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Glutaredoxins (Grxs) are small (9-12 kDa) heat-stable proteins that are ubiquitously distributed. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, seven Grx enzymes have been identified. Two of them (yGrx1 and yGrx2) are dithiolic, possessing a conserved Cys-Pro-Tyr-Cys motif. Here, we show that yGrx2 has a specific activity 15 times higher than that of yGrx1, although these two oxidoreductases share 64% identity and 85% similarity with respect to their amino acid sequences. Further characterization of the enzymatic activities through two-substrate kinetics analysis revealed that yGrx2 possesses a lower KM for glutathione and a higher turnover than yGrx1. To better comprehend these biochemical differences, the pKa of the N-terminal active-site cysteines (Cys27) of these two proteins and of the yGrx2-C30S mutant were determined. Since the pKa values of the yGrx1 and yGrx2 Cys27 residues are very similar, these parameters cannot account for the difference observed between their specific activities. Therefore, crystal structures of yGrx2 in the oxidized form and with a glutathionyl mixed disulfide were determined at resolutions of 2.05 and 1.91 Å, respectively. Comparisons of yGrx2 structures with the recently determined structures of yGrx1 provided insights into their remarkable functional divergence. We hypothesize that the substitutions of Ser23 and Gln52 in yGrx1 by Ala23 and Glu52 in yGrx2 modify the capability of the active-site C-terminal cysteine to attack the mixed disulfide between the N-terminal active-site cysteine and the glutathione molecule. Mutagenesis studies supported this hypothesis. The observed structural and functional differences between yGrx1 and yGrx2 may reflect variations in substrate specificity.  相似文献   

