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BRCA1 as a tumor suppressor has been widely investigated in mitosis, but its functions in meiosis are unclear. In the present study, we examined the expression, localization, and function of BRCA1 during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. We found that expression level of BRCA1 was increased progressively from germinal vesicle to metaphase I stage, and then remained stable until metaphase II stage. Immunofluorescent analysis showed that BRCA1 was localized to the spindle poles at metaphase I and metaphase II stages, colocalizing with centrosomal protein gamma-tubulin. Taxol treatment resulted in the presence of BRCA1 onto the spindle microtubule fibers, whereas nocodazole treatment induced the localization of BRCA1 onto the chromosomes. Depletion of BRCA1 by both antibody injection and siRNA injection caused severely impaired spindles and misaligned chromosomes. Furthermore, BRCA1-depleted oocytes could not arrest at the metaphase I in the presence of low-dose nocodazole, suggesting that the spindle checkpoint is defective. Also, in BRCA1-depleted oocytes, gamma-tubulin dissociated from spindle poles and MAD2L1 failed to rebind to the kinetochores when exposed to nocodazole at metaphase I stage. Collectively, these data indicate that BRCA1 regulates not only meiotic spindle assembly, but also spindle assembly checkpoint, implying a link between BRCA1 deficiency and aneuploid embryos.  相似文献   

The developmental capacity of oocytes matured in vitro following isolation at the germinal vesicle stage from freshly killed mice (control) was compared with that of oocytes isolated from the carcasses of mice killed 3, 6, 9, and 12 hr earlier. The yield of intact, cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes decreased as the interval between death of the animal and removal of the ovary increased. After 15-16 hr of culture of medium containing follicle-stimulating hormone, the frequency of germinal vesicle breakdown, extrusion of a polar body, and cumulus expansion was equivalent in oocytes of all groups. The frequency of development of inseminated ova to 2-cell stage embryos in the control, 3, and 6 hr postmortem groups was the same but declined markedly in the 9 and 12 hr groups. There was also no difference in the frequency of blastocyst development from 2-cell stage embryos between the control, 3, 6, and 9 hr postmortem groups, but the 2-cell embryos in the 12 hr postmortem group did not develop to blastocysts. Thirty-six percent of the 2-cell stage embryos from the 6 hr postmortem group developed to live young after transfer to foster mothers. Follicles of 6 hr postmortem ovaries showed degeneration manifested as prominent crystalline inclusions within the oocytes and many pyknotic granulosa cells. The crystals disappeared within 1 hr of culture and the secondary oocytes appeared normal. The cultured oocyte-cumulus cell complexes, therefore, reversed degenerative changes induced by the death of the animal. This study demonstrates the feasibility of recovering developmentally competent oocytes from valuable recently deceased zoological, agricultural, and endangered mammals.  相似文献   

ObjectivesHistone deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) is one of the class I HDAC family proteins, which participates in the neuronal disorders, parasitic/viral infections, tumorigenesis and many other biological processes. However, its potential function during female germ cell development has not yet been fully understood.Materials and methodsHDAC8‐targeting siRNA was microinjected into GV oocytes to deplete HDAC8. PCI‐34051 was used to inhibit the enzyme activity of HDAC8. Immunostaining, immunoblotting and fluorescence intensity quantification were applied to assess the effects of HDAC8 depletion or inhibition on the oocyte meiotic maturation, spindle/chromosome structure, γ‐tubulin dynamics and acetylation level of α‐tubulin.ResultsWe observed that HDAC8 was localized in the nucleus at GV stage and then translocated to the spindle apparatus from GVBD to M II stages in porcine oocytes. Depletion of HDAC8 led to the oocyte meiotic failure by showing the reduced polar body extrusion rate. In addition, depletion of HDAC8 resulted in aberrant spindle morphologies and misaligned chromosomes due to the defective recruitment of γ‐tubulin to the spindle poles. Notably, these meiotic defects were photocopied by inhibition of HDAC8 activity using its specific inhibitor PCI‐34051. However, inhibition of HDAC8 did not affect microtubule stability as assessed by the acetylation level of α‐tubulin.ConclusionsCollectively, our findings demonstrate that HDAC8 acts as a regulator of spindle assembly during porcine oocyte meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate mitochondrial distribution, and its relationship to meiotic development, in canine oocytes during in vitro maturation (IVM) at 48, 72, and 96 h, compared to those that were non-matured or in vivo matured (ovulated). The distribution of active mitochondria during canine oocyte maturation (both in vitro and in vivo) was assessed with fluorescence and confocal microscopy using MitoTracker Red (MT-Red), whereas chromatin configuration was concurrently evaluated with fluorescence microscopy and DAPI staining. During IVM, oocytes exhibited changes in mitochondrial organization, ranging from a fine uniform distribution (pattern A), to increasing clustering spread throughout the cytoplasm (pattern B), and to a more perinuclear and cortical distribution (pattern C). Pattern A was mainly observed in germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes (96.4%), primarily in the non-matured group (P < 0.05). Pattern B was seen in all ovulated oocytes which were fully in second metaphase (MII), whereas in IVM oocytes, ∼64% were pattern B, irrespective of duration of culture or stage of nuclear development (P > 0.05). Pattern C was detected in a minor percentage (P < 0.05) of oocytes (mainly those in first metaphase, MI) cultured for 72 or 96 h. In vitro matured oocytes had a minor percentage of pattern B (P < 0.05) and smaller mitochondrial clusters in IVM oocytes than ovulated oocytes, reaching only 4, 11, and 17% of MII at 48, 72, and 96 h, respectively. Thus, although IVM canine oocytes rearranged mitochondria, which could be related to nuclear maturation, they did not consistently proceed to MII, perhaps due to incomplete IVM, confirming that oocytes matured in vitro were less likely to be competent than those matured in vivo.  相似文献   

