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Controversy regarding potential health risks from increased use of medical diagnostic radiologic examinations has come to public attention. We evaluated whether chromosome damage, specifically translocations, which are a potentially intermediate biomarker for cancer risk, was increased after exposure to diagnostic X-rays, with particular interest in the ionizing radiation dose–response below the level of approximately 50 mGy. Chromosome translocation frequency data from three separately conducted occupational studies of ionizing radiation were pooled together. Studies 1 and 2 included 79 and 150 medical radiologic technologists, respectively, and study 3 included 83 airline pilots and 50 university faculty members (total = 155 women and 207 men; mean age = 62 years, range 34–90). Information on personal history of radiographic examinations was collected from a detailed questionnaire. We computed a cumulative red bone marrow (RBM) dose score based on the numbers and types of X-ray examinations reported with 1 unit approximating 1 mGy. Poisson regression analyses were adjusted for age and laboratory method. Mean RBM dose scores were 49, 42, and 11 for Studies 1–3, respectively (overall mean = 33.5, range 0–303). Translocation frequencies significantly increased with increasing dose score (P < 0.001). Restricting the analysis to the lowest dose scores of under 50 did not materially change these results. We conclude that chromosome damage is associated with low levels of radiation exposure from diagnostic X-ray examinations, including dose scores of approximately 50 and lower, suggesting the possibility of long-term adverse health effects.  相似文献   

Summary A woman was found to have 42 autosomes due to engagement of both chromosomes 14 in Robertsonian rearrangements, one with a chromosome 21 and the other with a chromosome 22: t(14q21q) and t(14q22q). The two translocations appear monocentric and by silver staining have no rRNA activity. The t(14q21q) translocation is familial and was ascertained through a nephew with Down syndrome, while the origin of the t(14q22q) translocation was not established. In addition to these two translocations, the woman had XX/XXX sex chromosome mosaicism. She has had two recognized pregnancies, each resulting in the birth of a child with one of the two translocations. Both children are phenotypically normal, as is their mother, the first normal liveborn individual identified with two Robertsonian translocations.  相似文献   

Adult male C57BL mice were exposed to 75, 150, 300 or 450 R X-rays with or without pre-treatment with Adeturon (S-2-aminoethyl-isothiuronium bromide hydrobromide (AET) adenosine triphosphate, 500 mg/kg b.w.). Twelve weeks later, primary spermatocytes were examined cytologically at diakinesis-metaphase I for persisting chromosomal translocations, namely multivalents in the form of rings or chains.For the dose range studied, regression analysis indicated that the data were best fitted to the equation Y = aD + bD2 with coefficients for translocated-cell and translocations-per-cell yields, respectively, a = 1.57·10?2 and 1.59·10?2 and b = ?2.29·10?5 and ?2.09·10?5, for Adeturon protected irradiated animals vs.a = 1.80·10?2 and 2.05·10?2, and b = ?0.94·10?5 and ?1.19·10?5, in non-protected irradiated animals.Adeturon protection of heritable structures in mouse germ cells showed a dose reduction factor of about 2.  相似文献   

Role of chromosome translocations in human neoplasia   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
C M Croce 《Cell》1987,49(2):155-156

Genotypic associations were studied for the frequency of chromosome aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Cytogenetic analysis (1000 metaphase plate per individual) and genotyping at 19 sites of genes involved in detoxification and DNA repair were performed in a sample of 83 Chernobyl liquidators and a matched control sample of 96 volunteers. In either sample, the frequency of chromosome aberrations was higher in carriers of the minor alleles of the XPD gene (sites 2251T > G and 862G > A) and the positive genotypes of the GSTM1-GSTT1 genes. The highest frequency of chromosome aberrations was observed in carriers of a combined genotype including at least one minor allele of the XPD sites + at least one insertion in the GSTM1-GSTT1 genes. The high-risk genotype, which had a prevalence of 64%, was strongly associated with a higher frequency of chromosome aberrations in both volunteers (OR = 6.9, P = 0.008) and Chernobyl liquidators (OR = 5.6, P = 0.002).  相似文献   

A N Jha  T Sharma 《Mutation research》1991,260(4):343-348
To estimate the level of radiation exposure of personnel handling diagnostic X-ray machines, the yield of chromosomal aberrations was analysed in peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures. These occupationally exposed individuals showed higher frequencies of dicentrics as well as acentrics than normal controls. Absorbed radiation doses calculated by extrapolating reference in vitro dose-response curve for dicentrics ranged between 0.13 and 0.17 Gy. This implies exposure beyond the permissible limit of 0.05 Gy/year for the whole body. However, no obvious trend of increased aberrations as a function of either duration of employment or age was noticed. The increase in the aberration yields in this personnel underscores the need of adopting measures to avoid or minimise such overexposure.  相似文献   

