detected between selfed and outcrossed progenies in vegetative and reproductive biomass. When grown intermixed, selfed offspring were always inferior to their outcrossed relatives. The magnitude of reduction in performance was dependent on the number of outcrossed relatives a selfed seedling had to compete with, giving rise to a frequency-dependent fitness advantage to outcrossed seedlings. The major result of this study is (i) that the relative fitness of inbred progeny is strongly affected by the type of competitors (inbred or outbred) and (ii) that inbreeding depression varies according to the density and frequency of outbred plants and could be considered as a density- and frequency-dependent phenomenon. It is argued that sibling competition, due to the small genetic neighborhood of P. coronopus, might be an important selective force in natural populations of this species.  相似文献   

Triticale introgressive lines were developed by incorporating diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum [TM16]) genes into the hexaploid triticale genotype LT522/6. The synthetic allotetraploidT. monococcum cereale (AmAmRR) was used as a bridging form to introduce the genes. A group of 43 introgressive lines, parental stocks and a check cultivar were inoculated at the seedling stage (in the greenhouse) and at the adult plant stage (in the field) with four pathotypes ofPuccinia striiformis f. sp.tritici to determine if the stripe rust resistance was derived from TM16 and to analyze the expression of the diploid wheat gene(s) at the hexaploid level. At the seedling stage, 14 triticale introgressive lines expressed resistance to some of the used pathotypes, showing introduction of a genetic material from theT. monococcum genome. Among them, 7 lines were resistant to all four stripe rust pathotypes applied at this stage. In the field, adult plant resistance and percentage of infected leaf area were scored and transformed into the coefficient of infection. Plant response to stripe rust was compatible at these two developmental stages with a high statistical probability showing the genetic dependence on the same genetic background. Also observed was a full concordance of the adult plant resistance to stripe rust with previously assessed resistance to leaf rust, as well as the highly significant linkage of the resistance to the both diseases at the seedling stage in the set of the tested introgression lines. This result strongly suggests thatT. monococcum genes responsible for these characters are located in proximity.  相似文献   

Variation among parasite strains can affect the progression of disease or the effectiveness of treatment. What maintains parasite diversity? Here I argue that competition among parasites within the host is a major cause of variation among parasites. The competitive environment within the host can vary depending on the parasite genotypes present. For example, parasite strategies that target specific competitors, such as bacteriocins, are dependent on the presence and susceptibility of those competitors for success. Accordingly, which parasite traits are favoured by within-host selection can vary from host to host. Given the fluctuating fitness landscape across hosts, genotype by genotype (G×G) interactions among parasites should be prevalent. Moreover, selection should vary in a frequency-dependent manner, as attacking genotypes select for resistance and genotypes producing public goods select for cheaters. I review competitive coexistence theory with regard to parasites and highlight a few key examples where within-host competition promotes diversity. Finally, I discuss how within-host competition affects host health and our ability to successfully treat infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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