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We tested the hypothesis that postnatal resetting of the carotid chemoreceptors is initiated by, and is dependent on, the rise in arterial PO2 (PaO2) which normally occurs after birth as air breathing is established. Previous studies had indicated that this resetting takes at least 24 h. We applied a technique for ventilation of the lungs of fetal sheep in utero to 3 groups of fetuses of 140-142 days gestational age: group 1 were exposed to normocapnic hyperoxia (mean PaO2 179.9 +/- 22.2 mmHg) for 27.4 +/- 0.9 h; group 2 were exposed to normocapnic hyperoxia (mean PaO2 229.4 +/- 77.5 mmHg) for 7.0 +/- 0.3 h; group 3 were ventilated for 21.6 +/- 3.3 h with a nitrogen/CO2 mixture to maintain PaO2 and PaCO2 within the normal fetal range. At the end of the ventilation period the fetuses were delivered by caesarean section, anaesthetized, paralysed and ventilation was continued. The responses of single or few fibre carotid chemoreceptor preparations to isocapnic hypoxia were then determined. To compare their response curves quantitatively, hyperbolic curves were fitted to the data. No significant differences between any of the groups were found in the vertical or the horizontal asymptotes. There was no difference in the slope of the hyperbolic line between group 2 and group 3. However, this slope was significantly greater for Group 1 than for either group 2 or group 3. Our results show that a period of hyperoxia of 24-31 h in utero, although not a similar period of normoxic ventilation, initiates the process of carotid chemoreceptor resetting.  相似文献   

Fetuses of 12 near-term sheep were prepared for microsphere determination of cerebral blood flow. Experiments were performed 5 days postsurgery. The regional blood flows were measured in successive high (HV), low (LV) and high voltage electrocorticographic states. Comparisons were made between the observations made in the LV and averaged flanking HV cycles. Total cerebral blood flow was 95 +/- 8, 119 +/- 11 and 100 +/- 9 ml/min/100 g in HV, LV and HV, respectively. Low voltage electrocortical activity increased average cerebral blood flow by 22% (P less than 0.01). Significant changes were seen in all regions except the occipital cortex. The maximum change was observed in the thalamus in which the flows were 152 +/- 23, 243 +/- 35 and 138 +/- 20 ml/min/per 100 g tissue, respectively. The increase was 68% (P less than 0.001). The percent changes seen in the cerebrum are as follows: Frontal grey + 18%, frontal white + 22%, parietal white + 22%, temporal + 18%. A + 17% change was seen in the cord (P less than 0.03). It is concluded that in low voltage electrocortical activity all of the brain, except the occipital region, shows an increase in cerebral blood flow. This is probably secondary to a variance in cerebral activity. This preparation may be useful in localizing function in the fetal brain.  相似文献   

Extra-dural or cerebroventricular intracranial pressure was measured in 7 unanaesthetized fetal sheep (123-137 days gestation). Basal intracranial pressure was 6.7 +/- 1.7 mmHg, but there were many transient increases of pressure in association with spontaneous changes of amniotic pressure, fetal intrathoracic pressure, and particularly when the fetal nuchal muscles were active. These spontaneous increases of intracranial pressure were often associated with cessation of breathing movements and change of the electrocorticogram from low to high voltage activity. To test whether increased intracranial pressure influenced breathing movements and electrocortical activity, intracranial pressure was raised either by occluding the superior vena cava for 1 min with an implanted extravascular cuff, or by extra-dural injection of 0.3-1.0 ml of 0.9% NaCl. Increasing the intracranial pressure 5-15 mmHg by either method during low voltage electrocortical activity caused cessation of breathing movements, electro-ocular activity, and change of the electrocorticogram from low to high voltage in a significant proportion of trials. We propose that natural fluctuations of intracranial pressure caused by compression of the fetal body or skull, by body movements or by uterine activity, may cause changes in electrocortical activity and breathing movements.  相似文献   

