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The morphology and behaviour of the holokinetic chromosomes of Tetranychus urticae Koch were studied in maturing oocytes from diplotene up to and including metaphase. Each of the three diplotene bivalents contains 2–3 chiasmata.During congression the dyads of the axially orientated bivalents make turning movements in opposite directions till they have reached an equatorial orientation which leads to an equational first meiotic division.It was argued that chiasmata terminalise towards both ends of the dyads and that each dyad contains two sister chromatids.It has been supposed that the inverted meiosis of organisms with holokinetic chromosomes can be brought about by the way in which chiasmata terminalise and the kinetochores are assembled subsequently on each chromatid.During congression vesicular strands form a Feulgen-negative zone round the bright plasm in which the bivalents are embedded. The question was raised whether these strands originate from the dense plasm surrounding each of the diplotene bivalents and bear some relation to the elimination chromatin present during the meiotic telophases.This investigation was supported by research grants from the Ministry of Public Health and Environment and from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   

The most common post-zygotic isolation mechanism between populations of the phytophagous mite Tetranychus urticae is 'hybrid breakdown', i.e. when individuals from two different populations are crossed, F1 hybrid females are produced, but F2 recombinant male offspring suffer increased mortality. Two-spotted spider mites collected from two populations, one on rose and the other on cucumber plants, were infected with Wolbachia bacteria. These bacteria may induce cytoplasmic incompatibility in their hosts: uninfected (U) females become reproductively incompatible with infected (W) males. We report on the effect of Wolbachia infections in intra- and interstrain crosses on (i) F1 mortality and sex ratios (a test for cytoplasmic incompatibility), and (ii) the number of haploid offspring and mortality in clutches of F1 virgins (a test for hybrid breakdown). U x W crosses within the rose strain exhibited partial cvtoplasmic incompatibility. More interestingly, F2 males suffered increased mortality, a result identical to the hybrid breakdown phenomenon. The experiments were repeated using females from the cucumber strain. In interstrain U x W and U x U crosses, hybrid breakdown was much stronger in the former (80 versus 26%). This is the first report of a Wolbachia infection causing a hybrid breakdown phenotype. Our results show that Wolbhachia infections can contribute to reproductive incompatibility between populations of T. urticae.  相似文献   

Starting from the Sambucus strain of the two-spotted spider miteTetranychus urticae Koch, the strains ND1 and ND2 were selected for lack of diapause under a short-day regimen (LD 1014, 18°C). The genetic basis of the suppression of diapause in ND1 and ND2 was analysed by means of mendelian crosses and backcrosses, using the photoperiodic cycle LD 1014 as diagnostic for the distinction of diapausing and non-diapausing phenotypes. Suppression of diapause is inherited as a recessive trait. From backcross analysis it was concluded that the suppression of diapause in ND1 and ND2 is under monogenic control. The major genes for suppression of diapause in ND1 and ND2 are alleles at a locus designated asd. A mutation for albinism of the locusa-p is pleiotropic for suppression of diapause. It was shown from crosses between ND1 and the albino strain, thatd anda-p are distinct loci.  相似文献   

Tetranychus urticae distribution on spatial scale both within leaf and within plant was assessed by the index of dispersion (Id), Lloyd's mean crowding index (Imc), Lloyd's patchiness index (Ip) and Morisita's index (I δ). Id values in all leaves and leaf parts promised aggregated distribution regardless of leaf position and leaf areas. The values of Imc estimated were all larger than the mean. The value of Ip and I δ  also indicated increased degree of aggregation and clumping in all leaves and leaf areas. While pattern of distribution is same in all the leaves and leaf parts, population estimated is high in young fully opened top leaves than the grown-up middle and bottom leaves. Within the young leaf, top area of upper side of the leaf housed relatively increased number of T. urticae than bottom area of upper side of the leaf. Because young fully opened leaves consistently contained major proportion of mites (48.33%), particularly the top leaf area (79.62%), these leaves and leaf areas can be used as sampling unit for population estimation to minimise the time spent on sampling. However, it warrants future research for predictive models to associate a number of mites of top leaf to other leaves and top area to other areas. Further, releasing predators in young fully opened leaves may increase predator efficiency if supplementary studies on predator–prey relationship on spatial scale are triggered.  相似文献   

