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用光镜和电镜观察羽叶薰衣草(Lavandula pinnata L.)雄性不育小孢子发育过程的细胞形态学特征.结果表明:羽叶薰衣草花药4枚,每枚花药通常具4个小孢子囊.花药壁发育为双子叶型,从外向内分为表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层4层细胞.减数分裂形成的四分体为四面体及十字交叉型.小孢子的发育过程可分为造孢细胞期、减数分裂时期、小孢子发育早期、小孢子发育晚期.未观察到二胞花粉期和成熟花粉期.羽叶薰衣草花粉败育主要发生在单核花粉时期,细胞内物质解体并逐渐消失变成空壳花粉或花粉皱缩变形成为各种畸形的败育花粉.在此之前小孢子的发育正常.羽叶薰衣草小孢子不育机制体现在绒毡层过早解体、四分体时期以后各细胞中线粒体结构不正常、胼胝质壁与小孢子母细胞脱离、花药壁细胞中淀粉出现时间异常等. 壁发育为双子叶型,从外向内分为表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层4层细胞.减数分裂形成的四分体为四面体及十字交叉型.小孢子的发育过程可分为造孢细胞期、减数分裂时期、小孢子发育早期、小孢子发育晚期.未观察到二胞花粉期和成熟花粉期.羽叶薰衣草花粉败育主要发生在单核花粉时期,细胞内物质解体并逐渐消失变成空壳花粉或花粉皱缩变形成为各种畸形的败育花粉.在此 前小孢子的发育正常.羽叶薰衣草小孢子不育机制体现在绒毡层过早解体、四分体时期以后各细胞中线粒体结构不正常、胼胝质壁与小孢子母细胞脱离、花药壁细胞中淀粉出现时间异常等. 壁发育为双子叶型,从外向内分为表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层4层细胞.减数分裂形成的四分体为四  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片方法,对甘蓝型油菜隐性上位互作核不育材料1665的可育株与不育株花药进行细胞学观察.结果显示:(1)不育株花药在花粉母细胞减数分裂时期出现异常,部分花粉母细胞细胞分裂相不均等分裂或分裂异常.导致部分四分体形状异常.(2)不育株绒毡层细胞在四分体时期开始生长膨大,单核花粉时期出现液泡化和巨型化,侵占药室,使得小孢子不能正常释放或无法继续发育;部分释放出的小孢子未及时形成花粉壁,阻碍花粉继续发育.不能发育形成二核期和三核期花粉,导致花药败育.  相似文献   

兰科植物的有性生殖特殊,每朵花只有1个花药,且花粉有聚集成块发育的特征。为了揭示铁皮石斛花粉块的发育特征,该研究以野生铁皮石斛不同时期的花药为材料,采用半薄切片和植物组织化学方法对其发育过程进行解剖学观察分析,并对成熟花粉块进行离体培养,观察花粉管的萌发状况。结果表明:(1)铁皮石斛花药壁由1层表皮细胞,2层药室内壁细胞,1层中层细胞和1层绒毡层细胞组成。开花时,绒毡层细胞退化,中层细胞没有退化,药室内壁细胞则形成纤维状细胞壁;药室中的小孢子母细胞没有明显的胼胝质壁结构。(2)小孢子发生属同时型,减数分裂后四分体小孢子不分散,以四合花粉状态发育,并进一步连接形成花粉块。(3)在小孢子发育中,孢粉素覆盖在整个花粉块表面形成花粉外壁,但花粉块内部的花粉没有花粉外壁结构;在花粉块表面的花粉外壁上未见花粉萌发孔。(4)在花粉离体萌发实验中,具有花粉外壁的花粉块表面花粉未见萌发,仅由花粉块内部的花粉萌发出花粉管。  相似文献   