Chromosome translocations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of normal, healthy humans increase with age, but the effects of gender, race, and cigarette smoking on background translocation yields have not been examined systematically. Further, the shape of the relationship between age and translocation frequency (TF) has not been definitively determined. We collected existing data from 16 laboratories in North America, Europe, and Asia on TFs measured in peripheral blood lymphocytes by fluorescence in situ hybridization whole chromosome painting among 1933 individuals. In Poisson regression models, age, ranging from newborns (cord blood) to 85 years, was strongly associated with TF and this relationship showed significant upward curvature at older ages versus a linear relationship (p < 0.001). Ever smokers had significantly higher TFs than non-smokers (rate ratio (RR) = 1.19, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.09–1.30) and smoking modified the effect of age on TFs with a steeper age-related increase among ever smokers compared to non-smokers (p < 0.001). TFs did not differ by gender. Interpreting an independent effect of race was difficult owing to laboratory variation. Our study is three times larger than any pooled effort to date, confirming a suspected curvilinear relationship of TF with age. The significant effect of cigarette smoking has not been observed with previous pooled studies of TF in humans. Our data provide stable estimates of background TF by age, gender, race, and smoking status and suggest an acceleration of chromosome damage above age 60 and among those with a history of smoking cigarettes.  相似文献   

Nondisjunction leading to aneuploid gametes has been linked genetically to both increases and decreases in recombination frequency on the aneuploid chromosome. In the present study, we present physical evidence of increased frequency of recombination nodules as measured by Mut-S-like homologue-1 (MLH1) foci on pachytene chromosomes from sterile male mice homozygous for a mutation in the protein phosphatase 1cgamma (PP1cgamma) gene. The pattern of elevated recombination frequency in PP1cgamma mutant spermatocytes is consistent with a loss of interference. Previous studies demonstrated: (1) spermiogenesis is impaired starting at step 8 with a severe reduction in elongating and condensed spermatids; (2) spermatids and sperm exhibit elevated rates of DNA fragmentation; and (3) haploid gametes exhibit elevated levels of aneuploidy. Morphometric analysis of developing testes revealed that the first wave of meiosis proceeds at a normal rate in mutant testes, a surprising result given that the PP1 inhibitor okadaic acid has been shown to accelerate progression of spermatocytes from pachytene to the first meiotic division (MI). Evidence of abnormal testicular histopathology is apparent at 3 weeks, before the appearance of haploid gametes, eliminating the possibility that the mutant phenotype is caused by the presence of abnormal spermatids, but coincident with the appearance of the first set of mid to late pachytene spermatocytes. These observations lead us to conclude that the PP1cgamma mutation causes a complex phenotype, including subtle adverse effects on meiosis, possibly mediated by defective signaling between germ cells and Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Sudden changes in the variability of natural populations can result in increased likelihood of extinction or in greater frequency and intensity of pest outbreaks. These changes could be associated with changes in some relevant population parameters such as the equilibrium density or the maximum population growth rate. However, changes in these parameters have very different consequences. An increase in equilibrium density results in a higher variance in population fluctuations according to the relationship between mean and variance described by Taylor's power law, but does not modify the stability properties of the system. On the other hand, changes in the maximum growth rate induce changes in the dynamic regimes and stability properties of the population. In this study, using statistical and mathematical methods borrowed from econometrics and engineering, we identify structural changes to the variance in the population dynamics of the sycamore aphid Drepanosiphum platanoidis and the green spruce aphid Elatobium abietinum in the UK. Some localities showed strong changes in their population parameters, such that their dynamic regime changed completely. These changes in the population dynamic regimes increase the expected frequency of outbreaks, which has enormous economic and ecological consequences. Through this study we show the application of methods that could be helpful to pest and wildlife managers in the task of evaluating changes in the risk of outbreaks or extinction of animal populations under changing global environmental scenarios.  相似文献   

Spence JM  Mills W  Mann K  Huxley C  Farr CJ 《Chromosoma》2006,115(1):60-74
Chromosome engineering has allowed the generation of an extensive and well-defined series of linear human X centromere-based minichromosomes, which has been used to investigate the influence of size and structure on chromosome segregation in vertebrate cells. A clear relationship between overall chromosome size and mitotic stability was detected, with decreasing size associated with increasing loss rates. In chicken DT40, the lower size limit for prolonged mitotic stability is approximately 550 kb: at 450 kb, there was a dramatic increase in chromosome loss, while structures of approximately 200 kb could not be recovered. In human HT1080 cells, the size threshold for mitotic stability is approximately 1.6 Mb. Minichromosomes of 0.55–1.0 Mb can be recovered, but display high loss rates. However, all minichromosomes examined exhibited more segregation errors than normal chromosomes in HT1080 cells. This error rate increases with decreased size and correlates with reduced levels of CENP-A and Aurora B. In mouse LA-9 and Indian muntjac FM7 cells, the size requirements for mitotic stability are much greater. In mouse, a human 2.7-Mb minichromosome is rarely able to propagate a kinetochore and behaves acentrically. In Indian muntjac, CENP-C associates with the human minichromosome, but the mitotic apparatus appears unable to handle its segregation.  相似文献   

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