Histone acetylation is an important epigenetic modification implicated in the regulation of chromatin structure and, subsequently, gene expression. Global histone deacetylation was reported in mouse oocytes during meiosis but not mitosis. The regulation of this meiosis-specific deacetylation has not been elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that p34(cdc2) kinase activity and protein synthesis are responsible for the activation of histone deacetylases and the inhibition of histone acetyltransferases (HATs), respectively, resulting in deacetylation of histone H4 at lysine-12 (H4K12) during mouse oocyte meiosis. Temporal changes in the acetylation state of H4K12 were examined immunocytochemically during meiotic maturation using an antibody specific for acetylated H4K12. H4K12 was deacetylated during the first meiosis, temporarily acetylated around the time of the first polar body (PB1) extrusion, and then deacetylated again during the second meiosis. Because these changes coincided with the known oscillation pattern of p34(cdc2) kinase activity, we investigated the involvement of the kinase in H4K12 deacetylation. Roscovitine, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase activity, prevented H4K12 deacetylation during both the first and second meiosis, suggesting that p34(cdc2) kinase activity is required for deacetylation during meiosis. In addition, cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, also prevented deacetylation. After PB1 extrusion, at which time H4K12 had been deacetylated, H4K12 was re-acetylated in the condensed chromosomes by treatment with cycloheximide but not with roscovitine. These results demonstrate that HATs are present but inactivated by newly synthesized protein(s) that is (are) not involved in p34(cdc2) kinase activity. Our results suggest that p34(cdc2) kinase activity induces the deacetylation of H4K12 and that the deacetylated state is maintained by newly synthesized protein(s) that inhibits HAT activity during meiosis.  相似文献   

FZR1 is an anaphase-promoting complex (APC) activator best known for its role in the mitotic cell cycle at M-phase exit, in G1, and in maintaining genome integrity. Previous studies also established that it prevents meiotic resumption, equivalent to the G2/M transition. Here we report that mouse oocytes lacking FZR1 undergo passage through meiosis I that is accelerated by ∼1 h, and this is due to an earlier onset of spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) satisfaction and APCCDC20 activity. However, loss of FZR1 did not compromise SAC functionality; instead, earlier SAC satisfaction was achieved because the bipolar meiotic spindle was assembled more quickly in the absence of FZR1. This novel regulation of spindle assembly by FZR1 led to premature bivalent attachment to microtubules and loss of kinetochore-bound MAD2. Bivalents, however, were observed to congress poorly, leading to nondisjunction rates of 25%. We conclude that in mouse oocytes FZR1 controls the timing of assembly of the bipolar spindle and in so doing the timing of SAC satisfaction and APCCDC20 activity. This study implicates FZR1 as a major regulator of prometaphase whose activity helps to prevent chromosome nondisjunction.  相似文献   

