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We report studies of two unrelated Japanese patients with 17α-hydroxylase deficiency caused by mutations of the 17α-hydroxylase (CYP17) gene. We amplified all eight exons of the CYP17 gene, including the exon-intron boundaries, by the polymerase chain reaction and determined their nucleotide sequences. Patient 1 had novel, compound heterozygous mutations of the CYP17 gene. One mutant allele had a guanine to thymine transversion at position +5 in the splice donor site of intron 2. This splice-site mutation caused exon 2 skipping, as shown by in vitro minigene expression analysis of an allelic construct, resulting in a frameshift and introducing a premature stop codon (TAG) 60 bp downstream from the exon 1-3 boundary. The other allele had a missense mutation of His (CAC) to Leu (CTC) at codon 373 in exon 6. These two mutations abolished the 17α-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase activities. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with a mismatch oligonucleotide showed that the patient’s mother and brother carried the splice-site mutation, but not the missense mutation. Patient 2 was homozygous for a novel 1-bp deletion (cytosine) at codon 131 in exon 2. This 1-bp deletion produces a frameshift in translation and introduces a premature stop codon (TAG) proximal to the highly conserved heme iron-binding cysteine at codon 442 in microsomal cytochrome P450 steroid 17α-hydroxylase (P450c17). RFLP analysis showed that the mother was heterozygous for the mutation. Received: 15 November 1997 / Accepted: 15 March 1998  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the accumulation of unesterified cholesterol in the late endosomal/lysosomal compartments. Mutations in the NPC1 protein are implicated in 95% of patients with NPC disease. The most prevalent mutation is the missense mutation I1061T that occurs in ∼15–20% of the disease alleles. In our study, an isobaric labeling-based quantitative analysis of proteome of NPC1I1061T primary fibroblasts when compared with wild-type cells identified 281 differentially expressed proteins based on stringent data analysis criteria. Gene ontology enrichment analysis revealed that these proteins play important roles in diverse cellular processes such as protein maturation, energy metabolism, metabolism of reactive oxygen species, antioxidant activity, steroid metabolism, lipid localization, and apoptosis. The relative expression level of a subset of differentially expressed proteins (TOR4A, DHCR24, CLGN, SOD2, CHORDC1, HSPB7, and GAA) was independently and successfully substantiated by Western blotting. We observed that treating NPC1I1061T cells with four classes of seven different compounds that are potential NPC drugs increased the expression level of SOD2 and DHCR24. We have also shown an abnormal accumulation of glycogen in NPC1I1061T fibroblasts possibly triggered by defective processing of lysosomal alpha-glucosidase. Our study provides a starting point for future more focused investigations to better understand the mechanisms by which the reported dysregulated proteins triggers the pathological cascade in NPC, and furthermore, their effect upon therapeutic interventions.Niemann-Pick type C (NPC)1 disease is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder in which the transport of cholesterol and glycosphingolipids from late endosomal/lysosomal (LE/Ly) compartments to plasma membrane or endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is impaired. The trafficking defect leads to an excessive accumulation of these lipids in the LE/Ly compartments (1). The disease is often diagnosed in early childhood, and as it progresses there is a gradual loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum leading to ataxia, dysarthria, vertical supranuclear gaze palsy, and decline of neurological functions (2). NPC disease occurs with an estimated frequency of 1 in 120,000 to 150,000 live births (1). Currently, there is no cure for NPC disease, and available therapeutic efforts are focused on symptom treatment.Approximately 95% of NPC cases are caused by mutations in the NPC1 gene, whereas the remaining 5% are because of mutations in the NPC2 gene (3). NPC1 is a large glycoprotein of 140–170 kDa with 13 transmembrane domains that resides primarily on the limiting membrane of LE/Ly compartments. At steady state, NPC1 is synthesized in the ER and targeted to the LE/Ly compartments where it mediates cholesterol transport via unknown mechanisms. To date over 254 disease-causing mutations, including both missense and nonsense mutations, have been reported on the various domains of NPC1 (4). Among these mutations, I1061T occurs in the luminal side of NPC1 protein and accounts for ∼15–20% of the disease-causing alleles in NPC patients (5). NPC1I1061T protein is synthesized but fails to advance in the secretory pathway because of its recognition as a misfolded protein by the ER quality control machinery and is consequently targeted for proteasomal degradation (5). Interestingly, if the NPC1I1061T mutant protein escapes from the ER quality control, it can properly localize to the late endosome and is functional in maintaining cellular cholesterol homeostasis (5). Because NPC1 containing the I1061T mutation is the most common mutation, detailed exploration of the proteome of NPC1I1061T cells and its comparison to wild-type will further enhance our insight into its molecular mechanisms. Moreover a better understanding of the pathophysiology of the NPC disease from such studies will facilitate implementation of effective therapeutic strategies.Mass spectrometry-based proteomics has emerged as a preferred method for in-depth characterization and quantification of the protein components of biological systems (6). Furthermore, isobaric labeling is a powerful tool for quantitative proteomics studies, which enables concurrent identification and multiplexed quantification of proteins in different samples using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) (7). To identify proteins with relevance to NPC pathogenesis because of I1061T mutation, we have used an amine-reactive six-plex tandem mass tags (TMT) isobaric reagent to differentially label and perform a proteomics comparison of primary fibroblasts derived from healthy and I1061T-mutant individuals. Three biological replicates of NPC1I1061T and NPC1WT cells were labeled with different isotopic variant of the TMT 6-plex tag, combined, and analyzed by the multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT) technique (8). After filtering MS/MS spectra with low reporter ion intensities from 4308 nonredundant identified proteins, a total of 3553 distinct proteins were quantified. Further data analysis enabled characterization of 281 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) that were statistically significant (False discovery rate (FDR) = 5%). We assessed our TMT results by validating the expression level of seven proteins by Western blotting. From a therapeutic perspective, we monitored the expression of two DEPs, SOD2 and DHCR24, in the NPC1I1061T fibroblasts upon treatment with potential NPC drugs: β-cycodextrins (MβCD and HPCD) (9), histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs, such as CI-994, SAHA, and VPA) (10), antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), and an oxysterol derivative pharmacological chaperone, mo56HC (11). We have also examined the cellular glycogen levels in NPC1WT and NPC1I1061T fibroblasts by staining with periodic acid-Schiff reagents.  相似文献   

