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对于华南地区的杉木 (Cunninghamialanceolata) 林、马尾松 (Pinusmassoniana) 林、湿地松 (Pinuselliottii) 林、马占相思 (Acaciamangium) 林和尾叶桉 (Eucalyptusurophylla) 林的凋落物的储量、持水量、持水率和吸水速率进行了研究。结果表明, 杉木林的凋落物的干重 (6.5× 10 3 kg·hm-2 ) 最大, 其次是马尾松林和马占相思林 (5.5× 10 3 kg·hm-2 ), 而湿地松林 (4.1× 10 3 kg·hm-2 ) 和尾叶桉林较小 (4.0× 10 3 kg·hm-2 ) 。凋落物持水量呈现杉木林 >马占相思林 >尾叶桉林 >马尾松林 >湿地松林。各林分凋落物的最大持水量为杉木林 17.9× 10 3 kg·hm-2, 马占相思林 14.8× 10 3 kg·hm-2, 尾叶桉林 14.0× 10 3 kg·hm-2, 马尾松林 10.6× 10 3 kg·hm-2, 湿地松林 9.8× 10 3 kg·hm-2 。尾叶桉林、杉木林、马占相思林、湿地松林和马尾松林的凋落物最大持水率分别为 35 1%、2 74 %、2 6 9%、2 35 %和 191%。凋落物持水量和凋落物持水率随着浸泡时间的增加按照对数方程增加。 5种林分中尾叶桉林的凋落物吸水速率在各浸泡时间后居首位, 杉木林和马占相思林中等, 湿地松林较小, 而马尾松林最小, 各林分的凋落物的吸水速率随浸泡时间的增长按方程Y =a +b·t-1下降。 相似文献
桂西北喀斯特区原生林与次生林凋落物储量及持水特性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对桂西北典型喀斯特区3种原生林--青檀(Pteroceltis tatarinowii)林、白花檵木(Loropetalum chinensis)林和枫香(Liquidambarformosana)林与3种次生林--圆叶乌桕(Sapium rotundifolium)、八角枫(Alangium chinense)和黄荆(Vitex negundo)的凋落物储量、持水量、持水率及凋落物吸水速率进行了比较.结果表明,八角枫林的凋落物储量(3.3t·hm-2)最大,其次为圆叶乌桕和枫香林(3.2和2.9 t·hm-2),青檀林最小(1.8 t·hm-2)o不同林型的凋落物持水量大小依次为八角枫>白花檵木>黄荆>圆叶乌桕>枫香>青檀.青檀、白花檵木、枫香、圆叶乌桕、八角枫和黄荆林的凋落物最大持水率分别为301%、342%、224%、253%、288%和328%.凋落物的持水量及持水率随浸泡时间的增加呈对数增长.6种林型中,白花檵木林凋落物的吸水速率最大,黄荆、青檀和八角枫次之,而圆叶乌桕和枫香较小,凋落物的吸水速率随浸泡时间的增长而降低.综合比较得出,研究区次生林凋落物的持水量大于原生林,但原生林凋落物的持水率与吸水速率大于次生林,可见原生林凋落物的累积更具生态水文意义. 相似文献
为了解亚热带不同演替阶段次生林地的凋落物持水特性规律,选取湖南大山冲森林公园保存完好的三种亚热带典型次生林地,按两月一次采集新近的凋落物并采用水浸泡法测定凋落物持水量、持水率和吸水速率,对比分析不同森林类型凋落物持水性差异及其与凋落物碳氮凋落量的关系。结果表明:(1)三种次生林地凋落物量及组成均表现出特有的变化规律。针叶林和常绿阔叶林凋落物量以夏季5-9月最大,落叶阔叶林凋落物则以春、秋两个季节最大;(2)三种次生林地凋落物的饱和持水量、半饱和时间以及与水亲和力均呈现显著季节性变化特征。针叶林凋落物饱和持水量在5-7月达到最高为(59.68±2.91) g/m2,常绿阔叶林凋落物饱和持水量则在9月达到最高,落叶阔叶林凋落物饱和持水量在11月份达到最高为(190.60±8.81) g/m2;三种次生林凋落物的半饱和时间均以11月份为最低,且落叶阔叶林凋落物半饱和时间比其他两种次生林地更低,全年平均(0.62±0.12) h;凋落物的水亲和力系数,全年均以落叶阔叶林最大为142.72±26.12;(3)落叶阔叶林凋落物饱和持水率全年显著高于其他两种次生林(P<0.01),且针叶林和落叶阔叶林凋落物饱和持水率均在11月份达到最大值;(4)落叶阔叶林凋落物吸水速率A值显著低于其他两种次生林(P<0.01),而针叶林凋落物吸水速率系数B值显著高于其他两种次生林(P<0.01);(5)凋落物饱和持水量与凋落物水亲和力和饱和持水率存在显著正相关关系,与凋落物凋落碳氮总量同样存在显著正相关关系;凋落物饱和持水率与凋落物半饱和时间、吸水速率系数A和B值存在显著负相关,与凋落物碳含量和C/N比极显著负相关,与凋落物氮含量极显著正相关(P<0.01)。综上,不同次生林类型凋落物持水性存在显著差异,凋落物持水性与凋落物碳氮量存在显著联系,该研究为深入探讨森林生态环境效应提供了支撑,丰富了森林凋落物持水特性的研究理论。 相似文献
选择华南热带区小良试验站中光裸地、桉树林、阔叶混交林和村边次生林4种不同恢复阶段的植被类型,测定不同层次的土壤容重、持水量、孔隙度等参数。结果表明:光裸地土质结实,容重在1.5 g cm-3以上;种植桉树后如果长期人为去除地表枯落物,其地表更为板结,土壤持水能力极差。桉树林改造为阔叶混交林后,0~40 cm土层的容重均低于1.3 g cm-3,土壤总孔隙度为46.1%~51.4%,非毛管孔隙度15.0%~22.7%,土壤持水能力明显优于光裸地和桉树林。混交林土壤0~40 cm层次的最大蓄水量达到1892 t hm-2,比光裸地和桉树林分别多269 t hm-2和418 t hm-2。村边次生林土壤容重最低,表层(0~10 cm)仅1.07 g cm-3,土壤总孔隙度为58%,土壤最大持水量可达538 g kg-1,均明显优于阔叶混交林。光裸地在26年间容重下降了27.7%,但其容重仍较大,阔叶混交林土壤由于系统功能的整体改善,土壤也变得更疏松,土壤持水能力有较大幅度提高,而桉树林土壤长期保持板结状态,土壤持水能力变化不大。建立种类多样、结构复杂的人工林可以显著增强地表水的入渗能力和土壤持水能力。 相似文献
甘肃兴隆山主要森林类型凋落物累积量及持水特性 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
