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Genetic interaction analysis,in which two mutations have a combined effect not exhibited by either mutation alone, is a powerful and widespread tool for establishing functional linkages between genes. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ongoing screens have generated >4,800 such genetic interaction data. We demonstrate that by combining these data with information on protein-protein, prote in-DNA or metabolic networks, it is possible to uncover physical mechanisms behind many of the observed genetic effects. Using a probabilistic model, we found that 1,922 genetic interactions are significantly associated with either between- or within-pathway explanations encoded in the physical networks, covering approximately 40% of known genetic interactions. These models predict new functions for 343 proteins and suggest that between-pathway explanations are better than within-pathway explanations at interpreting genetic interactions identified in systematic screens. This study provides a road map for how genetic and physical interactions can be integrated to reveal pathway organization and function.  相似文献   

Hellen EH  Volkov E  Kurths J  Dana SK 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23286
An electronic analog of a synthetic genetic network known as the repressilator is proposed. The repressilator is a synthetic biological clock consisting of a cyclic inhibitory network of three negative regulatory genes which produces oscillations in the expressed protein concentrations. Compared to previous circuit analogs of the repressilator, the circuit here takes into account more accurately the kinetics of gene expression, inhibition, and protein degradation. A good agreement between circuit measurements and numerical prediction is observed. The circuit allows for easy control of the kinetic parameters thereby aiding investigations of large varieties of potential dynamics.  相似文献   

Exploring genetic interactions and networks with yeast   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The development and application of genetic tools and resources has enabled a partial genetic-interaction network for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to be compiled. Analysis of the network, which is ongoing, has already provided a clear picture of the nature and scale of the genetic interactions that robustly sustain biological systems, and how cellular buffering is achieved at the molecular level. Recent studies in yeast have begun to define general principles of genetic networks, and also pave the way for similar studies in metazoan model systems. A comparative understanding of genetic-interaction networks promises insights into some long-standing genetic problems, such as the nature of quantitative traits and the basis of complex inherited disease.  相似文献   

The application of novel experimental techniques has generated large networks of protein-protein interactions. Frequently, important information on the structure and cellular function of protein-protein interactions can be gained from the domains of interacting proteins. We have designed a Cytoscape plugin that decomposes interacting proteins into their respective domains and computes a putative network of corresponding domain-domain interactions. To this end, the network graph of proteins has been extended by additional node and edge types for domain interactions, including different node and edge shapes and coloring schemes used for visualization. An additional plugin provides supplementary web links to Internet resources on domain function and structure. AVAILABILITY: Both Cytoscape plugins can be downloaded from http://www.cytoscape.org  相似文献   

Cellular protein interaction networks exhibit sigmoidal input-output relationships with thresholds and steep responses (i.e. ultrasensitivity). Although cooperativity can be a source of ultrasensitivity, we examined whether the presence of "decoy" binding sites that are not coupled to activation could also lead to this effect. To systematically vary key parameters of the system, we designed a synthetic regulatory system consisting of an autoinhibited PDZ domain coupled to an activating SH3 domain binding site. In the absence of a decoy binding site, this system is non-ultrasensitive, as predicted by modeling of this system. Addition of a high-affinity decoy site adds a threshold, but the response is not ultrasensitive. We found that sigmoidal activation profiles can be generated utilizing multiple decoys with mixtures of high and low affinities, where high affinity decoys act to set the threshold and low affinity decoys ensure a sigmoidal response. Placing the synthetic decoy system in a mitotic spindle orientation cell culture system thresholds this physiological activity. Thus, simple combinations of non-activating binding sites can lead to complex regulatory responses in protein interaction networks.  相似文献   



Several studies have demonstrated that synthetic lethal genetic interactions between gene mutations provide an indication of functional redundancy between molecular complexes and pathways. These observations help explain the finding that organisms are able to tolerate single gene deletions for a large majority of genes. For example, system-wide gene knockout/knockdown studies in S. cerevisiae and C. elegans revealed non-viable phenotypes for a mere 18% and 10% of the genome, respectively. It has been postulated that the low percentage of essential genes reflects the extensive amount of genetic buffering that occurs within genomes. Consistent with this hypothesis, systematic double-knockout screens in S. cerevisiae and C. elegans show that, on average, 0.5% of tested gene pairs are synthetic sick or synthetic lethal. While knowledge of synthetic lethal interactions provides valuable insight into molecular functionality, testing all combinations of gene pairs represents a daunting task for molecular biologists, as the combinatorial nature of these relationships imposes a large experimental burden. Still, the task of mapping pairwise interactions between genes is essential to discovering functional relationships between molecular complexes and pathways, as they form the basis of genetic robustness. Towards the goal of alleviating the experimental workload, computational techniques that accurately predict genetic interactions can potentially aid in targeting the most likely candidate interactions. Building on previous studies that analyzed properties of network topology to predict genetic interactions, we apply random walks on biological networks to accurately predict pairwise genetic interactions. Furthermore, we incorporate all published non-interactions into our algorithm for measuring the topological relatedness between two genes. We apply our method to S. cerevisiae and C. elegans datasets and, using a decision tree classifier, integrate diverse biological networks and show that our method outperforms established methods.  相似文献   

