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This study assesses the ecological pressure exerted by changing land use and tenure on the Kitenden wildlife corridor, a critical cross‐border link between the Amboseli and Kilimanjaro national parks. The implications on viability of the two high‐value protected areas and their respective dispersal areas are both negative and serious. The extent of land use change and its impacts were assessed through household and vegetation surveys, while wildlife abundance was measured using transect walks. Approximately 30% of the study area has shifted from community to private land ownership over the last two decades. Except for baboon and vervet monkey, most wildlife avoided the cultivated area. Vegetation composition on the noncultivated area has been greatly altered by intense wildlife and livestock use, where mean herbaceous vegetation cover differed significantly among range‐plant categories (F3, 524 = 29.015, p < 0.05). The frequency of increaser I (21.4%) differs greatly from that of decreaser and forbs, at 8.3% and 7.4%, respectively Tree recruitment was low, with a significant difference in mean density among age classes (F2, 110 = 3.663, p < 0.05). Only through land leasing agreements between landowners and conservation organisations, and a widely supported land use plan, can the spread of cultivation be controlled and complete cessation of wildlife movement be prevented.  相似文献   

陈会  李阳兵  盛佳利 《生态学报》2019,39(24):9325-9338
贵州省为典型喀斯特山区,强烈的人类活动主要分布在坝地地区,研究坝子土地利用功能演变对土地可持续利用具有重要价值。基于土地利用变化,根据三生功能理论构建土地利用功能分类体系,以贵州省1990年、2000年、2010年和2016年四期遥感影像为数据源,借助ArcGIS10.2软件平台构建土地利用功能转移矩阵和坝子功能冷热点分布图。研究表明:(1)贵州省坝子土地利用功能已由以传统农业生产功能为主转为以传统农业生产功能-农村居住生活功能为主,坝子土地利用由单一功能向多功能转变;(2)1990—2016年,坝子的功能类型增加10种类型,其中8类是复合类型,坝子功能向多样性转变;(3)单一功能与复合功能坝子比例变化曲线呈"X"型,到2016年,复合功能坝子比例大于单一功能坝子;(4)1990—2000年,坝子土地利用功能变化缓慢,2000年以后坝子土地利用功能变化强烈;(5)传统农业生产功能转移最为强烈,主要转移为城镇居住生活功能、农村居住生活功能、工业生产功能及与之相关的复合功能和自然生态功能;(6)各种功能类型坝子冷热点的空间分布变化复杂,从总体上看各功能的空间分布由集聚变为分散。  相似文献   

Rwenzori mountain range is important for its high diversity of unique species and as a water catchment area and yet very fragile to human interference. The study documented the impact of land use on ecology of uncultivated plant species in the Rwenzori mountain range using Bugoye sub‐county as a reference site. The ecological aspects of the plants studied included distribution, abundance and diversity of the plant species in and around the various land uses as well as in degraded, disturbed and undisturbed areas. Land uses identified were; agriculture, built up area and land with other activities (conservation and abandoned fields). The study revealed that agriculture was the main land use category taking up 69.7% of land use area. Plants distributed in and around the land uses were mainly trees with species diversity of 34.5%. Generally, there was no relationship in the distribution of plant species in degraded, undisturbed and disturbed areas (a = 0.01). In disturbed areas, there was vegetation cover especially of plant species that occur as secondary re‐growth, and in degraded areas, the ground was sparsely covered by primary succession species while in the undisturbed areas, plant species growing in a ‘natural. habitat dominated and most of them were climax species.  相似文献   

【背景】丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus,AMF)是一类能与绝大部分植物形成共生关系的真菌,在植被演替和生态恢复过程中发挥重要作用。【目的】了解云南岩溶断陷盆地不同土地利用方式对AMF群落结构的影响。【方法】采用Illumina HiSeq 2500高通量测序技术对云南岩溶断陷盆地林地、灌丛和草地等3种土地利用方式土壤样品的AMF群落结构进行分析。【结果】草地总磷(total phosphorus,TP)、速效钾(available potassium,AK)、交换性镁(exchangeable magnesium,E-Mg)、电导率(electrical conductivity,EC)和土壤温度(temperature,T)显著高于林地和灌丛,林地总氮(total nitrogen,TN)和有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)含量显著高于灌丛和草地。TN、SOC、AK和EC是AMF群落结构最主要的影响因子。草地样品的Chao1、ACE、Shannon和Observed species指数显著高于林地和灌丛样品,尽管Simpson指数差异不显著,但是也表现出了类似的变化趋势。9个土壤样品共产生953个AMF-OTU,鉴定出AMF 3个纲4个目9个科13个属。Glomeromycetes和Paraglomeromycetes为优势纲;Glomus和Paraglomus为优势属,其次为Claroideoglomus、Acaulospora和Diversispora。Glomus和Diversispora主要分布在草地和灌丛中,随着演替的进行其相对丰度有所下降,而Paraglomus的相对丰度逐渐上升。【结论】云南岩溶断陷盆地土地利用方式的AMF群落结构具有显著差异,土壤理化因子是重要的影响因素。  相似文献   

