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Rheum tanguticum is an important but endangered traditional Chinese medicine endemic to China. The wild resources have been declining. Establishing the genetic diversity of the species would assist in its conservation and breeding program. Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and population genetic structure in 13 wild populations of R. tanguticum from Qinghai Province. Thirteen selected primers produced 329 discernible bands, with 326 (92.94%) being polymorphic, indicating high genetic diversity at the species level. The Nei's gene diversity (He) was estimated to be 0.1724 within populations (range 0.1026–0.2104), and 0.2689 at the species level. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the genetic variation was found mainly within populations (71.02%), but variance among populations was only 28.98%. In addition, Nei's differentiation coefficients (Gst) was found to be high (0.3585), confirming the relatively high level of genetic differentiation among populations. Mantel test revealed a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances (r = 0.573, P = 0.002), and the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic average (UPGMA) clustering and Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) demonstrated similar results. Meanwhile, the genetic diversity of R. tanguticum positively correlated with altitude and annual mean precipitation, but negatively correlated with latitude and annual mean temperature. This result might be an explanation that the natural distribution of R. tanguticum is limited to alpine cold areas. We propose conservation strategy and breeding program for this plant.  相似文献   

赵冰  郑茜子  李厚华 《广西植物》2015,35(5):761-767
美容杜鹃是杜鹃花科杜鹃花属常绿观花植物,也是秦岭地区的特有属,在维持当地生态平衡方面发挥着重要作用,但目前资源正在遭受严重的破坏。该文通过ISSR分子标记技术对秦岭地区5个美容杜鹃野生种群进行遗传多样性分析,了解美容杜鹃不同种群的遗传分化,从而为美容杜鹃野生种质资源保护策略的制定提供理论依据。用8个ISSR引物对5个天然种群的90个单株进行扩增,共扩增出78条带(平均每条引物产生9.75条带),其中65条带是多态的,多态位点占总位点的百分率为83%。种群总的Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.3386,Shannon信息多态性指数为0.4972,表明美容杜鹃总的遗传多样性水平较高。种群多态位点百分率为82.71%~90.25%,Shannon信息多态性指数为0.4161~0.5867,Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.3044~0.4122,表明美容杜鹃不同种群遗传多样性水平差异较大。其中镇安木王种群和柞水牛背梁种群的遗传多样性水平较高。AMOVA分析表明种群内的遗传变异(91.22%)大于种群间的遗传变异(8.78%)。UPGMA聚类分析表明5个种群的遗传分化程度与地理距离没有相关性。因此建议尽可能地保护美容杜鹃所有的天然种群原生境条件,以最大限度保护其遗传变异。由于镇安和柞水种群具有较高的遗传多样性,因此建议优先对这2个种群实施就地保护和迁地保护。  相似文献   

Set of 29 accessions of Smallanthus sonchifolius, an important tuber crop from South America, and its three wild relatives were analysed using the Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) markers. Seven primers out of 30 primers screened gave clear and reproducible spectra. The range of amplified bands was from 2500 bp to 300 bp. These seven primers generated in total 77 bands, from which 75 (97.4%) were polymorphic. Nei's genetic distances between samples varied from 0.01 to 0.24. The Shannon's index (I) was estimated as 0.0392. The UPGMA dendrogram created using the Neighbour joining method and based on the Dice's dissimilarity coefficient separated clearly the wild accessions from all S. sonchifolius samples, which remained close to each other, confirming the clonal origin and thus a very low genetic variability within the genus.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight populations of the rare medicinal plant Magnolia officinalis (Magnoliaceae) were sampled across its natural range, and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) markers were used to assess the genetic variation within and among populations. Twelve primer combinations produced a total of 137 unambiguous bands of which 114 (83.2%) were polymorphic. M. officinalis exhibited a relatively low genetic diversity at population level (the percentage of polymorphic loci PPB = 49.8%, Nei’s genetic diversity H = 0.194, Shannon’s information index I = 0.286). However, the genetic diversity at species level was relatively high (PPB = 83.2%; H = 0.342; I = 0.496). The coefficient of gene differentiation (GST, 42.8%) and the results of analysis of molecular variance (AMVOA) indicated that genetic differentiation occurred mainly within populations. The estimated gene flow (Nm) from GST was 0.669. It indicated that the fragmentation and isolation of populations might result from specific evolutionary history and anthropogenic activity. Genetic drift played a more important role than gene flow in the current population genetic structure of Mofficinalis. Conservation strategies for this rare species are proposed based on the genetic data.  相似文献   

