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We have constructed a mutant form of the RecBCD enzyme from Escherichia coli with a lysine to glutamine change in the consensus ATP-binding sequence in the RecD subunit (Korangy, F., and Julin, D.A. (1992a, 1992b) J. Biol. Chem., 1727-1732; 1733-1740). We compare here the kinetics of double-stranded DNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis by the mutant (RecBCD-K177Q) and wild-type enzymes. We included heparin to trap enzyme not bound to DNA, or the single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) protein from Escherichia coli to prevent the enzyme from binding to single-stranded DNA products and partially single-stranded reaction intermediates. The ATP hydrolysis kinetics in either case show a rapid burst phase followed by a slower second phase. The wild-type enzyme hydrolyzes an amount of ATP about equal to the DNA nucleotide concentration in the rapid phase. The amount of ATP hydrolyzed by the RecBCD-K177Q enzyme in the burst is about 8-10-fold lower than the wild-type, in the presence of either heparin or SSB. The burst magnitude of the wild-type enzyme with heparin is proportional to the size of the DNA from about 1,420 to 22,400 base pairs whereas that of the mutant is independent of the DNA size. The wild-type enzyme completely degrades a 6,250-base pair DNA substrate with no partially degraded molecules visible on agarose gels. RecBCD-K177Q enzyme reaction mixtures in the presence of SSB protein contain a heterogeneous mixture of partially degraded molecules of 2,000-5,000 base pairs. These results indicate that the RecBCD-K177Q enzyme is less processive than the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

The RecD subunit of the RecBCD enzyme from Escherichia coli contains an amino acid sequence common to many enzymes which bind ATP or GTP (Gly-X-X-Gly-X-Gly-Lys-Thr). We have changed the conserved lysine residue (amino acid number 177) in the RecD protein to glutamine to investigate the role of RecD, and ATP-binding to RecD, in the enzymatic activities of RecBCD. The mutant RecD protein assembles with the RecB and RecC subunits and the mutant enzyme, designated RecBCD-K177Q, can be purified in the same way as the wild-type RecBCD enzyme. The mutant RecD subunit in RecBCD-K177Q is photolabeled to a lesser extent by the ATP analogue 8-azido-adenosine-5'-triphosphate than is the wild-type RecD subunit in RecBCD, suggesting that the mutation has reduced the affinity of RecD for ATP.  相似文献   

By making use of the gam(+)-plasmid, the so-called gam-dependent radioresistance was studied. This resistance is the result of the interaction between Gam protein (encoded by the gam gene of lambda) and RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli. gam-dependent radioresistance is observed in recB+ recC+ recD+ but not in recB+ recC+ recD- cells. It is suggested that Gam protein interacts specifically with the RecD subunit of RecBCD enzyme; the RecBC complex probably retains its activity in the presence of this viral protein.  相似文献   

Amundsen SK  Taylor AF  Smith GR 《Genetics》2002,161(2):483-492
The heterotrimeric RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli is required for the major pathway of double-strand DNA break repair and genetic exchange. Assembled as a heterotrimer, the enzyme has potent nuclease and helicase activity. Analysis of recC nonsense and deletion mutations revealed that the C terminus of RecC is required for assembly of the RecD subunit into RecBCD holoenzyme but not for recombination proficiency; the phenotype of these mutations mimics that of recD deletion mutations. Partial proteolysis of purified RecC polypeptide yielded a C-terminal fragment that corresponds to the RecD-interaction domain. RecD is essential for nuclease activity, regulation by the recombination hotspot Chi, and high affinity for DNA ends. The RecC-RecD interface thus appears critical for the regulation of RecBCD enzyme via the assembly and, we propose, disassembly or conformational change of the RecD subunit.  相似文献   

The restriction enzyme from a restriction and modification-deficient strain of Escherichia coli K mutated in the modification gene (hsdM) has been purified using an in vitro complementation assay with a mutant restriction enzyme from a strain lacking only restriction. The restriction enzyme from the hsdM mutant lacks all of the activities that are associated with the wild type enzyme: binding of unmodified DNA to filters, cleavage, or methylation of unmodified DNA and ATP hydrolysis. It is shown that the enzyme from this hsdM mutant cannot bind S-adenosylmethionine, an allosteric effector in the restriction reaction. In the absence of enzyme activation by S-adenosylmethionine, no binding to unmodified DNA takes place. A comparison with other mutant restriction enzymes allows us to outline the biochemical role of the subunits of the E. coli K restriction endonuclease.  相似文献   