The effect of topographic characteristics of land uses on stream water quality must be addressed for a better understanding of the complex relationship between land use and stream water quality. In this study, Geographic Information System (GIS) and Pearson correlation analysis were used to determine whether there were relationship between land use types and stream water quality at the sub-basin scale in the Wei River basin, China, during the dry and rainy seasons in 2012. Temporal variation of these relations was observed, indicating that the relationships between water quality variables and different land uses were weaker in rainy seasons than that in dry seasons. Compared with other land uses, agriculture and urban lands had a stronger relationship with water quality variables in both rainy and dry seasons. Topographic characteristics of land use were employed to further analyze these relationships. The results showed that seasonal variation also occurred in the complex relationship, and land uses in steeper slopes generally had a stronger influence on stream water quality than those in flatter ones. For the riparian zone of each sampling site, the slope coefficients were weaker than those at the sub-basin scale. Land use type near stream water was generally a better indicator for the effectiveness of water quality. These results suggest that the slope and proximity should be taken into account for better land use management.  相似文献   

罗维  易海杰  李红举  贾文涛  冯兆忠 《生态学报》2017,37(16):5342-5351
洋河流域位于我国北方典型的农牧交错地带,是首都重要水源涵养地和生态保护屏障,也是2022年冬奥会举办地之一。对流域土地利用变化及其生态服务功能价值影响的研究可为首都水源保护以及冬奥会场地环境质量的改善提供重要理论依据和决策支持。利用Arc GIS技术分析了洋河流域1990—2013年间的土地遥感数据,估算了这些变化对流域生态服务价值的影响。结果表明:1990—2013年洋河流域林地和未利用地面积呈增加,而水域、草地则呈减少的趋势。由单一土地类型利用动态绝对值说明,除林地以外2000—2013年洋河流域其他土地类型受人类或自然环境变化的影响明显高于1990—2000年。土地转移主要发生在流域西部的兴和县、阳高县、天镇县和下游的张家口市、宣化县和怀来县。近年来流域土地面积变化幅度和变化范围均增加。1990—2013年间洋河流域土地利用的年总生态服务价值经历先增加后减小、总体减少的过程,但林地和未利用地的生态服务价值却一直增加。由于林地面积增加从而导致1990—2013年流域的原材料生产、气候调节、气体调节、生物多样性保护和提供美学景生态功能占年总价值的比值增加。林地、草地和耕地是洋河流域生态服务的主要贡献者,也是生态服务价值变化的敏感因子。  相似文献   

Changes in land use may alter land cover, which results in carbon stock changes in biomass as well as in the soil. In China’s loess plateau, vegetation restoration has been conducted since 1950s to control soil erosion and improve the ecosystem, with significant investment of money and manpower. Despite these efforts, soil erosion has still been severe. To reduce soil erosion and improve land quality, China initiated another state-funded project, Grain-for-Green, in 1999 in the loess plateau. However, it is not clear how effective this newly initiated project will be. In this study, we evaluated the effect of land-use conversion on soil organic carbon (SOC) and the potential effect of the current project on SOC sequestration in the Anjiapo catchment area of the loess hilly area of the loess plateau in China. This evaluation is based on SOC measurements in cropland versus in other converted land use types. We found that SOC sequestration mainly occurred in the surface soil after land use conversion took place. Land use conversion from cropland to shrubland or wild grassland (i.e. undisturbed land) was better for SOC sequestration than tree plantation in the semi-arid loess hilly area. By using the land use change in the study area as a scenario, the potential contribution of land use change on SOC sequestration due to the Grain-for-Green project was estimated. It was found that this project in the loess plateau of China would be helpful for SOC sequestration if successfully implemented.  相似文献   

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