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楼波  徐毅  林振冠 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7591-7600
煤电生产是我国废弃物粉尘和酸性气体的排放最主要来源.以某2×600MW超临界燃煤发电机组为案例,按传统能值指标体系分别对简单发电系统、发电加除尘系统和发电加除尘脱硫系统进行能值分析.结果表明,投入废物循环利用系统后可持续性指标反而下降.因此,传统的能值指标已不适合废弃物产生较大的煤电生产系统的可持续性评价.针对这一特点,提出了能反映煤电生产系统的相应指标体系,即有效能值产出率(EEYR)、能值环境影响率(EEIR)、有效能值可持续指数(EESI),计算得出简单发电系统、发电加除尘系统和发电加除尘脱硫系统的EESI分别为2.249、2.628、2.642.随着废物处理程度的提高,系统的可持续性更好,显示出环保系统投入的积极意义.  相似文献   

基于能值分析的辽宁省生态经济系统可持续发展评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于能值分析构建了包括能值流量、能值来源指标、社会亚系统评价指标、经济亚系统评价指标、自然亚系统评价指标和综合指数等的辽宁省生态经济系统评价体系,全面评估了2000—2010年辽宁省生态经济系统的发展趋势以及可持续性.结果表明:2000—2010年,辽宁省总能值用量从3440.12×1020sej增长到7636.33×1020sej,其中,2010年不可更新资源能值所占比重(68.6%)最大;人均能值从8.32×1015sej增长到17.96×1015sej;能值自给率虽然较高,却从2000年的91.1%下降到2010年的79.9%;环境负荷率从3.22提升到7.80;可持续发展指数由3.47降低到0.64;系统可持续发展性能由6.73降低到1.56.表明辽宁省生态经济系统呈现出不可持续发展的态势.2010年的辽宁省生态经济水平仅达到美国和日本20世纪80年代的水平.  相似文献   

相图法在区域农业经济系统能值研究中的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
能值分析方法将不同的资源类型以统一的太阳能值来衡量,考虑了资源在生产过程中贡献力的差异,是研究和分析复杂能量系统资源代谢过程,评价过程的环境压力和发展可持续性的有效方法.运用能值方法对比分析了我国辽宁省两个经济与环境基础不同的农业生产系统,在发展过程中资源利用结构的变化,以及变化对当地环境和系统发展的影响,并运用相图分析方法更系统而全面地分析了系统的发展进程,现状和将来可能的发展方向.分析结果表明,同样的经济发展模式对自然环境条件相对脆弱的系统来说,所造成的环境压力和对系统可持续性的削弱程度更大.能值的相图分析法为能值方法的应用提供了一个有力的研究工具.  相似文献   

为客观评估和比较退耕还林后黄土高原典型小流域不同种植业发展模式的稳定性和可持续性,本研究通过能值分析方法,定量分析了粮食和果树兼作、粮食生产为主和果树种植为主3种典型流域种植业系统的能值投入和产出情况,建立能值分析指标体系,在自然资源压力、社会和经济发展水平方面进行比较,进而对3种模式的系统可持续性进行评估.结果表明: 黄土高原典型流域不同类型种植业系统外部辅助能值均占总能值投入的75%以上,且其中不可更新能值所占比例远大于可更新能值,由此造成了能值自给率低而环境承载率高的特点;流域粮食种植业生产具有高投入、低产出的特点,而水果种植和粮果兼作具有高投入、高产出的特点,3种模式能值密度均达到全国农业经济系统平均水平2倍以上,其中,粮食生产为主的模式净能值产出率最低而粮果兼作型最高;流域种植业能值可持续发展指数均<1,能值/环境可持续指标均远低于全国农业系统平均水平,可持续发展能力较低,以粮食和果树兼作的模式可持续发展指数最高.3种模式比较发现,粮果兼作发展模式在流域种植业发展中具有相对较好的发展能力和较高的系统稳定性,能值生产效率适中且可持续性最高,因此黄土高原地区以流域为单元的农业发展应该更加偏向于考虑多产业综合的复合结构生产方式.  相似文献   

