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Isolates of the nematode genus Trichinella from sylvatic hosts differ in their potential to reproduce in domestic swine. The structure of the genomic DNA from 13 sylvatic isolates from North America and 5 pig isolates, 4 from North America and 1 from Asia, was examined and correlated with the infectivity of the isolate for domestic pigs. DNA restriction fragment length differences, identified by ethidium bromide staining and by hybridization with 32P-labeled ribosomal RNA, served as molecular markers to classify each isolate. All 5 pig isolates and 8 of 13 sylvatic isolates had a high infectivity and reproductive capacity in pigs. All isolates that were highly infectious for pigs regardless of host origin had similar DNA characteristics and were classified operationally as T. spiralis spiralis (pig) and those of the second group as T. spiralis ssp. A DNA clone of repetitive DNA from T. s. spiralis, pBP2, was selected from a library of genomic DNA in plasmid pUC8. When used as a probe, pBP2 hybridized only to the DNA of T. s. spiralis isolates, thus making it a useful diagnostic reagent to predict whether new isolates are highly infectious for pigs (i.e., T. s. spiralis). These results show that T. s. spiralis occurs in wild mammals and this should be considered a serious obstacle to efforts to eradicate trichinellosis from domestic swine.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi populations and parasite transmission dynamics have been well documented throughout the Americas, but few studies have been conducted in the Gran Chaco ecoregion, one of the most highly endemic areas for Chagas disease, caused by T. cruzi. In this study, we assessed the distribution of T. cruzi lineages (identified by PCR strategies) in Triatoma infestans, domestic dogs, cats, humans and sylvatic mammals from two neighbouring rural areas with different histories of transmission and vector control in northern Argentina. Lineage II predominated amongst the 99 isolates characterised and lineage I amongst the six isolates obtained from sylvatic mammals. T. cruzi lineage IIe predominated in domestic habitats; it was found in 87% of 54 isolates from Tr. infestans, in 82% of 33 isolates from dogs, and in the four cats found infected. Domestic and sylvatic cycles overlapped in the study area in the late 1980s, when intense domestic transmission occurred, and still overlap marginally. The introduction of T. cruzi from sylvatic into domestic habitats is likely to occur very rarely in the current epidemiological context. The household distribution of T. cruzi lineages showed that Tr. infestans, dogs and cats from a given house compound shared the same parasite lineage in most cases. Based on molecular evidence, this result lends further support to the importance of dogs and cats as domestic reservoir hosts of T. cruzi. We believe that in Argentina, this is the first time that lineage IIc has been isolated from naturally infected domestic dogs and Tr. infestans.  相似文献   

Groups of pigs were inoculated with genotypes of Trichinella belonging to: Trichinella spiralis, Trichinella nativa, Trichinella britovi, Trichinella pseudospiralis (from Caucasus), T. pseudospiralis (from USA), Trichinella murrelli, Trichinella sp. (from North America), and Trichinella nelsoni. The pigs were sacrificed between 5 and 40weeks p.i., and the number of muscle larvae per gram (l.p.g.) of tissue was determined as an average of 18 muscles. All Trichinella genotypes were infective for pigs, but both their infectivity and persistence varied: 5weeks p.i., T. spiralis muscle larvae were present in high numbers (mean=427l.p.g.), while T. britovi, T. nelsoni, and T. pseudospiralis larvae were present in moderate numbers (means=24-52l.p.g.); larvae of the remaining genotypes were recovered only in low numbers (means=0.05-5. 00l.p.g.). The total larval burden (live weight of pigxl.p.g.) was constant over time for T. spiralis, T. britovi, and T. nelsoni, but declined significantly (P<0.05) for the other genotypes. Antibody responses could be detected 3-4weeks p.i. by seven different Trichinella ES antigens, but the antibody levels and dynamics differed significantly among the experimental groups. In pigs inoculated with T. spiralis, T. britovi, or T. nelsoni, the antibody level increased rapidly between weeks 3 and 5 p.i. and was stable or increased slightly throughout the experimental period. In pigs inoculated with T. nativa, T. murrelli, or Trichinella (T6) (from North America), a rapid increase was detected between weeks 3 and 5 p.i., but for these genotypes a reduction in the antibody levels was seen thereafter. In the pigs inoculated with T. pseudospiralis, the antibody level increased more gradually over a period from week 3 p. i. to weeks 15-20 p.i., and decreased thereafter. In general, all species of Trichinella were detected by any of the seven ES antigens, which points to the potential use of one common antigen for surveillance and epidemiological studies on both domestic and sylvatic Trichinella in pigs. Homologous ES antigens were slightly more sensitive in detecting antibodies to the corresponding Trichinella species.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the tolerance to low temperatures of 9 Trichinella isolates in rat muscle tissue. Nine groups of 24 rats were infected with encapsulated Trichinella spiralis, Trichinella nativa, Trichinella britovi, Trichinella murrelli, Trichinella T6, Trichinella nelsoni, and 3 nonencapsulated Trichinella pseudospiralis strains. Six rats from each of the groups were necropsied at 5, 10, 20, and 40 wk postinfection (wpi). Muscle tissues containing Trichinella larvae were exposed to temperatures of -18, -5, and 5 C for 1 or 4 wk, and afterward the reproductive capacity index (RCI) in mice was determined for the 9 individual Trichinella isolates. Only T. nativa muscle larvae were infective after freezing at a temperature of -18 C. At 5 wpi all encapsulated isolates, except for the tropical species T. nelsoni, remained infective after exposure to a temperature of -5 C for both 1 and 4 wk, whereas nonencapsulated T. pseudospiralis survived only 1 wk of exposure. All Trichinella spp. remained infective after exposure to a temperature of 5 C. Muscle larvae for all investigated species remained infective as long as they persisted in live rats during the experiment. Analysis of variance showed a significant effect of age on the temperature tolerance of encapsulated T. spiralis and nonencapsulated T. pseudospiralis. In addition, significant interaction between age of muscle larvae and length of exposure was found. In general Trichinella muscle larvae of medium age (10 and 20 wpi) tolerated freezing better than early and late stages of infection (5 and 40 wpi). This is the first study to demonstrate such a relationship between age of infection and temperature tolerance of Trichinella spp. muscle larvae.  相似文献   

