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We investigated how altitude affects the decomposition of leaf and root litter in the Andean tropical montane rainforest of southern Ecuador, that is, through changes in the litter quality between altitudes or other site‐specific differences in microenvironmental conditions. Leaf litter from three abundant tree species and roots of different diameter from sites at 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 m were placed in litterbags and incubated for 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 months. Environmental conditions at the three altitudes and the sampling time were the main factors driving litter decomposition, while origin, and therefore quality of the litter, was of minor importance. At 2,000 and 3,000 m decomposition of litter declined for 12 months reaching a limit value of ~50% of initial and not decomposing further for about 24 months. After 36 months, decomposition commenced at low rates resulting in an average of 37.9% and 44.4% of initial remaining after 48 months. In contrast, at 1,000 m decomposition continued for 48 months until only 10.9% of the initial litter mass remained. Changes in decomposition rates were paralleled by changes in microorganisms with microbial biomass decreasing after 24 months at 2,000 and 3,000 m, while varying little at 1,000 m. The results show that, irrespective of litter origin (1,000, 2,000, 3,000 m) and type (leaves, roots), unfavorable microenvironmental conditions at high altitudes inhibit decomposition processes resulting in the sequestration of carbon in thick organic layers.  相似文献   

凋落物对土壤有机碳与微生物功能多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林凋落物是影响土壤微生物群落和有机碳含量的重要因素,但其作用的程度和机制尚不清楚,研究该问题对于分析森林生态系统碳循环和资源管理具有重要意义。研究凋落物去除与添加处理下土壤有机碳含量与土壤微生物对碳源利用的差异,明确凋落物去除与添加对土壤微生物群落代谢功能及其多样性的影响,探究不同处理下SOC含量变化的土壤微生物群落代谢机理。选取承德市雾灵山1405-1435 m海拔范围内核桃楸-蒙古栎混交林的表层土壤,采用室内培养结合Biolog-ECO方法,测定了培养第21天的土壤有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)含量及微生物群落的AWCD值、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数、McIntosh均匀度指数、Pielou丰富度指数,分析培养期内凋落物的不同处理下SOC含量与微生物功能多样性的变化特征。结果表明:1)不同凋落物处理对SOC含量与土壤微生物群落多样性具有显著影响(P<0.05),DL > HL > NL > CK;2)不同凋落物处理下土壤微生物群落代谢活性和土壤微生物对碳源的利用程度具有显著差异(P<0.05),碳水化合物类和氨基酸类是土壤微生物的主要碳源;3)不同处理的SOC含量与土壤微生物多样性具有正相关关系。双倍凋落物添加在短期内对土壤微生物多样性影响难以达到显著水平且在一定程度上对土壤微生物的代谢活性具有抑制作用,土壤微生物群落功能多样性对SOC含量具有重要影响。  相似文献   