两种典型养鸡模式的能值分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡秋红  张力小  王长波 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7227-7234
畜禽养殖的有机化过程被认为是实现养殖业持续发展与保障食品安全的重要途径.运用能值分析方法对两种典型养鸡模式——家庭有机饲养和林地散养进行了系统分析,并结合Castellini等人对意大利所做的同类研究(工业规模化笼养和草地散养)进行了横向对比.结果表明,林地散养生产系统的能值产出率为1.11,与家庭有机饲养系统相近,而在环境负载率和可持续发展能力方面的表现,均差于家庭有机饲养生产系统,说明林地散养模式尽管通过提高系统生产空间,理论上接近畜禽养殖的有机化理念,但由于大量的禽舍建筑、医药及其饲料等方面的外部资源输入,反而使得系统的环境负载率提高,可持续性大大下降.与意大利的结果比较发现,我国两个养殖系统的社会经济成本高、对外部不可再生资源的依赖程度较高,有机化目标并没有很好的实现.因此,我国现有的有机化畜禽养殖方式和外部制度都有待进一步改进和创新.  相似文献   

区域农业经济发展的能值分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用能值分析法,研究了辽宁省朝阳与抚顺2个农业经济系统在25年的发展过程中资源利用、产品生产、环境压力以及可持续性的变迁.结果表明:2个农业系统的生产过程对购入资源的依赖性都呈增强的态势,由于较多依赖于购入的不可更新资源,生产过程对当地环境产生较大压力;25年中,系统的生态可持续性急剧下降.在这一过程中,朝阳农业系统表现出可持续性的更快下降,能值可持续指数从1.25下降到0.11;同样的工业化过程给朝阳较脆弱的环境带来更大的压力;与投入更多不可更新资源相比,环境的保护与恢复应该是减少本地不可更新资源流失的更优策略.  相似文献   

基于生态能量视角的我国小水电可持续性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的小水电开发经历了以解决农村地区用电短缺到当前以促进节能减排、清洁能源建设为目的的转变。运用生态能量分析的方法之一——能值分析方法,选取贵州省安龙县红岩二级水电站为案例,对其建设与运行的可持续性进行了系统分析,并与国内外大水电的相关指标进行了平行对比。结果表明:该水电站2010年电力产出的能值转换率为1.03×105sej/J,其可再生性比例为52.01%,在能值产出率、环境负载率和可持续能力等方面的表现均好于大水电。但其能值交换率为0.58,表明2010年水电上网价格偏低。小水电的不稳定运行也使其系统能值指标呈现波动变化,当实际发电量为设计发电量的50%时,水电的能值转换率接近于湄公河上大坝生产水电的能值转换率,可持续性指标的值从6.12急剧降到3.01。系统评估水电资源,作好流域小水电总体开发规划,保证小水电系统稳定运行是提高其可持续性的关键之一。  相似文献   

发展无公害蔬菜是提高我国蔬菜品质和安全性、增强蔬菜产业竞争力的重要举措。针对蔬菜生产高投入、高产出的特点,采用能值分析方法对无公害设施蔬菜生产系统两种蔬菜栽培模式进行系统效率和可持续性评价,并与一般蔬菜生产模式进行对比。结果表明,无公害蔬菜生产模式能值利用效率、可更新比例、净能值产出率、食品安全性和可持续发展能力分别比一般蔬菜生产系统平均提高24.3%、24.9%、36.0%、98.2%和3.87倍,环境负载率平均下降64.7%,系统投入的能值货币价值平均降低20.0%。在此基础上,通过情景分析表明,如果进一步综合采用收集降雨用于棚内蔬菜灌溉、沼气发电供给蔬菜灌溉利用、通过标准化管理降低人力投入,可以使现有的无公害生产方式的能值利用效率提高3.4%—10.8%,可持续性提高1.2%—31.7%。该研究也表明,将无公害蔬菜生产纳入我国以沼气为纽带的循环农业发展模式中,实现适度的产业结合与规模化经营,能够较好的提高无公害蔬菜生产的生态经济效益和可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