Development of microarray technology has resulted in an exponential rise in gene expression data. Linear computational methods are of great assistance in identifying molecular interactions, and elucidating the functional properties of gene networks. It overcomes the weaknesses of in vivo experiments including high cost, large noise, and unrepeatable process. In this paper, we propose an easily applied system, Stepwise Network Inference (SWNI), which integrates deterministic linear model with statistical analysis, and has been tested effectively on both simulated experiments and real gene expression data sets. The study illustrates that connections of gene networks can be significantly detected via SWNI with high confidence, when single gene perturbation experiments are performed complying with the algorithm requirements. In particular, our algorithm shows efficiency and outperforms the existing ones presented in this paper when dealing with large-scale sparse networks without any prior knowledge.  相似文献   

In recent years, graphical models have become an increasingly important tool for the structural analysis of genome-wide expression profiles at the systems level. Here we present a new graphical modelling technique, which is based on decomposable graphical models, and apply it to a set of gene expression profiles from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The new method explains probabilistic dependencies of expression levels in terms of the concerted action of underlying genetic functional modules, which are represented as so-called "cliques" in the graph. In addition, the method uses continuous-valued (instead of discretized) expression levels, and makes no particular assumption about their probability distribution. We show that the method successfully groups members of known functional modules to cliques. Our method allows the evaluation of the importance of genes for global cellular functions based on both link count and the clique membership count.  相似文献   

A new approach is described for measuring kT and nanometer scale protein-protein and protein-synthetic macromolecule interactions. The utility of this method is demonstrated by measuring interactions of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and copolymers with exposed polyethyleneoxide (PEO) moieties adsorbed to hydrophobically modified colloids and surfaces. Total internal reflection and video microscopy are used to track three-dimensional trajectories of many single diffusing colloids that are analyzed to yield interaction potentials, mean-square displacements, and colloid-surface association lifetimes. A criterion is developed to identify colloids as being levitated, associated, or deposited based on energetic, spatial, statistical, and temporal information. Whereas levitation and deposition occur for strongly repulsive or attractive potentials, association is exponentially sensitive to weak interactions influenced by adsorbed layer architectures and surface heterogeneity. Systematic experiments reveal how BSA orientation and PEO molecular weight produce adsorbed layers that either conceal or expose substrate heterogeneities to generate a continuum of colloid-surface association lifetimes. These measurements provide simultaneous access to a broad range of information that consistently indicates purely repulsive BSA and PEO interactions and a role for surface heterogeneity in colloid-surface association. The demonstrated capability to measure nonspecific protein interactions provides a basis for future measurements of specific protein interactions.  相似文献   

Evolution and dynamics of protein interactions and networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The central role of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) in biology has stimulated colossal efforts to identify thousands of them in several organisms. The resulting PPI maps are commonly represented as graphs, where nodes denote proteins and edges represent physical interactions. However, the methods used to generate PPI data on a large scale do not readily allow one to discriminate features such as interaction strength (affinity), type (protein-protein or protein-peptide interaction) or spatiotemporal existence (where and when the proteins are present and interact). Yet, in recent years, a number of studies have tackled these limitations by projecting additional information onto PPIs, revealing novel properties in terms of their evolution and dynamics. In this review we examine these properties both at the binary interaction level and at the network level. We suggest that the diverse and sometimes contradictory results described by different research groups are mostly due to incomplete data coverage and limited data types. Finally, we discuss recently developed methods that will improve this picture in the future.  相似文献   

To achieve high biological specificity, protein kinases and phosphatases often recognize their targets through interactions that occur outside of the active site. Although the role of modular protein-protein interaction domains in kinase and phosphatase signaling has been well characterized, it is becoming clear that many kinases and phosphatases utilize docking interactions - recognition of a short peptide motif in target partners by a groove on the catalytic domain that is separate from the active site. Docking is particularly prevalent in serine/threonine kinases and phosphatases, and is a versatile organizational tool for building complex signaling networks; it confers a high degree of specificity and, in some cases, allosteric regulation.  相似文献   

Hooda Y  Kim PM 《Proteomics》2012,12(10):1697-1705
Protein interactions have been at the focus of computational biology in recent years. In particular, interest has come from two different communities--structural and systems biology. Here, we will discuss key systems and structural biology methods that have been used for analysis and prediction of protein-protein interactions and the insight these approaches have provided on the nature and organization of protein-protein interactions inside cells.  相似文献   

The analysis of synthetic genetic interaction networks can reveal how biological systems achieve a high level of complexity with a limited repertoire of components. Studies in yeast and bacteria have taken advantage of collections of deletion strains to construct matrices of quantitative interaction profiles and infer gene function. Yet comparable approaches in higher organisms have been difficult to implement in a robust manner. Here we report a method to identify genetic interactions in tissue culture cells through RNAi. By performing more than 70,000 pairwise perturbations of signaling factors, we identified >600 interactions affecting different quantitative phenotypes of Drosophila melanogaster cells. Computational analysis of this interaction matrix allowed us to reconstruct signaling pathways and identify a conserved regulator of Ras-MAPK signaling. Large-scale genetic interaction mapping by RNAi is a versatile, scalable approach for revealing gene function and the connectivity of cellular networks.  相似文献   