为了解铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)种质间的亲缘关系,利用ISSR技术对34份铁皮石斛种质资源进行亲缘关系和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,9条ISSR引物在34份种质中共扩增出78条带,多态位点百分率达100%。UPGMA聚类分析表明,种质的相似系数为0.61~0.92,在相似系数0.626处,福建省泰宁的野生铁皮石斛与栽培铁皮石斛分为两大类。泰宁野生铁皮石斛种群的Nei’s基因多样性(H)和遗传分化系数(Gst)分别为0.3111和0.4609,均高于栽培种群(0.3056和0.4204),表明泰宁野生铁皮石斛具有较丰富的多样性和较高的种群分化系数。AMOVA分析表明,铁皮石斛种群内变异指数为74%,种群间变异指数为26%,表明不同种群间可能存在基因交流。这些为不同地域的野生铁皮石斛资源的有效保护及利用提供理论依据及技术参考。  相似文献   

Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of Ricinus communis L. in northeastern China plants. We selected ten primers that produced clear, reproducible and multiple bands for these experiments and 179 bands were obtained across 39 genotypes. Polymorphic band ratios ranged from 100% to a minimum of 78.9% with an average of 96.4% while band numbers were comprised between 13 (UBC823) and 23 (UBC856). The results obtained from UPGMA clustering dendrogram and PCoA lead to 39 distinct castor bean accessions belonging to four major groups. We found that all groups shared a common node with 66% similarity while Jaccard's similarity coefficient ranged from 0.58 to 0.92. Compatible inference was also observed from the high values of heterozygosity (Ht = 0.3378 ± 0.0218), Nei's genetic diversity (H = 0.1765 ± 0.2090), and Shannon's information index (I = 0.4942 ± 0.1872). In addition, our data reveal a Nei's genetic differentiation index (GST) of 0.3452 and estimated the gene flow (Nm) at 0.9482. These findings clearly suggest a genetic diversity in castor bean germplasms from various geographic origins and contribute to our understanding of breeding and conservation of castor beans.  相似文献   

为探讨我国诺丽(Morinda citrifolia)种质资源的亲缘关系,采用ISSR技术对诺丽种质资源的遗传关系进行分析。结果表明,10条ISSR引物对13份诺丽种质资源共扩增出183条带,其中多态性条带有159条,占86.9%。13份诺丽种质的遗传相似系数为0.464~0.784。聚类分析将13份诺丽种质资源聚为两类,其中诺丽小黑种单独聚为一类,与其他12份诺丽种质资源的亲缘关系较远。虽然按照外部形态特征不能将所有诺丽种质完全区分,但具有相同特征的多数种质还是聚在同一类或亚类中。  相似文献   

利用ISSR分子标记,对直立百部4个居群的84个样本进行遗传多样性研究,探讨山东百部种的地位。结果表明:(1)15个引物共检测到184条清晰的谱带,其中多样性条带153条;直立百部的遗传多样性水平较高,其物种水平多样性条带百分率(PPF)为83.15%,有效等位基因数(Ae)为1.425,Shannon多样性指数(I)为0.388,Nei’s多样性指数(Hpop)为0.254。(2)居群平均水平上多样性条带百分率为63.04%,有效等位基因数为1.351,Shannon多样性指数为0.310,Nei’s多样性指数为0.206。(3)AMOVA分析显示直立百部居群间遗传分化水平(ΦST)为0.126 3,POPGENE分析显示居群间的遗传分化系数(GST)为0.191 1,二者均表明居群内变异大于居群间变异;直立百部居群间的基因流(Nm)为2.116 6,说明居群间的基因交流较频繁。(4)聚类及主成分分析显示,直立百部4个居群聚为两支,其中泰山居群与其他居群关系较远,以蔓生百部和大百部为外类群分析的结果支持将山东百部作为直立百部的异名,Mental检测显示居群间遗传距离与地理距离间没有显著相关性。  相似文献   

