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The origin of a unique vacuole (PSV), which was specifically present in the prespore cell of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. was investigated electronmicroscopically. A considerable number of PSV-mitochondrion complexes was found in the intermediate fraction between a pure PSV and a pure mitochondria fractions, which were obtained by isopicnic centrifugation of cellular components of the prespore cell. Similar complexes were also observed in the differentiating prespore cells. Furthermore, the activity of succinic dehydrogenase, a typical mitochondrial enzyme was found cytochemically to be localized in the PSV as well as in mitochondria. From these results, it was concluded that the PSV was formed from the mitochondrion through some intermediate steps.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that differentiation of the prespore cell in the pseudoplasmodium (slug) of the cellular slime molds is characterized by the synthesis of a specific substance which is detectable by a heteroplastic antispore serum (T akeuchi , 1963). When a prespore cell which was already differentiated was disaggregated from a slug of Dictyostelium discoideum and was incubated in salt solution under a sparsely populated condition, it gradually lost its specific substance and dedifferentiated. The dedifferentiation proceeded without accompanying cell growth and was completed within 5 hr of incubation. This process was inhibited at a low temperature and also in the presence of cyclohexamide, actinomycin D, and cyclic AMP. The dedifferentiation was induced and proceeded at a normal rate in the absence of bacteria. When a disaggregated slug cell was incubated in the presence of bacteria, however, every prestalk and prespore cell was able to grow and underwent its first cell division after about 9–10 hr of incubation, and then multiplied with the generation time of 3 hr. The relationship between the dedifferentiation and the growth of a disaggregated slug cell was discussed.  相似文献   

An aggregateless mutant (HT41), isolated from D. discoideum NP14, was examined for the parameters involved in cell aggregation. HT41 cells were induced to express some of these parameters by cyclic AMP pulses. Spontaneous oscillations in light scattering were not observed in the suspension of the mutant cells. A pulse of cyclic AMP caused a monophasic decrease in light scattering, which was similar to the response of pre-aggregation cells of the wild-type. When cyclic AMP pulses were applied on a cell layer, HT41 cells aggregated without forming the streams. These results suggest that HT41 is a mutant defective in signal emission and relay.  相似文献   

The characteristic motile responses of the pseudoplasmodium (slug) of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum , to such experimental conditions as dissection, fusion, grafting, transplantation, insertion of a mica platelet and introduction into a blind tube were studied. The results indicate that the slug tip plays a kind of "leadership" role and directs the cells in the rear part of the slug forward.
By combining an improved transplantation technique to introduce a slug into an agar tube with staining with vital dyes and fluorescent antispore serum, it has been shown that anterior cells transplanted into the posterior region of the intact slug migrate toward the anterior, thus confirming the results obtained by B onner (3). The experiment verified that vital staining by Nile blue sulfate is a useful way to mark the transplanted cells.  相似文献   

In the slug of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum , are differentiated the anterior prestalk cells and the posterior prespore cells, whose differentiation is characterized by formation of the prespore specific vacuole (PSV). The ultrastructural changes of the PSV were investigated during dedifferentiation of a prespore cell disaggregated from a slug and also during conversion of the cell type, caused by fragmentation of a slug, between the prespore and the prestalk cells.
During the dedifferentiation, the PSV first lost its lining membrane which subsequently congregated, together with the inner filamentous material, to form some electron dense granules. Finally, the vacuole membrane was punctured, and the granules were released into cytoplasm. During conversion of the prespore to the prestalk cell, the PSV was degraded through the same process as in dedifferentiation, but the degradation proceeded much more synchronously in a converting cell. When a prestalk fragment was isolated from a slug, formation of the PSV was detected in no cell until 2 hr of incubation. After a lag, the PSV was formed in a converting cell through the process which is not a simple reversal of its degrading process.  相似文献   

A mutant (TS-2) that is temperature-sensitive with respect to cell contact was isolated from the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium mucoroides. The TS-2 were able to grow and develop normally at 21°C, but unable to grow at 31.5°C. When TS-2 were allowed to develop until the aggregation stage at 21°C and then shifted to 31.5°C, they instantly lost cell-to-cell contact, resulting in disintegration of the aggregation stream and flattening of the aggregation center. Although a slug transferred to 31.5°C retained its original shape, loss of cell-to-cell contact within the cell mass was evidenced by several facts. The TS-2 interphase amebas, at 31.5°C, also lost cell-to-substratum contact, and the loss of contact was followed by the production of cell-wall substance on their surface. The production of the same substance at 31.5°C was also observed in cells at aggregation and migration stages, but not in those at the vegetative stage. When TS-2 cells at various developmental stages were kept at 31.5°C for various periods of time and returned to 21°C they lost morphogenetic capacity in proportion to the production of the cell-wall substance.  相似文献   