The formation and mineralisation of bone are two critical processes in fast-growing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). The mechanisms of these processes, however, have not been described in detail. Thus, in vitro systems that allow the study of factors that influence bone formation in farmed Atlantic salmon are highly warranted. We describe here a method by which unspecialised primary cells from salmon white muscle can differentiate to osteoblasts in vitro. We have subsequently used the differentiated cells as a model system to study the effects of two factors that influence bone formation in Atlantic salmon under commercial farming conditions, namely polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs, and temperature. Muscle precursor cells changed their morphology from triangular or spindle-shaped cells to polygonal or cubical cells after 3 weeks in osteogenic medium. In addition, gene expression studies showed that marker genes for osteoblastogenesis; alp, col1a1, osteocalcin, bmp2 and bmp4 increased after 3 weeks of incubation in osteogenic media showing that these cells have differentiated to osteoblasts at this stage. Adding CLA or DHA to the osteoblast media resulted in a reduced PGE2 production and increased expression of osteocalcin. Further, temperature studies showed that differentiating osteoblasts are highly sensitive to increased incubation temperature at early stages of differentiation. Our studies show that unspecialised precursor cells isolated from salmon muscle tissue can be caused to differentiate to osteoblasts in vitro. Furthermore, this model system appears to be suitable for the study of osteoblast biology in vitro.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis afflicts millions of individuals across the world resulting in impaired quality of life and increased health costs. To understand this disease, physicians have been studying risk factors, such as genetic predisposition, aging, obesity, and joint malalignment; however have been unable to conclusively determine the direct etiology. Current treatment options are short-term or ineffective and fail to address pathophysiological and biochemical mechanisms involved with cartilage degeneration and the induction of pain in arthritic joints. OA pain involves a complex integration of sensory, affective, and cognitive processes that integrate a variety of abnormal cellular mechanisms at both peripheral and central (spinal and supraspinal) levels of the nervous system Through studies examined by investigators, the role of growth factors and cytokines has increasingly become more relevant in examining their effects on articular cartilage homeostasis and the development of osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis-associated pain. Catabolic factors involved in both cartilage degradation in vitro and nociceptive stimulation include IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, PGE2, FGF-2 and PKCδ, and pharmacologic inhibitors to these mediators, as well as compounds such as RSV and LfcinB, may potentially be used as biological treatments in the future. This review explores several biochemical mediators involved in OA and pain, and provides a framework for the understanding of potential biologic therapies in the treatment of degenerative joint disease in the future.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are powerful research tools for the design and discovery of new approaches to cell therapy in neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease. Several epigenetic and genetic strategies have been tested for long-term maintenance and expansion of these cells in vitro.Here we report the generation of a new stable cell line of human neural stem cells derived from ventral mesencephalon (hVM1) based on v-myc immortalization.The cells expressed neural stem cell and radial glia markers like nestin, vimentin and 3CB2 under proliferation conditions. After withdrawal of growth factors, proliferation and expression of v-myc were dramatically reduced and the cells differentiated into astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and neurons. hVM1 cells yield a large number of dopaminergic neurons (about 12% of total cells are TH+) after differentiation, which also produce dopamine. In addition to proneural genes (NGN2, MASH1), differentiated cells show expression of several genuine mesencephalic dopaminergic markers such as: LMX1A, LMX1B, GIRK2, ADH2, NURR1, PITX3, VMAT2 and DAT, indicating that they retain their regional identity.Our data indicate that this cell line and its clonal derivatives may constitute good candidates for the study of development and physiology of human dopaminergic neurons in vitro, and to develop tools for Parkinson's disease cell replacement preclinical research and drug testing.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC) control the levels of their substrate phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2), and its hydrolysis products diacylglycerol (DAG) and Ins(1,4,5)P3, second messengers key to growth control and cell movement. The former is modulated by breakdown of plasma membrane and nuclear phosphoinositides, while the latter is mediated by phosphoinositide-driven remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. The roles of PLC in the etiology and progression of breast carcinoma, however, are poorly understood. Previous studies reported a correlation between PLCβ2 expression and breast tumor grade, making PLCβ2 a potential marker for clinical outcome (Bertagnolo et al., 2006). While over-expression of PLCβ2 is not sufficient to induce transformation of normal breast epithelial cells, it appears to play a role in promoting cell migration (Bertagnolo et al., 2007).Here we examined the expression of this and other PLC mRNA (β1–β4, δ1, δ3 and δ4, γ1 and γ2) in normal breast epithelial lines, MCF-10A, and compared that pattern to breast tumor lines MDA-MB-231 and to T47D, using real-time relative-quantification PCR. Our results show that PLCγ1, γ2 and δ1 and δ3 are more highly expressed in the transformed cell lines compared to MCF-10A when normalized to mRNA encoding various house keeping proteins; whereas PLCβ2 mRNA levels were considerably lower than other PLC subtypes, including PLCβ1 in the metastatic lines. Examination of PLC mRNA levels from normal and cancerous human breast tissue showed a similar pattern of expression, however, when staging or tumor size was considered, PLCδ1 and δ3 expression were positively correlated.To test whether PLCδ1 or δ3 played any role in tumor cell proliferation or cell migration, we transfected cells with siRNA specifically targeting these isoforms. RNAi mediated knockdown of either PLC isoform, reduced proliferation of the MDA-MB-231 cells. Morphological changes including cell rounding, and surface blebbing and nuclear fragmentation were observed. These changes were accompanied by reductions in cell migration activities. On the other hand, PLCδ1 knockdown failed to cause comparable morphological changes in the normal MCF-10A line, but did reduce cell proliferation and migration. Taken together, these data are consistent with the idea that PLCδ1 and δ3 isoforms support the growth and migration of normal and neoplastic mammary epithelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

