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Changes in chloroplast structure and rearrangement of chlorophyll-protein (CP) complexes were investigated in detached leaves of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Eureka), a chilling-sensitive plant, during 5-day dark-chilling at 1 °C and subsequent 3-h photoactivation under white light (200 μmol photons m−2 s−1) at 22 °C. Although, no change in chlorophyll (Chl) content and Chl a/b ratio in all samples was observed, overall fluorescence intensity of fluorescence emission and excitation spectra of thylakoid membranes isolated from dark-chilled leaves decreased to about 50%, and remained after photoactivation at 70% of that of the control sample. Concomitantly, the ratio between fluorescence intensities of PSI and PSII (F736/F681) at 120 K increased 1.5-fold upon chilling, and was fully reversed after photoactivation. Moreover, chilling stress seems to induce a decrease of the relative contribution of LHCII fluorescence to the thylakoid emission spectra at 120 K, and an increase of that from LHCI and PSI, correlated with a decrease of stability of LHCI-PSI and LHCII trimers, shown by mild-denaturing electrophoresis. These effects were reversed to a large extent after photoactivation, with the exception of LHCII, which remained partly in the aggregated form. In view of these data, it is likely that dark-chilling stress induces partial disassembly of CP complexes, not completely restorable upon photoactivation. These data are further supported by confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy, which showed that regular grana arrangement observed in chloroplasts isolated from control leaves was destroyed by dark-chilling stress, and was partially reconstructed after photoactivation. In line with this, Chl a fluorescence spectra of leaf discs demonstrated that dark-chilling caused a decrease of the quantum yield PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) by almost 40% in 5 days. Complete restoration of the photochemical activity of PSII required 9 h post-chilling photoactivation, while only 3 h were needed to reconstruct thylakoid membrane organization and chloroplast structure. The latter demonstrated that the long-term dark-chilled bean leaves started to suffer from photoinhibition after transfer to moderate irradiance and temperature conditions, delaying the recovery of PSII photochemistry, independently of photo-induced reconstruction of PSII complexes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The thylakoid system in plant chloroplasts is organized into two distinct domains: granaarranged in stacks of appressed membranes and non-appressed membranes consisting ofstroma thylakoids and margins of granal stacks. It is argued that the reason for thedevelopment of appressed membranes in plants is that their photosynthetic apparatus need tocope with and survive ever-changing environmental conditions. It is not known however,why different plant species have different arrangements of grana within their chloroplasts. Itis important to elucidate whether a different arrangement and distribution of appressed andnon-appressed thylakoids in chloroplasts are linked with different qualitative and/orquantitative organization of chlorophyll-protein (CP) complexes in the thylakoid membranesand whether this arrangement influences the photosynthetic efficiency. RESULTS: Our results from TEM and in situ CLSM strongly indicate the existence of differentarrangements of pea and bean thylakoid membranes. In pea, larger appressed thylakoids areregularly arranged within chloroplasts as uniformly distributed red fluorescent bodies, whileirregular appressed thylakoid membranes within bean chloroplasts correspond to smaller andless distinguished fluorescent areas in CLSM images. 3D models of pea chloroplasts show adistinct spatial separation of stacked thylakoids from stromal spaces whereas spatial divisionof stroma and thylakoid areas in bean chloroplasts are more complex. Structural differencesinfluenced the PSII photochemistry, however without significant changes in photosyntheticefficiency. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of chlorophyll-protein complexes as well asspectroscopic investigations indicated a similar proportion between PSI and PSII corecomplexes in pea and bean thylakoids, but higher abundance of LHCII antenna in pea ones.Furthermore, distinct differences in size and arrangements of LHCII-PSII and LHCI-PSIsupercomplexes between species are suggested. CONCLUSIONS: Based on proteomic and spectroscopic investigations we postulate that the differences in thechloroplast structure between the analyzed species are a consequence of quantitativeproportions between the individual CP complexes and its arrangement inside membranes.Such a structure of membranes induced the formation of large stacked domains in pea, orsmaller heterogeneous regions in bean thylakoids. Presented 3D models of chloroplasts showed that stacked areas are noticeably irregular with variable thickness, merging with eachother and not always parallel to each other.  相似文献   

