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Today the synthesis of oligonucleotides is a well-established process. Using automatic synthesizers even kilogram quantities can be produced in a few hours. However, the purification of the final product is still time-consuming and needs a complex apparatus. In this article, a simple and fast purification method for the large-scale syntheses of oligonucleotides is described. According to the method of Sawadago and van Dyke ([1991] Nucleic Acids Res 19:674-675) for small-scale oligonucleotide purification, oligonucleotides in mumol to mmol amounts were purified by liquid-liquid extraction using butanole as the extraction liquid. Choosing appropriate ratios of extraction liquid to oligonucleotide solution, simultaneous purification and precipitation could be achieved. It was found that the yield of the purified oligonucleotide was mainly affected by the temperature. Yield decreased with increasing temperature. The use of this improved extraction procedure allows the purification of gram to kilogram quantities of oligonucleotides in less than a day with simple equipment and high yield.  相似文献   

Guanine-rich RNA oligonucleotides display many novel structural motifs in recent crystal structures. Here we describe the procedures of the chemical synthesis and the purification of such RNA molecules that are suitable for X-ray crystallographic studies. Modifications of the previous purification methods allow us to obtain better yields in shorter time. We also provide 24 screening conditions that are very effective in crystallization of the guanine-rich RNA oligonucleotides. Optimal crystallization conditions are usually achieved by adjustment of the concentration of the metal ions and pH of the buffer. Crystals obtained by this method usually diffract to high resolution. Published: November 22, 2004.  相似文献   

Synthesis and purification of large amounts of RNA oligonucleotides.   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  

DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (nucleosidetriphosphate:RNA nucleotidyltransferase, EC from cauliflower inflorescence (Brassica oleracae, var. botrytis) was highly purified by polyethyleneimine treatment on a large scale. The solubilized enzyme was partially purified by polyethyleneimine fractionation and subjected to chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex and phosphocellulose, and subsequently to sedimentation in a glycerol gradient. The specific activity (231 nmol/mg per 10 min) of this enzyme was comparable to that reported for other purified eukaryotic RNA polymerases. Analysis of the purified RNA polymerase II by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions revealed a single band. The subunit composition of the enzyme was analyzed by electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. The RNA polymerase II contained subunits with molecular weights and molar ratios (in parentheses) of 180 000(1), 130 000(2), 48 000(2), 25 000(4), and 19 500(4).  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the large-scale purification of synthetic oligonucleotides using a polystyrene (PRP-1, Hamilton Co.) high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column with a phosphate/methanol/acetonitrile solvent system. Pure oligonucleotides are obtained with a three-step procedure that involves only one column purification step. The dimethoxytrityl group is left on the oligomer for the HPLC purification. The use of the PRP-1 polystyrene column with a phosphate/methanol/acetonitrile solvent system provides excellent separation of the desired dimethoxytrityl-bearing oligonucleotide from failure sequences. The dimethoxytrityl group is removed by treatment with acetic acid and the oligonucleotide is desalted on a C-18 Sep-Pak cartridge. The oligodeoxynucleotides obtained are shown to be essentially pure by HPLC, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and 500-MHzNMR spectroscopy. This procedure is especially useful for the large-scale purification of oligonucleotides required for NMR studies. The PRP-1 column and the phosphate/methanol/acetonitrile solvent system is useful for purifying modified oligonucleotides containing lipophilic groups such as the carcinogen 2-(acetylamino)fluorene.  相似文献   

We have automated the trityl-on purification of oligonucleotides by use of an XYZ axis robotic solid-phase extraction system. This greatly decreased the preparation time required for oligonucleotide purification. After about 15 min for set up of the samples and instrument, the oligonucleotides are automatically purified with a 15-min run time per sample. Thus, for example, the purification of 15 oligonucleotides requires only about 15 min of preparation time and 4 h of machine time. Yields and purity are equivalent to manual methods.  相似文献   

