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Cell therapy approaches that employ engineered mammalian cells for on-demand production of therapeutic agents in the patient’s body are moving beyond proof-of-concept in translational medicine. The therapeutic cells can be customized to sense user-defined signals, process them, and respond in a programmable and predictable way. In this paper, we introduce the available tools and strategies employed to design therapeutic cells. Then, various approaches to control cell behaviors, including open-loop and closed-loop systems, are discussed. We also highlight therapeutic applications of engineered cells for early diagnosis and treatment of various diseases in the clinic and in experimental disease models. Finally, we consider emerging technologies such as digital devices and their potential for incorporation into future cell-based therapies.  相似文献   

The effect of substrate-mediated signals on osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs is studied using a synthetic bone-like material comprising both organic and inorganic components that supports adhesion, spreading, and proliferation of hMSCs. hMSCs undergo osteogenic differentiation even in the absence of osteogenesis-inducing supplements. They exhibit higher expressions of Runx2, BSP, and OCN compared to their matrix-rigidity-matched, non-mineralized hydrogel counterparts. The mineralized-hydrogel-assisted osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs could be attributed to their exposure to high local concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions in conjunction with chemical and topological cues arising from the hydrogel-bound calcium phosphate mineral layer.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the brain cell microenvironment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Compared with the dual binding components in a binary interaction, the third component of a ternary interaction often serves as modulator or regulator in biochemical processes. Here, we presented a programmable ternary interaction strategy based on the natural DNA triplex structure. With the DNA triplex-based ternary interaction, we have successfully demonstrated controllable hierarchical assemblies from nanometer scale synthetic DNA nanostructure units to micrometer scale live bacteria. A selective signaling system responsive to orthogonal nucleic acid signals via ternary interaction was also demonstrated. This assembly method could further enrich the diversified design schemes of DNA nanotechnology.  相似文献   

We studied the development of stem/progenitor cells of the human brain transplanted in the adult rat brain after reproduction in an in vitro tissue culture. It was preliminarily shown by the immunological methods that the stem cells grown in a medium with growth factors formed neurospheres, which were heterogenous and contained both stem and progenitor cells of the human brain. The cells were implanted in the hippocampus, striatum, or lateral ventricle of the rat brain as a suspension or aggregates (neurospheres) and their behavior and differentiation were studies within 10, 20, and 30 days using the morphological and immunochemical methods. The cultured cells of the human brain continued their development in the rat brain, migrated, and formed neurons and astrocytes. The white mater fibers, lateral ventricle wall, and perivascular spaces served as the main pathways of migration. The neuronal differentiation was shown by staining with antibodies to beta-tubulin III, neurofilaments-70, and calbindin. Some growing nerve cells had long processes with growth cones. At the same time, some transplanted cells retained the undifferentiated state within one month after the implantation, as shown by the vimentin expression.  相似文献   

Replicative helicases are motor proteins that unwind DNA at replication forks. Escherichia coli DnaB is the best characterized member of this family of enzymes. We present the 26 A resolution three-dimensional structure of the DnaB hexamer in complex with its loading partner, DnaC, obtained from cryo-electron microscopy. Analysis of the volume brings insight into the elaborate way the two proteins interact, and provides a structural basis for control of the symmetry state and inactivation of the helicase by DnaC. The complex is arranged on the basis of interactions among DnaC and DnaB dimers. DnaC monomers are observed for the first time to arrange as three dumb-bell-shaped dimers that interlock into one of the faces of the helicase. This could be responsible for the freezing of DnaB in a C(3) architecture by its loading partner. The central channel of the helicase is almost occluded near the end opposite to DnaC, such that even single-stranded DNA could not pass through. We propose that the DnaB N-terminal domain is located at this face.  相似文献   

Paradoxically, aging leads to both decreased regenerative capacity in the brain and an increased risk of tumorigenesis, particularly the most common adult‐onset brain tumor, glioma. A shared factor contributing to both phenomena is thought to be age‐related alterations in neural progenitor cells (NPCs), which function normally to produce new neurons and glia, but are also considered likely cells of origin for malignant glioma. Upon oncogenic transformation, cells acquire characteristics known as the hallmarks of cancer, including unlimited replication, altered responses to growth and anti‐growth factors, increased capacity for angiogenesis, potential for invasion, genetic instability, apoptotic evasion, escape from immune surveillance, and an adaptive metabolic phenotype. The precise molecular pathogenesis and temporal acquisition of these malignant characteristics is largely a mystery. Recent studies characterizing NPCs during normal aging, however, have begun to elucidate mechanisms underlying the age‐associated increase in their malignant potential. Aging cells are dependent upon multiple compensatory pathways to maintain cell cycle control, normal niche interactions, genetic stability, programmed cell death, and oxidative metabolism. A few multi‐functional proteins act as ‘critical nodes’ in the coordination of these various cellular activities, although both intracellular signaling and elements within the brain environment are critical to maintaining a balance between senescence and tumorigenesis. Here, we provide an overview of recent progress in our understanding of how mechanisms underlying cellular aging inform on glioma pathogenesis and malignancy.  相似文献   

