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There is a gap between single-species model predictions, and empirical studies, regarding the effect of habitat fragmentation per se, i.e., a process involving the breaking apart of habitat without loss of habitat. Empirical works indicate that fragmentation can have positive as well as negative effects, whereas, traditionally, single-species models predict a negative effect of fragmentation. Within the class of reaction-diffusion models, studies almost unanimously predict such a detrimental effect. In this paper, considering a single-species reaction-diffusion model with a removal – or similarly harvesting – term, in two dimensions, we find both positive and negative effects of fragmentation of the reserves, i.e., the protected regions where no removal occurs. Fragmented reserves lead to higher population sizes for time-constant removal terms. On the other hand, when the removal term is proportional to the population density, higher population sizes are obtained on aggregated reserves, but maximum yields are attained on fragmented configurations, and for intermediate harvesting intensities.  相似文献   

Indoor experiments demonstrated that allelopathic potential of rosette and flowering plants of qort is an important factor explaining the growth reduction of its associated species. Aqueous tissue extracts of flowering plants exhibited strong inhibitory effects on the germination percentage and radicle growth rate of the tested species as compared with those of vegetative plants. Under laboratory conditions, this inhibition was in agreement with toxicity assessments of soil samples collected from the rhizosphere of T. resupinatum L., where shoot and root dry mass of the tested species were significantly reduced. Detoxification of allelochemicals by presence of activated carbon can eliminate the inhibitory effects of the different extracts. This technique clarifies the occurrence of allelopathic interference by qort on seed germination and seedling growth, and hence suspects the allelopathic potential of qort in the growth reduction of associate species under field conditions along with competition. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Most models of sympatric speciation have assumed that assortative mating has no costs. A few studies, however, have shown that the costs for being choosy can prevent such speciation. Here, we investigate the role of the strength of assortment and of the costs for being choosy for a simple genetic model of a single ('magic') trait that mediates both intraspecific competition for a continuum of resources and assortative mating, which is induced by choosy females who preferentially mate with males of similar phenotype. Choosiness may be costly if it is difficult to find a mating partner. Such magic trait models are considered to be most conducive of sympatric speciation. We consider a sexually reproducing population of haploid individuals that is density regulated. The trait is determined by a single locus with multiple alleles. The strength of stabilizing selection (caused by a unimodal resource distribution), the strength of competition, the degree of assortment and the costs for being choosy are independent parameters. We investigate analytically and numerically how these parameters determine the equilibrium and stability structure. In particular, we identify conditions under which no polymorphism at all is maintained as well as conditions under which strong competitive divergence occurs, or the population even splits into two reproductively isolated classes of highly diverse phenotypes. If costs are absent or moderate, genetic variability tends to be minimized at intermediate strengths of assortment, and reproductively isolated classes of phenotypes are a likely result of evolution only for intermediate or strong competition and for very strong assortment. The likelihood of divergence depends relatively weakly on the costs as long as they are not high. With high costs, however, increasingly strong assortment rapidly depletes all genetic variation, and strong competitive divergence is prevented.  相似文献   

Historically at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty has been the treatment of choice for treatment of velopharyngeal insufficiency, regardless of velopharyngeal closure pattern. The authors hypothesize that pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty is more effective in treating velopharyngeal insufficiency in patients with circular or sagittal velopharyngeal closure and less effective in treating the coronal closure pattern. Ninety-three patients who underwent superiorly based pharyngeal flap surgery for velopharyngeal insufficiency were evaluated in a retrospective chart review. Closure pattern was determined preoperatively by nasopharyngoscopy or multiview videofluoroscopy. Nasalance was assessed preoperatively and at 6 weeks and 1 year postoperatively. Nasalance during nonnasal speech was decreased on average, for all closure patterns, postoperatively. However, a significantly higher percentage of patients were corrected to normal nasalance scores in thenoncoronal group than in the coronal group (57 percent versus 35 percent, respectively) at 1 year postoperatively (p < 0.05). Surgical overcorrection, as determined by postoperative hyponasality, occurred at a rate of 13 percent in the coronal group versus 7 percent in the noncoronal group (not statistically significant). The results demonstrate that hypernasality in patients with a coronal velopharyngeal closure pattern can be improved by pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty. This procedure, however, is more frequently effective in correcting noncoronal closure pattern velopharyngeal insufficiency than coronal pattern velopharyngeal insufficiency. The authors are now more selective in their approach to the management of velopharyngeal insufficiency and are more inclined to treat coronal pattern velopharyngeal insufficiency with sphincter pharyngoplasty.  相似文献   