The RecB subunit of the Escherichia coli RecBCD enzyme has previously been reported to possess DNA-dependent ATPase activity (Hickson, I. D., Robson, C. N., Atkinson, K. E., Hutton, L., and Emmerson, P. T. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 1224-1229). Here we demonstrate that a specific interaction between RecB protein and ATP can also be shown by photoaffinity labeling with the ATP analogue 8-azido-ATP. Furthermore, the capacity of the RecB protein to support ATP hydrolysis varies with the structure and length of the DNA cofactor. Single-stranded linear and circular DNA are markedly better in promoting ATP hydrolysis than duplex DNA. The purified RecB protein can function as a DNA helicase, displacing oligonucleotides annealed to viral M13 DNA in an ATP-dependent and orientation-specific manner.  相似文献   

The RecBCD enzyme is an ATP-dependent nuclease on both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA substrates. We have investigated the kinetics of the RecBCD-catalyzed reaction with small, single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates under single-turnover conditions using rapid-quench flow techniques. RecBCD-DNA complexes were allowed to form in pre-incubation mixtures. The nuclease reactions were initiated by mixing with ATP. The reaction time-courses were fit to several possible reaction mechanisms and quantitative estimates were obtained for rate constants for individual reaction steps. The relative rates of forward reaction versus dissociation from the DNA, and the fact that inclusion of excess non-radiolabeled single-stranded DNA to trap free RecBCD has no effect on the nuclease reaction, indicates that the reaction is processive. The reaction products show that the reaction begins near the 3'-end of the [5'-32P]DNA substrates and the major cleavage sites are two to four phosphodiester bonds apart. The product distribution is unchanged as the ATP concentration varies from 10 microM to 100 microM ATP, while the overall reaction rate varies by about tenfold. These observations suggest that DNA cleavage is tightly coordinated with movement of the enzyme along the DNA. The reaction time-courses at low concentrations of ATP (10 microM and 25 microM) have a significant lag before cleavage products appear. We propose that the lag represents ATP-dependent movement of the DNA from an initial binding site in the helicase domain of the RecB subunit to the nuclease active site in a separate domain of RecB. The extent of reaction of the substrate is limited (approximately 50%) under all conditions. This may indicate the formation of a non-productive RecBCD-DNA complex that does not dissociate in the 1-2 s time-scale of our experiments.  相似文献   

Cutting of chi-like sequences by the RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Chi, 5' G-C-T-G-G-T-G-G 3', stimulates coliphage lambda recombination mediated by the major recombination pathway of Escherichia coli, the RecBC pathway. Purified RecBCD enzyme makes a single strand endonuclease cleavage four to six nucleotides to the 3' side of the chi sequence. Three sequences similar to chi, 5' A-C-T-G-G-T-G-G 3', 5' G-T-T-G-G-T-G-G 3' and 5' G-C-T-A-G-T-G-G 3', have partial recombinational hotspot activity in genetic crosses. We report here that purified RecBCD enzyme preferentially cuts four nucleotides to the right of the two most active chi-like octamers. The degree of cutting correlated with the genetic activities of these sequences; this result indicates that these cleavages are essential to the genetic activity of chi and chi-like sequences.  相似文献   

The RecB and RecD subunits of the RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli contain amino acid sequences similar to a consensus mononucleotide binding motif found in a large number of other enzymes. We have constructed by site-directed mutagenesis a lysine-to-glutamine mutation in this sequence in the RecB protein. The mutant enzyme (RecB-K29Q-CD) has essentially no nuclease or ATP hydrolysis activity on double-stranded DNA, showing the importance of RecB for unwinding double-stranded DNA. However, ATP hydrolysis stimulated by single-stranded DNA is reduced by only about 5-8-fold compared to the wild-type, nuclease activity on single-stranded DNA is reduced by less than 2-fold, and the nuclease activity of the RecB-K29Q-CD enzyme requires ATP. The effects of the RecB mutation suggest that the RecD protein hydrolyzes ATP and can stimulate the RecBCD enzyme nuclease activity on single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

The RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli consists of three subunits RecB, RecC and RecD. RecBCD enzyme activities are regulated by its interaction with recombination hotspot Chi. Biochemical and genetic evidence suggest that interaction with Chi affects RecD subunit, and that RecD polypeptide overproduction antagonizes this interaction, suggesting that intact RecD replaces a Chi-modified one. We used bacteria with fragmented chromosomes due to double-strand breaks inflicted by UV and gamma-irradiation to explore in which way increased concentrations of RecBCD's individual subunits affect DNA metabolism. We confirmed that RecD overproduction alters RecBCD-dependent DNA repair and degradation in E. coli. Also, we found that RecB and RecC overproduction did not affect these processes. To determine the basis for the effects of RecD polypeptide overproduction, we monitored activities of RecBCD enzyme on gamma-damaged chromosomal DNA and, in parallel, on lambda and T4 2 phage DNA duplexes provided at intervals. We found that gamma-irradiated wild-type bacteria became transient, and RecD overproducers permanent recB(-)/C(-) phenocopies for processing phage DNA that is provided in parallel. Since this inability of irradiated bacteria to process extrachromosomal DNA substrates coincided in both cases with ongoing degradation of chromosomal DNA, which lasted much longer in RecD overproducers, we were led to conclude that the RecB(-)/C(-) phenotype is acquired as a consequence of RecBCD enzyme titration on damaged chromosomal DNA. This conclusion was corroborated by our observation that no inhibition of RecBCD activity occurs in gamma-irradiated RecBCD overproducers. Together, these results strongly indicate that RecD overproduction prevents dissociation of RecBCD enzyme from DNA substrate and thus increases its processivity.  相似文献   