Phrenic nerve activity and tracheal pressure changes were recorded in four exteriorized fetal lambs (120-135 days gestation) from lightly anesthetized ewes to study possible mechanisms involved in the establishment of rhythmical breathing patterns. Two types of spontaneous neural activity were found. The first consisted of high-frequency multiunit bursts (mean duration 820 ms; range 450-2,500 ms) that preceded a gasp. Individual units within these bursts reached peak discharge frequencies as high as 40 impulses/s. The second type of neural activity consisted of single-unit, low-frequency (1-14 impulses/s), irregular background discharges lasting up to several seconds without changes in tracheal pressure. Occasionally, higher frequency bursts of single-unit activity were detected that were also unassociated with tracheal pressure changes. The data indicate that the neural correlate of a fetal gasp includes high-frequency synchronized bursting activity in the phrenic nerve. In addition, background phrenic activity can be detected in the exteriorized fetal lamb that reflects central nervous activity in the absence of tracheal pressure changes.  相似文献   

Core temperature of fetal sheep was raised by perfusing warm water through a loop implanted into the abdomen, or into the stomach via the oesophagus. Raising fetal temperature by 0.8-2 degrees C was associated with an increase in amplitude and incidence of breathing movements, and an increase in the proportion of breathing movements that occurred during high voltage electrocortical (ECoG) activity. Fetal hyperthermia was maintained for 8 h, but the augmentation of breathing movements did not last for more than 2-3 h. The results indicate that changes of maternal temperature caused by hot weather, exercise, fever, and possibly diurnal changes of body temperature could alter the amplitude and pattern of fetal breathing movements.  相似文献   

Isocapnic hypoxaemia (delta PaO2 = -8.0 +/- 0.5 mmHg; delta CaO2 = -2.86 +/- 0.20 ml/dl) was produced in fetal sheep by having the ewe breathe for one hour a gas mixture (v/v) of 10.5% O2 and 1.5% CO2 in N2. Mean fetal heart rate, blood pressure, and incidence of low voltage electrocortical activity were not affected. However, the incidence of rapid-eye-movements and breathing activity was reduced by about 40%. Breathing movements during hypoxaemia had a mean inspiratory time, breath interval, and tracheal pressure amplitude which did not differ significantly from those during control experiments in which the ewe breathed air from the plastic bag. These observations suggest that hypoxia decreases the incidence of breathing movements but does not affect the amplitude or pattern of breathing activity and that it may reduce the incidence of eye movements and breathing activity through a common mechanism.  相似文献   

We aimed to determine the effects of the electrocortical (ECoG) cycle on fetal heart rate and its autonomic control under normoxaemic and hypoxaemic conditions. Heart rate was measured and selective pharmacological blockade was used to quantify sympathetic and parasympathetic tone in low voltage (LV) and high voltage (HV) ECoG. We studied 3 groups of fetal lambs: 6 normal-sized, normoxaemic fetuses (control); 5 growth-retarded, normoxaemic carunclectomy fetuses (carunclectomy-normoxaemic); and 5 growth-retarded, hypoxaemic carunclectomy fetuses (carunclectomy-hypoxaemic). We found slower heart rate in LV compared to HV ECoG in all groups. This was explained by greater parasympathetic tone in LV in all groups, and by a complementary change of sympathetic tone in control fetuses. Hypoxaemic fetuses had slower heart rate than normoxaemic fetuses in both ECoG states. This was due to augmented parasympathetic tone (in LV ECoG) and reduced sympathetic tone (in LV and HV ECoG). We conclude that complementary changes of autonomic tone underly the normal variation of fetal heart rate with the ECoG cycle, with the parasympathetic arm dominant in LV and the sympathetic arm dominant in HV ECoG. In chronic hypoxaemia, complementary changes of autonomic tone contribute to slowing of fetal heart rate. Increased parasympathetic tone and decreased sympathetic tone may enhance cardiac efficiency when the oxygen supply is chronically reduced.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that in neonatal piglets there would be no hypoventilation after sham denervation or aortic denervation (AOD) alone, but there would be transient hypoventilation after carotid body denervation (CBD) and the hypoventilation would be greatest after combined carotid and aortic denervation (CBD+AOD). There was a significant (P < 0.05) hypoventilation in CBD and CBD+AOD piglets denervated at 5, 15, and 25 days of age. The hypoventilation in CBD+AOD piglets denervated at 5 days of age was greater (P < 0.05) than that of all other groups. Conversely, sham-denervated and AOD piglets did not hypoventilate after denervation. Injections of sodium cyanide showed that aortic chemoreceptors were a site of recovery of peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD. This aortic sodium cyanide response was abolished by prior injection of a serotonin 5a receptor blocker. Residual peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD+AOD was localized to the left ventricle. We conclude that 1) aortic chemoreceptors contribute to eupneic breathing in piglets that were carotid denervated at 5 days of age and 2) there are multiple sites of residual peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD.  相似文献   