What, if anything, is the adaptive function of countershading?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Countershading, the gradation of colour from dark on the dorsum to light on the ventrum, is generally considered to have the effect of making organisms difficult to detect. The mechanism that facilitates this form of crypsis is often considered to be concealment of shadows cast on the body of the animal. We review the current empirical evidence for the cryptic function of countershading and for the mechanism underlying it. We argue that there is no conclusive evidence that countershading per se provides any selective advantage in terrestrial or aerial environments. However, the highly refined adaptations of some marine organisms to match the different background light conditions against which they are set when viewed from different aspects strongly suggest an adaptive advantage to countershading in these environments. In none of the cases discussed in this review was the conventional explanation of self-shadow concealment a more plausible explanation for countershading than the alternative explanation that the dorsum and ventrum experience different selection pressures (often associated with background matching).  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation (SAC) is often observed in species distribution data, and can be caused by exogenous, autocorrelated factors determining species distribution, or by endogenous population processes determining clustering such as dispersal. However, it remains debated whether SAC patterns can actually reveal endogenous processes. We reviewed studies measuring dispersal of the salamander Salamandra salamandra, to formulate a priori hypotheses on the scale at which dispersal is expected to determine population distribution. We then tested the hypotheses by analysing SAC in distribution data, and evaluating whether controlling for the effect of environmental variables can reveal endogenous processes. We surveyed 565 streams to obtain species distribution data; we also recorded landscape and microhabitat features known to affect the species. We used multiple approaches to tease apart endogenous and exogenous SAC: the analysis of residuals of logistic regression models considering different environmental variables; the analysis of eigenvectors extracted by several implementations of spatial eigenvector mapping. In capture–mark–recapture studies, 98% of individuals moved 500 m or less. Both species distribution and environmental features were strongly autocorrelated. The residuals of logistic regression relating species to environmental variables were autocorrelated at distances up to 500 m; analyses considering different sets of environmental variables, or assuming non‐linear species habitat relationships, yielded identical results. The results of spatial eigenvector mapping strongly depended on the matrix of distances used. Nevertheless, the eigenvectors of models with best fit were autocorrelated at distances up to 200–500 m. The concordance between multiple approaches suggests that 500 m is the scale at which dispersal connects breeding localities, increasing probability of occurrence. If exogenous variables are correctly identified, the analysis of SAC can provide important insights on endogenous population processes, such as the flow of individuals. SAC analysis can also provide important information for conservation, as the existence of metapopulations or population networks is essential for long term persistence of amphibians.  相似文献   

Ethylene stimulated the elongation of intact rice (Oryza sativaL.) coleoptiles in which endogenous growth had been stoppedcompletely by decapitation and red light. p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyricacid slightly inhibited endogenous growth, but not the ethyleneinduced growth. Thus, ethylene could stimulate the elongationof coleoptiles in which the auxin level was considered to bevery low. 1 Present address: Institute for Agricultural Research, TohokuUniversity, Katahira, Sendai 980, Japan. (Received February 16, 1979; )  相似文献   