The acaricidial, persistent and ovicidal activities of four methanolic extracts of Anisosciadium orientale DC., Scaligeria meifolia Boiss., Trigonella elliptica Boiss. and Ptelea viscosa L. were assessed against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, in a bioassay under laboratory conditions. All the extracts exhibited significant adult female mite mortality as compared to control and S. meifolia extract showed highest toxicity based on the LC50 when compared with the other extracts tested. In the persistence test, the mites were exposed to 1, 24, 48 and 72 h old residues of 50% lethal concentration of methanolic extracts. The results showed that the lethal concentration effects of plant extracts fade within two or three days. S. meifolia caused high ovicidal activity (45.84%) followed by A. orientale (41.40%), T. elliptica (40.11%) and P. viscosa (37.66%). The results suggest that the methanolic extracts of A. orientale, S. meifolia, T. elliptica and P. viscosa have the potential to be used in mite pest management.  相似文献   

Spin down in response to pesticides is a known phenomenon. This study aimed at investigating the effects of varying acaricide concentrations and acaricidal combinations on the rate of spin down and thread length, the fate of mites after spinning down and, thus, the implications of spin down in the context of mite control and the relationship between webbing and the efficacy of ovicides. In response to cyhexatin at a concentration of up to 100 mg dm-3 the rate of spin down did not change, but in response to higher concentrations it occurred earlier and ceased before the end of the experiment. The mean thread length did not vary with the concentration of acaricide and, whilst the proportion of mites spinning down increased with a cyhexatin concentration of up to 10 mg dm-3, it did not increase further with higher concentrations thereafter. It is therefore postulated that at any given time only a certain proportion of mites have a propensity to spin down. In combination with cyhexatin, only amitraz (at low concentrations) increased the proportion of mites spinning down, but amitraz (at higher concentrations), flubenzimine and permethrin all inhibited spin down, which may be a useful attribute in pesticide formulations. With regard to the fate of mites after spinning down, they were able to climb back up threads, but the proportion doing so was too small to be of practical importance. Mites which spin down and remain at the end of a thread die, but those which reached another leaf were able to spin down again and were more likely to do so if the leaf bore a cyhexatin residue. Mites reaching another leaf are also able to lay eggs, the number being greater if the leaf which they reach is untreated. Spin down is therefore likely to be of significant advantage to Tetranychus urticae in avoidance of the effects of acaricides. Finally, some eggs were observed to be laid on webbing and not to come into direct contact with clofentezine residues. The use of a fine water spray to simulate dew increased the ovitoxicity of clofentezine, probably by resuspension of the pesticide, but not of amitraz, which inhibits webbing production. The avoidance of acaricides should be added to the several known advantages of webbing production for spider mites. It is concluded that, all other factors being equal, pesticide formulations which inhibit spin down and webbing production are likely to be more effective in control programmes than those which stimulate such behaviour.  相似文献   

Different aspects of the fertilization of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) were studied. It appeared that after the mating act of virgin females, haploid eggs were produced first before the appearance of diploid eggs. From this and other facts, it was concluded that fertilization of the oocytes occurs in a very early stage of egg development. The fertilization is assumed to take place in the ovary and not in the oviduct.By using genetic markers, it could be proved that in most cases the first mating is effective. Later matings usually are ineffective. It is suggested that the sperm supply in the first mating determines the success of later matings.
Zusammenfassung Die Befruchtung der Bohnenspinnmilbe wurde unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten untersucht. Nach der Begattung jungfräulicher Weibchen wurden zunächst haploide Eier abgelegt, bevor diploide Eier produziert wurden. Daraus und aus anderen Grüunden wird geschlossen, daß die Befruchtung der Oocyten in einem sehr frühen Stadium der Entwicklung erfolgt. Die Befruchtung findet vermutlicht im Ovar und nicht im Ovidukt statt.Unter Verwendung genetischer Markierung wurde nachgewiesen, daß in den meisten Fällen die erste Begattung ausschlaggebend ist. Spätere Kopulationen bleiben gewöhnlich wirkungslos. Es wird vermutet, daß die Spermafüllung bei der ersten Begattung den Erfolg späterer Begattungen bestimmt.

Sublethal effects of Thymus vulgaris were investigated on life-table parameters of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) in the laboratory conditions at 25?±?1?°C, 70?±?10% RH and a 14:10?h (L:D) photoperiod. Bioassay was conducted to assess the effect of different concentrations of T. vulgaris essential oil on two-spotted spider mite. LC50 and LC20 of T. vulgaris on T. urticae were calculated as 18.86 and 6.24?μl/litre air for 24?h after treatment. In the sublethal effects, after 24?h exposure to LC50 concentration, mortality, fecundity and longevity of the females that survived from treatment were determined. Results showed that T. vulgaris caused significant reductions in fecundity and longevity of adults. Life-table assay indicated that the intrinsic rate of increase (r m), net reproductive rate (R 0), finite rate of increase (λ), mean generation time (T), significantly reduced in treated females compared to control. These results suggest that T. vulgaris could be incorporated in integrated pest management programmes of T. urticae.  相似文献   