对云南泸西栽培灯盏花群体进行调查,发现了灯盏花雄性不育种质个体,其出现频率约为1.06×10-4.对所发现的灯盏花不育株形态特征及其花药发育过程进行了观察,并对花粉活力进行鉴定.结果显示:(1)灯盏花不育株根、茎、叶形态与正常可育植株基本相似,管状花小,花丝短,花药瘦小,无花粉粒散出或花粉无活力.(2)灯盏花在其花药发育的小孢子母细胞时期、四分体时期、小孢子时期和单核早期,由于绒毡层细胞液泡化、提前解体,不能为小孢子或花粉发育提供所需物质,导致小孢子母细胞和四分体解体,产生无花粉的花药;或小孢子和单核花粉胞内降解,形成不同形状和外壁纹饰的败育花粉.研究认为,灯盏花花药绒毡层异常是其花粉败育的主要原因.  相似文献   

高温胁迫对水稻花粉粒性状及花药显微结构的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对两个耐热性不同的水稻品系进行高温处理(8:00~17:00,37℃,17:00~8:00,30℃),测定了高温胁迫对水稻花粉粒性状及花药显微结构的影响.结果表明,高温胁迫导致花药开裂、花粉活力、花粉萌发率和柱头上花粉粒数的显著下降,花粉粒直径增大.高温下耐热品系996的花药开裂、花粉活力、花粉萌发率和柱头上花粉粒数明显高于热敏感品系4628,这表明耐热品系996在高温胁迫条件下能保持较好地花粉散落特性和花粉萌发特性,是其耐热性的生理基础;高温下耐热品系996的花药壁的表皮细胞排列较整齐,细胞间隙小;药隔维管束较大,维管束鞘细胞排列整齐,簿壁细胞多且排列整齐,木质部和韧皮部清楚可见;而热敏感品系4628花药壁的表皮细胞形状不规则,排列疏松,细胞间隙大,药隔维管组织受到很大程度破坏,维管束鞘细胞形状异常,排列紊乱,木质部和韧皮部界限不清.  相似文献   

七叶树小孢子发生及雄配子体发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用石蜡切片法观察了七叶树花药的发育过程.结果表明:(1)雄蕊花药四室,花药壁完全分化时,从外到内依次是表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层,花药壁发育为基本型.表皮细胞1层,发育过程中始终存在;药室内壁在花药成熟时形成带状纤维层加厚;幼小花药壁的中层3~4层细胞,在花药发育成熟时退化消失;绒毡层1层细胞,发育类型为分泌型,小孢子母细胞减数分裂时绒毡层开始退化解体,花药成熟完全消失,仅剩1层绒毡层膜.每一花药中有多列雄性孢原细胞,发生于幼小花药表皮下方;(2)小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体多呈正四面体排列;减数分裂过程中,小孢子母细胞外方被胼胝质壁所包被,小孢子形成后胼胝质壁逐渐消失.成熟花粉二细胞型,外形呈圆三角状,具三孔沟.  相似文献   

新型光温敏小麦不育系337S的组织结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通小麦(Triticum aestivum)不育系337S是一种对短日低温、长日高温均敏感不育的新型光温敏雄性不育系。对经过短日低温、长日高温处理的不育系花药及其小孢子的形态和发育过程进行了观察,观察结果表明,不育系337S的花药异常短小,开花后花丝短,花药难外露。花药发育过程中中层组织发育紊乱,绒毡层提前解体,影响了花粉母细胞发育所需的营养供应,导致短日低温处理下的花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ和长日高温处理下的花粉母细胞发育时期花粉母细胞发育异常,形成异常小孢子,造成败育。  相似文献   

蒙古莸小孢子发生和雄配子体发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用常规石蜡切片技术对蒙古莸小孢子发生和雄配子体发育进行了观察.结果表明:(1)花药4室,花药壁由4层细胞组成,由外向内分别为表皮、药室内壁、1层中层和绒毡层,花药壁发育方式为双子叶型.(2)花药壁表皮具多细胞腺体,药室内壁、药隔部分细胞发育后期均发生纤维性加厚.(3)绒毡层细胞有两种来源,外周部分来源于初生壁细胞,近药隔部分来源于药隔细胞.腺质绒毡层,发育后期为二核.(4)小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程胞质分裂为同时型,四分体多数为四面体型,偶有左右对称型.(5)成熟花粉为2细胞型,具3个萌发沟.  相似文献   