凋落物分解是生态系统营养物质循环的核心过程,而土壤微生物群落在凋落物分解过程中扮演着极其重要且不可替代的角色。随着生物多样性的丧失日益严峻,探讨凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落的影响,不仅有助于了解凋落物分解的内在机制,而且可为退化草原生态系统的恢复提供参考。以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原退化恢复群落中的草本植物为研究对象,依据植物多度、盖度、频度和物种的重要值及其在群落中的恢复程度筛选出排序前4的羊草(Leymus chinensis)、茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)、麻花头(Serratula centauroides)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)的凋落物为实验材料,通过设置3种凋落物多样性水平(1,2,4),包括11种凋落物组合(单物种凋落物共4种,两物种凋落物混合共6种,四物种凋落物混合共1种),利用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法来研究分解60 d后凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落的影响。结果表明:(1)凋落物物种多样性仅对C残余率具有显著影响,表现在两物种混合凋落物C残余率显著低于单物种凋落物,而凋落物组成对所观测的4个凋落物分解参数(质量、C、N残余率以及C/N)均具有显著影响;(2)凋落物物种多样性对细菌(B)含量具有显著影响,而凋落物组成对真菌(F)含量具有显著影响,两者对F/B以及微生物总量均无显著影响;(3)冗余分析结果表明凋落物组成与凋落物分解相关指标(凋落物质量、C、N残余率及C/N)和土壤微生物(真菌、细菌含量)的相关关系高于凋落物多样性。(4)进一步建立结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model,SEM)发现,凋落物初始C含量对凋落物质量、C、N残余率及C/N有显著正的直接影响;凋落物木质素含量对凋落物质量、C、N残余率有显著正的直接影响;凋落物初始N含量对N残余率有显著正的直接影响,而对C残余率及C/N有显著负的直接影响;凋落物初始C/N对凋落物质量、N残余率有显著正的直接影响,而对C/N有显著负的直接影响。此外,凋落物初始C、N、木质素含量及C/N均对真菌含量具有显著正影响,并可通过真菌对凋落物质量分解产生显著负的间接影响。以上结果表明该退化恢复区域优势种凋落物分解以初始C、木质素为主导,主要通过土壤真菌影响凋落物的分解进程,这将减缓凋落物的分解速率进而减慢草原生态系统的进程。这些结果为凋落物多样性及组成对自身分解和土壤微生物群落的影响提供了实验依据,也为进一步分析凋落物分解内在机制以及草原生态系统的恢复提供了数据参考。  相似文献   

Future climates have the potential to alter decomposition rates in tropical forest with implications for carbon emissions, nutrient cycling and retention of standing litter. However, our ability to predict impacts, particularly for seasonally wet forests in the old world, is limited by a paucity of data, a limited understanding of the relative importance of different aspects of climate and the extent to which decomposition rates are constrained by factors other than climate (e.g. soil, vegetation composition). We used the litterbag method to determine leaf litter decay rates at 18 sites distributed throughout the Australian wet tropics bioregion over a 14‐month period. Specifically, we investigated regional controls on litter decay including climate, soil and litter chemical quality. We used both in situ litter collected from litterfall on site and a standardized control leaf litter substrate. The control litter removed the effect of litter chemical quality and the in situ study quantified decomposition specific to the site. Decomposition was generally slower than for other tropical rainforests globally except in our wet and nutrient‐richer sites. This is most likely attributable to the higher latitude, often highly seasonal rainfall and very poor soils in our system. Decomposition rates were best explained by a combination of climate, soil and litter quality. For in situ litter (native to the site) this included: average leaf wetness in the dry season (LWDS; i.e. moisture condensation) and the initial P content of the leaves, or LWDS and initial C. For control litter (no litter quality effect) this included: rainfall seasonality (% dry season days with 0‐mm rainfall), soil P and mean annual temperature. These results suggest that the impact of climate change on decomposition rates within Australian tropical rainforests will be critically dependent on the trajectory of dry season moisture inputs over the coming decades.  相似文献   

热带尖峰岭和亚热带千岛湖六种凋落叶的分解特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取亚热带6个树种马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、毛竹(Phyllostachys heterocycla)、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、木荷(Schima superba)、青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)和苏铁(Cycas revoluta)的凋落物,在亚热带的千岛湖和热带的尖峰岭进行凋落物分解实验,研究不同气候带下凋落物的分解特征。两样地的年均气温和降水为主要差异,年均温差达3.0℃。结果表明:两个样地凋落物的分解速率顺序为:毛竹﹥木荷﹥青冈﹥马尾松﹥水杉﹥苏铁,尖峰岭样地6个树种95%分解所需的时间集中在3.22-8.81a,千岛湖样地95%分解所需的时间为4.61-14.27a。6种凋落物叶的分解速率尖峰岭显著大于千岛湖(P0.05)。用尖峰岭的气候条件来模拟千岛湖气候变暖后的状况,凋落物分解的分解速率将提高43.08%-95.65%,凋落物的95%分解时间将缩短30.15%-48.85%。凋落物分解的表观Q10在3.30-9.35之间。在千岛湖样地凋落物的分解速率(k值)与初始氮含量呈显著正相关(P0.05),与木质素含量呈显著负相关(P0.05);在尖峰岭样地,凋落物的分解速率与凋落物基质质量的各因子相关性均不显著。氮含量和木质素含量在中亚热带地区是预测凋落物分解和失重的良好指标,在热带地区气候因子对凋落物分解的控制作用较强于凋落物初始基质质量的控制作用。  相似文献   

