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越北腹露蝗卵的过冷却特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈伟  吴伟坚  刘婷  符悦冠 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):479-481
利用热电偶法测定越北腹露蝗FruhstorferiolatonkinensisWill卵的过冷却点。结果表明,越北腹露蝗卵的过冷却点随季节变化而变动。卵的平均过冷却点从2004年9月初(刚产的卵)的-16.0℃显著下降到2005年1月的-24.7℃,随后卵的过冷却点显著增加到2005年3月的-10.7℃。滞育卵的平均过冷却点(-20.1℃)低于滞育后的平均过冷却点(-12.4℃)。滞育卵在5℃下适应30d后平均过冷却点显著减小到-25.9℃,而在30℃下适应30d后平均过冷却点显著增加到-8.2℃。  相似文献   

意大利蝗的胚胎发育及卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任金龙  赵莉  葛婧 《昆虫学报》2015,58(11):1201-1212
【目的】明确意大利蝗Calliptamus italicus (L.)胚胎发育及卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段。【方法】2013-2014年间,通过室外胚胎发育进度检测和室内孵化培养观察,研究其胚胎发育等级、滞育和越冬的胚胎阶段及自然越冬滞育的解除。【结果】意大利蝗的胚胎发育可划分为18个阶段;意大利蝗胚胎有反向移转、转旋和顺向移动3种胚胎转动方式;意大利蝗卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段为第Ⅻ阶段。自然条件下,意大利蝗卵发育至次年1月21日,仅部分卵解除滞育,解除滞育卵的发育历期最长;随着越冬时间的延长,解除滞育的卵逐渐增多,其发育历期逐渐缩短;直至次年3月29日卵基本完全解除滞育。意大利蝗雌成虫所产的早中期卵(7月27日-8月16日所产卵)以胚胎发育第Ⅻ阶段(滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段)越冬,于翌年4月16日(侯地温平均值:7.59℃,最高温:15.95℃,最低温:2.67℃)继续发育;雌成虫所产的晚期卵(8月28日-9月4日所产卵),自11月4日(侯地温平均值:7.32℃,最高温:9.00℃,最低温:5.18℃)开始以胚胎第Ⅹ阶段越冬,于翌年3月29日(侯地温平均值:3.78℃,最高温:10.27℃,最低温:0.14℃)继续发育。【结论】意大利蝗雌成虫所产的早中期和晚期卵,其越冬胚胎发育阶段、开始越冬时间及越冬后继续发育的时间均不同。  相似文献   

中华稻蝗的胚胎发育及卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔双双  朱道弘 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):845-853
为弄清中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis(Thunberg)卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段,观察了其胚胎发育过程,检测了中华稻蝗铁岭、济南、长沙及儋州种群产卵后卵粒含水量的变化规律和胚胎发育的停滞时期.根据胚胎形态,自原头与原颚胸折叠的胚胎发育阶段开始,将中华稻蝗的胚胎发育过程划分为11个阶段.在25℃的温度条件下,4个地...  相似文献   

赣北黄脊竹蝗发育历期及生物学特性观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈英杰  钱大益 《昆虫知识》1999,36(3):144-146
黄脊竹蝗CeracriskiangsuTsai是毛竹林的主要害虫,在赣北毛竹林区,常因该虫为害而造成重大的经济损失。为了加强对黄脊竹蝗的防治,常灾县区纷纷开展了对该虫的预测预报工作。但由于该虫卵产在土中,跳蝻又善跳会飞,不仅在野外虫源林难找,而且对卵期发育和初龄跳蛹活动的观察也十分难进行,从而很难掌握较为准确的防治时机。为了确保预测预报的精度,提高防治效果,我们近年来,连续3年在室内进行了卵孵化及跳蛹期人工饲养,并辅以野外调查,对黄脊竹蝗在赣北地区的发育历期以及生活习性进行了观察,现将结果总结如…  相似文献   