A strain (WA) of Tetranychus urticae Koch was collected from apples in Western Australia following a reported field-control failure of tebufenpyrad. The WA strain had been exposed to five tebufenpyrad applications over four seasons. The tebufenpyrad resistance in the WA strain was confirmed at 63.29× which is the first reported instance of tebufenpyrad resistance in T. urticae. The tebufenpyrad resistance in T. urticae conferred a >210× cross-resistance to pryidaben, a 24.60× cross-resistance to fenpyroximate and a 2.20× cross-resistance to chlorfenapyr.Exp Appl Acarol 22: 633–641 © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

J. R. Carey 《Oecologia》1982,52(3):389-395
Summary A simple life table model was constructed for Tetranychus urticae in which daily survivorship of eggs and motil stages, fecundity, and development time was altered to assess the impact of each parameter on the intrinsic rate of increase. r. Interpretation of the trade-offs focused on management considerations.A second aspect of the study concerned age and stage structure in mite populations including the time path of convergence to a stable age distribution and the effect of changes in birth and death rates on the age profile. The stable stage distributions of 7 tetranychid mite species were computed using 25 separate life tables. In spite of the wide range of r-values induced by different experimental conditions, all of the stage distributions were quite similar averaging roughly 66% eggs, 26% immatures, and 8% adults. Several population studies were cited which reported stage distributions of growing mite populations. The empirical evidence suggested that natural mite populations are often quite near this stable distribution.A practical problem involving the extent to which hormoligosis (insecticide stimulation) affects mite population growth rate was addressed using the life table model and laboratory data from controlled studies. The findings suggested that mite populations treated with insecticide may attain a 1.4- to a 4.2-fold difference in population size relative to an untreated population after 2 generations and over a 1,300-fold potential difference after 10 generations.  相似文献   

Using susceptible and resistant reference strains and standard bioassay methods a new miticide product was screened for efficacy and cross-resistance against two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. Experimental product NN1 850.0 EW (fenpyroximate and propargite 3:10 ratio) was significantly (P<0.05) more toxic than either compound tested alone (co-toxicity index 1029). Non-overlapping 95% CIs at the LC50 and LC99 level suggest that there is no cross-resistance to NN1 850.0 EW from existing organophosphate and pyrethroid resistance. NN1 850.0 EW is worthy of further development for T. urticae control.  相似文献   



The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is infected with Wolbachia, which have the ability to manipulate host reproduction and fitness. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that are involved in many biological processes such as development, reproduction and host-pathogen interactions. Although miRNA was observed to involve in Wolbachia-host interactions in the other insect systems, its roles have not been fully deciphered in the two-spotted spider mite.


Small RNA libraries of infected and uninfected T. urticae for both sexes (in total four libraries) were constructed. By integrating the mRNA data originated from the same samples, the target genes of the differentially expressed miRNAs were predicted. Then, GO and pathway analyses were performed for the target genes. Comparison of libraries showed that Wolbachia infection significantly regulated 91 miRNAs in females and 20 miRNAs in males, with an overall suppression of miRNAs in Wolbachia-infected libraries. A comparison of the miRNA and mRNA data predicted that the differentially expressed miRNAs negatively regulated 90 mRNAs in females and 9 mRNAs in males. An analysis of target genes showed that Wolbachia-responsive miRNAs regulated genes with function in sphingolipid metabolism, lysosome function, apoptosis and lipid transporting in both sexes, as well as reproduction in females.


Comparisons of the miRNA and mRNA data can help to identify miRNAs and miRNA target genes involving in Wolbachia-host interactions. The molecular targets identified in this study should be useful in further functional studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1122) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Ethanolic extract of Mentha pulegium was evaluated against the adults of important arthropod pest species, the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. Potential acaricidal impact of plant was determined by contact application. Phytotoxicity was recorded after 24 h. The value of LC50 was 59,149 mg L?1. Also, LT50 values were 27.42, 25.56 and 19.79 h for 35,000, 50,000 and 100,000 mg L?1, respectively. Also, results showed that this ethanolic extract had impact on repellency of T. urticae. All of the tested concentrations were similar in the repellency test. On the other hand, the used concentrations (1000, 4000, 6000 and 8000 mg L?1) affected on the oviposition of mite females. These extract doses significantly decreased the egg laying on the treated surface. The current study indicated that this ethanolic extract can be used as a safe acaricide on T. urticae.  相似文献   

R. De Boer 《Genetica》1982,58(1):17-22
A case of non-reciprocal hybrid infertility between strains of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch is described. Evidence is presented that the infertility results from an interaction between a chromosomal and a cytoplasmic factor. The presence or absence of the cytoplasmic factor seems to be controlled also by chromosomal genes.  相似文献   