张新焕  杨德刚  刘云同 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6068-6076
利用能值理论与方法对2000~2006年新疆渭干河流域种植业系统的可持续性与敏感性进行分析,研究结果表明:(1)种植业系统的能值总投入逐年上升,不可更新工业辅助能与可更新自然资源能是种植业系统主要的能值投入类型,地均能值投入在上、中、下游呈递增趋势;(2)种植业系统的能值总产出呈现逐年上升趋势,地均能值产出在上、中、下游依次增加,棉花是中游与下游重要的能值产出作物,玉米、小麦是上游主要的能值产出作物;(3)中游种植业系统的可持续发展指数较高,近年来基本处于稳定状态;上游与下游可持续发展能力偏低,并且表现为连续下降的趋势,形成上、下游可持续发展指数偏低的本质原因差别较大;(4)种植业系统对可更新自然资源能的变化响应较弱,对不可更新工业辅助能变化的响应最为明显;下游种植业系统在环境改善或恶化的情景下响应最为敏感,上游种植业系统对环境变化的响应较弱.  相似文献   

基于能值的污水处理系统环境影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污水处理厂及其“产物”(处理水和脱水污泥)的处理处置系统共同构成了污水处理综合系统,它从整体上涵盖了污水处理的全过程.污水处理综合系统在构建和运行的过程中主要包括两方面的环境影响:1)物质资源的消耗;2)排放污染物对环境的危害,而后者在既往有关的污水处理系统分析中往往被忽略.为了更全面地了解污水处理过程的环境影响状况,本文以能值分析理论为基础对污水处理综合系统进行分析,同时,结合生态足迹理论对系统的可持续性进行分析.结果表明:水体污染物的环境影响能值远大于大气污染物,且主要受氨氮排放量的影响;污水处理综合系统的能值消耗主要为废物流能值和本地可更新资源能值;“处理厂系统+填埋系统”的能值利用效率最高,“处理厂系统+中水回用系统+焚烧系统”的能值利用效率最低;“处理厂系统+中水回用系统+填埋系统”的环境可持续性最好,而“处理厂系统+焚烧系统”的可持续性最差.  相似文献   

城市可持续发展能力的能值评价新指标   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
陆宏芳  叶正  赵新锋  彭少麟 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1363-1368
能值理论、方法克服了传统能量与经济分析方法的诸多缺憾,为城市可持续发展的研究提供了全新的视角。但作为一种新兴的理论,其评价指标,尤其是针对城市可持续发展能力的综合评价指标尚不完善。从生态经济效益及环境影响的全面表达角度,剖析了国际现行可持续发展能值指标(ESI)的不足之处,并在此基础上拓展构建了新的可持续发展能值指标(EISD)。以珠江三角洲中山市1996~2000年的发展动态为例进行了案例研究。结果表明,新拓展的可持续发展能值指标.在系统效益评价中考虑了系统能值产出的实际经济效果,在环境影响评价中同时考虑了系统的消耗影响和排放影响,可以更全面明晰的评价城市系统的可持续发展能力、状态及其成因,为系统的优化指明方向。  相似文献   

Emergy and economic methods were used to evaluate and compare a traditional tropical fruit cultivation system, for bananas, and three newly introduced fruit cultivation systems, for papaya, guava and wampee, on reclaimed wetlands of the Pearl River Estuary, China. The goal of this study was to apply ecological engineering principles to fruit production system designs to maximize total emergy benefits and sustainability. The evaluations considered input structure, production efficiency, environmental impacts, economic viability and sustainability. The market effects on emergy exchange were assessed both for purchasing the inputs to production and for selling the fruit. These market effects were also considered in the evaluation of sustainability by using the Emergy Index for Sustainable Development (EISD), which was evaluated with and without taking the change in natural capital (i.e., soil organic matter) into consideration. The results showed that all three of the newly introduced systems are much more sustainable than the traditional banana production system. The guava production system had the highest value of the Emergy Sustainability Index (ESI = 0.40). The high price of wampee gave it the highest economic yield/cost ratio (4.87) and EISD (0.73). Emergy and economic evaluations are complementary methods, with emergy analysis shedding more light on environmental support and impacts of the production systems not considered in the market value, and economic analysis focusing on the effects of markets on fruit production. The Emergy Exchange Ratio (EER) was proposed as a bridge between emergy and economic evaluations for specific systems and/or processes.  相似文献   