川西高山林线交错带凋落叶分解初期转化酶特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胞外酶对于有机质的降解具有重要的作用。在凋落物分解过程中,酶活性不仅受到凋落物种类或基质质量的影响,还受到环境因素的影响。转化酶催化蔗糖水解为葡萄糖和果糖,因此在凋落物分解早期,转化酶比降解难分解物质的酶具有更重要的作用。以川西高山林线交错带12种代表性凋落叶为研究对象,对林线交错带不同植被类型下的凋落叶转化酶活性以及物种和环境因子对转化酶活性的影响进行了研究。结果表明:同一植被类型下,12个物种转化酶活性具有极显著差异(P0.01)。物种、环境因子及其交互作用对转化酶活性有极显著的影响(P0.01)。初始纤维素含量与转化酶活性极显著正相关(P0.01)。初始木质素和总酚含量与转化酶活性极显著负相关(P0.01),能够共同解释转化酶活性变异的50.8%。不同植物生活型中,禾草类转化酶活性均为最高,这可能与禾草类较高的初始纤维素含量、较低的木质素和总酚含量有关。多元线性回归分析表明,凋落叶含水量能单独解释转化酶活性变量的62.1%,是环境因子中最重要的变量。从植被类型来看,大多数物种的转化酶活性在针叶林中均极显著高于高山草甸和灌丛(P0.01),这可能与针叶林中凋落叶的含水量最高且雪被最厚有关。历经一个雪被期分解后,凋落叶初始质量与环境因子的综合作用能够解释转化酶活性变异的79.1%,表明川西高山林线交错带凋落叶分解前期转化酶活性主要受初始木质素含量、总酚含量和含水量的调控。在全球气候变化情景下,凋落物水分含量的变化将会强烈的影响凋落叶分解前期的转化酶活性。  相似文献   

Forest litter is a large reservoir of organic compounds that adds CO2 to the atmospheric carbon pool when it decomposes. Predicting CO2 efflux from litter decomposition is difficult because litter can undergo significant diurnal and day-to-day shifts in temperature. Moreover, the relationship between temperature and respiration may change if the decomposer microorganisms acclimate to short-term temperature changes. Therefore, we studied the relationship between temperature and respiration by litter decomposer microorganisms in a Pinus resinosa (Ait.) system and tested the hypothesis that their respiration acclimates to temperature. We found only limited evidence for acclimation following 6 °C shifts for 7 days. This suggests that increase in respiratory CO2 loss associated with increased temperature would not be greatly ameliorated by physiological acclimation for periods of up to a week.  相似文献   

