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DELAP  ANNE V. 《Annals of botany》1964,28(4):591-605
Rooted one-year shoots were grown for one season by sprayingtheir roots with nutrient solution. Iron supplied as Fe-EDTAat four concentrations resulted in plants which were respectively(a) severely chlorotic, (b) mildly chlorotic, (c) dark greenand healthy (controls), and (d) dark green but with slight reductionin growth. Severely deficient plants showed 40–70 per cent reductionsin growth as measured by fresh weight, shoot length, diameterincrease, leaf area, net assimilation and relative growth-rates.Dry weights were reduced 70–80 per cent and of the totaldry-weight increment a greater proportion remained in the leaves,which had a lower dry weight and higher water content per unitarea. However, because the initial old stem formed a greaterproportion of the total dry weight, the leaf area ratio remainedabout 11 per cent lower than in the controls. Severely deficientplants had, per unit of chlorophyll, a higher dry-weight increaseand net assimilation rate than the controls. Mild deficiency caused 10–20 per cent reductions in growthand net assimilation rate; the leaf area ratio was normal. Possible mechanisms of the effects of low iron supply are discussed,while the small growth reduction at the highest Fe-EDTA concentrationis attributed to chelate toxicity  相似文献   

Plants of the biennial Arctium tomentosum were grown from seedto seed-set in an open field under three different treatments:control plants receiving full light intensity, plants with aleaf area reduced by 45 per cent, and shaded plants receivingonly 20 per cent of natural illumination. At various stagesof development the youngest fully expanded leaf of one plantin each treatment was exposed to 14CO2 for half an hour. Subsequentdistribution of labelled assimilates in various plant partswas determined after eight hours. In the first year, the mostdominant sink was the tap root irrespective of variation inassimilate supply. During the production of new vegetative growthin the second season, a larger amount of radioactive photosynthatewas recovered from above ground parts, especially during formationof lateral branches. Seed filling consumed 80–90 per centof labelled carbon exported from the exposed leaf. In the secondyear, the most pronounced difference between treatments wasin the degree of apical dominance, being highest in shaded plantsand lowest in the plants with cut leaves. Results from 14C experimentsagreed fairly well with a ‘partitioning coefficient’derived from a growth analysis of plants grown independentlyunder the same experimental conditions. Reasons for discrepanciesbetween the 14C results and the partitioning coefficient arediscussed. Arctium tomentosum, burdock, variation in assimilate supply, assimilate distribution, 14CO2, labelling, growth analysis  相似文献   

Distribution of Nitrogen during Growth of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The accumulation, distribution and redistribution of dry matterand nitrogen is described for Helianthus annuus L. cv. Hysun21 grown on 6 mM urea in glasshouse culture. Seed dry matterand nitrogen were transferred to seedlings with net efficienciesof 40 and 86 per cent respectively. At flowering, the stem hadmost of the plant's dry matter and the leaves most of its nitrogen.About 35 per cent of the plant's nitrogen accumulated afterthree-row anthesis. The amount of protein in vegetative parts,especially leaves, declined after flowering. Concentrationsof free amino compounds also decreased during growth. Matureseeds had 38 per cent of the total plant dry weight and 68 percent of the total nitrogen. Seeds acquired 33 per cent of theirdry matter and nitrogen from redistribution from above-groundplant parts. The stem was most important for storage of carbohydrate,leaves the most important for nitrogen. Over 50 per cent ofthe nitrogen in the stem and leaves was redistributed. Plantsthat received 6 mM nitrate accumulated more dry matter thanurea-grown plants. Seeds from nitrate-grown plants were heavier(58 mg) than those of urea-grown plants (46 mg), and their percentageoil was greater (50 and 41 respectively). The amount of nitrogenper seed was the same. Little or no urea was detected in xylem sap of plants suppliedwith 5 mM urea, but it was detected in sap of plants which received25 mM. Concentrations of urea and amino compounds in the sapdecreased up the stem. Plants supplied with nitrate had mostof the nitrogen in xylem sap as NO2, suggesting littlenitrate reduction in roots. Plants grown on 6 mM nitrate andchanged to high levels of urea-nitrogen for 14 days still hadhigh levels of nitrate; little nitrate remained in plants receivinglow levels of urea. When urea is applied in irrigation waterto field-grown sunflower, the nitrogen is subsequently takenup as nitrate due to rapid nitrogen transformations in the soil. Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, urea, nitrate, nitrogen transport, xylem sap, nitrogen accumulation nitrogen distribution  相似文献   