The effect of spontaneous changes in high or low voltage electrocortical activity, in the absence of uterine contractions, on the regional distribution of blood flow was studied in normoxic unanaesthetized fetal sheep at 124-134 days gestation in utero, using the isotope-labelled microsphere method. On transition from high to low voltage there was a significant fall in arterial pressure (7%) and an increase in flow (19-38%) to areas of the brain corresponding to the arborization of the reticular formation, i.e. excluding the cerebrum and cerebellum. Blood flow to the gastro-intestinal tract, pancreas and liver (portal vein) also increased.  相似文献   

Chemoreceptor function was studied in eight 2- to 3-day-old unanesthetized lambs to sequentially assess hypoxic chemoreflex strength during an 18-min exposure to hypoxia [inspired O2 fraction (FIO2) = 0.08]. The immediate ventilatory (VE) drop in response to five breaths of pure O2 was measured at 3, 7, and 15 min during hypoxia. Each lamb was studied again at 10-11 days of age. At 2-3 days of age VE increased, with the onset of hypoxia, from 658 +/- 133 (SD) ml.min-1 X kg-1 to a peak of 1,124 +/- 177 ml.min-1 X kg-1. A dampening of the VE response then occurred, with a mean decline in VE of 319 ml.min-1 X kg-1 over the 18-min hypoxia period. Each pure O2 test (Dejours test) resulted in an abrupt fall in VE (delta VEDejours). This VE drop was 937 +/- 163, 868 +/- 244, and 707 +/- 120 ml.min-1 X kg-1 at 3, 7, and 15 min of hypoxia, respectively. Comparing the three O2 tests, delta VEDejours was significantly decreased by 15 min, indicating a loss of about one-fourth of the O2 chemoreflex drive during hypoxia. Testing at 10-11 days of age revealed a smaller VE decline during hypoxia. O2 tests at the beginning and end of the hypoxic period were not significantly different, indicating a smaller loss of hypoxic chemoreflex drive in the more mature animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

 Fetal electrocortical activity (ECoG) is characterized by two distinct patterns: HVSA (high voltage, slow activity) and LVFA (low voltage, fast activity). Using the wavelet transform (WT), we recently reported that the frequency characteristics of these two ECoG patterns undergo significant maturational changes prior to birth (Akay et al. 1994a). We now report that fetal ECoG can also be significantly affected by pharmacological agents. In this paper, we compared the effects of two opioid drugs (morphine and [D-Pen2, D-Pen5]enkephalin, DPDPE) on fetal ECoG, using the chronically instrumented fetal lamb model. Morphine was infused intravenously (i.v.) at 2.5 mg/h, while DPDPE was infused into the lateral cerebroventricle (i.c.v.) at 30 μg/h. The ECoG was analyzed using WT. We performed multiresolution decomposition for four sets of parameters D 2 j where −1<j<−4. The four series WTs represent the detail signal bandwidths: (1) 16–32 Hz, (2) 8–16 Hz, (3) 4–8 Hz, (4) 2–4 Hz. The data were subjected to statistical analysis using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test. Both morphine and DPDPE resulted in a significant increase in power in the first wavelet band, while power was reduced in the second, third and fourth wavelet bands. In addition, both drugs resulted in a disruption of the normal cyclic pattern between the two ECoG patterns. There was a difference in the time course of action between morphine and DPDPE. This is the first occasion in which continuous ECoG has been subjected to rigorous statistical analysis. The results suggest that the WT-KS method is most suitable for quantitating changes in the ECoG induced by pharmacological agents. Received: 21 January 1994/Accepted in revised form: 15 September 1994  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E and PGF have been measured in the plasma of chronically catheterized fetal lambs throughout the last 20–35 days (0.73 onwards) of gestation. The mean concentration of PGE was higher than that of PGF. There was a significant increase in the concentration of PGE but little change in the concentration of PGF in samples of fetal plasma taken within 24 h of parturition. In contrast, at this time in maternal utero-ovarian venous plasma, there was a large increase in PGF, but relatively little change in PGE. There was a significant decrease in the concentration of PGE and PGF in the plasma of lambs within 12 h after birth compared to the levels found in the same animals as fetuses a few hours previously. The physiological importance of these changes is discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the development of respiratory motor activity early in mammalian development and its relationship to nonrespiratory activity, we recorded spontaneous electromyogram activity from chronically instrumented fetal lambs over the period from 45 to 65 days' gestation (G45 to G65, term = G147). Two distinct forms of motor behavior were observed at G45 in recordings made from the costal diaphragm and longissimus dorsi muscles. The predominant behavior consisted of cycles of sustained, coincident activity in the two muscles alternating with periods of inactivity. The incidence of this type of activity declined between G45 and G65 and the cyclic nature of the discharges disappeared in most animals. The second form of motor behavior at G45 consisted of episodes of repetitive bursting activity lasting up to 20 min that were confined to the diaphragm. These bursts had a duration of 97.5 ± 8.3 ms (mean ± S.E.M.) and frequently occurred as doublets in which two bursts were separated by an intervening period of 100–200 ms. The mean duration of these bursts declined to 69.7 ± 7.7 ms at G65, doublets became rare, and bursts evolved a stereotyped form by G65 that was characterized by an abrupt onset and rapid decline in discharge intensity. Repetitive bursts of this form evolve into the mature respiratory motor pattern over the second half of gestation. At G45, episodes of repetitive bursting were almost always linked with episodes of sustained discharge, while at G65 these two forms of behavior were always segregated. We conclude that the neurons responsible for generating the respiratory rhythm in the lamb are assembled into a functional rhythm generator and make appropriate connections to motor output pathways as early as G45. The generation of the respiratory rhythm at G45 appears to be triggered by episodes of widespread motor activity that occur in both respiratory and nonrespiratory muscles. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   