Sindora glabra, one of the second-class national protective plants in China, has important ecological and commercial values. To understand the genetic diversity and structure of S. glabra, eleven natural populations from four areas of Hainan Island in China were analyzed by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Thirteen primers were screened out and used to amplify 157 DNA samples. A total of 122 bands were obtained, among which 114 (93.4%) bands were polymorphic. Genetic parameters including average number of effective alleles (1.547), Nei's gene diversity (0.321), Shannon's information index (0.482), and gene differentiation coefficient (0.1944) revealed a high level of genetic diversity maintained in S. glabra populations. The variation within populations accounted for 85.6% of total variation based on analysis of molecular variance. Genetic distance analysis showed that 11 populations could be divided into three groups and populations from the same areas were classified as one group, suggesting that high genetic diversity of S. glabra was attributable to geographic isolation. Together, introduction of germplasm from distant natural distribution areas would be a sound strategy for germplasm resource conservation of S. glabra and selection of elite individuals from populations of far relationship for hybridization is of great importance for breeding improvement programs in future.  相似文献   

Sonneratia paracaseolaris, is a critically endangered mangrove species in China. Using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers, we compared the genetic variation of introduced populations with that of natural populations to check whether the genetic diversity has been conserved. At the species level, genetic diversity was relatively high (P = 81.37%, He = 0.2241, and SI = 0.3501). Genetic variation in introduced populations (P = 75.78%, He = 0.2291, and SI = 0.3500) was more than that in natural populations (P = 70.81%, He = 0.1903, and SI = 0.2980). Based on Nei's GST value, more genetic differentiation among natural populations was detected (GST = 0.3591). Our data show that the genetic diversity of S. paracaseolaris was conserved in introduced populations to some extent, however, owing to the small natural populations and the threats they encountered, more plants should be planted to enlarge and restore the populations.  相似文献   

利用ISSR和RAPD标记,对名邛台地野生油茶种质进行遗传多样性分析。从60条简单重复序列引物中筛选出16条引物,在65份样品中共扩增出213条带,其中多态位点为203个,多态位点百分率为95.31%;从30条寡居核苷酸引物中筛选出8条引物,共扩增出105条带,其中多态性位点94个,多态位点百分率为89.52%。结果表明:名邛台地野生油茶种质具有较丰富的遗传多样性,ISSR和RAPD标记可以应用于油茶种质遗传多样性分析。  相似文献   

Ceratopteris pteridoides (Hook.) Hieron. is an endangered aquatic homosporous fern in China. Genetic diversity and structure of eight populations collected from the mid-lower reaches of Yangtze River were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). A low level of gene diversity was found at the population level (Pp = 17.4%, HE = 0.039 and I = 0.063), which possibly resulted from its high degree of inbreeding, clonal growth and short life history of this species. C. pteridoides contained high clonal diversity (PD = 0.757, D = 0.992). High population differentiation was revealed by partitioning of genetic diversity (GST = 0.707), and the AMOVA analysis consistently showed that 72.3% of the total genetic diversity was attributable to among-population diversity. Based on the genetic information from UPGMA cluster and principal coordinate analysis, two management units have been identified, and translocation within each management unit is recommended.  相似文献   