BOUMA  D. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(5):1131-1142
Growth analysis showed that reductions in the relative growth-rateof subterranean clover plants (cv. Mt. Barker), even those dueto moderate nitrogen deficiencies, were reflected in reductionsof the leaf-area ratio and particularly of the net assimilationrate. A decline in nitrogen supply in the culture solutions was foundto depress net rates of carbon dioxide uptake per unit leafarea and leaf expansion per plant to about the same extent,even at moderate levels of nitrogen stress. Four days aftertransfer of plants grown with adequate nitrogen to solutionswithout nitrogen, leaf area and net carbon dioxide uptake haddeclined to 84 per cent and 89 per cent of the values for thecontrol plants. After a further 4 days these values had decreasedto 71 per cent and 52 per cent respectively. When net carbon dioxide uptake was expressed per unit weightof chlorophyll, the effect of changes in nitrogen supply onnet photosynthesis largely disappeared, indicating a close relationshipwith the chlorophyll content of the leaves. However, anotherand perhaps more direct effect of nitrogen on photosynthesiswas suggested by the fact that, during the early stages of recoveryfrom a severe nitrogen stress, photosynthesis began to increasebefore the chlorophyll content of the leaves.  相似文献   

The Production and Distribution of Dry Matter in Maize after Flowering   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An experiment in which different groups of leaf laminae wereremoved, or ears shaded, shortly after silking showed that mostof the dry-matter increase after flowering was produced by upperleaves. The top five, the middle four, and the bottom six laminaeaccounted, respectively, for 26 per cent, 42 per cent, and 32per cent of the leaf area duration (D) of the laminae afterflowering; the estimated contributions of the three groups todry-matter production by the laminae after flowering were about40 per cent, 35–50 per cent, and 5–25 per cent,respectively. The sheaths provided about one-fifth of the totalleaf area and probably contributed about one-fifth, and laminaefour-fifths, of the total dry matter produced after flowering.The contribution from photosynthesis by the ear was negligible,presumably because its surface area was only 2 per cent of thatof the leaves. Leaf efficiency (dry matter produced per unitarea) decreased greatly from the top to the base of the shoot.When laminae were removed, the grain received a larger fractionof the dry matter accumulated after flowering, less dry matterremained in the stem, and the photosynthetic efficiency of theremaining leaves was apparently increased. When alternate laminae were removed at the time of silking (half-defoliation)D was decreased by 40 per cent, and the subsequent productionof dry matter decreased nearly proportionately, so that netassimilation rate (E) was not affected but grain dry weightwas decreased by only 32 per cent. At the final harvest, thegrain of half-defoliated plants constituted 80 per cent of thedry matter accumulated after flowering, compared with 65 percent for intact plants. Stem weight decreased from two weeksafter flowering in half-defoliated plants, but remained nearlyconstant in intact plants. When pollination was prevented andno grains formed, E during the first month after flowering wasunaffected; the dry matter that would have passed into the grainaccumulated in the stem and husks, not in the leaves. The decrease in stem weight caused by defoliation suggests thatpreviously stored dry matter was moved to the grain. That suchmovement is possible was shown by keeping prematurely harvestedshoots in the dark for two weeks with their cut ends in water;the dry weight of the grain increased and that of the stem,laminae, husks, and core decreased. Nevertheless, dry-matterproduction after flowering was more than sufficient for graingrowth, and previous photosynthesis probably contributed littleto the grain.  相似文献   