Damage caused by two‐spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) at harvest to yield, quality (measured in percentage α‐acids content) and cone infestation was assessed on hop cvs Hallertauer Magnum, Hallertauer Tradition and Perle. Acaricide‐untreated hop plants with known levels of T. urticae infestation were compared with neighbouring acaricide‐treated plants. Although in 24 of the 36 experimental harvests the untreated hop plants had spider mite infestations of > 100 mites leaf?1, yields and α‐acids content from the untreated plants were significantly lower than the treated plants in only four instances. However, although mite infestation of cones from untreated hops were significantly higher than acaricide‐treated plants in 27 of the 36 cases, in only one instance did that cause economic loss. Spider mite infestation levels of c. 90 mites leaf?1 are tolerable at harvest time with little or no risk of causing economic loss to hop growers.  相似文献   

The resistance status of Tetranychus urticae Koch to the miticides clofentezine and fenbutatin oxide was investigated in deciduous fruit tree orchards in Western Australia. Mites were collected from 30 orchards across three fruit growing regions and subjected to discriminating–dose assays. There was a significant relationship between clofentezine (=;0.64) and fenbutatin oxide (V=;0.44) use and the proportion of resistant mites in each sample. Improved clofentezine models were obtained when the Perth Hills region (V=;0.90) was modelled separately from Donnybrook and Manjimup (V=;0.80). Clofentezine could be expected to fail in the latter regions after four sprays and in the former region after only one spray. The relatively low pest status of T. urticae in Western Australia did not delay the clofentezine resistance. For any given number of spray applications the response of T. urticae to fenbutatin oxide was more variable than it was to clofentezine.  相似文献   

Populations of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch collected from various localities and from various host plants in Japan showed wide variations in diapause attribute. Diapause percentages at 18°C/9L15D varied from nearly 100% in the north to 0% in the south-west. At intermediate latitudes the mites showed wide inter-population variations. Populations on herbaceous hosts in vinyl- or glass-houses gave significantly lower incidence of diapause than those on roses and deciduous fruit trees. Presence of winter hosts and better host quality under protected environments seemed to favour non-diapausing mites. The temperature threshold for diapause expression also varied widely among local populations. Northern populations consistently had higher and less variable thresholds than populations at intermediate latitudes with thresholds between 15 and 18°C. Inbred lines derived from a population in Kyoto exhibited a wide variation in diapause percentage at 18°C. These results show that diapause in T. urticae is a quantitative threshold trait and that populations in central Japan consist of a variety of genotypes with different diapause traits. This might provide a genetic source for adaptation to local and temporal variations in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

【目的】为明确二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch对不同品种茄子的选择性与适合度。【方法】通过二斑叶螨对不同品种茄子的田间选择性试验以及在室内不同品种茄子对二斑叶螨种群数量、个体生长发育和繁殖的影响试验,分析了二斑叶螨对9个茄子栽培品种和1个野生茄子品种的寄主选择性,以及在不同品种上的种群动态、发育历期和繁殖力。【结果】二斑叶螨对野生品种蒜芥茄Solanum sisymbriifolium的选择性最差,在该品种上除卵可以正常孵化外其他时期均不能存活。在茄子S.melongena品种间,二斑叶螨对京茄6号和日友长直壮青长茄的选择性最强,分别达到195和183头/株,对布利塔和长竹丝茄的选择性最差,分别为63.5和59.75头/株。接入20对成螨后第28天,紫龙王4号上的数量最多(1 009头/株),京茄6号和嫁接的京茄6号上的数量次之(分别为981和909头/株)。二斑叶螨在京茄6号上的发育历期最短,为9.31 d;在长丰2号上发育历期最长,为11.08 d。京茄6号、京茄黑霸和嫁接的京茄6号上二斑叶螨开始产卵的前5 d内单雌产卵量分别为35.92,33.20和31.34粒/头,是产卵量较多的3个品种,且3个品种之间差异不显著;紫龙王4号、茄砧1号、布利塔和长丰2号上的产卵量较少,分别为18.56,19.24,22.26和23.36粒/头,且4个品种之间差异不显著。【结论】二斑叶螨对紫黑圆茄类的京茄6号的选择性较强、适合度较高,对紫黑长茄布利塔的选择性和适合度为中等,对野生品种蒜芥茄的选择性和适合度表现为最差。  相似文献   

R. De Boer 《Genetica》1983,61(2):107-111
Non-reciprocal hybrid infertility between the strains ZI and ZII of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, probably based on an interaction between a chromosomal gene N, and a non-chromosomal factor E, is studied. A hypothesis that N-E interaction causes egg mortality indirectly through the formation of recessive lethal genes, is tested and rejected.  相似文献   

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