We previously reported that incubation of bone-marrow derived macrophages in the absence of macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF), a cytokine that is essential for their growth and survival, resulted in stimulation of acid sphingomyelinase, accumulation of ceramides, and induction of apoptosis [A. Gomez-Munoz et al. 2004. Ceramide 1-phosphate blocks apoptosis through inhibition of acid sphingomyelinase in macrophages. J Lipid Res 45: 99–105]. Here, we show that alveolar NR8383 macrophages, which are not dependent on M-CSF for viability, undergo apoptosis when they are incubated in the absence of serum. NR8383 cells showed increased levels of ceramides under apoptotic conditions, but in contrast to bone marrow macrophage acid and neutral sphingomyelinases were only slightly activated. We found that the major mechanism for ceramide generation in NR8383 macrophages was stimulation of their synthesis de novo. This action involved activation of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), the key regulatory enzyme of this pathway. A relevant finding was that ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) inhibited SPT activity and ceramide accumulation leading to inhibition of apoptosis. Furthermore, C1P enhanced the activity of antiapoptotic protein kinase B and its downstream effector nuclear factor kappa B. These observations add a new dimension to the understanding of the pro-survival actions of C1P in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The study determined heavy metal concentrations and MT1 nucleotide sequence [phylogeny] in liver of the Kafue lechwe. Applicability of MT1 as a biomarker of pollution was assessed. cDNA-encoding sequences for lechwe MT1 were amplified by RT-PCR to characterize the sequence of MT1 which was subjected to BLAST searching at NCBI. Phylogenetic relationships were based on pairwise matrix of sequence divergences calculated by Clustal W. Phylogenetic tree was constructed by NJ method using PHILLIP program. Metals were extracted by acid digestion and concentrations of Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Ni were determined using an AAS. MT1 mRNA expression levels were measured by quantitative comparative real-time RT-PCR. Lechwe MT1 has a length of 183bp, which encode for MT1 proteins of 61AA, which include 20 cysteines. Nucleotide sequence of lechwe MT1 showed identity with sheep MT (97%) and cattle MT1E (97%). Phylogenetic tree revealed that lechwe MT1 was clustered with sheep MT and cattle MT1E. Cu and Ni concentrations and MT1 mRNA expression levels of lechwe from Blue Lagoon were significantly higher than those from Lochinvar (p<0.05). Concentrations of Cd and Cu, Co and Cu, Co and Pb, Ni and Cu, and Ni and Cr were positively correlated. Spearman's rank correlations also showed positive correlations between Cu and Co concentrations and MT mRNA expression. PCA further suggested that MT mRNA expression was related to Zn and Cd concentrations. Hepatic MT1 mRNA expression in lechwe can be used as biomarker of heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   

Hypertonia, which is characterized by stiff gait, abnormal posture, jerky movements, and tremor, is associated with a number of neurological disorders, including cerebral palsy, dystonia, Parkinson's disease, stroke, and spinal cord injury. Recently, a spontaneous mutation in the gene encoding trafficking protein, kinesin-binding 1 (Trak1), was identified as the genetic defect that causes hypertonia in mice. The subcellular localization and biological function of Trak1 remain unclear. Here we report that Trak1 interacts with hepatocyte-growth-factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs), an essential component of the endosomal sorting and trafficking machinery. Double-label immunofluorescence confocal studies show that the endogenous Trak1 protein partially colocalizes with Hrs on early endosomes. Like Hrs, both overexpression and small-interfering-RNA-mediated knockdown of Trak1 inhibit degradation of internalized epidermal growth factor receptors through a block in endosome-to-lysosome trafficking. Our findings support a role for Trak1 in the regulation of Hrs-mediated endosomal sorting and have important implications for understanding hypertonia associated with neurological disorders.  相似文献   

The role of macrophages, their products, and the specific antibody response were examined during chronic Trichinella spiralis infection in BALB/c mice. Adult T. spiralis in intestines were detected from 5 to 20 dpi. Muscle larvae numbers peaked at 45 dpi and thereafter a reduction was noted. The highest numbers of macrophages in the peritoneal cavity of infected mice were obtained up to 30 dpi. The production of NO by macrophages in infected mice was suppressed at 5 dpi, and then NO release increased until 45 dpi. The levels of NO in plasma and urine were lower in infected mice during the entire experiment in comparison to control. The production of O(2)(-) in peritoneal macrophages was inhibited during the first two weeks after infection and then increased until 90 dpi. Circulating T. spiralis antigens in plasma and urine were detected from 5 to 30 dpi. Specific IgM and IgA in serum increased until 20 dpi. IgG, IgG(1), and IgG(2) levels in serum increased until 60 dpi.  相似文献   

Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) is a T-cell malignancy associated with human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and characterized by visceral invasion. Degradation of the extracellular matrix by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is a crucial process in invasion of tumors and metastasis. MMP-7 (or matrilysin), is a “minimal domain MMP” with proteolytic activity against components of the extracellular matrix. To determine the involvement of MMP-7 in visceral spread in ATL, this study investigated MMP-7 expression in ATL. MMP-7 expression was identified in HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines, peripheral blood ATL cells and ATL cells in lymph nodes, but not in uninfected T-cell lines or normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells. MMP-7 expression was induced following infection of a human T-cell line with HTLV-1, and specifically by the viral protein Tax. Functionally, MMP-7 promoted cell migration of HTLV-1-infected T cells. The MMP-7 promoter activity was increased by Tax and reduced by deletion of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) binding site. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed high levels of AP-1 binding proteins, including JunD, in HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines and ATL cells, and Tax elicited JunD binding to the MMP-7 AP-1 element. Tax-induced MMP-7 activation was inhibited by dominant negative JunD and augmented by JunD/JunD homodimers. Short interfering RNA against JunD inhibited MMP-7 mRNA expression in HTLV-1-infected T-cell lines. These results suggest that the induction of MMP-7 by Tax is regulated by JunD and that MMP-7 could facilitate visceral invasion in ATL.  相似文献   