HOCKING  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(1):51-62
The nutrition of developing fruits of Ricinus communis was studiednear Perth, Western Australia, where the species grows as aweed on poor sandy soil. Fruits required 60 days to mature anddehydration of the capsule began 20 days before the seeds ripened.Mature seeds accumulated 49 per cent of the fruit dry matterand over 80 per cent of its P, Zn and Cu, 50–80 per centof its Mg, N, Fe and Mn, 41–46 per cent of its S and Caand 11–21 per cent of its K and Na. Losses of nutrientsfrom capsules during fruit ripening were: Zn, 73 per cent, P,42 per cent, Cu, 23 per cent and Mn, 8 per cent. Dry matter,N, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na and Fe were not withdrawn from capsules.Apparent retranslocation from capsules could have provided from6–28 per cent of the Zn, Mn, P and Cu in mature seeds.Seeds from plants on poor sandy soil were small but had adequatelevels of nutrients when compared with those from plants growingon a fertile loam. Concentrations of all nutrients except P were higher in youngcapsules than in young seeds, but levels of N, P, Mg, Fe, Znand Cu were higher in mature seeds than in mature capsules.The intake of most nutrients by fruits was out of phase withdry matter accumulation, especially in capsules, and the elementsappeared to accumulate in fruit parts independently of eachother. Glutamine accounted for over 85 per cent of the amino-Nin phloem sap destined for fruits. Potassium made up over 90per cent of the inorganic cations in phloem exudate. Of theminor elements in the exudate, Fe was present at highest concentrationand Cu at the lowest. The results showed that retranslocation from the capsule madea very small contribution to the nutrition of seeds. It is suggestedthat R. communis would require a sustained supply of soil nutrientsto ensure maximum seed yield, partly due to the restricted retranslocationof most nutrients from capsules. Ricinus communis L., castor bean, mineral nutrition, translocation, retranslocation  相似文献   

HOCKING  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(4):489-501
The seasonal dynamics of uptake, partitioning and redistributionof dry matter, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cuby the cormaceous plant Ixia flexuosa were studied in pot cultureat Perth, Western Australia. Dry matter and P, N, K, Zn andCu were redistributed from the mother corm with about 90 percent net efficiency: there was no net redistribution of Ca,Na, Fe or Mn. The efficiency of redistribution from the leafyshoot to fruits and the new season's corm was 80 per cent forN and P, 24–49 per cent for K, Cu and Zn, and 0–15per cent for Na, Fe, Ca, Mn, Cl, Mg, S and dry matter. Redistributionfrom the mother corm and vegetative organs could have suppliedthe replacement corm, cormlets and fruits with 32–53 percent of their S, K, P, N, Cu and Zn, and 11–25 per centof their Ca, Cl, Mn, Mg and dry matter. The mature replacementcorm had over 60 per cent of the plant's N and P, 25–50per cent of its dry matter, Zn, Cu, Mg, K and Cl, but less than20 per cent of its Ca, Na, Fe and Mn. Each plant produced anaverage of 12 cormlets; these had 35 per cent of the dry matterand 23–47 per cent of the amount of a particular nutrientin the new season's corms. Fruits had less than 16 per centof the dry matter and each mineral in the mature plant. Ratesof mineral intake by Ixia were much lower than reported forcrop plants, and may be related to the long growing season ofthe species. Ixia polystachya L., corm, nutrition, mineral nutrients, nutrient redistribution  相似文献   

The effects of manganese supply on plant growth and on photosynthesisand manganese concentrations in young leaves were examined inSeaton Park subterranean clover in three glasshouse water cultureexperiments. Plants werc grown initially with a copious supply of manganese,and transferred to solutions either with or without manganese.Sequential harvests were taken to determine the effects of developingmanganese deficiency on dry matter (DM) yield of whole plantsand selected characteristics [manganese, chlorophyll and photosyntheticoxygen evolution (POE)] of youngest open leaf blades (YOL).In addition, the deffect of leaf age and iron supply on POEwerc examined. Manganese concentrations and POE in YOL declined markedly andrapidly in plants transferred to solutions without manganese,while chlorophyll concentrations of YOL and plant DM yield respondedmore weakly and more slowly. As a result, a level of manganesedeficiency which depressed POE in young leaves by more than50 per cent had no effed on DM production. In youngleaves (YOL, YOL + 1, YOL–1), POE declined whentheir manganese concentrations were < 20 µg g–1DM. Iron supply did not affect this rdationship. When learnwith < 20 µg Mn g–1 DM were detached and incubatedfor 24 h in solutions containing high concentrations of manganese,their POE increased to normal rates; leaves with higher manganeseconcentrations did not respond. It is suggested that the valueof 20 µg Mn g–1 DM is the functional manganese requirementfor POE in young subterranean clover leaves It is also suggestedthat this value may be used as a critical value for indicatingmanganese deficiency in subterranean clover. Functional nutrient requirements determined in this way by correlationof nutrient concentrations in young leaves with their biochemicalor physiological activities appear to offer more accurate andconsistent standards for use an critical values for diagnosisof plant nutrient status than do the critical values determinedin the usual way by correlation with plant dry weight. Trifolium subterraneum L. subterranean clover, manganese, functional requirements, deficiency diagnosis, nutrient requirements, critical values, photosynthetic oxygen evolution  相似文献   