黄脊竹蝗生物学特性及防治试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄脊竹蝗 ( Ceracris kiangsu Tsai)是危害毛竹林的最主要害虫 ,在南方毛竹主产区常暴发成灾 ,仅闽西武平县近年来黄脊竹蝗的危害面积就达 1 0 0 0 hm2以上 ,受害严重的林分竹叶被食光 ,如火烧状 ,导致成片竹林被毁。黄脊竹蝗三龄后的跳蝻迁移性和成虫迁飞性极强 ,并受竹林郁闭度大小、气候因子和药械性能等因素的影响 ,这二个时期采用施放烟剂或常规喷雾(喷粉 )方法进行防治 ,都很难将竹蝗虫口控制下来 ,常造成年年暴发成灾的被动局面。笔者通过 1 993- 1 994两年的防治试验 ,得出较佳的防治方法 - -虫源区防治法和跳蝻三龄前施烟剂法 ,现…  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫越冬代滞育与非滞育幼虫过冷却点的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了在恒温和自然温度处理下饲养的马尾松毛虫滞育与非滞育幼虫的过冷却点。结果表明 ,2 7℃恒温饲养的滞育幼虫的平均过冷却点较非滞育幼虫的平均过冷却点低 ,但无显著差异 ;而自然温度下饲养的滞育幼虫的过冷却点较非滞育的过冷却点也低 ,然而 ,滞育开始时差异不显著 ,之后差异显著。相应滞育状态下 ,自然温度下饲喂的幼虫较 2 7℃恒温下饲喂的平均过冷却点低 ,但在滞育开始阶段和结束阶段两者之间的差异显著。自然温度下滞育和非滞育幼虫的抗寒能力都随气温的降低而增强 ,而 2 7℃下滞育与非滞育幼虫的抗寒能力均出现先增后减的趋势  相似文献   

【目的】通过筛选西伯利亚蝗Gomphocerus sibiricus卵滞育基因及代谢通路,初步明确西伯利亚蝗卵滞育分子机理。【方法】利用Illumina NovaSeq 6000测序平台对西伯利亚蝗早期发育(ES)、滞育(DS)和滞育后发育阶段(PS)的卵进行转录组测序;采用GO和KEGG富集分析并结合文献,预测滞育相关通路并聚类热图分析,筛选蝗卵滞育关联基因,并选取其中6个重要基因进行qRT-PCR验证。【结果】DSvs ES和PS vs DS两比较组分别富集到12 419和4 789个差异表达基因,且多上调表达;两比较组共表达差异基因为2 206个,主要与糖代谢、环境胁迫和生长发育相关。DS vs ES组富集最显著的GO条目为蛋白结合,PS vs DS组GO条目主要包含酶活性、细胞骨架构建及蛋白结合等过程。滞育关联基因主要集中在Wnt信号通路、胰岛素信号通路、细胞周期通路以及昆虫激素生物合成等通路。6个重要的滞育关联基因的表达量变化趋势与转录组数据结果基本一致。【结论】本研究初步明确了西伯利亚蝗卵滞育调控的重要代谢途径,并筛选出20个滞育关联基因,为后续深入研究该物种的适应机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