To increase our understanding about the potential risks of chemically-induced aneuploidy, more information about the various mechanisms of aneuploidy induction is needed, particularly in germ cells. Most chemicals that induce aneuploidy inhibit microtubule polymerization. However, taxol alters microtubule dynamics by enhancing polymerization and stabilizing the polymer fraction. We tested the hypothesis that taxol induces meiotic delay, spindle defects, and aneuploidy in mouse oocytes and zygotes. Super-ovulated ICR mice received 0 (control), 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mg/kg taxol intraperitoneally immediately after HCG. Females were paired (1:1) with males for 17 h after taxol treatment. Mated females were given colchicine 25 h after taxol and their one-cell zygotes were collected 16 h later. Ovulated oocytes from non-mated females were collected 17 h after taxol. Chromosomes were C-banded for cytogenetic analyses. Oocytes were also collected from another group of similarly treated females for in situ chromatin and microtubule analyses. Taxol significantly (p<0.01) enhanced the proportion of oocytes exhibiting parthenogenetic activation, chromosomes displaced from the meiotic spindle, and sister-chromatid separation. Moreover, 7.5 mg/kg taxol significantly (p<0.01) increased the proportions of metaphase I and diploid oocytes and polyploid zygotes. A significant (p<0.01) dose response for taxol-induced hyperploidy in oocytes and zygotes was found. These results support the hypothesis that taxol-induced meiotic delay and spindle defects contribute to aneuploid mouse oocytes and zygotes.  相似文献   

The aim of this confocal microscopy study was to determine whether the pattern of CellTracker Green 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMFDA) staining changes during meiotic maturation and fertilization in vitro of mouse oocytes. At different times during meiotic maturation and fertilization, oocytes, zygotes and two-cell embryos were stained with CMFDA to demonstrate intracellular glutathione S-transferase activity. After washing in CMFDA-free medium, most oocytes, zygotes and embryos were stained with dihydroethidium (HE) to visualize DNA structures. Meiotic maturation and fertilization in vitro of mouse oocytes were associated with changes in the pattern of intracellular CMFDA staining. In particular, accumulations of CMFDA-positive membranes were observed around the nucleus of germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes, overlaying the sperm nucleus as well as overlaying the first mitotic spindle if this approached the plasma membrane. Staining of oocytes and zygotes with the probes 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodine [DiOC6(3)], which stains all the intracellular membranes, and rhodamine 123, which stains active mitochondria, demonstrated that the intracellular structures evidenced by CMFDA staining did not correspond to accumulations of mitochondria. Exposure of oocytes and zygotes to the microtubule-disrupting agent nocodazole or the actin-depolymerizing drug cytochalasin D revealed an autonomous microfilament-dependent transport and relocation of CMFDA-positive membranes during meiotic maturation and fertilization. Such a transport of CMFDA-positive membranes may be envisaged as a protective shield built to prevent damage to DNA from endogenous and exogenous mutagen metabolites.  相似文献   

Earlier work from this laboratory has determined that glucose plays an important role in the mechanisms regulating meiotic maturation in mammalian oocytes. In the current study, we have further explored the role of glucose in hormone-induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB) in an effort to better understand how glucose utilization and metabolism relate to the control of meiotic maturation in mouse cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes (CEO). When CEO were cultured in medium containing 4 mM hypoxanthine (to maintain meiotic arrest), 5.5 mM glucose, and 0.23 mM pyruvate, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulated lactate accumulation in a time-dependent manner. Addition of 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) to the medium at various times after the initiation of culture resulted in rapid termination of lactate production and suppression of FSH-induced GVB scored after 18 hr of culture, the effectiveness diminishing the longer the delay before addition of 2-DG. By 8 hr, addition of 2-DG was without effect on GVB. Similar effects were seen when FSH-treated CEO were washed free of glucose. In a 2-DG dose-response experiment, gonadotropin-induced lactate production was prevented, but this inhibition did not necessarily prevent GVB. The activities of six metabolic enzymes were measured in extracts of freshly isolated complexes, and in order of increasing activity were: hexokinase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase. Of the six enzymes examined, only hexokinase activity was increased in CEO exposed to FSH. CEO were cultured in microdrops in the presence or absence of FSH, and aliquots from the same microdrop were assayed for glucose, lactate, and pyruvate. In response to FSH, utilization of glucose in microdrop cultures by CEO was markedly increased and was accompanied by comparable lactate production and limited pyruvate production. Cycloheximide and α-amanitin both blocked FSH-induced oocyte maturation, but only cycloheximide prevented the increase in hexokinase activity and glucose consumption. These data suggest that hexokinase is an important rate-limiting enzyme for glucose utilization that is under translational control and participates in the mechanisms controlling the reinitiation of meiosis. However, stimulation of glycolytic activity does not appear to be a necessary concomitant for meiotic induction. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A master regulator of DNA replication, CDC6 also functions in the DNA-replication checkpoint by preventing DNA rereplication. Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) regulate the amount and localization of CDC6 throughout the cell cycle; CDC6 phosphorylation after DNA replication initiation leads to its proteolysis in yeast or translocation to the cytoplasm in mammals. Overexpression of CDC6 during the late S phase prevents entry into the M phase by activating CHEK1 kinase that then inactivates CDK1/cyclin B, which is essential for the G2/M-phase transition. We analyzed the role of CDC6 during resumption of meiosis in mouse oocytes, which are arrested in the first meiotic prophase with low CDK1/cyclin B activity; this is similar to somatic cells at the G2/M-phase border. Overexpression of CDC6 in mouse oocytes does not prevent resumption of meiosis. The RNA interference-mediated knockdown of CDC6, however, reveals a new and unexpected function for CDC6; namely, it is essential for spindle formation in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