The effect of dark-chilling and subsequent photoactivation on chloroplast structure and arrangements of chlorophyll–protein complexes in thylakoid membranes was studied in chilling-tolerant (CT) pea and in chilling-sensitive (CS) tomato. Dark-chilling did not influence chlorophyll content and Chl a/b ratio in thylakoids of both species. A decline of Chl a fluorescence intensity and an increase of the ratio of fluorescence intensities of PSI and PSII at 120 K was observed after dark-chilling in thylakoids isolated from tomato, but not from pea leaves. Chilling of pea leaves induced an increase of the relative contribution of LHCII and PSII fluorescence. A substantial decrease of the LHCII/PSII fluorescence accompanied by an increase of that from LHCI/PSI was observed in thylakoids from chilled tomato leaves; both were attenuated by photoactivation. Chlorophyll fluorescence of bright grana discs in chloroplasts from dark-chilled leaves, detected by confocal laser scanning microscopy, was more condensed in pea but significantly dispersed in tomato, compared with control samples. The chloroplast images from transmission-electron microscopy revealed that dark-chilling induced an increase of the degree of grana stacking only in pea chloroplasts. Analyses of O-J-D-I-P fluorescence induction curves in leaves of CS tomato before and after recovery from chilling indicate changes in electron transport rates at acceptor- and donor side of PS II and an increase in antenna size. In CT pea leaves these effects were absent, except for a small but irreversible effect on PSII activity and antenna size. Thus, the differences in chloroplast structure between CS and CT plants, induced by dark-chilling are a consequence of different thylakoid supercomplexes rearrangements. Dedicated to Prof. Zbigniew Kaniuga on the 25th anniversary of his initiation of studies on chilling-induced stress in plants.  相似文献   

Bean thylakoid membranes treated with various lipolytic enzymes (bean galactolipase, phospholipases A2, C, D) showed marked changes in their acyl lipid composition. As a consequence of acyl lipids hydrolysis, destruction of some chlorophyll a-protein complexes (CP1a, CP1, CPa) or monomerization of the oligomeric of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex (LHCP) was observed. It is concluded that galactolipids and phosphatidylcholine are responsible for the stability of CP1a, CP1 and CPa, respectively. Phosphatidylglycerol and to some extent monogalactosyldiacylglycerol are essential for the stabilization of oligomeric structures of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex.Abbreviations chl chlorophyll - CP1a, CP1 chl a-protein complexes, of PSI - CPa chl a-protein complex of PSII - DGDG diagalactosyldiacylglycerol - FC free chl - GL galactolipase - LHCP1–3 light harvesting chl a/b protein complex - MGDG monogalactosyldiacylglycerol - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PC phosphatidylcholine - PG phosphatidylglycerol - PLA2 phospholipase A2 - PL phospholipase C - PLD phospholipase D - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - SQDG sulfoquinovosyl-diacylglycerol - TCA trichloroacetic acid - Tricine N-tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylglycine - Tris Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethan  相似文献   

Bertil Andersson  Jan M. Anderson   《BBA》1980,593(2):427-440
The lateral distribution of the main chlorophyll-protein complexes between appressed and non-appressed thylakoid membranes has been studied. The reaction centre complexes of Photosystems I and II and the light-harvesting complex have been resolved by an SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic method which permits most of the chlorophyll to remain protein-bound.

The analyses were applied to subchloroplast fractions shown to be derived from different thylakoid regions. Stroma thylakoids were separated from grana stacks by centrifugation following chloroplast disruption by press treatment or digitonin. Vesicles derived from the grana partitions were isolated by aqueous polymer two-phase partition. A substantial depletion in the amount of Photosystem I chlorophyll-protein complex and an enrichment in the Photosystem II reaction centre complex and the light-harvesting complex occurred in the appressed grana partition region. The high enrichment in this fraction compared to grana stack fractions derived from press or digitonin treatments, suggests that the grana Photosystem I is restricted mainly to the non-appressed grana end membranes and margins, and that the grana partitions possess mainly Photosystem II reaction centre complex and the light-harvesting complex.

In contrast, stroma thylakoids are highly enriched in the Photosystem I reaction centre complex. They possess also some 10–20% of the total Photosystem II reaction centre complex and the light-harvesting complex.

The ratio of light-harvesting complex to Photosystem II reaction centre complex is rather constant in all subchloroplast fractions suggesting a close association between these complexes. This was not so for the ratio of light-harvesting complex and the Photosystem I reaction centre complex.