朱道弘  张超  谭荣鹤 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4365-4371
中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis为重要的水稻害虫,在我国除青海、西藏、新疆、内蒙古等未见报道外,南起海南北至东北均有分布,在许多的分布区域1年发生1代。为探索中华稻蝗长沙种群的生活史及其季节适应特征,通过野外和实验室的研究,调查了其发生代数、孵化率和卵滞育率的季节变化及越冬卵的存活率。结果显示,中华稻蝗长沙种群为1年2代和1年1代混合发生:第1代卵产卵后大部分孵化为若虫而1年完成2代,但亦有19.4% -4.1%的卵不孵化而1年只能完成1世代。第1代成虫于6月上旬至8月上旬羽化,6月下旬至8月中旬产卵;第2代若虫于7月初开始孵化,9-10月羽化为成虫,10月上旬至11月下旬产卵。在室外自然条件下,中华稻蝗长沙种群6-8月(第1代)和10-11月(第2代)所产卵块均为部分滞育,滞育率为30%左右,皆无显著差异。然而,其卵滞育率在12月以后显著降低,仅为6.6%或以下,卵滞育快速地得以解除。因此,包括非滞育卵和滞育解除卵,中华稻蝗长沙种群的越冬卵皆以非滞育状态度过其后的寒冷季节。即使是遭遇长江流域2007年末至 2008年初异常寒冷的冬季,在长沙地区越冬后其卵的存活率亦在98%以上。非滞育状态的中华稻蝗长沙种群越冬卵完全能安全地越冬,其滞育的发生并非是为了提高其耐寒性而安全度过不适环境。并探讨了中华稻蝗长沙种群卵滞育的进化意义。  相似文献   

低温和光周期对绿盲蝽越冬卵滞育解除和发育历期的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探讨温度和光周期对绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür越冬卵滞育解除和发育历期的影响, 系统调查了绿盲蝽越冬卵在不同温度和不同光照组合下的孵化率和孵化时间, 结果显示:绿盲蝽的越冬卵均为滞育卵,低温和光周期对绿盲蝽越冬卵的滞育解除均有影响。2℃的低温处理能够显著促进其滞育解除,在0~65 d范围内,随着低温处理时间增长,其滞育解除时间缩短,未经低温处理的越冬卵T50为68.5 d,低温处理65 d的T50为12.25 d,绿盲蝽越冬卵在2℃低温处理65 d后完全解除滞育;在0~40 d范围内,低温处理时间越长,绿盲蝽越冬卵的孵化率越高,在25℃、全光照的条件下不经低温处理的孵化率为68.65%,低温处理40 d后在25℃的条件下的孵化率达到99.46%。在20~26℃范围内,绿盲蝽越冬卵的滞育后发育历期随着温度的上升而缩短, 随着光周期的延长而缩短。结果说明低温处理能够提高绿盲蝽越冬卵滞育解除率,但不是其滞育解除的必要条件,低温处理与自然变温对绿盲蝽滞育解除的作用相似;高温和长光照能够促进绿盲蝽的滞育解除,缩短发育历期。  相似文献   

昆虫肠道微生物是昆虫与自然环境互作的直接反应者。为探究不同地区黄脊竹蝗Ceracris kiangsu Tsai肠道微生物多样性和性别及环境因子的关系,本研究利用Illumina NovaSeq测序平台对新入侵地区和国内常发地区的黄脊竹蝗肠道微生物进行16S rDNA基因测序和分析。结果表明,地理位置和性别对黄脊竹蝗肠道菌群均存在影响,其中地理位置影响最为显著,其次为性别因素。通过Beta多样性分析发现采自湖南省邵阳市新宁县和云南省普洱市江城县的黄脊竹蝗肠道微生物差异性最大,3个地区不同性别样品的肠道菌群只有属水平组成和丰富具有显著差异。其中,湖南省益阳市桃江县的雌、雄样品优势菌属分别为乳球菌属Lactococcus(9.0%)和肠杆菌属Enterobacter(5.9%),云南省普洱市江城县的雌、雄样品优势菌属均为肠杆菌属(27.9%、27.0%),湖南省邵阳市新宁县的雌、雄样品优势菌属分别为肠杆菌属(29.9%)和乳球菌(12.0%)。所选取的8个环境因素中蒸发量、相对湿度和平均气压可能会影响黄脊竹蝗的肠道菌群多样性。研究结果从共生微生物和环境因子角度解析了黄脊竹蝗的环境适应性,为研制地理溯源技术和开发微生物制剂提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