2010年,采用野外实地观测与室内浸水法,对甘肃兴隆山6种主要森林类型(青杆林、青杆-白桦林、山杨-白桦林、灌丛林、落叶松林、油松林)林下凋落物的累积量、持水量、持水率和吸水速率进行了研究.结果表明:不同森林类型凋落物层累积量在13.40~46.32 t·hm-2,为油松林>青杆-白桦林>落叶松林>青杆林>灌丛林>山杨-白桦林,且针叶林累积量高于阔叶林;半分解层累积量所占比例均高于未分解层.凋落物最大持水率为185.5%~303.6%,落叶松林最大,油松林最小,持水率与浸水时间呈对数关系;针叶林未分解层持水率均小于半分解层,而阔叶林则相反.凋落物最大持水量在3.94~8.59 mm,为油松林>落叶松林>青杆-白桦林>青杆林>灌丛林>山杨-白桦林;持水量与浸水时间存在对数关系;半分解层持水量均大于未分解层.凋落物吸水速率与浸水时间存在幂函数关系,在浸水前1h内,吸水速率均直线下降,而浸水1.0h后吸水速率较小,且不同时段间变化较小;半分解层吸水速率高于未分解层.凋落物有效拦蓄量(深)为青杆-白桦林(5.97 mm)>油松林(5.59 mm)>落叶松林(5.46 mm)>青杆林(4.30 mm)>灌丛林(3.03 mm)>山杨-白桦林(2.13 mm). 相似文献
柞蚕林是辽东山区退化最严重的森林类型之一,因多年反复刈割导致生长逐渐衰退、更新能力下降,局部出现空地甚至土壤开始砂化,涵养水源和保持水土等生态功能明显降低。以辽东山区的退化柞蚕林为研究对象,分析了在封育9、12、21a后森林的枯落物及表层土壤持水效能。结果表明:退化柞蚕林经过封育恢复后,封育恢复时间越长,林地枯落物累积量增加的越显著,枯落物持水能力和有效拦蓄降雨能力提高也越明显。对照(未封育)、封育9、12、21a柞蚕林枯落物储量分别为3.69、7.92、8.41 t/hm~2和8.74 t/hm~2;最大持水量分别为6.23、14.71、15.81 t/hm~2和17.18 t/hm~2,有效拦蓄量分别为4.78、10.87、11.70、12.78 t/hm~2。枯落物持水量与浸水时间存在显著的相关关系(P0.001),自然对数模型模拟拟合效果最好(R~20.9)。退化柞蚕林经过封育恢复后,表层土壤水文物理性质的改善随着封育恢复时间的增加而越来越明显,封育9、12和21年柞蚕林表层土壤容重分别比对照退化柞蚕林降低了5.51%、12.60%、17.32%,毛管持水量分别增加了7.01%、28.98%、54.83%,非毛管持水量分别增加了46.14%、126.19%、187.19%。本研究结果说明退化柞蚕林封育能够通过提高其林地枯落物和改善土壤物理性质,增加表层土壤持水效能,对恢复和改善退化柞蚕林地的生态环境、恢复森林生产力具有重要作用。 相似文献
通过野外实地观测和室内分析相结合的方法对甘肃小陇山地区6种主要针叶林凋落物层的蓄积量、持水特性及养分储量进行了调查,结果表明:云杉林凋落物层的蓄积量最大,松林次之,落叶松林最小。同一林分林下半分解层凋落物的持水能力比分解层强;在不同林分类型中,凋落物层的最大持水率、最大拦蓄率和有效拦蓄率的大小顺序为:落叶松林>松林>云杉林,而最大拦蓄量和有效拦蓄量的大小顺序为:云杉林>松林>落叶松林。同一林分类型中,分解层凋落物中养分储量最多,未分解层最少;不同林分类型中各个营养元素的储量均表现出:云杉林>松林>落叶松林。凋落物蓄积量与营养元素储量密切相关,最大持水量与凋落物储量和凋落物层各元素储量之间呈显著的正相关性。 相似文献
森林凋落物持水能力是森林生态水文研究的重要内容之一。然而当前研究多集中在样地或林分尺度。如何将林分实测结果上推至流域或更大空间尺度一直是生态水文学研究的难点之一。以典型暖温带天然林流域河南宝天曼蛮子庄为例,基于林分调查和凋落物持水特性测定,结合遥感植被指数和树种组成比例等植被结构和环境因子构建凋落物持水能力林分-流域尺度上推模型,量化流域尺度森林凋落物持水能力及其空间格局。结果表明:(1)凋落物层最大持水量与坡度、树高和锐齿槲栎占比显著相关,凋落物层有效拦蓄量与多年平均地上生物量和锐齿槲栎占比显著相关。其中,锐齿槲栎比例是凋落物层持水量最为关键的因子。随着锐齿槲栎比例由0%增加到100%,凋落物层最大持水量和有效拦蓄量分别显著提升59.2和55.6%(P<0.05)。(2)植被结构特征因子引入锐齿槲栎占比后,凋落物最大持水量和有效拦蓄量尺度上推模型拟合优度显著提升,R2分别达到0.918和0.857,模型预测效果显著提升。(3)根据尺度上推模型估算结果,流域凋落物平均最大持水量和有效拦蓄量分别为17.69、17.13t/hm2。流域中部凋落物最大持水量较高;流域北、南部的凋落物有效拦蓄量较高。(4)流域低海拔缓坡地带、NDVI最大值越高、多年平均地上生物量较小和锐齿槲栎占比越高的区域凋落物层持水能力更强。研究结果可为林业部门制定林水资源适应性森林经营管理措施提供科学依据。 相似文献
凋落物分解是生态系统营养物质循环的核心过程,而土壤微生物群落在凋落物分解过程中扮演着极其重要且不可替代的角色。随着生物多样性的丧失日益严峻,探讨凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落的影响,不仅有助于了解凋落物分解的内在机制,而且可为退化草原生态系统的恢复提供参考。以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原退化恢复群落中的草本植物为研究对象,依据植物多度、盖度、频度和物种的重要值及其在群落中的恢复程度筛选出排序前4的羊草(Leymus chinensis)、茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)、麻花头(Serratula centauroides)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)的凋落物为实验材料,通过设置3种凋落物多样性水平(1,2,4),包括11种凋落物组合(单物种凋落物共4种,两物种凋落物混合共6种,四物种凋落物混合共1种),利用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法来研究分解60 d后凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落的影响。