Many standard procedures for the purification of proteins in the laboratory do not readily lend themselves to scaling up, whereas, on the other hand, some techniques relatively unsatisfactory in the laboratory are much more effective on a large scale. When producing gram or kilogram quantities of enzymes for use over an extended period, the storage properties and general tractability of the purified products become increasingly important. Hence enzymes from thermophilic sources frequently have advantages over those from mesophiles. The possible economic advantages of simultaneous large-scale multi-enzyme isolation over separate individual enzyme purifications are evaluated. Batchwise adsorption and elution from ion-exchange celluloses frequently replace traditional precipitation techniques in the early stages of a large-scale purification. Dialysis is replaced by concentration, dilution and reconcentration with the use of hollow-fibre ultrafiltration equipment. Antiphonally direct scaling-up of column chromatographic procedures is usually possible. Modifications to column geometry to maximize flow rates are often desirable but purification factors and recoveries comparable with those obtained on the laboratory scale can be achieved relatively easily. Classical affinity chromatographic techniques have not proved so amenable to large-scale work, mainly because of the enormous expense and rather short life of the matrices. However, the quasi-affinity chromatography afforded by the triazine dye conjugates has proved of great benefit. The materials are cheap to prepare. The coupling procedures are both simple and rapid and do not involve the use of noxious chemicals such as cyanogen bromide. Moreover the triazine linkage is more stable under a variety of conditions than the isourea formed in cyanogen bromide coupling. Considerable further exploitation of these versatile matrices is expected.  相似文献   

The gamma-aminobutyric-acid-receptor protein complex from rat brain was solubilized in high yield, purified in milligram amounts by benzodiazepine affinity chromatography and used to generate a high-titer rabbit antiserum. High concentrations of Triton X-100 detergent plus KCl solubilized about 90% of the membrane-bound gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor (assayed by [3H]muscimol binding) and benzodiazepine receptor (assayed by [3H]flunitrazepam binding) activities. Both activities were retained on an affinity column using an immobilized benzodiazepine ligand, and most of the column-absorbed receptor could be eluted by a solution of free benzodiazepine plus 4 M urea. The purified protein bound [3H]muscimol and [3H]flunitrazepam with receptor-like pharmacological specificity and specific activities of about 1700 pmol and 700 pmol bound/mg protein, respectively, for the two ligands. This corresponds to a purification of over 600-fold and a near theoretical purity, with a yield of milligram quantities from 100 g brain. Four peptide bands were observed on gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate, with molecular mass values of 31, 47, 52 and 57 kDa. The latter two were most significantly stained, and identified as receptor subunits by photolabeling with [3H]flunitrazepam (52 kDa) and [3H]muscimol (57 kDa), and by reaction on Western blots with monoclonal antibodies to this protein produced by Schoch et al. [(1985) Nature (Lond.) 314, 168-171]. Rabbit antiserum was raised to the purified protein and could, at high dilutions, both coprecipitate soluble gamma-aminobutyric-acid/benzodiazepine-receptor-binding activities and stain the receptor subunits (principally 52-kDa band) on Western blots.  相似文献   

《Trends in biotechnology》1986,4(11):288-293
This article reviews aspects of the purification of monoclonal antibodies which are important for scale-up, and assesses the current status of large-scale processing of monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) was depolymerized by partial digestion with testicular hyaluronidase and separated into size-uniform HA oligosaccharides from 4-mers to 52-mers by anion exchange chromatography after removal of the hyaluronidase. The purity and size of each HA oligosaccharide was confirmed by using HPLC analyses, FACE, and ESI-MS. (1)H and (13)C NMR assignments and elemental analyses were obtained for each HA oligosaccharide. Endotoxins, proteins, and DNA were absent or in trace amounts in these HA oligosaccharides. Gram/mg-scale hyaluronan oligosaccharides were obtained from 200 g of HA starting material. These pure, size-uniform, and large range of HA oligosaccharides will be available for investigating important biological functions of HA, such as for the determination of the size(s) of HA oligosaccharides that induce angiogenesis or mediate inflammatory responses, and to interact with HA-binding proteins and receptors both in in vitro and in vivo studies.  相似文献   

