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The sarcomeric α-actinins, encoded by the genes ACTN2 and ACTN3, are major structural components of the Z-line and have high sequence similarity. α-Actinin-2 is present in all skeletal muscle fibres, while α-actinin-3 has developed specialized expression in only type 2 (fast, glycolytic) fibres.  相似文献   

NPC1 gene is an important gene closely related to the Niemann–Pick type C (NPC). Mutations in the NPC1 gene tend to cause Niemann–Pick type C, a lysosomal storage disorder. Previous studies have shown that NPC1 protein plays an important role in subcellular lipid transport, homeostasis, platelet function and formation, which are basic metabolic activities in the process of development. In this study, to explore the association between the NPC1 gene variation and body size traits in Qinchuan cattle, we detected four novel coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (cSNPs) in the bovine NPC1 gene, including one missense mutation (SNP1) and three synonymous mutations (SNP2, SNP3 and SNP4). Population genetic analyses of 518 individuals and association correlations between cSNPs and bovine body size traits were conducted in this research. A missense mutation at SNP1 locus was found to be significantly related to the heart girth, hip width and body weight (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05, 3.5-year-old). Two synonymous mutations at SNP2 and SNP3 loci also showed significant effects on hip width (P < 0.05, 3.5-year-old). One synonymous mutation at SNP4 locus showed significant effect on body weight (P < 0.05, 2.0-year-old). Combined haplotypes H2H6 and H6H6 showed significant effects on body size traits such as heart girth, hip width, and body weight (3.5-year-old, P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). This study provides evidence that the NPC1 gene might be involved in the regulation of bovine growth and body development, and may be considered as a candidate gene for marker assisted selection (MAS) in beef cattle breeding industry.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) is a fetal growth and differentiation factor that plays an important role in muscle growth and in myoblast proliferation and differentiation. The aim of this study was to examine the association of the IGF2 polymorphism with growth traits in beef cattle breed. Four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs: 1–4) were identified in the bovine IGF2 by sequencing pooled DNA samples (Pool-Seq) and forced polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (Forced PCR–RFLP) methods. The result of haplotype analysis of four SNPs showed that eight haplotypes and eighteen combined genotypes were revealed, and the linkage disequilibrium and evolutionary relationship were assessed in 1522 individuals representing four purebred cattle breeds from China. The statistical analyses indicated that the 4 SNPs and 18 combined genotypes or haplotypes are associated with the body weight at 18 and 24 months in Jiaxian cattle population (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). Our results provide evidence that polymorphisms in the IGF2 gene are associated with growth traits, and may be used for marker-assisted selection in beef cattle breeding program.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are peptide growth factors belonging to the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) superfamily, and some members of the BMP family support white adipocyte differentiation. In this study, we focused on the BMP7 which singularly promotes the differentiation of brown preadipocytes. Haplotypes involving 5 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sites in the bovine BMP7 gene were identified and their effect on body weight was analyzed. 16 haplotypes and 18 combined haplotypes were revealed and the linkage disequilibrium was assessed in the cattle population with 602 individuals representing three main cattle breeds from China. The results showed that haplotypes 3, 10 and 14 were predominant and accounted for 75.64%, 69.85%, and 83.36% in Nanyang, Qinchuan and Jiaxian cattle breeds, respectively. The statistical analyses indicated that the SNP 1, 4, and 5 are associated with the body weight, body length, and heart girth at 12 and 24 months in Nanyang cattle population (P < 0.05), whereas there is no significant association between their 16 haplotypes and 18 combined haplotypes. Our results provide evidence that some SNPs and haplotypes in BMP7 are associated with growth traits, and may be utilized as a genetic marker in marker-assisted selection for beef cattle breeding programs.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease (AID) with both genetic and environmental components. We aimed to investigate the genetic association of polymorphisms in genes previously linked with other AIDs, namely BANK1, IL15 and IL2/IL21 region.  相似文献   