结果表明:(1)凋落物物种多样性仅对C残余率具有显著影响,表现在两物种混合凋落物C残余率显著低于单物种凋落物,而凋落物组成对所观测的4个凋落物分解参数(质量、C、N残余率以及C/N)均具有显著影响;(2)凋落物物种多样性对细菌(B)含量具有显著影响,而凋落物组成对真菌(F)含量具有显著影响,两者对F/B以及微生物总量均无显著影响;(3)冗余分析结果表明凋落物组成与凋落物分解相关指标(凋落物质量、C、N残余率及C/N)和土壤微生物(真菌、细菌含量)的相关关系高于凋落物多样性。(4)进一步建立结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model,SEM)发现,凋落物初始C含量对凋落物质量、C、N残余率及C/N有显著正的直接影响;凋落物木质素含量对凋落物质量、C、N残余率有显著正的直接影响;凋落物初始N含量对N残余率有显著正的直接影响,而对C残余率及C/N有显著负的直接影响;凋落物初始C/N对凋落物质量、N残余率有显著正的直接影响,而对C/N有显著负的直接影响。此外,凋落物初始C、N、木质素含量及C/N均对真菌含量具有显著正影响,并可通过真菌对凋落物质量分解产生显著负的间接影响。以上结果表明该退化恢复区域优势种凋落物分解以初始C、木质素为主导,主要通过土壤真菌影响凋落物的分解进程,这将减缓凋落物的分解速率进而减慢草原生态系统的进程。这些结果为凋落物多样性及组成对自身分解和土壤微生物群落的影响提供了实验依据,也为进一步分析凋落物分解内在机制以及草原生态系统的恢复提供了数据参考。 相似文献
为正确认识桉树(Eucalyptus spp.)人工林凋落物和土壤C、N、P时空分配格局及两者间的关系,对5个林龄尾巨桉林分凋落物及土壤C、N、P含量及化学计量比进行测定分析。结果表明,凋落物的C含量均显著大于土壤,且不同林龄间凋落物C含量无显著差异,1年生人工林土壤表层(0~20 cm)的C含量显著小于3~7年生,其他土层C含量在不同林龄间差异不显著。凋落物的N含量均显著高于土壤,且1年生人工林显著大于其他林龄的,而土壤表层的N含量以7年生人工林最大,1年生的最小。凋落物的P含量除1年生人工林显著大于3年生外,其他林龄间均无显著差异,土壤的P含量在不同林龄间的差异均不显著。凋落物C∶N随林龄呈逐渐增大趋势,且显著大于土壤层。凋落物的C∶P和N∶P在不同林龄间的差异不显著,但均显著大于土壤层。凋落物的N含量与表层土壤的C、N含量呈极显著负相关,凋落物的C∶N与表层土壤的C∶P,N∶P呈显著正相关,表层土壤C、N积累受到凋落物N的制约。因此,在桉树人工林经营管理过程中如何降低凋落物分解的N限制性、提高养分传递效率及合理施肥显得十分重要。 相似文献
Changes in belowground carbon in Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus urophylla plantations after tree girdling 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Limitations in the techniques used to separate root-derived and soil-organic-matter (SOM)-derived respiration have hampered the understanding of forest carbon cycling. Tree girdling is considered to be a robust approach with little disturbance to the root–soil system. Using this approach, we tried to separate root-derived respiration from SOM-derived respiration under Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus urophylla plantations in South China. We found that girdling reduced soil respiration and temperature sensitivity of respiration (Q 10) under both plantations compared to controls, but the intensity of girdling effects was species specific. Six months after girdling, live fine root biomass was lower than the control in A. crassicarpa but not in E. urophylla. Soil microbial biomass (C mic) under A. crassicarpa was increased by girdling 17 days after treatment, but decreased thereafter. In contrast, there was no difference in C mic between girdled and control treatments under E. urophylla. Girdling significantly decreased soil organic carbon (SOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) under A. crassicarpa, but not under E. urophylla. We ascribe differences in girdling effects on belowground carbon between the two species to differences in resprouting traits. 相似文献
不同林龄尾细桉人工林的生物量和能量分配 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