以不同发育时期的凤仙花花药为实验材料,采用组织化学方法,对花药发育中的结构变化及多糖和脂滴物质分布进行观察。结果表明:(1)凤仙花的花药壁由6层细胞组成,包括1层表皮细胞,2层药室内壁细胞,2层中层细胞和1层绒毡层细胞。其中绒毡层细胞的形态不明显,很难与造孢细胞区分,且在小孢子母细胞时期退化。(2)在小孢子母细胞中出现了一些淀粉粒,但减数分裂后,早期小孢子中的淀粉粒消失,又出现了一些小的脂滴;随着花粉的发育,小孢子形成大液泡,晚期小孢子中的脂滴也消失;小孢子分裂形成二胞花粉后,营养细胞中的大液泡降解、消失,二胞花粉中又开始积累淀粉;接近开花时,成熟花粉中充满细胞质,其中包含了较多的淀粉粒和脂滴。(3)在凤仙花的花药发育中,绒毡层细胞很早退化,为小孢子母细胞和四分体小孢子提供了营养物质;其后的中层细胞退化则为后期花粉发育提供了营养物质。  相似文献   

应用石蜡切片法,观察橡胶树的实生树和RRIM600、CT-1品系的花药壁以及小孢子的发生和发育过程,得到如下结果:1.实生树的花药壁通常由四层细胞组成,发育形式为双子叶型。药室内壁细胞在发育后期进行径向条纹加厚,至花药开裂时仍保留着原生质体。中层由一层或不规则的两层细胞组成,在小孢子单核期消失。绒毡层细胞具单核或双核,属分泌型,至花粉发育到三细胞时消失。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型。成熟花粉粒具三个细胞。精细胞椭圆形,在光镜下不能区分出细胞质鞘和核仁。所观察的实生树雄花,多数发育正常,很少有空秕的花粉。2·RRIM600品系的花药和小孢子发生与发育和实生树相似,但至后期只有少数花粉发育正常,多数成为大小不等的败育花粉;此外也有一些败有的雄花。3.GT-1的花药在小孢子母细胞减数分裂时,绒毡层细胞的体积开始异常增大并液泡化,小孢子在四分体内解体或分离后成为空秕花粉。  相似文献   

An identification key for 20 common strand-forming indoor wood decay fungi is given. The key is based on observations of material from affected buildings and on wood samples that have been incubated in the laboratory. The key is with macro- and microscopic photographs.  相似文献   

Between 1974 and 1978, 2,842 identifications of plant-parasitic nematodes were made from more than 1,700 soil and plant samples collected in eight provinces of South Viet Nam. Species in nine genera—Helicotylenchus, Criconemoides, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus, Hoplolaimus, Hirschmanniella, Xiphinema, and Rotylenchulus—comprised 96.1% of the identifications; the remaining 3.9% were species of 11 genera. Fourteen genera were associated with rice which was grown on about 2,500,000 ha in 1970. Of these, Ditylenchus, Hirschmanniella, and Meloidogyne were most important. Ditylenchus angustus caused severe damage to about 50,000 ha of flooded rice in the Mekong Delta in 1976. Hirschmanniella spp. were found in all samples examined from flooded rice fields. Meloidogyne spp. were common in rice seedbeds, upland rice, and rice not kept flooded continuously. Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus spp. were found in roots of 22 of the 32 crop plants sampled. Little or no attempt was made in South Viet Nam to control nematodes.  相似文献   