The lateral heterogeneity in the distribution of the photosystems between appressed and non-appressed membranes must have a profound impact on current understanding of both the distribution of excitation energy and photosynthetic electron transport between the photosystems.  相似文献   

Summary The photosynthetic pigments of chloroplast thylakoid membranes are complexed with specific intrinsic polypeptides which are included in three supramolecular complexes, photosystem I complex, photosystem II complex and the light-harvesting complex. There is a marked lateral heterogeneity in the distribution of these complexes along the membrane with photosystem II complex and its associated light-harvesting complex being located mainly in the stacked membranes of the grana partitions, while photosystem I complex is found mainly in unstacked thylakoids together with ATP synthetase. In contrast, the intermediate electron transport complex, the cylochrome b-f complex, is rather uniformly distributed in these two membrane regions. The consequences of this lateral heterogeneity in the location of the thylakoid complexes are considered in relation to the function and structure of chloroplasts of higher plants.  相似文献   

In the past, some workers have reported that isolatedSpinacea oleracea chloroplasts show light-induced swelling in chloride media, while another group showed that chloroplasts may exhibit light-induced shrinkage in chloride media. The difference cannot be due to nuances of individual technique because the present authors, one from each of the above-mentioned groups, worked together each using his usual techniques and found that the chloroplasts used in this study did not show light-induced swelling in chloride media. A slight shrinkage occured with these plastids in chloride media. The criteria used to determine the nature of the volume changes were 0°–90° light-scattering measurements and Coulter Counter particle volume measurements.It is not known exactly what determines whether chloroplasts will show light-induced shrinkage or swelling in a chloride medium.Contribution No. 415 from the C. F. Kettering Research Laboratory.The research was supported in part by Grant No. B6-0851R from the National Science Foundation (grant to R.A.D.).  相似文献   

We tried to establish whether the chlorophyll-protein complexes of the thylakoid, separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, originate from real entities existing in vivo, or are mere artifacts of the sodium dodecyl sulfate solubilization procedure. Making use of the finding that etiolated leaves exposed to periodic light form selectively the chlorophyll-protein complexes CPI and CPa, while after transfer to continuous light they form in addition the light-harvesting complexes (J. H. Argyroudi-Akoyunoglou, Z. Feleki, and G. Akoyunoglou, 1971, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.45, 606–614; J. H. Argyroudi-Akoyunoglou and G. Akoyunoglou 1979, FEBS Lett.104, 78–84) we tried to see whether the latter complexes contain newly formed chlorophyll. We labeled the chlorophyll a formed in periodic light with δ-[14C]aminolevulinic acid, and determined the specific radioactivity of chlorophyll in the complexes formed before or after transfer to continuous light. We found that the light-harvesting complexes contain primarily newly formed and nonradioactive chlorophyll. The results suggest that (i) the chlorophyll a of CPI and CPa formed in periodic light does not exchange with that of the light-harvesting complexes formed after transfer to continuous light. (ii) The light-harvesting complexes formed after transfer to continuous light contain primarily newly formed chlorophylls a and b. (iii) The binding of chlorophyll to protein in the complexes is specific and not an artifact of the sodium dodecyl sulfate action. (iv) As the thylakoid membrane grows and differentiates, the chlorophyll synthesized binds on the apoproteins of the complexes in a stepwise manner.  相似文献   

Heparin, an anionic polysaccharide, inhibited the ferredoxin-catalyzed reduction of NADP in spinach chloroplast thylakoid membranes. Under the same conditions of assay, heparin did not interfere markedly with photoreduction of methyl viologen, anthraquinone sulfonate, or ferredoxin. A kinetic analysis of the heparin-induced interference with NADP photoreduction showed partial competitive inhibition. Heparin also interfered with NADPH oxidation by membrane-bound ferredoxin-NADP reductase (with dichlorophenol-indophenol as the acceptor) by a mechanism that involves partial competitive inhibition. This reaction was sensitive to the presence of salts; increasing ionic strength increases the heparin Ki for inhibition of NADPH oxidation. These results show that heparin binds to ferredoxin-NADP reductase, and in doing so interferes with binding to the reductase by both ferredoxin and NADP(H). Since heparin is redox inactive and does not interfere with the photophosphorylation reaction, it is a useful inhibitor of thylakoid membrane reactions which require the catalytic activity of ferredoxin-NADP reductase.  相似文献   