Several strains of kidney and liver cells cultured in a synthetic medium were found to be resistant to ouabain. These cell strains were characterized because this resistance may serve as a good marker in genetic studies on somatic cells in chemically defined conditions in the absence of Na+ related growth factors and hormones. The phenotype was stable in the absence of selection for at least two years, and the original strains before adaptation to the synthetic medium were found to have ouabain sensitivity equal to the corresponding cells in the synthetic medium. The resting membrane potential, Na+,K+-ATPase activity, and growth rate of the resistant cells were similar to those of ouabain-sensitive cells. The resistance of the cells was not affected by serum or antibodies against some cytoskeletal proteins and the sensitivity of the Na+,K+-ATPase was not restored by partial purification of the membranes. Western blotting of the Na+,K+-ATPase of the ouabain-resistant cells showed that the molecular weights of its two subunits and its immunoreactivity were similar to those of the enzyme from the ouabain-sensitive strain. Thus the ouabain resistance is caused not by ouabain-like hormone produced by the cells or change in the cytoskeletal system, but by a mutation resulting in expression of an ouabain-resistant ATPase gene.  相似文献   

The synthesis and assembly of vimentin was studied in erythroid cells from 10-d-old chicken embryos. After various periods of [35S]methionine incorporation, cells were lysed in a Triton X-100-containing buffer and separated into a soluble and an insoluble (cytoskeletal) fraction. Analysis of these two fractions by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis shows that vimentin is almost exclusively present in the cytoskeletal fraction and that newly synthesized vimentin is rapidly incorporated into this fraction. However, after a short pulse-labeling period, a prominent labeled protein at the position of vimentin is present in the soluble fraction. By immunoautoradiography and immunoprecipitations with vimentin antibodies, this protein was identified as vimentin. The vimentin in the soluble fraction is not sedimented by high speed centrifugation, suggesting that it does not consist of short filaments. After different pulse-labeling periods, assembly of newly synthesized vimentin in the cytoskeletal fraction increases linearly, while the radioactivity in the soluble vimentin remains constant. During a 2-h pulse-chase period, the vimentin in the soluble fraction is chased into the cytoskeletal fraction, with a half-life of 7 min. These results suggest that in chicken embryo erythroid cells newly synthesized vimentin is rapidly assembled into filaments from a soluble precursor.  相似文献   

Normal and metastatic cells continuously exchange information with the surrounding tissue environment, and this communication governs many aspects of cell behavior. In particular, the physical placement or adhesions of cells within their environment are increasingly understood to facilitate this communication. Classically, cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesions have been viewed as separable events that are independently controlled. This simple view is changing, as evidence emerges of coordinated regulation of cellular adhesions. Here, we show that the EphA2 tyrosine kinase, which is overexpressed in many aggressive cancers, regulates a fine balance of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesions in epithelial cells. EphA2 selectively inhibits cell-cell adhesions by increasing cell attachment and up-regulating the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. We also show that fibronectin can contribute to important aspects of malignant character. Antibody-based targeting of EphA2 inhibits malignant cell growth by decreasing fibronectin and thereby inducing apoptotic death. Our findings strengthen a concept that cancer progression is regulated by a bidirectional communication between tumor cells and their surrounding microenvironment.  相似文献   

A dynamic, complex relationship exists between tumor cells and their microenvironment, which plays a pivotal role in cancer progression, yet remains poorly understood. Particularly perplexing is the finding that aggressive melanoma cells express genes associated with multiple cellular phenotypes, in addition to their ability to form vasculogenic-like networks in three-dimensional matrix--called vasculogenic mimicry, which is illustrative of tumor cell plasticity. This study addressed the unique epigenetic effect of the microenvironment of aggressive melanoma cells on the behavior of poorly aggressive melanoma cells exposed to it. The data show significant changes in the global gene expression of the cells exposed to 3-D matrices preconditioned by aggressive melanoma cells, including the acquisition of a vasculogenic cell phenotype, upregulation of ECM remodeling genes, and increased invasive ability--indicative of an epigenetic, microenvironment-induced reprogramming of poorly aggressive melanoma cells. However, this epigenetic effect was completely abrogated when a highly cross-linked collagen matrix was used, which could not be remodeled by the aggressive melanoma cells. These findings offer an unique perspective of the inductive properties associated with an aggressive melanoma microenvironment that might provide new insights into the epigenetic regulation of tumor cell plasticity and differentiation, as well as mechanisms that could be targeted for novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

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