Mammals with more rapid and agile locomotion have larger semicircular canals relative to body mass than species that move more slowly. Measurements of semicircular canals in extant mammals with known locomotor behaviours can provide a basis for testing hypotheses about locomotion in fossil primates that is independent of postcranial remains, and a means of reconstructing locomotor behaviour in species known only from cranial material. Semicircular canal radii were measured using ultra high resolution X-ray CT data for 9 stem primates (“plesiadapiforms”; n = 11), 7 adapoids (n = 12), 4 omomyoids (n = 5), and the possible omomyoid Rooneyia viejaensis (n = 1). These were compared with a modern sample (210 species including 91 primates) with known locomotor behaviours. The predicted locomotor agilities for extinct primates generally follow expectations based on known postcrania for those taxa. “Plesiadapiforms” and adapids have relatively small semicircular canals, suggesting they practiced less agile locomotion than other fossil primates in the sample, which is consistent with reconstructions of them as less specialized for leaping. The derived notharctid adapoids (excluding Cantius) and all omomyoids sampled have relatively larger semicircular canals, suggesting that they were more agile, with Microchoerus in particular being reconstructed as having had very jerky locomotion with relatively high magnitude accelerations of the head. Rooneyia viejaensis is reconstructed as having been similarly agile to omomyids and derived notharctid adapoids, which suggests that when postcranial material is found for this species it will exhibit features for some leaping behaviour, or for a locomotor mode requiring a similar degree of agility.  相似文献   

We dedicate this article to the memory of Sergio de Freitas, FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil (deceased, 2012). He was an active and enthusiastic Neuropterist and the cherished mentor and friend of Francisco Sosa.Leucochrysa McLachlan is the largest genus in the Chrysopidae, yet it has received relatively little taxonomic attention. We treat two problematic and common Leucochrysa species – Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) varia (Schneider, 1851) and Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) pretiosa (Banks, 1910). Both are highly variable in coloration and were described before the systematic importance of chrysopid genitalia was recognized. Recent studies show that these species occur within a large complex of cryptic species and that they have accumulated a number of taxonomic problems. We identify new synonymies for each of the species–for Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) varia: Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) ampla (Walker, 1853), Leucochrysa internata (Walker, 1853), and Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) walkerina Navás, 1913; for Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) pretiosa: Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) erminea Banks, 1946. The synonymy of Leucochrysa delicata Navás, 1925 with Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) pretiosa is stabilized by the designation of a neotype. The following species, which were previously synonymized with Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) varia or Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) pretiosa, are reinstated as valid: Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) phaeocephala Navás, 1929, Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) angrandi (Navás, 1911), and Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) variata (Navás, 1913). To help stabilize Leucochrysa taxonomy, lectotypes are designated for Allochrysa pretiosa and Allochrysa variata. Finally, Leucochrysa vegana Navás, 1917 is considered a nomen dubium.  相似文献   



Yersinia enterocolitica outer membrane protein A (OmpA) is one of the major outer membrane proteins with high immunogenicity. We performed the polymorphism analysis for the outer membrane protein A and putative outer membrane protein A (p-ompA) family protein gene of 318 Y. enterocolitica strains.


The data showed all the pathogenic strains and biotype 1A strains harboring ystB gene carried both ompA and p-ompA genes; parts of the biotype 1A strains not harboring ystB gene carried either ompA or p-ompA gene. In non-pathogenic strains (biotype 1A), distribution of the two genes and ystB were highly correlated, showing genetic polymorphism. The pathogenic and non-pathogenic, highly and weakly pathogenic strains were divided into different groups based on sequence analysis of two genes. Although the variations of the sequences, the translated proteins and predicted secondary or tertiary structures of OmpA and P-OmpA were similar.


OmpA and p-ompA gene were highly conserved for pathogenic Y. enterocolitica. The distributions of two genes were correlated with ystB for biotype 1A strains. The polymorphism analysis results of the two genes probably due to different bio-serotypes of the strains, and reflected the dissemination of different bio-serotype clones of Y. enterocolitica.  相似文献   

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