The distribution of charged groups on the surface of Dictyostelium cells and their change during development were examined by electronmicroscopy using cationic and anionic ferritins. The number of anionic sites on the cell surface decreased greatly during the course of development. The whole surface of vegetative cells stained strongly with cationic ferritin (CF). On the other hand, the surface of aggregation-competent cells had fewer negative charges and these were unequally distributed, the surface of the advancing area (lobopodial region) being devoid of anionic sites. The number of anionic sites on the cell surface decreased progressively during further development, and the suface of slug cells did not stain at all with CF. The cell surface did not stain with anionic ferritin at any developmental stage, indicating the absence of detectable cationic sites. The biological significance of these findings is discussed in connection with cell adhesiveness and movement.  相似文献   

We here report the second record of a developmentally aberrant strain of a cellular slime mold from natural populations and demonstrate that this Dictyostelium mucoroides variant is capable of undergoing normal morphogenesis in the presence of the phycomycete fungus, Mucor hiemalis. The synergism is induced by an extracellular product(s) which is diffusable through thin agar membranes and is released by the fungus. The presence of the fungus not only induces stalk formation in this stalkless variant, but also increases the rate of sorocarp formation in 3 of 5 additional species of cellular slime molds assayed.  相似文献   

The growth of the cellular slime mold, Polysphondylium pallidum, was studied on a semidefined medium in shaken suspension. When the medium contained large quantities of particulate material, growth was more rapid and the cellular size and protein content were smaller than when growth occurred on a medium containing less particulate material. The cellular levels of DNA, RNA, and protein; of lysosomal enzymes (acid phosphatase, acid proteinase); and of peroxisomal enzymes (catalase) were assayed during growth and the subsequent stationary phase that led eventually to encystment. Only DNA remained at a constant cellular level. Encystment of exponentially growing cells could also be initiated by washing them and introducing them into a soluble peptone medium. The rate of encystment was proportional to the osmolarity of this medium. The encystment process was followed with respect to the cellular levels of DNA, RNA, protein, carbohydrates, acid phosphatase, acid β-N-Ac-glucosaminidase, and catalase. The most dramatic change occurred in the cellular cellulose content, which increased by at least an order of magnitude by the time encystment was morphologically complete. It was concluded that the encystment of this slime mold in suspension exhibits a number of biochemical similarities to the development of this and other cellular slime molds on a surface.  相似文献   

A method is described for the rapid separation of cellular slime mold (Dictyostelium discoideum) cells into nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Sucrose density sedimentation profiles of radioactivity from cells that had been grown for long or short periods in the presence of uridine-3H indicate very low levels of cross-contamination between the fractions. The nuclear fraction contains few, if any, ribosomes. In exponentially growing cells, at least 80% of the ribosomes were associated in polysomal complexes. No loss of counts from pre-labeled rRNA was observed during 2 generations (24 hr) of logarithmic growth and, within the polysomal complexes, the distributions of the preformed material and of rRNA synthesized during the 2 generations were identical. In stationary phase cells that had entered the developmental program leading to fruiting body construction, the rRNA turned over rapidly so that by the end of development at least 75% of the ribosomes fabricated during exponential growth had disappeared and had been replaced by new ones synthesized during the morphogenetic sequence. The preformed ribosomes disappeared preferentially from the monosomal contingent; the newly synthesized ribosomes appeared exclusively in the polysomal contingent and did not appear as monosomes in appreciable numbers for at least 6 hr. The possible significance of this wholesale replacement of ribosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

No fruiting of the NC-18 isolate of Acrasis rosea occurs in cultures maintained in continuous light or in continuous dark. The use of different food organisms does not alter the aforementioned behavior. The time at which fruiting occurs in this isolate can be regulated by administering stimulatory light followed by a dark period. Mature sorocarps are formed approximately 14 hr after the termination of light and the start of darkness. Within this 14-hr interval aggregation and sorocarp development occur. After about 6 hr of dark incubation, NC-18 amebae, previously stimulated by light, form a few weak aggregation centers. After 8 hr of dark incubation there are numerous aggregation areas, large in size and deep rose in color. By 10 hr the aggregations are quite compact and firm in appearance, and between 12 and 14 hr late aggregations, sorogens and, finally, mature sorocarps are formed. The minimum dark period, i.e., the minimum time that is required in darkness (for cultures previously stimulated with light) to obtain at least some fruiting within the 14-hr developmental period, is 7–8 hr for NC-18 and 5–6 hr for Tu-26. Maximum numbers of sorocarps form when cultures are given 10–11 hr of uninterrupted dark. Light-stimulated cultures of NC-18 placed in darkness and interrupted by a 10- or 30-min exposure to wide-spectrum blue or cool white fluorescent light an hour prior to the minimal dark period exhibit a 4–5 hr-delay in fruiting when returned to darkness and inspected at intervals following the second irradiation. Growth and fruiting of NC-18 occurred with purified food sources of each of five different species of Chlorella and with the alga Stichococcus bacillaris. This is apparently the first report of the utilization of algae as food sources by a cellular slime mold. Fruiting of NC-18 was readily arrested by lowering the relative humidity to 40–45%. This change in the moisture content of the surrounding air induced microcyst formation. Growth on buffered medium occurred in the entire pH range tested, 3.5–7.6, but fruiting occurred only between pH 5.0 and 6.6.  相似文献   

