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P Prentki  H M Krisch 《Gene》1982,17(2):189-196
The construction of a plasmid vector which facilitates the cloning and recovery of blunt-ended DNA fragments is described. This plasmid, called pHP34, differs from pBR322 by a 10-bp insertion which introduces a unique SmaI site immediately flanked by two EcoRI sites. Blunt-ended DNA fragments cloned in the SmaI site can be recovered by digestion with EcoRI. Small cloned fragments can be chemically sequenced using a strategy which does not require their purification. The use of a plasmid related to pHP34 for in vitro mutagenesis by the insertion of a DNA linker fragment conferring an antibiotic resistance is also discussed.  相似文献   

Restriction maps of plasmids pUB110 and pBD9   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A Jalanko  I Palva 《Gene》1981,14(4):325-328
Restriction-enzyme cleavage site maps for 12 and 14 enzymes have been constructed for the Bacillus subtilis plasmids pUB110 and pBD9, respectively.  相似文献   

J W Little 《Gene》1980,10(3):237-247
The lexA gene of Escherichia coli K-12 was cloned from the plasmid pLC44-14 into pBR322. Plasmids carrying lexA+ were selected by their ability to complement a recessive tsl mutation, which is believed to be a mutation in lexA. The smallest lexA+ recombinant plasmid, pJL21, contained an EcoRI-PstI fragment 2.9 kilobases (kb) in length; two larger plasmids also contained this fragment, and genetic material to one or both sides of the EcoRI-PstI fragment. Plasmids homologous to pJL21, but carrying a dominant mutation, lexA3, or one of three recessive amber mutations in lexA, termed spr, were also isolated. To clone the EcoRI-PstI fragment onto a lambda vector, the PstI end was first converted to an EcoRI end by attachment of a 100-base pair PstI-EcoRI fragment isolated from the plasmid ColE1; the resultant EcoRI fragment was then cloned into the lambda vector lambda gt4. A restriction map of pLC44-14 was obtained for nine restriction enzymes. The orientation of this map was determined relative to the E. coli genetic map by complementation of the gene ubiA+ and by comparison with restriction enzyme digests of another plasmid, pLC11-9, which carries dnaB, a gene closely linked to lexA, but does not carry lexA.  相似文献   

A new plasmid, pSP2, was constructed as a cloning vector for use in Streptococcus pneumoniae. It allows direct selection of recombinant plasmids, even for DNA fragments not homologous to the S. pneumoniae chromosome, as based on the failure to maintain long inverted repeats (LIRs) hyphen-free in bacterial plasmids. Plasmid pSP2 contains a 1.4-kb BamHI fragment ("hyphen") flanked by 1.9-kb LIRs. The removal of the 1.4-kb BamHI fragment followed by ligation creates a plasmid containing a 1.9-kb insert-free LIR; plasmids with such non-hyphenated LIRs were not established when transferred into S. pneumoniae. Replacement of the original 1.4-kb insert by other restriction fragments restored plasmid viability. Investigation of plasmid transfer by transformation suggests that intrastrand synapsis between the LIRs could occur, thus facilitating plasmid establishment (a process we call self-facilitation). Such an intrastrand synapsis could also account for rare occurrences of insert-inversion noticed upon transfer as well as for the formation of palindrome-deleted derivatives at low frequency. Plasmid pSP2 carries two selectable genes, tet and ermC, and can be used for cloning of fragments produced by a variety of restriction enzymes (BamHI, Bg/II, Bc/I or Sau3A, and Sa/I or XhoI).  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of a 16S ribosomal RNA gene from tobacco chloroplasts has been determined. This nucleotide sequence has 96% homology with that of maize chloroplast 16S rRNA gene and 74% homology with that of Escherichia coli16S gene.The 3′ terminal region of this gene contains the sequence ACCTCC which is complementary to sequences found at the 5′ termini of prokaryotic mRNAs.The large stem and loop structure can be constructed from the sequences surrounding the 5′ and 3′ ends of the 16S gene. These observations demonstrate the prokaryotic nature of chloroplast 16S rRNA.  相似文献   

L Covarrubias  F Bolivar 《Gene》1982,17(1):79-89
The 4150-bp plasmid pBR329 was constructed by the the insertion into pBR327 of an 877-bp DNA fragment carrying the Cmr gene from pBR328. This new cloning vector does not contain the 482-bp inverted duplication that has been reported to be present in pBR325 and pBR328 (Prentki et al., 1981). In pBR329 the Cmr gene lacks its original promoter but is transcribed counterclockwise toward the Apr gene by a promoter located to the right of the HindIII site in the Tcr gene.  相似文献   