Seedlings of 12 genotypes were grown in pots and watered withnutrient solutions providing 0, 1, 6 and 20 mg equivalents ofnitrate per I. Increasing the external nitrate supply broughtabout increases in plant weight, nitrate, reduced nitrogen concentrationsand in vivo nitrate reductase activity. When given solutioncontaining 6 mg equivalents of nitrate per litre, the plantscontained approximately 0.1 per cent nitrate, a concentrationsimilarto that found in field-grown plantsat thesamestage of growth.At the 6 mg equivalent level nitrate supply, nitrate reductaseactivity was strongly positively correlated with the concentrationsof nitrate and reduced nitrogen and negatively correlated withplant weight. Similar, though weaker, correlations were foundat the lower and higher levels of nitrate supply. The two Triticalegenotypes however, had higher than average plant weights andnitrate reductase activities, while plants of the two Aegilopsspecies weighed much less, especially at the higher levels ofnitrate supply, than the average of all 12 genotypes and generallyhad correspondingly greater nitrate and reduced nitrogen concentrationsand nitrate reductase activities. For individual genotypes,plant weight at a given level of nitrate supply was stronglycorrelated with weight at all other levels. In a second experiment seedlings of 150 genotypes were grownin compost watered with 10 mM Ca(NO3)2 Nitrate and reduced nitrogenconcentrations were negatively correlated with plant weightbut there was no significant correlation between nitrate reductaseactivityand either plant weight, nitrate or reduced nitrogen concentration. The results are taken to indicate that genetic factors, otherthan those determining the supply of reduced nitrogen, werelimiting growth and that as a consequence small plants accumulatednitrate and reduced nitrogen compounds in greater concentrationsthan large ones. The greater nitrate concentrations in smallplants may have induced the increased nitrate reductase activityfound in these, as compared with larger plants. Because plantweight varied more than did reduced nitrogen concentration,variation in reduced nitrogen per plant was more highly correlatedwith plant weight than with per cent reduced nitrogen.  相似文献   

GRAVES  C. J. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(1):117-125
The effects of various levels of copper on the uptake and distributionof copper in Chrysanthemum morifolium grown in solution cultureand peat-sand have been examined. Whole plants growing in shortdays were sampled at regular intervals, divided into roots,stem, leaves and lateral shoots, and analysed for copper. Thepartitioning of copper between these tissues showed that a relativelylarge proportion (30–40 per cent) of the total plant copperwas accumulated in the roots of normal plants during the harvestingperiod, compared with approximately 10 per cent in the rootsof copper deficient plants. Whilst the copper content (ug g–1) of leaves and stemfrom normal plants was negatively correlated with the amountof dry matter produced (P < 0·001), the correspondingcopper deficient tissues showed little variation in copper contentwith increases in tissue dry weight. A more detailed investigationof the copper content of leaves from normal plants showed thatgradients existed within the plant with respect to both leafposition and time of harvest which could be described by a singlecubic surface equation (P < 0·001).  相似文献   

The rates of sulphate transport into intact and excised rootsof soybean (Glycine max L.) were not significantly differentin the first hour and were maximal at pH 7. However, intactroots accumulated four times as much sulphate as excised rootsin 24 h, because of a marked reduction in the rate of transportby excised roots. The continued high rates of transport intointact roots were observed in plants kept in the light, andobserved in darkened plants growing in 1 per cent sucrose. Similarly,sulphate accumulation by excised roots was stimulated 2-foldby 1 per cent sucrose. The characteristics of sulphate accumulation by roots were notuseful in predicting sulphate translocation to the leaves. Transportto the leaves was maximal at pH 2–3, was almost totallylight-dependent and was not enhanced by growing plants in sucrose. Sulphate transport, Glycine max L., soybean, excised roots  相似文献   