杨卓翔  高阳  赵志强  李双成 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3635-3644
应用能值分析方法,通过能值转换率,把深圳市3个农场生态经济系统的能量流、物质流、货币流和信息流转化为统一量纲———能值。在绘制能值系统概图和编制能值分析表的基础上,建立能值评价指标体系对3个系统的能值输入结构、生产效率、环境负载和可持续发展状况等进行分析和比较。此外,比较经济指标与能值分析结果,并采用情景分析对农场未来发展做出预测。能值分析方法不仅考虑环境及其服务功能对经济生产的贡献,同时能值交换率和能值产出率把系统经济流入和产出纳入分析过程,结合环境和经济评价,可用于综合分析农场生态效益和经济效益。研究结果表明:西丽果场是可持续发展能力最高的农场,碧岭现代农业科技园次之,而山海农场的可持续发展能力最低。都市农场应该大比例利用可更新资源,努力发展农业生产,并且积极提升农业的技术含量。在此基础上,控制规模合理地发展旅游经济,走高科技农业生态旅游之路。  相似文献   

Emergy and economic analysis, accompanied by sensitivity analysis, were used to evaluate the ecological economic characteristics of three fish aquaculture systems on wetlands surrounding the Pearl River Estuary in China. The sustainability of these systems was compared to two aquaculture systems and two wetland systems, to provide reference conditions for the best use of limited wetland areas. We found that the three systems studied had similar emergy characteristics, despite their very different economic characteristics. Counter intuitively, the high economic input and output mode did not have higher environmental impact or lower sustainability compared with low economic input and output mode. Apparently, the sustainability of an intensive aquaculture system is determined mainly by how many natural renewable resources are exploited. The large differences in economic benefit and environmental impacts between the mangrove reserve and the aquaculture systems demonstrated the important role of nature reserves on preserving the sustainability of an estuary. Transformity (TR) and Emergy Yield Ratio (EYR) are both indicators of system efficiency, but from different points of view, and they produced opposite results in assessing the efficiency of the same system in this study. The ratio of EYR to TR might be used in addition to the EYR and transformity as a discreet perspective on overall system production efficiency.  相似文献   

It is a major challenge to produce food and energy sustainably for the ever increasing world population as today's conventional food production and energy needs are met by the fossil based resources, causing enormous environmental load. A novel, combined food and energy (CFE) agro-ecosystem, was designed for sustainable production of food, fodder and energy without chemical inputs (fertiliser, herbicide and fungicide). The objective was an emergy synthesis of the CFE system compared to a conventional wheat (Triticum aestivum) production system to assess resource use efficiency. The emergy indices, used to assess the environmental performance and sustainability, exhibited contrasting differences between the two production systems in terms of outputs (Y), total emergy use, solar transformity, relative use of local renewable resources, environmental loading ratio (ELR), emergy yield ratio (EYR) and emergy sustainability index (ESI). The Y in the CFE consisted of grain, straw, fodder and woodchip production of 4020, 3580, 6100 and 10,000 kg/ha/yr respectively whereas Y in the conventional wheat consisted of 7250 and 3770 kg grain and straw/ha/yr respectively. The Y in the CFE was 81% (2.80E+11 J/ha/yr) higher with 13.5 times (6.40E+03 seJ/J) lower solar transformity compared to the Y (1.54E+11 J/ha/yr) and solar transformity (8.63E+04 seJ/J) in the conventional wheat, exhibiting highly resource intensive production in conventional wheat. The local renewables constituted 19.2% and 2.6% of the total emergy input in the CFE and the conventional wheat respectively with a corresponding lower ELR (4.21) and 22.5% higher EYR (1.26) in CFE compared to conventional wheat. CFE was more reliant on local renewable emergy flows and compatible with the local environment with higher ESI (0.30) compared to conventional wheat (0.03), where 64.5% of the total emergy input constituted chemical inputs. The study demonstrated that the innovative agro-ecosystem, exemplified by CFE, is considerably less resource demanding and more amenable to sustainable production, whether defined in terms of outputs, solar transformity, relative use of local renewable resources, EYR, ELR or ESI.  相似文献   