We report the molecular analysis of the subunit of the rod phosphodiesterase (PDEB) gene in a consanguineous autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa family that shows homozygosity for polymorphisms in the genomic region comprising this gene, and positive linkage between a PDEB marker and the diesease. The two affected sisters are homozygous for a T to G transversion in codon 699 of the PDEB gene, leading to the substitution of a leucine by an arginine residue. This change, enclosed in the catalytic domain of the PDEB, could result in a modification of the protein structure preventing the physiological hydrolysis of cGMP.  相似文献   

Here, we report a Chinese case of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) with a rare mutation in the prion protein gene (PRNP) leading to an exchange of amino acid from valine (Val) to isoleucine (I) at codon 203 (V203I). The 80-y-old male presented with sudden memory loss, rapid loss of vocabulary, inattention and slow responses, accompanied by dizziness, blurred vision and ataxia. Two weeks after admission, he exhibited tremor, myoclonus and bilateral Babinski signs. At the end of the clinical course, he developed severe akinetic mutism. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was positive for 14-3-3 protein. Increased bilateral signal intensity in the frontal and parietal lobes was seen on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI); periodic activity was recorded on an electroencephalogram (EEG). There was no family history of similar symptoms. The total clinical course was approximately two months.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by memory loss and personality changes. Pathological hallmarks of AD are: deposition of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain, accompanied by neuronal and synaptic loss. The genetic background of AD is heterogeneous and strongly depends on the form of the disease. In most of the families with early-onset AD (EOAD) (10% of the total population of patients), the disease segregates as an autosomal dominant fully penetrant trait. To date, some missense mutations in three genes encoding the amyloid precursor protein, presenilin 1 (PS1) and 2 (PS2) have been found to cause familial EOAD. We screened for mutations in the presenilin genes in a sample of 55 patients with familial or sporadic form of EOAD from the Poznan region. We found 4 missense mutations in the PS1 gene: A246E in exon 7, P267L in exon 8, E318G in exon 9, and L424R in exon 12 among 5 unrelated patients. The frequency of PS1 mutations was 11% (5 of 55) in the whole sample of the patients with EOAD or 50% (3 of 6) if the analysis was restricted to familial cases with a positive history of dementia in the patient's family.  相似文献   