对广东省遂溪县北坡林场1~4年生尾细桉人工林的生物量和能量进行研究.结果表明:林龄对林分现存生物量影响极显著(P0.01),1~4年生林分生物量在10.61~147.28t.hm-2,随林龄增加,各组分和林分的生物量均增加,叶片、枝、树皮生物量占林分总生物量的比例逐年减小,而树干则呈逐年升高趋势.4个林龄阶段各组分生物量的分布规律,1~2年生为树干枝树皮根叶片,3~4年生为树干根枝树皮叶片.不同林龄各组分的平均灰分含量在0.47%~5.91%,以树皮的灰分含量最高、树干最低.各组分的平均干质量热值和去灰分热值分别为17.33~20.60kJ.g-1和18.42~21.59kJ.g-1,均以叶片数值最高、树皮最低.林龄对枝、树干、树皮的干质量热值及对叶片、树干、树皮的去灰分热值有显著影响(P0.05),对叶片和根的干质量热值、枝和根的去灰分热值及植物体热值的影响不显著(P0.05).1~4年生尾细桉的林分能量现存量在199.98~2837.20GJ.hm-2,林龄对其的影响达极显著水平(P0.01),随林龄增长,各组分和林分能量现存量增加,且各组分能量分配比例的变化趋势与生物量相同. 相似文献
A field experiment was initiated in March 1986 in central Portugal to evaluate the influence of water and nutrient supply on the productivity of E. globulus. The treatments applied were, irrigation plus fertiliser, irrigation and the application of fertilisers in rainfed plots. The control received neither fertilisers nor irrigation. The annual pattern litterfall was measured over a period of 5 years and the litter layer was quantified 6 years after planting. The amount of litterfall varied with the treatments. Simultaneous water and nutrient supply increased significantly litterfall, in respect to control. In rainfed conditions the timing of the maximum of litterfall was anticipated relative to the irrigated plots. However, the time of maximum litterfall did not coincide with the dry season but rather with period of maximum growth in each treatment. The N and P concentration was higher in the litterfall of the two fertilised treatments than in the others. The lowest concentrations of N and P in the leaf litter were coincident with the summer period in all treatments. The withdrawal of N and P ranged between 32 and 65% according to treatment and season. The deliverance of nutrients through litterfall was strongly increased by simultaneous water and nutrient supply. The supply of fertilisers in rainfed conditions promoted higher deliverance of nutrients than in the plots irrigated only. The mass of the litter layer was significantly increased by simultaneous water and nutrient supply. Application of fertilisers induced an increase in N and P concentration and a decrease in C/N ratio of the litter layer. Treatments and C/N values did not influence apparently the proportion of carbon, N and P released through mineralization from the litter layer. The non-fertilized treatments showed a more efficient N cycling than the others. 相似文献
Natural and anthropogenic disturbances can cause abrupt changes in trophic interactions by altering the rate, timing, or composition of organic inputs to ecological systems which in turn can shift patterns of species dominance. We examined the short-term effects of litter removal on soil fauna in pine plantations of three different species (longleaf, Pinus palustris; loblolly, P. taeda; and slash, P. elliottii) using a manipulative experiment, with the goal of examining