The methanolic extract of Murraya koenigii leaf was screened for toxicological and biochemical effects on rats because of the folkloric uses as an anti-dysentery and anti-diabetes. The extract was moderately toxic (LD(50)=316.23 mg/kg body weight) to rats and had appreciable effect on the liver and kidney at higher doses leading to liver inflammation. It had little or no effect on haematology and relative organ weight of lungs, heart and spleen. Acute doses (500 mg/kg) reduced significantly serum globulin, albumin, urea, glucose, total protein, aspartate transaminase (AST), and increased cholesterol and alanine transaminase (ALT) indicating hepatic injury. However, chronic administration for 14 days gave a significant (p<0.05) reduction in the serum cholesterol, glucose, urea, bilirubin, ALT and AST showing that the plant has hypoglycaemic and hepatoprotective effects after prolonged use. The activity demonstrated by some of the isolated carbazole alkaloids and their derivatives against Trichomonas gallinae confirmed that the anti-trichomonal activity of the leaf may be due to its carbazole alkaloids. The order of activity was C(18)>C(23)>C(13). Girinimbine and girinimbilol with IC(50) values of 1.08 and 1.20 microg/ml were the most active. Acetylation of girinimbilol and mahanimbilol improved their activities to 0.60 and 1.08 microg/ml.  相似文献   

西藏杓兰(Cypripedium tibeticum)是具有很高观赏和药用价值的兰科植物,已被列为中国优先保护的濒危植物。该研究采用ISSR分子标记技术,对采自中国西部地区的7个西藏杓兰种群进行遗传结构及遗传多样性分析,为中国野生西藏杓兰种质资源的保护提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)从100条ISSR引物中共筛选出12条多态性高、重复性好的引物,共检测出136个位点,多态位点百分率(PPB)达100%,总体Nei's基因多样性指数(H_e)和Shannon信息指数(I)分别为0.318 6和0.484 3,种群间的Nei's遗传距离在0.033 3~0.170 1之间,Nei's遗传相似度在0.843 5~0.967 3之间,总体遗传分化系数(G_(st))和基因流(N_m)分别为0.222 9和1.743 0。(2)基于UPGMA法和邻接法的种群系统聚类结果均显示出四川种群与陕西种群之间存在遗传分化。总体上西藏杓兰种群间遗传分化与地理隔离之间相关性不显著。研究认为,西藏杓兰种群在分子水平上具有丰富的遗传多样性,且四川种群与陕西种群已产生了遗传分化;ISSR分子标记可用于西藏杓兰种群遗传多样性、遗传结构及种群间遗传分化等方面的研究。  相似文献   

The Indian lac insect Kerria lacca is harnessed in India for commercial production of lac, which has diversified industrial applications. Many of the geographical races of this species are under threat of extinction due to increasingly drastic local deviations in climate patterns. Thus, there is need for documentation and conservation of the lac insect biodiversity adapted especially for local climatic conditions and host species. The genetic diversity among twenty lines of commercially important Kerria spp. was analyzed using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) technique. Seventeen ISSR primers produced 96.1% genetic polymorphism in the lac insect lines under study. The clustering dendrogram segregated the twenty lines into four major clusters with similarity coefficients between 0.25 and 0.81. The first three principal coordinates revealed 43.1% of the total genetic variation. The above results reveal significant genetic variability in the lines, which could be used for genetic improvement of lac insects.  相似文献   

The diversity and genetic relationship among and within 16 populations of Pogostemon cablin from China were analyzed using ISSR and SRAP markers. High percentage of polymorphism observed by these two markers indicated a high level of genetic diversity existed among P. cablin populations. The percentage of polymorphic bands revealed by these two markers showed genetic variations were much higher between populations of P. cablin than within. The UPGMA clustering results using ISSR, SRAP or ISSR + SRAP combination showed most accessions from the same or adjacent regions were classified together. However, cluster results based on the absolute contents of patchouli alcohol and pogostone did not keep in good accordance with their geographic distributions, which revealed that the forming of patchouli alcohol and pogostone were relevant to the cultivation conditions except for genetic factors and environmental conditions. Finally, an appropriate strategy for conserving the patchouli germplasm was proposed.  相似文献   