Large volumes of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus propagated in mouse brain can be easily purified by polyethylene glycol 6,000. By using the polyethylene glycol precipitation method, mouse hemoglobin was almost all separated from the viral suspension, and consequently the total amount of nonviral protein in the viral suspension decreased. The recovery of infectivity was about 100%. The removal of residual polyethylene glycol in the viral suspension was possible without difficulty by means of ethanol precipitation. This method is recommended as an initial step in large-scale purification of Japanese encephalitis virus propagated in mouse brain because it is simple, rapid, and inexpensive.  相似文献   

A procedure for the purification of viroid RNA from tomato plants is described which yields up to a milligram of viroid RNA of gel electrophoretic homogeneity within 2 days. This technique is at least three times as fast as previous methods and is generally applicable to other RNA species. Plant material was homogenized and phenol extracted. In a Cs2SO4 density gradient, viroid RNA together with low-molecular-weight RNA, was separated from large single-stranded RNA, DNA, polysaccharides, polyphenols, and other compounds. The separation is based on the differences in the buoyant density and on the selective precipitation of large single-stranded RNA in Cs2SO4. Further purification of viroid RNA was achieved by HPLC over a weak anion exchanger linked to silica gel of optimized pore size. The elution was carried out by a salt gradient with complete exclusion of divalent metal ions. The procedures were applied to whole plants, leaves, stems, roots, cells, and protoplasts. The yields of nucleic acids at the different steps of purification are given for leaves, stems, and roots.  相似文献   

Enzymatic synthesis of RNA oligonucleotides.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

In this paper, hydrogen bonding interaction and hydration in crystal structures of both DNA and RNA oligonucleotides are discussed. Their roles in the formation and stabilization of oligonucleotides have been covered. Details of the Watson-Crick base pairs G.C and A.U in DNA and RNA are illustrated. The geometry of the wobble (mismatched) G.U base pairs and the cis and almost trans conformations of the mismatched U.U base pairs in RNA is described. The difference in hydration of the Watson-Crick base pairs G.C, A.U and the wobble G.U in different sequences of codon-anticodon interaction in double helical molecules are indicative of the effect of hydration. The hydration patterns of the phosphate, the 2'-hydroxyl groups, the water bridges linking the phosphate group, N7 (purine) and N4 of Cs or O4 of Us in the major groove, the water bridges between the 2'-hydroxyl group and N3 (purine) and O2 (pyrimidine) in the minor groove are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacillus stearothermophilus T-6 produces an extracellular thermostable xylanase that can bleach paper pulp optimally at 60°C and pH 9.0. We developed an efficient method for purifying the enzyme from the cell broth by using successive steps of batch adsorption on the cellulosic cation exchanger SE-52. The optimal pH values for adsorption and elution are 5.5 and 9 respectively. The conductivity of the cell broth should remain below 7 mS/cm2 and the suitable temperature range for adsorption is 15–60°C. The adsorption parameters are: maximum capacity, 118 mg enzyme/g adsorbent; dissociation constant, 0.6 mg/ml; partition coefficient 0.988. On the basis of these results, a large-scale (12 000 l) purification process was carried out resulting in a 55% final yield and over 95% pure enzyme.  相似文献   