In an effort to understand whether heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) participates in the environmental 5 °C signal reception/transduction toward breaking embryonic diapause of the silkworm Bombyx mori, we isolated a cDNA for Hsp70a and examined the expression of Hsp70a mRNA in B. mori diapause and nondiapause eggs by quantitative real-time PCR. Hsp70a mRNA gradually increased in diapause eggs continuously kept at 25 °C after oviposition to maintain diapause. When diapause eggs were exposed to the diapause-terminating condition of 5 °C beginning at 2 days post-oviposition, Hsp70a mRNA increased beginning at 5 days post-cold treatment. Even in nondiapause eggs, Hsp70a mRNA increased slightly with exposure to 5 °C. These results suggest that Hsp70a is involved in reception/transduction of the diapause-terminating (5 °C) signal via gene activation. The expression patterns of Hsp70a mRNA are discussed in relation to those of the cold-response gene Samui.  相似文献   

Abstract To understand the adaptive strategies of the overwintering adults of Stenocatantops splendens, the mechanism of maintenance and termination of the reproductive diapause, the variation in mortality between overwintering females and males, and the mating strategy of the males were investigated. The results indicated that the adult reproductive diapause in natural conditions was mainly regulated by photoperiod in the fall – long photoperiods promoted reproductive development and short photoperiods maintained reproductive diapause, and the sensitivity of the overwintering adults to photoperiod was over before the end of the winter. When transferred from natural conditions to controlled laboratory conditions on dates from September through February, pre‐oviposition became increasingly shorter with increasingly deferred transfer dates regardless of photoperiod conditions. The adults treated with low temperature for 30 days in September through November had significantly shorter pre‐oviposition, suggesting that low temperatures in winter had an important role in the termination of reproductive diapause. The female had a significantly lower supercooling point than the male, which was related to their lower mortality after winter. In addition, observations of wild populations of the species indicated that mating behavior prior to winter and the duration of pre‐mating period were not affected by photoperiod; mating and sperm transfer were mostly completed by November. Compared with females only mating before winter, females mating in the spring had shorter life span, longer pre‐oviposition, lower hatching rate and laid fewer egg pods while showing no significant difference with regard to ovipositional interval, per pod number of eggs and nymph dry weight.  相似文献   

Samples of eggs of Chortoicetes terminifera were incubated under 3 temperature regimes which would allow non-diapause eggs to develop about 50% and so take them beyond the diapause stage. Even so, many more eggs entered diapause when reared at 20°C for 3 weeks than at 32°C for 1 week. By collecting and incubating eggs at intervals after laying in autumn, diapause potential or strength of eggs at different stages of development was estimated. For eggs in pre-diapause, the proportion in diapause after rearing was used to estimate diapause “potential”; for those in diapause, the proportion was used to estimate diapause “strength”. At laying, eggs varied greatly in their potential to enter diapause. However, those with lower potential at laying often increased their potential during the pre-diapause stage so that by the time diapause was reached diapause strength varied but over a lesser range. In all eggbeds, diapause strength decreased by 7–9 weeks after laying; little or none remained by mid-winter.These variations in diapause potential and diapause strength seem to reflect how much the temperature threshold for development during diapause is increased above that for non-diapause. Both diapause potential and strength may reflect the value of some factor whose level at laying is determined by the environment experienced by the parents but which changes subsequently.  相似文献   

The response to photoperiod of field-collected Aelia acuminata was studied by exposing insects to three photoperiodic regimes. After the completion of diapause the insects do not respond to photoperiod: in mid-February the length of the pre-oviposition period is the same under both long and short photoperiods. After the onset of oviposition, insects again become responsive to photoperiod regardless of the time of year: under long day, oviposition lasts until death, whereas under short day the females cease oviposition after about 3 weeks. After a further 2 or 3 months without ovipositing, these females which are still experiencing short-day conditions resume reproduction for a further 4–7 weeks and long-lived individuals have three oviposition periods. A regulatory mechanism is suggested for the alternation between oviposition and diapause.  相似文献   