The glioma-associated oncogene family zinc finger 3 gene (GLI3) mediates in all vertebrates hedgehog (Hh) signaling that plays an essential role in the induction and patterning of numerous cell types during invertebrate and vertebrate development. In this study, a total of 6 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs: 1–6) were identified by polymerase chain reaction–single stranded conformational polymorphism (PCR–SSCP) and DNA pool sequencing, including all 13 exons and 12 exon–intron boundaries within the bovine GLI3 gene. 16 haplotypes and 13 combined genotypes were revealed and the linkage disequilibrium was assessed in 708 individuals representing three main cattle breeds from China. The statistical analyses indicated that the SNP2, 3 and 4 are associated with the body weight at birth and 6 months in Nanyang cattle population (P < 0.05). No significant association was detected between 11 combined genotypes and body weight at five different ages. Our results provide evidence that polymorphisms in the GLI3 gene are associated with growth traits, and may be used for marker-assisted selection in beef cattle breeding program.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are members of the TGF-β (transforming growth factor-beta) superfamily, of which BMP4 is the most important due to its crucial role in follicular growth and differentiation, cumulus expansion and ovulation. Reproduction is a crucial trait in goat breeding and based on the important role of BMP4 gene in reproduction it was considered as a possible candidate gene for the prolificacy of goats. The objective of the present study was to detect polymorphism in intronic, exonic and 3′ un-translated regions of BMP4 gene in Indian goats. Nine different goat breeds (Barbari, Beetal, Black Bengal, Malabari, Jakhrana (Twinning > 40%), Osmanabadi, Sangamneri (Twinning 20–30%), Sirohi and Ganjam (Twinning < 10%)) differing in prolificacy and geographic distribution were employed for polymorphism scanning. Cattle sequence (AC_000167.1) was used to design primers for the amplification of a targeted region followed by direct DNA sequencing to identify the genetic variations. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were not detected in exon 3, the intronic region and the 3′ flanking region. A SNP (G1534A) was identified in exon 2. It was a non-synonymous mutation resulting in an arginine to lysine change in a corresponding protein sequence. G to A transition at the 1534 locus revealed two genotypes GG and GA in the nine investigated goat breeds. The GG genotype was predominant with a genotype frequency of 0.98. The GA genotype was present in the Black Bengal as well as Jakhrana breed with a genotype frequency of 0.02. A microsatellite was identified in the 3′ flanking region, only 20 nucleotides downstream from the termination site of the coding region, as a short sequence with more than nineteen continuous and repeated CA dinucleotides. Since the gene is highly evolutionarily conserved, identification of a non-synonymous SNP (G1534A) in the coding region gains further importance. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a mutation in the coding region of the caprine BMP4 gene. But whether the reproduction trait of goat is associated with the BMP4 polymorphism, needs to be further defined by association studies in more populations so as to delineate an effect on it.  相似文献   

Termites from the genus Odontotermes are known to contain numerous species complexes that are difficult to tell apart morphologically or with mitochondrial DNA sequences. We developed markers for one such cryptic species complex, that is, Odontotermes srinakarinensis sp. nov. from Maxwell Hill Forest Reserve (Perak, Malaysia), and characterised them using a sample of 41 termite workers from three voucher samples from the same area. We then genotyped 150 termite individuals from 23 voucher samples/colonies of this species complex from several sites in Peninsular Malaysia. We analysed their population by constructing dendograms from the proportion of shared-alleles between individuals and genetic distances between colonies; additionally, we examined the Bayesian clustering pattern of their genotype data. All methods of analysis indicated that there were two distinct clusters within our data set. After the morphologies of specimens from each cluster were reexamined, we were able to separate the two species morphologically and found that a single diagnostic character found on the mandibles of its soldiers could be used to separate the two species quite accurately. The additional species in the clade was identified as Odontotermes denticulatus after it was matched to type specimens at the NHM London and Cambridge Museum of Zoology.  相似文献   

As a signaling molecule, bone morphogenetic protein 8B (BMP8B) plays an essential role in bone metabolism and is able to regulate thermogenesis and energy balance, which suggests that BMP8B gene may be a new candidate for growth traits. Here, to characterize the effects of BMP8B gene on growth traits, we first used three Chinese indigenous cattle breeds (n = 845) to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Five novel SNPs of BMP8B gene (g.− 242C>T, g.2164C>T, g.2639T>C, g.2900C>G and g.10817C>T) were identified by DNA pool sequencing and forced PCR–RFLP. And then we associated the five SNPs with four growth traits (body weight, body length, heart girth, and hucklebone width). Results from association analysis showed that the SNPs 1, 2, and 3 affected growth trait(s) markedly (P < 0.05). Further, 6 combined haplotypes were constructed to guarantee the reliability of analysis results. There were also significant differences in body length, heart girth and body weight between the 6 combined haplotypes (P < 0.05), but not in hucklebone width (P > 0.05). Collectively, our results suggest a modulatory role of BMP8B gene in cattle growth and development, and 3 SNPs could be used as molecular markers in early marker assisted selection (MAS) in beef cattle breeding program.  相似文献   

The cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3 (CSRP3) plays an important role in the myofiber differentiation. Here, we identified five SNVs in all exon and intron regions of the CSRP3 gene using DNA sequencing, PCR-RFLP and forced-PCR-RFLP methods in 554 cattle. Four of the five SNVs were significantly associated with growth performance and carcass traits of the cattle. In addition, we evaluated haplotype frequency and linkage disequilibrium coefficient of five sequence variants. The result of haplotype analysis demonstrated 28 haplotypes present in Qinchuan and two haplotypes in Chinese Holstein. Only haplotypes 1 and 8 were being shared by two populations, haplotype 14 had the highest haplotype frequency in Qinchuan (17.4%) and haplotype 8 had the highest haplotype frequency in Chinese Holstein (94.4%). Statistical analyses of combined genotypes indicated that some combined genotypes were significantly or highly significantly associated with growth and carcass traits in the Qinchuan cattle population. qPCR analyses also showed that bovine CSRP3 gene was exclusively expressed in longissimus dorsi muscle and heart tissues. The data support the high potential of the CSRP3 as a marker gene for the improvement of growth performance and carcass traits in selection programs.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated a novel microsomal glutathione S-transferase3 (MGST3) gene from the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum, and examined its expression pattern in response to copper-and nickel-induced stresses. The full length of PmMGST3 was 732 bp, ranging from the dinoflagellate splice leader (DinoSL) sequence to the poly (A) tail, covering a 441-bp ORF, 97-bp 5′UTR, and 194-bp 3′UTR. The PmMGST3 was up-regulated by metals, including copper and nickel. The highest up-regulation levels of the PmMGST3 were found under 0.1 mg/L copper and 0.5 mg/L nickel treatment, respectively. In addition, the PmMGST3 was gradually up-regulated by 0.1 mg/L copper with increasing exposure time. Furthermore, ROS production and reduced GSH was measured in the copper treated cells. A significant increased ROS production and reduced GSH were found in the copper treated cells. These results suggest that PmMGST3 may be related to defense mechanisms associated with oxidative stress in dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (IGF2R) is responsible for degradation of the muscle development initiator, IGF2, and thus it can be used as a marker for selection strategies in the farm animals. The aim of this study was to search for polymorphisms in three coding loci of IGF2R, and to analyze their effect on the growth traits and on the expression levels of IGF2R and IGF2 genes in the gluteus medius muscle of Egyptian buffaloes. A novel A266C SNP was detected in the coding sequences of the third IGF2R locus (at nucleotide number 51 of exon 23) among Egyptian water buffaloes. This SNP was non-synonymous mutation and led to replacement of Y (tyrosine) amino acid (aa) by D (aspartic acid) aa. Three different single-strand conformation polymorphism patterns were observed in the third IGF2R locus: AA, AC, and CC with frequencies of 0.555, 0.195, and 0.250, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that the homozygous AA genotype significantly associated with the average daily gain than AC and CC genotypes from birth to 9 mo of age. Expression analysis showed that the A266C SNP was correlated with IGF2, but not with IGF2R, mRNA levels in the gluteus medius muscle of Egyptian buffaloes. The highest IGF2 mRNA level was estimated in the muscle of animals with the AA homozygous genotype as compared to the AC heterozygotes and CC homozygotes. We conclude that A266C SNP at nucleotide number 51 of exon 23 of the IGF2R gene is associated with the ADG during the early stages of life (from birth to 9 mo of age) and this effect is accompanied by, and may be caused by, increased expression levels of the IGF2 gene.  相似文献   

Immunological dysregulation has been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Accumulating evidences further implicate that activated inflammatory processes may be particularly relevant for the precipitation of negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) plays an important role in innate immunity by sensing a variety of pathogens and inducing an acquired immunity. In the present study, we investigated whether the coding region of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the TLR2 gene was associated with schizophrenia as well as with clinical symptoms in schizophrenia patients. The study population consisted of 286 Korean schizophrenia patients and 305 Korean control subjects. The assessment of the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms was used to evaluate the negative symptoms of schizophrenia; the operational criteria checklist was used to measure general psychopathology. We selected two cSNPs [rs3804099 (Asn199Asn) and rs3804100 (Ser450Ser)] considering their heterozygosity and minor allele frequency. SNP genotyping was conducted using direct sequencing. We did not find any significant associations between SNPs and schizophrenia in the genotype and allelic frequencies. On the other hand, in the analysis of cognitive symptoms, rs3804099 showed significant differences in schizophrenia patients with poor concentration in the dominant model (TC/CC vs. TT, p = 0.0099). Also, rs3804100 showed a significant association with poor concentration in the co-dominant (TC vs. TT, p = 0.014) and the dominant models (TC/CC vs. TT, p = 0.0035). We obtained no significant support for the association of the TLR2 gene with susceptibility to schizophrenia in the Korean population. However, our results provide possibility that C allele of rs3804099 and rs3804100 may be associated with poor concentration in schizophrenia patients. Further studies with larger samples are required to confirm our results.  相似文献   

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