Studies on ant communities in agroecosystems have contributed to the knowledge of the effect of agricultural activities on biological communities. The aim of this study is to explain the effect of soil use on ant communities. We tested the hypothesis that there was a decrease in ant species richness and a change in the species composition at habitats with more intense soil use. We collected ants using sardine baits, subterranean traps and direct sampling at four habitats with different soil use (secundary forest, Acacia forestry, initial stage of succession and mixed crops). The ant species richness did not decrease with intensity of soil use. In successional habitat the species numbers collected using sardine baits and subterranean traps were significantly different. Species composition of communities had a pronounced variation, with the epigaeic and hypogaeic ant faunas of the habitat with high intense soil use (mixed crops) had low similarity with ant communities of the three other habitats. The predator species were restricted to habitats with low intensity of soil use. Then, species composition could better reflect the functional changes on ant communities than species richness. Our data can help to choose the component of ant community that better reflect the response of biodiversity to agricultural impacts.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1993,52(8):PL55-PL60
Alfentanil-midazolam analgesic interactions were studied in rats with continuous infusions or bolus injections of the drugs. Analgesia was determined by measuring the threshold of motor response to noxious pressure. The continous constant-rate infusion of alfentanil demonstrated that after an initial peak, the analgesia profoundly declined due to the development of acute tolerance. When alfentanil (250 μg·kg−1·h−1) was given together with midazolam (3 mg·kg−1·h−1), the decline in the analgesic effect of alfentanil was attenuated. Following the 4 h period of the constant-rate (250 μg·kg−1·h−1) infusion of alfentanil, when acute tolerance was already developed, midazolam (3 mg·kg−1) given as a bolus injection enhanced the alfentanil-induced anesthesia. At the same time, when alfentanil was given as a bolus injection (30 μg·kg−1) with or without midazolam (3 mg·kg−1) also by bolus injection, no changes were seen to indicate an enhancement of the analgesic effect of alfentanil by midazolam. The results suggest that midazolam attenuates the development of acute tolerance to the analgesic effect of alfentanil.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids effectively mediate the resolution of inflammation, but long-term use of glucocorticoids inevitably causes metabolic side effects. However, it is unknown if metabolic effectors such as Dexras1, a dexamethasone-stimulated protein, play a role in the anti-inflammatory outcome of dexamethasone. Here, we demonstrate that Dexras1 is required for the dexamethasone-induced upregulation of annexin A1 expression, but is not involved in the reduction of inflammation as evidenced by decreased pro-inflammatory parameters. In the absence of Dexras1, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced interleukin-6 expression was suppressed when murine macrophage RAW264.7 cells were treated with dexamethasone. Similar observations were made in the blood of Dexras1 knockout mice. Furthermore, dexamethasone suppressed the LPS-stimulated increase of NFκB-p65 in both control and Dexras1-absent RAW264.7 cells. Interestingly, depletion of Dexras1 resulted in the loss of pERK production. These results suggest that Dexras1 is involved primarily in the metabolic side effects and its inhibition preserves the anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids. Thus, the inhibition of Dexras1 will be an excellent target for reducing steroid-induced side effects.  相似文献   

Urban development can fragment and degrade remnant habitat. Such habitat alterations can have profound impacts on wildlife, including effects on population density, parasite infection status, parasite prevalence, and body condition. We investigated the influence of urbanization on populations of Merriam''s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) and their parasites. We predicted that urban development would lead to reduced abundance, increased parasite prevalence in urban populations, increased probability of parasite infection for individual animals, and decreased body condition of kangaroo rats in urban versus wildland areas. We live trapped kangaroo rats at 5 urban and 5 wildland sites in and around Las Cruces, NM, USA from 2013 to 2015, collected fecal samples from 209 kangaroo rats, and detected endoparasites using fecal flotation and molecular barcoding. Seven parasite species were detected, although only two parasitic worms, Mastophorus dipodomis and Pterygodermatites dipodomis, occurred frequently enough to allow for statistical analysis. We found no effects of urbanization on population density or probability of parasite infection. However, wildland animals infected with P. dipodomis had lower body condition scores than infected animals in urban areas or uninfected animals in either habitat. Our results suggest that urban environments may buffer Merriam''s kangaroo rats from the detrimental impacts to body condition that P. dipodomis infections can cause.  相似文献   

Hutchinson defined species' realized niche as the set of environmental conditions in which populations can persist in the presence of competitors. In terms of demography, the realized niche corresponds to the environments where the intrinsic growth rate (r) of populations is positive. Observed species occurrences should reflect the realized niche when additional processes like dispersal and local extinction lags do not have overwhelming effects. Despite the foundational nature of these ideas, quantitative assessments of the relationship between range‐wide demographic performance and occurrence probability have not been made. This assessment is needed both to improve our conceptual understanding of species' niches and ranges and to develop reliable mechanistic models of species geographic distributions that incorporate demography and species interactions. The objective of this study is to analyse how demographic parameters (intrinsic growth rate r and carrying capacity K ) and population density (N ) relate to occurrence probability (Pocc ). We hypothesized that these relationships vary with species' competitive ability. Demographic parameters, density, and occurrence probability were estimated for 108 tree species from four temperate forest inventory surveys (Québec, western USA, France and Switzerland). We used published information of shade tolerance as indicators of light competition strategy, assuming that high tolerance denotes high competitive capacity in stable forest environments. Interestingly, relationships between demographic parameters and occurrence probability did not vary substantially across degrees of shade tolerance and regions. Although they were influenced by the uncertainty in the estimation of the demographic parameters, we found that r was generally negatively correlated with Pocc, while N, and for most regions K, was generally positively correlated with Pocc. Thus, in temperate forest trees the regions of highest occurrence probability are those with high densities but slow intrinsic population growth rates. The uncertain relationships between demography and occurrence probability suggests caution when linking species distribution and demographic models.  相似文献   