Several aspects of meiosis are impacted by the absence of centrosomes in oocytes. Here, we review four aspects of meiosis I that are significantly affected by the absence of centrosomes in oocyte spindles. One, microtubules tend to assemble around the chromosomes. Two, the organization of these microtubules into a bipolar spindle is directed by the chromosomes. Three, chromosome bi-orientation and attachment to microtubules from the correct pole require modification of the mechanisms used in mitotic cells. Four, chromosome movement to the poles at anaphase cannot rely on polar anchoring of spindle microtubules by centrosomes. Overall, the chromosomes are more active participants during acentrosomal spindle assembly in oocytes, compared to mitotic and male meiotic divisions where centrosomes are present. The chromosomes are endowed with information that can direct the meiotic divisions and dictate their own behavior in oocytes. Processes beyond those known from mitosis appear to be required for their bi-orientation at meiosis I. As mitosis occurs without centrosomes in many systems other than oocytes, including all plants, the concepts discussed here may not be limited to oocytes. The study of meiosis in oocytes has revealed mechanisms that are operating in mitosis and will probably continue to do so.  相似文献   

Attempts to cryopreserve bovine oocytes result in low survival because of their sensitivity to temperatures near 0 degrees C. This study evaluates the effects of chilling germinal vesicle-stage (GV) oocytes on their formation of microtubules and the meiotic spindle. In experiment 1, five groups of GV-stage oocytes, each consisting of approximately 90 oocytes, were held at 39 degrees C as controls, or at 31 degrees C, or cooled to 24, 4 or 0 degrees C for 10 min. After being treated, all oocytes were cultured at 39 degrees C for 24 hr. Compared to the controls, holding oocytes for 10 min at 31 or 24 degrees C did not significantly alter the formation of normal spindles, but chilling them to 4 or 0 degrees C did. After 24 hr of maturation, the respective percentages of oocytes containing normal meiotic spindles observed in the controls or those held at 31 or 24 degrees C were 69.8%, 71.9%, or 69.4% (P > 0.05). In contrast, the percentages of oocytes with normal spindles after they had been cooled to 4 or 0 degrees C were 44.0% or 29.1%, respectively. In experiment 2, approximately 90 oocytes/group were cooled to 4 degrees C for various times before being warmed and cultured. Regardless of the time of exposure, cooling oocytes to 4 degrees C reduced the formation of normal spindles. The percentages of oocytes cooled to 4 degrees C for 10, 20, 30, 45, or 60 min with normal spindles were 44.0%, 38.4%, 37.5%, 34.5% and 30.9%, respectively. In experiment 3, approximately 60 oocytes per group that had been held at 31 degrees C or cooled to 24, 4 or 0 degrees C for 10 min were allowed to mature for 24 hr before being subjected to in vitro fertilization. The cleavage rates of oocytes subjected to various chilling treatments exhibited the same pattern as that of oocytes with normal spindles. That is, there were no significant differences in cleavage rates among the control oocytes and those held at 31 or 24 degrees C (70.4%, 71.8%, and 72.4%; P > 0.05). However, only 37. 0% and 30.4% of oocytes chilled to 4 or 0 degrees C cleaved after fertilization. These results suggest that: (1) chilling bovine oocytes no lower than 24 degrees C does not reduce formation of normal meiotic spindles; (2) however, chilling oocytes to 4 degrees C or lower for as little as 10 min drastically reduces the formation of normal meiotic spindles and of fertilization; (3) the rates of fertilization and cleavage of resultant zygotes mimic that of formation of normal spindles.  相似文献   