Niemann–Pick C disease is a fatal progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused in 95% of cases by mutations in the NPC1 gene; the remaining 5% of cases result from mutations in the NPC2 gene. The major biochemical manifestation of NPC1 deficiency is an abnormal sequestration of lipids, including cholesterol and glycosphingolipids, in late endosomes/lysosomes (LE/L) of all cells. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of the NPC1 protein in mammalian cells with particular focus on how defects in NPC1 alter lipid trafficking and neuronal functions. NPC1 is a protein of LE/L and is predicted to contain thirteen transmembrane domains, five of which constitute a sterol-sensing domain. The precise function of NPC1, and the mechanism by which NPC1 and NPC2 (both cholesterol binding proteins) act together to promote the movement of cholesterol and other lipids out of the LE/L, have not yet been established. Recent evidence suggests that the sequestration of cholesterol in LE/L of cells of the brain (neurons and glial cells) contributes to the widespread death and dysfunction of neurons in the brain. Potential therapies include treatments that promote the removal of cholesterol and glycosphingolipids from LE/L. Currently, the most promising approach for extending life-span and improving the quality of life for NPC patients is a combination of several treatments each of which individually modestly slows disease progression.  相似文献   

Summary A novel mutation, a C to T transition at base pair 2124 in exon 17 of the amyloid -protein precursor (APP) gene, has been identified by direct sequencing of amplified DNA from two Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. A simple oligonucleotide-hybridization procedure was developed to allow population studies of this DNA variation. The mutation, which is silent at the protein level, was present in 2 out of 12 investigated AD patients, in 1 out of 60 non-AD patients and in 1 out of 30 healthy individuals. The mutation can be used as a new marker for linkage studies involving the APP gene, although more comprehensive population studies are required to determine the status of the mutation as a possible risk factor for the development of AD.  相似文献   

Cataract, defined as any opacity of the crystallin lens, can be divided into early onset (congenital or infantile) and age-related. It is the leading cause of visual disability in children, and mutations in many genes have currently been linked with this disorder. In the present study, we identified a genetic defect in a Chinese family with congenital cataract. Genomic DNA was extracted from the venous blood of the family and 100 normal controls. To screen for the disease-causing mutation, we sequenced eight candidate genes, and to predict the functional consequences of the mutation, a structural model of the protein was developed using the Protein Data Bank and PyMOL 1.1r1. We found a novel variant (c.163 A > G transition) in the gene for gap junction protein α3, or the connexin46 gene. This mutation resulted in the substitution of a highly conserved asparagine at codon 55 by aspartic acid (p.N55D). There were no nucleotide polymorphisms in the other candidate genes sequenced.  相似文献   

We describe a novel mutation in the coding region of theSRY gene in a 46, XY female with Swyer syndrome. Analysis ofSRY was carried out by direct sequencing of a 780-bp PCR product that included theSRY open reading frame (ORF). This revealed the presence of a point mutation, ins 108A, in the coding region 5’ to the HMG box which results in a frame shift and premature termination of the encoded protein. No other mutation was found in theSRY ORF. We infer that sex reversal in this individual is a result of this insertion. In none of the 13 other 46, XY females that were studied was a mutation detected inSRY, confirming earlier findings that most cases of XY femaleness are due to causes other than mutation inSRY. These observations and those of others are discussed in relation to the aetiology of XY sex reversal.  相似文献   

Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is a major structural protein in caveolae in the plasma membranes of many cell types, particularly endothelial cells and adipocytes. Loss of Cav-1 function has been implicated in multiple diseases affecting the cardiopulmonary and central nervous systems, as well as in specific aspects of sterol and lipid metabolism in the liver and intestine. Lungs contain an exceptionally high level of Cav-1. Parameters of cholesterol metabolism in the lung were measured, initially in Cav-1-deficient mice (Cav-1−/−), and subsequently in Cav-1−/− mice that also lacked the lysosomal cholesterol transporter Niemann–Pick C1 (Npc1) (Cav-1−/−:Npc1−/−). In 50-day-old Cav-1−/− mice fed a low- or high-cholesterol chow diet, the total cholesterol concentration (mg/g) in the lungs was marginally lower than in the Cav-1+/+ controls, but due to an expansion in their lung mass exceeding 30%, whole-lung cholesterol content (mg/organ) was moderately elevated. Lung mass (g) in the Cav-1−/−:Npc1−/− mice (0.356 ± 0.022) markedly exceeded that in their Cav-1+/+:Npc1+/+ controls (0.137 ± 0.009), as well as in their Cav-1−/−:Npc1+/+ (0.191 ± 0.013) and Cav-1+/+:Npc1−/− (0.213 ± 0.022) littermates. The corresponding lung total cholesterol contents (mg/organ) in mice of these genotypes were 6.74 ± 0.17, 0.71 ± 0.05, 0.96 ± 0.05 and 3.12 ± 0.43, respectively, with the extra cholesterol in the Cav-1−/−:Npc1−/− and Cav-1+/+:Npc1−/− mice being nearly all unesterified (UC). The exacerbation of the Npc1 lung phenotype and increase in the UC level in the Cav-1−/−:Npc1−/− mice imply a regulatory role of Cav-1 in pulmonary cholesterol metabolism when lysosomal sterol transport is disrupted.  相似文献   

Mutations in three genes PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP are known to be a cause of familial forms of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). APOE gene polymorphism is a strong risk genetic factor for AD. We have evaluated allele and genotype frequency distribution of rs11136000 polymorphism in the clusterin (CLU) gene (or apolipoprotein J, APOJ) in the samples from three Russian populations and in AD patients. Genome-wide association studies in samples from several European populations have recently revealed the highly significant association of CLU gene with AD (p = 8.5 × 10?10). We found no differences in allele and genotype frequencies of rs11136000 between the populations from the Moscow, Ural, and Siberia regions. The allele frequencies are close to those in European populations. The genetic association analysis in cohort of AD patients and normal individuals (>500 individuals in each group) revealed no significant association of the rs11136000 polymorphism in CLU gene with Alzheimer’s disease in Russian populations. Although our results showed that the CLU gene polymorphism rs11136000 is likely not a major genetic factor for the common form of Alzheimer’s disease, the data do not rule out the possibility of a modest effect of CLU and interaction between CLU and APOE genotypes in etiology of Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Two mutations are reported in six tyrosinemia type 1 patients from northern Europe. In four patients, a G to A transition at nucleotide position 1009 (G1009A) of the fumarylacetoacetase (FAH) coding sequence caused aberrant splicing by introducing an acceptor splice site within exon 12, thereby deleting the first 50 nucleotides of this exon. The following exon-intron boundary was frequently missed, and a cryptic donor splice site within intron 12 caused a partial intron 12 retention of 105 bp. This point mutation alternatively gave a glycine 337 to serine substitution in instances of correct splicing. The mutation is rapidly detected by PvuII digestion of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified genomic DNA. Another mutation, g+5a in the intron 12 donor splice site consensus sequence (IVS12 g+5a), was found in five of the patients. This caused alternative splicing with retention of the first 105 nucleotides of intron 12, exon 12 skipping, and a combined deletion of exons 12 and 13. Rapid detection of this mutation is achieved by restriction digestion of PCR-amplified genomic DNA; a mismatch primer combined with the point mutation creates a Tru9I restriction site. One patient who was homozygous for the G1009A mutation had a chronic form of tyrosinemia. Three patients were combined heterozygotes for G1009A and TVS12 g+5a. Their clinical phenotypes varied from acute to chronic, indicating the impact of background genes and/or external factors on the presentation of typrosinemia type 1.  相似文献   