基于能值分析的我国小水电生态影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞明月  张力小  王长波 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2741-2749
如何系统定量地评价小水电开发过程所引起的景观变化、河流局部断流等生态影响,是平息争议、进行合理规划与开发小水电前提之一。运用能值分析方法,以贵州省赤水市观音岩水电站为例,将小水电建设、运行的资源投入,以及河道中水流的时空改变所导致生态服务功能的损失纳入核算体系,对其生态影响进行综合定量评估。从2010年的实际结果来看,由于河流断流,导致水坝下游生态系统服务功能的能值损失为2.77×1018sej,占到了系统建设运行总投入的44.84%,其中重点保护鱼种在影响河段的生境破坏是最大的能值损失。若不考虑下游生态系统服务功能损失,系统的环境负载率为1.92,可持续性指标为1.22;而考虑下游生态影响之后,系统环境负载率增大至4.26,可持续性指标减小为0.34。研究表明,小水电的开发必须遵循适度开发、规划优先,保障河流最基本的生态需水底线,是协调小水电开发和河流健康矛盾、追求小水电持续发展的刚性要求。  相似文献   

The theory and indices of Odum's concept of emergy are explained. The environmental and economic inputs and sustainability of cassava chips production system are evaluated by emergy methodology. The emergy indices of cassava chips production system were calculated as follows: Tr (transformity) was 6.85E + 11 sej/kg, EYR (emergy yield ratio) was 1.11, ELR (environmental loading ratio) was 1.75, EIR (emergy investment ratio) was 9.33, and ESI (emergy sustainability indice) was 0.63. The emergy indices of four kinds of feedstock for fuel ethanol—corn, wheat, sugarcane, and cassava chips—were compared. Least solar energy was consumed when taking cassava chips as feedstock for fuel ethanol. According to the emergy indices, using cassava chips as the feedstock of fuel ethanol is helpful for sustainable development in China.  相似文献   

An emergy analysis was performed to assess the relative sustainability and environmental impact of small-scale energy production using Taiwanese model plug-flow anaerobic digesters to treat livestock manure in Costa Rica. Emergy analysis quantifies all inputs to a system by converting them to solar energy equivalents, thus allowing for direct comparison of the diverse inputs of renewable energies, human labor and economic goods needed to construct and maintain anaerobic digestion systems. The digesters were located on the campus of EARTH University, Costa Rica, and the biogas was utilized to power a 40 kW generator that supplies electricity for farm operations. Separate emergy analyses were performed for the biogas production and the combination of biogas production and generation of electricity. Manure was the largest input in both analyses, accounting for 85.3% of the annual emergy input for biogas production and 66.9% for electricity generation from the biogas. The fraction of emergy inputs from renewable sources (ΦR) was 66% for biogas production and 52% for electricity generation from the biogas. The transformities of biogas and electricity generation from the biogas were 5.23E+04 sej/J and 1.01E+06 sej/J respectively. The emergy yield ratios (EYR) were 2.93 for biogas production and 2.07 for electricity generation indicating that these digesters efficiently match purchased resources and renewable energies to produce energy from livestock manure. The generation of electricity from the biogas resulted in a decrease in the emergy sustainability index (ESI) from 5.67 to 2.22 and an increase in the environmental loading ratio (ELR) from 0.52 to 0.93. Using a generator to convert the biogas to electricity does decrease the sustainability of the system, largely due to the high emergy value associated with the electrical generation equipment and machinery, but these results demonstrate that the production of biogas and the generation of electricity from Taiwanese model digesters in Costa Rica are environmentally sustainable processes that result in the production of energy that is largely dependent on renewable and recycled energies.  相似文献   

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