The Gq-coupled oxytocin receptor (OTR) and the Gs-coupled β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) are both expressed in myometrial cells and mediate uterine contraction and relaxation, respectively. The two receptors represent important pharmacological targets as OTR antagonists and β2AR agonists are used to control pre-term uterine contractions. Despite their physiologically antagonistic effects, both receptors activate the MAP kinases ERK1/2, which has been implicated in uterine contraction and the onset of labor. To determine the signalling pathways involved in mediating the ERK1/2 response, we assessed the effect of blockers of specific G protein-associated pathways. In human myometrial hTERT-C3 cells, inhibition of Gαi as well as inhibition of the Gαq/PKC pathway led to a reduction of both OTR- and β2AR-mediated ERK1/2 activation. The involvement of Gαq/PKC in β2AR-mediated ERK1/2 induction was unexpected. To test whether the emergence of this novel signalling mechanism was dependent on OTR expression in the same cell, we conducted experiments in HEK 293 cells that were transfected with the β2AR alone or co-transfected with the OTR. Using this approach, we found that β2AR-mediated ERK1/2 responses became sensitive to PKC inhibition only in cells co-transfected with the OTR. Inhibitor studies indicated the involvement of an atypical PKC isoform in this process. We confirmed the specific involvement of PKCζ in this pathway by assessing PKCζ translocation to the cell membrane. Consistent with our inhibitor studies, we found that β2AR-mediated PKCζ translocation was dependent on co-expression of OTR. The present demonstration of a novel β2AR-coupled signalling pathway that is dependent on OTR co-expression is suggestive of a molecular interaction between the two receptors.  相似文献   

TWINKLE is a mitochondrial DNA helicase playing an important role in mitochondrial DNA replication. In human, mutations in this gene cause progressive external ophtalmoplegia and mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome-7. TWINKLE is well conserved among multicellular eukaryotes and is believed to be a key regulator of mitochondrial DNA copy number in mammals.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis (HPG) plays vital roles in reproduction and steroid hormone production in both sexes. The focus of this review is upon gene structures, receptor structures and the signaling pathways of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The hormones' functions in reproduction as well as consequences resulting from mutations are also summarized. Specific characteristics of hormones such as the pulsatile secretions of GnRH are also covered. The different regulators of the HPG axis are introduced including kisspeptin, activin, inhibin, follistatin, androgens and estrogen. This review includes not only their basic information, but also their unique function in the HPG axis. Here we view the HPG axis as a whole, so relations between ligands and receptors are well described crossing different levels of the HPG axis. Hormone interactions and transformations are also considered. The major information of this article is depicted in three figures summarizing the current discoveries on the HPG axis. This article systematically introduces the basic knowledge of the HPG axis and provides information of the current advances relating to reproductive hormones.  相似文献   

Recent studies using the mouse showed an inverse correlation between the Caveolin 1 gene expression and lactation, and this was regulated by prolactin. However, current study using mammary explants from pregnant mice showed that while insulin (I), cortisol (F) and prolactin (P) resulted in maximum induction of the β-casein gene, FP and IFP resulted in the downregulation of Caveolin 1. Additionally, IF, FP and IFP resulted in the downregulation of Caveolin 2. Immunohistochemistry confirmed localisation of Caveolin 1 specific to myoepithelial cells and adipocytes. Comparative studies with the tammar wallaby showed Caveolin 1 and 2 had 70–80% homology with the mouse proteins. However, in contrast to the mouse, Caveolin 1 and 2 genes showed a significantly increased level of expression in the mammary gland during lactation. The regulation of tammar Caveolin 1 and 2 gene expression was examined in mammary explants from pregnant tammars, and no significant difference was observed either in the absence or in the presence of IFP.  相似文献   

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