受全球变化的影响生物多样性的丧失日益严重,及时了解凋落物物种多样性及其组成如何直接或者通过调节微生物群落来间接影响凋落物分解已经成为生态学领域的热点问题之一。在呼伦贝尔典型草原区,羊草(Leymus chinensis)为原生群落建群种,茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)、麻花头(Serratula centauroides)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)在退化及恢复群落中的多度均较大,本研究以此4种植物的凋落物为研究对象,在两倍于当前大气CO2浓度(800 μmol/mol)条件下,通过嵌套实验设计来研究凋落物多样性(凋落物组成)对凋落物质量、C、N残余率和残余C/N的影响,并深入分析凋落物初始性质以及土壤革兰氏阳性菌(G+)、革兰氏阴性菌(G-)、细菌(B)、真菌(F)及土壤总微生物磷脂脂肪酸(Phospholipid Fatty Acid,PLFA)含量和F/B对凋落物分解的影响。结果表明:(1)凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物质量、C、N残余率以及残余C/N均具有显著影响;凋落物组成对G+ PLFAs含量具有显著影响;(2)冗余分析(Redundancy Analysis,RDA)结果表明凋落物组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落相关指标的影响高于凋落物多样性;(3)结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model,SEM)结果表明凋落物初始木质素含量和初始C/N均对凋落物分解具有显著影响,其中凋落物初始木质素含量起主导作用,其还可通过对土壤真菌PLFAs含量的影响来间接影响凋落物N残余率和残余C/N。所得结果可为大气CO2浓度升高条件下退化草原生态系统的物质循环特征的预测乃至草原生态系统功能的合理评估提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Decomposition is a key process driving carbon and nutrient cycling in ecosystems worldwide. The home field advantage effect (HFA) has been found to accelerate decomposition rates when litter originates from “home” when compared to other (“away”) sites. It is still poorly known how HFA plays out in tropical, riparian forests, particularly in forests under restoration. We carried out three independent reciprocal litter transplant experiments to test how litter quality, soil nutrient concentrations, and successional stage (age) influenced HFA in tropical riparian forests. These experimental areas formed a wide gradient of soil and litter nutrients, which we used to evaluate the more general hypothesis that HFA varies with dissimilarity in soil nutrients and litter quality. We found that HFA increased with soil nutrient dissimilarity, suggesting that litter translocation uncouples relationships between decomposers and litter characteristics; and with litter N:P, indicating P limitation in this system. We also found negative HFA effects at a site under restoration that presented low decomposer ability, suggesting that forest restoration does not necessarily recover decomposer communities and nutrient cycling. Within each of the independent experiments, the occurrence of HFA effects was limited and their magnitude was not related to forest age, nor soil and litter quality. Our results imply that HFA effects in tropical ecosystems are influenced by litter nutrient limitation and soil nutrient dissimilarity between home and away sites, but to further disentangle major HFA drivers in tropical areas, a gradient of dissimilarity between litter and soil properties must be implemented in future experimental designs.  相似文献   

杉木根系和凋落物对土壤微生物学性质的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过模拟试验,研究了杉木根系和凋落物及其交互作用对土壤微生物学性质的影响.结果表明:杉木根系和凋落物在土壤生态过程中发挥的作用有所不同.与对照相比,杉木根系处理的土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)、土壤基础呼吸、土壤有机碳(TOC)和微生物熵显著增加,土壤呼吸熵(qCO2)显著降低(P<0.05);凋落物处理中,仅土壤基础呼吸和qCO2显著降低(P<0.05),而MBC、TOC和微生物熵没有显著变化(P>0.05).杉木根系和凋落物对土壤基础呼吸和qCO2的影响具有显著的交互作用.qCO2与土壤可溶性碳(R2=0.325)及TOC(R2=0.209)含量呈显著正相关,说明微生物对碳的利用效率随土壤有机碳数量的增加而降低.与凋落物相比,杉木根系在土壤生态过程中发挥着更重要的作用.  相似文献   

Plant litter decomposition is a key process in terrestrial carbon cycling, yet the relative importance of various control factors remains ambiguous at a global scale. A full reciprocal litter transplant study with 16 litter species that varied widely in traits and originated from four forest sites covering a large latitudinal gradient (subarctic to tropics) showed a consistent interspecific ranking of decomposition rates. At a global scale, variation in decomposition was driven by a small subset of litter traits (water saturation capacity and concentrations of magnesium and condensed tannins). These consistent findings, that were largely independent of the varying local decomposer communities, suggest that decomposer communities show little specialisation and high metabolic flexibility in processing plant litter, irrespective of litter origin. Our results provide strong support for using trait-based approaches in modelling the global decomposition component of biosphere-atmosphere carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