We describe an assay to measure the extent of enzymatic unwinding of DNA by a DNA helicase. This assay takes advantage of the quenching of the intrinsic protein fluorescence of Escherichia coli SSB protein upon binding to ssDNA and is used to characterize the DNA unwinding activity of recBCD enzyme. Unwinding in this assay is dependent on the presence of recBCD enzyme and linear dsDNA, is consistent with the known properties of recBCD enzyme, and closely parallels other methods for measuring recBCD enzyme helicase activity. The effects of varying temperature, substrate concentrations, enzyme concentration, and mono- and divalent salt concentrations on the helicase activity of recBCD enzyme were characterized. The apparent Km values for recBCD enzyme helicase activity on linear M13 dsDNA molecules at 25 degrees C are 0.6 nM dsDNA molecules and 130 microM ATP, respectively. The apparent turnover number for unwinding is approximately 15 microM base pairs s-1 (microM recBCD enzyme)-1. When this rate is corrected for the observed stoichiometry of recBCD enzyme binding to dsDNA, kcat for helicase activity corresponds to an unwinding rate of approximately 250 base pairs of DNA s-1 (functional recBCD complex)-1 at 25 degrees C. At 37 degrees C, the apparent Km value for dsDNA molecules was the same as that at 25 degrees C, but the apparent turnover number became 56 microM base pairs s-1 (microM recBCD enzyme)-1 [or 930 base pairs s-1 (functional recBCD complex)-1 when corrected for observed stoichiometry]. With increasing NaCl concentration, kcat peaks at 100 mM, and the apparent Km value for dsDNA increases by 3-fold at 200 mM NaCl. In the presence of 5 mM calcium acetate, the apparent Km value is increased by 3-fold, and kcat decreased by 20-30%. We have also shown that recBCD enzyme molecules are able to catalytically unwind additional dsDNA substrates subsequent to initiation, unwinding, and dissociation from a previous dsDNA molecule.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated that exonuclease I-deficient strains of Escherichia coli accumulate high-molecular-weight linear plasmid concatemers when transformed with plasmids carrying the chi sequence (5'- GCTGGTGG-3') (M. M. Zaman and T. C. Boles, J. Bacteriol. 176:5093-5100, 1994). Since high-molecular weight linear DNA is believed to be the natural substrate for RecBCD-mediated recombination during conjugation (A. J. Clark and K. B. Low, p. 155-215, in K. B. Low, ed., The Recombination of Genetic Material, 1988), we analyzed the recombination frequencies of chi+ and chi0 plasmids in sbcB strains. Here, we report that chi sites stimulate plasmid recombination frequency by 16-fold in sbcB strains. Chi-stimulated plasmid recombination is dependent on RecBCD but is independent of RecF pathway genes. The distribution of recombination products suggests that high-molecular-weight linear plasmid DNA is a substrate for RecBCD-mediated recombination. Surprisingly, our data also suggest that chi+ plasmids also recombine by the RecBCD pathway in rec+ sbcB+ cells.  相似文献   

The lambda Gam protein was isolated from cells containing a Gam-producing plasmid. The purified Gam protein was found to bind to RecBCD without displacing any of its subunits. Gam was shown to inhibit all known enzymatic activities of RecBCD: ATP-dependent single- and double-stranded DNA exonucleases, ATP-independent single-stranded endonuclease, and the ATP-dependent helicase. When produced in vivo, Gam inhibited chi-activated recombination in lambda red gam crosses but had little effect on the host's ability to act as a recipient in conjugational recombination. These experiments suggest that RecBCD possesses an additional "unknown" activity that is resistant to or induced by Gam. Additionally, the expression of Gam in recD mutants sensitizes the host to UV irradiation, indicating that Gam alters one or more of the in vivo activities of RecBC(D-).  相似文献   