differences among dominant orders of arthropods and differences among timber types. We sampled arthropods once per month for 6 months immediately following raking, and found that removal of the litter caused significant changes to abundance or presence of five of the nine dominant orders. Reductions in abundances of arthropod orders were most apparent in loblolly pine stands, while increases in abundance were more common in longleaf and slash pine stands. The differential impact among orders suggests that removal of the litter layer is likely to alter trophic interactions by changing the relative abundance of functional groups. Repeated litter removal via raking could have negative repercussions on ecosystem stability. Finally, nutrient additions through fertilization seem unlikely to mitigate the changes imposed on the arthropod community through litter removal. 相似文献
The rapid expansion of human altered landscapes affects biodiversity on every continent. A fundamental goal of conservation biologists is to understand why certain species are at risk of extinction while others are able to persist in human altered landscapes. Afforestation, the conversion of unforested lands to planted forest, is rapidly altering many natural landscapes worldwide. In the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna), a global biodiversity hotspot, a shortage of government incentives has the landscape riddled with abandoned plantation forests that are not subject to active restoration projects. Studies investigating the impacts of abandoned plantations on biodiversity are strikingly limited. We examine the effects of abandoned Eucalyptus plantations on the structure of Cerrado lizard communities. We assessed changes in lizard capture, richness and equitability along cerrado sensu stricto—Eucalyptus transects. Our results indicate abandoned Eucalyptus plantations have subsets of Cerrado species persisting with a great loss of endemic species. The cerrado sensu stricto—Eucalyptus linear transect analysis demonstrated distance from native habitat is positively correlated with loss of biodiversity. We performed correspondence analyses to summarize the variation in species captures across different sites, habitats and pitfall array positions. These analyses depicted strong species associations between habitats and their pitfall array positions. This study is the first to show the negative impacts of abandoned Eucalyptus plantations on Cerrado lizard communities, serving as a cautionary tale of Cerrado biodiversity non-resilience in abandoned Eucalyptus plantations. Mitigation requires that abandoned Eucalyptus plantations are made more suitable to Cerrado lizards by implementing targeted habitat heterogeneity restoration. 相似文献