凋落物化学组成对土壤微生物学性状及土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
胡亚林  汪思龙  黄宇  于小军 《生态学报》2005,25(10):2662-2668
通过模拟试验的方法研究了单一施加杉木(Cunn inghan ia lancceola ta(L am b)Hook.)叶凋落物,杉木(C.lancceola ta)和桤木(A lnus crem astogyne Burk ill)混合凋落物,杉木(C.lancceola ta)和枫香(L iqu id am ba f orm osana H ance)混合凋落物,杉木(C.lancceola ta)、桤木(A.crem astogyne)、枫香(L.f orm osana)混合凋落物对土壤化学性状和土壤微生物量碳、代谢熵(qCO2)、土壤酶活性的影响。研究结果表明,土壤微生物学性状比土壤化学性状对不同凋落物处理的效应反应更敏感;与单一杉木叶凋落物比较,混合凋落物处理的土壤微生物量碳明显增加,土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、脱氢酶活性升高;土壤代谢熵(qCO2)和土壤多酚氧化酶活性有下降趋势;另外,研究结果也表明,不同树种的叶凋落物混合对土壤质量的影响存在差异,有桤木叶的混合凋落物对土壤质量的改善效果似乎更明显。  相似文献   

挺水植物的凋落物是湿地生态系统物质循环的重要组成部分, 阐明气候变暖以及生境差异对湿地挺水植物凋落物分解过程及叶际微生物的影响对揭示湿地生态系统关键物质循环过程具有重要意义。该研究以滇西北高原典型湿地优势挺水植物茭草(Zizania latifolia)为研究对象, 采用凋落物袋法研究了茭草在模拟增温(1.5-2.0 ℃)及不同生境(大气界面、水界面与土界面)下的质量残留率和叶际微生物数量、结构组成与功能代谢特征。研究发现: 模拟气候变暖及生境差异均显著影响凋落物的分解速率。经过一年的分解, 凋落物在模拟增温环境下的质量残留率为66.4%, 对照组的质量残留率为77.7%, 增温组分解常数(k)值是对照组的1.64倍, 而凋落物在水界面与土界面的质量残留率为42.2%和25.3%, 其k值分别为大气界面的3.63和5.25倍, 生境差异是影响湿地挺水植物凋落物分解速率的关键因素。模拟增温主要改变了凋落物叶际微生物的群落组成特征, 而生境变化主要影响叶际微生物的绝对数量、微生物多样性、群落结构组成以及功能代谢活性。处于土界面的凋落物叶际微生物具有最高的群落功能代谢活性及醇类碳源利用程度。不同处理之间的植物叶际微生物特征与凋落物分解速率具有较好的一致性, 为揭示湿地植物凋落物分解快慢的微生物驱动机制提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

Leaf-litter decomposition is a central process in carbon cycling; however, our knowledge about the microbial regulation of this process is still scarce. Metaproteomics allows us to link the abundance and activity of enzymes during nutrient cycling to their phylogenetic origin based on proteins, the ‘active building blocks'' in the system. Moreover, we employed metaproteomics to investigate the influence of environmental factors and nutrients on the decomposer structure and function during beech litter decomposition. Litter was collected at forest sites in Austria with different litter nutrient content. Proteins were analyzed by 1-D-SDS-PAGE followed by liquid-chromatography and tandem mass-spectrometry. Mass spectra were assigned to phylogenetic and functional groups by a newly developed bioinformatics workflow, assignments being validated by complementary approaches. We provide evidence that the litter nutrient content and the stoichiometry of C:N:P affect the decomposer community structure and activity. Fungi were found to be the main producers of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, with no bacterial hydrolases being detected by our metaproteomics approach. Detailed investigation of microbial succession suggests that it is influenced by litter nutrient content. Microbial activity was stimulated at higher litter nutrient contents via a higher abundance and activity of extracellular enzymes.  相似文献   

柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)为我国特有种,具有很高的经济价值,而且在吸收二氧化碳和净化空气方面具有重要作用。为探究全球气候变暖对森林凋落物分解速率的影响,分别在中亚热带的千岛湖、南亚热带的鼎湖山和热带的尖峰岭,用分解袋法对柳杉凋落物进行分解实验,3个实验样地的主要差异为温度。结果表明:凋落物在3个样地的分解速率顺序为尖峰岭、鼎湖山、千岛湖,且不同样地之间的分解速率具有显著差异(P0.01)。在千岛湖样地分解速率常数k值与初始C/N呈显著相关(P0.05);在鼎湖山样地分解速率常数k值与初始碳含量呈极显著相关(P0.01);在尖峰岭样地,凋落物的分解速率常数k值与凋落物各初始化学元素含量相关性均不显著,推测可能是气候起主要作用。  相似文献   