Encapsulated and non-encapsulated species of the genus Trichinella are widespread in sylvatic animals in almost all zoogeographical regions. In sylvatic animals from Tasmania (Australian region), only the non-encapsulated species Trichinella pseudospiralis has been reported. Between 1988 and 1998, non-encapsulated larvae of Trichinella were detected in five domestic pigs and six wild boars from a remote area of Papua New Guinea. Morphological, biological, and molecular studies carried out on one strain isolated from a wild boar in 1997 suggest that these parasites belong to a new species, which has been named Trichinella papuae n.sp. This species can be identified by the morphology of muscle larvae, which lack a nurse cell in host muscles, and whose total length is one-third greater than that of the other non-encapsulated species, T. pseudospiralis. Adults of T. papuae do not cross with adults of the other species and genotypes. Muscle larvae of T. papuae are unable to infect birds, whereas those of T. pseudospiralis do. The expansion segment V of the large subunit of the ribosomal DNA differs from that of the other species and genotypes. All of these features allow for the easy identification of T. papuae, even in poorly equipped laboratories. The discovery and identification of a second non-encapsulated species in the Australian region strongly supports the existence of two evolutionary lines in the genus Trichinella, which differ in terms of the capacity of larvae to induce a modification of the muscle cell into a nurse cell.  相似文献   

As part of a larger epidemiological study examining the transmission of Trichinella spiralis in an agricultural ecosystem, resident wild and feral animals were trapped to determine the extent of their involvement in the natural, on-farm cycling of the parasite among swine. During a 21-mo-study, seven of 15 skunks (Mephitis mephitis), one of three opossums (Didelphis virginiana), two of two feral domestic cats and a raccoon (Procyon lotor) were found to be infected, while five shrews (Blarina brevicauda) and 18 deer mice (Peromyscus spp.) were uninfected. Most of the former hosts probably became infected by scavenging dead infected swine or rats (Rattus norvegicus). However, infections obtained through predation of living rats, particularly with regard to the cats, cannot be excluded. Our observations do not suggest that there was transmission of T. spiralis from the wild animals to swine. Therefore, transmission of T. spiralis appeared to occur only from the farm's swine and rats to the associated wild and feral animals.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of Philippine Taenia in domestic animals.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the present study, six 34-44-day-old Small-Ear-Miniature pigs and one 14-day-old Holstein calf were each fed 10,000 Philippine Taenia eggs and sacrificed 27-43 days after inoculation. The infection rate was 100% for both pigs and calf with cysticerci recovery rates of 11 and 6%, respectively. A total of 6431 cysticerci were recovered only from the livers of the six pigs and 597 only from the liver of the calf; more occurred in the parenchyma (pigs 75%, calf 83%) than on the surface (pigs 25%, calf 17%). Mature cysticerci were found in four of the six pigs. A total of 317 cysticerci recovered from the pig livers were mature and the rest were either immature (926), degenerate or calcified (5188). All 597 cysticerci recovered from the liver of the calf were degenerate or calcified. Measurements of length, width, diameter of protoscolex, rostellum, and sucker and hooklet pattern indicated that Philippine Taenia is very similar to Taenia from Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia and Thailand and very different from classical T. saginata and T. solium.  相似文献   