Mitotic spindles assemble from two centrosomes, which are major microtubule‐organizing centers (MTOCs) that contain centrioles. Meiotic spindles in oocytes, however, lack centrioles. In mouse oocytes, spindle microtubules are nucleated from multiple acentriolar MTOCs that are sorted and clustered prior to completion of spindle assembly in an “inside‐out” mechanism, ending with establishment of the poles. We used HSET (kinesin‐14) as a tool to shift meiotic spindle assembly toward a mitotic “outside‐in” mode and analyzed the consequences on the fidelity of the division. We show that HSET levels must be tightly gated in meiosis I and that even slight overexpression of HSET forces spindle morphogenesis to become more mitotic‐like: rapid spindle bipolarization and pole assembly coupled with focused poles. The unusual length of meiosis I is not sufficient to correct these early spindle morphogenesis defects, resulting in severe chromosome alignment abnormalities. Thus, the unique “inside‐out” mechanism of meiotic spindle assembly is essential to prevent chromosomal misalignment and production of aneuploidy gametes.  相似文献   

During the maturation of Xenopus oocytes, Cdc6 expression is necessary to establish replication competence to support early embryonic DNA replication. However, Cdc6 is expressed before the completion of MI, at a time when its function as a replication factor is not required, suggesting additional roles for Cdc6 in meiosis. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that Cdc6 protein was distributed around the spindle precursor at the time of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), and localized to the margin of the nascent spindle early in prometaphase. Cdc6 subsequently localized to spindle poles in late prometaphase, where it remained until metaphase arrest. Microinjection of antisense oligonucleotides specific for Cdc6 mRNA disrupted spindle assembly, resulting in defects including delayed spindle assembly, misoriented and unattached anaphase spindles, monasters, multiple spindles, microtubule aggregates associated with condensed chromosomes, or the absence of recognizable spindle-like structures, depending on the level of residual Cdc6 expression. Furthermore, Cdc6 co-localized with γ-tubulin in centrosomes during interphase in all somatic cells analyzed, and associated with spindle poles in mitotic COS cells. Our data suggest a role for Cdc6 in spindle formation in addition to its role as a DNA replication factor.  相似文献   

Effects of hyperthermia on maturing oocytes of a random-bred stock of mice were investigated to determine if those effects might in part be responsible for the decreased reproductive efficiency observed in animals during periods of high ambient temperatures. Oocytes were collected from virgin mice following synchronization of ovulation with Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Stressed animals were exposed to hyperthermic conditions (35 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 3% relative humidity (RH)) immediately following the injection of HCG until the time of oocyte recovery. Prior to heat exposure all animals were maintained at control conditions of 21 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH. Meiotic maturation was disrupted in a significant proportion (>25%) of oocytes from stressed animals. Apparent disruption of the spindle mechanism resulted in the cessation of the meiotic process at metaphase I in 12.28% of the oocytes from heat-stressed mice with 4.87% oocytes exhibiting subnucalei. Other nuclear forms presumed to be non-viable occurred in an additional 8.58% of the oocytes. Two oocytes exhibited retained polar body chromatin and several oocytes at metaphase II exhibited atypical configuration. The remaining oocytes were in normal metaphase II configuration.  相似文献   

During the maturation of Xenopus oocytes, Cdc6 expression is necessary to establish replication competence to support early embryonic DNA replication. However, Cdc6 is expressed before the completion of MI at a time when its function as a replication factor is not required, suggesting additional roles for Cdc6 in meiosis. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that Cdc6 protein was distributed around the spindle precursor at the time of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and localized to the margin of the nascent spindle early in prometaphase. Cdc6 subsequently localized to spindle poles in late prometaphase, where it remained until metaphase arrest. Microinjection of antisense oligonucleotides specific for Cdc6 mRNA disrupted spindle assembly, resulting in defects, including delayed spindle assembly, misoriented and unattached anaphase spindles, monasters, multiple spindles, microtubule aggregates associated with condensed chromosomes, or the absence of recognizable spindle-like structures, depending on the level of residual Cdc6 expression. Furthermore, Cdc6 co-localized with γ-tubulin in centrosomes during interphase in all somatic cells analyzed and associated with spindle poles in mitotic COS cells. Our data suggest a role for Cdc6 in spindle formation in addition to its role as a DNA replication factor.Key words: Cdc6, spindle assembly, Xenopus, oocytes, pre-RC proteins  相似文献   

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