Poyatos JF 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e14598
Genetic interactions are being quantitatively characterized in a comprehensive way in several model organisms. These data are then globally represented in terms of genetic networks. How are interaction strengths distributed in these networks? And what type of functional organization of the underlying genomic systems is revealed by such distribution patterns? Here, I found that weak interactions are important for the structure of genetic buffering between signaling pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans, and that the strength of the association between two genes correlates with the number of common interactors they exhibit. I also determined that this network includes genetic cascades balancing weak and strong links, and that its hubs act as particularly strong genetic modifiers; both patterns also identified in Saccharomyces cerevisae networks. In yeast, I further showed a relation, although weak, between interaction strengths and some phenotypic/evolutionary features of the corresponding target genes. Overall, this work demonstrates a non-random organization of interaction strengths in genetic networks, a feature common to other complex networks, and that could reflect in this context how genetic variation is eventually influencing the phenotype.  相似文献   

Biological networks of large dimensions, with their diagram of interactions, are often well represented by a Boolean model with a family of logical rules. The state space of a Boolean model is finite, and its asynchronous dynamics are fully described by a transition graph in the state space. In this context, a model reduction method will be developed for identifying the active or operational interactions responsible for a given dynamic behaviour. The first step in this procedure is the decomposition of the asynchronous transition graph into its strongly connected components, to obtain a “reduced” and hierarchically organized graph of transitions. The second step consists of the identification of a partial graph of interactions and a sub-family of logical rules that remain operational in a given region of the state space. This model reduction method and its usefulness are illustrated by an application to a model of programmed cell death. The method identifies two mechanisms used by the cell to respond to death-receptor stimulation and decide between the survival and apoptotic pathways.  相似文献   

Mining literature for protein-protein interactions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
MOTIVATION: A central problem in bioinformatics is how to capture information from the vast current scientific literature in a form suitable for analysis by computer. We address the special case of information on protein-protein interactions, and show that the frequencies of words in Medline abstracts can be used to determine whether or not a given paper discusses protein-protein interactions. For those papers determined to discuss this topic, the relevant information can be captured for the Database of Interacting PROTEINS: Furthermore, suitable gene annotations can also be captured. RESULTS: Our Bayesian approach scores Medline abstracts for probability of discussing the topic of interest according to the frequencies of discriminating words found in the abstract. More than 80 discriminating words (e.g. complex, interaction, two-hybrid) were determined from a training set of 260 Medline abstracts corresponding to previously validated entries in the Database of Interacting Proteins. Using these words and a log likelihood scoring function, approximately 2000 Medline abstracts were identified as describing interactions between yeast proteins. This approach now forms the basis for the rapid expansion of the Database of Interacting Proteins.  相似文献   

Predicting interactions in protein networks by completing defective cliques   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Datasets obtained by large-scale, high-throughput methods for detecting protein-protein interactions typically suffer from a relatively high level of noise. We describe a novel method for improving the quality of these datasets by predicting missed protein-protein interactions, using only the topology of the protein interaction network observed by the large-scale experiment. The central idea of the method is to search the protein interaction network for defective cliques (nearly complete complexes of pairwise interacting proteins), and predict the interactions that complete them. We formulate an algorithm for applying this method to large-scale networks, and show that in practice it is efficient and has good predictive performance. More information can be found on our website http://topnet.gersteinlab.org/clique/ CONTACT: Mark.Gerstein@yale.edu SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary Materials are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   



Protein-protein association is essential for a variety of cellular processes and hence a large number of investigations are being carried out to understand the principles of protein-protein interactions. In this study, oligomeric protein structures are viewed from a network perspective to obtain new insights into protein association. Structure graphs of proteins have been constructed from a non-redundant set of protein oligomer crystal structures by considering amino acid residues as nodes and the edges are based on the strength of the non-covalent interactions between the residues. The analysis of such networks has been carried out in terms of amino acid clusters and hubs (highly connected residues) with special emphasis to protein interfaces.  相似文献   

Protein function is a complex notion, which is now receiving renewed attention from a bioinformatics and genomics perspective. After a general discussion of the principles of experimental methods employed to decipher gene/protein function, the contributions made by new, high-throughput methods in terms of function discovery are discussed. Recent work on functional ontologies and the necessity to describe function within the context of hierarchical levels of complexity are presented. The concepts of molecular interactions and genetic networks are then discussed, leading to a useful new framework with which to describe protein function using new tools such as 2D interaction maps. Finally, it is proposed that interaction data could be used to develop new methods for the functional classification of proteins. An example of functional comparisons on a real data set of yeast chromosomal proteins is presented.  相似文献   

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