Plants of Gamenya wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown inpots of a Cu-deficient sand at two levels of Cu (deficient andsufficient), and harvested on days 13, 22, 28 and 38. In 50per cent of the pots in each Cu treatment, the oldest leaf andleaf 2 of the main stem were shaded when they reached full expansion. The Cu content of the oldest leaf of Cu-sufficient, unshadedplants was high at day 13 and declined rapidly to day 38. Thatof Cu-deficient, unshaded plants was initially relatively lowand declined much more slowly, so that at day 38 it resembledthat of Cu-sufficient plants. Shading the oldest leaf acceleratedthe loss of its Cu in both Cu-deficient and Cu-sufficient plants.The effects of shading and of Cu supply on the loss of Cu fromthe oldest leaf paralleled their effects on the loss of N andchlorophyll. The results suggest that most of the Cu in theoldest leaf does not move out until the leaf senesces. In Cu-deficient plants retention of Cu by old green leaves accentuatedCu deficiency. The release of Cu, resulting from shading theold leaves of Cu-deficient plants, stimulated the growth ofnew leaves. In Cu-sufficient plants, shading depressed growth. copper, shading, retranslocation, wheat, Triticum aestivum L.  相似文献   

The effect of seven rates of molybdenum (Mo) supply on the distributionand redistribution of Mo in Vigna mungo (black gram) cv. Reguron a Mo-deficient sandy loam was examined from flower bud appearanceto pod set in one experiment and during pod filling to maturityin another. At the three lowest Mo supply rates, N deficiency symptoms typicalof Mo deficiency appeared, and shoot dry matter and shoot nitrogencontent were depressed. Increasing Mo supply increased Mo concentrationsin all plant parts but the response varied with Mo supply andwith plant part. In leaf blades and petioles, Mo concentrationsincreased slightly when the Mo supply increased from severelydeficient to deficient levels but further increases in Mo supplymarkedly increased the Mo concentrations, particularly in immatureand recently matured leaves. In petioles, Mo concentrationsgenerally exceeded those in the blades which they supportedat all levels of Mo supply. At Mo rates greater than that requiredfor maximum growth, Mo concentrations in basal stem segmentsexceeded those in petioles. Molybdenum concentrations in nodulesexceeded those in above ground plant parts except at the highestlevel of Mo supply where the concentrations in basal stem segmentsexceeded those in nodules. In Mo-adequate plants, Mo contents in the trifoliolate leavesdecreased with time suggesting that Mo was readily remobilized.By contrast, in stem segments at all levels of Mo supply, andin trifoliolate leaves in Mo-deficient plants, Mo contents remainedconstant or increased with time suggesting that Mo was not remobilizedin all plant parts or at all levels of Mo supply. Thus, theresults suggest that in black gram Mo was variably mobile, beingphloem immobile at low Mo supply, but phloem-mobile in all plantparts with the possible exception of stem segments at adequateMo supply. The relevance of these results for the developmentof plant tests for Mo deficiency diagnosis is discussed.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Molybdenum, phloem-mobility, redistribution, black gram, Vigna mungo L. Hepper  相似文献   