Adenylosuccinate synthetases from different sources contain an N-terminal glycine-rich sequence GDEGKGK, which is homologous to the conserved sequence GXXXXGK found in many other guanine nucleotide-binding proteins or enzymes. To determine the role of this sequence in the structure and function of Escherichia coli adenylosuccinate synthetase, site-directed mutagenesis was performed to generate five mutant enzymes: G12V (Gly12----Val), G15V (Gly15----Val), G17V (Gly17----Val), K18R (Lys18----Arg), and I19T (Ile19----Thr). Comparison of the kinetic properties of the wild-type enzyme and those of the mutant enzymes revealed that the sequence is critical for enzyme activity. Replacement of Gly12, Gly15, or Gly17 with Val, or replacement of Lys18 with Arg, resulted in significant decreases in the kcat/Km values of the enzyme. Because the consensus sequence GXXXXGK(T/S) has been found in many GTP-binding proteins, isoleucine at position 19 in the E. coli adenylosuccinate synthetase was changed to threonine to produce the sequence GDEGKGKT. This mutation, which more closely resembles the consensus sequence, resulted in a 160-fold increase in the Km value for substrate GTP; however, there were no great changes for the other two substrates, IMP and aspartate. Based on these data, we suggest that the N-terminal glycinerich sequence in E. coli adenylosuccinate synthetase plays a more important role in enzyme catalysis than in substrate binding. In addition, a hydrophobic amino acid residue such as isoleucine, leucine, or valine, rather than threonine, may play a critical role in GTP binding in adenosuccinate synthetase. These findings suggest that the glycine-rich sequence in adenylosuccinate synthetase functions differently relative to those in other GTP binding proteins or enzymes.  相似文献   

A mutation of the b subunit of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase and mutations in the gene for the a subunit that suppress its effects have been previously described (Kumamoto, C., and Simoni, R. D. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 10037-10042). In this paper, we describe the characterization of a new mutation that partially suppresses the effects of the original b mutation. The new suppressor mutation causes the substitution of serine for alanine at position 62 of the c subunit. Biochemical studies of double mutants, carrying both b and c mutations, demonstrate that the c mutation partially restores the function of the enzyme complex.  相似文献   

We report the complete DNA sequence of the Escherichia coli elt A gene, which codes for the A subunit of the heat-labile enterotoxin, LT. The amino acid sequence of the LT A subunit has been deduced from the DNA sequence of elt A. The LT A subunit starts with methionine, ends with leucine, and comprises 254 amino acids. The computed molecular weight of LT A is 29,673. The A subunit of cholera toxin (CT A) has been shown to be structurally and functionally related to the LT A subunit. Comparison of the primary structure of LT A with the known partial amino acid sequence of CT A indicates that the 2 polypeptides share considerable homology throughout their sequences. The NH2-terminal regions exhibit the highest degree of homology (91%), while the COOH-terminal region, containing the sole cystine residue in each toxin is less conserved (approximately 52%). Alignment of homologous residues in the COOH-terminal regions of LT A and CT A indicates that a likely site for proteolytic cleavage of LT A is after Arg residue 188. The resulting A2 polypeptide would be 46 amino acids long, would contain a single cysteine residue, and have Mr = 5261. The elt A nucleotide sequence further predicts that the LT A protein is synthesized in a precursor form, possessing an 18-amino acid signal sequence at its NH2 terminus.  相似文献   

Conjugational recombination in Escherichia coli was investigated by comparing the effects of recN, recO, ruv and lexA mutations on the formation of recombinants in crosses with strains lacking RecBCD enzyme. The results presented reveal that recN and ruv mutations do not abolish residual recombination in a recB mutant, and have only a rather modest effect on recombination in recBC sbcA strains; in these respects they are quite different from recF, recJ and recO mutations. The differences between these two groups of genes are discussed in relation to the molecular exchanges needed to produce viable recombinants.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RecBCD holoenzyme and the individual constituent subunits have been purified from overproducing strains. The purified RecBCD holoenzyme has a native molecular mass of approximately 330 kDa, indicative of a heterotrimer subunit assembly. The RecB, RecC, and RecD subunits can associate in vitro to give nuclease, helicase, ATPase, and Chi-specific endonuclease activities which are indistinguishable from those of the RecBCD holoenzyme. At concentrations at which the reconstituted RecB + C + D enzyme is very active, none of the individual RecB, RecC, or RecD subunits have readily detectable activities of the holoenzyme, except RecB protein which had previously been shown to exhibit DNA-dependent ATPase activity (Hickson, I. D., Robson, C. N., Atkinson, K. E., Hutton, L., and Emmerson, P. T. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 1224-1229). At higher concentrations and with shorter DNA substrates reconstituted RecBC protein exhibits low levels of helicase and exonuclease activity.  相似文献   

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