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Glucan synthesis in Pneumocystis carinii.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Rat-derived Pneumocystis carinii lysed with sodium deoxycholate catalysed the incorporation of uridine diphosphoglucose into an insoluble polymer. This enzyme activity was present in both the pellet and the supernatant when the P. carinii preparations were centrifuged. The polymer whose production was catalysed by the supernatant was examined by mass spectrometry and found to be an alpha 1----4 glucan, which is either unbranched or has relatively few branches. Polymer formation was completely inhibited by the addition of alpha amyloglucohydrolase to the supernatant. Polymer formation in the pellet of deoxycholate P. carinii preparations, unlike that in the supernatant, was partially resistant to alpha amyloglucohydrolase. The soluble glucan synthase activity in the supernatant was stable for more than 30 h at room temperature and was approximately 50 times more active on a cell-to-cell basis than the supernatant from deoxycholate preparations of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae.  相似文献   

We undertook expression cloning of Pneumocystis carinii antigens to overcome the difficulties encountered in purification of these antigens. Using monoclonal antibodies to the P. carinii gp120 antigen and polyclonal rabbit antiserum to rat-derived P. carinii, we have isolated cDNA clones encoding immunoreactive moieties. A cDNA clone encoding the 3' portion of a 45-55 kDa antigen of rat-derived P. carinii, was the most abundant clone isolated. The peptide encoded by this cDNA has a novel sequence with a repeated motif rich in glutamic acid residues. Affinity-purified antibodies to this peptide reacted with the 45-55 kDa band of rat-derived P. carinii. The fusion protein was recognized by serum antibodies from rats with natural exposure to P. carinii. The production of this recombinant protein should allow more detailed studies of the host-parasite relationship of this important opportunistic infection.  相似文献   

Videomicroscopy in combination with differential-contrast optics was used to study fresh preparations of Pneumocystis carinii from immunosuppressed rats. Certain spherical intracystic bodies appeared to move freely within the cyst wall. Flexing type movement was observed in intracystic ellipsoidal forms attached at a common point in the inner margin of the cyst wall. Greater movement was seen in non-attached thinner elongated forms. Possible extracellular trophic forms and movement were also identified. The movement of the morphological forms of P. carinii has been recorded in real time onto videotape. These initial observations suggest P. carinii is capable of movement and additional studies are under way to substantiate this possibility.  相似文献   

S-adenosylmethionine and Pneumocystis carinii   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We previously reported that S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), a key molecule in methylation reactions and polyamine biosynthesis, enhances axenic culture of the AIDS-associated opportunistic fungal pathogen Pneumocystis carinii. Here we report that AdoMet is absolutely required for continuous growth. Two transporters are present, one high affinity, K(m) = 4.5 microm, and one low affinity, K(m) = 333 microm. The physiologically relevant high affinity transporter has a pH optimum of 7.5 and no related natural compounds compete for uptake. Transport is 98% inhibited at 4 degrees C, 24% inhibited by 20 mm sodium azide, and 95% inhibited by the combination of 20 mm sodium azide and 1 mm salicylhydroxamic acid; thus transport is active and dependent on both a cytochrome chain and an alternative oxidase. In vitro, AdoMet is used at a rate of 1. 40 x 10(7) molecules cell(-1) min(-1). AdoMet synthetase activity was not detected by a sensitive radiolabel incorporation assay capable of detecting 0.1% of the activity in rat liver. In addition, the AdoMet plasma concentration of rats is inversely correlated with the number of P. carinii in the lungs. These findings demonstrate that P. carinii is an AdoMet auxotroph. The uptake and metabolism of this compound are rational chemotherapeutic targets.  相似文献   

A series of classical vital stains and fluorescent indicator compounds were evaluated as viability assays of P. carinii. The combination of the acetoxymethyl ester of calcein with either ethidium homodimer or propidium iodide distinguished between live, dead and moribund organisms and provided high fluorescence intensity and low bleaching enabling photodocumentation at high magnifications.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone, coenzyme Q, plays a pivotal role in electron transport and is a target for chemotherapy against a number of eukaryotic infectious agents, including Pneumocystis carinii. Coenzyme Q10 was previously identified as the major ubiquinone homolog in P. carinii isolated and purified from rat lungs; CoQ9 was also present. In contrast, CoQ9 and CoQ8 (but not CoQ10) were detected in the lungs of uninfected rat controls. These observations suggested that the pathogen synthesizes CoQ10, and perhaps CoQ9 as well. In the present study, CoQ biosynthesis in P. carinii was examined in greater detail. Radiolabeled mevalonate, a precursor of the CoQ polyprenyl chain, was incorporated in vitro into P. carinii ubiquinones. Incorporation of radiolabeled mevalonate into P. carinii CoQ was not enhanced by treating cells with lovastatin, suggesting that the cells did not transport the drug, or that a lovastatin-insensitive pathway for de novo synthesis of isoprenoids may also function in this organism. Radiolabeled precursors of the ring moiety, including shikimic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and tyrosine were also incorporated into P. carinii CoQ. Unexpectedly, it was found that not only CoQ9 and CoQ10, but also CoQ7, and CoQ8, were metabolically radiolabeled by all the precursors tested, indicating that the organism synthesizes CoQ7, CoQ8, CoQ9, and CoQ10. Metabolic radiolabeling of ubiquinones in rat lung controls was not detected in experiments using either radioactive mevalonate or p-hydroxybenzoate. Thus the incorporations measured using purified P. carinii preparations were due to the enzymes of the organism.  相似文献   

Molecular karyotyping was applied to Pneumocystis carinii(Pc) from two strains of experimental rats, Sprague Dawley(SD) and Fisher(F), in Korea. Field inversion gel electrophoresis and contour clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis resolved 15 chromosomal bands from the Pc. The size of the bands was estimated 270kb to 684kb from SD rats, and 273kb to 713 kb from F rats. The bands of 283 kb from SD rats and of 273 kb from F rats stained more brightly suggesting duplicated bands. Total number of chromosomes was at least 16, and total genomic size was estimated 7 x 10(6) bp. All of the bands from F rats hybridized to the probe of repeated DNA sequences of Pc and the band of 448 kb size was proved to contain rDNA sequences, but Pc. chromosome bands from SD rats showed no reactions to the probes. The 2 different karyotypes of P. carinii from 2 strains of rats were maintained consistently for 2 years.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the rat model.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Groups of barrier-raised but not certified virus-free Sprague-Dawley rats, obtained from the same source over the course of several years, were placed on an identical immunosuppressive regimen. This caused reactivation of latent Pneumocystis carinii infection, manifest as P. carinii pneumonia (PCP) of varying severity. Rats were euthanized after 9-12 wk of immunosuppression. An assessment of the severity of the induced PCP was made, based on the total number of organisms extracted from the lungs and their ability to proliferate in short-term cell culture. Serum samples obtained at sacrifice were tested by indirect immunofluorescence for antibodies to coronavirus, parvovirus, Sendai virus, pneumonia virus of mice (PVM) and Mycoplasma pulmonis. A total of 60 rats were examined. Thirty-four of these (57%) developed moderate or severe PCP. No antibodies were detected to either coronavirus or Mycoplasma pulmonis in any of the rats. Although antibodies were detected to parvovirus in 13/60 (22%), to PVM in 29/60 (48%), and to Sendai virus in 47/60 (78%), there was no apparent correlation between the presence or absence of antibodies to these agents and the severity of PCP. Sequential observations during the course of immunosuppression are needed to clarify the role of concomitant infections in the development of PCP.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural Studies of Pneumocystis carinii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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