Lethality of palindromic DNA and its use in selection of recombinant plasmids   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
C E Hagan  G J Warren 《Gene》1982,19(1):147-151
A plasmid derived from ColE1 is constructed so that the removal of one restriction endonuclease HindIII fragment allows the ends of the remaining single fragment (the replicator) to be joined, generating a palindromic sequence 2394 bp in length. The circular species thus produced gives rise to transformants of E. coli at very low frequency. Since the palindromic sequence is effectively lethal to a plasmid containing it, the replicator will give rise to more transformants when the restriction fragment originally removed from it is replaced by another. This principle can be exploited to allow the efficient molecular cloning of unselected restriction fragments.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids carrying one or both ends of the bacteriophage Mu genome were constructed by molecular cloning. Transposable mini-Mu's with selectable markers (ampicillin resistance, kanamycin resistance or the entire lac operon of Escherichia coli) inserted between the Mu ends were also constructed. As a source of lac operon DNA, a pBR322 derivative with a 27 kb insert containing the lac operon was constructed. The plasmids with both ends of Mu (mini-Mu's) conferred full Mu immunity upon the host cells. However, the same mini-Mu's containing kan or lac inserts were defective in immunity. A summary of the construction and physical characterization, including restriction endonuclease cleavage maps and some of the biological properties of the plasmids, is presented.  相似文献   

A complementary DNA library prepared from the 12S polyadenylated RNAs extracted from interferon-induced KG-1 cells, a human myeloblast cell line, was screened for the presence of induction-specific sequences. Clones that exhibited strong positive signals were separated by hybridization criteria into nine classes. Clones from classes I through IV consisted of about 78% of the total and unexpectedly were found to resemble human mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes.  相似文献   

A novel plasmid vector that is able to replicate both in Escherichia coli and in Streptococcus sanguis is described. This 9.2-kb plasmid, designated pVA856, carries Cmr, Tcr and Emr determinants that are expressed in E. coli. Only the Emr determinant is expressed in S. sanguis. Both the Cmr and the Tcr of pVA856 may be insertionally inactivated. This plasmid affords several different cleavage-ligation strategies for cloning in E. coli followed by subsequent introduction of chimeras in to S. sanguis. In addition, we have modified a previously described E. coli-S. sanguis shuttle plasmid [pVA838; Macrina et al., Gene 19 (1982) 345–353], so that it is unable to replicate in S. sanguis. The utility of such a plasmid for cloning and selecting sequences enabling autonomous replication in S. sanguis is demonstrated.  相似文献   

H Ohtsubo  B Vassino  T Ryder  E Ohtsubo 《Gene》1982,20(2):245-254
This paper describes a simple method for the isolation of small plasmids of various sizes from pSMI, a derivative of the resistance plasmid R 100. The method is based on the observation that a repressor-negative mutant of the ampicillin-resistance (ampr) transposon Tn3, Tn3 No. 5, mediates cointegration of a plasmid carrying Tn 3 No. 5 (pMB8::Tn 3 No. 5) into virtually any site on pSMI. The resulting cointegrate plasmids contain the pSMI sequence which is joined with the ampr gene of the Tn 3 mutant. This cointegration is so frequent that large cointegrate plasmids can be readily detected in the total plasmid DNA prepared from cells carrying pSMI and pMB8::Tn3 No. 5. We were able to isolate small plasmids of various sizes by digesting the total plasmid DNAs with restriction endonucleases which cut both pSM 1 and Tn3 No. 5 sequences present in the cointegrates and subsequently ligating the restriction fragment containing both the ampr gene and the region necessary for replication of pSMI. Analysis of these plasmids, named pBV plasmids, with restriction endonucleases and by nucleotide sequencing allowed us to determine regions necessary or unnecessary for replication, thus defining a minimal replication region of pSMI. The present method is generally useful for the isolation of small derivatives from any large plasmid for the study of genes and sites adjacent to or within the minimal replication region of the plasmid.  相似文献   

The versatility of insertional inactivation of β-galactosidase activity for subcloning and sequencing has been enhanced by combining a chemically synthesized oligonucleotide which specifies nine 6-bp-cutter restriction sites including BglII, XhoI, NruI, ClaI, SacI and EcoRV in various configurations with existing polylinkers to create a set of highly versatile cloning sites. These improved polylinkers have been inserted into plasmids (the pICs) for routine cloning of double-stranded DNA, and into chimeric phage/plasmids (the pICEMs) for biological production of single stranded DNA. The most versatile Polylinker specifies 17 restriction sites in the β-galactosidase α-complementing gene fragment. One of the new polylinkers was inserted into M 13 DNA to produce a vector (M13mIC7) with nine cloning sites.  相似文献   