Six sister populations of Drosophila melanogaster kept under identical environmental conditions for greater than 600 generations were reciprocally crossed to investigate the incidence of population divergence in allopatry. Population crosses directly influenced fitness, mating frequency, and sperm competition patterns. Changes in both female remating rate and the outcome of male sperm competition (P1, P2) in response to foreign males were consistent with intersexual coevolution. Moreover, seven of the 30 crosses between foreign mates resulted in significant reductions in female fitness, whereas two resulted in significant increases, compared to local matings. This tendency for foreign males to reduce female fitness may be interpreted as evidence for either sexually antagonistic coevolution or the disruption of mutualistic interactions. However, instances in which female fitness improved via cohabitation with foreign males may better reveal sexual conflict, signalling release from the cost of interacting with locally adapted males. By this metric, female reproduction in D. melanogaster is strongly constrained by local adaptation by males, a situation that would promote antagonistic coevolution between the sexes. We conclude that sexual selection can promote population differentiation in allopatry and that sexual conflict is likely to have played a role in population differentiation in this study system.  相似文献   

A major gap in our knowledge of plant communities is how much of their volume is occupied by plant material (stem, leaf or reproductive structure). This is basic knowledge and may be crucial for the concept of competition for space. We sampled two grassland communities and two shrublands in both Italy and New Zealand. The height of the canopy was measured by a point quadrat method, and the volume of plant material, after cutting, by displacement of water. From 0.5% to 2.9% of the canopy was occupied by plant material. Occupancy was lower in the Italian communities, which we tentatively attribute to the climate. It did not differ significantly between grasslands and shrublands. Our data suggest that physical space is probably never limiting by itself in terrestrial higher-plant communities, so that competition for space, distinct from competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, is not likely to exist.  相似文献   

Summary A biogeochemical scenario is proposed, according to which prebiotic self-replication of RNA-like molecules evolved gradually from domain propagation to entire strand replication. The hypothetical replicating entities that formed an evolutionary continuity in time, the prebioectons, were characterized by self-structuring, and started their evolution from strands possessing one or more templatable domains. The inherent self-structuring implies a very early coevolution of the replicating molecules with prebiotic peptides, in line with the cassette model of Cedergren and Grosjean (1987). The proposed approach can be partially tested in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Experimental comparisons of the nutritional value of different wheat cultivars commonly use feeds in meal form even though the large-scale broiler producers use steam pelleted feeds. The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of steam pelleting on the performance, dietary N-corrected apparent metabolisable energy (AMEn), total tract dry matter retention (DMR), nitrogen retention (NR) and fat digestibility (FD) coefficients, and digestive tract development of broilers fed four different wheat samples in complete diets. Four European wheat samples, with different chemical composition and endosperm characteristics, were used in a broiler experiment. The wheat samples were milled through a 5 mm screen and four basal feeds containing 670 g/kg of each selected wheat sample were mixed. The basal feeds were then split into two batches and one of them was steam pelleted resulting in eight experimental diets. Each diet was fed ad libitum to eight pens of two male Ross 308 broilers from 10 to 24 days of age. Feeding pelleted diets improved (P<0.001) feed intake and weight gain, and daily water intake of the birds. Pelleting also improved dietary AMEn and FD (P<0.001) and DMR (P<0.05). An interaction (P<0.05) was observed between wheat samples and steam pelleting for NR. Steam pelleting improved (P<0.05) NR in the wheat sample with high starch and protein and hard endosperm but not in the rest of the wheat samples. Similar interactions (P<0.05) were also observed between wheat sample and steam pelleting for gain to feed (G : F) and water to feed (W : F) ratios. Pelleting improved G : F ratio the greatest in the wheat sample with high starch and protein and hard endosperm. Feeding the same wheat sample also decreased (P<0.05) W : F but only in the mash diets. Regardless of the wheat sample the values of dietary AMEn did not differ (P>0.05). Feeding different wheat types and pelleting did not (P>0.05) change the development of the gastrointestinal tract of the birds. The study showed that there were differences between four wheat samples when they were fed in pelleted complete feed, but no differences were observed when fed in mash form complete diets. Research on the interaction between pelleting and wheat chemical and quality characteristics is warranted.  相似文献   