Severe fetal acidemia during labour with arterial pH below 7.00 is associated with increased risk of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring, the mainstay of intrapartum surveillance, has poor specificity for detecting fetal acidemia. We studied brain electrical activity measured with electrocorticogram (ECOG) in the near term ovine fetus subjected to repetitive umbilical cord occlusions (UCO) inducing FHR decelerations, as might be seen in human labour, to delineate the time-course for ECOG changes with worsening acidemia and thereby assess the potential clinical utility of fetal ECOG.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Ten chronically catheterized fetal sheep were studied through a series of mild, moderate and severe UCO until the arterial pH was below 7.00. At a pH of 7.24±0.04, 52±13 min prior to the pH dropping <7.00, spectral edge frequency (SEF) increased to 23±2 Hz from 3±1 Hz during each FHR deceleration (p<0.001) and was correlated to decreases in FHR and in fetal arterial blood pressure during each FHR deceleration (p<0.001).


The UCO-related changes in ECOG occurred in advance of the pH decreasing below 7.00. These ECOG changes may be a protective mechanism suppressing non-essential energy needs when oxygen supply to the fetal brain is decreased acutely. By detecting such “adaptive brain shutdown,” the need for delivery in high risk pregnant patients may be more accurately predicted than with FHR monitoring alone. Therefore, monitoring fetal electroencephalogram (EEG, the human equivalent of ECOG) during human labour may be a useful adjunct to FHR monitoring.  相似文献   

The concentrations of linoleic and linolenic acids and their metabolites in the liver, kidney, brain, erythrocytes and plasma of fetal lambs at various stages of gestation, and of newborn and 2-week-old suckled lambs was determined. Throughout gestation the fetal tissues, erythrocytes and plasma all contained low levels of linoleic and linolenic acids together with consistently high levels of their long-chain polyunsaturated metabolites. The triene: tetraene (eicosa-5,8,11-trienoic acid/arachidonic acid) ratio was always 0.4 or less except at birth when it reached 0.6 in liver and 0.9 in plasma. Milk intake significantly increased the linoleic and linolenic acid levels in the lamb by 2 weeks after birth. These results show that the developing fetal lamb should not be regarded as being deficient in essential fatty acids, as suggested by previous investigators. It is proposed that the total metabolites of linoleic and linolenic acids are the most appropriate measure of the essential fatty acid status of the fetal lamb.  相似文献   

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