During Locusta migratoria embryogenesis, the yolk is progressively degraded and the resulting metabolites are released in the haemolymph. We researched the organs possibly involved in the uptake of haemolymphatic proteins. Among organs originated from mesoderm, the SOB (suboesophageal bodies) situated in the embryonic head are remarkable by a very early acquisition of differentiated cytological characters, while most other cells of the embryo are undifferentiated. The SOB quite disappear before hatching. Just before katatrepsis stage, the other organs derived from mesoderm begin to differentiate, including the PC (pericardial cells) which take over from the SOB. These cells, situated in thorax and abdomen, are developed during the dorsal close of embryo. The development and the ultrastructural changes of the SOB cells and of the PC were studied during an embryogenesis with diapause. The morphology of embryos which enter diapause is comparable with that of a continuous development at the beginning of katatrepsis. However, the cells of SOB and PC cells suffer from remarkable changes not only physiologically but cytologically. At the beginning of diapause, the proteosynthetic activity practically disappears in the SOB cells and the lysis areas appear. Nevertheless, the exchanges between these cells and the haemolymph still remain important. For the period of cold, which is necessary to the resumption of development, the aspect of the SOB cells changes and in particular the areas of lysis become less wide. When the embryo reopens its development, the SOB cells show a proteosynthetic activity and the areas of lysis disappear. The changes of the SOB cells and of the PC cells are regularized during the resumption of the development: the SOB cells which had again taken a normal activity start to regress from the stage VII on, while the PC cells take over.  相似文献   

1. Many calanoid copepods produce subitaneous eggs that hatch immediately and diapause eggs that remain dormant for long periods of time. Boeckella triarticulata (Copepoda: Calanoida) produces diapause eggs that hatch asynchronously over an extended period of time and appear identical under light microscopy to those that hatch immediately.
2. We compared the internal morphology of subitaneous and diapause eggs of B. triarticulata that had been prepared for transmission electron microscopy by four methods.
3. Subitaneous eggs had a thin, single-layered shell whereas diapause eggs had a thick, three-layered shell that appeared consistent over 3 months of diapause. Boeckella triarticulata appears to enter diapause at the multicellular stage.
4. Consistent morphological differences between subitaneous and diapause eggs of B. triarticulata suggest that these two egg types also have distinct differences in physiology, and are not merely extremes of a continuum from subitaneous to diapause eggs.  相似文献   

不同温度对脊尾白虾胚胎发育与幼体变态存活的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用实验室内人工控制交尾的脊尾白虾,研究了不同温度对脊尾白虾胚胎发育及幼体变态、存活的影响。结果表明,在盐度为31的条件下,脊尾白虾胚胎发育的生物学零度为12.18℃,有效积温为3828.27℃.h。在15.3—28.1℃范围内,胚胎发育时间随着温度升高而呈双曲线性缩短,而胚胎发育速度随着温度的升高而呈直线性加快,但当温度超过30℃时,胚胎无法正常完成发育。脊尾白虾幼体变态发育速度随着温度的升高而加快,18、20、22、24、26、28℃各实验组开始出现仔虾的时间依次为17、14、11、9、8和8 d,各组90%以上幼体变态为仔虾的时间依次为21、18、15、14、11和11 d。各实验组在幼体变态过程中存活率都呈明显的阶梯式下降趋势,且28℃组的存活率下降最快,但当存活幼体全部变为仔虾时,各实验组间的存活率并无显著性差异(P>0.05)。18℃组仔虾干质量明显高于其它各组(P<0.05),28℃组仔虾干质量最低,但与20、22、24、26℃组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。因此在脊尾白虾育苗中,幼体孵化温度不应低于12℃,最高不超过28℃为宜;幼体培育温度,建议控制在22—26℃为最佳。  相似文献   

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