Chen Yuanqi Zhang Yanju Cao Jianbo Fu Shenglei Wang Jun Lambers Hans Liu Zhanfeng 《Plant and Soil》2022,476(1-2):639-652
Plant and Soil - Plant fine roots play an important role in forest nutrient cycling. However, how fine root decomposition responds to plant removal is poorly understood. We aimed to examine the... 相似文献
The importance of litter to nutrient and organic matter storage and the possible influence of species selection on soil fertility
in ten stands each consisting of a separate tree species were examined in this study. The plantations had been grown under
similar conditions in an arboretum in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. The species involved were: Anthocephalus chinensis, Eucalyptus × patentinervis, E. saligna, Hernandia sonora, Hibiscus elatus, Khaya nyasica, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, P. elliottii var. densa, Swietenia macrophylla, and Terminalia ivorensis. After 26 yr, litter mass ranged from 5 mg ha-1 in the H. sonora stand to 27.2 Mg ha-1 in the P. caribaea stand. Nutrients in the litter (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) also varied widely, but stands were ranked in different order when ranked
by nutrients in the litter than then ranked according to accumulation of mass. Only E. saligna and A. chinensis stands were ranked similarly in accumulation of both nutrients and mass, and the stand of H. elatus was ranked higher with respect to nutrient accumulation than to accumulation of mass. The nutrient concentration in standing
leaf litter generally increased in the order of recently fallen <old intact< fragmented. Nutrient concentration of standing
leaf litter appears to increase with age and depth in the litter layer. The amount of nutrients stored in the litter compartment
of these plantations was in the same order of magnitude as the quantity of available nutrients in the top 10-cm of mineral
soil. Total litter mass was negatively correlated with the mass-weighted concentration of N, K, and Mg. The same relationship
was found for Ca in the leaf litter and N in the fine wood litter compartments. In some stands (notably P. caribaea, P. elliottii, and E. saligna), leaf litter derived from species other than the species planted in that particular stand had higher nutrient concentration
than leaf litter from the planted species. Soils of the 10 stands were classified in the same soil series and had similar
texture (clay soils). However, significantly different chemical characteristics were found. Results obtained by analysis of
covariance and by limiting comparisons to adjacent stands with similar soil texture, indicate that different species have
had different influences on the concentration of available nutrients in soil. 相似文献