1. Although stream–catchment interactions have been analysed in some detail in temperate environments, little is known about the effects of land‐use changes in the tropics. Here, we analyse differences in benthic communities (macroinvertebrates and fungi) under two contrasting land uses (mature secondary forest and pasture) in montane streams in north‐western Ecuador and their influence on the rates of litter processing. 2. Between 2005 and 2006, we used a combination of coarse and fine mesh bags to study the relative contribution of macroinvertebrates and fungi to processing of two types of litter, Alnus acuminata and Inga spectabilis, in three‐first‐order streams running through mature secondary montane forests and adjacent downstream reaches running through pastures. At the same time, we characterised the assemblages of shreddering macroinvertebrates and fungi communities and the litter processing rates in stream reaches under both vegetation types. 3. Litter processing rates attributable to invertebrate feeding (coarse mesh bags) were significantly slower in streams running through pastures. Nevertheless, shredder diversity and richness were similar between pasture and forest sections, while shredder abundance was significantly higher in forest streams (mainly Phylloicus sp. :Trichoptera). Fungal reproductive activity and litter processing rates were low (fine mesh bags) and did not differ significantly between pasture and forest stream reaches. 4. Phylloicus sp. abundance was the best predictor of the percentage of litter remaining in coarse mesh bags across pasture and forest sites. Neither shredder diversity nor their species richness was a significant predictor of mass loss, as most of the decomposition was performed by a single keystone species. Although litter decomposition by microbial decomposers was low, fungal biomass (but not diversity) was the best variable explaining the percentage of litter remaining in fine mesh bags. 5. Our data suggest that, in these Neotropical montane streams, land use can have a significant impact on the rates of critical ecosystem processes, such as litter decomposition. In this study, this effect was not mediated by a major shift in the structure of the benthos, but by a decrease in the abundance and relative representation of a single species whose life history makes it critical to litter processing. 6. This study highlights the significant role that macroinvertebrate fauna can have in the processing of litter in Neotropical streams and the predominant role that single species can have in terms of controlling stream ecosystem‐level processes. Understanding the extent to which these patterns affect the long‐term and large‐scale functioning of stream ecosystems still needs further research and will become increasingly important in terms of managing lotic ecosystems in the context of rapid land‐use change.  相似文献   

熊燕  刘强  陈欢  彭少麟 《生态学杂志》2005,24(10):1120-1126
2001年12月~2002年12月,采用不同孔径分解凋落叶样袋法,对鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林3类凋落叶的分解进行了研究,并对落叶分解过程中凋落叶袋内和袋下土样中的土壤动物群落和多样性进行了调查。结果表明,3种孔径袋内凋落叶的分解速率为大孔>中孔>微孔;混合凋落叶的分解速率大于单种凋落叶;蜱螨目在凋落叶分解的整个过程中相对数量都较高,弹尾目在凋落叶的分解过程中在凋落叶袋和土壤间移动,数量变化较大。凋落叶袋内大、中型土壤动物的个体数量在分解前期较多,中、小型土壤动物在分解的中期数量剧增;凋落叶袋内土壤动物的个体数量、密度以及多样性指数都随着落叶的分解而增加,9月最高;土壤样内则在分解的前期较高,以后逐渐降低。凋落叶的分解和土壤动物群落动态及多样性受凋落叶基质质量以及样地温度、降雨量等综合因素的影响。  相似文献   