ROBSON  M. J.; DEACON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1199-1213
Small communities of S24 ryegrass were grown under supplementarylights in a glasshouse at 20°C, and abundantly suppliedwith a complete nutrient solution containing 300 p.p.m. of nitrogen,until they had a leaf area index of 5 and were fully light intercepting.Half were then given a solution containing only 3 p.p.m. ofnitrogen (LN) while the rest were kept at 300 p.p.m. (HN). The HN plants subsequently produced marginally more leaves,which elongated more rapidly to a greater final length and area,on a third more tillers than did the LN plants. Leaves 5, 6 and 7 on the main stem were examined in more detail.In both the HN and the LN plants the d. wts of both laminaeand sheaths fell by about 30 per cent between their full expansionand death. Changes in acid extractable carbohydrate (AEC) verylargely accounted for the changes in leaf weight, particularlyin the LN plants. With increased nitrogen deficiency, AEC contentsrose from less than 10 per cent for leaf 5 to peak values of20 and 45 per cent for the lamina and sheath of leaf 7, as against10 and 15 per cent in the nitrogen sufficient leaves. Conversely,the nitrogen content of the deficient plants fell from valuesof 5·8 and 4·8 per cent for the lamina and sheathof leaf 5 to 3·0 and 1·2 per cent for leaf 7.It was striking that while the HN leaves lost nitrogen onlywhen they aged and died, the LN leaves started losing nitrogenbefore they had reached full expansion—70 per cent ofthe N initially present was remobilized by the time the leaveswere dead. The significance of these findinp to estimates of leaf deathand total biomass production in the field, and to our understandingof the achievement of ceiling yield, are discussed. Luliwn perenne, S24 ryegrass, carbohydrate content, nitrogen content, nitrogen deficiency  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase activity (in vivo method, substrate non-limiting)in unshaded leaves from the top of the canopy has been determinedfor field-grown potato plants over the course of the growingseason. The pattern of change was almost identical for plantsreceiving no added fertilizer and those receiving 24 g N m–2.Activity increased to a peak at about 90 days after plantingand declined thereafter. On a fresh weight basis activity wasalways higher in fertilized plants. Nitrate reductase activitywas positively and significantly correlated with leaf proteincontent in high N plants (r2 = 0.71; P = 0.05), but poorly correlatedwith both the nitrate content of the leaf lamina and the nitrateconcentration in petiole sap. Up until 90 days after planting(mid-July) there appeared to be a positive relationship betweenincreased activity of nitrate reductase and solar radiation.However, results obtained over two seasons showed that the declinein activity after this time was not consistently linked witha fall in the level of solar radiation. Remobilization of reduced-Nand stored nitrate from leaves and stems accompanied this declinein nitrate reductase activity and in the latter part of theseason appeared to account for all of the N gained by growingtubers. In unfertilized plants nitrate-N accounted for 5 per cent orless of total plant N. Fertilized plants contained up to 25per cent nitrate-N. While nitrate availability limited growthin unfertilized plants, sub-optimal rates of nitrate assimilationin fertilized plants, particularly during the early stages ofpost-emergence growth, may contribute to inefficient use ofacquired nitrate. The carbohydrate status of leaf lamina and petiole sap weremodified by N supply. The soluble sugar and starch contentsof low N leaves were higher than in their high N counterparts.By contrast, the concentration of soluble sugars in petiolesap increased to a higher value in high N samples. Althoughsap sugar levels declined in both treatments towards the endof the season, N application delayed this decline for severalweeks. Solanum tuberosum, nitrate reductase, nitrate assimilation, senescence  相似文献   

1. An investigation was made into effect of daylength conditionsof the inhibition content of first-year seedlings of sycamore(Acer pseudoplatanus). 2. The shoot apical regions and mature leaves were extractedwith 80 per cent. Aqueous methanol, fractionated by paper chromatographyin isopropanol/ammonia and assayed by the wheat-coleptile growthtest. 3. A growth inhibitor was present in all extracts at Rf 0.7.Higher levels of inhibitor were present in both apices and matureleaves of plants transferred to short-day conditions than ofthose maintained under long-days throughout. 4. These difference in inhibitor level can be detected after2–5 days of short-day treatment, Preceding any markedeffect of daylength on growth. 5. Evidence is adduced in support of the hypothesis that theinhibitors is produced in the leaves during darkness and istransported to the apex during the photoperiod.  相似文献   

Ash and silica contents and their depositional patterns in differenttissues of 44 Mississippi coastal plants were determined. Silicacontent of dried plants varied from no more than a trace inChenopodium album L. leaves to 7.37 per cent in Zizanopsis miliacea(Michx) Doell & Aschers leaves. Ash content varied from2.50 per cent in Lythrum lineare L. stems to 28.24 per centin Borrichia frutescens (L.) DC leaves. Plants in the same familytend to be alike in their ability to absorb or not absorb silica.Poaceae and Cyperaceae had consistently high concentrationsof silica. In contrast, the Asteraceae studied had very lowsilica contents but often had high contents of other minerals.Dicotyledonous plants studied had consistently lower silicacontents than the monocotyledons. Plants growing in salt watercontained considerable sodium chloride. Spectra were obtainedfor major elements in four different plants. Energy-dispersiveX-ray analysis shows that distribution of the element siliconis clearly related to certain epidermal structures such as guardcells, ridges, dumb-bells and balls that appear in electronmicrographs. Silica was deposited differently in each type ofplant studied. In many of the plants silica was deposited inrows of irregular-shaped particles running lengthwise of theleaf and in guard cells. In others, like Zizanopsis miliacea(Michx) Doell & Aschers, the deposit was sheet-like. Zizaniaaquatica L. not only had a sheet-like deposit, but the depositwas ridged and there were rows of dumb-bell-shaped silica cells.Related plants had similar structures. Euchlaena mexicana Schrad.,Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L and Manisuris rugosa (Nutt.) Kuntzeall had irregular phytoliths similar to those in Zea mays L. coastal plants, marsh plants, ash content, silica deposition, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, silicon distribution, X-ray diffraction patterns, spectra of elements in plants  相似文献   