A process for the purification of recombinant human angiostatin (rhAngiostatin), produced by Pichia pastoris fermentation operated at the 2000-L scale, is reported. rhAngiostatin was recovered and purified directly from crude fermentation broth by cation exchange expanded bed adsorption chromatography. Anion exchange chromatography, hydroxyapatite chromatography, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography were used for further purification. Full-length rhAngiostatin was separated from rhAngiostatin molecules fragmented by endoproteolysis. On average, 140 g of rhAngiostatin was produced per batch, with an overall yield of 59% (n = 9). The purification process was completed in approximately 48 h and used only inexpensive and nontoxic raw materials. Methods development, process synthesis, and process scale-up data are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The DNA-dependent RNA polymerase I (or A) from the lower eukaryote Aspergillus nidulans has been purified on a large scale to apparent homogeneity by homogenizing the fungal hyphae in liquid nitrogen, extraction of the enzyme at high salt concentration, precipitation of RNA polymerase activity with polymin P (a polyethylene imine), elution of the RNA polymerase from the polymin P precipitate, ammonium sulphate precipitation, molecular sieving on Bio-Gel A-1.5m, binding to ion-exchangers and DNA-cellulose affinity chromatography. By this procedure 1.6 mg of RNA polymerase I can be purified over 2000-fold from 500 g wet weight of starting material with a yield of 30--35%. The isolated RNA polymerase I is stable for several months at -20 degrees C. The subunit compostion has been resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on two-dimensional gels, using either non-denaturing of 8 M urea (pH 8.7) cylindrical gels in the first dimension and sodium dodecyl sulphate slab gels in the second dimension. The putative subunits have molecular weights of 190,000, 135,000, 63,000, 62,000, 43,000, 29,000, (28,000), 16,000 and probably 13,000 and 12,000. Two distinct forms of RNA polymerase I (Ia and Ib) have been resolved by DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography showing ample differences in enzymatic properties and subunit pattern. Additional information is given on RNA polymerase II (or B) which appears to be highly insensitive to alpha-amanitin at concentrations up to 400 micrograms/ml.  相似文献   

The high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) are considered to be one of the most important components of wheat gluten, contributing to the unique viscoelastic properties of wheat dough. The HMW-GSs are highly homologous in sequence and structure and a mixture of subunits is usually present in wheat flours. Consequently, it is difficult to purify these proteins separately in appreciable amounts. Expression in heterologous systems provides a clear opportunity to produce large amounts of single HMW-GS proteins, amounts (up to 100 mg) which are required for in vitro analysis of these proteins. However, since the first expression studies of HMW-GSs, over 10 years ago, this technology has not been widely utilized. Previous studies have been analytical or small scale (5-100 ml) and in most cases only partial purity was obtained. In the present paper, we describe in detail the expression of the HMW-GSs Glu1-Dx2, Dx5, Dy10, and Dy12 for the first time on a large scale, producing up to 100 mg of target protein from a 2-liter bacterial culture, using a Biostat fermenter. Our results include optimization of expression conditions to increase yield and stability of proteins. Results also include localization, differences between x- and y-type expression and small-scale versus large-scale expression. We also developed a large-scale purification procedure. The bacterially expressed proteins have the same molecular weight on SDS-PAGE and the same retention times on RP-HPLC as their native counterparts extracted from flour. Functionality tests, on the bacterially produced proteins, have shown a clear correlation with the equivalent native proteins from flour. These results provide a clear opportunity to produce protein in amounts necessary for more detailed studies of the structure and function of the HMW-GSs and glutenin polymers on dough development and quality.  相似文献   

Blomstergren A  O'Meara D  Lukacs M  Uhlén M  Lundeberg J 《BioTechniques》2000,29(2):352-4, 356, 358 passim
Nucleic acid hybridization is an essential component in many of today's standard molecular biology techniques. In a recent study, we investigated whether nucleic acid capture could be improved by taking advantage of stacking hybridization, which refers to the stabilizing effect that exists between oligonucleotides when they hybridize in a contiguous tandem fashion. Here, we describe a specific approach for purification of sequencing products using cooperative probes that hybridize to single-strand targets where one of the probes has been coupled to a magnetic bead. This approach has been developed for standard sequencing primers and has been applied to shotgun plasmid libraries. The cooperative probes have been designed to anneal within the common vector sequence and to avoid co-purification of nonextended sequencing primers and misprimed sequencing products. The reuse of magnetic beads, together with salt independent elution, makes the approach suitable for high-capacity capillary electrophoresis instruments.  相似文献   

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