Litter decomposition and nutrient release of selected dominant synusiae in an old-growth, evergreen, broad-leaved mossy forest on Ailao Mountain, Yunnan, south-west China, were studied over a 22-month period. The species studied were three dominant tall tree species, Lithocarpus xylocarpus Markg., Lithocarpus chintungensis Hsu et Qian and Castanopsis wattii A. Camus; one dominant understory species (the bamboo Sinarundinaria nitida Nakai); and a mixture of dominant mosses (including Homaliodendron scalpellifolium Fleisch, Symphyodon perrottetti Mont., Herberta longifolissa Steph. and Bazzania albicans Horik.). Fast initial litter decomposition was followed by lower rates. Decomposition rates of canopy species and bamboo leaf litter appear to be controlled by the initial concentration of lignin, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) more than by morphological features of the leaves. The decay rate of moss litter was less correlated with nutrient composition and lignin concentration in initial mass. The order of decomposition rates was Castanopsis wattii > L. xylocarpus > L. chintungensis > bamboo > moss. The decomposition rate constants (k) of the leaf litter for the canopy species L. xylocarpus, L. chintungensis and Castanopsis wattii were 0.62, 0.50 and 0.64, respectively, and 0.40 and 0.22 for bamboo and moss, respectively. Turnover time (1/k) for the three canopy species was 1.61 years, 2.0 years and 1.55 years, respectively, and 2.50 years and 4.55 years for bamboo and moss, respectively. The N and P concentration in the decomposing leaf litter increased in the first 6 months and then decreased over the remaining period. There was a relatively rapid initial loss of potassium (K), followed by a slight increase. Each of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) decreased with time whereas iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) increased with time to some extent. Nutrient release from decomposing leaf litter was in the order of K > Mg > Ca > N > P > Mn > Fe, except for bamboo (Sinarundinaria nitida) K > Ca > P > N > Mg > Mn > Fe.  相似文献   

Abstract Litter decomposition plays an important role in secondary forest recovery in the tropics. In this study we assessed the decomposition rates of tree litter in species from different secondary forest types and with different shade tolerances. The three secondary forest types analysed are related to the effects of different previous land use intensities. The typical forest type (TYP) is related to low land use intensity, Alnus acuminata‐dominated forest (ALN) type is related to medium land‐use intensity and Amomyrtella güili‐dominated forest type (AMO) is related to high land use intensity. The effect of shade tolerance was assessed using maximum height of each species as an indicator of its light requirements. Associations with leaf functional traits such as specific leaf area (SLA), and tensile strength (LTS) were also assessed. We found that leaves of species from the TYP forest type decompose faster than those of the ALN and AMO forest types. These changes were consistent with differences in the SLA of the species, which was higher in the TYP forest type than in the ALN and AMO forest types. SLA, LTS and decomposition were not significantly correlated with tree maximum height. Our results show that the secondary forest types, which are related to land use intensities prior to abandonment have an important influence on litter decomposition. This implies potential long‐term effects on soil properties and species composition.  相似文献   

不同起源时间的植物叶凋落物在中亚热带的分解特性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
马元丹  江洪  余树全  窦荣鹏  郭培培  王彬 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5237-5245
选择9种起源时间不同的植物的凋落叶,采用分解袋法,在浙江千岛湖地区从2006年6月到2008年6月进行了分解试验,试图探索植物进化过程中凋落物分解特性的演变趋势.所选的9种植物分属于4个类群,按起源时间由早到晚依次为蕨类植物(芒萁和桫椤)、裸子植物(苏铁、水杉、杉木和马尾松)、双子叶植物(木荷和青冈)及单子叶植物(毛竹).每隔一个月取样,每种凋落物3次重复.结果表明:不同植物类群凋落物基质的氮(N)、木质素(Lignin)含量及Lignin/N比值与分解速率具有良好的相关性.起源时间越晚的植物凋落物的基质N含量越高,为单子叶植物>双子叶植物>裸子植物>蕨类植物.Lignin含量和Lignin/N比值的趋势一致,均为起源时间越晚而值越低,即蕨类植物>裸子植物>双子叶植物>单子叶植物.凋落物分解系数k值的范围在0.25~0.63之间,表现出毛竹>青冈>木荷>水杉>马尾松>杉木>苏铁>桫椤>芒萁的趋势.4个植物类群的凋落物分解速率的均值为单子叶植物>双子叶植物>裸子植物>蕨类植物.试验结果初步表明:植物凋落物分解的进化趋势是由分解缓慢逐渐演变为分解较快.  相似文献   

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