Although connectivity has been examined from many different angles and in many ecological disciplines, few studies have tested in which systems and under what conditions connectivity is important in determining ecological dynamics. Identifying general rules governing when connectivity is important is crucial not only for basic ecology, but also for our ability to manage natural systems, particularly as increasing fragmentation may change the degree to which connectivity influences ecological dynamics. In this study, we used statistical regression, least‐cost path analysis, and model selection techniques to test the relative importance of potential connectivity in determining the spatial pattern of sudden oak death, a tree disease that is killing millions of oak and tanoak trees along coastal forests of California and Oregon. We hypothesized that potential connectivity, in addition to environmental conditions, is important in determining the spatial distribution of sudden oak death, the importance of connectivity is more apparent when measured using biologically meaningful metrics that account for the effects of landscape structure on disease spread, and the relative importance of environmental variables and connectivity is approximately equal. Results demonstrate that potential connectivity was important in determining the spatial pattern of sudden oak death, though it was relatively less important than environmental variables. Moreover, connectivity was important only when using biologically meaningful metrics as opposed to simple distance‐based metrics that ignore landscape structure. These results demonstrate that connectivity can be important in systems not typically considered in connectivity studies – highlighting the importance of examining connectivity in a variety of different systems – and demonstrate that the manner in which connectivity is measured may govern our ability to detect its importance.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuations in immune status have been documented for avian and mammalian populations. During the late summer and early fall, immune function is bolstered to help animals cope with the more physiologically demanding winter. The environmental cue for these seasonal changes is apparently decreasing photoperiod. In the present study, we determined the potential role of leptin in mediating the effect of photoperiod on cell-mediated immune responses in male mice. Leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and littermate control mice were housed for 10 wk in either a short (8L:16D) or a long (16L:8D) photoperiod beginning at 6 wk of age. After the mice were killed, immune and reproductive organs were weighed and splenocytes isolated. The proliferative and cytokine responses (interleukin [IL]-2 and IL-4) of splenocytes to the T-cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A; 0-40 microg/ml), were determined. Body weights were elevated and both testes and seminal vesicle weights subnormal in ob/ob mice (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency), but thymuses and spleens were of normal size. Serum leptin levels were at minimum detection limits in ob/ob mice, but leptin levels in control mice housed at 8L:16D were higher than in control mice housed at 16L:8D. The proliferative response of splenocytes from ob/ob mice to Con A was subnormal (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency), but photoperiod had no effect on this response. Production of IL-2 in splenocytes of ob/ob mice was subnormal (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency) irrespective of photoperiod, but cells from mice housed at 8L:16D (by ANOVA, main effect of photoperiod) produced more IL-2 than cells from animals housed at 16L:8D. In contrast, a leptin deficiency did not alter IL-4 production, but cells from animals (ob/ob and controls) housed at 16L:8D produced less IL-4 than cells from animals housed at 8L:16D (by ANOVA, main effect of photoperiod). The present study suggests that both photoperiod and leptin have mutually independent effects on the proliferation of lymphocytes and cytokine production profiles. The data do not provide definitive support for the hypothesis that photoperiod-induced changes in leptin secretion mediate the effects of season on immune status.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the anti-fibrotic effect and the potential mechanisms of action of betulinic acid (BA) against hepatic fibrosis in vivo and in vitro. BA is an active compound isolated from the bark of the birch tree Betula spp. (Betulaceae). Liver fibrosis was induced by intraperitoneal injections of thioacetamide (TAA, 200mg/kg) twice weekly for 6weeks in Wistar rats. The administration of BA (20 or 50mg/kg) was started following TAA injections and was continued for 6 or 8weeks to evaluate both the preventive and the protective effects. BA demonstrated great efficacy in preventing and curing hepatic fibrosis via attenuating the TAA-mediated increases in liver tissue hydroxyproline and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). In vitro, BA effectively decreased the HSC-T6 cell viability induced by TNF-α and showed low toxicity in normal human chang liver cells. Moreover, BA significantly attenuated the expression of α-SMA and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and increased the levels of matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-13. BA also inhibited the expression of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) and the activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in a time-dependent manner. This study provides evidence that BA exerts a significant anti-fibrosis effect by modulating the TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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