Genetic bottlenecks can be deleterious to populations. In biological control, agent populations may be subject to severe bottlenecks during selection, importation and while in culture. The genetic variability of two collections of the water hyacinth biological control agent Eccritotarsus catarinensis Carvalho (Hemiptera: Miridae) was measured using Inter-simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) and mtDNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences. The first collection (Brazilian) went through a bottleneck of a single gravid female, while the second collection (Peru) originated from 1000 individuals and has been maintained at a large size in culture. Two naturalised South African populations from the Brazilian collection were also sampled (Nseleni and Mbozambo). Polymorphism for ISSR was high in the Peruvian and two naturalised samples, but much less so in the Brazilian sample. The Peruvian population was shown to be highly differentiated from the Brazilian and its naturalised populations by high values of FST and Nei’s genetic distance, as well as in a Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) plot and an unrooted neighbour joining tree derived from Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity. In addition, sequencing of the COI region of the mitochondrial DNA revealed only two haplotypes, one Brazilian and one Peruvian, with a 5.2% sequence divergence, suggesting that recombination and not mutation is the cause of most variation in the ISSR regions. The results suggest that substantial genetic variation may be retained or recovered after a bottleneck. This may mitigate deleterious effects that are a concern for the fate of biological control agents after release.  相似文献   

利用5条ISSR引物对宝兴百合(Lilium duchartrei)9个居群和匍茎百合(Lilium lankongense)13个居群的遗传多样性进行了初步检测。结果表明:(1)宝兴百合在物种水平上多态位百分率(PPB)为97.26%,Nei’s基因多样度(H)为0.309 8,Shannon’s多样性信息指数(Hsp)为0.469 4;匍茎百合在物种水平上多态位百分率(PPB)为100%,Nei’s基因多样度(H)为0.3390,Shannon’s多样性信息指数(Hsp)为0.503 0,均略高于宝兴百合。(2)宝兴百合与匍茎百合的遗传多样性在居群水平上相对较低;宝兴百合和匍茎百合居群间遗传分化系数(Gst)分别为0.642 5和0.563 7,表明2个物种居群间的遗传分化大于居群内的遗传分化。(3)经Mantel检测,两种居群间的遗传距离与地理距离均不存在显著的相关性(宝兴百合r=0.263 7,P=0.844 0;匍茎百合r=0.104 2,P=0.695 0);宝兴百合与匍茎百合的遗传多样性及遗传分化现状可能是两者的生活史特性、地理隔离等作用的结果。(4)UPGMA聚类结果显示,宝兴百合与匍茎百合在分子水平上出现了明显分化,支持二者是独立的物种。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and structure of five natural populations of Caragana microphylla from the Inner Mongolia steppe were estimated using AFLP markers. Five pairs of primers generated a total of 312 bands among 90 individuals, with percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) being 63% at the population level and 76% at the species level, respectively. The genetic diversity within populations was correlated significantly with the soil N:P ratio. AMOVA analysis revealed high genetic variations within populations (95.5%). The estimated number of migrants per generation (Nm) was 10.72, indicating a high level of gene flow among populations. There was no significant correlation (r = 0.36) between genetic distance and geographical distance. These results were discussed in terms of eco-geographical variations among populations, together with the life history traits and breeding system of the species. The knowledge obtained may have important implications for better conservation and wise use of the vegetation dominate by C. microphylla.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among wild and cultivated barley as revealed by RFLP   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Genetic variability of cultivated and wild barley, Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare and spontaneum, respectively, was assessed by RFLP analysis. The material consisted of 13 European varietes, single-plant offspring lines of eight land races from Ethiopia and Nepal, and five accessions of ssp. spontaneum from Israel, Iran and Turkey. Seventeen out of twenty-one studied cDNA and gDNA probes distributed across all seven barley chromosomes revealed polymorphism when DNA was digested with one of four restriction enzymes. A tree based on genetic distances using frequencies of RFLP banding patterns was estimated and the barley lines clustered into five groups reflecting geographical origin. The geographical groups of land-race lines showed less intragroup variation than the geographical groups of spontaneum lines. The group of European varieties, representing large variation in agronomic traits, showed an intermediate level. The proportion of gene diversity residing among geographical groups (FST) varied from 0.19 to 0.94 (average 0.54) per RFLP pattern, indicating large diversification between geographical groups.  相似文献   

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