The phagocytic ability of amoebae of the cellular slime mold Polysphondylium pallidum, grown in shaken suspension, was examined. An established quantitative assay of the uptake of polystyrene (PS) beads was shown to be valid for this organism. The kinetics of phagocytosis were determined, and estimates of the concentration of PS beads necessary to achieve half-maximal phagocytic velocity (Kp), as well as the maximal velocity itself (Vpmax), were made. Comparison with previously published data on Acanthamoeba and guinea pig leukocytes suggested that the P. pallidum amoebae had the lowest Kp, while the leukocytes had the highest Vpmax. Beads approximately 1 µm in diameter appeared to be the optimal size for ingestion. Simultaneously with phagocytosis, comparable numbers of beads accumulated at the cell surface; this accumulation did not occur when phagocytosis was inhibited. Phagocytosis was depressed by protein in the medium, by increased osmolarity, and by inhibitors of aerobic metabolism. Starvation-initiated development, leading to encystment, was shown to affect the capacity of the cells to phagocytize, mainly by progressively decreasing the time span over which the cells ingested particles at a constant initial rate.  相似文献   

Changes in agglutinability of Dictyostelium discoideum cells with Concanavalin A (Con A) during the course of development were investigated. The agglutinability of the cells was assayed under conditions where no spontaneous cell agglutination occurred. It was found that there was a progressive decrease in Con A-induced agglutinability during development: a decrease to half from exponentially growing cells to preaggregation cells, and to sixth in disaggregated slug cells. Pronase-BAL treatment of preaggregation cells did not enhance their agglutinability with Con A. The amounts of sites available for binding Con A were determined with preaggregation and slug cells. Cells were incubated at 4°C and in the presence of NaN3 to avoid possible endocytosis of Con A. No significant differences in numbers of Con A-binding sites per unit area of cell surface was detected among preaggregation cells, those treated with pronase and BAL and cells disaggregated from slugs by similar treatment. It was thus concluded that the decrease in Con A-induced agglutinability during development is not attributable to changes in the numbers of Con A-binding sites.  相似文献   

Vegetative myxamoebae of Acytostelium leptosomum, a cellular slime mold, have the appearance of typical eucaryotic cells. The presence of dictyosomes has been established. Elongation of the cells during aggregation and culmination appears to be mediated by dense bundles of microfibrils traversing the cells longitudinally. Microtubules are present; however, they are randomly oriented and no correlation can be made with cell elongation or with the direction of the cellulose microfibrils within the stalk. A variety of vesicles, multivesicular bodies, and lysosome-like vacuoles seems to be involved in producing and transporting stalk material to the vicinity of the stalk. However, only rarely do the vesicles empty their contents directly to the outside of the cells. It seems rather that the fibrillar material of the stalk is assembled near or directly at the plasmalemma, and can then be seen to stream away and become an integral part of the stalk. An unusual structure, the H-body, is formed in great abundance during culmination indicating its possible involvement in stalk synthesis. The H-bodies are removed from the cells prior to spore formation together with other portions of the cytoplasm at least partly by a process involving autophagic vacuoles. These vacuoles, which are also present in the spores, appear to be part of a rather complex and extensive vacuolar apparatus including the food vacuoles, contractile vacuoles, lysosome-like structures, and possibly the H-bodies. The spore coat consists of a heavy outer wall with a fibrillar substructure and two thin, dense bands lining the inside of the plasmalemma. The fibrillar nature of both the outer spore wall and the stalk was accentuated by using barium permanganate to stain sectioned material.  相似文献   

A mutant which is capable of differentiating into spores and stalk cells without forming a cell aggregate was isolated from the cellular slime mould, Dictyostelium discoideum. The mutant stopped developing at various stages, before formation of mature fruits, and the cells differentiated into spores and stalk cells at whichever stage the development stopped. Unaggregated cells also differentiated into spores or stalk cells, depending on the culture conditions; differentiation into spores predominated in nutrient rich medium, while differentiation into stalk cells predominated in nutrient poor medium. The ratio of spores to stalk cells or of prespores to total cells in cell masses depended on the terminal structures formed; the ratio was unusually high or unusually low in a structure which stopped developing before papilla formation, while the ratio was normal in a structure formed after that stage. When isolated from a cell mass, prespore cells of the mutant did not dedifferentiate or resumed vegetative growth, indicating that they had lost plasticity of differentiation. The conditioned medium in which the mutant cells had grown was effective in inducing differentiation of wild type slug cells into spore-like or stalk-like cells.  相似文献   

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