W A Loenen  W J Brammar 《Gene》1980,10(3):249-259
Lambda derivatives are described that can be used for cloning DNA fragments of about 20 kilobase pairs (kb) generated by restriction enzymes EcoRi, HindIII, BamHI, MboI and BglII. Recombinants can be selected by their Spi- phenotype and their propagation is facilitated by the presence of a chi site.  相似文献   

K Umene  L W Enquist 《Gene》1981,13(3):251-268
The EcoRI-H fragment (15.4 kb) of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) has been cloned in lambda gtWES in both orientations. This fragment contains the entire US region and has about 900 bp of terminal redundant sequences derived from the internal and terminal repeats of the S region. 56 independent plaque-forming deletion derivatives of the lambda gt/WES::EcoRI-H hybrid phage were isolated using either EDTA resistance or ability to grow on Escherichia coli(P2) lysogens as selective methods. The endpoints of these deletions were located using nine restriction enzymes that cleave within the EcoRI-H fragment. All of the deletions have at least one endpoint within the cloned fragment. Several unusual features of the lambda hybrids, including heterogeneity of a particular region in the HSV-1 EcoRI-H fragment and the presence of chi-like sequences in the US region of HSV-1, are discussed.  相似文献   

Vectors for cloning promoter-DNA fragments were derived from plasmid pBR313 (Bolivar et al., 1977). These have several unique restriction sites and carry the trpA gene from Escherichia coli as a selective marker. The selection is based on an enhancement of the growth rate of those bacteria in which the expression of trpA is directed by the cloned promoter. The expression of trpA can be determined quantitatively, independently of the copy number of the vector, and should reflect the apparent strength of the promoter, since the DNA segment located before trpA contains translational stop signals in all three reading frames.  相似文献   

J C Piffaretti  O Fayet 《Gene》1981,13(3):319-325
Transduction experiments using phage λ as a vector have shown that non-conjugative plasmids can be transduced from one cell to the other, provided the phage or the plasmid DNA carries a copy of a Tn3-like transposon. The transduction is a result of replicon fusion between the phage and the plasmid DNA occurring during the transposition event.  相似文献   

We have constructed a cosmid derivative of the low copy-number broad host-range cloning vector pRK290 (Ditta et al., 1980) by inserting a 1.6-kb Bg/II fragment containing lambda cos into the unique Bg/II site in pRK290. The new vector, pLAFR1, is 21.6 kb long, confers tetracycline resistance, contains a unique EcoRI site, and can be mobilized into and stably replicates within many Gram-negative hosts. We constructed a clone bank of Rhizobium meliloti DNA in pLAFR1 using a partial EcoRI digest. The mean insert size was 23.1 kb. When the clone bank was mated (en masse) from Escherichia coli to various R. meliloti auxotrophic mutants, tetracycline-resistant (Tcr) transconjugants were obtained at frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 0.8, and among these, prototrophic colonies were obtained at frequencies ranging from 0.001 to 0.007. pLAFR1 cosmids were mobilized from R. meliloti prototrophic colonies into E. coli and then reintroduced into R. meliloti auxotrophs. In most cases, 100% of these latter Tcr transconjugants were prototrophic.  相似文献   

K Umene  L W Enquist 《Gene》1981,13(3):269-279
The 15.4 kb EcoRI-H fragment of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) strain Patton, which contains the entire short unique (US) region, has been cloned in bacteriophage lambda. The fragment contains a terminal redundancy of about 900 bp that represents the S region terminal-repeat sequences. The restriction enzyme SmaI cleaves the EcoRI-H fragment at more than 30 sites. We have constructed an SmaI map of this fragment using thirteen isolates of lambda gtWES hybrid bacteriophage that carry various deletions of the EcoRI-H fragment.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease mapping of previously constructed dut plasmids has been carried out using the enzymes PvuI, PvuII and SacI. Various dut plasmids were also tested in the "maxicell" protein-synthesizing system. They all show two protein bands in common, one of Mr 16000 in agreement with the size previously reported for the purified dUTPase subunit (Shlomai and Kornberg, 1978). With the information obtained the structural gene for dUTPase can be assigned to a 950-bp SacI-PvuII fragment of the E. coli genome. Studies, described in the preceding paper, on the overproduction of dUTPase by bacterial strains carrying different dut plasmids strongly suggest that the dut gene is transcribed in the direction from the SacI site towards the PvuII site and that the SacI site is located within the dut control region. The second protein band observed in the "maxicell" experiments has an Mr of 23500. Its identity is unknown but it may represent a precursor of dUTPase or the product of a separate gene located between dut and pyrE.  相似文献   

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