A comparative study was conducted with soybean material presenting symptoms of the Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex that was collected in two distant geographical regions of the world: Beltsville, MA, USA, and Vojvodina, Yugoslavia. Contrasting with earlier findings, great variability in the disease symptoms was observed, and one or more Phomopsis species could be isolated from lesions presenting similar characteristics. Among the thirty-three isolates obtained from the lesions the following species were identified: D. phaseolorum var. caulivora, P. phaseoli (teleomorph D. phaseolorum var. sojae, rare), P. longicolla (found for the first time on the soybean fields of Yugoslavia), Phomopsis sp., and one culture showing intermediate characters of D. phaseolorum var. caulivora and D. phaseolorum var. sojae. Much diversity was also found in the cultural characters of the the isolates from both localities, presumably indicating evolutionary and adaptation processes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aims:  To evaluate gliotoxin production by Aspergillus fumigatus strains isolated from feedstuff intended for domestic animals and pets, and to determine the amount of gliotoxin in these substrates.
Methods and Results:  A total of 150 feedstuff samples were collected. They were composed of 30 samples each of five different feed types (pigs, poultry, cattle, horse and pets). Aspergillus fumigatus gliotoxin production ability and gliotoxin presence in feedstuff was determined by HPLC. Aspergillus fumigatus strains were isolated from all of the tested samples. Strains from cattle, horses and pet food were able to produce gliotoxin. Corn silage samples intended for cattle did not show gliotoxin contamination. All the other tested samples had gliotoxin levels ranging from 29 to 209 μg g−1. Horse and poultry feed samples had the greatest contamination frequency.
Conclusions:  Feed samples contaminated with gliotoxin are potentially toxic to animals.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The presence of gliotoxin could affect animal productivity and health. Moreover, there are risks of contamination to farm workers handling improperly stored animal feed. Aspergillus fumigatus strains isolated from different sources should be investigated to determine prevention and control strategies.  相似文献   

分析一起发生在某幼儿园的诺如病毒暴发疫情,为预防预警此类事件提供科学参考依据。采用现场流行病学调查的方法描述疫情的发生过程、三间分布、临床特征、确认检验。采集相关人员肛拭子标本、可疑食物、剩余食品、餐具样品、饮用水样本等,开展有效的实验室检测。在搜索的34例病例中,临床诊断病例为29例,实验室确诊病例为 5例,隐性感染者16例,罹患率为16.59 %,无重症和死亡病例。病例分布在各楼层的5个班级,年龄2-5岁之间。症状主要为呕吐(100%)、腹泻(23.52%)、恶心(55.88%)、腹痛(58.82%)、发热(67.65%)。实验室检验结果为诺如病毒GII型和GI型、GII型混合,常见肠道致病菌均为阴性。依据《诺如病毒感染暴发调查和预防控制技术指南(2015版)》,结合流行病学调查资料、病例临床表现及实验室检测结果,研判本起事件为人员交叉感染诺如病毒引起的暴发性疫情。加强对幼儿园全方位管理、开展相关健康教育宣传和防控培训,对有效预防和减少类似疫情的发生尤为重要。  相似文献   

'Mal de Cadeiras' is a disease which causes great mortality in horses in the Pantanal Matogrossense region, Brazil. The agent of this disease is Trypanosoma evansi, a kinetoplastid flagellate which belongs to the Trypanosomatidae family, classified into the Salivarian section. Transmission occurs mechanically by haematophagous Diptera, mainly by Stomoxys sp. and Tabanus sp. and vampire bats. Outbreaks of Mal de Cadeiras in horses result in economic losses, thus limiting their use in cattle raising. Ten isolates of T. evansi recently derived from coati (Nasua nasua, Carnivora, Procyonidae), horses and dogs were compared, using schizodeme analyses from DNA digested by the restriction enzyme Hin fl. The results showed similar electrophoretic profiles for all isolates from wherever the host came. Homogeneity of isolates from domestic and sylvatic animals suggested two hypotheses: (1) the parasites circulated in only one transmission cycle;, and (2) independent cycles were not established in sufficient time to modify the molecular profiles of the isolates.  相似文献   

Blastocystis isolates from 56 Danish synanthropic and zoo animals, 62 primates primarily from United Kingdom (UK) collections and 16 UK primate handlers were subtyped by PCR, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. A new subtype (ST) from primates and artiodactyls was identified and designated as Blastocystis sp. ST10. STs isolated from non-human primates (n = 70) included ST3 (33%), ST8 (21%), ST2 (16%), ST5 (13%), ST1 (10%), ST4 (4%) and ST10 (3%). A high prevalence of ST8 was seen among primate handlers (25%). This ST is normally very rare in humans, suggesting that acquisition of Blastocystis ST8 infections from primates by their handlers had occurred in these cases. Data from published studies of non-human primates, other mammals and birds were collected and interpreted to generate a comprehensive overview on the ST distribution in such animals. On the basis of information on 438 samples, it was found that Blastocystis from primates belong mainly to ST1, ST2, ST3, ST5 and ST8, ungulates and dogs mainly ST1, ST2, ST3, ST5 and ST10, rodents ST4 and birds mainly ST6 and ST7. The data indicate moderate host specificity, most clearly exemplified by the fact that STs isolated from avian and non-avian hosts rarely overlap.  相似文献   