Envelope- and stroma-free thylakoid membranes of Vicia faba chloroplasts were disintegrated and the electrophoretic behavior of the components studied with special regard to the pigment-protein complexes. The process of denaturation of the complexes was found to differ with respect to the other protein components. As the result of denaturation, the pigment-free protein moieties exhibit altered electrophoretic mobilities in relation to the “intact” complexes mainly conditioned by two processes contrary in their action, i.e. increase of charge and change of the hydrodynamic properties.Exhaustive extraction of the thylakoid membranes with 6 M guanidine · HCl removes the proteins mainly associated by polar and weak hydropobic interactions. The insoluble residue quantitatively exhibits the pigment-protein complexes including their denatured protein moieties, two extrinsic hydrophobic proteins as well as some protein traces. Electron-microscopic studies demonstrate the material still to have a high degree of order and preserved basic structure. After removing the lipids from the basic membrane, large amounts of the protein moiety of Complex II become soluble in guanidine · HCl. Since all other lamellar proteins are removable either by guanidine · HCl extraction or by trypsin digestion it is assumed the basic membrane of thylakoid to consist only of the pigment-protein complexes embedded into a lipid matrix.  相似文献   

Isolated pea thylakoids were experimentally unstacked in low-salt buffer and incubated with Pronase or trypsin. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that brief treatment with a very low concentration (1 μg/ml) of either enzyme had an effect primarily on the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab-protein complexes, which are more sensitive to proteolytic attack than the other proteins of the thylakoid membranes. This mild proteolysis cleaves a ~1000-dalton portion from the predominant 28,000-dalton polypeptide of these complexes. Extensive proteolysis (100 μg Pronase/ml for 15 min) degraded almost all membrane polypeptides not associated with the pigment-protein complexes and degraded the chlorophyll ab-protein complexes further than milder proteolysis. Pronase treatment of thylakoids in the presence of horseradish peroxidase was used to monitor membrane breakage during proteolysis. Treatment with 100 μg Pronase/ ml enabled considerable amounts of peroxidase activity, and presumably, proteolytic enzymes to enter into the intrathylakoid space. This trapping of peroxidase activity was seen only minimally with milder proteolysis (1 μg Pronase/ml). These results suggest that brief exposure to low concentrations of proteolytic enzymes affects only the outer, stromal thylakoid surface, while at higher concentrations, significant proteolysis takes place at both sides of the membrane.  相似文献   

Thylakoid membranes obtained from bean chloroplasts treated with bean galactolipase or phospholipase A2 (from Crotalus terr. terr.) showed marked changes in their polypeptide patterns when separated on SDS-PAGE. The obtained results have been discussed with regard to the relationship between chloroplast lipids and polypeptides originating from chlorophyll-protein complexes of bean thylakoids. A coexistence between galactolipids and the peripheral antennae in PS I complex and LHCP3 as well as a conspicuous role of phospholipids in PSI and PSII centre chlorophyll-protein complexes has to be underlined.Abbreviations CP1 chlorophyll a-protein complex of PSI - CPa chlorophyll a-protein complex of PSII - D10 digitonin subchloroplast particles enriched in PSII - D144 digitonin subchloroplast particles enriched in PSI - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - LHCP1–3 light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complexes - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - TCA trichloroacetic acid - Tricine N-Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methylglycine - Tris Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethan  相似文献   

The galactolipids monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) are the predominant lipids in thylakoid membranes and indispensable for photosynthesis. Among the three isoforms that catalyze MGDG synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, MGD1 is responsible for most galactolipid synthesis in chloroplasts, whereas MGD2 and MGD3 are required for DGDG accumulation during phosphate (Pi) starvation. A null mutant of Arabidopsis MGD1 (mgd12), which lacks both galactolipids and shows a severe defect in chloroplast biogenesis under nutrient‐sufficient conditions, accumulated large amounts of DGDG, with a strong induction of MGD2/3 expression, during Pi starvation. In plastids of Pi‐starved mgd1‐2 leaves, biogenesis of thylakoid‐like internal membranes, occasionally associated with invagination of the inner envelope, was observed, together with chlorophyll accumulation. Moreover, the mutant accumulated photosynthetic membrane proteins upon Pi starvation, indicating a compensation for MGD1 deficiency by Pi stress‐induced galactolipid biosynthesis. However, photosynthetic activity in the mutant was still abolished, and light‐harvesting/photosystem core complexes were improperly formed, suggesting a requirement for MGDG for proper assembly of these complexes. During Pi starvation, distribution of plastid nucleoids changed concomitantly with internal membrane biogenesis in the mgd1‐2 mutant. Moreover, the reduced expression of nuclear‐ and plastid‐encoded photosynthetic genes observed in the mgd1‐2 mutant under Pi‐sufficient conditions was restored after Pi starvation. In contrast, Pi starvation had no such positive effects in mutants lacking chlorophyll biosynthesis. These observations demonstrate that galactolipid biosynthesis and subsequent membrane biogenesis inside the plastid strongly influence nucleoid distribution and the expression of both plastid‐ and nuclear‐encoded photosynthetic genes, independently of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

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