Leaf, stem, and root extracts of near-isogenic tomato plantscv. Craigella, resistant and susceptible to Verticillium albo-atrum,showed constitutive 1,3-ß-glucanase activity whichincreased following inoculation with the pathogen. Partiallypurified enzyme extracts were obtained by dialysing a 30–80%ammonium sulphate fraction of the tissue brei. The enzyme hadpH and temperature optima of 5?5 and 44 ?C respectively, withhigh activity between 50 and 60 ?C. The response to laminarinconcentration was linear between 1?2 and 7?5 mg ml–1.Root inoculation of susceptible plants with 106 propagules ml–1V. albo-atrum led to a umform 300 per cent increase in all steminternodes except the terminal one, which was 500 per cent ofthe controls. No spatial relationship of enzyme activity tothe localization of fungus within the stem was apparent. Petioles,leaves, and roots of susceptible infected plants similarly showedan increase in activity but less than that in stems. Changedlevels of stern enzyme activity at different times after inoculationwere associated with reductions in the number of vessels containinghyphae. Extracts of plants of the resistant isoline showed increasedglucanase activity over controls, but this was substantiallylower than that in susceptible plants and was associated withthe greatly reduced mycelial colonization in resistant plants. It is concluded that single gene resistance in tomato to Verticilliumis not associated with innately higher levels of 1,3-ß-glucanasein healthy plants. The increased activity in infected plantsis proportional to the overall quantity of pathogen in the plantor of pathogenic metabolites.  相似文献   

A model was constructed to describe the translocation and partitioningof nitrogen on the seventh day after anthesis for well-wateredand droughted plants of two wheat varieties (Triticum aestivumL. cv. Warigal and Condor). The glasshouse-grown plants weredetillered so that a simplified model could be derived for themain stem. A 9-d drought treatment was imposed just after anthesisand this coincided with the period of endosperm cell divisionin the grains. Warigal, which had a higher grain yield thanCondor under drought, absorbed up to 15-times more nitrogenand translocated 1.5-fold more nitrogen to the shoot via thexylem. In both varieties, nitrogen redistributed from vegetativeorgans accounted for more than 60 per cent in control and 70per cent in droughted plants of the nitrogen needed for eargrowth. The net loss of nitrogen increased by 4-3 per cent inthe leaves, but decreased by 60 per cent in the stem under drought.Stem and roots appeared to play an important role in the nitrogeneconomy of droughted plants: less nitrogen was translocateddirectly to the grains from the senescing leaves and 40–60per cent more nitrogen was translocated to the roots. Nearlyall the nitrogen reaching the roots in the phloem was reloadedinto the xylem stream and translocated back to the shoot. Thetransfer of nitrogen through the stem was reduced under droughtand this resulted in a constant C:N ratio of the grains whichmay be important in the regulation of endosperm cell division. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, drought, nitrogen, senescence, translocation  相似文献   

GLOVER  J. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(4):845-852
The dark respiration of the whole shoots (stems and leaves)and stems only of plants of commercial sugar-cane cultivars(Saccharum hybrids) of different ages was measured in a largerespiration chamber. The respiration rates of all parts of the plants were closelyrelated to ambient temperature. On a unit dry-weight basis leavesrespire faster than stalks at the same temperature. However,as the stalks grow and their dry weight increases with age andgreatly exceeds that of the leaves the greatest loss of carbohydrateby respiration occurs from the stalks. The percentage loss of gross photosynthate due to respirationhas been estimated for different stages of growth. The lossdepends on the age of the plant and the relative proportionsof leaf and stalk. It can range from some 20 per cent in activelygrowing young plants to at least 50 per cent in 18-month-oldplants of an irrigated crop in Natal.  相似文献   

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