We describe two unrelated patients with pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) deficiency attributable to mutations in the gene encoding the E1 subunit of the complex. This is a previously unrecognised form of PDH deficiency, which most commonly results from mutations in the X-linked gene for the E1 subunit. Both patients had reduced immunoreactive E1 protein and both had missense mutations in the E1 gene. Activity of the PDH complex was restored in cultured fibroblasts from both patients by transfection and expression of the normal E1 coding sequence.  相似文献   

The molecular and genetic research has contributed to a better understanding of the periodontal disease (PD) in humans and has shown that many genes play a role in the predisposition and progression of this complex disease. Variations in human lactotransferrin (LTF) gene appear to affect anti-microbial functions of this molecule, influencing the PD susceptibility. PD is also a major health problem in small animal practice, being the most common inflammatory disease found in dogs. Nevertheless, the research in genetic predisposition to PD is an unexplored subject in this species. This work aims to contribute to the characterization of the genetic basis of canine PD. In order to identify genetic variations and verify its association with PD, was performed a molecular analysis of LTF gene in a case–control approach, including 40 dogs in the PD cases group and 50 dogs in the control group. In this study were detected and characterized eight new single nucleotide variations in the dog LTF gene. Genotype and allele frequencies of these variations showed no statistically significant differences between the control and PD cases groups. Our data do not give evidence for the contribution of these LTF variations to the genetic background of canine PD. Nevertheless, the sequence variant L/15_g.411C > T leads to an aminoacid change (Proline to Leucine) and was predicted to be possibly damaging to the LTF protein. Further investigations would be of extreme value to clarify the biological importance of these new findings.  相似文献   

Lesch–Nyhan disease (LND) is a rare X-linked inherited neurogenetic disorder of purine metabolism in which the enzyme, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGprt) is defective. The authors report three novel independent mutations in the coding region of the HPRT1 gene from genomic DNA of (a) a carrier sister of two male patients with LND: c.569G>C, p.G190A in exon 8; and (b) two LND affected male patients unrelated to her who had two mutations: c.648delC, p.Y216X, and c.653C>G, p.A218G in exon 9. Molecular analysis reveals the heterogeneity of genetic mutation of the HPRT1 gene responsible for the HGprt deficiency. It allows fast, accurate detection of carriers and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Perturbations of calcium homeostasis have been associated with several neurodegenerative disorders. A common polymorphism (rs2986017) in the CALHM1 gene, coding for a regulator of calcium homeostasis, is a genetic risk factor for the development of Alzheimer disease (AD). Although some authors failed to confirm these results, a meta-analysis has shown that this polymorphism modulates the age at disease onset. Furthermore, a recent association study has explored the genetic variability of CALHM1 gene and two adjacent paralog genes (CALHM3 and CALHM2) in an Asian population. Since several lines of evidence suggest that AD and prion diseases share pathophysiologic mechanisms, we investigated for the first time the genetic variability of the gene cluster formed by CALHM1 and its paralogs in a series of 235 sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) patients, and compared the genotypic and allelic frequencies with those presented in 329 controls from the same ancestry. As such, this work also represents the first association analysis of CALHM genes in sCJD. Sequencing analysis of the complete coding regions of the genes demonstrated the presence of 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) within the CALHM genes. We observed that rs4918016-rs2986017-rs2986018 and rs41287502-rs41287500 polymorphic sites at CALHM1 were in linkage disequilibrium. We found marginal associations for sCJD risk at CALHM1 polymorphic sites rs41287502 and rs41287500 [coding for two linked missense mutations (p.(Met323Ile); (Gly282Cys)], and rs2986017 [p.(Leu86Pro)]. Interestingly, a TGG haplotype defined by the rs4918016-rs2986017-rs2986018 block was associated with sCJD. These findings underscore the need of future multinational collaborative initiatives in order to corroborate these seminal data.  相似文献   

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