Currently, information on species-specific hookworm infection is unavailable in Malaysia and is restricted worldwide due to limited application of molecular diagnostic tools. Given the importance of accurate identification of hookworms, this study was conducted as part of an ongoing molecular epidemiological investigation aimed at providing the first documented data on species-specific hookworm infection, associated risk factors and the role of domestic animals as reservoirs for hookworm infections in endemic communities of Malaysia.


A total of 634 human and 105 domestic canine and feline fecal samples were randomly collected. The overall prevalence of hookworm in humans and animals determined via microscopy was 9.1% (95% CI = 7.0–11.7%) and 61.9% (95% CI = 51.2–71.2%), respectively. Multivariate analysis indicated that participants without the provision of proper latrine systems (OR = 3.5; 95% CI = 1.53–8.00; p = 0.003), walking barefooted (OR = 5.6; 95% CI = 2.91–10.73; p<0.001) and in close contact with pets or livestock (OR = 2.9; 95% CI = 1.19–7.15; p = 0.009) were more likely to be infected with hookworms. Molecular analysis revealed that while most hookworm-positive individuals were infected with Necator americanus, Ancylostoma ceylanicum constituted 12.8% of single infections and 10.6% mixed infections with N. americanus. As for cats and dogs, 52.0% were positive for A. ceylanicum, 46.0% for Ancylostoma caninum and 2.0% for Ancylostoma braziliense and all were single infections.


This present study provided evidence based on the combination of epidemiological, conventional diagnostic and molecular tools that A. ceylanicum infection is common and that its transmission dynamic in endemic areas in Malaysia is heightened by the close contact of human and domestic animal (i.e., dogs and cats) populations.  相似文献   

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs, (RAPDs) are used to study the occurrence of Trichinella britovi and T5 among domestic animals in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina and to assess the genetic diversity among isolates of T. spiralisfrom this area in a number of infected hosts. All the local isolates proved to be T. spiralis. Six of the eight primers used indicate that the Buenos Aires isolates are distinct from each other as they produce a considerable number of polymorphic bands. Our overall estimates are relatively higher than other intraspecific distances previously estimated within species of this genus and among T. spiralis isolates. Such high degrees of variability observed among local isolates and between isolates from Buenos Aires and Spain should be taken into account when defining isolates within this species, and considering differences in the epidemiology of T. spiralis.  相似文献   

A total number of 1806 sera comprising 1049 humans and 757 animals from four ecologically different areas of Rajasthan State were tested to determine the prevalence of complement-fixing (CF) antibodies to Coxiella burnetii (C burnett). Of the 1049 human and 757 animal sera tested, antibodies to C. burnetii were detected in 195 sera (18.6 per cent) and 187 sera (24.7 per cent), respectively. Among humans, the prevalence of infection with C. burnetii was highest in the desert area of Barmer district and the hilly area of Bundi district, viz 64.5 per cent and 28.2 per cent, respectively. It was slightly lower in the semi-arid and the arid zones of the State, viz Sirohi (20 per cent) and Jalore (13.7 per cent), whereas the irrigated areas of Kota and Jaipur had the lowest prevalence, 9.9 and 8.4 per cent, respectively. Among animals, the highest prevalence was detected in sheep (39.6 per cent), followed by cattle (29.9 per cent) and goats (18.6 per cent).  相似文献   

In an attempt to isolate and characterize Toxoplasma gondii from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, musculature samples from 72 pigs, 25 dogs, 28 free-range chickens and 50 chickens produced in industrialized farms were collected. Antibodies to T. gondii have not been detected in pigs, but were found in nine (40.9 %) out of 22 dogs, and in 15 (53.6 %) of 28 free range chickens. T. gondii was not isolated from pigs and industrialized chickens, but from eight dogs and 11 free range chickens. In order to determine T. gondii virulence, female BALB/c mice were inoculated with 10(3), 10(2), 10(1) and 10(0) tachyzoites of the 19 isolates. The strains RH (virulent) and ME49 (non-virulent) were used as references. Isolates were divided into three groups according to the virulence phenotype: five isolates were classified into virulent in mice, one into non-virulent and 13 into intermediate virulent. Nested-PCR of T. gondii SAG2 locus amplified DNA from 21 out of 22 DNA samples directly extracted from heart of free range chickens. These samples were genotyped through a PCR-RFLP assay. Seventeen (80.9 %) were classified into type I; one (4.8 %) into type III and three (14.3 %) into type I or II.  相似文献   

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